blob: 5f3d53bfe935b6b99e79a9655aca0fcf7a061bf7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.dart.element.element;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math' show min;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/constant/value.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/kernel_metadata.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/constant/value.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/handle.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart' show CompileTimeErrorCode;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart' show EvaluationResultImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart'
show AnalysisContext, AnalysisEngine;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart' show DartSdk;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/ast_test_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_general.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/dart.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' as kernel;
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart' as kernel;
* Assert that the given [object] is null, which in the places where this
* function is called means that the element is not resynthesized.
void _assertNotResynthesized(Object object) {
// TODO(scheglov) I comment this check for now.
// When we make a decision about switch to the new analysis driver,
// we will need to rework the analysis code to don't call the setters
// or restore / inline it.
// assert(object == null);
* A concrete implementation of a [ClassElement].
abstract class AbstractClassElementImpl extends ElementImpl
implements ClassElement {
* A list containing all of the accessors (getters and setters) contained in
* this class.
List<PropertyAccessorElement> _accessors;
* A list containing all of the fields contained in this class.
List<FieldElement> _fields;
* A list containing all of the methods contained in this class.
List<MethodElement> _methods;
* Initialize a newly created class element to have the given [name] at the
* given [offset] in the file that contains the declaration of this element.
AbstractClassElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
* Initialize for resynthesizing from kernel.
AbstractClassElementImpl.forKernel(CompilationUnitElementImpl enclosingUnit)
: super.forKernel(enclosingUnit);
* Initialize a newly created class element to have the given [name].
AbstractClassElementImpl.forNode(Identifier name) : super.forNode(name);
* Initialize using the given serialized information.
CompilationUnitElementImpl enclosingUnit)
: super.forSerialized(enclosingUnit);
List<PropertyAccessorElement> get accessors {
return _accessors ?? const <PropertyAccessorElement>[];
* Set the accessors contained in this class to the given [accessors].
void set accessors(List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
(accessor as PropertyAccessorElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
this._accessors = accessors;
String get displayName => name;
List<FieldElement> get fields => _fields ?? const <FieldElement>[];
* Set the fields contained in this class to the given [fields].
void set fields(List<FieldElement> fields) {
for (FieldElement field in fields) {
(field as FieldElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
this._fields = fields;
bool get isEnum;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.CLASS;
T accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitClassElement(this);
NamedCompilationUnitMember computeNode() {
if (isEnum) {
return getNodeMatching((node) => node is EnumDeclaration);
} else {
return getNodeMatching(
(node) => node is ClassDeclaration || node is ClassTypeAlias);
ElementImpl getChild(String identifier) {
// The casts in this method are safe because the set methods would have
// thrown a CCE if any of the elements in the arrays were not of the
// expected types.
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl accessorImpl = accessor;
if (accessorImpl.identifier == identifier) {
return accessorImpl;
for (FieldElement field in fields) {
FieldElementImpl fieldImpl = field;
if (fieldImpl.identifier == identifier) {
return fieldImpl;
return null;
FieldElement getField(String name) {
for (FieldElement fieldElement in fields) {
if (name == {
return fieldElement;
return null;
PropertyAccessorElement getGetter(String getterName) {
int length = accessors.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = accessors[i];
if (accessor.isGetter && == getterName) {
return accessor;
return null;
MethodElement getMethod(String methodName) {
int length = methods.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
MethodElement method = methods[i];
if ( == methodName) {
return method;
return null;
PropertyAccessorElement getSetter(String setterName) {
// TODO (jwren) revisit- should we append '=' here or require clients to
// include it?
// Do we need the check for isSetter below?
if (!StringUtilities.endsWithChar(setterName, 0x3D)) {
setterName += '=';
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
if (accessor.isSetter && == setterName) {
return accessor;
return null;
MethodElement lookUpConcreteMethod(
String methodName, LibraryElement library) =>
(MethodElement method) =>
!method.isAbstract && method.isAccessibleIn(library)));
PropertyAccessorElement lookUpGetter(
String getterName, LibraryElement library) =>
(PropertyAccessorElement getter) => getter.isAccessibleIn(library)));
PropertyAccessorElement lookUpInheritedConcreteGetter(
String getterName, LibraryElement library) =>
(PropertyAccessorElement getter) =>
!getter.isAbstract &&
getter.isAccessibleIn(library) &&
getter.enclosingElement != this));
MethodElement lookUpInheritedConcreteMethod(
String methodName, LibraryElement library) =>
(MethodElement method) =>
!method.isAbstract &&
method.isAccessibleIn(library) &&
method.enclosingElement != this));
PropertyAccessorElement lookUpInheritedConcreteSetter(
String setterName, LibraryElement library) =>
(PropertyAccessorElement setter) =>
!setter.isAbstract &&
setter.isAccessibleIn(library) &&
setter.enclosingElement != this));
MethodElement lookUpInheritedMethod(
String methodName, LibraryElement library) =>
(MethodElement method) =>
method.isAccessibleIn(library) &&
method.enclosingElement != this));
MethodElement lookUpMethod(String methodName, LibraryElement library) =>
.where((MethodElement method) => method.isAccessibleIn(library)));
PropertyAccessorElement lookUpSetter(
String setterName, LibraryElement library) =>
(PropertyAccessorElement setter) => setter.isAccessibleIn(library)));
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
safelyVisitChildren(accessors, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(fields, visitor);
* Return the first element from the given [iterable], or `null` if the
* iterable is empty.
E _first<E>(Iterable<E> iterable) {
if (iterable.isEmpty) {
return null;
return iterable.first;
* Return an iterable containing all of the implementations of a getter with
* the given [getterName] that are defined in this class any any superclass of
* this class (but not in interfaces).
* The getters that are returned are not filtered in any way. In particular,
* they can include getters that are not visible in some context. Clients must
* perform any necessary filtering.
* The getters are returned based on the depth of their defining class; if
* this class contains a definition of the getter it will occur first, if
* Object contains a definition of the getter it will occur last.
Iterable<PropertyAccessorElement> _implementationsOfGetter(
String getterName) sync* {
ClassElement classElement = this;
HashSet<ClassElement> visitedClasses = new HashSet<ClassElement>();
while (classElement != null && visitedClasses.add(classElement)) {
PropertyAccessorElement getter = classElement.getGetter(getterName);
if (getter != null) {
yield getter;
for (InterfaceType mixin in classElement.mixins.reversed) {
getter = mixin.element?.getGetter(getterName);
if (getter != null) {
yield getter;
classElement = classElement.supertype?.element;
* Return an iterable containing all of the implementations of a method with
* the given [methodName] that are defined in this class any any superclass of
* this class (but not in interfaces).
* The methods that are returned are not filtered in any way. In particular,
* they can include methods that are not visible in some context. Clients must
* perform any necessary filtering.
* The methods are returned based on the depth of their defining class; if
* this class contains a definition of the method it will occur first, if
* Object contains a definition of the method it will occur last.
Iterable<MethodElement> _implementationsOfMethod(String methodName) sync* {
ClassElement classElement = this;
HashSet<ClassElement> visitedClasses = new HashSet<ClassElement>();
while (classElement != null && visitedClasses.add(classElement)) {
MethodElement method = classElement.getMethod(methodName);
if (method != null) {
yield method;
for (InterfaceType mixin in classElement.mixins.reversed) {
method = mixin.element?.getMethod(methodName);
if (method != null) {
yield method;
classElement = classElement.supertype?.element;
* Return an iterable containing all of the implementations of a setter with
* the given [setterName] that are defined in this class any any superclass of
* this class (but not in interfaces).
* The setters that are returned are not filtered in any way. In particular,
* they can include setters that are not visible in some context. Clients must
* perform any necessary filtering.
* The setters are returned based on the depth of their defining class; if
* this class contains a definition of the setter it will occur first, if
* Object contains a definition of the setter it will occur last.
Iterable<PropertyAccessorElement> _implementationsOfSetter(
String setterName) sync* {
ClassElement classElement = this;
HashSet<ClassElement> visitedClasses = new HashSet<ClassElement>();
while (classElement != null && visitedClasses.add(classElement)) {
PropertyAccessorElement setter = classElement.getSetter(setterName);
if (setter != null) {
yield setter;
for (InterfaceType mixin in classElement.mixins.reversed) {
setter = mixin.element?.getSetter(setterName);
if (setter != null) {
yield setter;
classElement = classElement.supertype?.element;
* Return the [AbstractClassElementImpl] of the given [classElement]. May
* throw an exception if the [AbstractClassElementImpl] cannot be provided
* (should not happen though).
static AbstractClassElementImpl getImpl(ClassElement classElement) {
if (classElement is ClassElementHandle) {
return getImpl(classElement.actualElement);
return classElement as AbstractClassElementImpl;
* For AST nodes that could be in both the getter and setter contexts
* ([IndexExpression]s and [SimpleIdentifier]s), the additional resolved
* elements are stored in the AST node, in an [AuxiliaryElements]. Because
* resolved elements are either statically resolved or resolved using propagated
* type information, this class is a wrapper for a pair of [ExecutableElement]s,
* not just a single [ExecutableElement].
class AuxiliaryElements {
* The element based on propagated type information, or `null` if the AST
* structure has not been resolved or if the node could not be resolved.
final ExecutableElement propagatedElement;
* The element based on static type information, or `null` if the AST
* structure has not been resolved or if the node could not be resolved.
final ExecutableElement staticElement;
* Initialize a newly created pair to have both the [staticElement] and the
* [propagatedElement].
