blob: 732b1dcbf838a49549bb714610d787e03c777194 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/backend/redundancy_elimination.h"
#include <functional>
#include "vm/compiler/backend/block_builder.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_test_helper.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/inliner.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/loops.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/type_propagator.h"
#include "vm/compiler/compiler_pass.h"
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h"
#include "vm/compiler/jit/jit_call_specializer.h"
#include "vm/log.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/parser.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
#include "vm/unit_test.h"
namespace dart {
static void NoopNative(Dart_NativeArguments args) {}
static Dart_NativeFunction NoopNativeLookup(Dart_Handle name,
int argument_count,
bool* auto_setup_scope) {
ASSERT(auto_setup_scope != nullptr);
*auto_setup_scope = false;
return reinterpret_cast<Dart_NativeFunction>(&NoopNative);
// Flatten all non-captured LocalVariables from the given scope and its children
// and siblings into the given array based on their environment index.
static void FlattenScopeIntoEnvironment(FlowGraph* graph,
LocalScope* scope,
GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* env) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < scope->num_variables(); i++) {
auto var = scope->VariableAt(i);
if (var->is_captured()) {
auto index = graph->EnvIndex(var);
env->EnsureLength(index + 1, nullptr);
(*env)[index] = var;
if (scope->sibling() != nullptr) {
FlattenScopeIntoEnvironment(graph, scope->sibling(), env);
if (scope->child() != nullptr) {
FlattenScopeIntoEnvironment(graph, scope->child(), env);
// Run TryCatchAnalyzer optimization on the function foo from the given script
// and check that the only variables from the given list are synchronized
// on catch entry.
static void TryCatchOptimizerTest(
Thread* thread,
const char* script_chars,
std::initializer_list<const char*> synchronized) {
// Load the script and exercise the code once.
const auto& root_library =
Library::Handle(LoadTestScript(script_chars, &NoopNativeLookup));
Invoke(root_library, "main");
// Build the flow graph.
std::initializer_list<CompilerPass::Id> passes = {
CompilerPass::kComputeSSA, CompilerPass::kTypePropagation,
CompilerPass::kApplyICData, CompilerPass::kSelectRepresentations,
CompilerPass::kTypePropagation, CompilerPass::kCanonicalize,
const auto& function = Function::Handle(GetFunction(root_library, "foo"));
TestPipeline pipeline(function, CompilerPass::kJIT);
FlowGraph* graph = pipeline.RunPasses(passes);
// Finally run TryCatchAnalyzer on the graph (in AOT mode).
OptimizeCatchEntryStates(graph, /*is_aot=*/true);
EXPECT_EQ(1, graph->graph_entry()->catch_entries().length());
auto scope = graph->parsed_function().scope();
GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> env;
FlattenScopeIntoEnvironment(graph, scope, &env);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < env.length(); i++) {
bool found = false;
for (auto name : synchronized) {
if (env[i]->name().Equals(name)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
env[i] = nullptr;
CatchBlockEntryInstr* catch_entry = graph->graph_entry()->catch_entries()[0];
// We should only synchronize state for variables from the synchronized list.
for (auto defn : *catch_entry->initial_definitions()) {
if (ParameterInstr* param = defn->AsParameter()) {
EXPECT(0 <= param->index() && param->index() < env.length());
EXPECT(env[param->index()] != nullptr);
// Tests for TryCatchOptimizer.
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(TryCatchOptimizer_DeadParameterElimination_Simple1) {
const char* script_chars = R"(
dynamic blackhole([dynamic val]) native 'BlackholeNative';
foo(int p) {
var a = blackhole(), b = blackhole();
try {
blackhole([a, b]);
} catch (e) {
// nothing is used
main() {
TryCatchOptimizerTest(thread, script_chars, /*synchronized=*/{});
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(TryCatchOptimizer_DeadParameterElimination_Simple2) {
const char* script_chars = R"(
dynamic blackhole([dynamic val]) native 'BlackholeNative';
foo(int p) {
var a = blackhole(), b = blackhole();
try {
blackhole([a, b]);
} catch (e) {
// a should be synchronized
main() {
TryCatchOptimizerTest(thread, script_chars, /*synchronized=*/{"a"});
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(TryCatchOptimizer_DeadParameterElimination_Cyclic1) {
const char* script_chars = R"(
dynamic blackhole([dynamic val]) native 'BlackholeNative';
foo(int p) {
var a = blackhole(), b;
for (var i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
b = blackhole();
try {
blackhole([a, b]);
} catch (e) {
// a and i should be synchronized
main() {
TryCatchOptimizerTest(thread, script_chars, /*synchronized=*/{"a", "i"});
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(TryCatchOptimizer_DeadParameterElimination_Cyclic2) {
const char* script_chars = R"(
dynamic blackhole([dynamic val]) native 'BlackholeNative';
foo(int p) {
var a = blackhole(), b = blackhole();
for (var i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
try {
blackhole([a, b]);
} catch (e) {
// a, b and i should be synchronized
main() {
TryCatchOptimizerTest(thread, script_chars, /*synchronized=*/{"a", "b", "i"});
// LoadOptimizer tests
// This family of tests verifies behavior of load forwarding when alias for an
// allocation A is created by creating a redefinition for it and then
// letting redefinition escape.
