blob: cafa01b46ea244231cd1a6ddc3365d98e7cb7a68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// Sets of local variables that are potentially assigned in a statement.
/// These statements are loops, `switch`, and `try` statements.
class AssignedVariables<Statement, Variable> {
final emptySet = Set<Variable>();
/// Mapping from a [Statement] to the set of local variables that are
/// potentially assigned in that statement.
final Map<Statement, Set<Variable>> _map = {};
/// The stack of nested statements.
final List<Set<Variable>> _stack = [];
/// Return the set of variables that are potentially assigned in the
/// [statement].
Set<Variable> operator [](Statement statement) {
return _map[statement] ?? emptySet;
void beginStatement() {
var set = Set<Variable>.identity();
void endStatement(Statement node) {
_map[node] = _stack.removeLast();
void write(Variable variable) {
for (var i = 0; i < _stack.length; ++i) {
class FlowAnalysis<Statement, Expression, Variable, Type> {
static bool get _assertionsEnabled {
bool result = false;
assert(result = true);
return result;
final _VariableSet<Variable> _emptySet;
/// The [NodeOperations], used to manipulate expressions.
final NodeOperations<Expression> nodeOperations;
/// The [TypeOperations], used to access types, and check subtyping.
final TypeOperations<Variable, Type> typeOperations;
/// The enclosing function body, used to check for potential mutations.
final FunctionBodyAccess<Variable> functionBody;
/// The stack of states of variables that are not definitely assigned.
final List<FlowModel<Variable, Type>> _stack = [];
/// The mapping from labeled [Statement]s to the index in the [_stack]
/// where the first related element is located. The number of elements
/// is statement specific. Loops have two elements: `break` and `continue`
/// states.
final Map<Statement, int> _statementToStackIndex = {};
/// List of all variables passed to [add].
final List<Variable> _addedVariables = [];
FlowModel<Variable, Type> _current;
/// The last boolean condition, for [_conditionTrue] and [_conditionFalse].
Expression _condition;
/// The state when [_condition] evaluates to `true`.
FlowModel<Variable, Type> _conditionTrue;
/// The state when [_condition] evaluates to `false`.
FlowModel<Variable, Type> _conditionFalse;
/// If assertions are enabled, keeps track of all variables that have been
/// passed into the API (other than through a call to [add]). The [finish]
/// method uses this to verify that the caller doesn't forget to pass a
/// variable to [add].
/// Note: the reason we have to keep track of this set (rather than simply
/// checking each variable at the time it is passed into the API) is because
/// the client doesn't call `add` until a variable is declared, and in
/// erroneous code, it's possible that a variable might be used before its
/// declaration.
final Set<Variable> _referencedVariables =
_assertionsEnabled ? Set<Variable>() : null;
factory FlowAnalysis(
NodeOperations<Expression> nodeOperations,
TypeOperations<Variable, Type> typeOperations,
FunctionBodyAccess<Variable> functionBody,
) {
var emptySet = FlowModel<Variable, Type>(false).notAssigned;
return FlowAnalysis._(
) {
_current = FlowModel<Variable, Type>(true);
/// Return `true` if the current state is reachable.
bool get isReachable => _current.reachable;
/// Add a new [variable], which might be already [assigned].
