blob: 7a021a9ce8355f3c676926460ddf348abcdef12d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import '../closure.dart';
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/tasks.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/entity_utils.dart' as utils;
import '../elements/names.dart' show Name;
import '../kernel/element_map.dart';
import '../world.dart';
import 'elements.dart';
import 'closure_visitors.dart';
import 'locals.dart';
/// Closure conversion code using our new Entity model. Closure conversion is
/// necessary because the semantics of closures are slightly different in Dart
/// than JavaScript. Closure conversion is separated out into two phases:
/// generation of a new (temporary) representation to store where variables need
/// to be hoisted/captured up at another level to re-write the closure, and then
/// the code generation phase where we generate elements and/or instructions to
/// represent this new code path.
/// For a general explanation of how closure conversion works at a high level,
/// check out:
/// or
// TODO(efortuna): Change inheritance hierarchy so that the
// ClosureConversionTask doesn't inherit from ClosureTask because it's just a
// glorified timer.
class KernelClosureConversionTask extends ClosureConversionTask<ir.Node> {
final KernelToElementMapForBuilding _elementMap;
final GlobalLocalsMap _globalLocalsMap;
/// Map of the scoping information that corresponds to a particular entity.
Map<Entity, ScopeInfo> _scopeMap = <Entity, ScopeInfo>{};
Map<ir.Node, CapturedScope> _capturedScopesMap = <ir.Node, CapturedScope>{};
Map<Entity, ClosureRepresentationInfo> _closureRepresentationMap =
<Entity, ClosureRepresentationInfo>{};
/// Should only be used at the very beginning to ensure we are looking at the
/// right kind of elements.
// TODO(efortuna): Remove this map once we have one kernel backend strategy.
final JsToFrontendMap _kToJElementMap;
KernelClosureConversionTask(Measurer measurer, this._elementMap,
this._kToJElementMap, this._globalLocalsMap)
: super(measurer);
/// The combined steps of generating our intermediate representation of
/// closures that need to be rewritten and generating the element model.
/// Ultimately these two steps will be split apart with the second step
/// happening later in compilation just before codegen. These steps are
/// combined here currently to provide a consistent interface to the rest of
/// the compiler until we are ready to separate these phases.
void convertClosures(Iterable<MemberEntity> processedEntities,
ClosedWorldRefiner closedWorldRefiner) {
var closuresToGenerate = <ir.TreeNode, ScopeInfo>{};
processedEntities.forEach((MemberEntity kEntity) {
MemberEntity entity = _kToJElementMap.toBackendMember(kEntity);
if (entity.isAbstract) return;
if (entity.isField && !entity.isInstanceMember) {
MemberDefinition definition = _elementMap.getMemberDefinition(entity);
assert(definition.kind == MemberKind.regular,
failedAt(entity, "Unexpected member definition $definition"));
ir.Field field = definition.node;
// Skip top-level/static fields without an initializer.
if (field.initializer == null) return;
_buildClosureModel(entity, closuresToGenerate, closedWorldRefiner);
for (ir.TreeNode node in closuresToGenerate.keys) {
node, closuresToGenerate[node], closedWorldRefiner);
/// Inspect members and mark if those members capture any state that needs to
/// be marked as free variables.
void _buildClosureModel(
MemberEntity entity,
Map<ir.TreeNode, ScopeInfo> closuresToGenerate,
ClosedWorldRefiner closedWorldRefiner) {
if (_scopeMap.keys.contains(entity)) return;
MemberDefinition definition = _elementMap.getMemberDefinition(entity);
switch (definition.kind) {
case MemberKind.regular:
case MemberKind.constructor:
failedAt(entity, "Unexpected member definition $definition");
ir.Node node = definition.node;
if (_capturedScopesMap.keys.contains(node)) return;
CapturedScopeBuilder translator = new CapturedScopeBuilder(
if (entity.isField) {
if (node is ir.Field && node.initializer != null) {
} else {
assert(node is ir.Procedure || node is ir.Constructor);
/// Given what variables are captured at each point, construct closure classes
/// with fields containing the captured variables to replicate the Dart
/// closure semantics in JS. If this closure captures any variables (meaning
/// the closure accesses a variable that gets accessed at some point), then
/// boxForCapturedVariables stores the local context for those variables.
