blob: 6b50cea901e7fbb4dd6f33d163e7e60db552f1cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h"
#include "vm/compiler.h"
#include "vm/longjump.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
namespace dart {
namespace kernel {
#define Z (zone_)
#define H (translation_helper_)
#define T (type_translator_)
#define I Isolate::Current()
static bool IsStaticInitializer(const Function& function, Zone* zone) {
return (function.kind() == RawFunction::kImplicitStaticFinalGetter) &&
StreamingScopeBuilder::StreamingScopeBuilder(ParsedFunction* parsed_function,
intptr_t kernel_offset,
const uint8_t* buffer,
intptr_t buffer_length)
: result_(NULL),
builder_(new StreamingFlowGraphBuilder(&translation_helper_,
type_translator_(builder_, /*finalize=*/true) {
Script& script = Script::Handle(Z, parsed_function->function().script());
H.SetStringOffsets(TypedData::Handle(Z, script.kernel_string_offsets()));
H.SetStringData(TypedData::Handle(Z, script.kernel_string_data()));
H.SetCanonicalNames(TypedData::Handle(Z, script.kernel_canonical_names()));
type_translator_.active_class_ = &active_class_;
StreamingScopeBuilder::~StreamingScopeBuilder() {
delete builder_;
ScopeBuildingResult* StreamingScopeBuilder::BuildScopes() {
if (result_ != NULL) return result_;
ASSERT(scope_ == NULL && depth_.loop_ == 0 && depth_.function_ == 0);
result_ = new (Z) ScopeBuildingResult();
ParsedFunction* parsed_function = parsed_function_;
const Function& function = parsed_function->function();
// Setup a [ActiveClassScope] and a [ActiveMemberScope] which will be used
// e.g. for type translation.
const dart::Class& klass =
dart::Class::Handle(zone_, parsed_function_->function().Owner());
Function& outermost_function = Function::Handle(Z);
intptr_t outermost_kernel_offset = -1;
intptr_t parent_class_offset = -1;
builder_->DiscoverEnclosingElements(Z, function, &outermost_function,
// Use [klass]/[kernel_class] as active class. Type parameters will get
// resolved via [kernel_class] unless we are nested inside a static factory
// in which case we will use [member].
intptr_t class_type_parameters = 0;
intptr_t class_type_parameters_offset_start = -1;
if (parent_class_offset > 0) {
ActiveClassScope active_class_scope(&active_class_, class_type_parameters,
bool member_is_procedure = false;
bool is_factory_procedure = false;
intptr_t member_type_parameters = 0;
intptr_t member_type_parameters_offset_start = -1;
outermost_kernel_offset, &member_is_procedure, &is_factory_procedure,
&member_type_parameters, &member_type_parameters_offset_start);
ActiveMemberScope active_member(&active_class_, member_is_procedure,
is_factory_procedure, member_type_parameters,
LocalScope* enclosing_scope = NULL;
if (function.IsLocalFunction()) {
enclosing_scope = LocalScope::RestoreOuterScope(
ContextScope::Handle(Z, function.context_scope()));
current_function_scope_ = scope_ = new (Z) LocalScope(enclosing_scope, 0, 0);
LocalVariable* context_var = parsed_function->current_context_var();
new SequenceNode(TokenPosition::kNoSource, scope_));
intptr_t parent_offset = -1;
FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(builder_);
switch (function.kind()) {
case RawFunction::kClosureFunction:
case RawFunction::kRegularFunction:
case RawFunction::kGetterFunction:
case RawFunction::kSetterFunction:
case RawFunction::kConstructor: {
const Tag tag = builder_->PeekTag();
parent_offset = builder_->ReadUntilFunctionNode();
current_function_async_marker_ = function_node_helper.async_marker_;
// NOTE: FunctionNode is read further below the if.
intptr_t pos = 0;
if (function.IsClosureFunction()) {
LocalVariable* variable = MakeVariable(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
Symbols::ClosureParameter(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, variable);
} else if (!function.is_static()) {
// We use [is_static] instead of [IsStaticFunction] because the latter
// returns `false` for constructors.
dart::Class& klass = dart::Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
Type& klass_type = H.GetCanonicalType(klass);
LocalVariable* variable =
MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
Symbols::This(), klass_type);
scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, variable);
result_->this_variable = variable;
// We visit instance field initializers because they might contain
// [Let] expressions and we need to have a mapping.
if (tag == kConstructor) {
ASSERT(parent_offset >= 0);
AlternativeReadingScope alt(builder_->reader_, parent_offset);
ClassHelper class_helper(builder_);
intptr_t list_length =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read fields list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; i++) {
intptr_t field_offset = builder_->ReaderOffset();
FieldHelper field_helper(builder_);
Tag initializer_tag =
builder_->ReadTag(); // read first part of initializer.
if (!field_helper.IsStatic() && initializer_tag == kSomething) {
VisitExpression(); // read initializer.
ExitScope(field_helper.position_, field_helper.end_position_);
} else if (initializer_tag == kSomething) {
builder_->SkipExpression(); // read initializer.
} else if (function.IsFactory()) {
LocalVariable* variable = MakeVariable(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
Symbols::TypeArgumentsParameter(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, variable);
result_->type_arguments_variable = variable;
// Continue reading FunctionNode:
// read positional_parameters and named_parameters.
// We generate a syntethic body for implicit closure functions - which
// will forward the call to the real function.
// -> see BuildGraphOfImplicitClosureFunction
if (!function.IsImplicitClosureFunction()) {
first_body_token_position_ = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
// TODO(jensj): HACK: Push the begin token to after any parameters to
// avoid crash when breaking on definition line of async method in
// debugger. It seems that another scope needs to be added
// in which captures are made, but I can't make that work.
// This 'solution' doesn't crash, but I cannot see the parameters at
// that particular breakpoint either.
// Also push the end token to after the "}" to avoid crashing on
// stepping past the last line (to the "}" character).
if (first_body_token_position_.IsReal()) {
if (scope_->end_token_pos().IsReal()) {
case RawFunction::kImplicitGetter:
case RawFunction::kImplicitStaticFinalGetter:
case RawFunction::kImplicitSetter: {
ASSERT(builder_->PeekTag() == kField);
if (IsStaticInitializer(function, Z)) {
bool is_setter = function.IsImplicitSetterFunction();
bool is_method = !function.IsStaticFunction();
intptr_t pos = 0;
if (is_method) {
dart::Class& klass = dart::Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
Type& klass_type = H.GetCanonicalType(klass);
LocalVariable* variable =
MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
Symbols::This(), klass_type);
scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, variable);
result_->this_variable = variable;
if (is_setter) {
result_->setter_value =
MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
Symbols::Value(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos++, result_->setter_value);
case RawFunction::kMethodExtractor: {
// Add a receiver parameter. Though it is captured, we emit code to
// explicitly copy it to a fixed offset in a freshly-allocated context
// instead of using the generic code for regular functions.
// Therefore, it isn't necessary to mark it as captured here.
dart::Class& klass = dart::Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
Type& klass_type = H.GetCanonicalType(klass);
LocalVariable* variable =
MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
Symbols::This(), klass_type);
scope_->InsertParameterAt(0, variable);
result_->this_variable = variable;
case RawFunction::kNoSuchMethodDispatcher:
case RawFunction::kInvokeFieldDispatcher:
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < function.NumParameters(); ++i) {
LocalVariable* variable = MakeVariable(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
dart::String::ZoneHandle(Z, function.ParameterNameAt(i)),
scope_->InsertParameterAt(i, variable);
case RawFunction::kSignatureFunction:
case RawFunction::kIrregexpFunction:
if (needs_expr_temp_) {
return result_;
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitNode() {
Tag tag = builder_->PeekTag();
switch (tag) {
case kConstructor:
case kProcedure:
case kField:
case kFunctionNode:
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitConstructor() {
// Field initializers that come from non-static field declarations are
// compiled as if they appear in the constructor initializer list. This is
// important for closure-valued field initializers because the VM expects the
// corresponding closure functions to appear as if they were nested inside the
// constructor.
ConstructorHelper constructor_helper(builder_);
intptr_t parent_offset = constructor_helper.parent_class_binary_offset_;
ASSERT(parent_offset >= 0);
AlternativeReadingScope alt(builder_->reader_, parent_offset);
ClassHelper class_helper(builder_);
intptr_t list_length =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read fields list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; i++) {
FieldHelper field_helper(builder_);
Tag initializer_tag = builder_->ReadTag();
if (!field_helper.IsStatic() && initializer_tag == kSomething) {
VisitExpression(); // read initializer.
} else if (initializer_tag == kSomething) {
builder_->SkipExpression(); // read initializer.
// Visit children (note that there's no reason to visit the name).
intptr_t list_length =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read initializers list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; i++) {
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitProcedure() {
ProcedureHelper procedure_helper(builder_);
if (builder_->ReadTag() == kSomething) {
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitField() {
FieldHelper field_helper(builder_);
VisitDartType(); // read type.
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag(); // read initializer (part 1).
if (tag == kSomething) {
VisitExpression(); // read initializer (part 2).
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitFunctionNode() {
FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(builder_);
intptr_t list_length =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read type_parameters list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
builder_->SkipStringReference(); // read ith name index.
VisitDartType(); // read ith bound.
if (FLAG_causal_async_stacks &&
(function_node_helper.dart_async_marker_ == FunctionNode::kAsync ||
function_node_helper.dart_async_marker_ == FunctionNode::kAsyncStar)) {
LocalVariable* asyncStackTraceVar = MakeVariable(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
Symbols::AsyncStackTraceVar(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
if (function_node_helper.async_marker_ == FunctionNode::kSyncYielding) {
LocalScope* scope = parsed_function_->node_sequence()->scope();
intptr_t offset = parsed_function_->function().num_fixed_parameters();
for (intptr_t i = 0;
i < parsed_function_->function().NumOptionalPositionalParameters();
i++) {
scope->VariableAt(offset + i)->set_is_forced_stack();
// Read (but don't visit) the positional and named parameters, because they've
// already been added to the scope.
if (builder_->ReadTag() == kSomething) {
PositionScope scope(builder_->reader_);
VisitStatement(); // Read body
first_body_token_position_ = builder_->reader_->min_position();
// Ensure that :await_jump_var, :await_ctx_var, :async_op and
// :async_stack_trace are captured.
if (function_node_helper.async_marker_ == FunctionNode::kSyncYielding) {
LocalVariable* temp = NULL;
(depth_.function_ == 0) ? &result_->yield_jump_variable : &temp,
LocalVariable* temp = NULL;
(depth_.function_ == 0) ? &result_->yield_context_variable : &temp,
LocalVariable* temp =
scope_->LookupVariable(Symbols::AsyncOperation(), true);
if (temp != NULL) {
if (FLAG_causal_async_stacks) {
LocalVariable* temp =
scope_->LookupVariable(Symbols::AsyncStackTraceVar(), true);
if (temp != NULL) {
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitInitializer() {
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag();
switch (tag) {
case kInvalidInitializer:
case kFieldInitializer:
builder_->SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read field_reference.
VisitExpression(); // read value.
case kSuperInitializer:
builder_->SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
VisitArguments(); // read arguments.
case kRedirectingInitializer:
builder_->SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
VisitArguments(); // read arguments.
case kLocalInitializer:
VisitVariableDeclaration(); // read variable.
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitExpression() {
uint8_t payload = 0;
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag(&payload);
switch (tag) {
case kInvalidExpression:
case kVariableGet: {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t variable_kernel_offset =
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read relative variable index.
builder_->SkipOptionalDartType(); // read promoted type.
case kSpecializedVariableGet: {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t variable_kernel_offset =
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
case kVariableSet: {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t variable_kernel_offset =
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read relative variable index.
VisitExpression(); // read expression.
case kSpecializedVariableSet: {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t variable_kernel_offset =
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
VisitExpression(); // read expression.
case kPropertyGet:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
VisitExpression(); // read receiver.
builder_->SkipName(); // read name.
// Read unused "interface_target_reference".
case kPropertySet:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
VisitExpression(); // read receiver.
builder_->SkipName(); // read name.
VisitExpression(); // read value.
// read unused "interface_target_reference".
case kDirectPropertyGet:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
VisitExpression(); // read receiver.
builder_->SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
case kDirectPropertySet:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
VisitExpression(); // read receiver.
builder_->SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
VisitExpression(); // read value·
case kStaticGet:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
builder_->SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
case kStaticSet:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
builder_->SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
VisitExpression(); // read expression.
case kMethodInvocation:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
VisitExpression(); // read receiver.
builder_->SkipName(); // read name.
VisitArguments(); // read arguments.
// read unused "interface_target_reference".
case kDirectMethodInvocation:
VisitExpression(); // read receiver.
builder_->SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
VisitArguments(); // read arguments.
case kStaticInvocation:
case kConstStaticInvocation:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
builder_->SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read procedure_reference.
VisitArguments(); // read arguments.
case kConstructorInvocation:
case kConstConstructorInvocation:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
builder_->SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
VisitArguments(); // read arguments.
case kNot:
VisitExpression(); // read expression.
case kLogicalExpression:
needs_expr_temp_ = true;
VisitExpression(); // read left.
builder_->SkipBytes(1); // read operator.
VisitExpression(); // read right.
case kConditionalExpression: {
needs_expr_temp_ = true;
VisitExpression(); // read condition.
VisitExpression(); // read then.
VisitExpression(); // read otherwise.
builder_->SkipOptionalDartType(); // read unused static type.
case kStringConcatenation: {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t list_length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
VisitExpression(); // read ith expression.
case kIsExpression:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
VisitExpression(); // read operand.
VisitDartType(); // read type.
case kAsExpression:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
VisitExpression(); // read operand.
VisitDartType(); // read type.
case kSymbolLiteral:
builder_->SkipStringReference(); // read index into string table.
case kTypeLiteral:
VisitDartType(); // read type.
case kThisExpression:
HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->this_variable, Symbols::This());
case kRethrow:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
case kThrow:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
VisitExpression(); // read expression.
case kListLiteral:
case kConstListLiteral: {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
VisitDartType(); // read type.
intptr_t list_length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
VisitExpression(); // read ith expression.
case kMapLiteral:
case kConstMapLiteral: {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
VisitDartType(); // read key type.
VisitDartType(); // read value type.
intptr_t list_length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
VisitExpression(); // read ith key.
VisitExpression(); // read ith value.
case kFunctionExpression: {
intptr_t offset =
builder_->ReaderOffset() - 1; // -1 to include tag byte.
case kLet: {
PositionScope scope(builder_->reader_);
intptr_t offset =
builder_->ReaderOffset() - 1; // -1 to include tag byte.
VisitVariableDeclaration(); // read variable declaration.
VisitExpression(); // read expression.
case kBigIntLiteral:
builder_->SkipStringReference(); // read string reference.
case kStringLiteral:
builder_->SkipStringReference(); // read string reference.
case kSpecialIntLiteral:
case kNegativeIntLiteral:
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read value.
case kPositiveIntLiteral:
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read value.
case kDoubleLiteral:
builder_->SkipStringReference(); // read index into string table.
case kTrueLiteral:
case kFalseLiteral:
case kNullLiteral:
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitStatement() {
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag(); // read tag.
switch (tag) {
case kInvalidStatement:
case kExpressionStatement:
VisitExpression(); // read expression.
case kBlock: {
PositionScope scope(builder_->reader_);
intptr_t offset =
builder_->ReaderOffset() - 1; // -1 to include tag byte.
intptr_t list_length =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read number of statements.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
VisitStatement(); // read ith statement.
case kEmptyStatement:
case kAssertStatement: {
if (I->asserts()) {
VisitExpression(); // Read condition.
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read condition start offset.
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read condition end offset.
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag(); // read (first part of) message.
if (tag == kSomething) {
VisitExpression(); // read (rest of) message.
} else {
builder_->SkipExpression(); // Read condition.
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read condition start offset.
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read condition end offset.
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag(); // read (first part of) message.
if (tag == kSomething) {
builder_->SkipExpression(); // read (rest of) message.
case kLabeledStatement:
VisitStatement(); // read body.
case kBreakStatement:
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read target_index.
case kWhileStatement:
VisitExpression(); // read condition.
VisitStatement(); // read body.
case kDoStatement:
VisitStatement(); // read body.
VisitExpression(); // read condition.
case kForStatement: {
PositionScope scope(builder_->reader_);
intptr_t offset =
builder_->ReaderOffset() - 1; // -1 to include tag byte.
intptr_t list_length =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read number of variables.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
VisitVariableDeclaration(); // read ith variable.
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag(); // Read first part of condition.
if (tag == kSomething) {
VisitExpression(); // read rest of condition.
list_length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read number of updates.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
VisitExpression(); // read ith update.
VisitStatement(); // read body.
case kForInStatement:
case kAsyncForInStatement: {
PositionScope scope(builder_->reader_);
intptr_t start_offset =
builder_->ReaderOffset() - 1; // -1 to include tag byte.
TokenPosition position = builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
// Notice the ordering: We skip the variable, read the iterable, go back,
// re-read the variable, go forward to after having read the iterable.
intptr_t offset = builder_->ReaderOffset();
builder_->SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read variable.
VisitExpression(); // read iterable.
AlternativeReadingScope alt(builder_->reader_, offset);
VisitVariableDeclaration(); // read variable.
VisitStatement(); // read body.
if (!position.IsReal()) {
position = builder_->reader_->min_position();
// TODO(jensj): From
// forinstmt->variable_->set_end_position(forinstmt->position_);
ExitScope(position, builder_->reader_->max_position());
case kSwitchStatement: {
VisitExpression(); // read condition.
int num_cases = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read number of cases.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_cases; ++i) {
int num_expressions =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read number of expressions.
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < num_expressions; ++j) {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read jth position.
VisitExpression(); // read jth expression.
builder_->ReadBool(); // read is_default.
VisitStatement(); // read body.
case kContinueSwitchStatement:
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read target_index.
case kIfStatement:
VisitExpression(); // read condition.
VisitStatement(); // read then.
VisitStatement(); // read otherwise.
case kReturnStatement: {
if ((depth_.function_ == 0) && (depth_.finally_ > 0) &&
(result_->finally_return_variable == NULL)) {
const dart::String& name = H.DartSymbol(":try_finally_return_value");
LocalVariable* variable =
MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
name, AbstractType::dynamic_type());
result_->finally_return_variable = variable;
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag(); // read (first part of) expression.
if (tag == kSomething) {
VisitExpression(); // read (rest of) expression.
case kTryCatch: {
VisitStatement(); // read body.
builder_->ReadBool(); // read any_catch_needs_stack_trace.
intptr_t num_catches =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read number of catches.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_catches; ++i) {
PositionScope scope(builder_->reader_);
intptr_t offset = builder_->ReaderOffset(); // Catch has no tag.
VisitDartType(); // Read the guard.
tag = builder_->ReadTag(); // read first part of exception.
if (tag == kSomething) {
VisitVariableDeclaration(); // read exception.
tag = builder_->ReadTag(); // read first part of stack trace.
if (tag == kSomething) {
VisitVariableDeclaration(); // read stack trace.
VisitStatement(); // read body.
case kTryFinally: {
VisitStatement(); // read body.
VisitStatement(); // read finalizer.
case kYieldStatement: {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
word flags = builder_->ReadByte(); // read flags.
builder_->SkipExpression(); // read expression.
ASSERT((flags & YieldStatement::kFlagNative) ==
if (depth_.function_ == 0) {
// Promote all currently visible local variables into the context.
// TODO(27590) CaptureLocalVariables promotes to many variables into
// the scope. Mark those variables as stack_local.
// TODO(27590) we don't need to promote those variables that are
// not used across yields.
case kVariableDeclaration:
VisitVariableDeclaration(); // read variable declaration.
case kFunctionDeclaration: {
intptr_t offset =
builder_->ReaderOffset() - 1; // -1 to include tag byte.
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
VisitVariableDeclaration(); // read variable declaration.
HandleLocalFunction(offset); // read function node.
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitArguments() {
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read num_arguments.
// Types
intptr_t list_length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
VisitDartType(); // read ith type.
// Positional.
list_length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
VisitExpression(); // read ith positional.
// Named.
list_length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
builder_->SkipStringReference(); // read ith name index.
VisitExpression(); // read ith expression.
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitVariableDeclaration() {
PositionScope scope(builder_->reader_);
intptr_t kernel_offset_no_tag = builder_->ReaderOffset();
VariableDeclarationHelper helper(builder_);
intptr_t offset_for_type = builder_->ReaderOffset();
AbstractType& type = T.BuildVariableType(); // read type.
// In case `declaration->IsConst()` the flow graph building will take care of
// evaluating the constant and setting it via
// `declaration->SetConstantValue()`.
const dart::String& name = (H.StringSize(helper.name_index_) == 0)
? GenerateName(":var", name_index_++)
: H.DartSymbol(helper.name_index_);
// We also need to visit the type.
VisitDartType(); // read type.
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag(); // read (first part of) initializer.
if (tag == kSomething) {
VisitExpression(); // read (actual) initializer.
// Go to next token position so it ends *after* the last potentially
// debuggable position in the initializer.
TokenPosition end_position = builder_->reader_->max_position();
if (end_position.IsReal()) {
LocalVariable* variable =
MakeVariable(helper.position_, end_position, name, type);
if (helper.IsFinal()) {
result_->locals.Insert(kernel_offset_no_tag, variable);
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitDartType() {
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag();
switch (tag) {
case kInvalidType:
case kDynamicType:
case kVoidType:
case kBottomType:
// those contain nothing.
case kInterfaceType:
case kSimpleInterfaceType:
case kFunctionType:
case kSimpleFunctionType:
case kTypeParameterType:
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitInterfaceType(bool simple) {
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read klass_name.
if (!simple) {
intptr_t length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read number of types.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
VisitDartType(); // read the ith type.
