blob: d3ab0d00f05b825a073a7bf3dc59fe02908883b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library domain.completion;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_services/search/search_engine.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/collections.dart';
* Instances of the class [CompletionDomainHandler] implement a [RequestHandler]
* that handles requests in the search domain.
class CompletionDomainHandler implements RequestHandler {
* The analysis server that is using this handler to process requests.
final AnalysisServer server;
* The [SearchEngine] for this server.
SearchEngine searchEngine;
* The next completion response id.
int _nextCompletionId = 0;
* Initialize a newly created handler to handle requests for the given [server].
Response handleRequest(Request request) {
try {
String requestName = request.method;
return getSuggestions(request);
} on RequestFailure catch (exception) {
return exception.response;
return null;
Response getSuggestions(Request request) {
// extract param
String file = request.getRequiredParameter(FILE).asString();
int offset = request.getRequiredParameter(OFFSET).asInt();
// schedule completion analysis
String completionId = (_nextCompletionId++).toString();
var computer = new TopLevelSuggestionsComputer(server.searchEngine);
var future = computer.compute();
future.then((List<CompletionSuggestion> results) {
_sendCompletionNotification(completionId, true, results);
// respond
return new Response(, completionId);
void _sendCompletionNotification(String completionId, bool isLast,
Iterable<CompletionSuggestion> results) {
Notification notification = new Notification(COMPLETION_RESULTS);
notification.setParameter(ID, completionId);
notification.setParameter(LAST, isLast);
notification.setParameter(RESULTS, results);
* A computer for `completion.getSuggestions` request results.
class TopLevelSuggestionsComputer {
final SearchEngine searchEngine;
* Computes [CompletionSuggestion]s for the specified position in the source.
Future<List<CompletionSuggestion>> compute() {
var future = searchEngine.searchTopLevelDeclarations('');
return future.then((List<SearchMatch> matches) {
return match) {
return new CompletionSuggestion(match.element.displayName);
* A single completion suggestion.
class CompletionSuggestion implements HasToJson {
final String completion;
factory CompletionSuggestion.fromJson(Map<String, Object> json) {
return new CompletionSuggestion(json[COMPLETION]);
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
return {
COMPLETION: completion