blob: cf244e4f427e61f878649d51958cf95c628e7584 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of service;
/// Helper function for canceling a Future<StreamSubscription>.
Future cancelFutureSubscription(
Future<StreamSubscription> subscriptionFuture) async {
if (subscriptionFuture != null) {
var subscription = await subscriptionFuture;
return subscription.cancel();
} else {
return null;
/// An RpcException represents an exceptional event that happened
/// while invoking an rpc.
abstract class RpcException implements Exception {
String message;
/// A ServerRpcException represents an error returned by the VM.
class ServerRpcException extends RpcException {
/// A list of well-known server error codes.
static const kParseError = -32700;
static const kInvalidRequest = -32600;
static const kMethodNotFound = -32601;
static const kInvalidParams = -32602;
static const kInternalError = -32603;
static const kFeatureDisabled = 100;
static const kVMMustBePaused = 101;
static const kCannotAddBreakpoint = 102;
static const kStreamAlreadySubscribed = 103;
static const kStreamNotSubscribed = 104;
int code;
Map data;
static _getMessage(Map errorMap) {
Map data = errorMap['data'];
if (data != null && data['details'] != null) {
return data['details'];
} else {
return errorMap['message'];
ServerRpcException.fromMap(Map errorMap) : super(_getMessage(errorMap)) {
code = errorMap['code'];
data = errorMap['data'];
String toString() => 'ServerRpcException(${message})';
/// A NetworkRpcException is used to indicate that an rpc has
/// been canceled due to network error.
class NetworkRpcException extends RpcException {
NetworkRpcException(String message) : super(message);
String toString() => 'NetworkRpcException(${message})';
class MalformedResponseRpcException extends RpcException {
MalformedResponseRpcException(String message, this.response)
: super(message);
Map response;
String toString() => 'MalformedResponseRpcException(${message})';
class FakeVMRpcException extends RpcException {
FakeVMRpcException(String message) : super(message);
String toString() => 'FakeVMRpcException(${message})';
/// A [ServiceObject] represents a persistent object within the vm.
abstract class ServiceObject extends Observable {
static int LexicalSortName(ServiceObject o1, ServiceObject o2) {
List removeDuplicatesAndSortLexical(List<ServiceObject> list) {
return list.toSet().toList()..sort(LexicalSortName);
/// The owner of this [ServiceObject]. This can be an [Isolate], a
/// [VM], or null.
@reflectable ServiceObjectOwner get owner => _owner;
ServiceObjectOwner _owner;
/// The [VM] which owns this [ServiceObject].
@reflectable VM get vm => _owner.vm;
/// The [Isolate] which owns this [ServiceObject]. May be null.
@reflectable Isolate get isolate => _owner.isolate;
/// The id of this object.
@reflectable String get id => _id;
String _id;
/// The user-level type of this object.
@reflectable String get type => _type;
String _type;
/// The vm type of this object.
@reflectable String get vmType => _vmType;
String _vmType;
bool get isICData => vmType == 'ICData';
bool get isInstructions => vmType == 'Instructions';
bool get isObjectPool => vmType == 'ObjectPool';
bool get isContext => type == 'Context';
bool get isError => type == 'Error';
bool get isInstance => type == 'Instance';
bool get isSentinel => type == 'Sentinel';
bool get isMessage => type == 'Message';
// Kinds of Instance.
bool get isAbstractType => false;
bool get isNull => false;
bool get isBool => false;
bool get isDouble => false;
bool get isString => false;
bool get isInt => false;
bool get isList => false;
bool get isMap => false;
bool get isTypedData => false;
bool get isRegExp => false;
bool get isMirrorReference => false;
bool get isWeakProperty => false;
bool get isClosure => false;
bool get isStackTrace => false;
bool get isSimdValue => false;
bool get isPlainInstance => false;
/// Has this object been fully loaded?
bool get loaded => _loaded;
bool _loaded = false;
// TODO(turnidge): Make loaded observable and get rid of loading
// from Isolate.
/// Is this object cacheable? That is, is it impossible for the [id]
/// of this object to change?
bool _canCache;
bool get canCache => _canCache;
/// Is this object immutable after it is [loaded]?
bool get immutable => false;
@observable String name;
@observable String vmName;
/// Creates an empty [ServiceObject].
