blob: 266d3cde36e3d055ea18a9eee62fe694478532d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_ast_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/exception/exception.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
* Instances of the class `InheritanceManager` manage the knowledge of where class members
* (methods, getters & setters) are inherited from.
@Deprecated('Use InheritanceManager3 instead.')
class InheritanceManager {
* The [LibraryElement] that is managed by this manager.
LibraryElement _library;
* A flag indicating whether abstract methods should be included when looking
* up the superclass chain.
bool _includeAbstractFromSuperclasses;
* This is a mapping between each [ClassElement] and a map between the [String] member
* names and the associated [ExecutableElement] in the mixin and superclass chain.
Map<ClassElement, Map<String, ExecutableElement>> _classLookup;
* This is a mapping between each [ClassElement] and a map between the [String] member
* names and the associated [ExecutableElement] in the interface set.
Map<ClassElement, Map<String, ExecutableElement>> _interfaceLookup;
* Initialize a newly created inheritance manager.
* @param library the library element context that the inheritance mappings are being generated
InheritanceManager(LibraryElement library,
{bool includeAbstractFromSuperclasses: false}) {
this._library = library;
_includeAbstractFromSuperclasses = includeAbstractFromSuperclasses;
_classLookup = new HashMap<ClassElement, Map<String, ExecutableElement>>();
_interfaceLookup =
new HashMap<ClassElement, Map<String, ExecutableElement>>();
* Set the new library element context.
* @param library the new library element
void set libraryElement(LibraryElement library) {
this._library = library;
* Get and return a mapping between the set of all string names of the members inherited from the
* passed [ClassElement] superclass hierarchy, and the associated [ExecutableElement].
* @param classElt the class element to query
* @return a mapping between the set of all members inherited from the passed [ClassElement]
* superclass hierarchy, and the associated [ExecutableElement]
@Deprecated('Use InheritanceManager3.getInheritedConcreteMap() instead.')
MemberMap getMapOfMembersInheritedFromClasses(ClassElement classElt) =>
new MemberMap.fromMap(
_computeClassChainLookupMap(classElt, new HashSet<ClassElement>()));
* Get and return a mapping between the set of all string names of the members inherited from the
* passed [ClassElement] interface hierarchy, and the associated [ExecutableElement].
* @param classElt the class element to query
* @return a mapping between the set of all string names of the members inherited from the passed
* [ClassElement] interface hierarchy, and the associated [ExecutableElement].
@Deprecated('Use InheritanceManager3.getInheritedMap() instead.')
MemberMap getMapOfMembersInheritedFromInterfaces(ClassElement classElt) =>
new MemberMap.fromMap(
_computeInterfaceLookupMap(classElt, new HashSet<ClassElement>()));
* Return a table mapping the string names of the members inherited from the
* passed [ClassElement]'s superclass hierarchy, and the associated executable
* element.
Map<String, ExecutableElement> getMembersInheritedFromClasses(
ClassElement classElt) =>
_computeClassChainLookupMap(classElt, new HashSet<ClassElement>());
* Return a table mapping the string names of the members inherited from the
* passed [ClassElement]'s interface hierarchy, and the associated executable
* element.
Map<String, ExecutableElement> getMembersInheritedFromInterfaces(
ClassElement classElt) =>
_computeInterfaceLookupMap(classElt, new HashSet<ClassElement>());
* Given some [ClassElement] and some member name, this returns the
* [ExecutableElement] that the class inherits from the mixins,
* superclasses or interfaces, that has the member name, if no member is inherited `null` is
* returned.
* @param classElt the class element to query
* @param memberName the name of the executable element to find and return
* @return the inherited executable element with the member name, or `null` if no such
* member exists
@Deprecated('Use InheritanceManager3.getInherited() instead.')
ExecutableElement lookupInheritance(
ClassElement classElt, String memberName) {
if (memberName == null || memberName.isEmpty) {
return null;
ExecutableElement executable = _computeClassChainLookupMap(
classElt, new HashSet<ClassElement>())[memberName];
if (executable == null) {
return _computeInterfaceLookupMap(
classElt, new HashSet<ClassElement>())[memberName];
return executable;
* Given some [ClassElement] and some member name, this returns the
* [ExecutableElement] that the class either declares itself, or
* inherits, that has the member name, if no member is inherited `null` is returned.