void add(Variable variable, {bool assigned: false}) {
_current = _current.add(variable, assigned: assigned);
void booleanLiteral(Expression expression, bool value) {
_condition = expression;
if (value) {
_conditionTrue = _current;
_conditionFalse = _current.setReachable(false);
} else {
_conditionTrue = _current.setReachable(false);
_conditionFalse = _current;
void conditional_elseBegin(Expression conditionalExpression,
Expression thenExpression, bool isBool) {
var afterThen = _current;
var falseCondition = _stack.removeLast();
if (isBool) {
// Tail of the stack: falseThen, trueThen
_current = falseCondition;
void conditional_end(Expression conditionalExpression,
Expression elseExpression, bool isBool) {
var afterThen = _stack.removeLast();
var afterElse = _current;
if (isBool) {
// Tail of the stack: falseThen, trueThen, falseElse, trueElse
var trueElse = _stack.removeLast();
var falseElse = _stack.removeLast();
var trueThen = _stack.removeLast();
var falseThen = _stack.removeLast();
var trueResult = _join(trueThen, trueElse);
var falseResult = _join(falseThen, falseElse);
_condition = conditionalExpression;
_conditionTrue = trueResult;
_conditionFalse = falseResult;
_current = _join(afterThen, afterElse);
void conditional_thenBegin(
Expression conditionalExpression, Expression condition) {
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, trueCondition
var trueCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_current = trueCondition;
/// The [binaryExpression] checks that the [variable] is, or is not, equal to
/// `null`.
void conditionEqNull(Expression binaryExpression, Variable variable,
{bool notEqual: false}) {
if (functionBody.isPotentiallyMutatedInClosure(variable)) {
_condition = binaryExpression;
var currentPromoted = _current.markNonNullable(typeOperations, variable);
if (notEqual) {
_conditionTrue = currentPromoted;
_conditionFalse = _current;
} else {
_conditionTrue = _current;
_conditionFalse = currentPromoted;
void doStatement_bodyBegin(
Statement doStatement, Set<Variable> loopAssigned) {
_current = _current.removePromotedAll(loopAssigned);
_statementToStackIndex[doStatement] = _stack.length;
_stack.add(null); // break
_stack.add(null); // continue
void doStatement_conditionBegin() {
// Tail of the stack: break, continue
var continueState = _stack.removeLast();
_current = _join(_current, continueState);
void doStatement_end(Statement doStatement, Expression condition) {
// Tail of the stack: break, falseCondition, trueCondition
_stack.removeLast(); // trueCondition
var falseCondition = _stack.removeLast();
var breakState = _stack.removeLast();
_current = _join(falseCondition, breakState);
/// This method should be called at the conclusion of flow analysis for a top
/// level function or method. Performs assertion checks.
void finish() {
assert(() {
var variablesNotAdded =
'Variables not passed to add: $variablesNotAdded');
return true;
void forEachStatement_bodyBegin(Set<Variable> loopAssigned) {
_current = _current.removePromotedAll(loopAssigned);
void forEachStatement_end() {
var afterIterable = _stack.removeLast();
_current = _join(_current, afterIterable);
void forStatement_bodyBegin(Statement node, Expression condition) {
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, trueCondition
var trueCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_statementToStackIndex[node] = _stack.length;
_stack.add(null); // break
_stack.add(null); // continue
_current = trueCondition;
void forStatement_conditionBegin(Set<Variable> loopAssigned) {
_current = _current.removePromotedAll(loopAssigned);
void forStatement_end() {
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, break
var breakState = _stack.removeLast();
var falseCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_current = _join(falseCondition, breakState);
void forStatement_updaterBegin() {
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, break, continue
var afterBody = _current;
var continueState = _stack.removeLast();
_current = _join(afterBody, continueState);
void functionExpression_begin() {
Set<Variable> notPromoted = null;
for (var entry in _current.promoted.entries) {
var variable = entry.key;
var promotedType = entry.value;
if (promotedType != null &&
functionBody.isPotentiallyMutatedInScope(variable)) {
notPromoted ??= Set<Variable>.identity();
if (notPromoted != null) {
_current = _current.removePromotedAll(notPromoted);
void functionExpression_end() {
_current = _stack.removeLast();
void handleBreak(Statement target) {
var breakIndex = _statementToStackIndex[target];
if (breakIndex != null) {
_stack[breakIndex] = _join(_stack[breakIndex], _current);
_current = _current.setReachable(false);
void handleContinue(Statement target) {
var breakIndex = _statementToStackIndex[target];
if (breakIndex != null) {
var continueIndex = breakIndex + 1;
_stack[continueIndex] = _join(_stack[continueIndex], _current);
_current = _current.setReachable(false);
/// Register the fact that the current state definitely exists, e.g. returns
/// from the body, throws an exception, etc.