AuxiliaryElements(this.staticElement, this.propagatedElement);
* An [AbstractClassElementImpl] which is a class.
class ClassElementImpl extends AbstractClassElementImpl
with TypeParameterizedElementMixin {
* The unlinked representation of the class in the summary.
final UnlinkedClass _unlinkedClass;
* The kernel of the element.
final kernel.Class _kernel;
* If this class is resynthesized, whether it has a constant constructor.
bool _hasConstConstructorCached;
* The actual supertype extracted from desugared [_kernel].
kernel.Supertype _kernelSupertype;
* The mixed-in types extracted from desugared [_kernel].
List<kernel.Supertype> _kernelMixins;
* The superclass of the class, or `null` for [Object].
InterfaceType _supertype;
* The type defined by the class.
InterfaceType _type;
* A list containing all of the mixins that are applied to the class being
* extended in order to derive the superclass of this class.
List<InterfaceType> _mixins;
* A list containing all of the interfaces that are implemented by this class.
List<InterfaceType> _interfaces;
* For classes which are not mixin applications, a list containing all of the
* constructors contained in this class, or `null` if the list of
* constructors has not yet been built.
* For classes which are mixin applications, the list of constructors is
* computed on the fly by the [constructors] getter, and this field is
* `null`.
List<ConstructorElement> _constructors;
* A flag indicating whether the types associated with the instance members of
* this class have been inferred.
bool _hasBeenInferred = false;
* The version of this element. The version is changed when the element is
* incrementally updated, so that its lists of constructors, accessors and
* methods might be different.
int version = 0;
* Initialize a newly created class element to have the given [name] at the
* given [offset] in the file that contains the declaration of this element.
ClassElementImpl(String name, int offset)
: _unlinkedClass = null,
_kernel = null,
super(name, offset);
* Initialize using the given kernel.
CompilationUnitElementImpl enclosingUnit, this._kernel)
: _unlinkedClass = null,
* Initialize a newly created class element to have the given [name].
ClassElementImpl.forNode(Identifier name)
: _unlinkedClass = null,
_kernel = null,
* Initialize using the given serialized information.
this._unlinkedClass, CompilationUnitElementImpl enclosingUnit)
: _kernel = null,
* Set whether this class is abstract.
void set abstract(bool isAbstract) {
setModifier(Modifier.ABSTRACT, isAbstract);
List<PropertyAccessorElement> get accessors {
if (_accessors == null) {
if (_kernel != null || _unlinkedClass != null) {
return _accessors ?? const <PropertyAccessorElement>[];
void set accessors(List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors) {
super.accessors = accessors;
List<InterfaceType> get allSupertypes {
List<InterfaceType> list = new List<InterfaceType>();
collectAllSupertypes(list, type, type);
return list;
int get codeLength {
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
return _unlinkedClass.codeRange?.length;
return super.codeLength;
int get codeOffset {
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
return _unlinkedClass.codeRange?.offset;
return super.codeOffset;
List<ConstructorElement> get constructors {
if (isMixinApplication) {
return _computeMixinAppConstructors();
if (_kernel != null && _constructors == null) {
var constructors = _kernel.constructors
.map((k) => new ConstructorElementImpl.forKernel(this, k, null));
var factories = _kernel.procedures
.where((k) => k.isFactory)
.map((k) => new ConstructorElementImpl.forKernel(this, null, k));
_constructors = <ConstructorElement>[]
_constructors.sort((a, b) => a.nameOffset - b.nameOffset);
if (_unlinkedClass != null && _constructors == null) {
_constructors = _unlinkedClass.executables
.where((e) => e.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.constructor)
.map((e) => new ConstructorElementImpl.forSerialized(e, this))
.toList(growable: false);
// Ensure at least implicit default constructor.
if (_constructors.isEmpty) {
ConstructorElementImpl constructor = new ConstructorElementImpl('', -1);
constructor.isSynthetic = true;
constructor.enclosingElement = this;
_constructors = <ConstructorElement>[constructor];
assert(_constructors != null);
return _constructors ?? const <ConstructorElement>[];
* Set the constructors contained in this class to the given [constructors].
* Should only be used for class elements that are not mixin applications.
void set constructors(List<ConstructorElement> constructors) {
for (ConstructorElement constructor in constructors) {
(constructor as ConstructorElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
this._constructors = constructors;
String get documentationComment {
if (_kernel != null) {
var metadata = AnalyzerMetadata.forNode(_kernel);
return metadata?.documentationComment;
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
return _unlinkedClass.documentationComment?.text;
return super.documentationComment;
* Return `true` if [CompileTimeErrorCode.MIXIN_HAS_NO_CONSTRUCTORS] should
* be reported for this class.
bool get doesMixinLackConstructors {
if (!isMixinApplication && mixins.isEmpty) {
// This class is not a mixin application and it doesn't have a "with"
// clause, so CompileTimeErrorCode.MIXIN_HAS_NO_CONSTRUCTORS is
// inapplicable.
return false;
if (supertype == null) {
// Should never happen, since Object is the only class that has no
// supertype, and it should have been caught by the test above.
return false;
// Find the nearest class in the supertype chain that is not a mixin
// application.
ClassElement nearestNonMixinClass = supertype.element;
if (nearestNonMixinClass.isMixinApplication) {
// Use a list to keep track of the classes we've seen, so that we won't
// go into an infinite loop in the event of a non-trivial loop in the
// class hierarchy.
List<ClassElement> classesSeen = <ClassElement>[this];
while (nearestNonMixinClass.isMixinApplication) {
if (classesSeen.contains(nearestNonMixinClass)) {
// Loop in the class hierarchy (which is reported elsewhere). Don't
// confuse the user with further errors.
return false;
if (nearestNonMixinClass.supertype == null) {
// Should never happen, since Object is the only class that has no
// supertype, and it is not a mixin application.
return false;
nearestNonMixinClass = nearestNonMixinClass.supertype.element;
return !nearestNonMixinClass.constructors.any(isSuperConstructorAccessible);
TypeParameterizedElementMixin get enclosingTypeParameterContext => null;
List<FieldElement> get fields {
if (_fields == null) {
if (_kernel != null || _unlinkedClass != null) {
return _fields ?? const <FieldElement>[];
void set fields(List<FieldElement> fields) {
super.fields = fields;
bool get hasBeenInferred {
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
return context.analysisOptions.strongMode;
return _hasBeenInferred;
void set hasBeenInferred(bool hasBeenInferred) {
_hasBeenInferred = hasBeenInferred;
bool get hasNonFinalField {
List<ClassElement> classesToVisit = new List<ClassElement>();
HashSet<ClassElement> visitedClasses = new HashSet<ClassElement>();
while (!classesToVisit.isEmpty) {
ClassElement currentElement = classesToVisit.removeAt(0);
if (visitedClasses.add(currentElement)) {
// check fields
for (FieldElement field in currentElement.fields) {
if (!field.isFinal &&
!field.isConst &&
!field.isStatic &&
!field.isSynthetic) {
return true;
// check mixins
for (InterfaceType mixinType in currentElement.mixins) {
ClassElement mixinElement = mixinType.element;
// check super
InterfaceType supertype = currentElement.supertype;
if (supertype != null) {
ClassElement superElement = supertype.element;
if (superElement != null) {
// not found
return false;
* Return `true` if the class has a concrete `noSuchMethod()` method distinct
* from the one declared in class `Object`, as per the Dart Language
* Specification (section 10.4).
bool get hasNoSuchMethod {
MethodElement method = context.analysisOptions.strongMode
? lookUpConcreteMethod(
FunctionElement.NO_SUCH_METHOD_METHOD_NAME, library)
: lookUpMethod(FunctionElement.NO_SUCH_METHOD_METHOD_NAME, library);
ClassElement definingClass = method?.enclosingElement;
return definingClass != null && !definingClass.type.isObject;
bool get hasReferenceToSuper => hasModifier(Modifier.REFERENCES_SUPER);
* Set whether this class references 'super'.
