blob: 8a0136c0e33600fb1ca340adafc7b49a99c0da5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.forest;
import 'dart:core' hide MapEntry;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart'
import 'body_builder.dart' show LabelTarget;
import 'kernel_builder.dart' show Identifier;
import '../scanner.dart' show Token;
export '../fasta_codes.dart' show Message;
export 'body_builder.dart' show Operator;
export 'constness.dart' show Constness;
export 'expression_generator.dart' show Generator, PrefixUseGenerator;
export 'expression_generator_helper.dart' show ExpressionGeneratorHelper;
export 'kernel_builder.dart'
/// A tree factory.
abstract class Forest {
const Forest();
Arguments arguments(List<Expression> positional, Token location,
{List<DartType> types, List<NamedExpression> named});
Arguments argumentsEmpty(Token location);
List<Object> argumentsNamed(Arguments arguments);
List<Expression> argumentsPositional(Arguments arguments);
List<DartType> argumentsTypeArguments(Arguments arguments);
void argumentsSetTypeArguments(Arguments arguments, List<DartType> types);
Expression asLiteralString(Expression value);
/// Return a representation of a boolean literal at the given [location]. The
/// literal has the given [value].
Expression literalBool(bool value, Token location);
/// Return a representation of a double literal at the given [location]. The
/// literal has the given [value].
Expression literalDouble(double value, Token location);
/// Return a representation of an integer literal at the given [location]. The
/// literal has the given [value].
Expression literalInt(int value, Token location);
Expression literalLargeInt(String literal, Token location);
/// Return a representation of a list literal. The [constKeyword] is the
/// location of the `const` keyword, or `null` if there is no keyword. The
/// [isConst] is `true` if the literal is either explicitly or implicitly a
/// constant. The [typeArgument] is the representation of the single valid
/// type argument preceding the list literal, or `null` if there is no type
/// argument, there is more than one type argument, or if the type argument
/// cannot be resolved. The [typeArguments] is the representation of all of
/// the type arguments preceding the list literal, or `null` if there are no
/// type arguments. The [leftBracket] is the location of the `[`. The list of
/// [expressions] is a list of the representations of the list elements. The
/// [rightBracket] is the location of the `]`.
Expression literalList(
Token constKeyword,
bool isConst,
Object typeArgument,
Object typeArguments,
Token leftBracket,
List<Expression> expressions,
Token rightBracket);
/// Return a representation of a set literal. The [constKeyword] is the
/// location of the `const` keyword, or `null` if there is no keyword. The
/// [isConst] is `true` if the literal is either explicitly or implicitly a
/// constant. The [typeArgument] is the representation of the single valid
/// type argument preceding the set literal, or `null` if there is no type
/// argument, there is more than one type argument, or if the type argument
/// cannot be resolved. The [typeArguments] is the representation of all of
/// the type arguments preceding the set literal, or `null` if there are no
/// type arguments. The [leftBrace] is the location of the `{`. The list of
/// [expressions] is a list of the representations of the set elements. The
/// [rightBrace] is the location of the `}`.
Expression literalSet(
Token constKeyword,
bool isConst,
Object typeArgument,
Object typeArguments,
Token leftBrace,
List<Expression> expressions,
Token rightBrace);
/// Return a representation of a map literal. The [constKeyword] is the
/// location of the `const` keyword, or `null` if there is no keyword. The
/// [isConst] is `true` if the literal is either explicitly or implicitly a
/// constant. The [keyType] is the representation of the first type argument
/// preceding the map literal, or `null` if there are not exactly two type
/// arguments or if the first type argument cannot be resolved. The
/// [valueType] is the representation of the second type argument preceding
/// the map literal, or `null` if there are not exactly two type arguments or
/// if the second type argument cannot be resolved. The [typeArguments] is the
/// representation of all of the type arguments preceding the map literal, or
/// `null` if there are no type arguments. The [leftBrace] is the location
/// of the `{`. The list of [entries] is a list of the representations of the
/// map entries. The [rightBrace] is the location of the `}`.