void handleExit() {
_current = _current.setReachable(false);
void ifNullExpression_end() {
var afterLeft = _stack.removeLast();
_current = _join(_current, afterLeft);
void ifNullExpression_rightBegin() {
_stack.add(_current); // afterLeft
void ifStatement_elseBegin() {
var afterThen = _current;
var falseCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_current = falseCondition;
void ifStatement_end(bool hasElse) {
FlowModel<Variable, Type> afterThen;
FlowModel<Variable, Type> afterElse;
if (hasElse) {
afterThen = _stack.removeLast();
afterElse = _current;
} else {
afterThen = _current; // no `else`, so `then` is still current
afterElse = _stack.removeLast(); // `falseCond` is still on the stack
_current = _join(afterThen, afterElse);
void ifStatement_thenBegin(Expression condition) {
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, trueCondition
var trueCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_current = trueCondition;
/// Return whether the [variable] is definitely assigned in the current state.
bool isAssigned(Variable variable) {
return !_current.notAssigned.contains(variable);
void isExpression_end(
Expression isExpression, Variable variable, bool isNot, Type type) {
if (functionBody.isPotentiallyMutatedInClosure(variable)) {
_condition = isExpression;
if (isNot) {
_conditionTrue = _current;
_conditionFalse = _current.promote(typeOperations, variable, type);
} else {
_conditionTrue = _current.promote(typeOperations, variable, type);
_conditionFalse = _current;
void logicalAnd_end(Expression andExpression, Expression rightOperand) {
// Tail of the stack: falseLeft, trueLeft, falseRight, trueRight
var trueRight = _stack.removeLast();
var falseRight = _stack.removeLast();
_stack.removeLast(); // trueLeft is not used
var falseLeft = _stack.removeLast();
var trueResult = trueRight;
var falseResult = _join(falseLeft, falseRight);
var afterResult = _join(trueResult, falseResult);
_condition = andExpression;
_conditionTrue = trueResult;
_conditionFalse = falseResult;
_current = afterResult;
void logicalAnd_rightBegin(Expression andExpression, Expression leftOperand) {
// Tail of the stack: falseLeft, trueLeft
var trueLeft = _stack.last;
_current = trueLeft;
void logicalNot_end(Expression notExpression, Expression operand) {
var trueExpr = _stack.removeLast();
var falseExpr = _stack.removeLast();
_condition = notExpression;
_conditionTrue = falseExpr;
_conditionFalse = trueExpr;
void logicalOr_end(Expression orExpression, Expression rightOperand) {
// Tail of the stack: falseLeft, trueLeft, falseRight, trueRight
var trueRight = _stack.removeLast();
var falseRight = _stack.removeLast();
var trueLeft = _stack.removeLast();
_stack.removeLast(); // falseLeft is not used
var trueResult = _join(trueLeft, trueRight);
var falseResult = falseRight;
var afterResult = _join(trueResult, falseResult);
_condition = orExpression;
_conditionTrue = trueResult;
_conditionFalse = falseResult;
_current = afterResult;
void logicalOr_rightBegin(Expression orExpression, Expression leftOperand) {
// Tail of the stack: falseLeft, trueLeft
var falseLeft = _stack[_stack.length - 2];
_current = falseLeft;
/// Retrieves the type that the [variable] is promoted to, if the [variable]
/// is currently promoted. Otherwise returns `null`.
