blob: 46f83346be5067b79d52c71500c02d5b70789f27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/inheritance_manager2.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/scope.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
class MethodInvocationResolver {
static final _nameCall = new Name(null, 'call');
/// The resolver driving this participant.
final ResolverVisitor _resolver;
/// The type representing the type 'dynamic'.
final DynamicTypeImpl _dynamicType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
/// The type representing the type 'type'.
final InterfaceType _typeType;
/// The manager for the inheritance mappings.
final InheritanceManager2 _inheritance;
/// The element for the library containing the compilation unit being visited.
final LibraryElement _definingLibrary;
/// The URI of [_definingLibrary].
final Uri _definingLibraryUri;
/// The object keeping track of which elements have had their types promoted.
final TypePromotionManager _promoteManager;
/// The [Name] object of the invocation being resolved by [resolve].
Name _currentName;
: _typeType = _resolver.typeProvider.typeType,
_inheritance = _resolver.inheritance,
_definingLibrary = _resolver.definingLibrary,
_definingLibraryUri = _resolver.definingLibrary.source.uri,
_promoteManager = _resolver.promoteManager;
/// The scope used to resolve identifiers.
Scope get nameScope => _resolver.nameScope;
void resolve(MethodInvocation node) {
SimpleIdentifier nameNode = node.methodName;
String name =;
_currentName = Name(_definingLibraryUri, name);
// Synthetic identifiers have been already reported during parsing.
if (nameNode.isSynthetic) {
Expression receiver = node.realTarget;
if (receiver == null) {
_resolveReceiverNull(node, nameNode, name);
if (receiver is NullLiteral) {
if (receiver is SimpleIdentifier) {
var receiverElement = receiver.staticElement;
if (receiverElement is PrefixElement) {
_resolveReceiverPrefix(node, receiver, receiverElement, nameNode, name);
if (receiver is SuperExpression) {
_resolveReceiverSuper(node, receiver, nameNode, name);
ClassElement typeReference = getTypeReference(receiver);
if (typeReference != null) {
_resolveReceiverTypeLiteral(node, typeReference, nameNode, name);
DartType receiverType = receiver.staticType;
receiverType = _resolveTypeParameter(receiverType);
if (receiverType is InterfaceType) {
_resolveReceiverInterfaceType(node, receiverType, nameNode, name);
if (receiverType is DynamicTypeImpl) {
_resolveReceiverDynamic(node, name);
if (receiverType is FunctionType) {
node, receiver, receiverType, nameNode, name);
if (receiverType is VoidType) {
_reportUseOfVoidType(node, receiver);
/// Given an [argumentList] and the executable [element] that will be invoked
/// using those arguments, compute the list of parameters that correspond to
/// the list of arguments. Return the parameters that correspond to the
/// arguments, or `null` if no correspondence could be computed.
List<ParameterElement> _computeCorrespondingParameters(
ArgumentList argumentList, DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
MethodElement callMethod =
type.lookUpMethod(FunctionElement.CALL_METHOD_NAME, _definingLibrary);
if (callMethod != null) {
return _resolveArgumentsToFunction(false, argumentList, callMethod);
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
return _resolveArgumentsToParameters(
false, argumentList, type.parameters);
return null;
DartType _getCalleeType(FunctionType targetType) {
if (targetType.element.kind == ElementKind.GETTER) {
var calleeType = (targetType as FunctionTypeImpl).returnType;
calleeType = _resolveTypeParameter(calleeType);
return calleeType;
return targetType;
/// Check for a generic type, and apply type arguments.
FunctionType _instantiateFunctionType(
FunctionType invokeType, TypeArgumentList typeArguments, AstNode node) {
var typeFormals = invokeType.typeFormals;
var arguments = typeArguments?.arguments;
if (arguments != null && arguments.length != typeFormals.length) {
[invokeType, typeFormals.length, arguments?.length ?? 0]);
arguments = null;
if (typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
if (arguments == null) {
return _resolver.typeSystem.instantiateToBounds(invokeType);
} else {
return invokeType.instantiate( => n.type).toList());
return invokeType;
bool _isCoreFunction(DartType type) {
// TODO(scheglov) Can we optimize this?
return type is InterfaceType && type.isDartCoreFunction;
ExecutableElement _lookUpClassMember(ClassElement element, String name) {
// TODO(scheglov) Use class hierarchy.
return element.lookUpMethod(name, _definingLibrary);
void _reportInvocationOfNonFunction(MethodInvocation node) {
_setDynamicResolution(node, setNameTypeToDynamic: false);
void _reportPrefixIdentifierNotFollowedByDot(SimpleIdentifier target) {
void _reportUndefinedFunction(
MethodInvocation node, Identifier ignorableIdentifier) {
// TODO(scheglov) This is duplication.
if (nameScope.shouldIgnoreUndefined(ignorableIdentifier)) {
void _reportUndefinedMethod(
MethodInvocation node, String name, ClassElement typeReference) {
[name, typeReference.displayName],
void _reportUseOfVoidType(MethodInvocation node, AstNode errorNode) {
/// Given an [argumentList] and the [executableElement] that will be invoked
/// using those argument, compute the list of parameters that correspond to the
/// list of arguments. An error will be reported if any of the arguments cannot
/// be matched to a parameter. The flag [reportAsError] should be `true` if a
/// compile-time error should be reported; or `false` if a compile-time warning
/// should be reported. Return the parameters that correspond to the arguments,
/// or `null` if no correspondence could be computed.