void set hasReferenceToSuper(bool isReferencedSuper) {
setModifier(Modifier.REFERENCES_SUPER, isReferencedSuper);
bool get hasStaticMember {
for (MethodElement method in methods) {
if (method.isStatic) {
return true;
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
if (accessor.isStatic) {
return true;
return false;
List<InterfaceType> get interfaces {
if (_interfaces == null) {
if (_kernel != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit._kernelContext;
_interfaces = context.getInterfaceTypes(this, _kernel.implementedTypes);
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
ResynthesizerContext context = enclosingUnit.resynthesizerContext;
_interfaces = _unlinkedClass.interfaces
.map((EntityRef t) => context.resolveTypeRef(this, t))
.toList(growable: false);
return _interfaces ?? const <InterfaceType>[];
void set interfaces(List<InterfaceType> interfaces) {
_interfaces = interfaces;
bool get isAbstract {
if (_kernel != null) {
return _kernel.isAbstract;
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
return _unlinkedClass.isAbstract;
return hasModifier(Modifier.ABSTRACT);
bool get isEnum => false;
bool get isMixinApplication {
if (_kernel != null) {
return _kernel.mixedInType != null;
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
return _unlinkedClass.isMixinApplication;
return hasModifier(Modifier.MIXIN_APPLICATION);
bool get isOrInheritsProxy =>
_safeIsOrInheritsProxy(this, new HashSet<ClassElement>());
bool get isProxy {
for (ElementAnnotation annotation in metadata) {
if (annotation.isProxy) {
return true;
return false;
bool get isValidMixin {
if (!context.analysisOptions.enableSuperMixins) {
if (hasReferenceToSuper) {
return false;
if (!supertype.isObject) {
return false;
for (ConstructorElement constructor in constructors) {
if (!constructor.isSynthetic && !constructor.isFactory) {
return false;
return true;
List<kernel.TypeParameter> get kernelTypeParams => _kernel?.typeParameters;
List<ElementAnnotation> get metadata {
if (_kernel != null) {
_metadata ??=
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
return _metadata ??=
_buildAnnotations(enclosingUnit, _unlinkedClass.annotations);
return super.metadata;
List<MethodElement> get methods {
if (_kernel != null) {
_methods ??= _kernel.procedures
.where((k) =>
!k.isForwardingStub &&
(k.kind == kernel.ProcedureKind.Method ||
k.kind == kernel.ProcedureKind.Operator))
.map((k) => new MethodElementImpl.forKernel(this, k))
.toList(growable: false);
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
_methods ??= _unlinkedClass.executables
.where((e) => e.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod)
.map((e) => new MethodElementImpl.forSerialized(e, this))
.toList(growable: false);
return _methods ?? const <MethodElement>[];
* Set the methods contained in this class to the given [methods].
void set methods(List<MethodElement> methods) {
for (MethodElement method in methods) {
(method as MethodElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
_methods = methods;
* Set whether this class is a mixin application.
void set mixinApplication(bool isMixinApplication) {
setModifier(Modifier.MIXIN_APPLICATION, isMixinApplication);
List<InterfaceType> get mixins {
if (_mixins == null) {
if (_kernel != null) {
var context = enclosingUnit._kernelContext;
_mixins = context.getInterfaceTypes(this, _kernelMixins);
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
ResynthesizerContext context = enclosingUnit.resynthesizerContext;
_mixins = _unlinkedClass.mixins
.map((EntityRef t) => context.resolveTypeRef(this, t))
.toList(growable: false);
return _mixins ?? const <InterfaceType>[];
void set mixins(List<InterfaceType> mixins) {
// Note: if we are using kernel or the analysis driver, the set of
// mixins has already been computed, and it's more accurate (since mixin
// arguments have been inferred). So we only store mixins if we are using
// the old task model.
if (_unlinkedClass == null && _kernel == null) {
_mixins = mixins;
String get name {
if (_kernel != null) {
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
int get nameOffset {
int offset = super.nameOffset;
if (offset == 0 && _unlinkedClass != null) {
return _unlinkedClass.nameOffset;
return offset;
InterfaceType get supertype {
if (_supertype == null) {
if (_kernel != null) {
if (_kernelSupertype != null) {
_supertype = enclosingUnit._kernelContext
.getInterfaceType(this, _kernelSupertype);
_supertype ??= context.typeProvider.objectType;
} else {
return null;
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
if (_unlinkedClass.supertype != null) {
DartType type = enclosingUnit.resynthesizerContext
.resolveTypeRef(this, _unlinkedClass.supertype);
if (_isClassInterfaceType(type)) {
_supertype = type;
} else {
_supertype = context.typeProvider.objectType;
} else if (_unlinkedClass.hasNoSupertype) {
return null;
} else {
_supertype = context.typeProvider.objectType;
return _supertype;
void set supertype(InterfaceType supertype) {
_supertype = supertype;
InterfaceType get type {
if (_type == null) {
InterfaceTypeImpl type = new InterfaceTypeImpl(this);
type.typeArguments = typeParameterTypes;
_type = type;
return _type;
* Set the type parameters defined for this class to the given
* [typeParameters].
void set typeParameters(List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters) {
for (TypeParameterElement typeParameter in typeParameters) {
(typeParameter as TypeParameterElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
this._typeParameterElements = typeParameters;
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> get unlinkedTypeParams =>
ConstructorElement get unnamedConstructor {
for (ConstructorElement element in constructors) {
String name = element.displayName;
if (name == null || name.isEmpty) {
return element;
return null;
* Return whether the class is resynthesized and has a constant constructor.
bool get _hasConstConstructor {
if (_hasConstConstructorCached == null) {
_hasConstConstructorCached = false;
if (_kernel != null) {
_hasConstConstructorCached = _kernel.constructors.any((c) => c.isConst);
if (_unlinkedClass != null) {
_hasConstConstructorCached = _unlinkedClass.executables.any(
(c) => c.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.constructor && c.isConst);
return _hasConstConstructorCached;
void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer) {
if (isAbstract) {
buffer.write('abstract ');
buffer.write('class ');
String name = displayName;
if (name == null) {
buffer.write("{unnamed class}");
} else {
int variableCount = typeParameters.length;
if (variableCount > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < variableCount; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
buffer.write(", ");
(typeParameters[i] as TypeParameterElementImpl).appendTo(buffer);
if (supertype != null && !supertype.isObject) {
buffer.write(' extends ');
if (mixins.isNotEmpty) {
buffer.write(' with ');
buffer.write( => t.displayName).join(', '));
if (interfaces.isNotEmpty) {
buffer.write(' implements ');
buffer.write( => t.displayName).join(', '));
ElementImpl getChild(String identifier) {
ElementImpl child = super.getChild(identifier);
if (child != null) {
return child;
// The casts in this method are safe because the set methods would have
// thrown a CCE if any of the elements in the arrays were not of the
// expected types.
for (ConstructorElement constructor in constructors) {
ConstructorElementImpl constructorImpl = constructor;
if (constructorImpl.identifier == identifier) {
return constructorImpl;
for (MethodElement method in methods) {
MethodElementImpl methodImpl = method;
if (methodImpl.identifier == identifier) {
return methodImpl;
for (TypeParameterElement typeParameter in typeParameters) {
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParameterImpl = typeParameter;
if (typeParameterImpl.identifier == identifier) {
return typeParameterImpl;
return null;
ConstructorElement getNamedConstructor(String name) {
for (ConstructorElement element in constructors) {
String elementName =;
if (elementName != null && elementName == name) {
return element;
return null;
bool isSuperConstructorAccessible(ConstructorElement constructor) {
if (!constructor.isAccessibleIn(library)) {
return false;
// If this class has no mixins, then all superclass constructors are
// accessible.
if (mixins.isEmpty) {
return true;
// Otherwise only constructors that lack optional parameters are
// accessible (see
for (ParameterElement parameter in constructor.parameters) {
if (parameter.isOptional) {
return false;
return true;
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
safelyVisitChildren(constructors, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(methods, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(typeParameters, visitor);
* Compute a list of constructors for this class, which is a mixin
* application. If specified, [visitedClasses] is a list of the other mixin
* application classes which have been visited on the way to reaching this
* one (this is used to detect circularities).
List<ConstructorElement> _computeMixinAppConstructors(
[List<ClassElementImpl> visitedClasses = null]) {
// First get the list of constructors of the superclass which need to be
// forwarded to this class.
Iterable<ConstructorElement> constructorsToForward;
if (supertype == null) {
// Shouldn't ever happen, since the only class with no supertype is
// Object, and it isn't a mixin application. But for safety's sake just
// assume an empty list.
constructorsToForward = <ConstructorElement>[];
} else if (!supertype.element.isMixinApplication) {
List<ConstructorElement> superclassConstructors =
// Filter out any constructors with optional parameters (see
constructorsToForward =
} else {
if (visitedClasses == null) {
visitedClasses = <ClassElementImpl>[this];
} else {
if (visitedClasses.contains(this)) {
// Loop in the class hierarchy. Don't try to forward any
// constructors.
return <ConstructorElement>[];
try {
ClassElementImpl superElement = AbstractClassElementImpl
.getImpl(supertype.element) as ClassElementImpl;
constructorsToForward =
} finally {
// Figure out the type parameter substitution we need to perform in order
// to produce constructors for this class. We want to be robust in the
// face of errors, so drop any extra type arguments and fill in any missing
// ones with `dynamic`.