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitFunctionType(bool simple) {
if (!simple) {
intptr_t list_length =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read type_parameters list length.
for (int i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
builder_->SkipStringReference(); // read string index (name).
VisitDartType(); // read dart type.
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read required parameter count.
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read total parameter count.
const intptr_t positional_count =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read positional_parameters list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < positional_count; ++i) {
VisitDartType(); // read ith positional parameter.
if (!simple) {
const intptr_t named_count =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read named_parameters list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < named_count; ++i) {
// read string reference (i.e. named_parameters[i].name).
VisitDartType(); // read named_parameters[i].type.
VisitDartType(); // read return type.
void StreamingScopeBuilder::VisitTypeParameterType() {
Function& function = Function::Handle(Z, parsed_function_->function().raw());
while (function.IsClosureFunction()) {
function = function.parent_function();
if (function.IsFactory()) {
// The type argument vector is passed as the very first argument to the
// factory constructor function.
} else {
// The type argument vector is stored on the instance object. We therefore
// need to capture `this`.
HandleSpecialLoad(&result_->this_variable, Symbols::This());
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read index for parameter.
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read list binary offset.
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read index in list.
builder_->SkipOptionalDartType(); // read bound bound.
void StreamingScopeBuilder::HandleLocalFunction(intptr_t parent_kernel_offset) {
// "Peek" ahead into the function node
intptr_t offset = builder_->ReaderOffset();
FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(builder_);
LocalScope* saved_function_scope = current_function_scope_;
FunctionNode::AsyncMarker saved_function_async_marker =
StreamingScopeBuilder::DepthState saved_depth_state = depth_;
depth_ = DepthState(depth_.function_ + 1);
current_function_scope_ = scope_;
current_function_async_marker_ = function_node_helper.async_marker_;
if (depth_.function_ == 1) {
FunctionScope function_scope = {offset, scope_};
// read positional_parameters and named_parameters.
// "Peek" is now done.
VisitFunctionNode(); // read function node.
ExitScope(function_node_helper.position_, function_node_helper.end_position_);
depth_ = saved_depth_state;
current_function_scope_ = saved_function_scope;
current_function_async_marker_ = saved_function_async_marker;
void StreamingScopeBuilder::EnterScope(intptr_t kernel_offset) {
scope_ = new (Z) LocalScope(scope_, depth_.function_, depth_.loop_);
ASSERT(kernel_offset >= 0);
result_->scopes.Insert(kernel_offset, scope_);
void StreamingScopeBuilder::ExitScope(TokenPosition start_position,
TokenPosition end_position) {
scope_ = scope_->parent();
void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddPositionalAndNamedParameters(intptr_t pos) {
// List of positional.
intptr_t list_length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
AddVariableDeclarationParameter(pos++); // read ith positional parameter.
// List of named.
list_length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
AddVariableDeclarationParameter(pos++); // read ith named parameter.
void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddVariableDeclarationParameter(intptr_t pos) {
intptr_t kernel_offset = builder_->ReaderOffset(); // no tag.
VariableDeclarationHelper helper(builder_);
String& name = H.DartSymbol(helper.name_index_);
AbstractType& type = T.BuildVariableType(); // read type.
LocalVariable* variable =
MakeVariable(helper.position_, helper.position_, name, type);
if (helper.IsFinal()) {
if (variable->name().raw() == Symbols::IteratorParameter().raw()) {
scope_->InsertParameterAt(pos, variable);
result_->locals.Insert(kernel_offset, variable);
// The default value may contain 'let' bindings for which the constant
// evaluator needs scope bindings.
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag();
if (tag == kSomething) {
VisitExpression(); // read initializer.
LocalVariable* StreamingScopeBuilder::MakeVariable(
TokenPosition declaration_pos,
TokenPosition token_pos,
const dart::String& name,
const AbstractType& type) {
return new (Z) LocalVariable(declaration_pos, token_pos, name, type);
void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddExceptionVariable(
GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>* variables,
const char* prefix,
intptr_t nesting_depth) {
LocalVariable* v = NULL;
// If we are inside a function with yield points then Kernel transformer
// could have lifted some of the auxiliary exception variables into the
// context to preserve them across yield points because they might
// be needed for rethrow.
// Check if it did and capture such variables instead of introducing
// new local ones.
// Note: function that wrap kSyncYielding function does not contain
// its own try/catches.
if (current_function_async_marker_ == FunctionNode::kSyncYielding) {
ASSERT(current_function_scope_->parent() != NULL);
v = current_function_scope_->parent()->LocalLookupVariable(
GenerateName(prefix, nesting_depth - 1));
if (v != NULL) {
// No need to create variables for try/catch-statements inside
// nested functions.
if (depth_.function_ > 0) return;
if (variables->length() >= nesting_depth) return;
// If variable was not lifted by the transformer introduce a new
// one into the current function scope.
if (v == NULL) {
v = MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
GenerateName(prefix, nesting_depth - 1),
// If transformer did not lift the variable then there is no need
// to lift it into the context when we encouter a YieldStatement.
void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddTryVariables() {
":saved_try_context_var", depth_.try_);
void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddCatchVariables() {
AddExceptionVariable(&result_->exception_variables, ":exception",
AddExceptionVariable(&result_->stack_trace_variables, ":stack_trace",
void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddIteratorVariable() {
if (depth_.function_ > 0) return;
if (result_->iterator_variables.length() >= depth_.for_in_) return;
ASSERT(result_->iterator_variables.length() == depth_.for_in_ - 1);
LocalVariable* iterator =
MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
GenerateName(":iterator", depth_.for_in_ - 1),
void StreamingScopeBuilder::AddSwitchVariable() {
if ((depth_.function_ == 0) && (result_->switch_variable == NULL)) {
LocalVariable* variable =
MakeVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
Symbols::SwitchExpr(), AbstractType::dynamic_type());
result_->switch_variable = variable;
void StreamingScopeBuilder::LookupVariable(intptr_t declaration_binary_offest) {
LocalVariable* variable = result_->locals.Lookup(declaration_binary_offest);
if (variable == NULL) {
// We have not seen a declaration of the variable, so it must be the
// case that we are compiling a nested function and the variable is
// declared in an outer scope. In that case, look it up in the scope by
// name and add it to the variable map to simplify later lookup.
ASSERT(current_function_scope_->parent() != NULL);
StringIndex var_name =
const dart::String& name = H.DartSymbol(var_name);
variable = current_function_scope_->parent()->LookupVariable(name, true);
ASSERT(variable != NULL);
result_->locals.Insert(declaration_binary_offest, variable);
if (variable->owner()->function_level() < scope_->function_level()) {
// We call `LocalScope->CaptureVariable(variable)` in two scenarios for two
// different reasons:
// Scenario 1:
// We need to know which variables defined in this function
// are closed over by nested closures in order to ensure we will
// create a [Context] object of appropriate size and store captured
// variables there instead of the stack.
// Scenario 2:
// We need to find out which variables defined in enclosing functions
// are closed over by this function/closure or nested closures. This
// is necessary in order to build a fat flattened [ContextScope]
// object.
} else {
ASSERT(variable->owner()->function_level() == scope_->function_level());
const dart::String& StreamingScopeBuilder::GenerateName(const char* prefix,
intptr_t suffix) {
char name[64];
OS::SNPrint(name, 64, "%s%" Pd "", prefix, suffix);
return H.DartSymbol(name);
void StreamingScopeBuilder::HandleSpecialLoad(LocalVariable** variable,
const dart::String& symbol) {
if (current_function_scope_->parent() != NULL) {
// We are building the scope tree of a closure function and saw [node]. We
// lazily populate the variable using the parent function scope.
if (*variable == NULL) {
*variable =
current_function_scope_->parent()->LookupVariable(symbol, true);
ASSERT(*variable != NULL);
if ((current_function_scope_->parent() != NULL) ||
(scope_->function_level() > 0)) {
// Every scope we use the [variable] from needs to be notified of the usage
// in order to ensure that preserving the context scope on that particular
// use-site also includes the [variable].
void StreamingScopeBuilder::LookupCapturedVariableByName(
LocalVariable** variable,
const dart::String& name) {
if (*variable == NULL) {
*variable = scope_->LookupVariable(name, true);
ASSERT(*variable != NULL);
StreamingFlowGraphBuilder* builder,
bool finalize)
: builder_(builder),
finalize_(finalize) {}
AbstractType& StreamingDartTypeTranslator::BuildType() {
// We return a new `ZoneHandle` here on purpose: The intermediate language
// instructions do not make a copy of the handle, so we do it.
return dart::AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z, result_.raw());
AbstractType& StreamingDartTypeTranslator::BuildTypeWithoutFinalization() {
bool saved_finalize = finalize_;
finalize_ = false;
finalize_ = saved_finalize;
// We return a new `ZoneHandle` here on purpose: The intermediate language
// instructions do not make a copy of the handle, so we do it.
return dart::AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z, result_.raw());
AbstractType& StreamingDartTypeTranslator::BuildVariableType() {
AbstractType& abstract_type = BuildType();
// We return a new `ZoneHandle` here on purpose: The intermediate language
// instructions do not make a copy of the handle, so we do it.
AbstractType& type = Type::ZoneHandle(Z);
if (abstract_type.IsMalformed()) {
type = AbstractType::dynamic_type().raw();
} else {
type = result_.raw();
return type;
void StreamingDartTypeTranslator::BuildTypeInternal() {
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag();
switch (tag) {
case kInvalidType:
result_ = ClassFinalizer::NewFinalizedMalformedType(
Error::Handle(Z), // No previous error.
dart::Script::Handle(Z, dart::Script::null()),
TokenPosition::kNoSource, "[InvalidType] in Kernel IR.");
case kDynamicType:
result_ = Object::dynamic_type().raw();
case kVoidType:
result_ = Object::void_type().raw();
case kBottomType:
result_ = dart::Class::Handle(Z, I->object_store()->null_class())
case kInterfaceType:
case kSimpleInterfaceType:
case kFunctionType:
case kSimpleFunctionType:
case kTypeParameterType:
void StreamingDartTypeTranslator::BuildInterfaceType(bool simple) {
// NOTE: That an interface type like `T<A, B>` is considered to be
// malformed iff `T` is malformed.
// => We therefore ignore errors in `A` or `B`.
NameIndex klass_name =
builder_->ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read klass_name.
intptr_t length;
if (simple) {
length = 0;
} else {
length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read type_arguments list length.
const TypeArguments& type_arguments =
BuildTypeArguments(length); // read type arguments.
dart::Object& klass =
dart::Object::Handle(Z, H.LookupClassByKernelClass(klass_name));
result_ = Type::New(klass, type_arguments, TokenPosition::kNoSource);
if (finalize_) {
ASSERT(active_class_->klass != NULL);
result_ = ClassFinalizer::FinalizeType(*active_class_->klass, result_);
void StreamingDartTypeTranslator::BuildFunctionType(bool simple) {
intptr_t list_length = 0;
intptr_t first_item_offest = -1;
if (!simple) {
list_length =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read type_parameters list length
first_item_offest = builder_->ReaderOffset();
for (int i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
builder_->SkipStringReference(); // read string index (name).
builder_->SkipDartType(); // read dart type.
// The spec describes in section "19.1 Static Types":
// Any use of a malformed type gives rise to a static warning. A
// malformed type is then interpreted as dynamic by the static type
// checker and the runtime unless explicitly specified otherwise.
// So we convert malformed return/parameter types to `dynamic`.
TypeParameterScope scope(this, first_item_offest, list_length);
Function& signature_function = Function::ZoneHandle(
Function::NewSignatureFunction(*active_class_->klass, Function::Handle(Z),
intptr_t required_count;
intptr_t all_count;
intptr_t positional_count;
if (!simple) {
required_count = builder_->ReadUInt(); // read required parameter count.
all_count = builder_->ReadUInt(); // read total parameter count.
positional_count =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read positional_parameters list length.
} else {
positional_count =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read positional_parameters list length.
required_count = positional_count;
all_count = positional_count;
const Array& parameter_types =
Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(1 + all_count, Heap::kOld));
const Array& parameter_names =
Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(1 + all_count, Heap::kOld));
intptr_t pos = 0;
parameter_types.SetAt(pos, AbstractType::dynamic_type());
parameter_names.SetAt(pos, H.DartSymbol("_receiver_"));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < positional_count; ++i, ++pos) {
BuildTypeInternal(); // read ith positional parameter.
if (result_.IsMalformed()) {
result_ = AbstractType::dynamic_type().raw();
parameter_types.SetAt(pos, result_);
parameter_names.SetAt(pos, H.DartSymbol("noname"));
// The additional first parameter is the receiver type (set to dynamic).
signature_function.set_num_fixed_parameters(1 + required_count);
all_count - required_count, positional_count > required_count);
if (!simple) {
const intptr_t named_count =
builder_->ReadListLength(); // read named_parameters list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < named_count; ++i, ++pos) {
// read string reference (i.e. named_parameters[i].name).
dart::String& name = H.DartSymbol(builder_->ReadStringReference());
BuildTypeInternal(); // read named_parameters[i].type.
if (result_.IsMalformed()) {
result_ = AbstractType::dynamic_type().raw();
parameter_types.SetAt(pos, result_);
parameter_names.SetAt(pos, name);
BuildTypeInternal(); // read return type.
if (result_.IsMalformed()) {
result_ = AbstractType::dynamic_type().raw();
Type& signature_type =
Type::ZoneHandle(Z, signature_function.SignatureType());
if (finalize_) {
signature_type ^=
ClassFinalizer::FinalizeType(*active_class_->klass, signature_type);
// Do not refer to signature_function anymore, since it may have been
// replaced during canonicalization.
signature_function = Function::null();
result_ = signature_type.raw();
void StreamingDartTypeTranslator::BuildTypeParameterType() {
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read parameter index.
intptr_t binary_offset = builder_->ReadUInt(); // read lists binary offset.
intptr_t list_index = builder_->ReadUInt(); // read index in list.
builder_->SkipOptionalDartType(); // read bound.
ASSERT(binary_offset > 0);
for (TypeParameterScope* scope = type_parameter_scope_; scope != NULL;
scope = scope->outer()) {
if (scope->parameters_offset() == binary_offset) {
result_ ^= dart::Type::DynamicType();
if (active_class_->member_is_procedure) {
if (active_class_->member_type_parameters > 0) {
// WARNING: This is a little hackish:
// We have a static factory constructor. The kernel IR gives the factory
// constructor function it's own type parameters (which are equal in name
// and number to the ones of the enclosing class).
// I.e.,
// class A<T> {
// factory A.x() { return new B<T>(); }
// }
// is basically translated to this:
// class A<T> {
// static A.x<T'>() { return new B<T'>(); }
// }
if (active_class_->member_type_parameters_offset_start == binary_offset) {
if (active_class_->member_is_factory_procedure) {
// The index of the type parameter in [parameters] is
// the same index into the `klass->type_parameters()` array.
result_ ^= dart::TypeArguments::Handle(
Z, active_class_->klass->type_parameters())
} else {
result_ ^= dart::Type::DynamicType();
if (active_class_->class_type_parameters_offset_start == binary_offset) {
// The index of the type parameter in [parameters] is
// the same index into the `klass->type_parameters()` array.
result_ ^=
dart::TypeArguments::Handle(Z, active_class_->klass->type_parameters())
const TypeArguments& StreamingDartTypeTranslator::BuildTypeArguments(
intptr_t length) {
bool only_dynamic = true;
intptr_t offset = builder_->ReaderOffset();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (builder_->ReadTag() != kDynamicType) { // Read the ith types tag.
only_dynamic = false;
TypeArguments& type_arguments = TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(Z);
if (!only_dynamic) {
type_arguments = TypeArguments::New(length);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
BuildTypeInternal(); // read ith type.
if (result_.IsMalformed()) {
type_arguments = TypeArguments::null();
// Skip the rest of the arguments.
for (++i; i < length; ++i) {
return type_arguments;
type_arguments.SetTypeAt(i, result_);
if (finalize_) {
type_arguments = type_arguments.Canonicalize();
return type_arguments;
const TypeArguments&
const dart::Class& receiver_class,
intptr_t length) {
const TypeArguments& type_arguments = BuildTypeArguments(length);
// If type_arguments is null all arguments are dynamic.
// If, however, this class doesn't specify all the type arguments directly we
// still need to finalize the type below in order to get any non-dynamic types
// from any super. See
if (type_arguments.IsNull() && receiver_class.NumTypeArguments() == length) {
return type_arguments;
// We make a temporary [Type] object and use `ClassFinalizer::FinalizeType` to
// finalize the argument types.
// (This can for example make the [type_arguments] vector larger)
Type& type = Type::Handle(
Z, Type::New(receiver_class, type_arguments, TokenPosition::kNoSource));
if (finalize_) {
type ^= ClassFinalizer::FinalizeType(*active_class_->klass, type);
const TypeArguments& instantiated_type_arguments =
TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(Z, type.arguments());
return instantiated_type_arguments;
const Type& StreamingDartTypeTranslator::ReceiverType(
const dart::Class& klass) {
// Note that if klass is _Closure, the returned type will be _Closure,
// and not the signature type.
Type& type = Type::ZoneHandle(Z, klass.CanonicalType());
if (!type.IsNull()) {
return type;
type = Type::New(klass, TypeArguments::Handle(Z, klass.type_parameters()),
if (klass.is_type_finalized()) {
type ^= ClassFinalizer::FinalizeType(klass, type);
return type;
StreamingFlowGraphBuilder* builder)
: builder_(builder),
// TODO(jensj): This was added to temporarily be able to let the scope
// builder have a StreamingFlowGraphBuilder to get access to
// reading functions.
(builder == NULL || builder_->flow_graph_builder_ == NULL)
? Script::null()
: builder_->parsed_function()->function().script())),
result_(Instance::Handle(zone_)) {}
Instance& StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateExpression(intptr_t offset,
bool reset_position) {
if (!GetCachedConstant(offset, &result_)) {
intptr_t original_offset = builder_->ReaderOffset();
uint8_t payload = 0;
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag(&payload); // read tag.
switch (tag) {
case kVariableGet:
case kSpecializedVariableGet:
case kPropertyGet:
case kStaticGet:
case kMethodInvocation:
case kStaticInvocation:
case kConstStaticInvocation:
case kConstructorInvocation:
case kConstConstructorInvocation:
case kNot:
case kLogicalExpression:
case kConditionalExpression:
case kStringConcatenation:
case kSymbolLiteral:
case kTypeLiteral:
case kListLiteral:
case kConstListLiteral:
case kMapLiteral:
case kConstMapLiteral:
case kLet:
case kBigIntLiteral:
case kStringLiteral:
case kSpecialIntLiteral:
case kNegativeIntLiteral:
case kPositiveIntLiteral:
case kDoubleLiteral:
case kTrueLiteral:
case kFalseLiteral:
case kNullLiteral:
CacheConstantValue(offset, result_);
if (reset_position) builder_->SetOffset(original_offset);
// We return a new `ZoneHandle` here on purpose: The intermediate language
// instructions do not make a copy of the handle, so we do it.
return Instance::ZoneHandle(Z, result_.raw());
Instance& StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateListLiteral(intptr_t offset,
bool reset_position) {
if (!GetCachedConstant(offset, &result_)) {
intptr_t original_offset = builder_->ReaderOffset();
builder_->ReadTag(); // skip tag.
CacheConstantValue(offset, result_);
if (reset_position) builder_->SetOffset(original_offset);
// We return a new `ZoneHandle` here on purpose: The intermediate language
// instructions do not make a copy of the handle, so we do it.
return Instance::ZoneHandle(Z, result_.raw());
Instance& StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateMapLiteral(intptr_t offset,
bool reset_position) {
if (!GetCachedConstant(offset, &result_)) {
intptr_t original_offset = builder_->ReaderOffset();
builder_->ReadTag(); // skip tag.
CacheConstantValue(offset, result_);
if (reset_position) builder_->SetOffset(original_offset);
// We return a new `ZoneHandle` here on purpose: The intermediate language
// instructions do not make a copy of the handle, so we do it.
return Instance::ZoneHandle(Z, result_.raw());
Instance& StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateConstructorInvocation(
intptr_t offset,
bool reset_position) {
if (!GetCachedConstant(offset, &result_)) {
intptr_t original_offset = builder_->ReaderOffset();
builder_->ReadTag(); // skip tag.
CacheConstantValue(offset, result_);
if (reset_position) builder_->SetOffset(original_offset);
// We return a new `ZoneHandle` here on purpose: The intermediate language
// instructions do not make a copy of the handle, so we do it.
return Instance::ZoneHandle(Z, result_.raw());
Object& StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateExpressionSafe(intptr_t offset) {
LongJumpScope jump;
if (setjmp(*jump.Set()) == 0) {
return EvaluateExpression(offset);
} else {
Thread* thread = H.thread();
Error& error = Error::Handle(Z);
error = thread->sticky_error();
return error;
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateVariableGet() {
// When we see a [VariableGet] the corresponding [VariableDeclaration] must've
// been executed already. It therefore must have a constant object associated
// with it.
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t variable_kernel_position =
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read relative variable index.
builder_->SkipOptionalDartType(); // read promoted type.
LocalVariable* variable = builder_->LookupVariable(variable_kernel_position);
result_ = variable->ConstValue()->raw();
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateVariableGet(uint8_t payload) {
// When we see a [VariableGet] the corresponding [VariableDeclaration] must've
// been executed already. It therefore must have a constant object associated
// with it.