* @param classElt the class element to query
* @param memberName the name of the executable element to find and return
* @return the inherited executable element with the member name, or `null` if no such
* member exists
@Deprecated('Use InheritanceManager3.getMember() instead.')
ExecutableElement lookupMember(ClassElement classElt, String memberName) {
ExecutableElement element = _lookupMemberInClass(classElt, memberName);
if (element != null) {
return element;
return lookupInheritance(classElt, memberName);
* Determine the set of methods which is overridden by the given class member. If no member is
* inherited, an empty list is returned. If one of the inherited members is a
* [MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement], then it is expanded into its constituent inherited
* elements.
* @param classElt the class to query
* @param memberName the name of the class member to query
* @return a list of overridden methods
@Deprecated('Use InheritanceManager3.getOverridden() instead.')
List<ExecutableElement> lookupOverrides(
ClassElement classElt, String memberName) {
List<ExecutableElement> result = new List<ExecutableElement>();
if (memberName == null || memberName.isEmpty) {
return result;
List<Map<String, ExecutableElement>> interfaceMaps =
_gatherInterfaceLookupMaps(classElt, new HashSet<ClassElement>());
if (interfaceMaps != null) {
for (Map<String, ExecutableElement> interfaceMap in interfaceMaps) {
ExecutableElement overriddenElement = interfaceMap[memberName];
if (overriddenElement != null) {
if (overriddenElement is MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement) {
for (ExecutableElement element
in overriddenElement.inheritedElements) {
} else {
return result;
* Compute and return a mapping between the set of all string names of the members inherited from
* the passed [ClassElement] superclass hierarchy, and the associated
* [ExecutableElement].
* @param classElt the class element to query
* @param visitedClasses a set of visited classes passed back into this method when it calls
* itself recursively
* @return a mapping between the set of all string names of the members inherited from the passed
* [ClassElement] superclass hierarchy, and the associated [ExecutableElement]
Map<String, ExecutableElement> _computeClassChainLookupMap(
ClassElement classElt, Set<ClassElement> visitedClasses) {
Map<String, ExecutableElement> resultMap = _classLookup[classElt];
if (resultMap != null) {
return resultMap;
} else {
resultMap = new Map<String, ExecutableElement>();
InterfaceType supertype = classElt.supertype;
if (supertype == null) {
// classElt is Object or a mixin
_classLookup[classElt] = resultMap;
return resultMap;
ClassElement superclassElt = supertype.element;
if (superclassElt != null) {
if (!visitedClasses.contains(superclassElt)) {
try {
resultMap = new Map<String, ExecutableElement>.from(
_computeClassChainLookupMap(superclassElt, visitedClasses));
// Substitute the super types down the hierarchy.
_substituteTypeParametersDownHierarchy(supertype, resultMap);
// Include the members from the superclass in the resultMap.
resultMap, supertype, _includeAbstractFromSuperclasses);
} finally {
} else {
// This case happens only when the superclass was previously visited and
// not in the lookup, meaning this is meant to shorten the compute for
// recursive cases.
_classLookup[superclassElt] = resultMap;
return resultMap;
// Include the members from the mixins in the resultMap. If there are
// multiple mixins, visit them in the order listed so that methods in later
// mixins will overwrite identically-named methods in earlier mixins.
List<InterfaceType> mixins = classElt.mixins;
for (InterfaceType mixin in mixins) {
ClassElement mixinElement = mixin.element;
if (mixinElement != null) {
if (!visitedClasses.contains(mixinElement)) {
try {
Map<String, ExecutableElement> map =
new Map<String, ExecutableElement>();
// Include the members from the mixin in the resultMap.
map, mixin, _includeAbstractFromSuperclasses);
// Add the members from map into result map.
for (String memberName in map.keys) {
ExecutableElement value = map[memberName];
ClassElement definingClass = value
.getAncestor((Element element) => element is ClassElement);
if (!definingClass.type.isObject) {
ExecutableElement existingValue = resultMap[memberName];
if (existingValue == null ||
(existingValue != null && !_isAbstract(value))) {
resultMap[memberName] = value;
} finally {
} else {
// This case happens only when the superclass was previously visited
// and not in the lookup, meaning this is meant to shorten the compute
// for recursive cases.