List<DartType> parameterTypes =
List<DartType> argumentTypes = new List<DartType>.filled(
parameterTypes.length, DynamicTypeImpl.instance);
for (int i = 0; i < supertype.typeArguments.length; i++) {
if (i >= argumentTypes.length) {
argumentTypes[i] = supertype.typeArguments[i];
// Now create an implicit constructor for every constructor found above,
// substituting type parameters as appropriate.
return constructorsToForward
.map((ConstructorElement superclassConstructor) {
ConstructorElementImpl implicitConstructor =
new ConstructorElementImpl(, -1);
implicitConstructor.isSynthetic = true;
implicitConstructor.redirectedConstructor = superclassConstructor;
List<ParameterElement> superParameters = superclassConstructor.parameters;
int count = superParameters.length;
if (count > 0) {
List<ParameterElement> implicitParameters =
new List<ParameterElement>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ParameterElement superParameter = superParameters[i];
ParameterElementImpl implicitParameter =
new ParameterElementImpl(, -1);
implicitParameter.isConst = superParameter.isConst;
implicitParameter.isFinal = superParameter.isFinal;
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
implicitParameter.parameterKind = superParameter.parameterKind;
implicitParameter.isSynthetic = true;
implicitParameter.type =
superParameter.type.substitute2(argumentTypes, parameterTypes);
implicitParameters[i] = implicitParameter;
implicitConstructor.parameters = implicitParameters;
implicitConstructor.enclosingElement = this;
return implicitConstructor;
}).toList(growable: false);
* Extract actual supertypes and mixed-in types from [_kernel].
void _initializeKernelMixins() {
if (_kernelSupertype == null) {
_kernelMixins = <kernel.Supertype>[];
kernel.Supertype supertype = _kernel.supertype;
if (supertype != null) {
if (_kernel.mixedInType != null) {
while (supertype.classNode.isSyntheticMixinImplementation) {
var superNode = supertype.classNode;
var substitute = kernel.Substitution.fromSupertype(supertype);
var superMixin = superNode.mixedInType;
if (superMixin != null) {
var thisMixin = substitute.substituteSupertype(superMixin);
supertype = substitute.substituteSupertype(superNode.supertype);
_kernelMixins = _kernelMixins.reversed.toList();
_kernelSupertype = supertype;
* Resynthesize explicit fields and property accessors and fill [_fields] and
* [_accessors] with explicit and implicit elements.
void _resynthesizeFieldsAndPropertyAccessors() {
assert(_fields == null);
assert(_accessors == null);
var explicitFields = <FieldElement>[];
var implicitAccessors = <PropertyAccessorElement>[];
var explicitAccessors = <PropertyAccessorElement>[];
var implicitFields = <String, FieldElementImpl>{};
if (_kernel != null) {
// Build explicit fields and implicit property accessors.
for (var k in _kernel.fields) {
if ('_redirecting#')) {
var field = new FieldElementImpl.forKernelFactory(this, k);
new PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitGetter(field)
..enclosingElement = this);
if (!field.isConst && !field.isFinal) {
new PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitSetter(field)
..enclosingElement = this);
// Build explicit property accessors and implicit fields.
for (var k in _kernel.procedures) {
if (k.isForwardingStub) continue;
bool isGetter = k.kind == kernel.ProcedureKind.Getter;
bool isSetter = k.kind == kernel.ProcedureKind.Setter;
if (isGetter || isSetter) {
var accessor = new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forKernel(this, k);
// Create or update the implicit field.
String fieldName = accessor.displayName;
FieldElementImpl field = implicitFields[fieldName];
if (field == null) {
field = new FieldElementImpl(fieldName, -1);
implicitFields[fieldName] = field;
field.enclosingElement = this;
field.isSynthetic = true;
field.isFinal = isGetter;
field.isStatic = k.isStatic;
} else {
field.isFinal = false;
accessor.variable = field;
if (isGetter) {
field.getter = accessor;
} else {
field.setter = accessor;
} else {
// Build explicit fields and implicit property accessors.
for (UnlinkedVariable v in _unlinkedClass.fields) {
FieldElementImpl field =
new FieldElementImpl.forSerializedFactory(v, this);
new PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitGetter(field)
..enclosingElement = this);
if (!field.isConst && !field.isFinal) {
new PropertyAccessorElementImpl_ImplicitSetter(field)
..enclosingElement = this);
// Build explicit property accessors and implicit fields.
for (UnlinkedExecutable e in _unlinkedClass.executables) {
if (e.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter ||
e.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter) {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl accessor =
new PropertyAccessorElementImpl.forSerialized(e, this);
// Create or update the implicit field.
String fieldName = accessor.displayName;
FieldElementImpl field = implicitFields[fieldName];
if (field == null) {
field = new FieldElementImpl(fieldName, -1);
implicitFields[fieldName] = field;
field.enclosingElement = this;
field.isSynthetic = true;
field.isFinal = e.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter;
field.isStatic = e.isStatic;
} else {
field.isFinal = false;
accessor.variable = field;
if (e.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter) {
field.getter = accessor;
} else {
field.setter = accessor;
// Combine explicit and implicit fields and property accessors.
_fields = <FieldElement>[]
_accessors = <PropertyAccessorElement>[]
bool _safeIsOrInheritsProxy(
ClassElement element, HashSet<ClassElement> visited) {
if (visited.contains(element)) {
return false;
if (element.isProxy) {
return true;
} else if (element.supertype != null &&
_safeIsOrInheritsProxy(element.supertype.element, visited)) {
return true;
List<InterfaceType> supertypes = element.interfaces;
for (int i = 0; i < supertypes.length; i++) {
if (_safeIsOrInheritsProxy(supertypes[i].element, visited)) {
return true;
supertypes = element.mixins;
for (int i = 0; i < supertypes.length; i++) {
if (_safeIsOrInheritsProxy(supertypes[i].element, visited)) {
return true;
return false;
static void collectAllSupertypes(List<InterfaceType> supertypes,
InterfaceType startingType, InterfaceType excludeType) {
List<InterfaceType> typesToVisit = new List<InterfaceType>();
List<ClassElement> visitedClasses = new List<ClassElement>();
while (!typesToVisit.isEmpty) {
InterfaceType currentType = typesToVisit.removeAt(0);
ClassElement currentElement = currentType.element;
if (!visitedClasses.contains(currentElement)) {
if (!identical(currentType, excludeType)) {
InterfaceType supertype = currentType.superclass;
if (supertype != null) {
for (InterfaceType type in currentType.interfaces) {
for (InterfaceType type in currentType.mixins) {
* Return `true` if the given [type] is a class [InterfaceType].
static bool _isClassInterfaceType(DartType type) {
return type is InterfaceType && !type.element.isEnum;
* A concrete implementation of a [CompilationUnitElement].
class CompilationUnitElementImpl extends UriReferencedElementImpl
implements CompilationUnitElement {
* The context in which this unit is resynthesized, or `null` if the
* element is not resynthesized a summary.
final ResynthesizerContext resynthesizerContext;
* The unlinked representation of the unit in the summary.
final UnlinkedUnit _unlinkedUnit;
* The unlinked representation of the part in the summary.
final UnlinkedPart _unlinkedPart;
* The kernel context in which the unit is resynthesized.
final KernelUnitResynthesizerContext _kernelContext;
* The source that corresponds to this compilation unit.
Source source;
LineInfo lineInfo;
* The source of the library containing this compilation unit.
* This is the same as the source of the containing [LibraryElement],
* except that it does not require the containing [LibraryElement] to be
* computed.
Source librarySource;
* A table mapping the offset of a directive to the annotations associated
* with that directive, or `null` if none of the annotations in the
* compilation unit have annotations.
Map<int, List<ElementAnnotation>> annotationMap = null;
* A list containing all of the top-level accessors (getters and setters)
* contained in this compilation unit.
List<PropertyAccessorElement> _accessors;
* A list containing all of the enums contained in this compilation unit.
List<ClassElement> _enums;
* A list containing all of the top-level functions contained in this
* compilation unit.
List<FunctionElement> _functions;
* A list containing all of the function type aliases contained in this
* compilation unit.
List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> _typeAliases;
* A list containing all of the types contained in this compilation unit.
List<ClassElement> _types;
* A list containing all of the variables contained in this compilation unit.
List<TopLevelVariableElement> _variables;
* Resynthesized explicit top-level property accessors.
UnitExplicitTopLevelAccessors _explicitTopLevelAccessors;
* Resynthesized explicit top-level variables.
UnitExplicitTopLevelVariables _explicitTopLevelVariables;
* Description of top-level variable replacements that should be applied
* to implicit top-level variables because of re-linking top-level property
* accessors between different unit of the same library.