/// Creates a [ServiceObject] initialized from [map].
factory ServiceObject._fromMap(ServiceObjectOwner owner,
ObservableMap map) {
if (map == null) {
return null;
if (!_isServiceMap(map)) {
Logger.root.severe('Malformed service object: $map');
var type = _stripRef(map['type']);
var vmType = map['_vmType'] != null ? map['_vmType'] : type;
var obj = null;
assert(type != 'VM');
switch (type) {
case 'Breakpoint':
obj = new Breakpoint._empty(owner);
case 'Class':
obj = new Class._empty(owner);
case 'Code':
obj = new Code._empty(owner);
case 'Context':
obj = new Context._empty(owner);
case 'Counter':
obj = new ServiceMetric._empty(owner);
case 'Error':
obj = new DartError._empty(owner);
case 'Field':
obj = new Field._empty(owner);
case 'Frame':
obj = new Frame._empty(owner);
case 'Function':
obj = new ServiceFunction._empty(owner);
case 'Gauge':
obj = new ServiceMetric._empty(owner);
case 'Isolate':
obj = new Isolate._empty(owner.vm);
case 'Library':
obj = new Library._empty(owner);
case 'Message':
obj = new ServiceMessage._empty(owner);
case 'SourceLocation':
obj = new SourceLocation._empty(owner);
case 'Object':
switch (vmType) {
case 'ICData':
obj = new ICData._empty(owner);
case 'Instructions':
obj = new Instructions._empty(owner);
case 'LocalVarDescriptors':
obj = new LocalVarDescriptors._empty(owner);
case 'ObjectPool':
obj = new ObjectPool._empty(owner);
case 'PcDescriptors':
obj = new PcDescriptors._empty(owner);
case 'TokenStream':
obj = new TokenStream._empty(owner);
case 'Event':
obj = new ServiceEvent._empty(owner);
case 'Script':
obj = new Script._empty(owner);
case 'Socket':
obj = new Socket._empty(owner);
case 'Instance':
case 'Sentinel': // TODO(rmacnak): Separate this out.
obj = new Instance._empty(owner);
if (obj == null) {
obj = new ServiceMap._empty(owner);
return obj;
/// If [this] was created from a reference, load the full object
/// from the service by calling [reload]. Else, return [this].
Future<ServiceObject> load() {
if (loaded) {
return new Future.value(this);
// Call reload which will fill in the entire object.
return reload();
Future<ServiceObject> _inProgressReload;
Future<ObservableMap> _fetchDirect() {
Map params = {
'objectId': id,
return isolate.invokeRpcNoUpgrade('getObject', params);
/// Reload [this]. Returns a future which completes to [this] or
/// an exception.
Future<ServiceObject> reload() {
// TODO(turnidge): Checking for a null id should be part of the
// "immmutable" check.
bool hasId = (id != null) && (id != '');
bool isVM = this is VM;
// We should always reload the VM.
// We can't reload objects without an id.
// We shouldn't reload an immutable and already loaded object.
bool skipLoad = !isVM && (!hasId || (immutable && loaded));
if (skipLoad) {
return new Future.value(this);
if (_inProgressReload == null) {
var completer = new Completer<ServiceObject>();
_inProgressReload = completer.future;
_fetchDirect().then((ObservableMap map) {
var mapType = _stripRef(map['type']);
if (mapType == 'Sentinel') {
// An object may have been collected, etc.
completer.complete(new ServiceObject._fromMap(owner, map));
} else {
// TODO(turnidge): Check for vmType changing as well?
assert(mapType == _type);
}).catchError((e, st) {
Logger.root.severe("Unable to reload object: $e\n$st");
_inProgressReload = null;
completer.completeError(e, st);
}).whenComplete(() {
// This reload is complete.
_inProgressReload = null;
return _inProgressReload;
/// Update [this] using [map] as a source. [map] can be a reference.
void update(ObservableMap map) {
// Don't allow the type to change on an object update.
var mapIsRef = _hasRef(map['type']);
var mapType = _stripRef(map['type']);
assert(_type == null || _type == mapType);
_canCache = map['fixedId'] == true;
if (_id != null && _id != map['id']) {
// It is only safe to change an id when the object isn't cacheable.
_id = map['id'];
_type = mapType;
// When the response specifies a specific vmType, use it.