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t variable_kernel_position =
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
LocalVariable* variable = builder_->LookupVariable(variable_kernel_position);
result_ = variable->ConstValue()->raw();
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluatePropertyGet() {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t expression_offset = builder_->ReaderOffset();
builder_->SkipExpression(); // read receiver.
StringIndex name = builder_->ReadNameAsStringIndex(); // read name.
// Read unused "interface_target_reference".
if (H.StringEquals(name, "length")) {
if (result_.IsString()) {
const dart::String& str =
dart::String::Handle(Z, dart::String::RawCast(result_.raw()));
result_ = Integer::New(str.Length());
} else {
"Constant expressions can only call "
"'length' on string constants.");
} else {
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateStaticGet() {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
NameIndex target =
builder_->ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
if (H.IsField(target)) {
const dart::Field& field =
dart::Field::Handle(Z, H.LookupFieldByKernelField(target));
if (field.StaticValue() == Object::sentinel().raw() ||
field.StaticValue() == Object::transition_sentinel().raw()) {
result_ = field.StaticValue();
result_ = H.Canonicalize(result_);
field.SetStaticValue(result_, true);
} else {
result_ = field.StaticValue();
} else if (H.IsProcedure(target)) {
const Function& function =
Function::ZoneHandle(Z, H.LookupStaticMethodByKernelProcedure(target));
if (H.IsMethod(target)) {
Function& closure_function =
Function::ZoneHandle(Z, function.ImplicitClosureFunction());
result_ = closure_function.ImplicitStaticClosure();
result_ = H.Canonicalize(result_);
} else if (H.IsGetter(target)) {
} else {
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateMethodInvocation() {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
// This method call wasn't cached, so receiver et al. isn't cached either.
const dart::Instance& receiver =
EvaluateExpression(builder_->ReaderOffset(), false); // read receiver.
dart::Class& klass = dart::Class::Handle(
Z, isolate_->class_table()->At(receiver.GetClassId()));
// Search the superclass chain for the selector.
dart::Function& function = dart::Function::Handle(Z);
const dart::String& method_name =
builder_->ReadNameAsMethodName(); // read name.
while (!klass.IsNull()) {
function = klass.LookupDynamicFunctionAllowPrivate(method_name);
if (!function.IsNull()) break;
klass = klass.SuperClass();
// The frontend should guarantee that [MethodInvocation]s inside constant
// expressions are always valid.
// Read first parts of arguments: count and list of types.
intptr_t argument_count = builder_->PeekArgumentsCount();
// Dart does not support generic methods yet.
ASSERT(builder_->PeekArgumentsTypeCount() == 0);
// Run the method and canonicalize the result.
const Object& result = RunFunction(function, argument_count, &receiver, NULL);
result_ ^= result.raw();
result_ = H.Canonicalize(result_);
builder_->SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read "interface_target_reference"
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateStaticInvocation() {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
NameIndex procedue_reference =
builder_->ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read procedure reference.
const Function& function = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, H.LookupStaticMethodByKernelProcedure(procedue_reference));
dart::Class& klass = dart::Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
intptr_t argument_count =
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read arguments part #1: arguments count.
// Build the type arguments vector (if necessary).
const TypeArguments* type_arguments =
TranslateTypeArguments(function, &klass); // read argument types.
// read positional and named parameters.
const Object& result =
RunFunction(function, argument_count, NULL, type_arguments);
result_ ^= result.raw();
result_ = H.Canonicalize(result_);
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateConstructorInvocationInternal() {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
NameIndex target = builder_->ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read target.
const Function& constructor =
Function::Handle(Z, H.LookupConstructorByKernelConstructor(target));
dart::Class& klass = dart::Class::Handle(Z, constructor.Owner());
intptr_t argument_count =
builder_->ReadUInt(); // read arguments part #1: arguments count.
// Build the type arguments vector (if necessary).
const TypeArguments* type_arguments =
TranslateTypeArguments(constructor, &klass); // read argument types.
// Prepare either the instance or the type argument vector for the constructor
// call.
Instance* receiver = NULL;
const TypeArguments* type_arguments_argument = NULL;
if (!constructor.IsFactory()) {
receiver = &Instance::ZoneHandle(Z, Instance::New(klass, Heap::kOld));
if (type_arguments != NULL) {
} else {
type_arguments_argument = type_arguments;
// read positional and named parameters.
const Object& result = RunFunction(constructor, argument_count, receiver,
if (constructor.IsFactory()) {
// Factories return the new object.
result_ ^= result.raw();
result_ = H.Canonicalize(result_);
} else {
result_ = H.Canonicalize(*receiver);
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateNot() {
result_ ^= Bool::Get(!EvaluateBooleanExpressionHere()).raw();
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateLogicalExpression() {
bool left = EvaluateBooleanExpressionHere(); // read left.
LogicalExpression::Operator op = static_cast<LogicalExpression::Operator>(
builder_->ReadByte()); // read operator.
if (op == LogicalExpression::kAnd) {
if (left) {
EvaluateBooleanExpressionHere(); // read right.
} else {
builder_->SkipExpression(); // read right.
} else {
ASSERT(op == LogicalExpression::kOr);
if (!left) {
EvaluateBooleanExpressionHere(); // read right.
} else {
builder_->SkipExpression(); // read right.
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateConditionalExpression() {
bool condition = EvaluateBooleanExpressionHere();
if (condition) {
EvaluateExpression(builder_->ReaderOffset(), false); // read then.
builder_->SkipExpression(); // read otherwise.
} else {
builder_->SkipExpression(); // read then.
EvaluateExpression(builder_->ReaderOffset(), false); // read otherwise.
builder_->SkipOptionalDartType(); // read unused static type.
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateStringConcatenation() {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read list length.
bool all_string = true;
const Array& strings = Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(length));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
false); // read ith expression.
strings.SetAt(i, result_);
all_string = all_string && result_.IsString();
if (all_string) {
result_ = dart::String::ConcatAll(strings, Heap::kOld);
result_ = H.Canonicalize(result_);
} else {
// Get string interpolation function.
const dart::Class& cls = dart::Class::Handle(
Z, dart::Library::LookupCoreClass(Symbols::StringBase()));
const Function& func = Function::Handle(
Z, cls.LookupStaticFunction(
// Build argument array to pass to the interpolation function.
const Array& interpolate_arg = Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(1, Heap::kOld));
interpolate_arg.SetAt(0, strings);
// Run and canonicalize.
const Object& result =
RunFunction(func, interpolate_arg, Array::null_array());
result_ = H.Canonicalize(dart::String::Cast(result));
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateSymbolLiteral() {
const dart::String& symbol_value = H.DartSymbol(
builder_->ReadStringReference()); // read index into string table.
const dart::Class& symbol_class =
dart::Class::ZoneHandle(Z, I->object_store()->symbol_class());
const dart::Function& symbol_constructor = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, symbol_class.LookupConstructor(Symbols::SymbolCtor()));
result_ ^= EvaluateConstConstructorCall(
symbol_class, TypeArguments::Handle(Z), symbol_constructor, symbol_value);
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateTypeLiteral() {
const AbstractType& type = T.BuildType();
if (type.IsMalformed()) {
H.ReportError("Malformed type literal in constant expression.");
result_ = type.raw();
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateListLiteralInternal() {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
const TypeArguments& type_arguments = T.BuildTypeArguments(1); // read type.
intptr_t length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read list length.
const Array& const_list =
Array::ZoneHandle(Z, Array::New(length, Heap::kOld));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
const Instance& expression = EvaluateExpression(
builder_->ReaderOffset(), false); // read ith expression.
const_list.SetAt(i, expression);
result_ = H.Canonicalize(const_list);
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateMapLiteralInternal() {
builder_->ReadPosition(); // read position.
const TypeArguments& type_arguments =
T.BuildTypeArguments(2); // read key type and value type.
intptr_t length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read length of entries.
// This MapLiteral wasn't cached, so content isn't cached either.
Array& const_kv_array =
Array::ZoneHandle(Z, Array::New(2 * length, Heap::kOld));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
const_kv_array.SetAt(2 * i + 0, EvaluateExpression(builder_->ReaderOffset(),
false)); // read key.
const_kv_array.SetAt(2 * i + 1, EvaluateExpression(builder_->ReaderOffset(),
false)); // read value.
const_kv_array ^= H.Canonicalize(const_kv_array);
const dart::Class& map_class = dart::Class::Handle(
Z, dart::Library::LookupCoreClass(Symbols::ImmutableMap()));
ASSERT(map_class.NumTypeArguments() == 2);
const dart::Field& field = dart::Field::Handle(
Z, map_class.LookupInstanceFieldAllowPrivate(H.DartSymbol("_kvPairs")));
// NOTE: This needs to be kept in sync with `runtime/lib/immutable_map.dart`!
result_ = Instance::New(map_class, Heap::kOld);
result_.SetField(field, const_kv_array);
result_ = H.Canonicalize(result_);
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateLet() {
intptr_t kernel_position = builder_->ReaderOffset();
LocalVariable* local = builder_->LookupVariable(kernel_position);
// read variable declaration.
VariableDeclarationHelper helper(builder_);
Tag tag = builder_->ReadTag(); // read (first part of) initializer.
if (tag == kNothing) {
local->SetConstValue(Instance::ZoneHandle(Z, dart::Instance::null()));
} else {
builder_->ReaderOffset(), false)); // read rest of initializer.
EvaluateExpression(builder_->ReaderOffset(), false); // read body
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateBigIntLiteral() {
const dart::String& value =
H.DartString(builder_->ReadStringReference()); // read string reference.
result_ = Integer::New(value, Heap::kOld);
result_ = H.Canonicalize(result_);
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateStringLiteral() {
result_ = H.DartSymbol(builder_->ReadStringReference())
.raw(); // read string reference.
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateIntLiteral(uint8_t payload) {
int64_t value = static_cast<int32_t>(payload) - SpecializedIntLiteralBias;
result_ = dart::Integer::New(value, Heap::kOld);
result_ = H.Canonicalize(result_);
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateIntLiteral(bool is_negative) {
int64_t value = is_negative ? -static_cast<int64_t>(builder_->ReadUInt())
: builder_->ReadUInt(); // read value.
result_ = dart::Integer::New(value, Heap::kOld);
result_ = H.Canonicalize(result_);
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateDoubleLiteral() {
result_ = Double::New(H.DartString(builder_->ReadStringReference()),
Heap::kOld); // read string reference.
result_ = H.Canonicalize(result_);
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateBoolLiteral(bool value) {
result_ = dart::Bool::Get(value).raw();
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateNullLiteral() {
result_ = dart::Instance::null();
// This depends on being about to read the list of positionals on arguments.
const Object& StreamingConstantEvaluator::RunFunction(
const Function& function,
intptr_t argument_count,
const Instance* receiver,
const TypeArguments* type_args) {
// We do not support generic methods yet.
ASSERT((receiver == NULL) || (type_args == NULL));
intptr_t extra_arguments =
(receiver != NULL ? 1 : 0) + (type_args != NULL ? 1 : 0);
// Build up arguments.
const Array& arguments =
Array::ZoneHandle(Z, Array::New(extra_arguments + argument_count));
intptr_t pos = 0;
if (receiver != NULL) {
arguments.SetAt(pos++, *receiver);
if (type_args != NULL) {
arguments.SetAt(pos++, *type_args);
// List of positional.
intptr_t list_length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
false); // read ith expression.
arguments.SetAt(pos++, result_);
// List of named.
list_length = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read list length.
const Array& names = Array::ZoneHandle(Z, Array::New(list_length));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
dart::String& name =
H.DartSymbol(builder_->ReadStringReference()); // read ith name index.
names.SetAt(i, name);
false); // read ith expression.
arguments.SetAt(pos++, result_);
return RunFunction(function, arguments, names);
const Object& StreamingConstantEvaluator::RunFunction(const Function& function,
const Array& arguments,
const Array& names) {
// We do not support generic methods yet.
const int kTypeArgsLen = 0;
const Array& args_descriptor = Array::Handle(
Z, ArgumentsDescriptor::New(kTypeArgsLen, arguments.Length(), names));
const Object& result = Object::Handle(
Z, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(function, arguments, args_descriptor));
if (result.IsError()) {
H.ReportError(Error::Cast(result), "error evaluating constant constructor");
return result;
RawObject* StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateConstConstructorCall(
const dart::Class& type_class,
const TypeArguments& type_arguments,
const Function& constructor,
const Object& argument) {
// Factories have one extra argument: the type arguments.
// Constructors have 1 extra arguments: receiver.
const int kTypeArgsLen = 0;
const int kNumArgs = 1;
const int kNumExtraArgs = 1;
const int num_arguments = kNumArgs + kNumExtraArgs;
const Array& arg_values =
Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(num_arguments, Heap::kOld));
Instance& instance = Instance::Handle(Z);
if (!constructor.IsFactory()) {
instance = Instance::New(type_class, Heap::kOld);
if (!type_arguments.IsNull()) {
TypeArguments::Handle(Z, type_arguments.Canonicalize()));
arg_values.SetAt(0, instance);
} else {
// Prepend type_arguments to list of arguments to factory.
arg_values.SetAt(0, type_arguments);
arg_values.SetAt((0 + kNumExtraArgs), argument);
const Array& args_descriptor =
Array::Handle(Z, ArgumentsDescriptor::New(kTypeArgsLen, num_arguments,
const Object& result = Object::Handle(
Z, DartEntry::InvokeFunction(constructor, arg_values, args_descriptor));
if (constructor.IsFactory()) {
// The factory method returns the allocated object.
instance ^= result.raw();
return H.Canonicalize(instance);
const TypeArguments* StreamingConstantEvaluator::TranslateTypeArguments(
const Function& target,
dart::Class* target_klass) {
intptr_t types_count = builder_->ReadListLength(); // read types count.
const TypeArguments* type_arguments = NULL;
if (types_count > 0) {
type_arguments = &T.BuildInstantiatedTypeArguments(
*target_klass, types_count); // read types.
if (!(type_arguments->IsNull() || type_arguments->IsInstantiated())) {
H.ReportError("Type must be constant in const constructor.");
} else if (target.IsFactory() && type_arguments == NULL) {
// All factories take a type arguments vector as first argument (independent
// of whether the class is generic or not).
type_arguments = &TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(Z, TypeArguments::null());
return type_arguments;
bool StreamingConstantEvaluator::EvaluateBooleanExpressionHere() {
EvaluateExpression(builder_->ReaderOffset(), false);
return result_.raw() == Bool::True().raw();
bool StreamingConstantEvaluator::GetCachedConstant(intptr_t kernel_offset,
Instance* value) {
if (builder_ == NULL || builder_->flow_graph_builder_ == NULL) return false;
const Function& function = builder_->parsed_function()->function();
if (function.kind() == RawFunction::kImplicitStaticFinalGetter) {
// Don't cache constants in initializer expressions. They get
// evaluated only once.
return false;
bool is_present = false;
if (script_.compile_time_constants() == Array::null()) {
return false;
KernelConstantsMap constants(script_.compile_time_constants());
*value ^= constants.GetOrNull(kernel_offset, &is_present);
// Mutator compiler thread may add constants while background compiler
// is running, and thus change the value of 'compile_time_constants';
// do not assert that 'compile_time_constants' has not changed.
if (FLAG_compiler_stats && is_present) {
return is_present;
void StreamingConstantEvaluator::CacheConstantValue(intptr_t kernel_offset,
const Instance& value) {
if (builder_ == NULL || builder_->flow_graph_builder_ == NULL) return;
const Function& function = builder_->parsed_function()->function();
if (function.kind() == RawFunction::kImplicitStaticFinalGetter) {
// Don't cache constants in initializer expressions. They get
// evaluated only once.
const intptr_t kInitialConstMapSize = 16;
if (script_.compile_time_constants() == Array::null()) {
const Array& array = Array::Handle(
HashTables::New<KernelConstantsMap>(kInitialConstMapSize, Heap::kNew));
KernelConstantsMap constants(script_.compile_time_constants());
constants.InsertNewOrGetValue(kernel_offset, value);
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::DiscoverEnclosingElements(
Zone* zone,
const Function& function,
Function* outermost_function,
intptr_t* outermost_kernel_offset,
intptr_t* parent_class_offset) {
// Find out if there is an enclosing kernel class (which will be used to
// resolve type parameters).
*outermost_function = function.raw();
while (outermost_function->parent_function() != Object::null()) {
*outermost_function = outermost_function->parent_function();
if (outermost_function->kernel_offset() > 0) {
*outermost_kernel_offset = outermost_function->kernel_offset();
*parent_class_offset = GetParentOffset(*outermost_kernel_offset);
intptr_t StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::GetParentOffset(intptr_t offset) {
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_, offset);
Tag tag = PeekTag();
switch (tag) {
case kConstructor: {
ConstructorHelper constructor_helper(this);
return constructor_helper.parent_class_binary_offset_;
case kProcedure: {
ProcedureHelper procedure_helper(this);
return procedure_helper.parent_class_binary_offset_;
case kField: {
FieldHelper field_helper(this);
return field_helper.parent_class_binary_offset_;
return -1;
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::GetTypeParameterInfoForClass(
intptr_t class_offset,
intptr_t* type_paremeter_counts,
intptr_t* type_paremeter_offset) {
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_, class_offset);
ClassHelper class_helper(this);
*type_paremeter_counts =
ReadListLength(); // read type_parameters list length.
*type_paremeter_offset = ReaderOffset();
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::GetTypeParameterInfoForPossibleProcedure(
intptr_t outermost_kernel_offset,
bool* member_is_procedure,
bool* is_factory_procedure,
intptr_t* member_type_parameters,
intptr_t* member_type_parameters_offset_start) {
if (outermost_kernel_offset >= 0) {
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_, outermost_kernel_offset);
Tag tag = PeekTag();
if (tag == kProcedure) {
*member_is_procedure = true;
ProcedureHelper procedure_helper(this);
*is_factory_procedure = procedure_helper.kind_ == Procedure::kFactory;
if (ReadTag() == kSomething) {
FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(this);
// read type_parameters list length.
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength();
if (list_length > 0) {
*member_type_parameters = list_length;
*member_type_parameters_offset_start = ReaderOffset();
intptr_t StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadUntilFunctionNode() {
const Tag tag = PeekTag();
if (tag == kProcedure) {
ProcedureHelper procedure_helper(this);
if (ReadTag() == kNothing) { // read function node tag.
// Running a procedure without a function node doesn't make sense.
return -1;
// Now at start of FunctionNode.
} else if (tag == kConstructor) {
ConstructorHelper constructor_helper(this);
return constructor_helper.parent_class_binary_offset_;
// Now at start of FunctionNode.
// Notice that we also have a list of initializers after that!
} else if (tag == kFunctionNode) {
// Already at start of FunctionNode.
} else {
return -1;
StringIndex StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::GetNameFromVariableDeclaration(
intptr_t kernel_offset) {
// Temporarily go to the variable declaration, read the name.
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_, kernel_offset);
VariableDeclarationHelper helper(this);
return helper.name_index_;
FlowGraph* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraphOfStaticFieldInitializer() {
FieldHelper field_helper(this);
Tag initializer_tag = ReadTag(); // read first part of initializer.
if (initializer_tag != kSomething) {
TargetEntryInstr* normal_entry = flow_graph_builder_->BuildTargetEntry();
flow_graph_builder_->graph_entry_ = new (Z) GraphEntryInstr(
*parsed_function(), normal_entry, Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId);
Fragment body(normal_entry);
body += flow_graph_builder_->CheckStackOverflowInPrologue();
if (field_helper.IsConst()) {
// this will (potentially) read the initializer, but reset the position.
body += Constant(constant_evaluator_.EvaluateExpression(ReaderOffset()));
SkipExpression(); // read the initializer.
} else {
body += BuildExpression(); // read initializer.
body += Return(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
return new (Z)
FlowGraph(*parsed_function(), flow_graph_builder_->graph_entry_,
flow_graph_builder_->next_block_id_ - 1);
FlowGraph* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraphOfFieldAccessor(
LocalVariable* setter_value) {
FieldHelper field_helper(this);
const Function& function = parsed_function()->function();
bool is_setter = function.IsImplicitSetterFunction();
bool is_method = !function.IsStaticFunction();
dart::Field& field = dart::Field::ZoneHandle(
Z, H.LookupFieldByKernelField(field_helper.canonical_name_));
TargetEntryInstr* normal_entry = flow_graph_builder_->BuildTargetEntry();
flow_graph_builder_->graph_entry_ = new (Z) GraphEntryInstr(
*parsed_function(), normal_entry, Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId);
Fragment body(normal_entry);
if (is_setter) {
if (is_method) {
body += LoadLocal(scopes()->this_variable);
body += LoadLocal(setter_value);
body += flow_graph_builder_->StoreInstanceFieldGuarded(field, false);
} else {
body += LoadLocal(setter_value);
body += StoreStaticField(TokenPosition::kNoSource, field);
body += NullConstant();
} else if (is_method) {
body += LoadLocal(scopes()->this_variable);
body += flow_graph_builder_->LoadField(field);
} else if (field.is_const()) {
Tag initializer_tag = ReadTag(); // read first part of initializer.
// If the parser needs to know the value of an uninitialized constant field
// it will set the value to the transition sentinel (used to detect circular
// initialization) and then call the implicit getter. Thus, the getter
// cannot contain the InitStaticField instruction that normal static getters
// contain because it would detect spurious circular initialization when it
// checks for the transition sentinel.