Map<TopLevelVariableElement, TopLevelVariableElement>
* Initialize a newly created compilation unit element to have the given
* [name].
CompilationUnitElementImpl(String name)
: resynthesizerContext = null,
_unlinkedUnit = null,
_unlinkedPart = null,
_kernelContext = null,
super(name, -1);
* Initialize using the given kernel information.
LibraryElementImpl enclosingLibrary, this._kernelContext, String name)
: resynthesizerContext = null,
_unlinkedUnit = null,
_unlinkedPart = null,
super.forKernel(null) {
_enclosingElement = enclosingLibrary;
_name = name;
_nameOffset = -1;
* Initialize using the given serialized information.
LibraryElementImpl enclosingLibrary,
String name)
: _kernelContext = null,
super.forSerialized(null) {
_enclosingElement = enclosingLibrary;
_name = name;
_nameOffset = -1;
List<PropertyAccessorElement> get accessors {
if (_accessors == null) {
if (_kernelContext != null) {
_explicitTopLevelAccessors ??= _kernelContext.buildTopLevelAccessors();
_explicitTopLevelVariables ??= _kernelContext.buildTopLevelVariables();
if (_unlinkedUnit != null) {
_explicitTopLevelAccessors ??=
_explicitTopLevelVariables ??=
if (_explicitTopLevelAccessors != null) {
_accessors = <PropertyAccessorElementImpl>[]
return _accessors ?? PropertyAccessorElement.EMPTY_LIST;
* Set the top-level accessors (getters and setters) contained in this
* compilation unit to the given [accessors].
void set accessors(List<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
(accessor as PropertyAccessorElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
this._accessors = accessors;
int get codeLength {
if (_unlinkedUnit != null) {
return _unlinkedUnit.codeRange?.length;
return super.codeLength;
int get codeOffset {
if (_unlinkedUnit != null) {
return _unlinkedUnit.codeRange?.offset;
return super.codeOffset;
LibraryElement get enclosingElement =>
super.enclosingElement as LibraryElement;
CompilationUnitElementImpl get enclosingUnit {
return this;
List<ClassElement> get enums {
if (_kernelContext != null) {
_enums ??= _kernelContext.kernelUnit.classes
.where((k) => k.isEnum)
.map((k) => new EnumElementImpl.forKernel(this, k))
.toList(growable: false);
if (_unlinkedUnit != null) {
_enums ??= _unlinkedUnit.enums
.map((e) => new EnumElementImpl.forSerialized(e, this))
.toList(growable: false);
return _enums ?? const <ClassElement>[];
* Set the enums contained in this compilation unit to the given [enums].
void set enums(List<ClassElement> enums) {
for (ClassElement enumDeclaration in enums) {
(enumDeclaration as EnumElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
this._enums = enums;
List<FunctionElement> get functions {
if (_kernelContext != null) {
_functions ??= _kernelContext.kernelUnit.procedures
.where((k) => k.kind == kernel.ProcedureKind.Method)
.map((k) => new FunctionElementImpl.forKernel(this, k))
.toList(growable: false);
if (_unlinkedUnit != null) {
_functions ??= _unlinkedUnit.executables
.where((e) => e.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod)
.map((e) => new FunctionElementImpl.forSerialized(e, this))
.toList(growable: false);
return _functions ?? const <FunctionElement>[];
* Set the top-level functions contained in this compilation unit to the given
* [functions].
void set functions(List<FunctionElement> functions) {
for (FunctionElement function in functions) {
(function as FunctionElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
this._functions = functions;
List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> get functionTypeAliases {
if (_kernelContext != null) {
_typeAliases ??= _kernelContext.kernelUnit.typedefs
.map((k) => new GenericTypeAliasElementImpl.forKernel(this, k))
.toList(growable: false);
if (_unlinkedUnit != null) {
_typeAliases ??= {
return new GenericTypeAliasElementImpl.forSerialized(t, this);
}).toList(growable: false);
return _typeAliases ?? const <FunctionTypeAliasElement>[];
int get hashCode => source.hashCode;
bool get hasLoadLibraryFunction {
List<FunctionElement> functions = this.functions;
for (int i = 0; i < functions.length; i++) {
if (functions[i].name == FunctionElement.LOAD_LIBRARY_NAME) {
return true;
return false;
String get identifier => source.encoding;
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.COMPILATION_UNIT;
List<ElementAnnotation> get metadata {
if (_metadata == null) {
if (_kernelContext != null) {
return _metadata = _kernelContext
if (_unlinkedPart != null) {
return _metadata = _buildAnnotations(
library.definingCompilationUnit as CompilationUnitElementImpl,
return super.metadata;
List<TopLevelVariableElement> get topLevelVariables {
if (_variables == null) {
if (_kernelContext != null) {
_explicitTopLevelAccessors ??= _kernelContext.buildTopLevelAccessors();
_explicitTopLevelVariables ??= _kernelContext.buildTopLevelVariables();
if (_unlinkedUnit != null) {
_explicitTopLevelAccessors ??=
_explicitTopLevelVariables ??=
if (_explicitTopLevelVariables != null) {
var variables = <TopLevelVariableElement>[]
// Ensure that getters and setters in different units use
// the same top-level variables.
// Apply recorded patches to variables.
_topLevelVariableReplaceMap?.forEach((from, to) {
int index = variables.indexOf(from);
variables[index] = to;
_topLevelVariableReplaceMap = null;
_variables = variables;
return _variables ?? TopLevelVariableElement.EMPTY_LIST;
* Set the top-level variables contained in this compilation unit to the given
* [variables].
void set topLevelVariables(List<TopLevelVariableElement> variables) {
for (TopLevelVariableElement field in variables) {
(field as TopLevelVariableElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
this._variables = variables;
* Set the function type aliases contained in this compilation unit to the
* given [typeAliases].
void set typeAliases(List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> typeAliases) {
for (FunctionTypeAliasElement typeAlias in typeAliases) {
(typeAlias as ElementImpl).enclosingElement = this;
this._typeAliases = typeAliases;
TypeParameterizedElementMixin get typeParameterContext => null;
List<ClassElement> get types {
if (_kernelContext != null) {
_types ??= _kernelContext.kernelUnit.classes
.where((k) => !k.isEnum && !k.isSyntheticMixinImplementation)
.map((k) => new ClassElementImpl.forKernel(this, k))
.toList(growable: false);
if (_unlinkedUnit != null) {
_types ??= _unlinkedUnit.classes
.map((c) => new ClassElementImpl.forSerialized(c, this))
.toList(growable: false);
return _types ?? const <ClassElement>[];
* Set the types contained in this compilation unit to the given [types].
void set types(List<ClassElement> types) {
for (ClassElement type in types) {
// Another implementation of ClassElement is _DeferredClassElement,
// which is used to resynthesize classes lazily. We cannot cast it
// to ClassElementImpl, and it already can provide correct values of the
// 'enclosingElement' property.
if (type is ClassElementImpl) {
type.enclosingElement = this;
this._types = types;
bool operator ==(Object object) =>
object is CompilationUnitElementImpl && source == object.source;
T accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) =>
void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer) {
if (source == null) {
buffer.write("{compilation unit}");
} else {
CompilationUnit computeNode() => unit;
* Return the annotations associated with the directive at the given [offset],
* or an empty list if the directive has no annotations or if there is no
* directive at the given offset.
List<ElementAnnotation> getAnnotations(int offset) {
if (annotationMap == null) {
return const <ElementAnnotation>[];
return annotationMap[offset] ?? const <ElementAnnotation>[];
ElementImpl getChild(String identifier) {
// The casts in this method are safe because the set methods would have
// thrown a CCE if any of the elements in the arrays were not of the
// expected types.