Expression literalMap(
Token constKeyword,
bool isConst,
DartType keyType,
DartType valueType,
Object typeArguments,
Token leftBrace,
List<MapEntry> entries,
Token rightBrace);
/// Return a representation of a null literal at the given [location].
Expression literalNull(Token location);
/// Return a representation of a simple string literal at the given
/// [location]. The literal has the given [value]. This does not include
/// either adjacent strings or interpolated strings.
Expression literalString(String value, Token location);
/// Return a representation of a symbol literal defined by the [hash] and the
/// list of [components]. The [value] is the string value of the symbol.
Expression literalSymbolMultiple(
String value, Token hash, List<Identifier> components);
/// Return a representation of a symbol literal defined by the [hash] and the
/// single [component]. The component can be either an [Identifier] or an
/// [Operator]. The [value] is the string value of the symbol.
Expression literalSymbolSingular(String value, Token hash, Object component);
Expression literalType(DartType type, Token location);
/// Return a representation of a key/value pair in a literal map. The [key] is
/// the representation of the expression used to compute the key. The [colon]
/// is the location of the colon separating the key and the value. The [value]
/// is the representation of the expression used to compute the value.
Object mapEntry(Expression key, Token colon, Expression value);
int readOffset(TreeNode node);
Expression loadLibrary(LibraryDependency dependency, Arguments arguments);
Expression checkLibraryIsLoaded(LibraryDependency dependency);
Expression asExpression(Expression expression, DartType type, Token location);
Expression spreadElement(Expression expression, Token token);
Expression ifElement(
Expression condition, Expression then, Expression otherwise, Token token);
MapEntry ifMapEntry(
Expression condition, MapEntry then, MapEntry otherwise, Token token);
Expression forElement(
List<VariableDeclaration> variables,
Expression condition,
List<Expression> updates,
Expression body,
Token token);
MapEntry forMapEntry(
List<VariableDeclaration> variables,
Expression condition,
List<Expression> updates,
MapEntry body,
Token token);
Expression forInElement(VariableDeclaration variable, Expression iterable,
Statement prologue, Expression body, Expression problem, Token token,
{bool isAsync: false});
MapEntry forInMapEntry(VariableDeclaration variable, Expression iterable,
Statement prologue, MapEntry body, Expression problem, Token token,
{bool isAsync: false});
/// Return a representation of an assert that appears in a constructor's
/// initializer list.
Object assertInitializer(Token assertKeyword, Token leftParenthesis,
Expression condition, Token comma, Expression message);
/// Return a representation of an assert that appears as a statement.
Statement assertStatement(Token assertKeyword, Token leftParenthesis,
Expression condition, Token comma, Expression message, Token semicolon);
Expression awaitExpression(Expression operand, Token location);
/// Return a representation of a block of [statements] enclosed between the
/// [openBracket] and [closeBracket].
Statement block(
Token openBrace, List<Statement> statements, Token closeBrace);
/// Return a representation of a break statement.
Statement breakStatement(
Token breakKeyword, Identifier label, Token semicolon);
/// Return a representation of a catch clause.
Object catchClause(
Token onKeyword,
DartType exceptionType,
Token catchKeyword,
VariableDeclaration exceptionParameter,
VariableDeclaration stackTraceParameter,
DartType stackTraceType,
Statement body);
/// Return a representation of a conditional expression. The [condition] is
/// the expression preceding the question mark. The [question] is the `?`. The
/// [thenExpression] is the expression following the question mark. The
/// [colon] is the `:`. The [elseExpression] is the expression following the
/// colon.
Expression conditionalExpression(Expression condition, Token question,
Expression thenExpression, Token colon, Expression elseExpression);
/// Return a representation of a continue statement.
Statement continueStatement(
Token continueKeyword, Identifier label, Token semicolon);
/// Return a representation of a do statement.
Statement doStatement(Token doKeyword, Statement body, Token whileKeyword,
Expression condition, Token semicolon);
/// Return a representation of an expression statement composed from the
/// [expression] and [semicolon].
Statement expressionStatement(Expression expression, Token semicolon);
/// Return a representation of an empty statement consisting of the given
/// [semicolon].
Statement emptyStatement(Token semicolon);
/// Return a representation of a for statement.
