blob: d282fcbfc56ae95be604f94d5be95e1ee597ae28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.parser.type_info;
import '../../scanner/token.dart' show Token, TokenType;
import '../scanner/token_constants.dart' show IDENTIFIER_TOKEN, KEYWORD_TOKEN;
import '../util/link.dart' show Link;
import 'identifier_context.dart' show IdentifierContext;
import 'listener.dart' show Listener;
import 'member_kind.dart' show MemberKind;
import 'parser.dart' show Parser;
import 'type_info_impl.dart'
import 'util.dart' show optional;
/// [TypeInfo] provides information that has collected by [computeType]
/// about a particular type reference.
abstract class TypeInfo {
/// Call this function when it's known that the token after [token] is a type.
/// This function will call the appropriate event methods on the [Parser]'s
/// listener to handle the type. This may modify the token stream
/// when parsing `>>` in valid code or during recovery.
Token parseType(Token token, Parser parser);
/// Call this function with the [token] before the type to obtain
/// the last token in the type. If there is no type, then this method
/// will return [token]. This does not modify the token stream.
Token skipType(Token token);
/// [NoTypeInfo] is a specialized [TypeInfo] returned by [computeType] when
/// there is no type information in the source.
const TypeInfo noTypeInfo = const NoTypeInfo();
/// [VoidTypeInfo] is a specialized [TypeInfo] returned by [computeType] when
/// there is a single identifier as the type reference.
const TypeInfo voidTypeInfo = const VoidTypeInfo();
/// [SimpleTypeInfo] is a specialized [TypeInfo] returned by [computeType]
/// when there is a single identifier as the type reference.
const TypeInfo simpleTypeInfo = const SimpleTypeInfo();
/// [PrefixedTypeInfo] is a specialized [TypeInfo] returned by [computeType]
/// when the type reference is of the form: identifier `.` identifier.
const TypeInfo prefixedTypeInfo = const PrefixedTypeInfo();
/// [SimpleTypeArgumentsInfo] is a specialized [TypeInfo] returned by
/// [computeType] when the type reference is of the form:
/// identifier `<` identifier `>`.
const TypeInfo simpleTypeArgumentsInfo = const SimpleTypeArgumentsInfo();
bool isGeneralizedFunctionType(Token token) {
return optional('Function', token) &&
(optional('<', || optional('(',;
bool isValidTypeReference(Token token) {
int kind = token.kind;
if (IDENTIFIER_TOKEN == kind) return true;
if (KEYWORD_TOKEN == kind) {
TokenType type = token.type;
String value = type.lexeme;
return type.isPseudo ||
(type.isBuiltIn && optional('.', ||
(identical(value, 'dynamic')) ||
(identical(value, 'void'));
return false;
/// Called by the parser to obtain information about a possible type reference
/// that follows [token]. This does not modify the token stream.
TypeInfo computeType(final Token token, bool required) {
Token next =;
if (!isValidTypeReference(next)) {
return noTypeInfo;
if (optional('void', next)) {
next =;
if (isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
// `void` `Function` ...
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token).computeVoidGFT(required);
// `void`
return voidTypeInfo;
if (isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
// `Function` ...
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token).computeNoTypeGFT(required);
// We've seen an identifier.
next =;
if (optional('<', next)) {
if (next.endGroup != null) {
next =;
// identifier `<` `void` `>` is handled by ComplexTypeInfo.
if (isValidTypeReference(next) && !identical('void', next.stringValue)) {
next =;
if (optional('>', next)) {
// We've seen identifier `<` identifier `>`
next =;
if (!isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
if (required || looksLikeName(next)) {
// identifier `<` identifier `>` identifier
return simpleTypeArgumentsInfo;
} else {
// identifier `<` identifier `>` non-identifier
return noTypeInfo;
// TODO(danrubel): Consider adding a const for
// identifier `<` identifier `,` identifier `>`
// if that proves to be a common case.
// identifier `<` ... `>`
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token)
// identifier `<`
return required ? simpleTypeInfo : noTypeInfo;
if (optional('.', next)) {
next =;
if (isValidTypeReference(next)) {
next =;
// We've seen identifier `.` identifier
if (!optional('<', next) && !isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
if (required || looksLikeName(next)) {
// identifier `.` identifier identifier
return prefixedTypeInfo;
} else {
// identifier `.` identifier non-identifier
return noTypeInfo;
// identifier `.` identifier
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token).computePrefixedType(required);
// identifier `.` non-identifier
return required ? simpleTypeInfo : noTypeInfo;
if (isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
// `Function`
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token).computeIdentifierGFT(required);
if (required || looksLikeName(next)) {
// identifier identifier
return simpleTypeInfo;
return noTypeInfo;
/// Instances of [ComplexTypeInfo] are returned by [computeType] to represent
/// type references that cannot be represented by the constants above.
class ComplexTypeInfo implements TypeInfo {
final Token start;
Token end;
/// Non-null if type arguments were seen during analysis.