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl accessorImpl = accessor;
if (accessorImpl.identifier == identifier) {
return accessorImpl;
for (TopLevelVariableElement variable in topLevelVariables) {
TopLevelVariableElementImpl variableImpl = variable;
if (variableImpl.identifier == identifier) {
return variableImpl;
for (FunctionElement function in functions) {
FunctionElementImpl functionImpl = function;
if (functionImpl.identifier == identifier) {
return functionImpl;
for (GenericTypeAliasElementImpl typeAlias in functionTypeAliases) {
if (typeAlias.identifier == identifier) {
return typeAlias;
for (ClassElement type in types) {
ClassElementImpl typeImpl = type;
if ( == identifier) {
return typeImpl;
for (ClassElement type in enums) {
EnumElementImpl typeImpl = type;
if (typeImpl.identifier == identifier) {
return typeImpl;
return null;
ClassElement getEnum(String enumName) {
for (ClassElement enumDeclaration in enums) {
if ( == enumName) {
return enumDeclaration;
return null;
ClassElement getType(String className) {
for (ClassElement type in types) {
if ( == className) {
return type;
return null;
* Replace the given [from] top-level variable with [to] in this compilation unit.
void replaceTopLevelVariable(
TopLevelVariableElement from, TopLevelVariableElement to) {
if (_kernelContext != null || _unlinkedUnit != null) {
// Getters and setter in different units should be patched to use the
// same variables before these variables were asked and returned.
assert(_variables == null);
_topLevelVariableReplaceMap ??=
<TopLevelVariableElement, TopLevelVariableElement>{};
_topLevelVariableReplaceMap[from] = to;
} else {
int index = _variables.indexOf(from);
_variables[index] = to;
* Set the annotations associated with the directive at the given [offset] to
* the given list of [annotations].
void setAnnotations(int offset, List<ElementAnnotation> annotations) {
annotationMap ??= new HashMap<int, List<ElementAnnotation>>();
annotationMap[offset] = annotations;
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
safelyVisitChildren(accessors, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(enums, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(functions, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(functionTypeAliases, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(types, visitor);
safelyVisitChildren(topLevelVariables, visitor);
* A [FieldElement] for a 'const' or 'final' field that has an initializer.
* TODO(paulberry): we should rename this class to reflect the fact that it's
* used for both const and final fields. However, we shouldn't do so until
* we've created an API for reading the values of constants; until that API is
* available, clients are likely to read constant values by casting to
* ConstFieldElementImpl, so it would be a breaking change to rename this
* class.
class ConstFieldElementImpl extends FieldElementImpl with ConstVariableElement {
* Initialize a newly created synthetic field element to have the given
* [name] and [offset].
ConstFieldElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
* Initialize using the given kernel.
ElementImpl enclosingElement, kernel.Field kernel)
: super.forKernel(enclosingElement, kernel);
* Initialize a newly created field element to have the given [name].
ConstFieldElementImpl.forNode(Identifier name) : super.forNode(name);
* Initialize using the given serialized information.
UnlinkedVariable unlinkedVariable, ElementImpl enclosingElement)
: super.forSerialized(unlinkedVariable, enclosingElement);
* A field element representing an enum constant.
class ConstFieldElementImpl_EnumValue extends ConstFieldElementImpl_ofEnum {
final UnlinkedEnumValue _unlinkedEnumValue;
final kernel.Field _kernelEnumValue;
final int _index;
ConstFieldElementImpl_EnumValue(EnumElementImpl enumElement,
this._unlinkedEnumValue, this._kernelEnumValue, this._index)
: super(enumElement);
String get documentationComment {
if (_kernelEnumValue != null) {
var metadata = AnalyzerMetadata.forNode(_kernelEnumValue);
return metadata?.documentationComment;
if (_unlinkedEnumValue != null) {
return _unlinkedEnumValue.documentationComment?.text;
return super.documentationComment;
EvaluationResultImpl get evaluationResult {
if (_evaluationResult == null) {
Map<String, DartObjectImpl> fieldMap = <String, DartObjectImpl>{
name: new DartObjectImpl(
context.typeProvider.intType, new IntState(_index))
DartObjectImpl value =
new DartObjectImpl(type, new GenericState(fieldMap));
_evaluationResult = new EvaluationResultImpl(value);
return _evaluationResult;
String get name {
if (_kernelEnumValue != null) {
if (_unlinkedEnumValue != null) {
int get nameOffset {
int offset = super.nameOffset;
if (offset == -1 && _unlinkedEnumValue != null) {
return _unlinkedEnumValue.nameOffset;
return offset;
InterfaceType get type => _enum.type;
* The synthetic `values` field of an enum.
class ConstFieldElementImpl_EnumValues extends ConstFieldElementImpl_ofEnum {
ConstFieldElementImpl_EnumValues(EnumElementImpl enumElement)
: super(enumElement) {
isSynthetic = true;
EvaluationResultImpl get evaluationResult {
if (_evaluationResult == null) {
List<DartObjectImpl> constantValues = <DartObjectImpl>[];
for (FieldElement field in _enum.fields) {
if (field is ConstFieldElementImpl_EnumValue) {
_evaluationResult = new EvaluationResultImpl(
new DartObjectImpl(type, new ListState(constantValues)));
return _evaluationResult;
String get name => 'values';
InterfaceType get type {
if (_type == null) {
InterfaceType listType = context.typeProvider.listType;
return _type = listType.instantiate(<DartType>[_enum.type]);
return _type;
* An abstract constant field of an enum.
abstract class ConstFieldElementImpl_ofEnum extends ConstFieldElementImpl {
final EnumElementImpl _enum;
ConstFieldElementImpl_ofEnum(this._enum) : super(null, -1) {
enclosingElement = _enum;
void set evaluationResult(_) {
bool get isConst => true;
void set isConst(bool isConst) {
void set isFinal(bool isFinal) {
bool get isStatic => true;
void set isStatic(bool isStatic) {
void set type(DartType type) {
* A [LocalVariableElement] for a local 'const' variable that has an
* initializer.
class ConstLocalVariableElementImpl extends LocalVariableElementImpl
with ConstVariableElement {
* Initialize a newly created local variable element to have the given [name]
* and [offset].
ConstLocalVariableElementImpl(String name, int offset) : super(name, offset);
* Initialize a newly created local variable element to have the given [name].
ConstLocalVariableElementImpl.forNode(Identifier name) : super.forNode(name);
* A concrete implementation of a [ConstructorElement].
class ConstructorElementImpl extends ExecutableElementImpl
implements ConstructorElement {
* The constructor to which this constructor is redirecting.
ConstructorElement _redirectedConstructor;
* The initializers for this constructor (used for evaluating constant
* instance creation expressions).
List<ConstructorInitializer> _constantInitializers;
* The kernel of the element.
final kernel.Constructor _kernelConstructor;
* The kernel of the element.
final kernel.Procedure _kernelFactory;
* The offset of the `.` before this constructor name or `null` if not named.
int _periodOffset;
* Return the offset of the character immediately following the last character
* of this constructor's name, or `null` if not named.
int _nameEnd;
* For every constructor we initially set this flag to `true`, and then
* set it to `false` during computing constant values if we detect that it
* is a part of a cycle.
bool _isCycleFree = true;
* Initialize a newly created constructor element to have the given [name] and
* [offset].
ConstructorElementImpl(String name, int offset)
: _kernelConstructor = null,
_kernelFactory = null,
super(name, offset);
* Initialize using the given serialized information.
ConstructorElementImpl.forKernel(ClassElementImpl enclosingClass,
this._kernelConstructor, this._kernelFactory)
: super.forKernel(enclosingClass, _kernelConstructor ?? _kernelFactory) {
isSynthetic = _kernelConstructor?.isSynthetic ?? false;
* Initialize a newly created constructor element to have the given [name].
ConstructorElementImpl.forNode(Identifier name)
: _kernelConstructor = null,
_kernelFactory = null,
* Initialize using the given serialized information.
UnlinkedExecutable serializedExecutable, ClassElementImpl enclosingClass)
: _kernelConstructor = null,
_kernelFactory = null,
super.forSerialized(serializedExecutable, enclosingClass);
* Return the constant initializers for this element, which will be empty if
* there are no initializers, or `null` if there was an error in the source.
List<ConstructorInitializer> get constantInitializers {
if (_constantInitializers == null) {
if (_kernelConstructor != null) {
if (_kernelConstructor.isConst) {
var context = enclosingUnit._kernelContext;
_constantInitializers = _kernelConstructor.initializers
.map((k) => context.getConstructorInitializer(this, k))
.where((i) => i != null)
} else {
_constantInitializers = const <ConstructorInitializer>[];
if (serializedExecutable != null) {
_constantInitializers = serializedExecutable.constantInitializers
.map((i) => _buildConstructorInitializer(i))
.toList(growable: false);
return _constantInitializers;
void set constantInitializers(
List<ConstructorInitializer> constantInitializers) {
_constantInitializers = constantInitializers;
ClassElementImpl get enclosingElement =>
super.enclosingElement as ClassElementImpl;
TypeParameterizedElementMixin get enclosingTypeParameterContext =>
super.enclosingElement as ClassElementImpl;
* Set whether this constructor represents a factory method.
void set factory(bool isFactory) {
setModifier(Modifier.FACTORY, isFactory);
bool get isConst {
if (_kernelConstructor != null) {
return _kernelConstructor.isConst;
if (_kernelFactory != null) {
return _kernelFactory.isConst;
if (serializedExecutable != null) {
return serializedExecutable.isConst;
return hasModifier(Modifier.CONST);
* Set whether this constructor represents a 'const' constructor.
void set isConst(bool isConst) {
setModifier(Modifier.CONST, isConst);
bool get isCycleFree {
if (serializedExecutable != null) {
return serializedExecutable.isConst &&
return _isCycleFree;
void set isCycleFree(bool isCycleFree) {
// This property is updated in ConstantEvaluationEngine even for
// resynthesized constructors, so we don't have the usual assert here.