// Otherwise the vmType of the response is the same as the 'user'
// type.
if (map.containsKey('_vmType')) {
_vmType = _stripRef(map['_vmType']);
} else {
_vmType = _type;
_update(map, mapIsRef);
// Updates internal state from [map]. [map] can be a reference.
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef);
// Helper that can be passed to .catchError that ignores the error.
_ignoreError(error, stackTrace) {
// do nothing.
abstract class HeapObject extends ServiceObject {
@observable Class clazz;
@observable int size;
@observable int retainedSize;
HeapObject._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
if (map['class'] != null) {
// Sent with refs for some types. Load it if available, but don't clobber
// it with null for kinds that only send if for full responses.
clazz = map['class'];
if (mapIsRef) {
size = map['size'];
abstract class Coverage {
// Following getters and functions will be provided by [ServiceObject].
String get id;
Isolate get isolate;
Future refreshCoverage() {
return refreshCallSiteData();
/// Default handler for coverage data.
void processCallSiteData(List coverageData) {
coverageData.forEach((scriptCoverage) {
assert(scriptCoverage['script'] != null);
Future refreshCallSiteData() {
Map params = {};
if (this is! Isolate) {
params['targetId'] = id;
return isolate.invokeRpcNoUpgrade('_getCallSiteData', params).then(
(ObservableMap map) {
var coverage = new ServiceObject._fromMap(isolate, map);
assert(coverage.type == 'CodeCoverage');
var coverageList = coverage['coverage'];
assert(coverageList != null);
return this;
abstract class ServiceObjectOwner extends ServiceObject {
/// Creates an empty [ServiceObjectOwner].
ServiceObjectOwner._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
/// Builds a [ServiceObject] corresponding to the [id] from [map].
/// The result may come from the cache. The result will not necessarily
/// be [loaded].
ServiceObject getFromMap(ObservableMap map);
/// A [SourceLocation] represents a location or range in the source code.
class SourceLocation extends ServiceObject {
Script script;
int tokenPos;
int endTokenPos;
SourceLocation._empty(ServiceObject owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_upgradeCollection(map, owner);
script = map['script'];
tokenPos = map['tokenPos'];
assert(script != null && tokenPos != null);
endTokenPos = map['endTokenPos'];
String toString() {
if (endTokenPos == null) {
return '${}:token(${tokenPos})';
} else {
return '${}:tokens(${tokenPos}-${endTokenPos})';
class _EventStreamState {
VM _vm;
String streamId;
Function _onDone;
// A list of all subscribed controllers for this stream.
List _controllers = [];
// Completes when the listen rpc is finished.
Future _listenFuture;
// Completes when then cancel rpc is finished.
Future _cancelFuture;
_EventStreamState(this._vm, this.streamId, this._onDone);
Future _cancelController(StreamController controller) {
if (_controllers.isEmpty) {
assert(_listenFuture != null);
_listenFuture = null;
_cancelFuture = _vm._streamCancel(streamId);
_cancelFuture.then((_) {
if (_controllers.isEmpty) {
// No new listeners showed up during cancelation.
// No need to wait for _cancelFuture here.
return new Future.value(null);
Future<Stream> addStream() async {
var controller;
controller = new StreamController(
onCancel:() => _cancelController(controller));
if (_cancelFuture != null) {
await _cancelFuture;
if (_listenFuture == null) {
_listenFuture = _vm._streamListen(streamId);
await _listenFuture;
void addEvent(ServiceEvent event) {
for (var controller in _controllers) {
/// State for a VM being inspected.
abstract class VM extends ServiceObjectOwner {
@reflectable VM get vm => this;
@reflectable Isolate get isolate => null;
// TODO(turnidge): The connection should not be stored in the VM object.
bool get isDisconnected;
// Used for verbose logging.
bool verbose = false;
// TODO(johnmccutchan): Ensure that isolates do not end up in _cache.