static void TestAliasingViaRedefinition(
Thread* thread,
bool make_it_escape,
std::function<Definition*(CompilerState* S, FlowGraph*, Definition*)>
make_redefinition) {
const char* script_chars = R"(
dynamic blackhole([a, b, c, d, e, f]) native 'BlackholeNative';
class K {
var field;
const Library& lib =
Library::Handle(LoadTestScript(script_chars, NoopNativeLookup));
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(
lib.LookupLocalClass(String::Handle(Symbols::New(thread, "K"))));
const Error& err = Error::Handle(cls.EnsureIsFinalized(thread));
const Field& field = Field::Handle(
cls.LookupField(String::Handle(Symbols::New(thread, "field"))));
const Function& blackhole =
Function::ZoneHandle(GetFunction(lib, "blackhole"));
using compiler::BlockBuilder;
CompilerState S(thread);
FlowGraphBuilderHelper H;
// We are going to build the following graph:
// B0[graph_entry]
// B1[function_entry]:
// v0 <- AllocateObject(class K)
// v1 <- LoadField(v0, K.field)
// v2 <- make_redefinition(v0)
// PushArgument(v1)
// #if make_it_escape
// PushArgument(v2)
// #endif
// v3 <- StaticCall(blackhole, v1, v2)
// v4 <- LoadField(v2, K.field)
// Return v4
auto b1 = H.flow_graph()->graph_entry()->normal_entry();
AllocateObjectInstr* v0;
LoadFieldInstr* v1;
PushArgumentInstr* push_v1;
LoadFieldInstr* v4;
ReturnInstr* ret;
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b1);
auto& slot = Slot::Get(field, &H.flow_graph()->parsed_function());
v0 = builder.AddDefinition(new AllocateObjectInstr(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, cls, new PushArgumentsArray(0)));
v1 = builder.AddDefinition(
new LoadFieldInstr(new Value(v0), slot, TokenPosition::kNoSource));
auto v2 = builder.AddDefinition(make_redefinition(&S, H.flow_graph(), v0));
auto args = new PushArgumentsArray(2);
push_v1 = builder.AddInstruction(new PushArgumentInstr(new Value(v1)));
if (make_it_escape) {
auto push_v2 =
builder.AddInstruction(new PushArgumentInstr(new Value(v2)));
builder.AddInstruction(new StaticCallInstr(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, blackhole, 0, Array::empty_array(), args,
S.GetNextDeoptId(), 0, ICData::RebindRule::kStatic));
v4 = builder.AddDefinition(
new LoadFieldInstr(new Value(v2), slot, TokenPosition::kNoSource));
ret = builder.AddInstruction(new ReturnInstr(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, new Value(v4), S.GetNextDeoptId()));
if (make_it_escape) {
// Allocation must be considered aliased.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v0, !it.Identity().IsNotAliased());
} else {
// Allocation must be considered not-aliased.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v0, it.Identity().IsNotAliased());
// v1 should have been removed from the graph and replaced with constant_null.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v1, == nullptr && it.previous() == nullptr);
it.value()->definition() == H.flow_graph()->constant_null());
if (make_it_escape) {
// v4 however should not be removed from the graph, because v0 escapes into
// blackhole.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v4, != nullptr && it.previous() != nullptr);
EXPECT_PROPERTY(ret, it.value()->definition() == v4);
} else {
// If v0 it not aliased then v4 should also be removed from the graph.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v4, == nullptr && it.previous() == nullptr);
ret, it.value()->definition() == H.flow_graph()->constant_null());
static Definition* MakeCheckNull(CompilerState* S,
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Definition* defn) {
return new CheckNullInstr(new Value(defn), String::ZoneHandle(),
S->GetNextDeoptId(), TokenPosition::kNoSource);
static Definition* MakeRedefinition(CompilerState* S,
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Definition* defn) {
return new RedefinitionInstr(new Value(defn));
static Definition* MakeAssertAssignable(CompilerState* S,
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Definition* defn) {
return new AssertAssignableInstr(TokenPosition::kNoSource, new Value(defn),
new Value(flow_graph->constant_null()),
new Value(flow_graph->constant_null()),
Symbols::Empty(), S->GetNextDeoptId());
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(LoadOptimizer_RedefinitionAliasing_CheckNull_NoEscape) {
TestAliasingViaRedefinition(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/false, MakeCheckNull);
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(LoadOptimizer_RedefinitionAliasing_CheckNull_Escape) {
TestAliasingViaRedefinition(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/true, MakeCheckNull);
LoadOptimizer_RedefinitionAliasing_Redefinition_NoEscape) {
TestAliasingViaRedefinition(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/false,
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(LoadOptimizer_RedefinitionAliasing_Redefinition_Escape) {
TestAliasingViaRedefinition(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/true,
LoadOptimizer_RedefinitionAliasing_AssertAssignable_NoEscape) {
TestAliasingViaRedefinition(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/false,
LoadOptimizer_RedefinitionAliasing_AssertAssignable_Escape) {
TestAliasingViaRedefinition(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/true,
// This family of tests verifies behavior of load forwarding when alias for an
// allocation A is created by storing it into another object B and then
// either loaded from it ([make_it_escape] is true) or object B itself
// escapes ([make_host_escape] is true).