ASSERT(initializer_tag == kSomething);
body += Constant(constant_evaluator_.EvaluateExpression(ReaderOffset()));
} else {
// The field always has an initializer because static fields without
// initializers are initialized eagerly and do not have implicit getters.
body += Constant(field);
body += flow_graph_builder_->InitStaticField(field);
body += Constant(field);
body += LoadStaticField();
body += Return(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
return new (Z)
FlowGraph(*parsed_function(), flow_graph_builder_->graph_entry_,
flow_graph_builder_->next_block_id_ - 1);
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SetupDefaultParameterValues() {
intptr_t num_optional_parameters =
if (num_optional_parameters > 0) {
ZoneGrowableArray<const Instance*>* default_values =
new ZoneGrowableArray<const Instance*>(Z, num_optional_parameters);
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_);
FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(this);
if (parsed_function()->function().HasOptionalNamedParameters()) {
// List of positional.
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read ith variable declaration.
// List of named.
list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
ASSERT(num_optional_parameters == list_length);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
Instance* default_value;
// Read ith variable declaration
VariableDeclarationHelper helper(this);
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read (first part of) initializer.
if (tag == kSomething) {
// this will (potentially) read the initializer,
// but reset the position.
default_value =
SkipExpression(); // read (actual) initializer.
} else {
default_value = &Instance::ZoneHandle(Z, Instance::null());
} else {
// List of positional.
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
ASSERT(list_length == function_node_helper.required_parameter_count_ +
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < function_node_helper.required_parameter_count_;
++i) {
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read ith variable declaration.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_optional_parameters; ++i) {
Instance* default_value;
// Read ith variable declaration
VariableDeclarationHelper helper(this);
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read (first part of) initializer.
if (tag == kSomething) {
// this will (potentially) read the initializer,
// but reset the position.
default_value =
SkipExpression(); // read (actual) initializer.
} else {
default_value = &Instance::ZoneHandle(Z, Instance::null());
// List of named.
list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
ASSERT(list_length == 0);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildFieldInitializer(
NameIndex canonical_name) {
dart::Field& field =
dart::Field::ZoneHandle(Z, H.LookupFieldByKernelField(canonical_name));
if (PeekTag() == kNullLiteral) {
SkipExpression(); // read past the null literal.
return Fragment();
Fragment instructions;
instructions += LoadLocal(scopes()->this_variable);
instructions += BuildExpression();
instructions += flow_graph_builder_->StoreInstanceFieldGuarded(field, true);
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildInitializers(
intptr_t constructor_class_parent_offset) {
Fragment instructions;
// Start by getting the position of the constructors initializer.
intptr_t initializers_offset = -1;
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_);
SkipFunctionNode(); // read constructors function node.
initializers_offset = ReaderOffset();
// These come from:
// class A {
// var x = (expr);
// }
// We don't want to do that when this is a Redirecting Constructors though
// (i.e. has a single initializer being of type kRedirectingInitializer).
bool is_redirecting_constructor = false;
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_, initializers_offset);
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read initializers list length.
if (list_length == 1) {
Tag tag = ReadTag();
if (tag == kRedirectingInitializer) is_redirecting_constructor = true;
if (!is_redirecting_constructor) {
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_, constructor_class_parent_offset);
ClassHelper class_helper(this);
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read fields list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
intptr_t field_offset = ReaderOffset();
FieldHelper field_helper(this);
Tag initializer_tag = ReadTag(); // read first part of initializer.
if (!field_helper.IsStatic() && initializer_tag == kSomething) {
instructions += BuildFieldInitializer(
field_helper.canonical_name_); // read initializer.
} else if (initializer_tag == kSomething) {
SkipExpression(); // read initializer.
// These to come from:
// class A {
// var x;
// var y;
// A(this.x) : super(expr), y = (expr);
// }
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_, initializers_offset);
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read initializers list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
Tag tag = ReadTag();
switch (tag) {
case kInvalidInitializer:
return Fragment();
case kFieldInitializer: {
NameIndex canonical_name =
ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read field_reference.
instructions += BuildFieldInitializer(canonical_name); // read value.
case kSuperInitializer: {
NameIndex canonical_target =
ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
instructions += LoadLocal(scopes()->this_variable);
instructions += PushArgument();
// TODO(jensj): ASSERT(init->arguments()->types().length() == 0);
Array& argument_names = Array::ZoneHandle(Z);
intptr_t argument_count;
instructions += BuildArguments(&argument_names,
&argument_count); // read arguments.
argument_count += 1;
const Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, H.LookupConstructorByKernelConstructor(canonical_target));
instructions += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, target,
argument_count, argument_names);
instructions += Drop();
case kRedirectingInitializer: {
ASSERT(list_length == 1);
NameIndex canonical_target =
ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
instructions += LoadLocal(scopes()->this_variable);
instructions += PushArgument();
// TODO(jensj): ASSERT(init->arguments()->types().length() == 0);
Array& argument_names = Array::ZoneHandle(Z);
intptr_t argument_count;
instructions += BuildArguments(&argument_names,
&argument_count); // read arguments.
argument_count += 1;
const Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, H.LookupConstructorByKernelConstructor(canonical_target));
instructions += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, target,
argument_count, argument_names);
instructions += Drop();
case kLocalInitializer: {
// The other initializers following this one might read the variable.
// This is used e.g. for evaluating the arguments to a super call
// first, run normal field initializers next and then make the actual
// super call:
// The frontend converts
// class A {
// var x;
// A(a, b) : super(a + b), x = 2*b {}
// }
// to
// class A {
// var x;
// A(a, b) : tmp = a + b, x = 2*b, super(tmp) {}
// }
// (This is strictly speaking not what one should do in terms of the
// specification but that is how it is currently implemented.)
LocalVariable* variable = LookupVariable(ReaderOffset());
// Variable declaration
VariableDeclarationHelper helper(this);
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read (first part of) initializer.
if (tag != kSomething) {
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read initializer.
instructions += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, variable);
instructions += Drop();
return instructions;
FlowGraph* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraphOfImplicitClosureFunction(
const Function& function) {
const Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(Z, function.parent_function());
TargetEntryInstr* normal_entry = flow_graph_builder_->BuildTargetEntry();
flow_graph_builder_->graph_entry_ = new (Z) GraphEntryInstr(
*parsed_function(), normal_entry, Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId);
Fragment body(normal_entry);
body += flow_graph_builder_->CheckStackOverflowInPrologue();
// Load all the arguments.
if (!target.is_static()) {
// The context has a fixed shape: a single variable which is the
// closed-over receiver.
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function()->current_context_var());
body += flow_graph_builder_->LoadField(Context::variable_offset(0));
body += PushArgument();
FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(this);
// Positional.
intptr_t positional_argument_count = ReadListLength();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < positional_argument_count; ++i) {
body += LoadLocal(LookupVariable(ReaderOffset())); // ith variable offset.
body += PushArgument();
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read ith variable.
// Named.
intptr_t named_argument_count = ReadListLength();
Array& argument_names = Array::ZoneHandle(Z);
if (named_argument_count > 0) {
argument_names = Array::New(named_argument_count);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < named_argument_count; ++i) {
// ith variable offset.
body += LoadLocal(LookupVariable(ReaderOffset()));
body += PushArgument();
StringIndex name = GetNameFromVariableDeclaration(ReaderOffset());
argument_names.SetAt(i, H.DartSymbol(name));
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read ith variable.
// Forward them to the target.
intptr_t argument_count = positional_argument_count + named_argument_count;
if (!target.is_static()) ++argument_count;
body += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, target, argument_count,
// Return the result.
body += Return(function_node_helper.end_position_);
return new (Z)
FlowGraph(*parsed_function(), flow_graph_builder_->graph_entry_,
flow_graph_builder_->next_block_id_ - 1);
static bool IsGetMainClosure(const String& name) {
if (name.Length() < 16) return false;
const char* cstr = "_getMainClosure@";
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
if (name.CharAt(i) != cstr[i]) return false;
return true;
FlowGraph* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraphOfFunction(
bool is_in_builtin_library_toplevel,
intptr_t constructor_class_parent_offset) {
const Function& dart_function = parsed_function()->function();
TargetEntryInstr* normal_entry = flow_graph_builder_->BuildTargetEntry();
flow_graph_builder_->graph_entry_ = new (Z) GraphEntryInstr(
*parsed_function(), normal_entry, flow_graph_builder_->osr_id_);
Fragment body;
if (!dart_function.is_native())
body += flow_graph_builder_->CheckStackOverflowInPrologue();
intptr_t context_size =
if (context_size > 0) {
body += flow_graph_builder_->PushContext(context_size);
LocalVariable* context = MakeTemporary();
// Copy captured parameters from the stack into the context.
LocalScope* scope = parsed_function()->node_sequence()->scope();
intptr_t parameter_count = dart_function.NumParameters();
intptr_t parameter_index = parsed_function()->first_parameter_index();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < parameter_count; ++i, --parameter_index) {
LocalVariable* variable = scope->VariableAt(i);
if (variable->is_captured()) {
// There is no LocalVariable describing the on-stack parameter so
// create one directly and use the same type.
LocalVariable* parameter = new (Z)
LocalVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
Symbols::TempParam(), variable->type());
// Mark the stack variable so it will be ignored by the code for
// try/catch.
// Copy the parameter from the stack to the context. Overwrite it
// with a null constant on the stack so the original value is
// eligible for garbage collection.
body += LoadLocal(context);
body += LoadLocal(parameter);
body += flow_graph_builder_->StoreInstanceField(
body += NullConstant();
body += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, parameter);
body += Drop();
body += Drop(); // The context.
if (constructor_class_parent_offset > 0) {
// TODO(27590): Currently the [VariableDeclaration]s from the
// initializers will be visible inside the entire body of the constructor.
// We should make a separate scope for them.
body += BuildInitializers(constructor_class_parent_offset);
FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(this);
intptr_t first_parameter_offset = -1;
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_);
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read number of positionals.
if (list_length > 0) {
first_parameter_offset = ReaderOffset();
// Current position: About to read list of positionals.
// The specification defines the result of `a == b` to be:
// a) if either side is `null` then the result is `identical(a, b)`.
// b) else the result is `a.operator==(b)`
// For user-defined implementations of `operator==` we need therefore
// implement the handling of a).
// The default `operator==` implementation in `Object` is implemented in terms
// of identical (which we assume here!) which means that case a) is actually
// included in b). So we just use the normal implementation in the body.
if ((dart_function.NumParameters() == 2) &&
( == Symbols::EqualOperator().raw()) &&
(dart_function.Owner() != I->object_store()->object_class())) {
LocalVariable* parameter = LookupVariable(first_parameter_offset);
TargetEntryInstr* null_entry;
TargetEntryInstr* non_null_entry;
body += LoadLocal(parameter);
body += BranchIfNull(&null_entry, &non_null_entry);
// The argument was `null` and the receiver is not the null class (we only
// go into this branch for user-defined == operators) so we can return
// false.
Fragment null_fragment(null_entry);
null_fragment += Constant(Bool::False());
null_fragment += Return(dart_function.end_token_pos());
body = Fragment(body.entry, non_null_entry);
// If we run in checked mode, we have to check the type of the passed
// arguments.
if (I->type_checks()) {
// Positional.
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
// ith variable offset.
body += LoadLocal(LookupVariable(ReaderOffset()));
body += CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(ReaderOffset());
body += Drop();
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read ith variable.
// Named.
list_length = ReadListLength();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
// ith variable offset.
body += LoadLocal(LookupVariable(ReaderOffset()));
body += CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(ReaderOffset());
body += Drop();
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read ith variable.
if (FLAG_causal_async_stacks &&
(dart_function.IsAsyncFunction() || dart_function.IsAsyncGenerator())) {
LocalScope* scope = parsed_function()->node_sequence()->scope();
// :async_stack_trace = _asyncStackTraceHelper(:async_op);
const dart::Library& async_lib =
const Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(
// TODO(johnmccutchan): Why does this have the null value?
LocalVariable* async_op =
scope->child()->LookupVariable(Symbols::AsyncOperation(), false);
ASSERT(async_op != NULL);
body += LoadLocal(async_op);
body += PushArgument();
body += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, target, 1);
LocalVariable* async_stack_trace_var =
scope->LookupVariable(Symbols::AsyncStackTraceVar(), false);
ASSERT(async_stack_trace_var != NULL);
body += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, async_stack_trace_var);
body += Drop();
bool has_body = ReadTag() == kSomething; // read first part of body.
if (dart_function.is_native()) {
body += flow_graph_builder_->NativeFunctionBody(first_parameter_offset,
} else if (has_body) {
if (is_in_builtin_library_toplevel &&
IsGetMainClosure(dart::String::Handle(Z, {
body += BuildGetMainClosure();
} else {
body += BuildStatement(); // read body.
if (body.is_open()) {
body += NullConstant();
body += Return(dart_function.end_token_pos());
// If functions body contains any yield points build switch statement that
// selects a continuation point based on the value of :await_jump_var.
if (!yield_continuations().is_empty()) {
// The code we are building will be executed right after we enter
// the function and before any nested contexts are allocated.
// Reset current context_depth_ to match this.
const intptr_t current_context_depth = flow_graph_builder_->context_depth_;
flow_graph_builder_->context_depth_ =
// Prepend an entry corresponding to normal entry to the function.
0, YieldContinuation(new (Z) DropTempsInstr(0, NULL),
// Build a switch statement.
Fragment dispatch;
// Load :await_jump_var into a temporary.
dispatch += LoadLocal(scopes()->yield_jump_variable);
dispatch += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, scopes()->switch_variable);
dispatch += Drop();
BlockEntryInstr* block = NULL;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < yield_continuations().length(); i++) {
if (i == 1) {
// This is not a normal entry but a resumption. Restore
// :current_context_var from :await_ctx_var.
// Note: after this point context_depth_ does not match current context
// depth so we should not access any local variables anymore.
dispatch += LoadLocal(scopes()->yield_context_variable);
dispatch += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
dispatch += Drop();
if (i == (yield_continuations().length() - 1)) {
// We reached the last possility, no need to build more ifs.
// Continue to the last continuation.
// Note: continuations start with nop DropTemps instruction
// which acts like an anchor, so we need to skip it.
dispatch <<= yield_continuations()[i].entry->next();
// Build comparison:
// if (:await_ctx_var == i) {
// -> yield_continuations()[i]
// } else ...
TargetEntryInstr* then;
TargetEntryInstr* otherwise;
dispatch += LoadLocal(scopes()->switch_variable);
dispatch += IntConstant(i);
dispatch += flow_graph_builder_->BranchIfStrictEqual(&then, &otherwise);
// True branch is linked to appropriate continuation point.
// Note: continuations start with nop DropTemps instruction
// which acts like an anchor, so we need to skip it.
// False branch will contain the next comparison.
dispatch = Fragment(dispatch.entry, otherwise);
block = otherwise;
body = dispatch;
flow_graph_builder_->context_depth_ = current_context_depth;
if (FLAG_causal_async_stacks &&
(dart_function.IsAsyncClosure() || dart_function.IsAsyncGenClosure())) {
// The code we are building will be executed right after we enter
// the function and before any nested contexts are allocated.
// Reset current context_depth_ to match this.
const intptr_t current_context_depth = flow_graph_builder_->context_depth_;
flow_graph_builder_->context_depth_ =
Fragment instructions;
LocalScope* scope = parsed_function()->node_sequence()->scope();
const Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, I->object_store()->async_set_thread_stack_trace());
// Fetch and load :async_stack_trace
LocalVariable* async_stack_trace_var =
scope->LookupVariable(Symbols::AsyncStackTraceVar(), false);
ASSERT((async_stack_trace_var != NULL) &&
instructions += LoadLocal(async_stack_trace_var);
instructions += PushArgument();
// Call _asyncSetThreadStackTrace
instructions += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, target, 1);
instructions += Drop();
// TODO(29737): This sequence should be generated in order.
body = instructions + body;
flow_graph_builder_->context_depth_ = current_context_depth;
if (NeedsDebugStepCheck(dart_function, function_node_helper.position_)) {
const intptr_t current_context_depth = flow_graph_builder_->context_depth_;
flow_graph_builder_->context_depth_ = 0;
// If a switch was added above: Start the switch by injecting a debuggable
// safepoint so stepping over an await works.
// If not, still start the body with a debuggable safepoint to ensure
// breaking on a method always happens, even if there are no
// assignments/calls/runtimecalls in the first basic block.
// Place this check at the last parameter to ensure parameters
// are in scope in the debugger at method entry.
const int num_params = dart_function.NumParameters();
TokenPosition check_pos = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
if (num_params > 0) {
LocalScope* scope = parsed_function()->node_sequence()->scope();
const LocalVariable& parameter = *scope->VariableAt(num_params - 1);
check_pos = parameter.token_pos();
if (!check_pos.IsDebugPause()) {
// No parameters or synthetic parameters.
check_pos = function_node_helper.position_;
// TODO(29737): This sequence should be generated in order.
body = DebugStepCheck(check_pos) + body;
flow_graph_builder_->context_depth_ = current_context_depth;
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry = flow_graph_builder_->graph_entry_;
// When compiling for OSR, use a depth first search to find the OSR
// entry and make graph entry jump to it instead of normal entry.
// Catch entries are always considered reachable, even if they
// become unreachable after OSR.
if (flow_graph_builder_->osr_id_ != Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId) {
graph_entry->RelinkToOsrEntry(Z, flow_graph_builder_->next_block_id_);
return new (Z) FlowGraph(*parsed_function(), graph_entry,
flow_graph_builder_->next_block_id_ - 1);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildGetMainClosure() {
// _getMainClosure in dart:_builtin. Compile that one specially here.
const dart::Library& builtin =
dart::Library::Handle(Z, I->object_store()->builtin_library());
const Object& main =
Object::Handle(Z, builtin.LookupObjectAllowPrivate(dart::String::Handle(
Z, dart::String::New("main"))));
if (main.IsField()) {
} else if (main.IsFunction()) {
const Function& function = Function::Cast(main);
if (function.kind() == RawFunction::kRegularFunction) {
const Function& closure_function =
Function::Handle(Z, function.ImplicitClosureFunction());
const Instance& closure =
Instance::ZoneHandle(Z, closure_function.ImplicitStaticClosure());
Fragment instructions = Constant(closure);
instructions += Return(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
return instructions;
} else {
} else {
return Fragment();
FlowGraph* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraph(intptr_t kernel_offset) {
const Function& function = parsed_function()->function();
// Setup a [ActiveClassScope] and a [ActiveMemberScope] which will be used
// e.g. for type translation.
const dart::Class& klass =
dart::Class::Handle(zone_, parsed_function()->function().Owner());
bool is_in_builtin_library_toplevel =
klass.library() == I->object_store()->builtin_library() &&
Function& outermost_function = Function::Handle(Z);
intptr_t outermost_kernel_offset = -1;
intptr_t parent_class_offset = -1;
DiscoverEnclosingElements(Z, function, &outermost_function,
&outermost_kernel_offset, &parent_class_offset);
// Use [klass]/[kernel_class] as active class. Type parameters will get
// resolved via [kernel_class] unless we are nested inside a static factory
// in which case we will use [member].
intptr_t class_type_parameters = 0;
intptr_t class_type_parameters_offset_start = -1;
if (parent_class_offset > 0) {
GetTypeParameterInfoForClass(parent_class_offset, &class_type_parameters,
ActiveClassScope active_class_scope(active_class(), class_type_parameters,
bool member_is_procedure = false;
bool is_factory_procedure = false;
intptr_t member_type_parameters = 0;
intptr_t member_type_parameters_offset_start = -1;
outermost_kernel_offset, &member_is_procedure, &is_factory_procedure,
&member_type_parameters, &member_type_parameters_offset_start);
ActiveMemberScope active_member(active_class(), member_is_procedure,
is_factory_procedure, member_type_parameters,
// The IR builder will create its own local variables and scopes, and it
// will not need an AST. The code generator will assume that there is a
// local variable stack slot allocated for the current context and (I
// think) that the runtime will expect it to be at a fixed offset which
// requires allocating an unused expression temporary variable.
switch (function.kind()) {
case RawFunction::kClosureFunction:
case RawFunction::kRegularFunction:
case RawFunction::kGetterFunction:
case RawFunction::kSetterFunction: {
ReadUntilFunctionNode(); // read until function node.
return function.IsImplicitClosureFunction()
? BuildGraphOfImplicitClosureFunction(function)
: BuildGraphOfFunction(is_in_builtin_library_toplevel);
case RawFunction::kConstructor: {
bool is_factory = function.IsFactory();
if (is_factory) {
ReadUntilFunctionNode(); // read until function node.
return BuildGraphOfFunction(is_in_builtin_library_toplevel);
} else {
// Constructor: Pass offset to parent class.
return BuildGraphOfFunction(
ReadUntilFunctionNode()); // read until function node.
case RawFunction::kImplicitGetter:
case RawFunction::kImplicitStaticFinalGetter:
case RawFunction::kImplicitSetter: {
return IsStaticInitializer(function, Z)
? BuildGraphOfStaticFieldInitializer()
: BuildGraphOfFieldAccessor(scopes()->setter_value);
case RawFunction::kMethodExtractor:
return flow_graph_builder_->BuildGraphOfMethodExtractor(function);
case RawFunction::kNoSuchMethodDispatcher:
return flow_graph_builder_->BuildGraphOfNoSuchMethodDispatcher(function);
case RawFunction::kInvokeFieldDispatcher:
return flow_graph_builder_->BuildGraphOfInvokeFieldDispatcher(function);
case RawFunction::kSignatureFunction:
case RawFunction::kIrregexpFunction:
return NULL;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildStatementAt(intptr_t kernel_offset) {
return BuildStatement(); // read statement.