_classLookup[mixinElement] = resultMap;
return resultMap;
_classLookup[classElt] = resultMap;
return resultMap;
* Compute and return a mapping between the set of all string names of the members inherited from
* the passed [ClassElement] interface hierarchy, and the associated
* [ExecutableElement].
* @param classElt the class element to query
* @param visitedInterfaces a set of visited classes passed back into this method when it calls
* itself recursively
* @return a mapping between the set of all string names of the members inherited from the passed
* [ClassElement] interface hierarchy, and the associated [ExecutableElement]
Map<String, ExecutableElement> _computeInterfaceLookupMap(
ClassElement classElt, HashSet<ClassElement> visitedInterfaces) {
Map<String, ExecutableElement> resultMap = _interfaceLookup[classElt];
if (resultMap != null) {
return resultMap;
List<Map<String, ExecutableElement>> lookupMaps =
_gatherInterfaceLookupMaps(classElt, visitedInterfaces);
if (lookupMaps == null) {
resultMap = new Map<String, ExecutableElement>();
} else {
Map<String, List<ExecutableElement>> unionMap =
resultMap = _resolveInheritanceLookup(classElt, unionMap);
_interfaceLookup[classElt] = resultMap;
return resultMap;
* Given some array of [ExecutableElement]s, this method creates a synthetic element as
* described in 8.1.1:
* Let <i>numberOfPositionals</i>(<i>f</i>) denote the number of positional parameters of a
* function <i>f</i>, and let <i>numberOfRequiredParams</i>(<i>f</i>) denote the number of
* required parameters of a function <i>f</i>. Furthermore, let <i>s</i> denote the set of all
* named parameters of the <i>m<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, m<sub>k</sub></i>. Then let
* * <i>h = max(numberOfPositionals(m<sub>i</sub>)),</i>
* * <i>r = min(numberOfRequiredParams(m<sub>i</sub>)), for all <i>i</i>, 1 <= i <= k.</i>
* Then <i>I</i> has a method named <i>n</i>, with <i>r</i> required parameters of type
* <b>dynamic</b>, <i>h</i> positional parameters of type <b>dynamic</b>, named parameters
* <i>s</i> of type <b>dynamic</b> and return type <b>dynamic</b>.
ExecutableElement _computeMergedExecutableElement(
List<ExecutableElement> elementArrayToMerge) {
int h = _getNumOfPositionalParameters(elementArrayToMerge[0]);
int r = _getNumOfRequiredParameters(elementArrayToMerge[0]);
Set<String> namedParametersList = new HashSet<String>();
for (int i = 1; i < elementArrayToMerge.length; i++) {
ExecutableElement element = elementArrayToMerge[i];
int numOfPositionalParams = _getNumOfPositionalParameters(element);
if (h < numOfPositionalParams) {
h = numOfPositionalParams;
int numOfRequiredParams = _getNumOfRequiredParameters(element);
if (r > numOfRequiredParams) {
r = numOfRequiredParams;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Handle the fact that named parameters can now be
// required.
return _createSyntheticExecutableElement(
h - r,
new List.from(namedParametersList));
* Used by [computeMergedExecutableElement] to actually create the
* synthetic element.