Token typeArguments;
/// The tokens before the start of type variables of function types seen
/// during analysis. Notice that the tokens in this list might precede
/// either `'<'` or `'('` as not all function types have type parameters.
Link<Token> typeVariableStarters = const Link<Token>();
/// If the receiver represents a generalized function type then this indicates
/// whether it has a return type, otherwise this is `null`.
bool gftHasReturnType;
ComplexTypeInfo(Token beforeStart) : this.start =;
Token parseType(Token token, Parser parser) {
assert(identical(, start));
Listener listener = parser.listener;
for (Link<Token> t = typeVariableStarters; t.isNotEmpty; t = t.tail) {
if (gftHasReturnType == false) {
// A function type without return type.
// Push the non-existing return type first. The loop below will
// generate the full type.
noTypeInfo.parseType(token, parser);
} else if (optional('void', {
token = voidTypeInfo.parseType(token, parser);
} else {
if (!optional('.', {
token = parser.ensureIdentifier(token, IdentifierContext.typeReference);
} else {
token = parser.ensureIdentifier(
token, IdentifierContext.prefixedTypeReference);
token = parser.parseQualifiedRest(
token, IdentifierContext.typeReferenceContinuation);
token = parser.parseTypeArgumentsOpt(token);
for (Link<Token> t = typeVariableStarters; t.isNotEmpty; t = t.tail) {
token =;
assert(optional('Function', token));
Token functionToken = token;
if (optional("<", {
// Skip type parameters, they were parsed above.
token =;
token = parser.parseFormalParametersRequiredOpt(
token, MemberKind.GeneralizedFunctionType);
// There are two situations in which the [token] != [end]:
// Valid code: identifier `<` identifier `<` identifier `>>`
// where `>>` is replaced by two tokens.
// Invalid code: identifier `<` identifier identifier `>`
// where a synthetic `>` is inserted between the identifiers.
assert(identical(token, end) || optional('>', token));
// During recovery, [token] may be a synthetic that was inserted in the
// middle of the type reference. In this situation, return [end] so that it
// matches [skipType], and so that the next token to be parsed is correct.
return token.isSynthetic ? end : token;
Token skipType(Token token) {
return end;
/// Given `Function` non-identifier, compute the type
/// and return the receiver or one of the [TypeInfo] constants.
TypeInfo computeNoTypeGFT(bool required) {
assert(optional('Function', start));
computeRest(start, required);
return gftHasReturnType != null
? this
: required ? simpleTypeInfo : noTypeInfo;
/// Given void `Function` non-identifier, compute the type
/// and return the receiver or one of the [TypeInfo] constants.
TypeInfo computeVoidGFT(bool required) {
assert(optional('void', start));
computeRest(, required);
return gftHasReturnType != null ? this : voidTypeInfo;
/// Given identifier `Function` non-identifier, compute the type
/// and return the receiver or one of the [TypeInfo] constants.
TypeInfo computeIdentifierGFT(bool required) {
computeRest(, required);
return gftHasReturnType != null ? this : simpleTypeInfo;
/// Given identifier `<` ... `>`, compute the type
/// and return the receiver or one of the [TypeInfo] constants.
TypeInfo computeSimpleWithTypeArguments(bool required) {
typeArguments =;
assert(optional('<', typeArguments));
Token token = skipTypeArguments(typeArguments);
if (token == null) {
return required ? simpleTypeInfo : noTypeInfo;
end = token;
computeRest(, required);
return required || looksLikeName( || gftHasReturnType != null
? this
: noTypeInfo;
/// Given identifier `.` identifier, compute the type
/// and return the receiver or one of the [TypeInfo] constants.
TypeInfo computePrefixedType(bool required) {
Token token =;
assert(optional('.', token));
token =;
end = token;
token =;
if (optional('<', token)) {
typeArguments = token;
token = skipTypeArguments(token);
if (token == null) {
return required ? prefixedTypeInfo : noTypeInfo;
end = token;
token =;
computeRest(token, required);
return required || looksLikeName( || gftHasReturnType != null
? this
: noTypeInfo;
void computeRest(Token token, bool required) {
while (optional('Function', token)) {
Token typeVariableStart = token;
token =;
if (optional('<', token)) {
token = token.endGroup;
if (token == null) {
break; // Not a function type.
assert(optional('>', token) || optional('>>', token));
token =;
if (!optional('(', token)) {
break; // Not a function type.
token = token.endGroup;
if (token == null) {
break; // Not a function type.
assert(optional(')', token));
gftHasReturnType ??= typeVariableStart != start;
typeVariableStarters = typeVariableStarters.prepend(typeVariableStart);
end = token;
token =;