blob: 6f578ee77071f3c3c4ae4fa3e1cab913ecaa3bbf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.command.deploy;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '../command.dart';
import '../dart.dart' as dart;
import '../io.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../utils.dart';
final _arrow = getSpecial('\u2192', '=>');
/// Handles the `deploy` pub command.
class DeployCommand extends PubCommand {
final description = "Copy and compile all Dart entrypoints in the 'web' "
final usage = "pub deploy [options]";
final aliases = const ["settle-up"];
// TODO(nweiz): make these configurable.
/// The path to the source directory of the deployment.
String get source => path.join(entrypoint.root.dir, 'web');
/// The path to the target directory of the deployment.
String get target => path.join(entrypoint.root.dir, 'deploy');
/// The set of Dart entrypoints in [source] that should be compiled to [out].
final _entrypoints = new List<String>();
int _maxVerbLength;
int _maxSourceLength;
Future onRun() {
if (!dirExists(source)) {
throw new ApplicationException("There is no '$source' directory.");
return entrypoint.packageFiles(beneath: source).then((files) {
log.message("Finding entrypoints...");
_logAction("Copying", "${path.relative(source)}${path.separator}",
copyFiles(files.where((file) => path.extension(file) != '.dart'),
source, target);
return Future.forEach(_entrypoints, (sourceFile) {
var targetFile =
path.join(target, path.relative(sourceFile, from: source));
var relativeTargetFile = path.relative(targetFile);
var relativeSourceFile = path.relative(sourceFile);
_logAction("Compiling", relativeSourceFile, "$relativeTargetFile.js");
// TODO(nweiz): print dart2js errors/warnings in red.
return dart.compile(sourceFile, packageRoot: entrypoint.packagesDir)
.then((js) {
writeTextFile("$targetFile.js", js, dontLogContents: true);
_logAction("Compiling", relativeSourceFile, "$relativeTargetFile");
return dart.compile(sourceFile,
packageRoot: entrypoint.packagesDir, toDart: true);
}).then((dart) {
writeTextFile(targetFile, dart, dontLogContents: true);
// TODO(nweiz): we should put browser JS files next to any HTML file
// rather than any entrypoint. An HTML file could import an entrypoint
// that's not adjacent.
_maybeAddBrowserJs(path.dirname(targetFile), "dart");
_maybeAddBrowserJs(path.dirname(targetFile), "interop");
/// Populates [_entrypoints] with all of the Dart entrypoints in [files].
/// [files] should be a list of paths in [source].
void _findEntrypoints(List<String> files) {
for (var file in files) {
if (path.extension(file) != '.dart') continue;
try {
if (!dart.isEntrypoint(parseDartFile(file))) continue;
} on AnalyzerErrorGroup catch (e) {
// Sort to ensure a deterministic order of compilation and output.
/// Computes the maximum widths of words that will be used in log output for
/// the deploy command so we know how much padding to add when printing them.
/// This should only be run after [_findEntrypoints].
void _computeLogSize() {
_maxVerbLength = ["Copying", "Compiling"]
.map((verb) => verb.length).reduce(math.max);
var sourceLengths = new List.from( => path.relative(file).length))
if (_shouldAddBrowserJs) {
_maxSourceLength = sourceLengths.reduce(math.max);
/// Log a deployment action. This should only be run after [_computeLogSize].
void _logAction(String verb, String source, String target) {
verb = padRight(verb, _maxVerbLength);
source = padRight(source, _maxSourceLength);
log.message("$verb $source $_arrow $target");
// TODO(nweiz): do something more principled when issue 6101 is fixed.
/// If this package depends non-transitively on the `browser` package, this
/// ensures that the [name].js file is copied into [directory], under
/// `packages/browser/`.
void _maybeAddBrowserJs(String directory, String name) {
var jsPath = path.join(directory, 'packages', 'browser', '$name.js');
// TODO(nweiz): warn if they don't depend on browser?
if (!_shouldAddBrowserJs || fileExists(jsPath)) return;
_logAction("Copying", "package:browser/$name.js", path.relative(jsPath));
copyFile(path.join(entrypoint.packagesDir, 'browser', '$name.js'), jsPath);
/// Whether we should copy the browser package's JS files into the deployed
/// app.
bool get _shouldAddBrowserJs {
return !_entrypoints.isEmpty &&
entrypoint.root.dependencies.any((dep) => == 'browser' && dep.source == 'hosted');