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildExpression(TokenPosition* position) {
uint8_t payload = 0;
Tag tag = ReadTag(&payload); // read tag.
switch (tag) {
case kInvalidExpression:
return BuildInvalidExpression(position);
case kVariableGet:
return BuildVariableGet(position);
case kSpecializedVariableGet:
return BuildVariableGet(payload, position);
case kVariableSet:
return BuildVariableSet(position);
case kSpecializedVariableSet:
return BuildVariableSet(payload, position);
case kPropertyGet:
return BuildPropertyGet(position);
case kPropertySet:
return BuildPropertySet(position);
case kDirectPropertyGet:
return BuildDirectPropertyGet(position);
case kDirectPropertySet:
return BuildDirectPropertySet(position);
case kStaticGet:
return BuildStaticGet(position);
case kStaticSet:
return BuildStaticSet(position);
case kMethodInvocation:
return BuildMethodInvocation(position);
case kDirectMethodInvocation:
return BuildDirectMethodInvocation(position);
case kStaticInvocation:
return BuildStaticInvocation(false, position);
case kConstStaticInvocation:
return BuildStaticInvocation(true, position);
case kConstructorInvocation:
return BuildConstructorInvocation(false, position);
case kConstConstructorInvocation:
return BuildConstructorInvocation(true, position);
case kNot:
return BuildNot(position);
case kLogicalExpression:
return BuildLogicalExpression(position);
case kConditionalExpression:
return BuildConditionalExpression(position);
case kStringConcatenation:
return BuildStringConcatenation(position);
case kIsExpression:
return BuildIsExpression(position);
case kAsExpression:
return BuildAsExpression(position);
case kSymbolLiteral:
return BuildSymbolLiteral(position);
case kTypeLiteral:
return BuildTypeLiteral(position);
case kThisExpression:
return BuildThisExpression(position);
case kRethrow:
return BuildRethrow(position);
case kThrow:
return BuildThrow(position);
case kListLiteral:
return BuildListLiteral(false, position);
case kConstListLiteral:
return BuildListLiteral(true, position);
case kMapLiteral:
return BuildMapLiteral(false, position);
case kConstMapLiteral:
return BuildMapLiteral(true, position);
case kFunctionExpression:
return BuildFunctionExpression();
case kLet:
return BuildLet(position);
case kBigIntLiteral:
return BuildBigIntLiteral(position);
case kStringLiteral:
return BuildStringLiteral(position);
case kSpecialIntLiteral:
return BuildIntLiteral(payload, position);
case kNegativeIntLiteral:
return BuildIntLiteral(true, position);
case kPositiveIntLiteral:
return BuildIntLiteral(false, position);
case kDoubleLiteral:
return BuildDoubleLiteral(position);
case kTrueLiteral:
return BuildBoolLiteral(true, position);
case kFalseLiteral:
return BuildBoolLiteral(false, position);
case kNullLiteral:
return BuildNullLiteral(position);
return Fragment();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildStatement() {
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read tag.
switch (tag) {
case kInvalidStatement:
return BuildInvalidStatement();
case kExpressionStatement:
return BuildExpressionStatement();
case kBlock:
return BuildBlock();
case kEmptyStatement:
return BuildEmptyStatement();
case kAssertStatement:
return BuildAssertStatement();
case kLabeledStatement:
return BuildLabeledStatement();
case kBreakStatement:
return BuildBreakStatement();
case kWhileStatement:
return BuildWhileStatement();
case kDoStatement:
return BuildDoStatement();
case kForStatement:
return BuildForStatement();
case kForInStatement:
return BuildForInStatement(false);
case kAsyncForInStatement:
return BuildForInStatement(true);
case kSwitchStatement:
return BuildSwitchStatement();
case kContinueSwitchStatement:
return BuildContinueSwitchStatement();
case kIfStatement:
return BuildIfStatement();
case kReturnStatement:
return BuildReturnStatement();
case kTryCatch:
return BuildTryCatch();
case kTryFinally:
return BuildTryFinally();
case kYieldStatement:
return BuildYieldStatement();
case kVariableDeclaration:
return BuildVariableDeclaration();
case kFunctionDeclaration:
return BuildFunctionDeclaration();
return Fragment();
intptr_t StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReaderOffset() {
return reader_->offset();
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SetOffset(intptr_t offset) {
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipBytes(intptr_t bytes) {
reader_->set_offset(ReaderOffset() + bytes);
bool StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadBool() {
return reader_->ReadBool();
uint8_t StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadByte() {
return reader_->ReadByte();
uint32_t StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadUInt() {
return reader_->ReadUInt();
uint32_t StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::PeekUInt() {
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_);
return reader_->ReadUInt();
intptr_t StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadListLength() {
return reader_->ReadListLength();
StringIndex StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadStringReference() {
return StringIndex(ReadUInt());
NameIndex StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadCanonicalNameReference() {
return reader_->ReadCanonicalNameReference();
StringIndex StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadNameAsStringIndex() {
StringIndex name_index = ReadStringReference(); // read name index.
if ((H.StringSize(name_index) >= 1) && H.CharacterAt(name_index, 0) == '_') {
ReadUInt(); // read library index.
return name_index;
const dart::String& StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadNameAsMethodName() {
StringIndex name_index = ReadStringReference(); // read name index.
if ((H.StringSize(name_index) >= 1) && H.CharacterAt(name_index, 0) == '_') {
NameIndex library_reference =
ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read library index.
return H.DartMethodName(library_reference, name_index);
} else {
return H.DartMethodName(NameIndex(), name_index);
const dart::String& StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadNameAsSetterName() {
StringIndex name_index = ReadStringReference(); // read name index.
if ((H.StringSize(name_index) >= 1) && H.CharacterAt(name_index, 0) == '_') {
NameIndex library_reference =
ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read library index.
return H.DartSetterName(library_reference, name_index);
} else {
return H.DartSetterName(NameIndex(), name_index);
const dart::String& StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadNameAsGetterName() {
StringIndex name_index = ReadStringReference(); // read name index.
if ((H.StringSize(name_index) >= 1) && H.CharacterAt(name_index, 0) == '_') {
NameIndex library_reference =
ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read library index.
return H.DartGetterName(library_reference, name_index);
} else {
return H.DartGetterName(NameIndex(), name_index);
const dart::String& StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadNameAsFieldName() {
StringIndex name_index = ReadStringReference(); // read name index.
if ((H.StringSize(name_index) >= 1) && H.CharacterAt(name_index, 0) == '_') {
NameIndex library_reference =
ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read library index.
return H.DartFieldName(library_reference, name_index);
} else {
return H.DartFieldName(NameIndex(), name_index);
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipStringReference() {
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipCanonicalNameReference() {
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipDartType() {
Tag tag = ReadTag();
switch (tag) {
case kInvalidType:
case kDynamicType:
case kVoidType:
case kBottomType:
// those contain nothing.
case kInterfaceType:
case kSimpleInterfaceType:
case kFunctionType:
case kSimpleFunctionType:
case kTypeParameterType:
ReadUInt(); // read index for parameter.
ReadUInt(); // read list binary offset.
ReadUInt(); // read index in list.
SkipOptionalDartType(); // read bound bound.
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipOptionalDartType() {
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read tag.
if (tag == kNothing) {
ASSERT(tag == kSomething);
SkipDartType(); // read type.
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipInterfaceType(bool simple) {
ReadUInt(); // read klass_name.
if (!simple) {
SkipListOfDartTypes(); // read list of types.
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipFunctionType(bool simple) {
if (!simple) {
SkipTypeParametersList(); // read type_parameters.
ReadUInt(); // read required parameter count.
ReadUInt(); // read total parameter count.
SkipListOfDartTypes(); // read positional_parameters types.
if (!simple) {
const intptr_t named_count =
ReadListLength(); // read named_parameters list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < named_count; ++i) {
// read string reference (i.e. named_parameters[i].name).
SkipDartType(); // read named_parameters[i].type.
SkipDartType(); // read return type.
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipListOfExpressions() {
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
SkipExpression(); // read ith expression.
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipListOfDartTypes() {
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
SkipDartType(); // read ith type.
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipListOfVariableDeclarations() {
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read ith variable declaration.
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipTypeParametersList() {
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
SkipStringReference(); // read ith name index.
SkipDartType(); // read ith bound.
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipExpression() {
uint8_t payload = 0;
Tag tag = ReadTag(&payload);
switch (tag) {
case kInvalidExpression:
case kVariableGet:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
ReadUInt(); // read relative variable index.
SkipOptionalDartType(); // read promoted type.
case kSpecializedVariableGet:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
case kVariableSet:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
ReadUInt(); // read relative variable index.
SkipExpression(); // read expression.
case kSpecializedVariableSet:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
SkipExpression(); // read expression.
case kPropertyGet:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipExpression(); // read receiver.
SkipName(); // read name.
// Read unused "interface_target_reference".
case kPropertySet:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipExpression(); // read receiver.
SkipName(); // read name.
SkipExpression(); // read value.
// read unused "interface_target_reference".
case kDirectPropertyGet:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipExpression(); // read receiver.
SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
case kDirectPropertySet:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipExpression(); // read receiver.
SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
SkipExpression(); // read value·
case kStaticGet:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
case kStaticSet:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
SkipExpression(); // read expression.
case kMethodInvocation:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipExpression(); // read receiver.
SkipName(); // read name.
SkipArguments(); // read arguments.
// read unused "interface_target_reference".
case kDirectMethodInvocation:
SkipExpression(); // read receiver.
SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
SkipArguments(); // read arguments.
case kStaticInvocation:
case kConstStaticInvocation:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read procedure_reference.
SkipArguments(); // read arguments.
case kConstructorInvocation:
case kConstConstructorInvocation:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
SkipArguments(); // read arguments.
case kNot:
SkipExpression(); // read expression.
case kLogicalExpression:
SkipExpression(); // read left.
SkipBytes(1); // read operator.
SkipExpression(); // read right.
case kConditionalExpression:
SkipExpression(); // read condition.
SkipExpression(); // read then.
SkipExpression(); // read otherwise.
SkipOptionalDartType(); // read unused static type.
case kStringConcatenation:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipListOfExpressions(); // read list of expressions.
case kIsExpression:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipExpression(); // read operand.
SkipDartType(); // read type.
case kAsExpression:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipExpression(); // read operand.
SkipDartType(); // read type.
case kSymbolLiteral:
SkipStringReference(); // read index into string table.
case kTypeLiteral:
SkipDartType(); // read type.
case kThisExpression:
case kRethrow:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
case kThrow:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipExpression(); // read expression.
case kListLiteral:
case kConstListLiteral:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipDartType(); // read type.
SkipListOfExpressions(); // read list of expressions.
case kMapLiteral:
case kConstMapLiteral: {
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipDartType(); // read key type.
SkipDartType(); // read value type.
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
SkipExpression(); // read ith key.
SkipExpression(); // read ith value.
case kFunctionExpression:
SkipFunctionNode(); // read function node.
case kLet:
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read variable declaration.
SkipExpression(); // read expression.
case kBigIntLiteral:
SkipStringReference(); // read string reference.
case kStringLiteral:
SkipStringReference(); // read string reference.
case kSpecialIntLiteral:
case kNegativeIntLiteral:
ReadUInt(); // read value.
case kPositiveIntLiteral:
ReadUInt(); // read value.
case kDoubleLiteral:
SkipStringReference(); // read index into string table.
case kTrueLiteral:
case kFalseLiteral:
case kNullLiteral:
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipStatement() {
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read tag.
switch (tag) {
case kInvalidStatement:
case kExpressionStatement:
SkipExpression(); // read expression.
case kBlock: {
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read number of statements.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
SkipStatement(); // read ith statement.
case kEmptyStatement:
case kAssertStatement: {
SkipExpression(); // Read condition.
ReadPosition(); // read condition start offset.
ReadPosition(); // read condition end offset.
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read (first part of) message.
if (tag == kSomething) {
SkipExpression(); // read (rest of) message.
case kLabeledStatement:
SkipStatement(); // read body.
case kBreakStatement:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
ReadUInt(); // read target_index.
case kWhileStatement:
SkipExpression(); // read condition.
SkipStatement(); // read body.
case kDoStatement:
SkipStatement(); // read body.
SkipExpression(); // read condition.
case kForStatement: {
SkipListOfVariableDeclarations(); // read variables.
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // Read first part of condition.
if (tag == kSomething) {
SkipExpression(); // read rest of condition.
SkipListOfExpressions(); // read updates.
SkipStatement(); // read body.
case kForInStatement:
case kAsyncForInStatement:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read variable.
SkipExpression(); // read iterable.
SkipStatement(); // read body.
case kSwitchStatement: {
SkipExpression(); // read condition.
int num_cases = ReadListLength(); // read number of cases.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_cases; ++i) {
int num_expressions = ReadListLength(); // read number of expressions.
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < num_expressions; ++j) {
ReadPosition(); // read jth position.
SkipExpression(); // read jth expression.
ReadBool(); // read is_default.
SkipStatement(); // read body.
case kContinueSwitchStatement:
ReadUInt(); // read target_index.
case kIfStatement:
SkipExpression(); // read condition.
SkipStatement(); // read then.
SkipStatement(); // read otherwise.
case kReturnStatement: {
ReadPosition(); // read position
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read (first part of) expression.
if (tag == kSomething) {
SkipExpression(); // read (rest of) expression.
case kTryCatch: {
SkipStatement(); // read body.
ReadBool(); // read any_catch_needs_stack_trace.
intptr_t num_catches = ReadListLength(); // read number of catches.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_catches; ++i) {
SkipDartType(); // read guard.
tag = ReadTag(); // read first part of exception.
if (tag == kSomething) {
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read exception.
tag = ReadTag(); // read first part of stack trace.
if (tag == kSomething) {
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read stack trace.
SkipStatement(); // read body.
case kTryFinally:
SkipStatement(); // read body.
SkipStatement(); // read finalizer.
case kYieldStatement:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
ReadByte(); // read flags.
SkipExpression(); // read expression.
case kVariableDeclaration:
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read variable declaration.
case kFunctionDeclaration:
ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read variable.
SkipFunctionNode(); // read function node.
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipFunctionNode() {
FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(this);
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipName() {
StringIndex name_index = ReadStringReference(); // read name index.
if ((H.StringSize(name_index) >= 1) && H.CharacterAt(name_index, 0) == '_') {
SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read library index.
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipArguments() {
ReadUInt(); // read argument count.
SkipListOfDartTypes(); // read list of types.
SkipListOfExpressions(); // read positionals.
// List of named.
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
SkipStringReference(); // read ith name index.
SkipExpression(); // read ith expression.
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipVariableDeclaration() {
VariableDeclarationHelper helper(this);
TokenPosition StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadPosition(bool record) {
return reader_->ReadPosition(record);
Tag StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadTag(uint8_t* payload) {
return reader_->ReadTag(payload);
Tag StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::PeekTag(uint8_t* payload) {
return reader_->PeekTag(payload);
word StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ReadFlags() {
return reader_->ReadFlags();
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::loop_depth_inc() {
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::loop_depth_dec() {
intptr_t StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::for_in_depth() {
return flow_graph_builder_->for_in_depth_;
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::for_in_depth_inc() {
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::for_in_depth_dec() {
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::catch_depth_inc() {
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::catch_depth_dec() {
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::try_depth_inc() {
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::try_depth_dec() {
intptr_t StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::CurrentTryIndex() {
return flow_graph_builder_->CurrentTryIndex();
intptr_t StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::AllocateTryIndex() {
return flow_graph_builder_->AllocateTryIndex();
LocalVariable* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::CurrentException() {
return flow_graph_builder_->CurrentException();
LocalVariable* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::CurrentStackTrace() {
return flow_graph_builder_->CurrentStackTrace();
CatchBlock* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::catch_block() {
return flow_graph_builder_->catch_block_;
ActiveClass* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::active_class() {
return &flow_graph_builder_->active_class_;
ScopeBuildingResult* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::scopes() {
return flow_graph_builder_->scopes_;
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::set_scopes(ScopeBuildingResult* scope) {
flow_graph_builder_->scopes_ = scope;
ParsedFunction* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::parsed_function() {
return flow_graph_builder_->parsed_function_;
TryFinallyBlock* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::try_finally_block() {
return flow_graph_builder_->try_finally_block_;
SwitchBlock* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::switch_block() {
return flow_graph_builder_->switch_block_;
BreakableBlock* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::breakable_block() {
return flow_graph_builder_->breakable_block_;
StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::yield_continuations() {
return flow_graph_builder_->yield_continuations_;
Value* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::stack() {
return flow_graph_builder_->stack_;
Value* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::Pop() {
return flow_graph_builder_->Pop();
Tag StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::PeekArgumentsFirstPositionalTag() {
// read parts of arguments, then go back to before doing so.
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_);
ReadUInt(); // read number of arguments.
SkipListOfDartTypes(); // Read list of types.
// List of positional.
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
return ReadTag(); // read first tag.
return kNothing;
const TypeArguments& StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::PeekArgumentsInstantiatedType(
const dart::Class& klass) {
// read parts of arguments, then go back to before doing so.
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_);
ReadUInt(); // read argument count.
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read types list length.
return T.BuildInstantiatedTypeArguments(klass, list_length); // read types.
intptr_t StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::PeekArgumentsCount() {
return PeekUInt();
intptr_t StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::PeekArgumentsTypeCount() {
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_);
ReadUInt(); // read arguments count.
return ReadListLength(); // read length of types list.
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SkipArgumentsBeforeActualArguments() {
ReadUInt(); // read arguments count.
SkipListOfDartTypes(); // read list of types.
LocalVariable* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::LookupVariable(
intptr_t kernel_offset) {
return flow_graph_builder_->LookupVariable(kernel_offset);
LocalVariable* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::MakeTemporary() {
return flow_graph_builder_->MakeTemporary();
Token::Kind StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::MethodKind(const dart::String& name) {
return flow_graph_builder_->MethodKind(name);
dart::RawFunction* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::LookupMethodByMember(
NameIndex target,
const dart::String& method_name) {
return flow_graph_builder_->LookupMethodByMember(target, method_name);
bool StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::NeedsDebugStepCheck(const Function& function,
TokenPosition position) {
return flow_graph_builder_->NeedsDebugStepCheck(function, position);
bool StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::NeedsDebugStepCheck(Value* value,
TokenPosition position) {
return flow_graph_builder_->NeedsDebugStepCheck(value, position);
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::InlineBailout(const char* reason) {
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::DebugStepCheck(TokenPosition position) {
return flow_graph_builder_->DebugStepCheck(position);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::LoadLocal(LocalVariable* variable) {
return flow_graph_builder_->LoadLocal(variable);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::Return(TokenPosition position) {
return flow_graph_builder_->Return(position);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::PushArgument() {
return flow_graph_builder_->PushArgument();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::EvaluateAssertion() {
return flow_graph_builder_->EvaluateAssertion();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::RethrowException(TokenPosition position,
int catch_try_index) {
return flow_graph_builder_->RethrowException(position, catch_try_index);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ThrowNoSuchMethodError() {
return flow_graph_builder_->ThrowNoSuchMethodError();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::Constant(const Object& value) {
return flow_graph_builder_->Constant(value);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::IntConstant(int64_t value) {
return flow_graph_builder_->IntConstant(value);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::LoadStaticField() {
return flow_graph_builder_->LoadStaticField();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::StaticCall(TokenPosition position,
const Function& target,
intptr_t argument_count) {
return flow_graph_builder_->StaticCall(position, target, argument_count);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::StaticCall(TokenPosition position,
const Function& target,
intptr_t argument_count,
const Array& argument_names) {
return flow_graph_builder_->StaticCall(position, target, argument_count,
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::InstanceCall(TokenPosition position,
const dart::String& name,
Token::Kind kind,
intptr_t argument_count,
intptr_t num_args_checked) {
return flow_graph_builder_->InstanceCall(position, name, kind, argument_count,
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ThrowException(TokenPosition position) {
return flow_graph_builder_->ThrowException(position);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BooleanNegate() {
return flow_graph_builder_->BooleanNegate();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments(
const TypeArguments& type_arguments) {
return flow_graph_builder_->TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments(
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::StrictCompare(Token::Kind kind,
bool number_check) {
return flow_graph_builder_->StrictCompare(kind, number_check);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::AllocateObject(TokenPosition position,
const dart::Class& klass,
intptr_t argument_count) {
return flow_graph_builder_->AllocateObject(position, klass, argument_count);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::InstanceCall(TokenPosition position,
const dart::String& name,
Token::Kind kind,
intptr_t argument_count,
const Array& argument_names,
intptr_t num_args_checked) {
return flow_graph_builder_->InstanceCall(position, name, kind, argument_count,
argument_names, num_args_checked);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::StoreLocal(TokenPosition position,
LocalVariable* variable) {
return flow_graph_builder_->StoreLocal(position, variable);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::StoreStaticField(TokenPosition position,
const dart::Field& field) {
return flow_graph_builder_->StoreStaticField(position, field);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::StringInterpolate(TokenPosition position) {
return flow_graph_builder_->StringInterpolate(position);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::StringInterpolateSingle(
TokenPosition position) {
return flow_graph_builder_->StringInterpolateSingle(position);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ThrowTypeError() {
return flow_graph_builder_->ThrowTypeError();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments() {
return flow_graph_builder_->LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::LoadFunctionTypeArguments() {
return flow_graph_builder_->LoadFunctionTypeArguments();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::InstantiateType(const AbstractType& type) {
return flow_graph_builder_->InstantiateType(type);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::CreateArray() {
return flow_graph_builder_->CreateArray();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::StoreIndexed(intptr_t class_id) {
return flow_graph_builder_->StoreIndexed(class_id);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::CheckStackOverflow() {
return flow_graph_builder_->CheckStackOverflow();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::CloneContext() {
return flow_graph_builder_->CloneContext();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::TranslateFinallyFinalizers(
TryFinallyBlock* outer_finally,
intptr_t target_context_depth) {
// TranslateFinallyFinalizers can move the readers offset.