* @param elementArrayToMerge the array used to create the synthetic element
* @param name the name of the method, getter or setter
* @param numOfRequiredParameters the number of required parameters
* @param numOfPositionalParameters the number of positional parameters
* @param namedParameters the list of [String]s that are the named parameters
* @return the created synthetic element
ExecutableElement _createSyntheticExecutableElement(
List<ExecutableElement> elementArrayToMerge,
String name,
int numOfRequiredParameters,
int numOfPositionalParameters,
List<String> namedParameters) {
DynamicTypeImpl dynamicType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
DartType bottomType = BottomTypeImpl.instance;
SimpleIdentifier nameIdentifier = astFactory
.simpleIdentifier(new StringToken(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, name, 0));
ExecutableElementImpl executable;
ExecutableElement elementToMerge = elementArrayToMerge[0];
if (elementToMerge is MethodElement) {
MultiplyInheritedMethodElementImpl unionedMethod =
new MultiplyInheritedMethodElementImpl(nameIdentifier);
unionedMethod.inheritedElements = elementArrayToMerge;
executable = unionedMethod;
} else if (elementToMerge is PropertyAccessorElement) {
MultiplyInheritedPropertyAccessorElementImpl unionedPropertyAccessor =
new MultiplyInheritedPropertyAccessorElementImpl(nameIdentifier);
unionedPropertyAccessor.getter = elementToMerge.isGetter;
unionedPropertyAccessor.setter = elementToMerge.isSetter;
unionedPropertyAccessor.inheritedElements = elementArrayToMerge;
executable = unionedPropertyAccessor;
} else {
throw new AnalysisException(
'Invalid class of element in merge: ${elementToMerge.runtimeType}');
int numOfParameters = numOfRequiredParameters +
numOfPositionalParameters +
List<ParameterElement> parameters =
new List<ParameterElement>(numOfParameters);
int i = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numOfRequiredParameters; j++, i++) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl("", 0);
parameter.type = bottomType;
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.REQUIRED;
parameters[i] = parameter;
for (int k = 0; k < numOfPositionalParameters; k++, i++) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter = new ParameterElementImpl("", 0);
parameter.type = bottomType;
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.POSITIONAL;
parameters[i] = parameter;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Handle the fact that named parameters can now be
// required.
for (int m = 0; m < namedParameters.length; m++, i++) {
ParameterElementImpl parameter =
new ParameterElementImpl(namedParameters[m], 0);
parameter.type = bottomType;
parameter.parameterKind = ParameterKind.NAMED;
parameters[i] = parameter;
executable.returnType = dynamicType;
executable.parameters = parameters;
FunctionTypeImpl methodType = new FunctionTypeImpl(executable);
executable.type = methodType;
return executable;
* Collect a list of interface lookup maps whose elements correspond to all of the classes
* directly above [classElt] in the class hierarchy (the direct superclass if any, all
* mixins, and all direct superinterfaces). Each item in the list is the interface lookup map
* returned by [computeInterfaceLookupMap] for the corresponding super, except with type
* parameters appropriately substituted.
* @param classElt the class element to query
* @param visitedInterfaces a set of visited classes passed back into this method when it calls
* itself recursively
* @return `null` if there was a problem (such as a loop in the class hierarchy) or if there
* are no classes above this one in the class hierarchy. Otherwise, a list of interface
* lookup maps.
List<Map<String, ExecutableElement>> _gatherInterfaceLookupMaps(
ClassElement classElt, HashSet<ClassElement> visitedInterfaces) {
List<Map<String, ExecutableElement>> lookupMaps =
new List<Map<String, ExecutableElement>>();
bool hasProblem = false;
void recordInterface(InterfaceType type) {
ClassElement element = type.element;
if (!visitedInterfaces.add(element)) {
hasProblem = true;
try {
// Recursively compute the map for the interfaces.
Map<String, ExecutableElement> map =
_computeInterfaceLookupMap(element, visitedInterfaces);
map = new Map<String, ExecutableElement>.from(map);
// Substitute the supertypes down the hierarchy.
_substituteTypeParametersDownHierarchy(type, map);
// And any members from the interface into the map as well.
_recordMapWithClassMembers(map, type, true);
} finally {
void recordInterfaces(List<InterfaceType> types) {
for (int i = types.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
InterfaceType type = types[i];
InterfaceType superType = classElt.supertype;
if (superType != null) {
if (hasProblem || lookupMaps.isEmpty) {
return null;
return lookupMaps;
* Given some [classElement], this method finds and returns the executable
* element with the given [memberName] in the class element. Static members,
* members in super types and members not accessible from the current library
* are not considered.
ExecutableElement _lookupMemberInClass(
ClassElement classElement, String memberName) {
List<MethodElement> methods = classElement.methods;
int methodLength = methods.length;
for (int i = 0; i < methodLength; i++) {
MethodElement method = methods[i];
if (memberName == &&
method.isAccessibleIn(_library) &&
!method.isStatic) {
return method;
List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors = classElement.accessors;
int accessorLength = accessors.length;
for (int i = 0; i < accessorLength; i++) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = accessors[i];
if (memberName == &&
accessor.isAccessibleIn(_library) &&
!accessor.isStatic) {
return accessor;
return null;
* Record the passed map with the set of all members (methods, getters and setters) in the type
* into the passed map.