Map<String,ServiceObject> _cache = new Map<String,ServiceObject>();
final ObservableMap<String,Isolate> _isolateCache =
new ObservableMap<String,Isolate>();
// The list of live isolates, ordered by isolate start time.
final ObservableList<Isolate> isolates = new ObservableList<Isolate>();
@observable String version = 'unknown';
@observable String targetCPU;
@observable int architectureBits;
@observable bool assertsEnabled = false;
@observable bool typeChecksEnabled = false;
@observable String pid = '';
@observable DateTime startTime;
@observable DateTime refreshTime;
@observable Duration get upTime =>
VM() : super._empty(null) {
name = 'vm';
vmName = 'vm';
_cache['vm'] = this;
update(toObservable({'id':'vm', 'type':'@VM'}));
void postServiceEvent(String streamId, Map response, ByteData data) {
var map = toObservable(response);
if (data != null) {
map['_data'] = data;
if (map['type'] != 'Event') {
"Expected 'Event' but found '${map['type']}'");
var eventIsolate = map['isolate'];
var event;
if (eventIsolate == null) {
event = new ServiceObject._fromMap(vm, map);
} else {
// getFromMap creates the Isolate if it hasn't been seen already.
var isolate = getFromMap(map['isolate']);
event = new ServiceObject._fromMap(isolate, map);
if (event.kind == ServiceEvent.kIsolateExit) {
var eventStream = _eventStreams[streamId];
if (eventStream != null) {
} else {
Logger.root.warning("Ignoring unexpected event on stream '${streamId}'");
int _compareIsolates(Isolate a, Isolate b) {
var aStart = a.startTime;
var bStart = b.startTime;
if (aStart == null) {
if (bStart == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
if (bStart == null) {
return -1;
return aStart.compareTo(bStart);
void _buildIsolateList() {
var isolateList = _isolateCache.values.toList();
void _removeDeadIsolates(List newIsolates) {
// Build a set of new isolates.
var newIsolateSet = new Set();
newIsolates.forEach((iso) => newIsolateSet.add(;
// Remove any old isolates which no longer exist.
List toRemove = [];
_isolateCache.forEach((id, _) {
if (!newIsolateSet.contains(id)) {
toRemove.forEach((id) => _isolateCache.remove(id));
static final String _isolateIdPrefix = 'isolates/';
ServiceObject getFromMap(ObservableMap map) {
if (map == null) {
return null;
String id = map['id'];
if (!id.startsWith(_isolateIdPrefix)) {
// Currently the VM only supports upgrading Isolate ServiceObjects.
throw new UnimplementedError();
// Check cache.
var isolate = _isolateCache[id];
if (isolate == null) {
// Add new isolate to the cache.
isolate = new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, map);
_isolateCache[id] = isolate;
// Eagerly load the isolate.
isolate.load().catchError((e, stack) {'Eagerly loading an isolate failed: $e\n$stack');
} else {
return isolate;
// Note that this function does not reload the isolate if it found
// in the cache.
Future<ServiceObject> getIsolate(String isolateId) {
if (!loaded) {
// Trigger a VM load, then get the isolate.
return load().then((_) => getIsolate(isolateId)).catchError(_ignoreError);
return new Future.value(_isolateCache[isolateId]);
// Implemented in subclass.
Future<Map> invokeRpcRaw(String method, Map params);
Future<ObservableMap> invokeRpcNoUpgrade(String method, Map params) {
return invokeRpcRaw(method, params).then((Map response) {
var map = toObservable(response);
if (Tracer.current != null) {
Tracer.current.trace("Received response for ${method}/${params}}",
if (!_isServiceMap(map)) {
var exception =
new MalformedResponseRpcException(
"Response is missing the 'type' field", map);
return new Future.error(exception);
return new Future.value(map);
}).catchError((e) {
// Errors pass through.
return new Future.error(e);
Future<ServiceObject> invokeRpc(String method, Map params) {
return invokeRpcNoUpgrade(method, params).then((ObservableMap response) {
var obj = new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, response);
if ((obj != null) && obj.canCache) {
String objId =;
_cache.putIfAbsent(objId, () => obj);
return obj;
void _dispatchEventToIsolate(ServiceEvent event) {
var isolate = event.isolate;
if (isolate != null) {
Future<ObservableMap> _fetchDirect() async {
if (!loaded) {
// The vm service relies on these events to keep the VM and
// Isolate types up to date.
await listenEventStream(kIsolateStream, _dispatchEventToIsolate);
await listenEventStream(kDebugStream, _dispatchEventToIsolate);
await listenEventStream(_kGraphStream, _dispatchEventToIsolate);
return await invokeRpcNoUpgrade('getVM', {});
Future<ServiceObject> getFlagList() {
return invokeRpc('getFlagList', {});
Future<ServiceObject> _streamListen(String streamId) {
Map params = {
'streamId': streamId,
return invokeRpc('streamListen', params);
Future<ServiceObject> _streamCancel(String streamId) {
Map params = {
'streamId': streamId,
return invokeRpc('streamCancel', params);
// A map from stream id to event stream state.