_isCycleFree = isCycleFree;
bool get isDefaultConstructor {
// unnamed
String name =;
if (name != null && name.length != 0) {
return false;
// no required parameters
for (ParameterElement parameter in parameters) {
if (parameter.isNotOptional) {
return false;
// OK, can be used as default constructor
return true;
bool get isFactory {
if (_kernelConstructor != null) return false;
if (_kernelFactory != null) return true;
if (serializedExecutable != null) {
return serializedExecutable.isFactory;
return hasModifier(Modifier.FACTORY);
bool get isStatic => false;
List<kernel.TypeParameter> get kernelTypeParams => const [];
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR;
int get nameEnd {
if (serializedExecutable != null) {
if ( {
return serializedExecutable.nameEnd;
} else {
return serializedExecutable.nameOffset +;
return _nameEnd;
void set nameEnd(int nameEnd) {
_nameEnd = nameEnd;
int get nameOffset {
if (_kernel != null) {
var metadata = AnalyzerMetadata.forNode(_kernel);
if (metadata != null && metadata.constructorNameOffset != -1) {
return metadata.constructorNameOffset;
return _kernel.fileOffset;
return super.nameOffset;
int get periodOffset {
if (serializedExecutable != null) {
if ( {
return serializedExecutable.periodOffset;
return _periodOffset;
void set periodOffset(int periodOffset) {
_periodOffset = periodOffset;
ConstructorElement get redirectedConstructor {
if (_redirectedConstructor == null) {
if (_kernelConstructor != null || _kernelFactory != null) {
_redirectedConstructor = enclosingUnit._kernelContext
.getRedirectedConstructor(_kernelConstructor, _kernelFactory);
if (serializedExecutable != null) {
if (serializedExecutable.isRedirectedConstructor) {
if (serializedExecutable.isFactory) {
_redirectedConstructor = enclosingUnit.resynthesizerContext
} else {
_redirectedConstructor = enclosingElement.getNamedConstructor(
} else {
return null;
return _redirectedConstructor;
void set redirectedConstructor(ConstructorElement redirectedConstructor) {
_redirectedConstructor = redirectedConstructor;
DartType get returnType => enclosingElement.type;
void set returnType(DartType returnType) {
FunctionType get type {
return _type ??= new FunctionTypeImpl(this);
void set type(FunctionType type) {
T accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) =>
void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer) {
if (enclosingElement == null) {
String message;
String name = displayName;
if (name != null && !name.isEmpty) {
message =
'Found constructor element named $name with no enclosing element';
} else {
message = 'Found unnamed constructor element with no enclosing element';
buffer.write('<unknown class>');
} else {
String name = displayName;
if (name != null && !name.isEmpty) {
ConstructorDeclaration computeNode() =>
getNodeMatching((node) => node is ConstructorDeclaration);
* Resynthesize the AST for the given serialized constructor initializer.
ConstructorInitializer _buildConstructorInitializer(
UnlinkedConstructorInitializer serialized) {
UnlinkedConstructorInitializerKind kind = serialized.kind;
String name =;
List<Expression> arguments = <Expression>[];
int numArguments = serialized.arguments.length;
int numNames = serialized.argumentNames.length;
for (int i = 0; i < numArguments; i++) {
Expression expression = enclosingUnit.resynthesizerContext
.buildExpression(this, serialized.arguments[i]);
int nameIndex = numNames + i - numArguments;
if (nameIndex >= 0) {
expression = AstTestFactory.namedExpression2(
serialized.argumentNames[nameIndex], expression);
switch (kind) {
case UnlinkedConstructorInitializerKind.field:
ConstructorFieldInitializer initializer =
.buildExpression(this, serialized.expression));
initializer.fieldName.staticElement = enclosingElement.getField(name);
return initializer;
case UnlinkedConstructorInitializerKind.assertInvocation:
return AstTestFactory.assertInitializer(
arguments[0], arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : null);
case UnlinkedConstructorInitializerKind.superInvocation:
SuperConstructorInvocation initializer =
name.isNotEmpty ? name : null, arguments);
ClassElement superElement = enclosingElement.supertype.element;
ConstructorElement element = name.isEmpty
? superElement.unnamedConstructor
: superElement.getNamedConstructor(name);
initializer.staticElement = element;
initializer.constructorName?.staticElement = element;
return initializer;
case UnlinkedConstructorInitializerKind.thisInvocation:
RedirectingConstructorInvocation initializer =
name.isNotEmpty ? name : null, arguments);
ConstructorElement element = name.isEmpty
? enclosingElement.unnamedConstructor
: enclosingElement.getNamedConstructor(name);
initializer.staticElement = element;
initializer.constructorName?.staticElement = element;
return initializer;
return null;
* A [TopLevelVariableElement] for a top-level 'const' variable that has an
* initializer.
class ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl extends TopLevelVariableElementImpl
with ConstVariableElement {
* Initialize a newly created synthetic top-level variable element to have the
* given [name] and [offset].
ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl(String name, int offset)
: super(name, offset);
* Initialize using the given kernel.
ElementImpl enclosingElement, kernel.Field kernel)
: super.forKernel(enclosingElement, kernel);
* Initialize a newly created top-level variable element to have the given
* [name].
ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl.forNode(Identifier name)
: super.forNode(name);
* Initialize using the given serialized information.
UnlinkedVariable unlinkedVariable, ElementImpl enclosingElement)
: super.forSerialized(unlinkedVariable, enclosingElement);
* Mixin used by elements that represent constant variables and have
* initializers.
* Note that in correct Dart code, all constant variables must have
* initializers. However, analyzer also needs to handle incorrect Dart code,
* in which case there might be some constant variables that lack initializers.
* This interface is only used for constant variables that have initializers.
* This class is not intended to be part of the public API for analyzer.
abstract class ConstVariableElement
implements ElementImpl, ConstantEvaluationTarget {
* If this element represents a constant variable, and it has an initializer,
* a copy of the initializer for the constant. Otherwise `null`.
* Note that in correct Dart code, all constant variables must have
* initializers. However, analyzer also needs to handle incorrect Dart code,
* in which case there might be some constant variables that lack
* initializers.
Expression _constantInitializer;
EvaluationResultImpl _evaluationResult;
Expression get constantInitializer {
if (_constantInitializer == null) {
if (_kernelInitializer != null) {
_constantInitializer = enclosingUnit._kernelContext
.getExpression(this, _kernelInitializer);
if (_unlinkedConst != null) {
_constantInitializer = enclosingUnit.resynthesizerContext
.buildExpression(this, _unlinkedConst);
return _constantInitializer;
void set constantInitializer(Expression constantInitializer) {
_constantInitializer = constantInitializer;
EvaluationResultImpl get evaluationResult => _evaluationResult;
void set evaluationResult(EvaluationResultImpl evaluationResult) {
_evaluationResult = evaluationResult;
* If this element is resynthesized from Kernel, return the Kernel
* initializer, otherwise return `null`.
kernel.Expression get _kernelInitializer;
* If this element is resynthesized from the summary, return the unlinked
* initializer, otherwise return `null`.
UnlinkedExpr get _unlinkedConst;
* Return a representation of the value of this variable, forcing the value
* to be computed if it had not previously been computed, or `null` if either
* this variable was not declared with the 'const' modifier or if the value of
* this variable could not be computed because of errors.
DartObject computeConstantValue() {
if (evaluationResult == null) {
context?.computeResult(this, CONSTANT_VALUE);
return evaluationResult?.value;
* A [FieldFormalParameterElementImpl] for parameters that have an initializer.
class DefaultFieldFormalParameterElementImpl
extends FieldFormalParameterElementImpl with ConstVariableElement {
* Initialize a newly created parameter element to have the given [name] and
* [nameOffset].
DefaultFieldFormalParameterElementImpl(String name, int nameOffset)
: super(name, nameOffset);
* Initialize using the given kernel.
DefaultFieldFormalParameterElementImpl.forKernel(ElementImpl enclosingElement,
kernel.VariableDeclaration kernel, ParameterKind parameterKind)
: super.forKernel(enclosingElement, kernel, parameterKind);
* Initialize a newly created parameter element to have the given [name].
DefaultFieldFormalParameterElementImpl.forNode(Identifier name)
: super.forNode(name);
* Initialize using the given serialized information.
UnlinkedParam unlinkedParam, ElementImpl enclosingElement)
: super.forSerialized(unlinkedParam, enclosingElement);
* A [ParameterElement] for parameters that have an initializer.
class DefaultParameterElementImpl extends ParameterElementImpl
with ConstVariableElement {
* Initialize a newly created parameter element to have the given [name] and
* [nameOffset].
DefaultParameterElementImpl(String name, int nameOffset)
: super(name, nameOffset);
* Initialize using the given kernel.