// We insert redefinition for object B to check that use list traversal
// correctly discovers all loads and stores from B.
static void TestAliasingViaStore(
Thread* thread,
bool make_it_escape,
bool make_host_escape,
std::function<Definition*(CompilerState* S, FlowGraph*, Definition*)>
make_redefinition) {
const char* script_chars = R"(
dynamic blackhole([a, b, c, d, e, f]) native 'BlackholeNative';
class K {
var field;
const Library& lib =
Library::Handle(LoadTestScript(script_chars, NoopNativeLookup));
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(
lib.LookupLocalClass(String::Handle(Symbols::New(thread, "K"))));
const Error& err = Error::Handle(cls.EnsureIsFinalized(thread));
const Field& field = Field::Handle(
cls.LookupField(String::Handle(Symbols::New(thread, "field"))));
const Function& blackhole =
Function::ZoneHandle(GetFunction(lib, "blackhole"));
using compiler::BlockBuilder;
CompilerState S(thread);
FlowGraphBuilderHelper H;
// We are going to build the following graph:
// B0[graph_entry]
// B1[function_entry]:
// v0 <- AllocateObject(class K)
// v5 <- AllocateObject(class K)
// #if !make_host_escape
// StoreField(v5 . K.field = v0)
// #endif
// v1 <- LoadField(v0, K.field)
// v2 <- REDEFINITION(v5)
// PushArgument(v1)
// #if make_it_escape
// v6 <- LoadField(v2, K.field)
// PushArgument(v6)
// #elif make_host_escape
// StoreField(v2 . K.field = v0)
// PushArgument(v5)
// #endif
// v3 <- StaticCall(blackhole, v1, v6)
// v4 <- LoadField(v0, K.field)
// Return v4
auto b1 = H.flow_graph()->graph_entry()->normal_entry();
AllocateObjectInstr* v0;
AllocateObjectInstr* v5;
LoadFieldInstr* v1;
PushArgumentInstr* push_v1;
LoadFieldInstr* v4;
ReturnInstr* ret;
BlockBuilder builder(H.flow_graph(), b1);
auto& slot = Slot::Get(field, &H.flow_graph()->parsed_function());
v0 = builder.AddDefinition(new AllocateObjectInstr(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, cls, new PushArgumentsArray(0)));
v5 = builder.AddDefinition(new AllocateObjectInstr(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, cls, new PushArgumentsArray(0)));
if (!make_host_escape) {
builder.AddInstruction(new StoreInstanceFieldInstr(
slot, new Value(v5), new Value(v0), kEmitStoreBarrier,
v1 = builder.AddDefinition(
new LoadFieldInstr(new Value(v0), slot, TokenPosition::kNoSource));
auto v2 = builder.AddDefinition(make_redefinition(&S, H.flow_graph(), v5));
push_v1 = builder.AddInstruction(new PushArgumentInstr(new Value(v1)));
auto args = new PushArgumentsArray(2);
if (make_it_escape) {
auto v6 = builder.AddDefinition(
new LoadFieldInstr(new Value(v2), slot, TokenPosition::kNoSource));
auto push_v6 =
builder.AddInstruction(new PushArgumentInstr(new Value(v6)));
} else if (make_host_escape) {
builder.AddInstruction(new StoreInstanceFieldInstr(
slot, new Value(v2), new Value(v0), kEmitStoreBarrier,
args->Add(builder.AddInstruction(new PushArgumentInstr(new Value(v5))));
builder.AddInstruction(new StaticCallInstr(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, blackhole, 0, Array::empty_array(), args,
S.GetNextDeoptId(), 0, ICData::RebindRule::kStatic));
v4 = builder.AddDefinition(
new LoadFieldInstr(new Value(v0), slot, TokenPosition::kNoSource));
ret = builder.AddInstruction(new ReturnInstr(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, new Value(v4), S.GetNextDeoptId()));
if (make_it_escape || make_host_escape) {
// Allocation must be considered aliased.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v0, !it.Identity().IsNotAliased());
} else {
// Allocation must not be considered aliased.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v0, it.Identity().IsNotAliased());
if (make_host_escape) {
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v5, !it.Identity().IsNotAliased());
} else {
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v5, it.Identity().IsNotAliased());
// v1 should have been removed from the graph and replaced with constant_null.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v1, == nullptr && it.previous() == nullptr);
it.value()->definition() == H.flow_graph()->constant_null());
if (make_it_escape || make_host_escape) {
// v4 however should not be removed from the graph, because v0 escapes into
// blackhole.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v4, != nullptr && it.previous() != nullptr);
EXPECT_PROPERTY(ret, it.value()->definition() == v4);
} else {
// If v0 it not aliased then v4 should also be removed from the graph.