Map<String,_EventStreamState> _eventStreams = {};
// Well-known stream ids.
static const kIsolateStream = 'Isolate';
static const kDebugStream = 'Debug';
static const kGCStream = 'GC';
static const kStdoutStream = 'Stdout';
static const kStderrStream = 'Stderr';
static const _kGraphStream = '_Graph';
/// Returns a single-subscription Stream object for a VM event stream.
Future<Stream> getEventStream(String streamId) async {
var eventStream = _eventStreams.putIfAbsent(
streamId, () => new _EventStreamState(
this, streamId, () => _eventStreams.remove(streamId)));
return eventStream.addStream();
/// Helper function for listening to an event stream.
Future<StreamSubscription> listenEventStream(String streamId,
Function function) async {
var stream = await getEventStream(streamId);
return stream.listen(function);
/// Force the VM to disconnect.
void disconnect();
/// Completes when the VM first connects.
Future get onConnect;
/// Completes when the VM disconnects or there was an error connecting.
Future get onDisconnect;
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
if (mapIsRef) {
// Note that upgrading the collection creates any isolates in the
// isolate list which are new.
_upgradeCollection(map, vm);
_loaded = true;
version = map['version'];
targetCPU = map['targetCPU'];
architectureBits = map['architectureBits'];
var startTimeMillis = map['startTime'].toInt();
startTime = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(startTimeMillis);
refreshTime = new;
notifyPropertyChange(#upTime, 0, 1);
pid = map['pid'];
assertsEnabled = map['_assertsEnabled'];
typeChecksEnabled = map['_typeChecksEnabled'];
// Reload all isolates.
Future reloadIsolates() {
var reloads = [];
for (var isolate in isolates) {
var reload = isolate.reload().catchError((e) {'Bulk reloading of isolates failed: $e');
return Future.wait(reloads);
class FakeVM extends VM {
final Map _responses = {};
FakeVM(Map responses) {
if (responses == null) {
responses.forEach((uri, response) {
// Encode as string.
_responses[_canonicalizeUri(Uri.parse(uri))] = response;
String _canonicalizeUri(Uri uri) {
// We use the uri as the key to the response map. Uri parameters can be
// serialized in any order, this function canonicalizes the uri parameters
// so they are serialized in sorted-by-parameter-name order.
var method = uri.path;
// Create a map sorted on insertion order.
var parameters = new Map();
// Sort keys.
var sortedKeys = uri.queryParameters.keys.toList();
// Filter keys to remove any private options.
sortedKeys.removeWhere((k) => k.startsWith('_'));
// Insert parameters in sorted order.
for (var key in sortedKeys) {
parameters[key] = uri.queryParameters[key];
// Return canonical uri.
return new Uri(path: method, queryParameters: parameters).toString();
/// Force the VM to disconnect.
void disconnect() {
// Always connected.
Future _onConnect;
Future get onConnect {
if (_onConnect != null) {
return _onConnect;
_onConnect = new Future.value(this);
return _onConnect;
// Only complete when requested.
Completer _onDisconnect = new Completer();
Future get onDisconnect => _onDisconnect.future;
bool get isDisconnected => _onDisconnect.isCompleted;
Future<Map> invokeRpcRaw(String method, Map params) {
if (params.isEmpty) {
params = null;
var key = _canonicalizeUri(new Uri(path: method, queryParameters: params));
var response = _responses[key];
if (response == null) {
return new Future.error(new FakeVMRpcException(
"Unable to find key '${key}' in cached response set"));
return new Future.value(response);
/// Snapshot in time of tag counters.
class TagProfileSnapshot {
final double seconds;
final List<int> counters;
int get sum => _sum;
int _sum = 0;
TagProfileSnapshot(this.seconds, int countersLength)
: counters = new List<int>(countersLength);
/// Set [counters] and update [sum].