Type promotedType(Variable variable) {
return _current.promoted[variable];
/// The [notPromoted] set contains all variables that are potentially
/// assigned in other cases that might target this with `continue`, so
/// these variables might have different types and are "un-promoted" from
/// the "afterExpression" state.
void switchStatement_beginCase(Set<Variable> notPromoted) {
_current = _stack.last.removePromotedAll(notPromoted);
void switchStatement_end(Statement switchStatement, bool hasDefault) {
// Tail of the stack: break, continue, afterExpression
var afterExpression = _current = _stack.removeLast();
_stack.removeLast(); // continue
var breakState = _stack.removeLast();
if (hasDefault) {
// breakState should not be null because we should have joined it with
// something non-null when handling the default case.
assert(breakState != null);
_current = breakState;
} else {
_current = _join(breakState, afterExpression);
void switchStatement_expressionEnd(Statement switchStatement) {
_statementToStackIndex[switchStatement] = _stack.length;
_stack.add(null); // break
_stack.add(null); // continue
_stack.add(_current); // afterExpression
void tryCatchStatement_bodyBegin() {
// Tail of the stack: beforeBody
void tryCatchStatement_bodyEnd(Set<Variable> assignedInBody) {
var beforeBody = _stack.removeLast();
var beforeCatch = beforeBody.removePromotedAll(assignedInBody);
_stack.add(_current); // afterBodyAndCatches
// Tail of the stack: beforeCatch, afterBodyAndCatches
void tryCatchStatement_catchBegin() {
var beforeCatch = _stack[_stack.length - 2];
_current = beforeCatch;
void tryCatchStatement_catchEnd() {
var afterBodyAndCatches = _stack.last;
_stack.last = _join(afterBodyAndCatches, _current);
void tryCatchStatement_end() {
var afterBodyAndCatches = _stack.removeLast();
_stack.removeLast(); // beforeCatch
_current = afterBodyAndCatches;
void tryFinallyStatement_bodyBegin() {
_stack.add(_current); // beforeTry
void tryFinallyStatement_end(Set<Variable> assignedInFinally) {
var afterBody = _stack.removeLast();
_current = _current.restrict(
void tryFinallyStatement_finallyBegin(Set<Variable> assignedInBody) {
var beforeTry = _stack.removeLast();
var afterBody = _current;
_current = _join(afterBody, beforeTry.removePromotedAll(assignedInBody));
void whileStatement_bodyBegin(
Statement whileStatement, Expression condition) {
// Tail of the stack: falseCondition, trueCondition
var trueCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_statementToStackIndex[whileStatement] = _stack.length;
_stack.add(null); // break
_stack.add(null); // continue
_current = trueCondition;
void whileStatement_conditionBegin(Set<Variable> loopAssigned) {
_current = _current.removePromotedAll(loopAssigned);
void whileStatement_end() {
_stack.removeLast(); // continue
var breakState = _stack.removeLast();
var falseCondition = _stack.removeLast();
_current = _join(falseCondition, breakState);
/// Register write of the given [variable] in the current state.
void write(Variable variable) {
_current = _current.write(typeOperations, _emptySet, variable);
void _conditionalEnd(Expression condition) {
condition = nodeOperations.unwrapParenthesized(condition);
if (identical(condition, _condition)) {
} else {
FlowModel<Variable, Type> _join(
FlowModel<Variable, Type> first, FlowModel<Variable, Type> second) =>
FlowModel.join(typeOperations, first, second);
/// If assertions are enabled, records that the given variable has been
/// referenced. The [finish] method will verify that all referenced variables
/// were eventually passed to [add].
void _variableReferenced(Variable variable) {
assert(() {
return true;
/// If assertions are enabled, records that the given variables have been
/// referenced. The [finish] method will verify that all referenced variables
/// were eventually passed to [add].
void _variablesReferenced(Iterable<Variable> variables) {
assert(() {
return true;
/// An instance of the [FlowModel] class represents the information gathered by
/// flow analysis at a single point in the control flow of the function or
/// method being analyzed.