// Save the current position and restore it afterwards.
AlternativeReadingScope alt(reader_);
return flow_graph_builder_->TranslateFinallyFinalizers(outer_finally,
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BranchIfTrue(
TargetEntryInstr** then_entry,
TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry,
bool negate) {
return flow_graph_builder_->BranchIfTrue(then_entry, otherwise_entry, negate);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BranchIfEqual(
TargetEntryInstr** then_entry,
TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry,
bool negate) {
return flow_graph_builder_->BranchIfEqual(then_entry, otherwise_entry,
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BranchIfNull(
TargetEntryInstr** then_entry,
TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry,
bool negate) {
return flow_graph_builder_->BranchIfNull(then_entry, otherwise_entry, negate);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::CatchBlockEntry(const Array& handler_types,
intptr_t handler_index,
bool needs_stacktrace) {
return flow_graph_builder_->CatchBlockEntry(handler_types, handler_index,
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::TryCatch(int try_handler_index) {
return flow_graph_builder_->TryCatch(try_handler_index);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::Drop() {
return flow_graph_builder_->Drop();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::NullConstant() {
return flow_graph_builder_->NullConstant();
JoinEntryInstr* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildJoinEntry() {
return flow_graph_builder_->BuildJoinEntry();
JoinEntryInstr* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildJoinEntry(intptr_t try_index) {
return flow_graph_builder_->BuildJoinEntry(try_index);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::Goto(JoinEntryInstr* destination) {
return flow_graph_builder_->Goto(destination);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildImplicitClosureCreation(
const Function& target) {
return flow_graph_builder_->BuildImplicitClosureCreation(target);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::CheckBooleanInCheckedMode() {
return flow_graph_builder_->CheckBooleanInCheckedMode();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::CheckAssignableInCheckedMode(
const dart::AbstractType& dst_type,
const dart::String& dst_name) {
return flow_graph_builder_->CheckAssignableInCheckedMode(dst_type, dst_name);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(
intptr_t variable_kernel_position) {
if (I->type_checks()) {
LocalVariable* variable = LookupVariable(variable_kernel_position);
return flow_graph_builder_->CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(
variable->type(), variable->name());
return Fragment();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(
const AbstractType& dst_type,
const dart::String& name_symbol) {
return flow_graph_builder_->CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(dst_type,
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::EnterScope(intptr_t kernel_offset,
bool* new_context) {
return flow_graph_builder_->EnterScope(kernel_offset, new_context);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::ExitScope(intptr_t kernel_offset) {
return flow_graph_builder_->ExitScope(kernel_offset);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::TranslateCondition(bool* negate) {
*negate = PeekTag() == kNot;
if (*negate) {
SkipBytes(1); // Skip Not tag, thus go directly to the inner expression.
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read expression.
instructions += CheckBooleanInCheckedMode();
return instructions;
const TypeArguments& StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildTypeArguments() {
ReadUInt(); // read arguments count.
intptr_t types_count = ReadListLength(); // read type count.
return T.BuildTypeArguments(types_count); // read types.
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildArguments(Array* argument_names,
intptr_t* argument_count,
bool skip_push_arguments,
bool do_drop) {
intptr_t dummy;
if (argument_count == NULL) argument_count = &dummy;
*argument_count = ReadUInt(); // read arguments count.
// List of types.
SkipListOfDartTypes(); // read list of types.
return BuildArgumentsFromActualArguments(argument_names, skip_push_arguments,
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildArgumentsFromActualArguments(
Array* argument_names,
bool skip_push_arguments,
bool do_drop) {
Fragment instructions;
// List of positional.
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read ith expression.
if (!skip_push_arguments) instructions += PushArgument();
if (do_drop) instructions += Drop();
// List of named.
list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
if (argument_names != NULL && list_length > 0) {
*argument_names ^= Array::New(list_length, Heap::kOld);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
dart::String& name =
H.DartSymbol(ReadStringReference()); // read ith name index.
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read ith expression.
if (!skip_push_arguments) instructions += PushArgument();
if (do_drop) instructions += Drop();
if (argument_names != NULL) {
argument_names->SetAt(i, name);
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildInvalidExpression(
TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
// The frontend will take care of emitting normal errors (like
// [NoSuchMethodError]s) and only emit [InvalidExpression]s in very special
// situations (e.g. an invalid annotation).
return ThrowNoSuchMethodError();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildVariableGet(TokenPosition* position) {
(position != NULL) ? * position = ReadPosition()
: ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t variable_kernel_position = ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
ReadUInt(); // read relative variable index.
SkipOptionalDartType(); // read promoted type.
return LoadLocal(LookupVariable(variable_kernel_position));
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildVariableGet(uint8_t payload,
TokenPosition* position) {
(position != NULL) ? * position = ReadPosition()
: ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t variable_kernel_position = ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
return LoadLocal(LookupVariable(variable_kernel_position));
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildVariableSet(TokenPosition* p) {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
intptr_t variable_kernel_position = ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
ReadUInt(); // read relative variable index.
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read expression.
if (NeedsDebugStepCheck(stack(), position)) {
instructions = DebugStepCheck(position) + instructions;
instructions += CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(variable_kernel_position);
instructions +=
StoreLocal(position, LookupVariable(variable_kernel_position));
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildVariableSet(uint8_t payload,
TokenPosition* p) {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
intptr_t variable_kernel_position = ReadUInt(); // read kernel position.
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read expression.
if (NeedsDebugStepCheck(stack(), position)) {
instructions = DebugStepCheck(position) + instructions;
instructions += CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(variable_kernel_position);
instructions +=
StoreLocal(position, LookupVariable(variable_kernel_position));
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildPropertyGet(TokenPosition* p) {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read receiver.
instructions += PushArgument();
const dart::String& getter_name = ReadNameAsGetterName(); // read name.
SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // Read unused "interface_target_reference".
return instructions + InstanceCall(position, getter_name, Token::kGET, 1);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildPropertySet(TokenPosition* p) {
Fragment instructions(NullConstant());
LocalVariable* variable = MakeTemporary();
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read receiver.
instructions += PushArgument();
const dart::String& setter_name = ReadNameAsSetterName(); // read name.
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read value.
instructions += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, variable);
instructions += PushArgument();
SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read unused "interface_target_reference".
instructions += InstanceCall(position, setter_name, Token::kSET, 2);
return instructions + Drop();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildDirectPropertyGet(TokenPosition* p) {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read receiver.
NameIndex kernel_name =
ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(Z);
if (H.IsProcedure(kernel_name)) {
if (H.IsGetter(kernel_name)) {
target = LookupMethodByMember(kernel_name, H.DartGetterName(kernel_name));
} else {
// Undo stack change for the BuildExpression.
target = LookupMethodByMember(kernel_name, H.DartMethodName(kernel_name));
target = target.ImplicitClosureFunction();
return BuildImplicitClosureCreation(target);
} else {
const dart::String& getter_name = H.DartGetterName(kernel_name);
target = LookupMethodByMember(kernel_name, getter_name);
ASSERT(target.IsGetterFunction() || target.IsImplicitGetterFunction());
instructions += PushArgument();
return instructions + StaticCall(position, target, 1);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildDirectPropertySet(TokenPosition* p) {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
Fragment instructions(NullConstant());
LocalVariable* value = MakeTemporary();
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read receiver.
instructions += PushArgument();
NameIndex target_reference =
ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
const dart::String& method_name = H.DartSetterName(target_reference);
const Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, LookupMethodByMember(target_reference, method_name));
ASSERT(target.IsSetterFunction() || target.IsImplicitSetterFunction());
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read value.
instructions += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, value);
instructions += PushArgument();
instructions += StaticCall(position, target, 2);
return instructions + Drop();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildStaticGet(TokenPosition* p) {
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset() - 1; // Include the tag.
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
NameIndex target = ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
if (H.IsField(target)) {
const dart::Field& field =
dart::Field::ZoneHandle(Z, H.LookupFieldByKernelField(target));
if (field.is_const()) {
return Constant(constant_evaluator_.EvaluateExpression(offset));
} else {
const dart::Class& owner = dart::Class::Handle(Z, field.Owner());
const dart::String& getter_name = H.DartGetterName(target);
const Function& getter =
Function::ZoneHandle(Z, owner.LookupStaticFunction(getter_name));
if (getter.IsNull() || !field.has_initializer()) {
Fragment instructions = Constant(field);
return instructions + LoadStaticField();
} else {
return StaticCall(position, getter, 0);
} else {
const Function& function =
Function::ZoneHandle(Z, H.LookupStaticMethodByKernelProcedure(target));
if (H.IsGetter(target)) {
return StaticCall(position, function, 0);
} else if (H.IsMethod(target)) {
return Constant(constant_evaluator_.EvaluateExpression(offset));
} else {
return Fragment();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildStaticSet(TokenPosition* p) {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
NameIndex target = ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
if (H.IsField(target)) {
const dart::Field& field =
dart::Field::ZoneHandle(Z, H.LookupFieldByKernelField(target));
const AbstractType& dst_type = AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z, field.type());
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read expression.
if (NeedsDebugStepCheck(stack(), position)) {
instructions = DebugStepCheck(position) + instructions;
instructions += CheckAssignableInCheckedMode(
dst_type, dart::String::ZoneHandle(Z,;
LocalVariable* variable = MakeTemporary();
instructions += LoadLocal(variable);
return instructions + StoreStaticField(position, field);
} else {
// Evaluate the expression on the right hand side.
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read expression.
LocalVariable* variable = MakeTemporary();
// Prepare argument.
instructions += LoadLocal(variable);
instructions += PushArgument();
// Invoke the setter function.
const Function& function =
Function::ZoneHandle(Z, H.LookupStaticMethodByKernelProcedure(target));
instructions += StaticCall(position, function, 1);
// Drop the unused result & leave the stored value on the stack.
return instructions + Drop();
static bool IsNumberLiteral(Tag tag) {
return tag == kNegativeIntLiteral || tag == kPositiveIntLiteral ||
tag == kSpecialIntLiteral || tag == kDoubleLiteral;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildMethodInvocation(TokenPosition* p) {
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset() - 1; // Include the tag.
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
Tag receiver_tag = PeekTag(); // peek tag for receiver.
if (IsNumberLiteral(receiver_tag)) {
intptr_t before_branch_offset = ReaderOffset();
SkipExpression(); // read receiver (it's just a number literal).
const dart::String& name = ReadNameAsMethodName(); // read name.
const Token::Kind token_kind = MethodKind(name);
intptr_t argument_count = PeekArgumentsCount() + 1;
if ((argument_count == 1) && (token_kind == Token::kNEGATE)) {
const Object& result = constant_evaluator_.EvaluateExpressionSafe(offset);
if (!result.IsError()) {
SkipArguments(); // read arguments,
// read unused "interface_target_reference".
return Constant(result);
} else if ((argument_count == 2) &&
Token::IsBinaryArithmeticOperator(token_kind) &&
IsNumberLiteral(PeekArgumentsFirstPositionalTag())) {
const Object& result = constant_evaluator_.EvaluateExpressionSafe(offset);
if (!result.IsError()) {
// read unused "interface_target_reference".
return Constant(result);
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read receiver.
const dart::String& name = ReadNameAsMethodName(); // read name.
const Token::Kind token_kind = MethodKind(name);
// Detect comparison with null.
if ((token_kind == Token::kEQ || token_kind == Token::kNE) &&
PeekArgumentsCount() == 1 &&
(receiver_tag == kNullLiteral ||
PeekArgumentsFirstPositionalTag() == kNullLiteral)) {
// "==" or "!=" with null on either side.
instructions += BuildArguments(NULL, NULL, true); // read arguments.
SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read unused "interface_target_reference".
Token::Kind strict_cmp_kind =
token_kind == Token::kEQ ? Token::kEQ_STRICT : Token::kNE_STRICT;
return instructions +
StrictCompare(strict_cmp_kind, /*number_check = */ true);
instructions += PushArgument(); // push receiver as argument.
// TODO(28109) Support generic methods in the VM or reify them away.
Array& argument_names = Array::ZoneHandle(Z);
intptr_t argument_count;
instructions +=
BuildArguments(&argument_names, &argument_count); // read arguments.
intptr_t num_args_checked = 1;
// If we have a special operation (e.g. +/-/==) we mark both arguments as
// to be checked.
if (token_kind != Token::kILLEGAL) {
ASSERT(argument_count <= 2);
num_args_checked = argument_count;
instructions += InstanceCall(position, name, token_kind, argument_count,
argument_names, num_args_checked);
// Later optimization passes assume that result of a x.[]=(...) call is not
// used. We must guarantee this invariant because violation will lead to an
// illegal IL once we replace x.[]=(...) with a sequence that does not
// actually produce any value. See for more details.
if (name.raw() == Symbols::AssignIndexToken().raw()) {
instructions += Drop();
instructions += NullConstant();
SkipCanonicalNameReference(); // read unused "interface_target_reference".
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildDirectMethodInvocation(
TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
// TODO(28109) Support generic methods in the VM or reify them away.
Tag receiver_tag = PeekTag(); // peek tag for receiver.
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read receiver.
NameIndex kernel_name =
ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
const dart::String& method_name = H.DartProcedureName(kernel_name);
const Token::Kind token_kind = MethodKind(method_name);
// Detect comparison with null.
if ((token_kind == Token::kEQ || token_kind == Token::kNE) &&
PeekArgumentsCount() == 1 &&
(receiver_tag == kNullLiteral ||
PeekArgumentsFirstPositionalTag() == kNullLiteral)) {
// "==" or "!=" with null on either side.
instructions += BuildArguments(NULL, NULL, true); // read arguments.
Token::Kind strict_cmp_kind =
token_kind == Token::kEQ ? Token::kEQ_STRICT : Token::kNE_STRICT;
return instructions +
StrictCompare(strict_cmp_kind, /*number_check = */ true);
instructions += PushArgument(); // push receiver as argument.
const Function& target =
Function::ZoneHandle(Z, LookupMethodByMember(kernel_name, method_name));
Array& argument_names = Array::ZoneHandle(Z);
intptr_t argument_count;
instructions +=
BuildArguments(&argument_names, &argument_count); // read arguments.
return instructions + StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, target,
argument_count, argument_names);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildStaticInvocation(bool is_const,
TokenPosition* p) {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
NameIndex procedue_reference =
ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read procedure reference.
intptr_t argument_count = PeekArgumentsCount();
const Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, H.LookupStaticMethodByKernelProcedure(procedue_reference));
const dart::Class& klass = dart::Class::ZoneHandle(Z, target.Owner());
if (target.IsGenerativeConstructor() || target.IsFactory()) {
// The VM requires a TypeArguments object as first parameter for
// every factory constructor.
Fragment instructions;
LocalVariable* instance_variable = NULL;
// If we cross the Kernel -> VM core library boundary, a [StaticInvocation]
// can appear, but the thing we're calling is not a static method, but a
// factory constructor.
// The `H.LookupStaticmethodByKernelProcedure` will potentially resolve to the
// forwarded constructor.
// In that case we'll make an instance and pass it as first argument.
// TODO(27590): Get rid of this after we're using core libraries compiled
// into Kernel.
if (target.IsGenerativeConstructor()) {
if (klass.NumTypeArguments() > 0) {
const TypeArguments& type_arguments =
instructions += TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments(type_arguments);
instructions += PushArgument();
instructions += AllocateObject(position, klass, 1);
} else {
instructions += AllocateObject(position, klass, 0);
instance_variable = MakeTemporary();
instructions += LoadLocal(instance_variable);
instructions += PushArgument();
} else if (target.IsFactory()) {
// The VM requires currently a TypeArguments object as first parameter for
// every factory constructor :-/ !
// TODO(27590): Get rid of this after we're using core libraries compiled
// into Kernel.
const TypeArguments& type_arguments = PeekArgumentsInstantiatedType(klass);
instructions += TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments(type_arguments);
instructions += PushArgument();
} else {
// TODO(28109) Support generic methods in the VM or reify them away.
bool special_case_identical =
klass.IsTopLevel() && (klass.library() == dart::Library::CoreLibrary()) &&
( == Symbols::Identical().raw());
Array& argument_names = Array::ZoneHandle(Z);
instructions += BuildArguments(&argument_names, NULL,
special_case_identical); // read arguments.
const int kTypeArgsLen = 0;
ASSERT(target.AreValidArguments(kTypeArgsLen, argument_count, argument_names,
// Special case identical(x, y) call.
// TODO(27590) consider moving this into the inliner and force inline it
// there.
if (special_case_identical) {
ASSERT(argument_count == 2);
instructions += StrictCompare(Token::kEQ_STRICT, /*number_check=*/true);
} else {
instructions +=
StaticCall(position, target, argument_count, argument_names);
if (target.IsGenerativeConstructor()) {
// Drop the result of the constructor call and leave [instance_variable]
// on top-of-stack.
instructions += Drop();
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildConstructorInvocation(
bool is_const,
TokenPosition* p) {
if (is_const) {
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset() - 1; // Include the tag.
(p != NULL) ? * p = ReadPosition() : ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipExpression(); // read past this ConstructorInvocation.
return Constant(constant_evaluator_.EvaluateConstructorInvocation(offset));
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
NameIndex kernel_name =
ReadCanonicalNameReference(); // read target_reference.
dart::Class& klass = dart::Class::ZoneHandle(
Z, H.LookupClassByKernelClass(H.EnclosingName(kernel_name)));
Fragment instructions;
// Check for malbounded-ness of type.
if (I->type_checks()) {
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset();
const TypeArguments& type_arguments = BuildTypeArguments();
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle(
Z, Type::New(klass, type_arguments, TokenPosition::kNoSource));
type = ClassFinalizer::FinalizeType(klass, type);
if (type.IsMalbounded()) {
// Evaluate expressions for correctness.
instructions +=
BuildArgumentsFromActualArguments(NULL, false, /*do_drop*/ true);
// Throw an error & keep the [Value] on the stack.
instructions += ThrowTypeError();
// Bail out early.
return instructions;
if (klass.NumTypeArguments() > 0) {
if (!klass.IsGeneric()) {
Type& type = Type::ZoneHandle(Z, T.ReceiverType(klass).raw());
// TODO(27590): Can we move this code into [ReceiverType]?
type ^= ClassFinalizer::FinalizeType(*active_class()->klass, type,
TypeArguments& canonicalized_type_arguments =
TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(Z, type.arguments());
canonicalized_type_arguments =
instructions += Constant(canonicalized_type_arguments);
} else {
const TypeArguments& type_arguments =
instructions += TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments(type_arguments);
instructions += PushArgument();
instructions += AllocateObject(position, klass, 1);
} else {
instructions += AllocateObject(position, klass, 0);
LocalVariable* variable = MakeTemporary();
instructions += LoadLocal(variable);
instructions += PushArgument();
Array& argument_names = Array::ZoneHandle(Z);
intptr_t argument_count;
instructions +=
BuildArguments(&argument_names, &argument_count); // read arguments.
const Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, H.LookupConstructorByKernelConstructor(klass, kernel_name));
instructions += StaticCall(position, target, argument_count, argument_names);
return instructions + Drop();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildNot(TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read expression.
instructions += CheckBooleanInCheckedMode();
instructions += BooleanNegate();
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildLogicalExpression(
TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
bool negate;
Fragment instructions = TranslateCondition(&negate); // read left.
TargetEntryInstr* right_entry;
TargetEntryInstr* constant_entry;
LogicalExpression::Operator op =
if (op == LogicalExpression::kAnd) {
instructions += BranchIfTrue(&right_entry, &constant_entry, negate);
} else {
instructions += BranchIfTrue(&constant_entry, &right_entry, negate);
Value* top = stack();
Fragment right_fragment(right_entry);
right_fragment += TranslateCondition(&negate); // read right.
right_fragment += Constant(Bool::True());
right_fragment +=
StrictCompare(negate ? Token::kNE_STRICT : Token::kEQ_STRICT);
right_fragment += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
right_fragment += Drop();
ASSERT(top == stack());
Fragment constant_fragment(constant_entry);
constant_fragment += Constant(Bool::Get(op == LogicalExpression::kOr));
constant_fragment += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
constant_fragment += Drop();
JoinEntryInstr* join = BuildJoinEntry();
right_fragment += Goto(join);
constant_fragment += Goto(join);
return Fragment(instructions.entry, join) +
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildConditionalExpression(
TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
bool negate;
Fragment instructions = TranslateCondition(&negate); // read condition.
TargetEntryInstr* then_entry;
TargetEntryInstr* otherwise_entry;
instructions += BranchIfTrue(&then_entry, &otherwise_entry, negate);
Value* top = stack();
Fragment then_fragment(then_entry);
then_fragment += BuildExpression(); // read then.
then_fragment += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
then_fragment += Drop();
ASSERT(stack() == top);
Fragment otherwise_fragment(otherwise_entry);
otherwise_fragment += BuildExpression(); // read otherwise.
otherwise_fragment += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
otherwise_fragment += Drop();
ASSERT(stack() == top);
JoinEntryInstr* join = BuildJoinEntry();
then_fragment += Goto(join);
otherwise_fragment += Goto(join);
SkipOptionalDartType(); // read unused static type.
return Fragment(instructions.entry, join) +
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildStringConcatenation(TokenPosition* p) {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
intptr_t length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
// Note: there will be "length" expressions.