List<ParameterElement> _resolveArgumentsToFunction(bool reportAsError,
ArgumentList argumentList, ExecutableElement executableElement) {
if (executableElement == null) {
return null;
List<ParameterElement> parameters = executableElement.parameters;
return _resolveArgumentsToParameters(
reportAsError, argumentList, parameters);
/// Given an [argumentList] and the [parameters] related to the element that
/// will be invoked using those arguments, compute the list of parameters that
/// correspond to the list of arguments. An error will be reported if any of
/// the arguments cannot be matched to a parameter. The flag [reportAsError]
/// should be `true` if a compile-time error should be reported; or `false` if
/// a compile-time warning should be reported. Return the parameters that
/// correspond to the arguments.
List<ParameterElement> _resolveArgumentsToParameters(bool reportAsError,
ArgumentList argumentList, List<ParameterElement> parameters) {
return ResolverVisitor.resolveArgumentsToParameters(
argumentList, parameters, _resolver.errorReporter.reportErrorForNode,
reportAsError: reportAsError);
/// Given that we are accessing a property of the given [classElement] with the
/// given [propertyName], return the element that represents the property.
Element _resolveElement(
ClassElement classElement, SimpleIdentifier propertyName) {
// TODO(scheglov) Replace with class hierarchy.
String name =;
Element element = null;
if (propertyName.inSetterContext()) {
element = classElement.getSetter(name);
if (element == null) {
element = classElement.getGetter(name);
if (element == null) {
element = classElement.getMethod(name);
if (element != null && element.isAccessibleIn(_definingLibrary)) {
return element;
return null;
void _resolveReceiverDynamic(MethodInvocation node, String name) {
void _resolveReceiverFunctionType(MethodInvocation node, Expression receiver,
FunctionType receiverType, SimpleIdentifier nameNode, String name) {
if (name == FunctionElement.CALL_METHOD_NAME) {
_setResolution(node, receiverType);
// TODO(scheglov) Replace this with using FunctionType directly.
// Here was erase resolution that _setResolution() sets.
nameNode.staticElement = null;
nameNode.staticType = _dynamicType;
// We can invoke Object methods on Function.
var type = _inheritance.getMember(
new Name(null, name),
if (type != null) {
nameNode.staticElement = type.element;
return _setResolution(node, type);
void _resolveReceiverInterfaceType(MethodInvocation node,
InterfaceType receiverType, SimpleIdentifier nameNode, String name) {
if (_isCoreFunction(receiverType) &&
name == FunctionElement.CALL_METHOD_NAME) {
var targetType = _inheritance.getMember(receiverType, _currentName);
if (targetType != null) {
var calleeType = _getCalleeType(targetType);
// TODO(scheglov) This is bad, we have to create members here.
// Find a way to avoid this.
Element element;
var baseElement = targetType.element;
if (baseElement is MethodElement) {
element = MethodMember.from(baseElement, receiverType);
} else if (baseElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
element = PropertyAccessorMember.from(baseElement, receiverType);
nameNode.staticElement = element;
return _setResolution(node, calleeType);
// The interface of the receiver does not have an instance member.
// Try to recover and find a member in the class.
var targetElement = _lookUpClassMember(receiverType.element, name);
if (targetElement != null && targetElement.isStatic) {
nameNode.staticElement = targetElement;
[name, receiverType.element.displayName],
void _resolveReceiverNull(
MethodInvocation node, SimpleIdentifier nameNode, String name) {
var element = nameScope.lookup(nameNode, _definingLibrary);
if (element != null) {
nameNode.staticElement = element;
if (element is MultiplyDefinedElement) {
MultiplyDefinedElement multiply = element;
element = multiply.conflictingElements[0];
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
var calleeType = _getCalleeType(element.type);
return _setResolution(node, calleeType);
if (element is VariableElement) {
var targetType = _promoteManager.getStaticType(element);
return _setResolution(node, targetType);
// TODO(scheglov) This is a questionable distinction.