/// Instances of this class are immutable, so the methods below that "update"
/// the state actually leave `this` unchanged and return a new state object.
class FlowModel<Variable, Type> {
/// Indicates whether this point in the control flow is reachable.
final bool reachable;
/// The set of variables that are not yet definitely assigned at this point in
/// the control flow.
final _VariableSet<Variable> notAssigned;
/// For each variable being tracked by flow analysis, the variable's promoted
/// type, or `null` if the variable's type is not promoted.
/// Flow analysis has no awareness of scope, so variables that are out of
/// scope are retained in the map until such time as their declaration no
/// longer dominates the control flow. So, for example, if a variable is
/// declared and then promoted inside the `then` branch of an `if` statement,
/// and the `else` branch of the `if` statement ends in a `return` statement,
/// then the variable remains in the map after the `if` statement ends, even
/// though the variable is not in scope anymore. This should not have any
/// effect on analysis results for error-free code, because it is an error to
/// refer to a variable that is no longer in scope.
final Map<Variable, Type> promoted;
/// Creates a state object with the given [reachable] status. All variables
/// are assumed to be unpromoted and already assigned, so joining another
/// state with this one will have no effect on it.
FlowModel(bool reachable)
: this._(
_VariableSet<Variable>._(const []),
const {},
/// Updates the state to track a newly declared local [variable]. The
/// optional [assigned] boolean indicates whether the variable is assigned at
/// the point of declaration.
FlowModel<Variable, Type> add(Variable variable, {bool assigned: false}) {
var newNotAssigned = assigned ? notAssigned : notAssigned.add(variable);
var newPromoted = Map<Variable, Type>.from(promoted);
newPromoted[variable] = null;
return FlowModel<Variable, Type>._(
/// Updates the state to indicate that the given [variable] has been
/// determined to contain a non-null value.
/// TODO(paulberry): should this method mark the variable as definitely
/// assigned? Does it matter?
FlowModel<Variable, Type> markNonNullable(
TypeOperations<Variable, Type> typeOperations, Variable variable) {
var previousType = promoted[variable];
previousType ??= typeOperations.variableType(variable);
var type = typeOperations.promoteToNonNull(previousType);
if (!typeOperations.isSameType(type, previousType)) {
var newPromoted = <Variable, Type>{}..addAll(promoted);
newPromoted[variable] = type;
return FlowModel<Variable, Type>._(
return this;
/// Updates the state to indicate that the given [variable] has been
/// determined to satisfy the given [type], e.g. as a consequence of an `is`
/// expression as the condition of an `if` statement.
/// Note that the state is only changed if [type] is a subtype of the
/// variable's previous (possibly promoted) type.
/// TODO(paulberry): if the type is non-nullable, should this method mark the
/// variable as definitely assigned? Does it matter?
FlowModel<Variable, Type> promote(
TypeOperations<Variable, Type> typeOperations,
Variable variable,
Type type,
) {
var previousType = promoted[variable];
previousType ??= typeOperations.variableType(variable);
if (typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(type, previousType) &&
!typeOperations.isSameType(type, previousType)) {
var newPromoted = <Variable, Type>{}..addAll(promoted);
newPromoted[variable] = type;
return FlowModel<Variable, Type>._(
return this;
/// Updates the state to indicate that the given [variables] are no longer
/// promoted; they are presumed to have their declared types.
/// This is used at the top of loops to conservatively cancel the promotion of
/// variables that are modified within the loop, so that we correctly analyze
/// code like the following:
/// if (x is int) {
/// x.isEven; // OK, promoted to int
/// while (true) {
/// x.isEven; // ERROR: promotion lost
/// x = 'foo';
/// }
/// }
/// Note that a more accurate analysis would be to iterate to a fixed point,
/// and only remove promotions if it can be shown that they aren't restored
/// later in the loop body. If we switch to a fixed point analysis, we should
/// be able to remove this method.