DefaultParameterElementImpl.forKernel(ElementImpl enclosingElement,
kernel.VariableDeclaration kernel, ParameterKind parameterKind)
: super.forKernel(enclosingElement, kernel, parameterKind);
* Initialize a newly created parameter element to have the given [name].
DefaultParameterElementImpl.forNode(Identifier name) : super.forNode(name);
* Initialize using the given serialized information.
UnlinkedParam unlinkedParam, ElementImpl enclosingElement)
: super.forSerialized(unlinkedParam, enclosingElement);
DefaultFormalParameter computeNode() =>
getNodeMatching((node) => node is DefaultFormalParameter);
* The synthetic element representing the declaration of the type `dynamic`.
class DynamicElementImpl extends ElementImpl implements TypeDefiningElement {
* Return the unique instance of this class.
static DynamicElementImpl get instance =>
DynamicTypeImpl.instance.element as DynamicElementImpl;
DynamicTypeImpl type;
* Initialize a newly created instance of this class. Instances of this class
* should <b>not</b> be created except as part of creating the type associated
* with this element. The single instance of this class should be accessed
* through the method [instance].
DynamicElementImpl() : super(Keyword.DYNAMIC.lexeme, -1) {
setModifier(Modifier.SYNTHETIC, true);
ElementKind get kind => ElementKind.DYNAMIC;
T accept<T>(ElementVisitor<T> visitor) => null;
* A concrete implementation of an [ElementAnnotation].
class ElementAnnotationImpl implements ElementAnnotation {
* The name of the top-level variable used to mark that a function always
* throws, for dead code purposes.
static String _ALWAYS_THROWS_VARIABLE_NAME = "alwaysThrows";
* The name of the top-level variable used to mark a method parameter as
* covariant.
static String _COVARIANT_VARIABLE_NAME = "checked";
* The name of the class used to mark an element as being deprecated.
static String _DEPRECATED_CLASS_NAME = "Deprecated";
* The name of the top-level variable used to mark an element as being
* deprecated.
static String _DEPRECATED_VARIABLE_NAME = "deprecated";
* The name of the top-level variable used to mark a method as being a
* factory.
static String _FACTORY_VARIABLE_NAME = "factory";
* The name of the top-level variable used to mark a class and its subclasses
* as being immutable.
static String _IMMUTABLE_VARIABLE_NAME = "immutable";
* The name of the class used to JS annotate an element.
static String _JS_CLASS_NAME = "JS";
* The name of `js` library, used to define JS annotations.
static String _JS_LIB_NAME = "js";
* The name of `meta` library, used to define analysis annotations.
static String _META_LIB_NAME = "meta";
* The name of the top-level variable used to mark a method as requiring
* overriders to call super.
static String _MUST_CALL_SUPER_VARIABLE_NAME = "mustCallSuper";
* The name of the top-level variable used to mark a method as being expected
* to override an inherited method.
static String _OVERRIDE_VARIABLE_NAME = "override";
* The name of the top-level variable used to mark a method as being
* protected.
static String _PROTECTED_VARIABLE_NAME = "protected";
* The name of the top-level variable used to mark a class as implementing a
* proxy object.
static String PROXY_VARIABLE_NAME = "proxy";
* The name of the class used to mark a parameter as being required.
static String _REQUIRED_CLASS_NAME = "Required";
* The name of the top-level variable used to mark a parameter as being
* required.
static String _REQUIRED_VARIABLE_NAME = "required";
/// The name of the top-level variable used to mark a method as being
/// visible for testing.
static String _VISIBLE_FOR_TESTING_VARIABLE_NAME = "visibleForTesting";
* The element representing the field, variable, or constructor being used as
* an annotation.
Element element;
* The compilation unit in which this annotation appears.
CompilationUnitElementImpl compilationUnit;
* The AST of the annotation itself, cloned from the resolved AST for the
* source code.
Annotation annotationAst;
* The result of evaluating this annotation as a compile-time constant
* expression, or `null` if the compilation unit containing the variable has
* not been resolved.
EvaluationResultImpl evaluationResult;
* Initialize a newly created annotation. The given [compilationUnit] is the
* compilation unit in which the annotation appears.
DartObject get constantValue => evaluationResult?.value;
AnalysisContext get context => compilationUnit.library.context;
bool get isAlwaysThrows =>
element is PropertyAccessorElement && == _ALWAYS_THROWS_VARIABLE_NAME &&
element.library?.name == _META_LIB_NAME;
* Return `true` if this annotation marks the associated parameter as being
* covariant, meaning it is allowed to have a narrower type in an override.
bool get isCovariant =>
element is PropertyAccessorElement && == _COVARIANT_VARIABLE_NAME &&
element.library?.name == _META_LIB_NAME;
bool get isDeprecated {
if (element?.library?.isDartCore == true) {
if (element is ConstructorElement) {
} else if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
return false;
bool get isFactory =>
element is PropertyAccessorElement && == _FACTORY_VARIABLE_NAME &&
element.library?.name == _META_LIB_NAME;
bool get isImmutable =>
element is PropertyAccessorElement && == _IMMUTABLE_VARIABLE_NAME &&
element.library?.name == _META_LIB_NAME;
bool get isJS =>
element is ConstructorElement && == _JS_CLASS_NAME &&
element.library?.name == _JS_LIB_NAME;
bool get isMustCallSuper =>
element is PropertyAccessorElement && == _MUST_CALL_SUPER_VARIABLE_NAME &&
element.library?.name == _META_LIB_NAME;
bool get isOverride =>
element is PropertyAccessorElement && == _OVERRIDE_VARIABLE_NAME &&
element.library?.isDartCore == true;
bool get isProtected =>
element is PropertyAccessorElement && == _PROTECTED_VARIABLE_NAME &&
element.library?.name == _META_LIB_NAME;
bool get isProxy =>
element is PropertyAccessorElement && == PROXY_VARIABLE_NAME &&
element.library?.isDartCore == true;
bool get isRequired =>
element is ConstructorElement && == _REQUIRED_CLASS_NAME &&
element.library?.name == _META_LIB_NAME ||
element is PropertyAccessorElement && == _REQUIRED_VARIABLE_NAME &&
element.library?.name == _META_LIB_NAME;
bool get isVisibleForTesting =>
element is PropertyAccessorElement && == _VISIBLE_FOR_TESTING_VARIABLE_NAME &&
element.library?.name == _META_LIB_NAME;
* Get the library containing this annotation.
Source get librarySource => compilationUnit.librarySource;
Source get source => compilationUnit.source;
DartObject computeConstantValue() {
if (evaluationResult == null) {
context?.computeResult(this, CONSTANT_VALUE);
return constantValue;
String toSource() => annotationAst.toSource();
String toString() => '@$element';
* A base class for concrete implementations of an [Element].
abstract class ElementImpl implements Element {
* An Unicode right arrow.
static final String RIGHT_ARROW = " \u2192 ";
static int _NEXT_ID = 0;
final int id = _NEXT_ID++;
* The enclosing element of this element, or `null` if this element is at the
* root of the element structure.
ElementImpl _enclosingElement;
* The name of this element.
String _name;
* The offset of the name of this element in the file that contains the
* declaration of this element.
int _nameOffset = 0;
* A bit-encoded form of the modifiers associated with this element.
int _modifiers = 0;
* A list containing all of the metadata associated with this element.
List<ElementAnnotation> _metadata;
* A cached copy of the calculated hashCode for this element.
int _cachedHashCode;
* A cached copy of the calculated location for this element.
ElementLocation _cachedLocation;
* The documentation comment for this element.
String _docComment;
* The offset of the beginning of the element's code in the file that contains
* the element, or `null` if the element is synthetic.
int _codeOffset;
* The length of the element's code, or `null` if the element is synthetic.
int _codeLength;
* Initialize a newly created element to have the given [name] at the given
* [_nameOffset].
ElementImpl(String name, this._nameOffset) {
this._name = StringUtilities.intern(name);
* Initialize for resynthesizing from kernel.
* Initialize a newly created element to have the given [name].
ElementImpl.forNode(Identifier name)
: this(name == null ? "" :, name == null ? -1 : name.offset);
* Initialize from serialized information.
* The length of the element's code, or `null` if the element is synthetic.
int get codeLength => _codeLength;
* The offset of the beginning of the element's code in the file that contains
* the element, or `null` if the element is synthetic.
int get codeOffset => _codeOffset;
AnalysisContext get context {
if (_enclosingElement == null) {
return null;
return _enclosingElement.context;
String get displayName => _name;
String get documentationComment => _docComment;
* The documentation comment source for this element.
void set documentationComment(String doc) {
_docComment = doc?.replaceAll('\r\n', '\n');
Element get enclosingElement => _enclosingElement;
* Set the enclosing element of this element to the given [element].
void set enclosingElement(Element element) {
_enclosingElement = element as ElementImpl;
* Return the enclosing unit element (which might be the same as `this`), or
* `null` if this element is not contained in any compilation unit.