blob: 200ac9278c046834b16a05ce80bb773241a40fd1 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_special.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/mapping.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
final DartFormatter formatter = new DartFormatter();
ErrorOr<String> applyEdits(
String oldContent, List<TextDocumentContentChangeEvent> changes) {
String newContent = oldContent;
for (var change in changes) {
if (change.range == null && change.rangeLength == null) {
newContent = change.text;
} else {
final lines = LineInfo.fromContent(newContent);
final offsetStart = toOffset(lines, change.range.start);
final offsetEnd = toOffset(lines, change.range.end);
if (offsetStart.isError) {
return new ErrorOr<String>.error(offsetStart.error);
if (offsetEnd.isError) {
return new ErrorOr<String>.error(offsetEnd.error);
newContent = newContent.replaceRange(
offsetStart.result, offsetEnd.result, change.text);
return new ErrorOr<String>.success(newContent);
List<TextEdit> generateEditsForFormatting(String unformattedSource) {
final lineInfo = new LineInfo.fromContent(unformattedSource);
final code =
new SourceCode(unformattedSource, uri: null, isCompilationUnit: true);
SourceCode formattedResult;
try {
formattedResult = formatter.formatSource(code);
} on FormatterException {
// If the document fails to parse, just return no edits to avoid the the
// use seeing edits on every save with invalid code (if LSP gains the
// ability to pass a context to know if the format was manually invoked
// we may wish to change this to return an error for that case).
return null;
final formattedSource = formattedResult.text;
if (formattedSource == unformattedSource) {
return null;
// We don't currently support returning "minimal" edits, we just replace
// entire document.
final end = lineInfo.getLocation(unformattedSource.length);
return [
new TextEdit(
new Range(new Position(0, 0), toPosition(end)),