FlowModel<Variable, Type> removePromotedAll(Set<Variable> variables) {
var newPromoted = _removePromotedAll(promoted, variables);
if (identical(newPromoted, promoted)) return this;
return FlowModel<Variable, Type>._(
/// Updates the state to reflect a control path that is known to have
/// previously passed through some [other] state.
/// Approximately, this method forms the union of the definite assignments and
/// promotions in `this` state and the [other] state. More precisely:
/// The control flow path is considered reachable if both this state and the
/// other state are reachable. Variables are considered definitely assigned
/// if they were definitely assigned in either this state or the other state.
/// Variable type promotions are taken from this state, unless the promotion
/// in the other state is more specific, and the variable is "safe". A
/// variable is considered safe if there is no chance that it was assigned
/// more recently than the "other" state.
/// This is used after a `try/finally` statement to combine the promotions and
/// definite assignments that occurred in the `try` and `finally` blocks
/// (where `this` is the state from the `finally` block and `other` is the
/// state from the `try` block). Variables that are assigned in the `finally`
/// block are considered "unsafe" because the assignment might have cancelled
/// the effect of any promotion that occurred inside the `try` block.
FlowModel<Variable, Type> restrict(
TypeOperations<Variable, Type> typeOperations,
_VariableSet<Variable> emptySet,
FlowModel<Variable, Type> other,
Set<Variable> unsafe,
) {
var newReachable = reachable && other.reachable;
var newNotAssigned = notAssigned.intersect(
empty: emptySet,
other: other.notAssigned,
if (newNotAssigned.variables.length == notAssigned.variables.length) {
newNotAssigned = notAssigned;
} else if (newNotAssigned.variables.length ==
other.notAssigned.variables.length) {
newNotAssigned = other.notAssigned;
var newPromoted = <Variable, Type>{};
bool promotedMatchesThis = true;
bool promotedMatchesOther = other.promoted.length == promoted.length;
for (var entry in promoted.entries) {
var variable = entry.key;
var thisType = entry.value;
var otherType = other.promoted[variable];
if (!unsafe.contains(variable)) {
if (otherType != null &&
(thisType == null ||
typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(otherType, thisType))) {
newPromoted[variable] = otherType;
if (promotedMatchesThis &&
(thisType == null ||
!typeOperations.isSameType(thisType, otherType))) {
promotedMatchesThis = false;
if (thisType != null) {
newPromoted[variable] = thisType;
if (promotedMatchesOther &&
(otherType == null ||
!typeOperations.isSameType(thisType, otherType))) {
promotedMatchesOther = false;
} else {
newPromoted[variable] = null;
if (promotedMatchesOther && otherType != null) {
promotedMatchesOther = false;
assert(promotedMatchesThis ==
_promotionsEqual(typeOperations, newPromoted, promoted));
assert(promotedMatchesOther ==
_promotionsEqual(typeOperations, newPromoted, other.promoted));
if (promotedMatchesThis) {
newPromoted = promoted;
} else if (promotedMatchesOther) {
newPromoted = other.promoted;
return _identicalOrNew(
/// Updates the state to indicate whether the control flow path is
/// [reachable].
FlowModel<Variable, Type> setReachable(bool reachable) {
if (this.reachable == reachable) return this;
return FlowModel<Variable, Type>._(
String toString() => '($reachable, $notAssigned, $promoted)';
/// Updates the state to indicate that an assignment was made to the given
/// [variable]. The variable is marked as definitely assigned, and any
/// previous type promotion is removed.
/// TODO(paulberry): allow for writes that preserve type promotions.
FlowModel<Variable, Type> write(TypeOperations<Variable, Type> typeOperations,
_VariableSet<Variable> emptySet, Variable variable) {
var newNotAssigned = typeOperations.isLocalVariable(variable)
? notAssigned.remove(emptySet, variable)
: notAssigned;
var newPromoted = _removePromoted(promoted, variable);
if (identical(newNotAssigned, notAssigned) &&
identical(newPromoted, promoted)) {
return this;
return FlowModel<Variable, Type>._(
/// Removes a [variable] from a "promoted" [map], treating the map as
/// immutable.