Fragment instructions;
if (length == 1) {
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read expression.
instructions += StringInterpolateSingle(position);
} else {
// The type arguments for CreateArray.
instructions += Constant(TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(Z));
instructions += IntConstant(length);
instructions += CreateArray();
LocalVariable* array = MakeTemporary();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
instructions += LoadLocal(array);
instructions += IntConstant(i);
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read ith expression.
instructions += StoreIndexed(kArrayCid);
instructions += Drop();
instructions += StringInterpolate(position);
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildIsExpression(TokenPosition* p) {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read operand.
const AbstractType& type = T.BuildType(); // read type.
// The VM does not like an instanceOf call with a dynamic type. We need to
// special case this situation.
const Type& object_type = Type::Handle(Z, Type::ObjectType());
if (type.IsMalformed()) {
instructions += Drop();
instructions += ThrowTypeError();
return instructions;
if (type.IsInstantiated() &&
object_type.IsSubtypeOf(type, NULL, NULL, Heap::kOld)) {
// Evaluate the expression on the left but ignore it's result.
instructions += Drop();
// Let condition be always true.
instructions += Constant(Bool::True());
} else {
instructions += PushArgument();
// See if simple instanceOf is applicable.
if (dart::FlowGraphBuilder::SimpleInstanceOfType(type)) {
instructions += Constant(type);
instructions += PushArgument(); // Type.
instructions += InstanceCall(position, dart::Library::PrivateCoreLibName(
Token::kIS, 2, 2); // 2 checked arguments.
return instructions;
if (!type.IsInstantiated(kCurrentClass)) {
instructions += LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
} else {
instructions += NullConstant();
instructions += PushArgument(); // Instantiator type arguments.
if (!type.IsInstantiated(kFunctions)) {
instructions += LoadFunctionTypeArguments();
} else {
instructions += NullConstant();
instructions += PushArgument(); // Function type arguments.
instructions += Constant(type);
instructions += PushArgument(); // Type.
instructions += InstanceCall(
position, dart::Library::PrivateCoreLibName(Symbols::_instanceOf()),
Token::kIS, 4);
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildAsExpression(TokenPosition* p) {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read operand.
const AbstractType& type = T.BuildType(); // read type.
// The VM does not like an Object_as call with a dynamic type. We need to
// special case this situation.
const Type& object_type = Type::Handle(Z, Type::ObjectType());
if (type.IsMalformed()) {
instructions += Drop();
instructions += ThrowTypeError();
return instructions;
if (type.IsInstantiated() &&
object_type.IsSubtypeOf(type, NULL, NULL, Heap::kOld)) {
// We already evaluated the operand on the left and just leave it there as
// the result of the `obj as dynamic` expression.
} else {
instructions += PushArgument();
if (!type.IsInstantiated(kCurrentClass)) {
instructions += LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
} else {
instructions += NullConstant();
instructions += PushArgument(); // Instantiator type arguments.
if (!type.IsInstantiated(kFunctions)) {
instructions += LoadFunctionTypeArguments();
} else {
instructions += NullConstant();
instructions += PushArgument(); // Function type arguments.
instructions += Constant(type);
instructions += PushArgument(); // Type.
instructions += InstanceCall(
position, dart::Library::PrivateCoreLibName(Symbols::_as()), Token::kAS,
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildSymbolLiteral(
TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset() - 1; // EvaluateExpression needs the tag.
SkipStringReference(); // read index into string table.
return Constant(constant_evaluator_.EvaluateExpression(offset));
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildTypeLiteral(TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
const AbstractType& type = T.BuildType(); // read type.
if (type.IsMalformed()) H.ReportError("Malformed type literal");
Fragment instructions;
if (type.IsInstantiated()) {
instructions += Constant(type);
} else {
if (!type.IsInstantiated(kCurrentClass)) {
instructions += LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
} else {
instructions += NullConstant();
if (!type.IsInstantiated(kFunctions)) {
instructions += LoadFunctionTypeArguments();
} else {
instructions += NullConstant();
instructions += InstantiateType(type);
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildThisExpression(
TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
return LoadLocal(scopes()->this_variable);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildRethrow(TokenPosition* p) {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
Fragment instructions = DebugStepCheck(position);
instructions += LoadLocal(catch_block()->exception_var());
instructions += PushArgument();
instructions += LoadLocal(catch_block()->stack_trace_var());
instructions += PushArgument();
instructions += RethrowException(position, catch_block()->catch_try_index());
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildThrow(TokenPosition* p) {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
Fragment instructions;
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read expression.
if (NeedsDebugStepCheck(stack(), position)) {
instructions = DebugStepCheck(position) + instructions;
instructions += PushArgument();
instructions += ThrowException(position);
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildListLiteral(bool is_const,
TokenPosition* p) {
if (is_const) {
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset() - 1; // Include the tag.
(p != NULL) ? * p = ReadPosition() : ReadPosition(); // read position.
SkipExpression(); // read past the ListLiteral.
return Constant(constant_evaluator_.EvaluateListLiteral(offset));
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
const TypeArguments& type_arguments = T.BuildTypeArguments(1); // read type.
intptr_t length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
// Note: there will be "length" expressions.
// The type argument for the factory call.
Fragment instructions = TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments(type_arguments);
instructions += PushArgument();
if (length == 0) {
instructions += Constant(Object::empty_array());
} else {
// The type arguments for CreateArray.
instructions += Constant(type_arguments);
instructions += IntConstant(length);
instructions += CreateArray();
AbstractType& list_type = AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z);
if (I->type_checks()) {
if (type_arguments.IsNull()) {
// It was dynamic.
list_type = Object::dynamic_type().raw();
} else {
list_type = type_arguments.TypeAt(0);
LocalVariable* array = MakeTemporary();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
instructions += LoadLocal(array);
instructions += IntConstant(i);
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read ith expression.
instructions += CheckAssignableInCheckedMode(
list_type, Symbols::ListLiteralElement());
instructions += StoreIndexed(kArrayCid);
instructions += Drop();
instructions += PushArgument(); // The array.
const dart::Class& factory_class =
dart::Class::Handle(Z, dart::Library::LookupCoreClass(Symbols::List()));
const Function& factory_method = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, factory_class.LookupFactory(
return instructions + StaticCall(position, factory_method, 2);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildMapLiteral(bool is_const,
TokenPosition* p) {
if (is_const) {
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset() - 1; // Include the tag.
(p != NULL) ? * p = ReadPosition() : ReadPosition();
SkipExpression(); // Read past the MapLiteral.
return Constant(constant_evaluator_.EvaluateMapLiteral(offset));
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
if (p != NULL) *p = position;
const TypeArguments& type_arguments =
T.BuildTypeArguments(2); // read key_type and value_type.
// The type argument for the factory call `new Map<K, V>._fromLiteral(List)`.
Fragment instructions = TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments(type_arguments);
instructions += PushArgument();
intptr_t length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
// Note: there will be "length" map entries (i.e. key and value expressions).
if (length == 0) {
instructions += Constant(Object::empty_array());
} else {
// The type arguments for `new List<X>(int len)`.
instructions += Constant(TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(Z));
// We generate a list of tuples, i.e. [key1, value1, ..., keyN, valueN].
instructions += IntConstant(2 * length);
instructions += CreateArray();
LocalVariable* array = MakeTemporary();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
instructions += LoadLocal(array);
instructions += IntConstant(2 * i);
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read ith key.
instructions += StoreIndexed(kArrayCid);
instructions += Drop();
instructions += LoadLocal(array);
instructions += IntConstant(2 * i + 1);
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read ith value.
instructions += StoreIndexed(kArrayCid);
instructions += Drop();
instructions += PushArgument(); // The array.
const dart::Class& map_class =
dart::Class::Handle(Z, dart::Library::LookupCoreClass(Symbols::Map()));
const Function& factory_method = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, map_class.LookupFactory(
return instructions + StaticCall(position, factory_method, 2);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildFunctionExpression() {
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset() - 1; // -1 to include tag byte.
return BuildFunctionNode(offset, TokenPosition::kNoSource, false, -1);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildLet(TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
Fragment instructions = BuildVariableDeclaration(); // read variable.
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read body.
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildBigIntLiteral(
TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
const dart::String& value =
H.DartString(ReadStringReference()); // read index into string table.
return Constant(Integer::ZoneHandle(Z, Integer::New(value, Heap::kOld)));
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildStringLiteral(
TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
return Constant(
H.DartSymbol(ReadStringReference())); // read index into string table.
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildIntLiteral(uint8_t payload,
TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
int64_t value = static_cast<int32_t>(payload) - SpecializedIntLiteralBias;
return IntConstant(value);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildIntLiteral(bool is_negative,
TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
int64_t value = is_negative ? -static_cast<int64_t>(ReadUInt())
: ReadUInt(); // read value.
return IntConstant(value);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildDoubleLiteral(
TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset() - 1; // EvaluateExpression needs the tag.
SkipStringReference(); // read index into string table.
return Constant(constant_evaluator_.EvaluateExpression(offset));
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildBoolLiteral(bool value,
TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
return Constant(Bool::Get(value));
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildNullLiteral(TokenPosition* position) {
if (position != NULL) *position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
return Constant(Instance::ZoneHandle(Z, Instance::null()));
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildInvalidStatement() {
H.ReportError("Invalid statements not implemented yet!");
return Fragment();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildExpressionStatement() {
Fragment instructions = BuildExpression(); // read expression.
instructions += Drop();
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildBlock() {
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset() - 1; // Include the tag.
Fragment instructions;
instructions += EnterScope(offset);
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read number of statements.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
if (instructions.is_open()) {
instructions += BuildStatement(); // read ith statement.
} else {
SkipStatement(); // read ith statement.
instructions += ExitScope(offset);
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildEmptyStatement() {
return Fragment();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildAssertStatement() {
if (!I->asserts()) {
SetOffset(ReaderOffset() - 1); // Include the tag.
SkipStatement(); // read this statement.
return Fragment();
TargetEntryInstr* then;
TargetEntryInstr* otherwise;
Fragment instructions;
// Asserts can be of the following two kinds:
// * `assert(expr)`
// * `assert(() { ... })`
// The call to `_AssertionError._evaluateAssertion()` will take care of both
// and returns a boolean.
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read condition.
instructions += PushArgument();
instructions += EvaluateAssertion();
instructions += CheckBooleanInCheckedMode();
instructions += Constant(Bool::True());
instructions += BranchIfEqual(&then, &otherwise, false);
TokenPosition condition_start_offset =
ReadPosition(); // read condition start offset.
TokenPosition condition_end_offset =
ReadPosition(); // read condition end offset.
const dart::Class& klass = dart::Class::ZoneHandle(
Z, dart::Library::LookupCoreClass(Symbols::AssertionError()));
const dart::Function& target = dart::Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, klass.LookupStaticFunctionAllowPrivate(Symbols::ThrowNew()));
// Build call to _AsertionError._throwNew(start, end, message)
Fragment otherwise_fragment(otherwise);
otherwise_fragment += IntConstant(condition_start_offset.Pos());
otherwise_fragment += PushArgument(); // start
otherwise_fragment += IntConstant(condition_end_offset.Pos());
otherwise_fragment += PushArgument(); // end
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read (first part of) message.
if (tag == kSomething) {
otherwise_fragment += BuildExpression(); // read (rest of) message.
} else {
otherwise_fragment += Constant(Instance::ZoneHandle(Z)); // null.
otherwise_fragment += PushArgument(); // message
otherwise_fragment += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, target, 3);
otherwise_fragment += Drop();
return Fragment(instructions.entry, then);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildLabeledStatement() {
// There can be serveral cases:
// * the body contains a break
// * the body doesn't contain a break
// * translating the body results in a closed fragment
// * translating the body results in a open fragment
// => We will only know which case we are in after the body has been
// traversed.
BreakableBlock block(flow_graph_builder_);
Fragment instructions = BuildStatement(); // read body.
if (block.HadJumper()) {
if (instructions.is_open()) {
instructions += Goto(block.destination());
return Fragment(instructions.entry, block.destination());
} else {
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildBreakStatement() {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t target_index = ReadUInt(); // read target index.
TryFinallyBlock* outer_finally = NULL;
intptr_t target_context_depth = -1;
JoinEntryInstr* destination = breakable_block()->BreakDestination(
target_index, &outer_finally, &target_context_depth);
Fragment instructions;
instructions +=
TranslateFinallyFinalizers(outer_finally, target_context_depth);
if (instructions.is_open()) {
if (NeedsDebugStepCheck(parsed_function()->function(), position)) {
instructions += DebugStepCheck(position);
instructions += Goto(destination);
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildWhileStatement() {
bool negate;
Fragment condition = TranslateCondition(&negate); // read condition.
TargetEntryInstr* body_entry;
TargetEntryInstr* loop_exit;
condition += BranchIfTrue(&body_entry, &loop_exit, negate);
Fragment body(body_entry);
body += BuildStatement(); // read body.
Instruction* entry;
if (body.is_open()) {
JoinEntryInstr* join = BuildJoinEntry();
body += Goto(join);
Fragment loop(join);
loop += CheckStackOverflow();
loop += condition;
entry = new (Z) GotoInstr(join, Thread::Current()->GetNextDeoptId());
} else {
entry = condition.entry;
return Fragment(entry, loop_exit);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildDoStatement() {
Fragment body = BuildStatement(); // read body.
if (body.is_closed()) {
SkipExpression(); // read condition.
return body;
bool negate;
JoinEntryInstr* join = BuildJoinEntry();
Fragment loop(join);
loop += CheckStackOverflow();
loop += body;
loop += TranslateCondition(&negate); // read condition.
TargetEntryInstr* loop_repeat;
TargetEntryInstr* loop_exit;
loop += BranchIfTrue(&loop_repeat, &loop_exit, negate);
Fragment repeat(loop_repeat);
repeat += Goto(join);
return Fragment(new (Z) GotoInstr(join, Thread::Current()->GetNextDeoptId()),
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildForStatement() {
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset() - 1; // Include the tag.
Fragment declarations;
bool new_context = false;
declarations += EnterScope(offset, &new_context);
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read number of variables.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
declarations += BuildVariableDeclaration(); // read ith variable.
bool negate = false;
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // Read first part of condition.
Fragment condition =
tag == kNothing ? Constant(Bool::True())
: TranslateCondition(&negate); // read rest of condition.
TargetEntryInstr* body_entry;
TargetEntryInstr* loop_exit;
condition += BranchIfTrue(&body_entry, &loop_exit, negate);
Fragment updates;
list_length = ReadListLength(); // read number of updates.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
updates += BuildExpression(); // read ith update.
updates += Drop();
Fragment body(body_entry);
body += BuildStatement(); // read body.
if (body.is_open()) {
// We allocated a fresh context before the loop which contains captured
// [ForStatement] variables. Before jumping back to the loop entry we clone
// the context object (at same depth) which ensures the next iteration of
// the body gets a fresh set of [ForStatement] variables (with the old
// (possibly updated) values).
if (new_context) body += CloneContext();
body += updates;
JoinEntryInstr* join = BuildJoinEntry();
declarations += Goto(join);
body += Goto(join);
Fragment loop(join);
loop += CheckStackOverflow();
loop += condition;
} else {
declarations += condition;
Fragment loop(declarations.entry, loop_exit);
loop += ExitScope(offset);
return loop;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildForInStatement(bool async) {
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset() - 1; // Include the tag.
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t variable_kernel_position = ReaderOffset();
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read variable.
TokenPosition iterable_position = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
Fragment instructions =
BuildExpression(&iterable_position); // read iterable.
instructions += PushArgument();
const dart::String& iterator_getter = dart::String::ZoneHandle(
Z, dart::Field::GetterSymbol(Symbols::Iterator()));
instructions +=
InstanceCall(iterable_position, iterator_getter, Token::kGET, 1);
LocalVariable* iterator = scopes()->iterator_variables[for_in_depth()];
instructions += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, iterator);
instructions += Drop();
Fragment condition = LoadLocal(iterator);
condition += PushArgument();
condition +=
InstanceCall(iterable_position, Symbols::MoveNext(), Token::kILLEGAL, 1);
TargetEntryInstr* body_entry;
TargetEntryInstr* loop_exit;
condition += BranchIfTrue(&body_entry, &loop_exit, false);
Fragment body(body_entry);
body += EnterScope(offset);
body += LoadLocal(iterator);
body += PushArgument();
const dart::String& current_getter = dart::String::ZoneHandle(
Z, dart::Field::GetterSymbol(Symbols::Current()));
body += InstanceCall(position, current_getter, Token::kGET, 1);
body += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
body += Drop();
body += BuildStatement(); // read body.
body += ExitScope(offset);
if (body.is_open()) {
JoinEntryInstr* join = BuildJoinEntry();
instructions += Goto(join);
body += Goto(join);
Fragment loop(join);
loop += CheckStackOverflow();
loop += condition;
} else {
instructions += condition;
return Fragment(instructions.entry, loop_exit);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildSwitchStatement() {
// We need the number of cases. So start by getting that, then go back.
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset();
SkipExpression(); // temporarily skip condition
int num_cases = ReadListLength(); // read number of cases.
SwitchBlock block(flow_graph_builder_, num_cases);
// Instead of using a variable we should reuse the expression on the stack,
// since it won't be assigned again, we don't need phi nodes.
Fragment head_instructions = BuildExpression(); // read condition.
head_instructions +=
StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, scopes()->switch_variable);
head_instructions += Drop();
num_cases = ReadListLength(); // read number of cases.
// Phase 1: Generate bodies and try to find out whether a body will be target
// of a jump due to:
// * `continue case_label`
// * `case e1: case e2: body`
Fragment* body_fragments = new Fragment[num_cases];
intptr_t* case_expression_offsets = new intptr_t[num_cases];
int default_case = -1;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_cases; ++i) {
case_expression_offsets[i] = ReaderOffset();
int num_expressions = ReadListLength(); // read number of expressions.
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < num_expressions; ++j) {
ReadPosition(); // read jth position.
SkipExpression(); // read jth expression.
bool is_default = ReadBool(); // read is_default.
if (is_default) default_case = i;
Fragment& body_fragment = body_fragments[i] =
BuildStatement(); // read body.
if (body_fragment.entry == NULL) {
// Make a NOP in order to ensure linking works properly.
body_fragment = NullConstant();
body_fragment += Drop();
// The Dart language specification mandates fall-throughs in [SwitchCase]es
// to be runtime errors.
if (!is_default && body_fragment.is_open() && (i < (num_cases - 1))) {
const dart::Class& klass = dart::Class::ZoneHandle(
Z, dart::Library::LookupCoreClass(Symbols::FallThroughError()));
const dart::Function& constructor = dart::Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, klass.LookupConstructorAllowPrivate(
const dart::String& url = H.DartString(
// Create instance of _FallThroughError
body_fragment += AllocateObject(TokenPosition::kNoSource, klass, 0);
LocalVariable* instance = MakeTemporary();
// Call _FallThroughError._create constructor.
body_fragment += LoadLocal(instance);
body_fragment += PushArgument(); // this
body_fragment += Constant(url);
body_fragment += PushArgument(); // url
body_fragment += NullConstant();
body_fragment += PushArgument(); // line
body_fragment += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, constructor, 3);
body_fragment += Drop();
// Throw the exception
body_fragment += PushArgument();
body_fragment += ThrowException(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
body_fragment += Drop();
// If there is an implicit fall-through we have one [SwitchCase] and
// multiple expressions, e.g.
// switch(expr) {
// case a:
// case b:
// <stmt-body>
// }
// This means that the <stmt-body> will have more than 1 incoming edge (one
// from `a == expr` and one from `a != expr && b == expr`). The
// `block.Destination()` records the additional jump.
if (num_expressions > 1) {
intptr_t end_offset = ReaderOffset();
// Phase 2: Generate everything except the real bodies:
// * jump directly to a body (if there is no jumper)
// * jump to a wrapper block which jumps to the body (if there is a jumper)
Fragment current_instructions = head_instructions;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_cases; ++i) {
int num_expressions = ReadListLength(); // read length of expressions.
if (i == default_case) {
ASSERT(i == (num_cases - 1));
// Evaluate the conditions for the default [SwitchCase] just for the
// purpose of potentially triggering a compile-time error.
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < num_expressions; ++j) {
ReadPosition(); // read jth position.
// this reads the expression, but doesn't skip past it.
SkipExpression(); // read jth expression.
if (block.HadJumper(i)) {
// There are several branches to the body, so we will make a goto to
// the join block (and prepend a join instruction to the real body).
JoinEntryInstr* join = block.DestinationDirect(i);
current_instructions += Goto(join);
current_instructions = Fragment(current_instructions.entry, join);
current_instructions += body_fragments[i];
} else {
current_instructions += body_fragments[i];
} else {
JoinEntryInstr* body_join = NULL;
if (block.HadJumper(i)) {
body_join = block.DestinationDirect(i);
body_fragments[i] = Fragment(body_join) + body_fragments[i];
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < num_expressions; ++j) {
TargetEntryInstr* then;
TargetEntryInstr* otherwise;
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read jth position.
current_instructions +=
SkipExpression(); // read jth expression.
current_instructions += PushArgument();
current_instructions += LoadLocal(scopes()->switch_variable);
current_instructions += PushArgument();
current_instructions +=
InstanceCall(position, Symbols::EqualOperator(), Token::kEQ,
current_instructions += BranchIfTrue(&then, &otherwise, false);
Fragment then_fragment(then);
if (body_join != NULL) {
// There are several branches to the body, so we will make a goto to
// the join block (the real body has already been prepended with a
// join instruction).
then_fragment += Goto(body_join);
} else {
// There is only a signle branch to the body, so we will just append
// the body fragment.
then_fragment += body_fragments[i];
current_instructions = Fragment(otherwise);
if (num_cases > 0 && default_case < 0) {
// There is no default, which means we have an open [current_instructions]
// (which is a [TargetEntryInstruction] for the last "otherwise" branch).