* @param map some non-`null` map to put the methods and accessors from the passed
* [ClassElement] into
* @param type the type that will be recorded into the passed map
* @param doIncludeAbstract `true` if abstract members will be put into the map
void _recordMapWithClassMembers(Map<String, ExecutableElement> map,
InterfaceType type, bool doIncludeAbstract) {
Set<InterfaceType> seenTypes = new HashSet<InterfaceType>();
while (type.element.isMixinApplication) {
List<InterfaceType> mixins = type.mixins;
if (!seenTypes.add(type) || mixins.isEmpty) {
// In the case of a circularity in the type hierarchy, just don't add
// any members to the map.
type = mixins.last;
List<MethodElement> methods = type.methods;
for (MethodElement method in methods) {
if (method.isAccessibleIn(_library) &&
!method.isStatic &&
(doIncludeAbstract || !method.isAbstract)) {
map[] = method;
List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors = type.accessors;
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
if (accessor.isAccessibleIn(_library) &&
!accessor.isStatic &&
(doIncludeAbstract || !accessor.isAbstract)) {
map[] = accessor;
* Given the set of methods defined by classes above [classElt] in the class hierarchy,
* apply the appropriate inheritance rules to determine those methods inherited by or overridden
* by [classElt].
* @param classElt the class element to query.
* @param unionMap a mapping from method name to the set of unique (in terms of signature) methods
* defined in superclasses of [classElt].
* @return the inheritance lookup map for [classElt].
Map<String, ExecutableElement> _resolveInheritanceLookup(
ClassElement classElt, Map<String, List<ExecutableElement>> unionMap) {
Map<String, ExecutableElement> resultMap =
new Map<String, ExecutableElement>();
unionMap.forEach((String key, List<ExecutableElement> list) {
int numOfEltsWithMatchingNames = list.length;
if (numOfEltsWithMatchingNames == 1) {
// Example: class A inherits only 1 method named 'm'.
// Since it is the only such method, it is inherited.
// Another example: class A inherits 2 methods named 'm' from 2
// different interfaces, but they both have the same signature, so it is
// the method inherited.
resultMap[key] = list[0];
} else {
// Then numOfEltsWithMatchingNames > 1, check for the warning cases.
bool allMethods = true;
bool allSetters = true;
bool allGetters = true;
for (ExecutableElement executableElement in list) {
if (executableElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
allMethods = false;
if (executableElement.isSetter) {
allGetters = false;
} else {
allSetters = false;
} else {
allGetters = false;
allSetters = false;
// If there isn't a mixture of methods with getters, then continue,
// otherwise create a warning.
if (allMethods || allGetters || allSetters) {
// Compute the element whose type is the subtype of all of the other
// types.
List<ExecutableElement> elements = new List.from(list);
List<FunctionType> executableElementTypes =
new List<FunctionType>(numOfEltsWithMatchingNames);
for (int i = 0; i < numOfEltsWithMatchingNames; i++) {
executableElementTypes[i] = elements[i].type;
List<int> subtypesOfAllOtherTypesIndexes = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfEltsWithMatchingNames; i++) {
FunctionType subtype = executableElementTypes[i];
if (subtype == null) {
bool subtypeOfAllTypes = true;
TypeSystem typeSystem = _library.context.typeSystem;
for (int j = 0;
j < numOfEltsWithMatchingNames && subtypeOfAllTypes;
j++) {
if (i != j) {
if (!typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(
subtype, executableElementTypes[j])) {
subtypeOfAllTypes = false;
if (subtypeOfAllTypes) {
// The following is split into three cases determined by the number of
// elements in subtypesOfAllOtherTypes
if (subtypesOfAllOtherTypesIndexes.length == 1) {
// Example: class A inherited only 2 method named 'm'.
// One has the function type '() -> dynamic' and one has the
// function type '([int]) -> dynamic'. Since the second method is a
// subtype of all the others, it is the inherited method.
// Tests: InheritanceManagerTest.
// test_getMapOfMembersInheritedFromInterfaces_union_oneSubtype_*
resultMap[key] = elements[subtypesOfAllOtherTypesIndexes[0]];
} else {
if (subtypesOfAllOtherTypesIndexes.isNotEmpty) {
// Example: class A inherits 2 methods named 'm'.