EXPECT_PROPERTY(v4, == nullptr && it.previous() == nullptr);
ret, it.value()->definition() == H.flow_graph()->constant_null());
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(LoadOptimizer_AliasingViaStore_CheckNull_NoEscape) {
TestAliasingViaStore(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/false,
/* make_host_escape= */ false, MakeCheckNull);
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(LoadOptimizer_AliasingViaStore_CheckNull_Escape) {
TestAliasingViaStore(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/true,
/* make_host_escape= */ false, MakeCheckNull);
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(LoadOptimizer_AliasingViaStore_CheckNull_EscapeViaHost) {
TestAliasingViaStore(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/false,
/* make_host_escape= */ true, MakeCheckNull);
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(LoadOptimizer_AliasingViaStore_Redefinition_NoEscape) {
TestAliasingViaStore(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/false,
/* make_host_escape= */ false, MakeRedefinition);
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(LoadOptimizer_AliasingViaStore_Redefinition_Escape) {
TestAliasingViaStore(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/true,
/* make_host_escape= */ false, MakeRedefinition);
LoadOptimizer_AliasingViaStore_Redefinition_EscapeViaHost) {
TestAliasingViaStore(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/false,
/* make_host_escape= */ true, MakeRedefinition);
LoadOptimizer_AliasingViaStore_AssertAssignable_NoEscape) {
TestAliasingViaStore(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/false,
/* make_host_escape= */ false, MakeAssertAssignable);
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(LoadOptimizer_AliasingViaStore_AssertAssignable_Escape) {
TestAliasingViaStore(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/true,
/* make_host_escape= */ false, MakeAssertAssignable);
LoadOptimizer_AliasingViaStore_AssertAssignable_EscapeViaHost) {
TestAliasingViaStore(thread, /*make_it_escape=*/false,
/* make_host_escape= */ true, MakeAssertAssignable);
// This test verifies behavior of load forwarding when an alias for an
// allocation A is created after forwarded due to an eliminated load. That is,
// allocation A is stored and later retrieved via load B, B is used in store C
// (with a different constant index/index_scale than in B but that overlaps),
// and then A is retrieved again (with the same index as in B) in load D.
// When B gets eliminated and replaced with in C and D with A, the store in C
// should stop the load D from being eliminated. This is a scenario that came
// up when forwarding typed data view factory arguments.
// Here, the entire scenario happens within a single basic block.
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(LoadOptimizer_AliasingViaLoadElimination_SingleBlock) {
const char* kScript = R"(
import 'dart:typed_data';
testViewAliasing1() {
final f64 = new Float64List(1);
final f32 = new Float32List.view(f64.buffer);
f64[0] = 1.0; // Should not be forwarded.
