blob: daff92492b7f5bf6d67378210c91de80962cfde9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:front_end/file_system.dart';
import 'package:front_end/incremental_kernel_generator.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/api_signature.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/performace_logger.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/processed_options.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/dill/dill_library_builder.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/dill/dill_target.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_target.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/utils.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/ticker.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/translate_uri.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/incremental/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/incremental/file_state.dart';
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_from_binary.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' hide Source;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show TargetFlags;
import 'package:kernel/target/vm_fasta.dart' show VmFastaTarget;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// Implementation of [IncrementalKernelGenerator].
/// TODO(scheglov) Update the documentation.
/// Theory of operation: an instance of [IncrementalResolvedAstGenerator] is
/// used to obtain resolved ASTs, and these are fed into kernel code generation
/// logic.
class IncrementalKernelGeneratorImpl implements IncrementalKernelGenerator {
/// The version of data format, should be incremented on every format change.
static const int DATA_VERSION = 1;
/// The compiler options, such as the [FileSystem], the SDK dill location,
/// etc.
final ProcessedOptions _options;
/// The object that knows how to resolve "package:" and "dart:" URIs.
final TranslateUri _uriTranslator;
/// The logger to report compilation progress.
final PerformanceLog _logger;
/// The byte storage to get and put serialized data.
final ByteStore _byteStore;
/// The URI of the program entry point.
final Uri _entryPoint;
/// The function to notify when files become used or unused, or `null`.
final WatchUsedFilesFn _watchFn;
/// The salt to mix into all hashes used as keys for serialized data.
List<int> _salt;
/// The current file system state.
FileSystemState _fsState;
/// Latest compilation signatures produced by [computeDelta] for libraries.
final Map<Uri, String> _latestSignature = {};
/// The set of absolute file URIs that were reported through [invalidate]
/// and not checked for actual changes yet.
final Set<Uri> _invalidatedFiles = new Set<Uri>();
/// The object that provides additional information for tests.
final _TestView _testView = new _TestView();
this._options, this._uriTranslator, this._entryPoint,
{WatchUsedFilesFn watch})
: _logger = _options.logger,
_byteStore = _options.byteStore,
_watchFn = watch {
Future<Null> onFileAdded(Uri uri) {
if (_watchFn != null) {
return _watchFn(uri, true);
return new Future.value();
_fsState = new FileSystemState(_options.byteStore, _options.fileSystem,
_uriTranslator, _salt, onFileAdded);
/// Return the object that provides additional information for tests.
_TestView get test => _testView;
Future<DeltaProgram> computeDelta() async {
return await _logger.runAsync('Compute delta', () async {
await _refreshInvalidatedFiles();
// Ensure that the graph starting at the entry point is ready.
FileState entryLibrary =
await _logger.runAsync('Build graph of files', () async {
return await _fsState.getFile(_entryPoint);
List<LibraryCycle> cycles ='Compute library cycles', () {
List<LibraryCycle> cycles = entryLibrary.topologicalOrder;
_logger.writeln('Computed ${cycles.length} cycles.');
return cycles;
CanonicalName nameRoot = new CanonicalName.root();
DillTarget dillTarget = new DillTarget(
new Ticker(isVerbose: false),
new VmFastaTarget(new TargetFlags(strongMode: _options.strongMode)));
List<_LibraryCycleResult> results = [];
await _logger.runAsync('Compute results for cycles', () async {
for (LibraryCycle cycle in cycles) {
_LibraryCycleResult result =
await _compileCycle(nameRoot, dillTarget, cycle);
Program program = new Program(nameRoot: nameRoot);
// The set of affected library cycles (have different signatures).
final affectedLibraryCycles = new Set<LibraryCycle>();
for (_LibraryCycleResult result in results) {
for (Library library in result.kernelLibraries) {
Uri uri = library.importUri;
if (_latestSignature[uri] != result.signature) {
_latestSignature[uri] = result.signature;
// The set of affected library cycles (have different signatures),
// or libraries that import or export affected libraries (so VM might
// have inlined some code from affected libraries into them).
final vmRequiredLibraryCycles = new Set<LibraryCycle>();
void gatherVmRequiredLibraryCycles(LibraryCycle cycle) {
if (vmRequiredLibraryCycles.add(cycle)) {
// Add required libraries.
for (_LibraryCycleResult result in results) {
if (vmRequiredLibraryCycles.contains(result.cycle)) {
for (Library library in result.kernelLibraries) {
library.parent = program;
// Set the main method.
if (program.libraries.isNotEmpty) {
for (Library library in results.last.kernelLibraries) {
if (library.importUri == _entryPoint) {
program.mainMethod = library.procedures.firstWhere(
(procedure) => == 'main',
orElse: () => null);
return new DeltaProgram(program);
void invalidate(Uri uri) {
void invalidateAll() {
/// Ensure that [dillTarget] includes the [cycle] libraries. It already
/// contains all the libraries that sorted before the given [cycle] in
/// topological order. Return the result with the cycle libraries.
