blob: c0f1bfd1c63397a791a250e13bf4891393797639 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:convert' show JSON;
import 'dart:io' show BytesBuilder, File, exitCode;
import 'package:front_end/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/utils.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' show Program, loadProgramFromBytes;
import 'compiler_command_line.dart' show CompilerCommandLine;
import 'compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
import 'deprecated_problems.dart'
show deprecated_InputError, deprecated_inputError;
import 'kernel/kernel_target.dart' show KernelTarget;
import 'dill/dill_target.dart' show DillTarget;
import 'compile_platform.dart' show compilePlatformInternal;
import 'ticker.dart' show Ticker;
import 'translate_uri.dart' show TranslateUri;
const bool summary = const bool.fromEnvironment("summary", defaultValue: false);
const int iterations = const int.fromEnvironment("iterations", defaultValue: 1);
compileEntryPoint(List<String> arguments) async {
// Timing results for each iteration
List<double> elapsedTimes = <double>[];
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
print("\n\n=== Iteration ${i+1} of $iterations");
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
await compile(arguments);
if (summary) {
var json = JSON.encode(<String, dynamic>{'elapsedTimes': elapsedTimes});
print('\nSummary: $json');
outlineEntryPoint(List<String> arguments) async {
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
await outline(arguments);
Future<KernelTarget> outline(List<String> arguments) async {
try {
return await CompilerCommandLine.withGlobalOptions("outline", arguments,
(CompilerContext c) async {
if (c.options.verbose) {
print("Building outlines for ${arguments.join(' ')}");
CompileTask task =
new CompileTask(c, new Ticker(isVerbose: c.options.verbose));
return await task.buildOutline(c.options.output);
} on deprecated_InputError catch (e) {
exitCode = 1;
return null;
Future<Uri> compile(List<String> arguments) async {
try {
return await CompilerCommandLine.withGlobalOptions("compile", arguments,
(CompilerContext c) async {
if (c.options.verbose) {
print("Compiling directly to Kernel: ${arguments.join(' ')}");
CompileTask task =
new CompileTask(c, new Ticker(isVerbose: c.options.verbose));
return await task.compile();
} on deprecated_InputError catch (e) {
exitCode = 1;
return null;
class CompileTask {
final CompilerContext c;
final Ticker ticker;
CompileTask(this.c, this.ticker);
DillTarget createDillTarget(TranslateUri uriTranslator) {
return new DillTarget(ticker, uriTranslator,;
KernelTarget createKernelTarget(
DillTarget dillTarget, TranslateUri uriTranslator, bool strongMode) {
return new KernelTarget(
c.fileSystem, dillTarget, uriTranslator, c.uriToSource);
Future<KernelTarget> buildOutline([Uri output]) async {
TranslateUri uriTranslator = await TranslateUri
.parse(c.fileSystem, c.options.sdk, packages: c.options.packages);
ticker.logMs("Read packages file");
DillTarget dillTarget = createDillTarget(uriTranslator);
KernelTarget kernelTarget =
createKernelTarget(dillTarget, uriTranslator, c.options.strongMode);
if (c.options.strongMode) {
print("Note: strong mode support is preliminary and may not work.");
Uri platform = c.options.platform;
if (platform != null) {
_appendDillForUri(dillTarget, platform);
String argument = c.options.arguments.first;
Uri uri = Uri.base.resolve(argument);
String path = uriTranslator.translate(uri)?.path ?? argument;
if (path.endsWith(".dart")) {;
} else {
deprecated_inputError(uri, -1, "Unexpected input: $uri");
await dillTarget.buildOutlines();
var outline = await kernelTarget.buildOutlines();
if (c.options.dumpIr && output != null) {
printProgramText(outline, libraryFilter: kernelTarget.isSourceLibrary);
if (output != null) {
await writeProgramToFile(outline, output);
ticker.logMs("Wrote outline to ${output.toFilePath()}");
return kernelTarget;
Future<Uri> compile() async {
KernelTarget kernelTarget = await buildOutline();
if (exitCode != 0) return null;
Uri uri = c.options.output;
var program = await kernelTarget.buildProgram(verify: c.options.verify);
if (c.options.dumpIr) {
printProgramText(program, libraryFilter: kernelTarget.isSourceLibrary);
await writeProgramToFile(program, uri);
ticker.logMs("Wrote program to ${uri.toFilePath()}");
return uri;
Future compilePlatform(Uri patchedSdk, Uri fullOutput,
{Uri outlineOutput,
Uri packages,
bool verbose: false,
String backendTarget}) async {
backendTarget ??= "vm_fasta";
Ticker ticker = new Ticker(isVerbose: verbose);
await CompilerCommandLine.withGlobalOptions("", [""], (CompilerContext c) {
c.options.options["--target"] = backendTarget;
c.options.options["--packages"] = packages;
if (verbose) {
c.options.options["--verbose"] = true;
return compilePlatformInternal(
c, ticker, patchedSdk, fullOutput, outlineOutput);
// TODO(sigmund): reimplement this API using the directive listener intead.
Future<List<Uri>> getDependencies(Uri script,
{Uri sdk,
Uri packages,
Uri platform,
bool verbose: false,
String backendTarget}) async {
backendTarget ??= "vm_fasta";
Ticker ticker = new Ticker(isVerbose: verbose);
return await CompilerCommandLine.withGlobalOptions("", [""],
(CompilerContext c) async {
c.options.options["--target"] = backendTarget;
c.options.options["--strong-mode"] = false;
c.options.options["--packages"] = packages;
if (verbose) {
c.options.options["--verbose"] = true;
sdk ??= c.options.sdk;
TranslateUri uriTranslator = await TranslateUri.parse(c.fileSystem, sdk,
packages: c.options.packages);
ticker.logMs("Read packages file");
DillTarget dillTarget =
new DillTarget(ticker, uriTranslator,;
if (platform != null) _appendDillForUri(dillTarget, platform);
KernelTarget kernelTarget = new KernelTarget(
PhysicalFileSystem.instance, dillTarget, uriTranslator, c.uriToSource);;
await dillTarget.buildOutlines();
await kernelTarget.loader.buildOutlines();
return await kernelTarget.loader.getDependencies();
/// Load the [Program] from the given [uri] and append its libraries
/// to the [dillTarget].
void _appendDillForUri(DillTarget dillTarget, Uri uri) {
var bytes = new File.fromUri(uri).readAsBytesSync();
var platformProgram = loadProgramFromBytes(bytes);
// TODO(ahe):
class ByteSink implements Sink<List<int>> {
final BytesBuilder builder = new BytesBuilder();
void add(List<int> data) {
void close() {
// Nothing to do.