/// If no variables are captured, this parameter is null.
void _produceSyntheticElements(
ir.TreeNode /* ir.Field | ir.FunctionNode */ node,
ScopeInfo info,
ClosedWorldRefiner closedWorldRefiner) {
Entity entity;
ir.Library library;
if (node is ir.Member) {
entity = _elementMap.getMember(node);
library = node.enclosingLibrary;
} else {
entity = _elementMap.getLocalFunction(node);
// TODO(efortuna): Consider the less roundabout way of getting this value
// which is just storing the "enclosingLibrary" value of the original call
// to CapturedScopeBuilder.
ir.TreeNode temp = node;
while (temp != null && temp is! ir.Library) {
temp = temp.parent;
assert(temp is ir.Library);
library = temp;
assert(entity != null);
String name = _computeClosureName(node);
KernelClosureClass closureClass = new KernelClosureClass.fromScopeInfo(
name, _elementMap.getLibrary(library), info, node.location);
if (node is ir.FunctionNode) {
// We want the original declaration where that function is used to point
// to the correct closure class.
// TODO(efortuna): entity equivalent of element.declaration?
node = (node as ir.FunctionNode).parent;
_closureRepresentationMap[closureClass.callMethod] = closureClass;
_closureRepresentationMap[entity] = closureClass;
// Register that a new class has been created.
closureClass, node is ir.Member && node.isInstanceMember);
// Returns a non-unique name for the given closure element.
String _computeClosureName(ir.TreeNode treeNode) {
var parts = <String>[];
if (treeNode is ir.Field && != "") {
} else {
ir.TreeNode node = treeNode.parent;
while (node != null &&
(node is ir.Constructor ||
node is ir.Class ||
node is ir.FunctionNode ||
node is ir.Procedure)) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Simplify computed names.
if (node is ir.Constructor ||
node.parent is ir.Constructor ||
(node is ir.Procedure && node.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Factory)) {
FunctionEntity entity;
if (node.parent is ir.Constructor) {
entity = _elementMap.getConstructorBody(node);
} else {
entity = _elementMap.getMember(node);
} else {
String surroundingName = '';
if (node is ir.Class) {
surroundingName = Elements.operatorNameToIdentifier(;
} else if (node is ir.Procedure) {
surroundingName = Elements.operatorNameToIdentifier(;
// A generative constructors's parent is the class; the class name is
// already part of the generative constructor's name.
if (node is ir.Constructor) break;
node = node.parent;
return parts.reversed.join('_');
ScopeInfo getScopeInfo(Entity entity) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this check when constructor bodies a created
// eagerly with the J-model; a constructor body should have it's own
// [ClosureRepresentationInfo].
if (entity is ConstructorBodyEntity) {
ConstructorBodyEntity constructorBody = entity;
entity = constructorBody.constructor;
return _scopeMap[entity] ?? getClosureRepresentationInfo(entity);
// TODO(efortuna): Eventually capturedScopesMap[node] should always
// be non-null, and we should just test that with an assert.
CapturedScope getCapturedScope(MemberEntity entity) {
MemberDefinition definition = _elementMap.getMemberDefinition(entity);
switch (definition.kind) {
case MemberKind.regular:
case MemberKind.constructor:
case MemberKind.constructorBody:
return _capturedScopesMap[definition.node] ?? const CapturedScope();
throw failedAt(entity, "Unexpected member definition $definition");
// TODO(efortuna): Eventually capturedScopesMap[node] should always
// be non-null, and we should just test that with an assert.
CapturedLoopScope getCapturedLoopScope(ir.Node loopNode) =>
_capturedScopesMap[loopNode] ?? const CapturedLoopScope();
// TODO(efortuna): Eventually closureRepresentationMap[node] should always be
// non-null, and we should just test that with an assert.
ClosureRepresentationInfo getClosureRepresentationInfo(Entity entity) {
return _closureRepresentationMap[entity] ??
const ClosureRepresentationInfo();
class KernelScopeInfo extends ScopeInfo {
final Set<Local> localsUsedInTryOrSync;
final Local thisLocal;
final Set<Local> boxedVariables;
/// The set of variables that were defined in another scope, but are used in
/// this scope.