Future<_LibraryCycleResult> _compileCycle(
CanonicalName nameRoot, DillTarget dillTarget, LibraryCycle cycle) async {
return _logger.runAsync('Compile cycle $cycle', () async {
String signature = _getCycleSignature(cycle);
_logger.writeln('Signature: $signature.');
var kernelKey = '$signature.kernel';
// We need kernel libraries for these URIs.
var libraryUris = new Set<Uri>();
var libraryUriToFile = <Uri, FileState>{};
for (FileState library in cycle.libraries) {
Uri uri = library.uri;
libraryUriToFile[uri] = library;
Future<Null> appendNewDillLibraries(Program program) async {
List<DillLibraryBuilder> libraryBuilders = dillTarget.loader
.appendLibraries(program, (uri) => libraryUris.contains(uri));
// Compute local scopes.
await dillTarget.buildOutlines();
// Compute export scopes.
_computeExportScopes(dillTarget, libraryUriToFile, libraryBuilders);
// Check if there is already a bundle with these libraries.
List<int> bytes = _byteStore.get(kernelKey);
if (bytes != null) {
return _logger.runAsync('Read serialized libraries', () async {
var program = new Program(nameRoot: nameRoot);
var reader = new BinaryBuilder(bytes);
await appendNewDillLibraries(program);
return new _LibraryCycleResult(cycle, signature, program.libraries);
// Create KernelTarget and configure it for compiling the cycle URIs.
KernelTarget kernelTarget =
new KernelTarget(_fsState.fileSystemView, dillTarget, _uriTranslator);
for (FileState library in cycle.libraries) {;
// Compile the cycle libraries into a new full program.
Program program = await _logger
.runAsync('Compile ${cycle.libraries.length} libraries', () async {
await kernelTarget.buildOutlines(nameRoot: nameRoot);
return await kernelTarget.buildProgram();
// Add newly compiled libraries into DILL.
await appendNewDillLibraries(program);
List<Library> kernelLibraries = program.libraries
.where((library) => libraryUris.contains(library.importUri))
.toList();'Serialize ${kernelLibraries.length} libraries', () {
List<int> bytes =
serializeProgram(program, filter: kernelLibraries.contains);
_byteStore.put(kernelKey, bytes);
_logger.writeln('Stored ${bytes.length} bytes.');
return new _LibraryCycleResult(cycle, signature, kernelLibraries);
/// Compute exports scopes for a new strongly connected cycle of [libraries].
/// The [dillTarget] can be used to access libraries from previous cycles.
/// TODO(scheglov) Remove/replace this when Kernel has export scopes.
void _computeExportScopes(DillTarget dillTarget,
Map<Uri, FileState> uriToFile, List<DillLibraryBuilder> libraries) {
bool wasChanged = false;
do {
wasChanged = false;
for (DillLibraryBuilder library in libraries) {
FileState file = uriToFile[library.uri];
for (NamespaceExport export in file.exports) {
DillLibraryBuilder exportedLibrary =, -1, accessor: library);
if (exportedLibrary != null) {
exportedLibrary.exports.forEach((name, member) {
if (export.isExposed(name) &&
library.addToExportScope(name, member)) {
wasChanged = true;
} else {
// TODO(scheglov) How to handle this?
} while (wasChanged);
/// Compute salt and put into [_salt].
void _computeSalt() {
var saltBuilder = new ApiSignature();
_salt = saltBuilder.toByteList();
String _getCycleSignature(LibraryCycle cycle) {
bool hasMixinApplication =
cycle.libraries.any((library) => library.hasMixinApplicationLibrary);
var signatureBuilder = new ApiSignature();
Set<FileState> transitiveFiles = cycle.libraries
.map((library) => library.transitiveFiles)
.expand((files) => files)
// Append API signatures of transitive files.
for (var file in transitiveFiles) {
// TODO(scheglov): Stop using content hashes here, when Kernel stops
// copying methods of mixed-in classes.
if (hasMixinApplication) {
} else {
// Append content hashes of the cycle files.
for (var library in cycle.libraries) {
for (var part in library.partFiles) {
return signatureBuilder.toHex();
/// Refresh all the invalidated files and update dependencies.
Future<Null> _refreshInvalidatedFiles() async {
await _logger.runAsync('Refresh invalidated files', () async {
// Create a copy to avoid concurrent modifications.
var invalidatedFiles = _invalidatedFiles.toList();
// Refresh the files.
for (var fileUri in invalidatedFiles) {
var file = _fsState.getFileByFileUri(fileUri);
if (file != null) {
_logger.writeln('Refresh $fileUri');
await file.refresh();
// The file graph might have changed, perform GC.
var removedFiles = _fsState.gc(_entryPoint);
if (removedFiles.isNotEmpty && _watchFn != null) {
for (var removedFile in removedFiles) {
await _watchFn(removedFile.fileUri, false);
/// Compilation result for a library cycle.
class _LibraryCycleResult {
final LibraryCycle cycle;
/// The signature of the result.
/// It is based on the full content of the libraries in the [cycle], and
/// either API signatures of the transitive dependencies (usually), or
/// the full content of them (in the [cycle] has a library with a mixin
/// application).
final String signature;
/// Kernel libraries for libraries in the [cycle]. Bodies of dependencies
/// are not included, but but references to those dependencies are included.
final List<Library> kernelLibraries;
_LibraryCycleResult(this.cycle, this.signature, this.kernelLibraries);
class _TestView {
/// The list of [LibraryCycle]s compiled for the last delta.
/// It does not include libraries which were read from the cache.
final List<LibraryCycle> compiledCycles = [];