// Furthermore the last [SwitchCase] can be open as well. If so, we need
// to join these two.
Fragment& last_body = body_fragments[num_cases - 1];
if (last_body.is_open()) {
// Join the last "otherwise" branch and the last [SwitchCase] fragment.
JoinEntryInstr* join = BuildJoinEntry();
current_instructions += Goto(join);
last_body += Goto(join);
current_instructions = Fragment(join);
} else {
// All non-default cases will be closed (i.e. break/continue/throw/return)
// So it is fine to just let more statements after the switch append to the
// default case.
delete[] body_fragments;
delete[] case_expression_offsets;
return Fragment(head_instructions.entry, current_instructions.current);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildContinueSwitchStatement() {
intptr_t target_index = ReadUInt(); // read target index.
TryFinallyBlock* outer_finally = NULL;
intptr_t target_context_depth = -1;
JoinEntryInstr* entry = switch_block()->Destination(
target_index, &outer_finally, &target_context_depth);
Fragment instructions;
instructions +=
TranslateFinallyFinalizers(outer_finally, target_context_depth);
if (instructions.is_open()) {
instructions += Goto(entry);
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildIfStatement() {
bool negate;
Fragment instructions = TranslateCondition(&negate); // read condition.
TargetEntryInstr* then_entry;
TargetEntryInstr* otherwise_entry;
instructions += BranchIfTrue(&then_entry, &otherwise_entry, negate);
Fragment then_fragment(then_entry);
then_fragment += BuildStatement(); // read then.
Fragment otherwise_fragment(otherwise_entry);
otherwise_fragment += BuildStatement(); // read otherwise.
if (then_fragment.is_open()) {
if (otherwise_fragment.is_open()) {
JoinEntryInstr* join = BuildJoinEntry();
then_fragment += Goto(join);
otherwise_fragment += Goto(join);
return Fragment(instructions.entry, join);
} else {
return Fragment(instructions.entry, then_fragment.current);
} else if (otherwise_fragment.is_open()) {
return Fragment(instructions.entry, otherwise_fragment.current);
} else {
return instructions.closed();
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildReturnStatement() {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read first part of expression.
bool inside_try_finally = try_finally_block() != NULL;
Fragment instructions = tag == kNothing
? NullConstant()
: BuildExpression(); // read rest of expression.
if (instructions.is_open()) {
if (inside_try_finally) {
ASSERT(scopes()->finally_return_variable != NULL);
const Function& function = parsed_function()->function();
if (NeedsDebugStepCheck(function, position)) {
instructions += DebugStepCheck(position);
instructions += StoreLocal(position, scopes()->finally_return_variable);
instructions += Drop();
instructions += TranslateFinallyFinalizers(NULL, -1);
if (instructions.is_open()) {
instructions += LoadLocal(scopes()->finally_return_variable);
instructions += Return(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
} else {
instructions += Return(position);
} else {
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildTryCatch() {
intptr_t try_handler_index = AllocateTryIndex();
Fragment try_body = TryCatch(try_handler_index);
JoinEntryInstr* after_try = BuildJoinEntry();
// Fill in the body of the try.
TryCatchBlock block(flow_graph_builder_, try_handler_index);
try_body += BuildStatement(); // read body.
try_body += Goto(after_try);
bool needs_stacktrace = ReadBool(); // read any_catch_needs_stack_trace
intptr_t num_catches = ReadListLength(); // read number of catches.
const Array& handler_types =
Array::ZoneHandle(Z, Array::New(num_catches, Heap::kOld));
Fragment catch_body =
CatchBlockEntry(handler_types, try_handler_index, needs_stacktrace);
// Fill in the body of the catch.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_catches; ++i) {
intptr_t catch_offset = ReaderOffset(); // Catch has no tag.
Tag tag = PeekTag(); // peek guard type.
AbstractType* type_guard = NULL;
if (tag != kDynamicType) {
type_guard = &T.BuildType(); // read guard.
handler_types.SetAt(i, *type_guard);
} else {
SkipDartType(); // read guard.
handler_types.SetAt(i, Object::dynamic_type());
Fragment catch_handler_body = EnterScope(catch_offset);
tag = ReadTag(); // read first part of exception.
if (tag == kSomething) {
catch_handler_body += LoadLocal(CurrentException());
catch_handler_body +=
StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, LookupVariable(ReaderOffset()));
catch_handler_body += Drop();
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read exception.
tag = ReadTag(); // read first part of stack trace.
if (tag == kSomething) {
catch_handler_body += LoadLocal(CurrentStackTrace());
catch_handler_body +=
StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, LookupVariable(ReaderOffset()));
catch_handler_body += Drop();
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read stack trace.
CatchBlock block(flow_graph_builder_, CurrentException(),
CurrentStackTrace(), try_handler_index);
catch_handler_body += BuildStatement(); // read body.
// Note: ExitScope adjusts context_depth_ so even if catch_handler_body
// is closed we still need to execute ExitScope for its side effect.
catch_handler_body += ExitScope(catch_offset);
if (catch_handler_body.is_open()) {
catch_handler_body += Goto(after_try);
if (type_guard != NULL) {
if (type_guard->IsMalformed()) {
catch_body += ThrowTypeError();
catch_body += Drop();
} else {
catch_body += LoadLocal(CurrentException());
catch_body += PushArgument(); // exception
if (!type_guard->IsInstantiated(kCurrentClass)) {
catch_body += LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
} else {
catch_body += NullConstant();
catch_body += PushArgument(); // instantiator type arguments
if (!type_guard->IsInstantiated(kFunctions)) {
catch_body += LoadFunctionTypeArguments();
} else {
catch_body += NullConstant();
catch_body += PushArgument(); // function type arguments
catch_body += Constant(*type_guard);
catch_body += PushArgument(); // guard type
catch_body += InstanceCall(
Token::kIS, 4);
TargetEntryInstr* catch_entry;
TargetEntryInstr* next_catch_entry;
catch_body += BranchIfTrue(&catch_entry, &next_catch_entry, false);
Fragment(catch_entry) + catch_handler_body;
catch_body = Fragment(next_catch_entry);
} else {
catch_body += catch_handler_body;
// In case the last catch body was not handling the exception and branching to
// after the try block, we will rethrow the exception (i.e. no default catch
// handler).
if (catch_body.is_open()) {
catch_body += LoadLocal(CurrentException());
catch_body += PushArgument();
catch_body += LoadLocal(CurrentStackTrace());
catch_body += PushArgument();
catch_body += RethrowException(TokenPosition::kNoSource, try_handler_index);
return Fragment(try_body.entry, after_try);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildTryFinally() {
// Note on streaming:
// We only stream this TryFinally if we can stream everything inside it,
// so creating a "TryFinallyBlock" with a kernel binary offset instead of an
// AST node isn't a problem.
// There are 5 different cases where we need to execute the finally block:
// a) 1/2/3th case: Special control flow going out of `node->body()`:
// * [BreakStatement] transfers control to a [LabledStatement]
// * [ContinueSwitchStatement] transfers control to a [SwitchCase]
// * [ReturnStatement] returns a value
// => All three cases will automatically append all finally blocks
// between the branching point and the destination (so we don't need to
// do anything here).
// b) 4th case: Translating the body resulted in an open fragment (i.e. body
// executes without any control flow out of it)
// => We are responsible for jumping out of the body to a new block (with
// different try index) and execute the finalizer.
// c) 5th case: An exception occurred inside the body.
// => We are responsible for catching it, executing the finally block and
// rethrowing the exception.
intptr_t try_handler_index = AllocateTryIndex();
Fragment try_body = TryCatch(try_handler_index);
JoinEntryInstr* after_try = BuildJoinEntry();
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset();
SkipStatement(); // temporarily read body.
intptr_t finalizer_offset = ReaderOffset();
// Fill in the body of the try.
TryFinallyBlock tfb(flow_graph_builder_, finalizer_offset);
TryCatchBlock tcb(flow_graph_builder_, try_handler_index);
try_body += BuildStatement(); // read body.
if (try_body.is_open()) {
// Please note: The try index will be on level out of this block,
// thereby ensuring if there's an exception in the finally block we
// won't run it twice.
JoinEntryInstr* finally_entry = BuildJoinEntry();
try_body += Goto(finally_entry);
Fragment finally_body(finally_entry);
finally_body += BuildStatement(); // read finalizer.
finally_body += Goto(after_try);
// Fill in the body of the catch.
const Array& handler_types = Array::ZoneHandle(Z, Array::New(1, Heap::kOld));
handler_types.SetAt(0, Object::dynamic_type());
// Note: rethrow will actually force mark the handler as needing a stacktrace.
Fragment finally_body = CatchBlockEntry(handler_types, try_handler_index,
/* needs_stacktrace = */ false);
finally_body += BuildStatement(); // read finalizer
if (finally_body.is_open()) {
finally_body += LoadLocal(CurrentException());
finally_body += PushArgument();
finally_body += LoadLocal(CurrentStackTrace());
finally_body += PushArgument();
finally_body +=
RethrowException(TokenPosition::kNoSource, try_handler_index);
return Fragment(try_body.entry, after_try);
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildYieldStatement() {
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
uint8_t flags = ReadByte(); // read flags.
ASSERT((flags & YieldStatement::kFlagNative) ==
YieldStatement::kFlagNative); // Must have been desugared.
// Setup yield/continue point:
// ...
// :await_jump_var = index;
// :await_ctx_var = :current_context_var
// return <expr>
// Continuation<index>:
// Drop(1)
// ...
// BuildGraphOfFunction will create a dispatch that jumps to
// Continuation<:await_jump_var> upon entry to the function.
Fragment instructions = IntConstant(yield_continuations().length() + 1);
instructions +=
StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, scopes()->yield_jump_variable);
instructions += Drop();
instructions += LoadLocal(parsed_function()->current_context_var());
instructions +=
StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, scopes()->yield_context_variable);
instructions += Drop();
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read expression.
instructions += Return(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
// Note: DropTempsInstr serves as an anchor instruction. It will not
// be linked into the resulting graph.
DropTempsInstr* anchor = new (Z) DropTempsInstr(0, NULL);
yield_continuations().Add(YieldContinuation(anchor, CurrentTryIndex()));
Fragment continuation(instructions.entry, anchor);
if (parsed_function()->function().IsAsyncClosure() ||
parsed_function()->function().IsAsyncGenClosure()) {
// If function is async closure or async gen closure it takes three
// parameters where the second and the third are exception and stack_trace.
// Check if exception is non-null and rethrow it.
// :async_op([:result, :exception, :stack_trace]) {
// ...
// Continuation<index>:
// if (:exception != null) rethrow(:exception, :stack_trace);
// ...
// }
LocalScope* scope = parsed_function()->node_sequence()->scope();
LocalVariable* exception_var = scope->VariableAt(2);
LocalVariable* stack_trace_var = scope->VariableAt(3);
ASSERT(exception_var->name().raw() == Symbols::ExceptionParameter().raw());
ASSERT(stack_trace_var->name().raw() ==
TargetEntryInstr* no_error;
TargetEntryInstr* error;
continuation += LoadLocal(exception_var);
continuation += BranchIfNull(&no_error, &error);
Fragment rethrow(error);
rethrow += LoadLocal(exception_var);
rethrow += PushArgument();
rethrow += LoadLocal(stack_trace_var);
rethrow += PushArgument();
rethrow += RethrowException(position, CatchClauseNode::kInvalidTryIndex);
continuation = Fragment(continuation.entry, no_error);
return continuation;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildVariableDeclaration() {
intptr_t kernel_position_no_tag = ReaderOffset();
LocalVariable* variable = LookupVariable(kernel_position_no_tag);
VariableDeclarationHelper helper(this);
dart::String& name = H.DartSymbol(helper.name_index_);
AbstractType& type = T.BuildType(); // read type.
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read (first part of) initializer.
Fragment instructions;
if (tag == kNothing) {
instructions += NullConstant();
} else {
if (helper.IsConst()) {
const Instance& constant_value = constant_evaluator_.EvaluateExpression(
ReaderOffset()); // read initializer form current position.
instructions += Constant(constant_value);
SkipExpression(); // skip initializer.
} else {
// Initializer
instructions += BuildExpression(); // read (actual) initializer.
instructions += CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(type, name);
// Use position of equal sign if it exists. If the equal sign does not exist
// use the position of the identifier.
TokenPosition debug_position =
Utils::Maximum(helper.position_, helper.equals_position_);
if (NeedsDebugStepCheck(stack(), debug_position)) {
instructions = DebugStepCheck(debug_position) + instructions;
instructions += StoreLocal(helper.position_, variable);
instructions += Drop();
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildFunctionDeclaration() {
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset() - 1; // -1 to include tag byte.
TokenPosition position = ReadPosition(); // read position.
intptr_t variable_offeset = ReaderOffset();
SkipVariableDeclaration(); // read variable declaration.
Fragment instructions = DebugStepCheck(position);
instructions += BuildFunctionNode(offset, position, true, variable_offeset);
instructions += StoreLocal(position, LookupVariable(variable_offeset));
instructions += Drop();
return instructions;
Fragment StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildFunctionNode(
intptr_t parent_kernel_offset,
TokenPosition parent_position,
bool declaration,
intptr_t variable_offeset) {
intptr_t offset = ReaderOffset();
FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(this);
TokenPosition position = function_node_helper.position_;
if (declaration) {
position = parent_position;
if (!position.IsReal()) {
// Positions has to be unique in regards to the parent.
// A non-real at this point is probably -1, we cannot blindly use that
// as others might use it too. Create a new dummy non-real TokenPosition.
position = TokenPosition(offset).ToSynthetic();
// The VM has a per-isolate table of functions indexed by the enclosing
// function and token position.
Function& function = Function::ZoneHandle(Z);
// NOTE: This is not TokenPosition in the general sense!
function = I->LookupClosureFunction(parsed_function()->function(), position);
if (function.IsNull()) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < scopes()->function_scopes.length(); ++i) {
if (scopes()->function_scopes[i].kernel_offset != offset) {
const dart::String* name;
if (!declaration) {
name = &Symbols::AnonymousClosure();
} else {
name = &H.DartSymbol(GetNameFromVariableDeclaration(variable_offeset));
// NOTE: This is not TokenPosition in the general sense!
function = Function::NewClosureFunction(
*name, parsed_function()->function(), position);
function.set_is_debuggable(function_node_helper.dart_async_marker_ ==
switch (function_node_helper.dart_async_marker_) {
case FunctionNode::kSyncStar:
case FunctionNode::kAsync:
case FunctionNode::kAsyncStar:
// no special modifier
function.set_is_generated_body(function_node_helper.async_marker_ ==
if (function.IsAsyncClosure() || function.IsAsyncGenClosure()) {
LocalScope* scope = scopes()->function_scopes[i].scope;
const ContextScope& context_scope = ContextScope::Handle(
Z, scope->PreserveOuterScope(flow_graph_builder_->context_depth_));
SetupFunctionParameters(dart::Class::Handle(Z), function,
false, // is_method
true, // is_closure
// Finalize function type.
Type& signature_type = Type::Handle(Z, function.SignatureType());
signature_type ^=
ClassFinalizer::FinalizeType(*active_class()->klass, signature_type);
const dart::Class& closure_class =
dart::Class::ZoneHandle(Z, I->object_store()->closure_class());
Fragment instructions =
flow_graph_builder_->AllocateObject(closure_class, function);
LocalVariable* closure = MakeTemporary();
// The function signature can have uninstantiated class type parameters.
// TODO(regis): Also handle the case of a function signature that has
// uninstantiated function type parameters.
if (!function.HasInstantiatedSignature(kCurrentClass)) {
instructions += LoadLocal(closure);
instructions += LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
instructions += flow_graph_builder_->StoreInstanceField(
// Store the function and the context in the closure.
instructions += LoadLocal(closure);
instructions += Constant(function);
instructions += flow_graph_builder_->StoreInstanceField(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, Closure::function_offset());
instructions += LoadLocal(closure);
instructions += LoadLocal(parsed_function()->current_context_var());
instructions += flow_graph_builder_->StoreInstanceField(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, Closure::context_offset());
return instructions;
void StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::SetupFunctionParameters(
const dart::Class& klass,
const dart::Function& function,
bool is_method,
bool is_closure,
FunctionNodeHelper* function_node_helper) {
ASSERT(!(is_method && is_closure));
bool is_factory = function.IsFactory();
intptr_t extra_parameters = (is_method || is_closure || is_factory) ? 1 : 0;
intptr_t required_parameter_count =
intptr_t total_parameter_count = function_node_helper->total_parameter_count_;
intptr_t positional_parameters_count = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
intptr_t named_parameters_count =
total_parameter_count - positional_parameters_count;
function.set_num_fixed_parameters(extra_parameters +
if (named_parameters_count > 0) {
function.SetNumOptionalParameters(named_parameters_count, false);
} else {
positional_parameters_count - required_parameter_count, true);
intptr_t num_parameters = extra_parameters + total_parameter_count;
Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(num_parameters, Heap::kOld)));
Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(num_parameters, Heap::kOld)));
intptr_t pos = 0;
if (is_method) {
function.SetParameterTypeAt(pos, H.GetCanonicalType(klass));
function.SetParameterNameAt(pos, Symbols::This());
} else if (is_closure) {
function.SetParameterTypeAt(pos, AbstractType::dynamic_type());
function.SetParameterNameAt(pos, Symbols::ClosureParameter());
} else if (is_factory) {
function.SetParameterTypeAt(pos, AbstractType::dynamic_type());
function.SetParameterNameAt(pos, Symbols::TypeArgumentsParameter());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < positional_parameters_count; ++i, ++pos) {
// Read ith variable declaration.
VariableDeclarationHelper helper(this);
const AbstractType& type = T.BuildTypeWithoutFinalization(); // read type.
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read (first part of) initializer.
if (tag == kSomething) {
SkipExpression(); // read (actual) initializer.
pos, type.IsMalformed() ? Type::dynamic_type() : type);
function.SetParameterNameAt(pos, H.DartSymbol(helper.name_index_));
intptr_t named_parameters_count_check =
ReadListLength(); // read list length.
ASSERT(named_parameters_count_check == named_parameters_count);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < named_parameters_count; ++i, ++pos) {
// Read ith variable declaration.
VariableDeclarationHelper helper(this);
const AbstractType& type = T.BuildTypeWithoutFinalization(); // read type.
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read (first part of) initializer.
if (tag == kSomething) {
SkipExpression(); // read (actual) initializer.
pos, type.IsMalformed() ? Type::dynamic_type() : type);
function.SetParameterNameAt(pos, H.DartSymbol(helper.name_index_));
// The result type for generative constructors has already been set.
if (!function.IsGenerativeConstructor()) {
const AbstractType& return_type =
T.BuildTypeWithoutFinalization(); // read return type.
function.set_result_type(return_type.IsMalformed() ? Type::dynamic_type()
: return_type);
RawObject* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::BuildParameterDescriptor(
intptr_t kernel_offset) {
ReadUntilFunctionNode(); // read until function node.
FunctionNodeHelper function_node_helper(this);
intptr_t param_count = function_node_helper.total_parameter_count_;
intptr_t positional_count = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
intptr_t named_parameters_count = param_count - positional_count;
const Array& param_descriptor = Array::Handle(
Array::New(param_count * Parser::kParameterEntrySize, Heap::kOld));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) {
const intptr_t entry_start = i * Parser::kParameterEntrySize;
if (i == positional_count) {
intptr_t named_parameters_count_check =
ReadListLength(); // read list length.
ASSERT(named_parameters_count_check == named_parameters_count);
// Read ith variable declaration.
VariableDeclarationHelper helper(this);
param_descriptor.SetAt(entry_start + Parser::kParameterIsFinalOffset,
helper.IsFinal() ? Bool::True() : Bool::False());
Tag tag = ReadTag(); // read (first part of) initializer.
if (tag == kSomething) {
// this will (potentially) read the initializer, but reset the position.
Instance& constant =
SkipExpression(); // read (actual) initializer.
param_descriptor.SetAt(entry_start + Parser::kParameterDefaultValueOffset,
} else {
param_descriptor.SetAt(entry_start + Parser::kParameterDefaultValueOffset,
param_descriptor.SetAt(entry_start + Parser::kParameterMetadataOffset,
/* Issue(28434): Missing parameter metadata. */
return param_descriptor.raw();
RawObject* StreamingFlowGraphBuilder::EvaluateMetadata(intptr_t kernel_offset) {
const Tag tag = PeekTag();
if (tag == kClass) {
ClassHelper class_helper(this);
} else if (tag == kProcedure) {
ProcedureHelper procedure_helper(this);
} else if (tag == kField) {
FieldHelper field_helper(this);
} else if (tag == kConstructor) {
ConstructorHelper constructor_helper(this);
} else {
FATAL("No support for metadata on this type of kernel node\n");
intptr_t list_length = ReadListLength(); // read list length.
const Array& metadata_values = Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(list_length));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_length; ++i) {
// this will (potentially) read the expression, but reset the position.
Instance& value = constant_evaluator_.EvaluateExpression(ReaderOffset());
SkipExpression(); // read (actual) initializer.
metadata_values.SetAt(i, value);
return metadata_values.raw();
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace dart
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)