Statement forStatement(
Token forKeyword,
Token leftParenthesis,
List<VariableDeclaration> variables,
Token leftSeparator,
Expression condition,
Statement conditionStatement,
List<Expression> updaters,
Token rightParenthesis,
Statement body);
/// Return a representation of an `if` statement.
Statement ifStatement(Token ifKeyword, Expression condition,
Statement thenStatement, Token elseKeyword, Statement elseStatement);
/// Return a representation of an `is` expression. The [operand] is the
/// representation of the left operand. The [isOperator] is the `is` operator.
/// The [notOperator] is either the `!` or `null` if the test is not negated.
/// The [type] is a representation of the type that is the right operand.
Expression isExpression(
Expression operand, Token isOperator, Token notOperator, DartType type);
/// Return a representation of a [statement] that has one or more labels (from
/// the [target]) associated with it.
Statement labeledStatement(LabelTarget target, Statement statement);
/// Return a representation of a logical expression having the [leftOperand],
/// [rightOperand] and the [operator] (either `&&` or `||`).
Expression logicalExpression(
Expression leftOperand, Token operator, Expression rightOperand);
Expression notExpression(
Expression operand, Token location, bool isSynthetic);
/// Return a representation of a parenthesized condition consisting of the
/// given [expression] between the [leftParenthesis] and [rightParenthesis].
Object parenthesizedCondition(
Token leftParenthesis, Expression expression, Token rightParenthesis);
/// Return a representation of a rethrow statement consisting of the
/// [rethrowKeyword] followed by the [semicolon].
Statement rethrowStatement(Token rethrowKeyword, Token semicolon);
/// Return a representation of a return statement.
Statement returnStatement(
Token returnKeyword, Expression expression, Token semicolon);
Expression stringConcatenationExpression(
List<Expression> expressions, Token location);
/// The given [statement] is being used as the target of either a break or
/// continue statement. Return the statement that should be used as the actual
/// target.
Statement syntheticLabeledStatement(Statement statement);
Expression thisExpression(Token location);
/// Return a representation of a throw expression consisting of the
/// [throwKeyword].
Expression throwExpression(Token throwKeyword, Expression expression);
bool isThrow(Object o);
/// Return a representation of a try statement. The statement is introduced by
/// the [tryKeyword] and the given [body]. If catch clauses were included,
/// then the [catchClauses] will represent them, otherwise it will be `null`.
/// Similarly, if a finally block was included, then the [finallyKeyword] and
/// [finallyBlock] will be non-`null`, otherwise both will be `null`. If there
/// was an error in some part of the try statement, then an [errorReplacement]
/// might be provided, in which case it could be returned instead of the
/// representation of the try statement.
Statement tryStatement(Token tryKeyword, Statement body,
List<Catch> catchClauses, Token finallyKeyword, Statement finallyBlock);
Statement variablesDeclaration(
List<VariableDeclaration> declarations, Uri uri);
List<VariableDeclaration> variablesDeclarationExtractDeclarations(
covariant Statement variablesDeclaration);
Statement wrapVariables(Statement statement);
/// Return a representation of a while statement introduced by the
/// [whileKeyword] and consisting of the given [condition] and [body].
Statement whileStatement(
Token whileKeyword, Expression condition, Statement body);
/// Return a representation of a yield statement consisting of the
/// [yieldKeyword], [star], [expression], and [semicolon]. The [star] is null
/// when no star was included in the source code.
Statement yieldStatement(
Token yieldKeyword, Token star, Expression expression, Token semicolon);
/// Return the expression from the given expression [statement].
Expression getExpressionFromExpressionStatement(Statement statement);
bool isBlock(Object node);
/// Return `true` if the given [statement] is the representation of an empty
/// statement.
bool isEmptyStatement(Statement statement);
bool isErroneousNode(Object node);
/// Return `true` if the given [statement] is the representation of an
/// expression statement.
bool isExpressionStatement(Statement statement);
bool isThisExpression(Object node);
bool isVariablesDeclaration(Object node);
// TODO(ahe): Remove this method when all users are moved here.
Arguments castArguments(Arguments arguments) {
return arguments;