f32[1] = 2.0; // upper 32bits for 2.0f and 2.0 are the same
return f64[0];
const auto& root_library = Library::Handle(LoadTestScript(kScript));
const auto& function =
Function::Handle(GetFunction(root_library, "testViewAliasing1"));
Invoke(root_library, "testViewAliasing1");
TestPipeline pipeline(function, CompilerPass::kJIT);
FlowGraph* flow_graph = pipeline.RunPasses({});
auto entry = flow_graph->graph_entry()->normal_entry();
EXPECT(entry != nullptr);
StaticCallInstr* list_factory = nullptr;
UnboxedConstantInstr* double_one = nullptr;
StoreIndexedInstr* first_store = nullptr;
StoreIndexedInstr* second_store = nullptr;
LoadIndexedInstr* final_load = nullptr;
BoxInstr* boxed_result = nullptr;
ILMatcher cursor(flow_graph, entry);
{kMatchAndMoveStaticCall, &list_factory},
{kMatchAndMoveUnboxedConstant, &double_one},
{kMatchAndMoveStoreIndexed, &first_store},
{kMatchAndMoveStoreIndexed, &second_store},
{kMatchAndMoveLoadIndexed, &final_load},
{kMatchAndMoveBox, &boxed_result},
EXPECT(first_store->array()->definition() == list_factory);
EXPECT(second_store->array()->definition() == list_factory);
EXPECT(boxed_result->value()->definition() != double_one);
EXPECT(boxed_result->value()->definition() == final_load);
// This test verifies behavior of load forwarding when an alias for an
// allocation A is created after forwarded due to an eliminated load. That is,
// allocation A is stored and later retrieved via load B, B is used in store C
// (with a different constant index/index_scale than in B but that overlaps),
// and then A is retrieved again (with the same index as in B) in load D.
// When B gets eliminated and replaced with in C and D with A, the store in C
// should stop the load D from being eliminated. This is a scenario that came
// up when forwarding typed data view factory arguments.
// Here, the scenario is split across basic blocks. This is a cut-down version
// of language_2/vm/load_to_load_forwarding_vm_test.dart with just enough extra
// to keep testViewAliasing1 from being optimized into a single basic block.
// Thus, this test may be brittler than the other, if future work causes it to
// end up compiled into a single basic block (or a simpler set of basic blocks).
ISOLATE_UNIT_TEST_CASE(LoadOptimizer_AliasingViaLoadElimination_AcrossBlocks) {
const char* kScript = R"(
import 'dart:typed_data';
class Expect {
static void equals(var a, var b) {}
static void listEquals(var a, var b) {}
testViewAliasing1() {
final f64 = new Float64List(1);
final f32 = new Float32List.view(f64.buffer);
f64[0] = 1.0; // Should not be forwarded.
f32[1] = 2.0; // upper 32bits for 2.0f and 2.0 are the same
return f64[0];
testViewAliasing2() {
final f64 = new Float64List(2);
final f64v = new Float64List.view(f64.buffer,
f64[1] = 1.0; // Should not be forwarded.
f64v[0] = 2.0;
return f64[1];
testViewAliasing3() {
final u8 = new Uint8List(Float64List.bytesPerElement * 2);
final f64 = new Float64List.view(u8.buffer, Float64List.bytesPerElement);
f64[0] = 1.0; // Should not be forwarded.
u8[15] = 0x40;
u8[14] = 0x00;
return f64[0];
main() {
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
Expect.equals(2.0, testViewAliasing1());
Expect.equals(2.0, testViewAliasing2());
Expect.equals(2.0, testViewAliasing3());
const auto& root_library = Library::Handle(LoadTestScript(kScript));
const auto& function =
Function::Handle(GetFunction(root_library, "testViewAliasing1"));
Invoke(root_library, "main");
TestPipeline pipeline(function, CompilerPass::kJIT);
// Recent changes actually compile the function into a single basic
// block, so we need to test right after the load optimizer has been run.
// Have checked that this test still fails appropriately using the load
// optimizer prior to the fix (commit 2a237327).
FlowGraph* flow_graph = pipeline.RunPasses({
auto entry = flow_graph->graph_entry()->normal_entry();
EXPECT(entry != nullptr);
StaticCallInstr* list_factory = nullptr;
UnboxedConstantInstr* double_one = nullptr;
StoreIndexedInstr* first_store = nullptr;
StoreIndexedInstr* second_store = nullptr;
LoadIndexedInstr* final_load = nullptr;
BoxInstr* boxed_result = nullptr;
ILMatcher cursor(flow_graph, entry);
{kMatchAndMoveStaticCall, &list_factory},
{kMatchAndMoveUnboxedConstant, &double_one},
{kMatchAndMoveStoreIndexed, &first_store},
{kMatchAndMoveStoreIndexed, &second_store},
{kMatchAndMoveLoadIndexed, &final_load},
{kMatchAndMoveBox, &boxed_result},
EXPECT(first_store->array()->definition() == list_factory);
EXPECT(second_store->array()->definition() == list_factory);
EXPECT(boxed_result->value()->definition() != double_one);
EXPECT(boxed_result->value()->definition() == final_load);
} // namespace dart