blob: ad891dc398f9c860d8614459e3189f3987a6829c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.command.serve;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart';
import '../command.dart';
import '../entrypoint.dart';
import '../exit_codes.dart' as exit_codes;
import '../io.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../pub_package_provider.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
final _green = getPlatformString('\u001b[32m');
final _red = getPlatformString('\u001b[31m');
final _none = getPlatformString('\u001b[0m');
/// Handles the `serve` pub command.
class ServeCommand extends PubCommand {
String get description => "Run a local web development server.";
String get usage => 'pub serve';
PubPackageProvider _provider;
Barback _barback;
/// The completer for the top-level future returned by the command.
/// Only used to keep pub running (by not completing) and to pipe fatal
/// errors to pub's top-level error-handling machinery.
final _commandCompleter = new Completer();
ServeCommand() {
commandParser.addOption('port', defaultsTo: '8080',
help: 'The port to listen on.');
Future onRun() {
var port = parsePort();
return ensureLockFileIsUpToDate().then((_) {
return PubPackageProvider.create(entrypoint);
}).then((provider) {
_provider = provider;
HttpServer.bind("localhost", port).then((server) {
log.message("Serving ${} "
"on http://localhost:${server.port}");
return _commandCompleter.future;
/// Parses the `--port` command-line argument and exits if it isn't valid.
int parsePort() {
try {
return int.parse(commandOptions['port']);
} on FormatException catch(_) {
log.error('Could not parse port "${commandOptions['port']}"');
/// Installs dependencies is the lockfile is out of date with respect to the
/// pubspec.
Future ensureLockFileIsUpToDate() {
return new Future.sync(() {
// The server relies on an up-to-date lockfile, so install first if
// needed.
if (!entrypoint.isLockFileUpToDate()) {
log.message("Dependencies have changed, installing...");
return entrypoint.installDependencies().then((_) {
log.message("Dependencies installed!");
void handleRequest(HttpRequest request) {
var id = getIdFromUri(request.uri);
if (id == null) {
notFound(request, "Path ${request.uri.path} is not valid.");
_barback.getAssetById(id).then((asset) {
return validateStream( {
"$_green${request.method}$_none ${request.uri} -> $asset");
// TODO(rnystrom): Set content-type based on asset type.
return request.response.addStream(stream).then((_) {
}).catchError((error) {
log.error("$_red${request.method}$_none "
"${request.uri} -> $error");
// If we couldn't read the asset, handle the error gracefully.
if (error is FileException) {
// Assume this means the asset was a file-backed source asset
// and we couldn't read it, so treat it like a missing asset.
notFound(request, error);
// Otherwise, it's some internal error.
request.response.statusCode = 500;
request.response.reasonPhrase = "Internal Error";
}).catchError((error) {
log.error("$_red${request.method}$_none ${request.uri} -> $error");
if (error is! AssetNotFoundException) {
notFound(request, error);
/// Responds to [request] with a 404 response and closes it.
void notFound(HttpRequest request, message) {
request.response.statusCode = 404;
request.response.reasonPhrase = "Not Found";
AssetId getIdFromUri(Uri uri) {
var parts = path.url.split(uri.path);
// Strip the leading "/" from the URL.
var isSpecial = false;
// Checks to see if [uri]'s path contains a special directory [name] that
// identifies an asset within some package. If so, maps the package name
// and path following that to be within [dir] inside that package.
AssetId _trySpecialUrl(String name, String dir) {
// Find the package name and the relative path in the package.
var index = parts.indexOf(name);
if (index == -1) return null;
// If we got here, the path *did* contain the special directory, which
// means we should not interpret it as a regular path, even if it's
// missing the package name after it, which makes it invalid here.
isSpecial = true;
if (index + 1 >= parts.length) return null;
var package = parts[index + 1];
var assetPath = path.url.join(dir,
path.url.joinAll(parts.skip(index + 2)));
return new AssetId(package, assetPath);
// See if it's "packages" URL.
var id = _trySpecialUrl("packages", "lib");
if (id != null) return id;
// See if it's an "assets" URL.
id = _trySpecialUrl("assets", "asset");
if (id != null) return id;
// If we got here, we had a path like "/packages" which is a special
// directory, but not a valid path since it lacks a following package name.
if (isSpecial) return null;
// Otherwise, it's a path in current package's web directory.
return new AssetId(,
path.url.join("web", path.url.joinAll(parts)));
/// Creates the [Barback] instance and listens to its outputs.
void initBarback() {
assert(_provider != null);
_barback = new Barback(_provider);
_barback.results.listen((result) {
if (result.succeeded) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Report using growl/inotify-send where available.
log.message("Build completed ${_green}successfully$_none");
} else {
log.message("Build completed with "
"${_red}${result.errors.length}$_none errors.");
_barback.errors.listen((error) {
log.error("${_red}Build error:\n$error$_none");
/// Adds all of the source assets in the provided packages to barback and
/// then watches the public directories for changes.
void watchSources() {
assert(_provider != null);
assert(_barback != null);
for (var package in _provider.packages) {
// Add the initial sources.
// Watch the visible package directories for changes.
var packageDir = _provider.getPackageDir(package);
for (var name in getPublicDirectories(package)) {
var subdirectory = path.join(packageDir, name);
var watcher = new DirectoryWatcher(subdirectory); {
var id = pathToAssetId(package, packageDir, event.path);
if (event.type == ChangeType.REMOVE) {
} else {
/// Lists all of the visible files in [package].
/// This is the recursive contents of the "asset" and "lib" directories (if
/// present). If [package] is the entrypoint package, it also includes the
/// contents of "web".
List<AssetId> listAssets(String package) {
var files = <AssetId>[];
for (var dirPath in getPublicDirectories(package)) {
var packageDir = _provider.getPackageDir(package);
var dir = path.join(packageDir, dirPath);
if (!dirExists(dir)) continue;
for (var entry in listDir(dir, recursive: true)) {
// Ignore "packages" symlinks if there.
if (path.split(entry).contains("packages")) continue;
// Skip directories.
if (!fileExists(entry)) continue;
files.add(pathToAssetId(package, packageDir, entry));
return files;
/// Gets the names of the top-level directories in [package] whose contents
/// should be provided as source assets.
Iterable<String> getPublicDirectories(String package) {
var directories = ["asset", "lib"];
if (package == directories.add("web");
return directories;
/// Converts a local file path to an [AssetId].
AssetId pathToAssetId(String package, String packageDir, String filePath) {
var relative = path.relative(filePath, from: packageDir);
// AssetId paths use "/" on all platforms.
relative = path.toUri(relative).path;
return new AssetId(package, relative);