// One has the function type '(int) -> dynamic' and one has the
// function type '(num) -> dynamic'. Since they are both a subtype
// of the other, a synthetic function '(dynamic) -> dynamic' is
// inherited.
// Tests: test_getMapOfMembersInheritedFromInterfaces_
// union_multipleSubtypes_*
// TODO(leafp): this produces (dynamic) -> dynamic even if
// the types are equal which gives bad error messages. If
// types are equal, we should consider using them. Even
// better, consider using the GLB of the parameter types
// and the LUB of the return types
List<ExecutableElement> elementArrayToMerge =
new List<ExecutableElement>(
for (int i = 0; i < elementArrayToMerge.length; i++) {
elementArrayToMerge[i] =
ExecutableElement mergedExecutableElement =
resultMap[key] = mergedExecutableElement;
return resultMap;
* Loop through all of the members in the given [map], performing type
* parameter substitutions using a passed [supertype].
void _substituteTypeParametersDownHierarchy(
InterfaceType superType, Map<String, ExecutableElement> map) {
for (String memberName in map.keys) {
ExecutableElement executableElement = map[memberName];
if (executableElement is MethodMember) {
map[memberName] = MethodMember.from(executableElement, superType);
} else if (executableElement is PropertyAccessorMember) {
map[memberName] =
PropertyAccessorMember.from(executableElement, superType);
* Union all of the [lookupMaps] together into a single map, grouping the ExecutableElements
* into a list where none of the elements are equal where equality is determined by having equal
* function types. (We also take note too of the kind of the element: ()->int and () -> int may
* not be equal if one is a getter and the other is a method.)
* @param lookupMaps the maps to be unioned together.
* @return the resulting union map.
Map<String, List<ExecutableElement>> _unionInterfaceLookupMaps(
List<Map<String, ExecutableElement>> lookupMaps) {
Map<String, List<ExecutableElement>> unionMap =
new HashMap<String, List<ExecutableElement>>();
for (Map<String, ExecutableElement> lookupMap in lookupMaps) {
for (String memberName in lookupMap.keys) {
// Get the list value out of the unionMap
List<ExecutableElement> list = unionMap.putIfAbsent(
memberName, () => new List<ExecutableElement>());
// Fetch the entry out of this lookupMap
ExecutableElement newExecutableElementEntry = lookupMap[memberName];
if (list.isEmpty) {
// If the list is empty, just the new value
} else {
// Otherwise, only add the newExecutableElementEntry if it isn't
// already in the list, this covers situation where a class inherits
// two methods (or two getters) that are identical.
bool alreadyInList = false;
bool isMethod1 = newExecutableElementEntry is MethodElement;
for (ExecutableElement executableElementInList in list) {
bool isMethod2 = executableElementInList is MethodElement;
if (isMethod1 == isMethod2 &&
executableElementInList.type ==
newExecutableElementEntry.type) {
alreadyInList = true;
if (!alreadyInList) {
return unionMap;
* Given some [ExecutableElement], return the list of named parameters.
static List<String> _getNamedParameterNames(
ExecutableElement executableElement) {
List<String> namedParameterNames = new List<String>();
List<ParameterElement> parameters = executableElement.parameters;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
ParameterElement parameterElement = parameters[i];
if (parameterElement.isNamed) {
return namedParameterNames;
* Given some [ExecutableElement] return the number of parameters of the specified kind.
static int _getNumOfParameters(
ExecutableElement executableElement, ParameterKind parameterKind) {
int parameterCount = 0;
List<ParameterElement> parameters = executableElement.parameters;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
ParameterElement parameterElement = parameters[i];
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
if (parameterElement.parameterKind == parameterKind) {
return parameterCount;
* Given some [ExecutableElement] return the number of positional parameters.
* Note: by positional we mean [ParameterKind.REQUIRED] or [ParameterKind.POSITIONAL].
static int _getNumOfPositionalParameters(
ExecutableElement executableElement) =>
_getNumOfParameters(executableElement, ParameterKind.REQUIRED) +
_getNumOfParameters(executableElement, ParameterKind.POSITIONAL);
* Given some [ExecutableElement] return the number of required parameters.
static int _getNumOfRequiredParameters(ExecutableElement executableElement) =>
_getNumOfParameters(executableElement, ParameterKind.REQUIRED);
* Given some [ExecutableElement] returns `true` if it is an abstract member of a
* class.