void set(List<int> counters) {
this.counters.setAll(0, counters);
for (var i = 0; i < this.counters.length; i++) {
_sum += this.counters[i];
/// Set [counters] with the delta from [counters] to [old_counters]
/// and update [sum].
void delta(List<int> counters, List<int> old_counters) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.counters.length; i++) {
this.counters[i] = counters[i] - old_counters[i];
_sum += this.counters[i];
/// Update [counters] with new maximum values seen in [counters].
void max(List<int> counters) {
for (var i = 0; i < counters.length; i++) {
var c = counters[i];
this.counters[i] = this.counters[i] > c ? this.counters[i] : c;
/// Zero [counters].
void zero() {
for (var i = 0; i < counters.length; i++) {
counters[i] = 0;
class TagProfile {
final List<String> names = new List<String>();
final List<TagProfileSnapshot> snapshots = new List<TagProfileSnapshot>();
double get updatedAtSeconds => _seconds;
double _seconds;
TagProfileSnapshot _maxSnapshot;
int _historySize;
int _countersLength = 0;
void _processTagProfile(double seconds, ObservableMap tagProfile) {
_seconds = seconds;
var counters = tagProfile['counters'];
if (names.length == 0) {
// Initialization.
_countersLength = tagProfile['counters'].length;
for (var i = 0; i < _historySize; i++) {
var snapshot = new TagProfileSnapshot(0.0, _countersLength);;
// The counters monotonically grow, keep track of the maximum value.
_maxSnapshot = new TagProfileSnapshot(0.0, _countersLength);
var snapshot = new TagProfileSnapshot(seconds, _countersLength);
// We snapshot the delta from the current counters to the maximum counter
// values., _maxSnapshot.counters);
// Only keep _historySize snapshots.
if (snapshots.length > _historySize) {
class HeapSpace extends Observable {
@observable int used = 0;
@observable int capacity = 0;
@observable int external = 0;
@observable int collections = 0;
@observable double totalCollectionTimeInSeconds = 0.0;
@observable double averageCollectionPeriodInMillis = 0.0;
void update(Map heapMap) {
used = heapMap['used'];
capacity = heapMap['capacity'];
external = heapMap['external'];
collections = heapMap['collections'];
totalCollectionTimeInSeconds = heapMap['time'];
averageCollectionPeriodInMillis = heapMap['avgCollectionPeriodMillis'];
class HeapSnapshot {
final ObjectGraph graph;
final DateTime timeStamp;
final Isolate isolate;
HeapSnapshot(this.isolate, chunks, nodeCount) :
graph = new ObjectGraph(chunks, nodeCount),
timeStamp = new;
List<Future<ServiceObject>> getMostRetained({int classId, int limit}) {
var result = [];
for (ObjectVertex v in graph.getMostRetained(classId: classId,
limit: limit)) {
.then((ServiceObject obj) {
if (obj is HeapObject) {
obj.retainedSize = v.retainedSize;
} else {
print("${obj.runtimeType} should be a HeapObject");
return obj;
return result;
/// State for a running isolate.
class Isolate extends ServiceObjectOwner with Coverage {
static const kLoggingStream = '_Logging';
@reflectable VM get vm => owner;
@reflectable Isolate get isolate => this;
@observable int number;
@observable DateTime startTime;
@observable Duration get upTime =>
@observable ObservableMap counters = new ObservableMap();
void _updateRunState() {
topFrame = (pauseEvent != null ? pauseEvent.topFrame : null);
paused = (pauseEvent != null &&
pauseEvent.kind != ServiceEvent.kResume);
running = (!paused && topFrame != null);
idle = (!paused && topFrame == null);
notifyPropertyChange(#topFrame, 0, 1);
notifyPropertyChange(#paused, 0, 1);
notifyPropertyChange(#running, 0, 1);
notifyPropertyChange(#idle, 0, 1);
@observable ServiceEvent pauseEvent = null;
@observable bool paused = false;
@observable bool running = false;
@observable bool idle = false;
@observable bool loading = true;
@observable bool ioEnabled = false;
Map<String,ServiceObject> _cache = new Map<String,ServiceObject>();
final TagProfile tagProfile = new TagProfile(20);
Isolate._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner) {
assert(owner is VM);
void resetCachedProfileData() {
_cache.values.forEach((value) {
if (value is Code) {
Code code = value;
code.profile = null;
} else if (value is ServiceFunction) {
ServiceFunction function = value;
function.profile = null;
/// Fetches and builds the class hierarchy for this isolate. Returns the
/// Object class object.
