blob: e862eb9caeadfe133dc2c4207f5276d491b23df7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
import 'package:kernel/library_index.dart';
/// Contains information about native JS types (those types provided by the
/// implementation) that are also provided by the Dart SDK.
/// For types provided by JavaScript, it is important that we don't add methods
/// directly to those types. Instead, we must call through a special set of
/// JS Symbol names, that are used for the "Dart extensions". For example:
/// // Dart
/// Iterable iter = myList;
/// print(iter.first);
/// // JS
/// let iter = myLib.myList;
/// core.print(iter[dartx.first]);
/// This will provide the [Iterable.first] property, without needing to add
/// `first` to the `Array.prototype`.
class NativeTypeSet {
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
final LibraryIndex sdk;
// Abstract types that may be implemented by both native and non-native
// classes.
final _extensibleTypes = new HashSet<Class>.identity();
// Concrete native types.
final _nativeTypes = new HashSet<Class>.identity();
final _pendingLibraries = new HashSet<Library>.identity();
NativeTypeSet(Component component)
: sdk = new LibraryIndex.coreLibraries(component),
coreTypes = new CoreTypes(component) {
// First, core types:
// TODO(vsm): If we're analyzing against the main SDK, those
// types are not explicitly annotated.
_addExtensionType(coreTypes.intClass, true);
_addExtensionType(coreTypes.doubleClass, true);
_addExtensionType(coreTypes.boolClass, true);
_addExtensionType(coreTypes.stringClass, true);
// These are used natively by dart:html but also not annotated.
_addExtensionTypesForLibrary('dart:core', ['Comparable', 'Map']);
_addExtensionTypesForLibrary('dart:collection', ['ListMixin']);
_addExtensionTypesForLibrary('dart:math', ['Rectangle']);
// Second, html types - these are only searched if we use dart:html, etc.:
bool _isNative(Class c) {
for (var annotation in c.annotations) {
if (annotation is ConstructorInvocation) {
var c =;
if ( == 'Native' || == 'JsPeerInterface') {
if (c.enclosingLibrary.importUri.scheme == 'dart') return true;
return false;
void _addExtensionType(Class c, [bool mustBeNative = false]) {
if (c == coreTypes.objectClass) return;
if (_extensibleTypes.contains(c) || _nativeTypes.contains(c)) {
bool isNative = mustBeNative || _isNative(c);
if (isNative) {
} else {
for (var s in c.supers) {
void _addExtensionTypesForLibrary(String library, List<String> classNames) {
for (var className in classNames) {
_addExtensionType(sdk.getClass(library, className), true);
void _addExtensionTypes(Library library) {
for (var c in library.classes) {
if (_isNative(c)) {
_addExtensionType(c, true);
void _addPendingExtensionTypes(Library library) {
bool _processPending(Class c) {
var pending = _pendingLibraries;
if (pending.isNotEmpty && pending.contains(c.enclosingLibrary)) {
return true;
return false;
bool isNativeClass(Class c) =>
_nativeTypes.contains(c) ||
_processPending(c) && _nativeTypes.contains(c);
bool isNativeInterface(Class c) =>
_extensibleTypes.contains(c) ||
_processPending(c) && _extensibleTypes.contains(c);
bool hasNativeSubtype(Class c) => isNativeInterface(c) || isNativeClass(c);