* @param executableElement some [ExecutableElement] to evaluate
* @return `true` if the given element is an abstract member of a class
static bool _isAbstract(ExecutableElement executableElement) {
if (executableElement is MethodElement) {
return executableElement.isAbstract;
} else if (executableElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
return executableElement.isAbstract;
return false;
* This class is used to replace uses of `HashMap<String, ExecutableElement>`
* which are not as performant as this class.
class MemberMap {
* The current size of this map.
int _size = 0;
* The array of keys.
List<String> _keys;
* The array of ExecutableElement values.
List<ExecutableElement> _values;
* Initialize a newly created member map to have the given [initialCapacity].
* The map will grow if needed.
MemberMap([int initialCapacity = 10]) {
* Initialize a newly created member map to contain the same members as the
* given [memberMap].
MemberMap.from(MemberMap memberMap) {
_initArrays(memberMap._size + 5);
for (int i = 0; i < memberMap._size; i++) {
_keys[i] = memberMap._keys[i];
_values[i] = memberMap._values[i];
_size = memberMap._size;
* Initialize a newly created member map to contain the same members as the
* given [map].
MemberMap.fromMap(Map<String, ExecutableElement> map) {
_size = map.length;
_initArrays(_size + 5);
int index = 0;
map.forEach((String memberName, ExecutableElement element) {
_keys[index] = memberName;
_values[index] = element;
* The size of the map.
* @return the size of the map.
int get size => _size;
* Given some key, return the ExecutableElement value from the map, if the key does not exist in
* the map, `null` is returned.
* @param key some key to look up in the map
* @return the associated ExecutableElement value from the map, if the key does not exist in the
* map, `null` is returned
ExecutableElement get(String key) {
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
if (_keys[i] != null && _keys[i] == key) {
return _values[i];
return null;
* Get and return the key at the specified location. If the key/value pair has been removed from
* the set, then `null` is returned.
* @param i some non-zero value less than size
* @return the key at the passed index
* @throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException this exception is thrown if the passed index is less than
* zero or greater than or equal to the capacity of the arrays
String getKey(int i) => _keys[i];
* Get and return the ExecutableElement at the specified location. If the key/value pair has been
* removed from the set, then then `null` is returned.
* @param i some non-zero value less than size
* @return the key at the passed index
* @throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException this exception is thrown if the passed index is less than
* zero or greater than or equal to the capacity of the arrays
ExecutableElement getValue(int i) => _values[i];
* Given some key/value pair, store the pair in the map. If the key exists already, then the new
* value overrides the old value.
* @param key the key to store in the map
* @param value the ExecutableElement value to store in the map
void put(String key, ExecutableElement value) {
// If we already have a value with this key, override the value
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
if (_keys[i] != null && _keys[i] == key) {
_values[i] = value;
// If needed, double the size of our arrays and copy values over in both
// arrays
if (_size == _keys.length) {
int newArrayLength = _size * 2;
List<String> keys_new_array = new List<String>(newArrayLength);
List<ExecutableElement> values_new_array =
new List<ExecutableElement>(newArrayLength);
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
keys_new_array[i] = _keys[i];
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
values_new_array[i] = _values[i];
_keys = keys_new_array;
_values = values_new_array;
// Put new value at end of array
_keys[_size] = key;
_values[_size] = value;
* Given some [String] key, this method replaces the associated key and value pair with
* `null`. The size is not decremented with this call, instead it is expected that the users
* check for `null`.
* @param key the key of the key/value pair to remove from the map
void remove(String key) {
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
if (_keys[i] == key) {
_keys[i] = null;
_values[i] = null;
* Sets the ExecutableElement at the specified location.
* @param i some non-zero value less than size
* @param value the ExecutableElement value to store in the map
void setValue(int i, ExecutableElement value) {
_values[i] = value;
* Initializes [keys] and [values].
void _initArrays(int initialCapacity) {
_keys = new List<String>(initialCapacity);
_values = new List<ExecutableElement>(initialCapacity);