blob: aa7002cbbbc7719f4d57cbe38f6535e3ddb74740 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'server_abstract.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class CompletionTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
test_completionKinds_default() async {
newFile(join(projectFolderPath, 'file.dart'));
newFolder(join(projectFolderPath, 'folder'));
final content = "import '^';";
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, positionFromMarker(content));
final file = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'file.dart');
final folder = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'folder/');
final builtin = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'dart:core');
// Default capabilities include File + Module but not Folder.
expect(file.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.File));
// We fall back to Module if Folder isn't supported.
expect(folder.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Module));
expect(builtin.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Module));
test_completionKinds_imports() async {
final content = "import '^';";
// Tell the server we support some specific CompletionItemKinds.
await initialize(textDocumentCapabilities: {
'completion': {
'completionItemKind': {
'valueSet': [
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, positionFromMarker(content));
final file = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'file.dart');
final folder = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'folder/');
final builtin = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'dart:core');
expect(file.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.File));
expect(folder.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Folder));
expect(builtin.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Module));
test_completionKinds_supportedSubset() async {
final content = '''
class MyClass {
String abcdefghij;
main() {
MyClass a;^
// Tell the server we only support the Field CompletionItemKind.
await initialize(textDocumentCapabilities: {
'completion': {
'completionItemKind': {
'valueSet': [
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, positionFromMarker(content));
final kinds = => item.kind).toList();
// Ensure we only get nulls or Fields (the sample code contains Classes).
everyElement(anyOf(isNull, equals(CompletionItemKind.Field))),
test_gettersAndSetters() async {
final content = '''
class MyClass {
String get justGetter => '';
String set justSetter(String value) {}
String get getterAndSetter => '';
String set getterAndSetter(String value) {}
main() {
MyClass a;
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, positionFromMarker(content));
final getter = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'justGetter');
final setter = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'justSetter');
final both = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'getterAndSetter');
expect(getter.detail, equals('String'));
expect(setter.detail, equals('String'));
expect(both.detail, equals('String'));
[getter, setter, both].forEach((item) {
expect(item.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Property));
test_insideString() async {
final content = '''
var a = "This is ^a test"
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, positionFromMarker(content));
expect(res, isEmpty);
test_isDeprecated_notSupported() async {
final content = '''
class MyClass {
String abcdefghij;
main() {
MyClass a;^
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, positionFromMarker(content));
final item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij');
expect(item.deprecated, isNull);
// If the does not say it supports the deprecated flag, we should show
// '(deprecated)' in the details.
expect(item.detail.toLowerCase(), contains('deprecated'));
test_isDeprecated_supported() async {
final content = '''
class MyClass {
String abcdefghij;
main() {
MyClass a;^
await initialize(textDocumentCapabilities: {
'completion': {
'completionItem': {
'deprecatedSupport': true,
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, positionFromMarker(content));
final item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij');
expect(item.deprecated, isTrue);
// If the client says it supports the deprecated flag, we should not show
// deprecated in the details.
expect(item.detail, isNot(contains('deprecated')));
test_plainText_simple() async {
final content = '''
class MyClass {
String abcdefghij;
main() {
MyClass a;^
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, positionFromMarker(content));
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij'), isTrue);
final item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij');
expect(item.insertTextFormat, equals(InsertTextFormat.PlainText));
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
expect(item.insertText, anyOf(equals('abcdefghij'), isNull));
final updated = applyEdits(withoutMarkers(content), [item.textEdit]);
expect(updated, contains('a.abcdefghij'));
test_snippet_simple() async {
final content = '''
class MyClass {
String abcdefghij;
main() {
MyClass a;^
await initialize(textDocumentCapabilities: {
'completion': {
'completionItem': {
'snippetSupport': true,
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(content));
final res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, positionFromMarker(content));
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij'), isTrue);
final item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij');
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
expect(item.insertText, anyOf(equals('abcdefghij'), isNull));
expect(item.insertTextFormat, equals(InsertTextFormat.Snippet));
final updated = applyEdits(withoutMarkers(content), [item.textEdit]);
expect(updated, contains('a.abcdefghij'));
expect(item.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Field));
test_snippet_withSelection() async {
// TODO(dantup): Implement snippet functionality + test.
// Like above, but one that actually has a selectionOffset and results in
// a snippet with tabstop.
test_unopenFile() async {
final content = '''
class MyClass {
String abcdefghij;
main() {
MyClass a;^
newFile(mainFilePath, content: withoutMarkers(content));
await initialize();
final res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, positionFromMarker(content));
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij'), isTrue);
final item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij');
expect(item.insertTextFormat, equals(InsertTextFormat.PlainText));
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
expect(item.insertText, anyOf(equals('abcdefghij'), isNull));
final updated = applyEdits(withoutMarkers(content), [item.textEdit]);
expect(updated, contains('a.abcdefghij'));