Set<ir.VariableDeclaration> freeVariables = new Set<ir.VariableDeclaration>();
/// Used to map [freeVariables] to their corresponding locals.
final KernelToLocalsMap localsMap;
KernelScopeInfo(this.thisLocal, this.localsMap)
: localsUsedInTryOrSync = new Set<Local>(),
boxedVariables = new Set<Local>();
KernelScopeInfo.from(this.thisLocal, KernelScopeInfo info)
: localsUsedInTryOrSync = info.localsUsedInTryOrSync,
boxedVariables = info.boxedVariables,
localsMap = info.localsMap;
void forEachBoxedVariable(f(Local local, FieldEntity field)) {
boxedVariables.forEach((Local l) {
// TODO(efortuna): add FieldEntities as created.
f(l, null);
bool localIsUsedInTryOrSync(Local variable) =>
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write('localsUsedInTryOrSync={${localsUsedInTryOrSync.join(', ')}}');
return sb.toString();
bool isBoxed(Local variable) => boxedVariables.contains(variable);
class KernelCapturedScope extends KernelScopeInfo implements CapturedScope {
final Local context;
Set<Local> boxedVariables,
Set<Local> localsUsedInTryOrSync,
Set<ir.VariableDeclaration> freeVariables,
KernelToLocalsMap localsMap,
Local thisLocal)
: super.withBoxedVariables(boxedVariables, localsUsedInTryOrSync,
freeVariables, localsMap, thisLocal);
bool get requiresContextBox => boxedVariables.isNotEmpty;
class KernelCapturedLoopScope extends KernelCapturedScope
implements CapturedLoopScope {
final List<Local> boxedLoopVariables;
Set<Local> boxedVariables,
Local context,
Set<Local> localsUsedInTryOrSync,
Set<ir.VariableDeclaration> freeVariables,
KernelToLocalsMap localsMap,
Local thisLocal)
: super(boxedVariables, context, localsUsedInTryOrSync, freeVariables,
localsMap, thisLocal);
bool get hasBoxedLoopVariables => boxedLoopVariables.isNotEmpty;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add unittest for the computed [ClosureClass].
class KernelClosureClass extends KernelScopeInfo
implements ClosureRepresentationInfo, JClass {
final ir.Location location;
final String name;
final JLibrary library;
/// Index into the classData, classList and classEnvironment lists where this
/// entity is stored in [JsToFrontendMapImpl].
int classIndex;
final Map<Local, JField> localToFieldMap = new Map<Local, JField>();
KernelClosureClass.fromScopeInfo(, this.library, KernelScopeInfo info, this.location)
: super.from(info.thisLocal, info) {
// Make a corresponding field entity in this closure class for every single
// freeVariable in the KernelScopeInfo.freeVariable.
int i = 0;
for (ir.VariableDeclaration variable in info.freeVariables) {
// NOTE: This construction order may be slightly different than the
// old Element version. The old version did all the boxed items and then
// all the others.
Local capturedLocal = info.localsMap.getLocal(variable);
if (info.isBoxed(capturedLocal)) {
// TODO(efortuna): Coming soon.
} else {
localToFieldMap[capturedLocal] = new ClosureField(
_getClosureVariableName(, i),
variable.isFinal || variable.isConst);
// TODO(efortuna): These probably need to get registered somewhere.
/// Generate a unique name for the [id]th closure field, with proposed name
/// [name].
/// The result is used as the name of [ClosureFieldElement]s, and must
/// therefore be unique to avoid breaking an invariant in the element model
/// (classes cannot declare multiple fields with the same name).
/// Also, the names should be distinct from real field names to prevent
/// clashes with selectors for those fields.
/// These names are not used in generated code, just as element name.
String _getClosureVariableName(String name, int id) {
return "_captured_${name}_$id";
// TODO(efortuna): Implement.
Local get closureEntity => null;
ClassEntity get closureClassEntity => this;
// TODO(efortuna): Implement.
FunctionEntity get callMethod => null;
List<Local> get createdFieldEntities => localToFieldMap.keys.toList();
// TODO(efortuna): Implement.
FieldEntity get thisFieldEntity => null;
void forEachCapturedVariable(f(Local from, JField to)) {
// TODO(efortuna): Implement.
void forEachBoxedVariable(f(Local local, JField field)) {}
// TODO(efortuna): Implement.
void forEachFreeVariable(f(Local variable, JField field)) {}
// TODO(efortuna): Implement.
bool isVariableBoxed(Local variable) => false;
bool get isClosure => true;
bool get isAbstract => false;
String toString() => '${jsElementPrefix}class($name)';
class ClosureField extends JField {
ClosureField(String name, KernelClosureClass containingClass, bool isConst,
bool isAssignable)
: super(-1, containingClass.library, containingClass,
new Name(name, containingClass.library),
isAssignable: isAssignable, isConst: isConst);
class ClosureClassDefinition implements ClassDefinition {
final ClassEntity cls;
final ir.Location location;
ClosureClassDefinition(this.cls, this.location);
ClassKind get kind => ClassKind.closure;
ir.Node get node =>
throw new UnsupportedError('ClosureClassDefinition.node for $cls');
String toString() =>