Future<Class> getClassHierarchy() {
return invokeRpc('getClassList', {})
Future<ServiceObject> getPorts() {
return invokeRpc('_getPorts', {});
Future<List<Class>> getClassRefs() async {
ServiceMap classList = await invokeRpc('getClassList', {});
assert(classList.type == 'ClassList');
var classRefs = [];
for (var cls in classList['classes']) {
// Skip over non-class classes.
if (cls is Class) {
_classesByCid[cls.vmCid] = cls;
return classRefs;
/// Given the class list, loads each class.
Future<List<Class>> _loadClasses(ServiceMap classList) {
assert(classList.type == 'ClassList');
var futureClasses = [];
for (var cls in classList['classes']) {
// Skip over non-class classes.
if (cls is Class) {
_classesByCid[cls.vmCid] = cls;
return Future.wait(futureClasses);
/// Builds the class hierarchy and returns the Object class.
Future<Class> _buildClassHierarchy(List<Class> classes) {
objectClass = null;
for (var cls in classes) {
if (cls.superclass == null) {
if ((cls.vmName == 'Object') && (cls.isPatch == false)) {
objectClass = cls;
assert(objectClass != null);
return new Future.value(objectClass);
Class getClassByCid(int cid) => _classesByCid[cid];
ServiceObject getFromMap(ObservableMap map) {
if (map == null) {
return null;
var mapType = _stripRef(map['type']);
if (mapType == 'Isolate') {
// There are sometimes isolate refs in ServiceEvents.
return vm.getFromMap(map);
String mapId = map['id'];
var obj = (mapId != null) ? _cache[mapId] : null;
if (obj != null) {
return obj;
// Build the object from the map directly.
obj = new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, map);
if ((obj != null) && obj.canCache) {
_cache[mapId] = obj;
return obj;
Future<ObservableMap> invokeRpcNoUpgrade(String method, Map params) {
params['isolateId'] = id;
return vm.invokeRpcNoUpgrade(method, params);
Future<ServiceObject> invokeRpc(String method, Map params) {
return invokeRpcNoUpgrade(method, params).then((ObservableMap response) {
return getFromMap(response);
Future<ServiceObject> getObject(String objectId, {bool reload: true}) {
assert(objectId != null && objectId != '');
var obj = _cache[objectId];
if (obj != null) {
if (reload) {
return obj.reload();
// Returned cached object.
return new Future.value(obj);
Map params = {
'objectId': objectId,
return isolate.invokeRpc('getObject', params);
Future<ObservableMap> _fetchDirect() {
return invokeRpcNoUpgrade('getIsolate', {});
@observable Class objectClass;
@observable final rootClasses = new ObservableList<Class>();
Map<int, Class> _classesByCid = new Map<int, Class>();
@observable Library rootLibrary;
@observable ObservableList<Library> libraries =
new ObservableList<Library>();
@observable Frame topFrame;
@observable String name;
@observable String vmName;
@observable ServiceFunction entry;
@observable final Map<String, double> timers =
toObservable(new Map<String, double>());
final HeapSpace newSpace = new HeapSpace();
final HeapSpace oldSpace = new HeapSpace();
@observable String fileAndLine;
@observable DartError error;
@observable HeapSnapshot latestSnapshot;
StreamController _snapshotFetch;
List<ByteData> _chunksInProgress;
void _loadHeapSnapshot(ServiceEvent event) {
if (_snapshotFetch == null || _snapshotFetch.isClosed) {
// No outstanding snapshot request. Presumably another client asked for a
// snapshot."Dropping unsolicited heap snapshot chunk");
// Occasionally these actually arrive out of order.