if (element is PrefixElement) {
return _reportPrefixIdentifierNotFollowedByDot(nameNode);
return _reportInvocationOfNonFunction(node);
ClassElement enclosingClass = _resolver.enclosingClass;
if (enclosingClass == null) {
return _reportUndefinedFunction(node, node.methodName);
var receiverType = enclosingClass.type;
var targetType = _inheritance.getMember(receiverType, _currentName);
if (targetType != null) {
nameNode.staticElement = targetType.element;
var calleeType = _getCalleeType(targetType);
return _setResolution(node, calleeType);
var targetElement = _lookUpClassMember(enclosingClass, name);
if (targetElement != null && targetElement.isStatic) {
nameNode.staticElement = targetElement;
return _reportUndefinedMethod(node, name, enclosingClass);
void _resolveReceiverPrefix(MethodInvocation node, SimpleIdentifier receiver,
PrefixElement prefix, SimpleIdentifier nameNode, String name) {
if (node.operator.type == TokenType.QUESTION_PERIOD) {
if (name == FunctionElement.LOAD_LIBRARY_NAME) {
var imports = _definingLibrary.getImportsWithPrefix(prefix);
if (imports.length == 1 && imports[0].isDeferred) {
var importedLibrary = imports[0].importedLibrary;
var loadLibraryFunction = importedLibrary?.loadLibraryFunction;
nameNode.staticElement = loadLibraryFunction;
node.staticInvokeType = loadLibraryFunction?.type;
node.staticType = loadLibraryFunction?.returnType;
// TODO(scheglov) I don't like how we resolve prefixed names.
// But maybe this is the only one solution.
var prefixedName = new PrefixedIdentifierImpl.temp(receiver, nameNode);
var element = nameScope.lookup(prefixedName, _definingLibrary);
nameNode.staticElement = element;
if (element is MultiplyDefinedElement) {
MultiplyDefinedElement multiply = element;
element = multiply.conflictingElements[0];
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
var calleeType = _getCalleeType(element.type);
return _setResolution(node, calleeType);
_reportUndefinedFunction(node, prefixedName);
void _resolveReceiverSuper(MethodInvocation node, SuperExpression receiver,
SimpleIdentifier nameNode, String name) {
if (!_isSuperInValidContext(receiver)) {
var receiverType = _resolver.enclosingClass.type;
var targetType = _inheritance.getMember(
forSuper: true,
// If there is that concrete dispatch target, then we are done.
if (targetType != null) {
nameNode.staticElement = targetType.element;
var calleeType = _getCalleeType(targetType);
_setResolution(node, calleeType);
// Otherwise, this is an error.
// But we would like to give the user at least some resolution.
// So, we try to find the interface target.
targetType = _inheritance.getInherited(receiverType, _currentName);
if (targetType != null) {
nameNode.staticElement = targetType.element;
var calleeType = _getCalleeType(targetType);
_setResolution(node, calleeType);
ClassElementImpl receiverSuperClass = AbstractClassElementImpl.getImpl(
if (receiverSuperClass.hasNoSuchMethod) {
[targetType.element.kind.displayName, name]);
// Nothing help, there is no target at all.
[name, _resolver.enclosingClass.displayName]);
void _resolveReceiverTypeLiteral(MethodInvocation node, ClassElement receiver,
SimpleIdentifier nameNode, String name) {
if (node.isCascaded) {
receiver = _typeType.element;
var element = _resolveElement(receiver, nameNode);
if (element != null) {
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
nameNode.staticElement = element;
var calleeType = _getCalleeType(element.type);
_setResolution(node, calleeType);
} else {
_reportUndefinedMethod(node, name, receiver);
/// If the given [type] is a type parameter, replace with its bound.
/// Otherwise, return the original type.
DartType _resolveTypeParameter(DartType type) {
if (type is TypeParameterType) {
return type.resolveToBound(_resolver.typeProvider.objectType);
return type;
void _setDynamicResolution(MethodInvocation node,
{bool setNameTypeToDynamic: true}) {
if (setNameTypeToDynamic) {
node.methodName.staticType = _dynamicType;
node.staticInvokeType = _dynamicType;
node.staticType = _dynamicType;
void _setResolution(MethodInvocation node, DartType type) {
if (type == _dynamicType || _isCoreFunction(type)) {
// TODO(scheglov) We need this for StaticTypeAnalyzer to run inference.
// But it seems weird. Do we need to know the raw type of a function?!
node.methodName.staticType = type;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
var call = _inheritance.getMember(type, _nameCall);
if (call != null && call.element.kind == ElementKind.METHOD) {
type = call;
if (type is FunctionType) {
// TODO(scheglov) Extract this when receiver is already FunctionType?
var instantiatedType = _instantiateFunctionType(
node.staticInvokeType = instantiatedType;
node.staticType = instantiatedType.returnType;
// TODO(scheglov) too much magic
node.argumentList.correspondingStaticParameters =
if (type is VoidType) {
return _reportUseOfVoidType(node, node.methodName);
/// Checks whether the given [expression] is a reference to a class. If it is
/// then the element representing the class is returned, otherwise `null` is
/// returned.
static ClassElement getTypeReference(Expression expression) {
if (expression is Identifier) {
Element staticElement = expression.staticElement;
if (staticElement is ClassElement) {
return staticElement;
return null;
/// Return `true` if the given 'super' [expression] is used in a valid context.
static bool _isSuperInValidContext(SuperExpression expression) {
for (AstNode node = expression; node != null; node = node.parent) {
if (node is CompilationUnit) {
return false;
} else if (node is ConstructorDeclaration) {
return node.factoryKeyword == null;
} else if (node is ConstructorFieldInitializer) {
return false;
} else if (node is MethodDeclaration) {
return !node.isStatic;
return false;