blob: 95a720aaef3a565ddaa22b31e463f87bdcaca2a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library source_span.span_mixin;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'colors.dart' as colors;
import 'span.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A mixin for easily implementing [SourceSpan].
/// This implements the [SourceSpan] methods in terms of [start], [end], and
/// [text]. This assumes that [start] and [end] have the same source URL, that
/// [start] comes before [end], and that [text] has a number of characters equal
/// to the distance between [start] and [end].
abstract class SourceSpanMixin implements SourceSpan {
Uri get sourceUrl => start.sourceUrl;
int get length => end.offset - start.offset;
int compareTo(SourceSpan other) {
int d = start.compareTo(other.start);
return d == 0 ? end.compareTo(other.end) : d;
SourceSpan union(SourceSpan other) {
if (sourceUrl != other.sourceUrl) {
throw new ArgumentError("Source URLs \"${sourceUrl}\" and "
" \"${other.sourceUrl}\" don't match.");
var start = min(this.start, other.start);
var end = max(this.end, other.end);
var beginSpan = start == this.start ? this : other;
var endSpan = end == this.end ? this : other;
if (beginSpan.end.compareTo(endSpan.start) < 0) {
throw new ArgumentError("Spans $this and $other are disjoint.");
var text = beginSpan.text +
return new SourceSpan(start, end, text);
String message(String message, {color}) {
if (color == true) color = colors.RED;
if (color == false) color = null;
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write('line ${start.line + 1}, column ${start.column + 1}');
if (sourceUrl != null) buffer.write(' of ${p.prettyUri(sourceUrl)}');
buffer.write(': $message');
if (length == 0) return buffer.toString();
var textLine = text.split("\n").first;
if (color != null) buffer.write(color);
buffer.write('^' * textLine.length);
if (color != null) buffer.write(colors.NONE);
return buffer.toString();
bool operator ==(SourceSpan other) =>
start == other.start && end == other.end;
int get hashCode => start.hashCode + (31 * end.hashCode);
String toString() => '<$runtimeType: from $start to $end "$text">';