Map<Variable, Type> _removePromoted(
Map<Variable, Type> map, Variable variable) {
if (map[variable] == null) return map;
var result = Map<Variable, Type>.from(map);
result[variable] = null;
return result;
/// Removes a set of [variable]s from a "promoted" [map], treating the map as
/// immutable.
Map<Variable, Type> _removePromotedAll(
Map<Variable, Type> map,
Set<Variable> variables,
) {
if (map.isEmpty) return const {};
if (variables.isEmpty) return map;
var result = <Variable, Type>{};
var noChanges = true;
for (var entry in map.entries) {
var variable = entry.key;
var promotedType = entry.value;
if (variables.contains(variable) && promotedType != null) {
result[variable] = null;
noChanges = false;
} else {
result[variable] = promotedType;
if (noChanges) return map;
if (result.isEmpty) return const {};
return result;
/// Forms a new state to reflect a control flow path that might have come from
/// either `this` or the [other] state.
/// The control flow path is considered reachable if either of the input
/// states is reachable. Variables are considered definitely assigned if they
/// were definitely assigned in both of the input states. Variable promotions
/// are kept only if they are common to both input states; if a variable is
/// promoted to one type in one state and a subtype in the other state, the
/// less specific type promotion is kept.
static FlowModel<Variable, Type> join<Variable, Type>(
TypeOperations<Variable, Type> typeOperations,
FlowModel<Variable, Type> first,
FlowModel<Variable, Type> second,
) {
if (first == null) return second;
if (second == null) return first;
if (first.reachable && !second.reachable) return first;
if (!first.reachable && second.reachable) return second;
var newReachable = first.reachable || second.reachable;
var newNotAssigned = first.notAssigned.union(second.notAssigned);
var newPromoted =
FlowModel.joinPromoted(typeOperations, first.promoted, second.promoted);
return FlowModel._identicalOrNew(
/// Joins two "promoted" maps. See [join] for details.
static Map<Variable, Type> joinPromoted<Variable, Type>(
TypeOperations<Variable, Type> typeOperations,
Map<Variable, Type> first,
Map<Variable, Type> second,
) {
if (identical(first, second)) return first;
if (first.isEmpty || second.isEmpty) return const {};
var result = <Variable, Type>{};
var alwaysFirst = true;
var alwaysSecond = true;
for (var entry in first.entries) {
var variable = entry.key;
if (!second.containsKey(variable)) {
alwaysFirst = false;
} else {
var firstType = entry.value;
var secondType = second[variable];
if (identical(firstType, secondType)) {
result[variable] = firstType;
} else if (firstType == null) {
result[variable] = null;
alwaysSecond = false;
} else if (secondType == null) {
result[variable] = null;
alwaysFirst = false;
} else if (typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(firstType, secondType)) {
result[variable] = secondType;
alwaysFirst = false;
} else if (typeOperations.isSubtypeOf(secondType, firstType)) {
result[variable] = firstType;
alwaysSecond = false;
} else {
result[variable] = null;
alwaysFirst = false;
alwaysSecond = false;
if (alwaysFirst) return first;
if (alwaysSecond && result.length == second.length) return second;
if (result.isEmpty) return const {};
return result;
/// Creates a new [FlowModel] object, unless it is equivalent to either
/// [first] or [second], in which case one of those objects is re-used.
static FlowModel<Variable, Type> _identicalOrNew<Variable, Type>(
FlowModel<Variable, Type> first,
FlowModel<Variable, Type> second,
bool newReachable,
_VariableSet<Variable> newNotAssigned,
Map<Variable, Type> newPromoted,
) {
if (first.reachable == newReachable &&
identical(first.notAssigned, newNotAssigned) &&
identical(first.promoted, newPromoted)) {
return first;
if (second.reachable == newReachable &&
identical(second.notAssigned, newNotAssigned) &&
identical(second.promoted, newPromoted)) {
return second;
return FlowModel<Variable, Type>._(
/// Determines whether the given "promoted" maps are equivalent.
static bool _promotionsEqual<Variable, Type>(
TypeOperations<Variable, Type> typeOperations,
Map<Variable, Type> p1,
Map<Variable, Type> p2) {
if (p1.length != p2.length) return false;
if (!p1.keys.toSet().containsAll(p2.keys)) return false;
for (var entry in p1.entries) {
var p1Value = entry.value;
var p2Value = p2[entry.key];
if (p1Value == null) {
if (p2Value != null) return false;
} else {
if (p2Value == null) return false;
if (!typeOperations.isSameType(p1Value, p2Value)) return false;
return true;
/// Accessor for function body information.
abstract class FunctionBodyAccess<Variable> {
bool isPotentiallyMutatedInClosure(Variable variable);
bool isPotentiallyMutatedInScope(Variable variable);
/// Operations on nodes, abstracted from concrete node interfaces.
abstract class NodeOperations<Expression> {
/// If the [node] is a parenthesized expression, recursively unwrap it.
Expression unwrapParenthesized(Expression node);
/// Operations on types, abstracted from concrete type interfaces.
abstract class TypeOperations<Variable, Type> {
/// Return `true` if the [variable] is a local variable, not a parameter.
bool isLocalVariable(Variable variable);
/// Returns `true` if [type1] and [type2] are the same type.
bool isSameType(Type type1, Type type2);
/// Return `true` if the [leftType] is a subtype of the [rightType].
bool isSubtypeOf(Type leftType, Type rightType);
/// Returns the non-null promoted version of [type].
/// Note that some types don't have a non-nullable version (e.g.
/// `FutureOr<int?>`), so [type] may be returned even if it is nullable.
Type /*!*/ promoteToNonNull(Type type);
/// Return the static type of the given [variable].
Type variableType(Variable variable);
/// List based immutable set of variables.
class _VariableSet<Variable> {
final List<Variable> variables;
_VariableSet<Variable> add(Variable addedVariable) {
if (contains(addedVariable)) {
return this;
var length = variables.length;
var newVariables = List<Variable>(length + 1);
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
newVariables[i] = variables[i];
newVariables[length] = addedVariable;
return _VariableSet._(newVariables);
_VariableSet<Variable> addAll(Iterable<Variable> variables) {
var result = this;
for (var variable in variables) {
result = result.add(variable);
return result;
bool contains(Variable variable) {
var length = variables.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (identical(variables[i], variable)) {
return true;
return false;
_VariableSet<Variable> intersect({
_VariableSet<Variable> empty,
_VariableSet<Variable> other,
}) {
if (identical(other, empty)) return empty;
if (identical(this, other)) return this;
// TODO(scheglov) optimize
var newVariables =
if (newVariables.isEmpty) return empty;
return _VariableSet._(newVariables);
_VariableSet<Variable> remove(
_VariableSet<Variable> empty,
Variable removedVariable,
) {
if (!contains(removedVariable)) {
return this;
var length = variables.length;
if (length == 1) {
return empty;
var newVariables = List<Variable>(length - 1);
var newIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var variable = variables[i];
if (!identical(variable, removedVariable)) {
newVariables[newIndex++] = variable;
return _VariableSet._(newVariables);
String toString() => variables.isEmpty ? '{}' : '{ ${variables.join(', ')} }';
_VariableSet<Variable> union(_VariableSet<Variable> other) {
if (other.variables.isEmpty) {
return this;
var result = this;
var otherVariables = other.variables;
for (var i = 0; i < otherVariables.length; ++i) {
var otherVariable = otherVariables[i];
result = result.add(otherVariable);
return result;