var chunkIndex = event.chunkIndex;
var chunkCount = event.chunkCount;
if (_chunksInProgress == null) {
_chunksInProgress = new List(chunkCount);
_chunksInProgress[chunkIndex] =;
_snapshotFetch.add("Receiving snapshot chunk ${chunkIndex + 1}"
" of $chunkCount...");
for (var i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++) {
if (_chunksInProgress[i] == null) return;
var loadedChunks = _chunksInProgress;
_chunksInProgress = null;
latestSnapshot = new HeapSnapshot(this, loadedChunks, event.nodeCount);
if (_snapshotFetch != null) {
latestSnapshot.graph.process(_snapshotFetch).then((graph) {
Stream fetchHeapSnapshot() {
if (_snapshotFetch == null || _snapshotFetch.isClosed) {
_snapshotFetch = new StreamController();
// isolate.vm.streamListen('_Graph');
isolate.invokeRpcNoUpgrade('_requestHeapSnapshot', {});
void updateHeapsFromMap(ObservableMap map) {
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
name = map['name'];
vmName = map['name'];
number = int.parse(map['number'], onError:(_) => null);
if (mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
loading = false;
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
rootLibrary = map['rootLib'];
if (map['entry'] != null) {
entry = map['entry'];
var savedStartTime = startTime;
var startTimeInMillis = map['startTime'].toInt();
startTime = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(startTimeInMillis);
notifyPropertyChange(#upTime, 0, 1);
var countersMap = map['_tagCounters'];
if (countersMap != null) {
var names = countersMap['names'];
var counts = countersMap['counters'];
assert(names.length == counts.length);
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
sum += counts[i];
// TODO: Why does this not work without this?
counters = toObservable({});
if (sum == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
counters[names[i]] = '0.0%';
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
counters[names[i]] =
(counts[i] / sum * 100.0).toStringAsFixed(2) + '%';
var timerMap = {};
map['timers'].forEach((timer) {
timerMap[timer['name']] = timer['time'];
timers['total'] = timerMap['time_total_runtime'];
timers['compile'] = timerMap['time_compilation'];
timers['gc'] = 0.0; // TODO(turnidge): Export this from VM.
timers['init'] = (timerMap['time_script_loading'] +
timerMap['time_creating_snapshot'] +
timerMap['time_isolate_initialization'] +
timers['dart'] = timerMap['time_dart_execution'];
exceptionsPauseInfo = map['_debuggerSettings']['_exceptions'];
var newPauseEvent = map['pauseEvent'];
assert((pauseEvent == null) ||
(newPauseEvent == null) ||
pauseEvent = newPauseEvent;
error = map['error'];
if (savedStartTime == null) {
Future<TagProfile> updateTagProfile() {
return isolate.invokeRpcNoUpgrade('_getTagProfile', {}).then(
(ObservableMap map) {
var seconds = new / 1000.0;
tagProfile._processTagProfile(seconds, map);
return tagProfile;
ObservableMap<int, Breakpoint> breakpoints = new ObservableMap();
String exceptionsPauseInfo;
void _updateBreakpoints(List newBpts) {
// Build a set of new breakpoints.
var newBptSet = new Set();
newBpts.forEach((bpt) => newBptSet.add(bpt.number));
// Remove any old breakpoints which no longer exist.
List toRemove = [];
breakpoints.forEach((key, _) {
if (!newBptSet.contains(key)) {
toRemove.forEach((key) => breakpoints.remove(key));
// Add all new breakpoints.
newBpts.forEach((bpt) => (breakpoints[bpt.number] = bpt));
void _addBreakpoint(Breakpoint bpt) {
breakpoints[bpt.number] = bpt;
void _removeBreakpoint(Breakpoint bpt) {
void _onEvent(ServiceEvent event) {
switch(event.kind) {
case ServiceEvent.kIsolateStart:
case ServiceEvent.kIsolateRunnable:
case ServiceEvent.kIsolateExit:
case ServiceEvent.kInspect:
// Handled elsewhere.
case ServiceEvent.kBreakpointAdded:
case ServiceEvent.kIsolateUpdate:
case ServiceEvent.kBreakpointResolved:
case ServiceEvent.kDebuggerSettingsUpdate:
// Update occurs as side-effect of caching.
case ServiceEvent.kBreakpointRemoved:
case ServiceEvent.kPauseStart:
case ServiceEvent.kPauseExit:
case ServiceEvent.kPauseBreakpoint:
case ServiceEvent.kPauseInterrupted:
case ServiceEvent.kPauseException:
case ServiceEvent.kResume:
assert((pauseEvent == null) ||
pauseEvent = event;
case ServiceEvent.kGraph:
case ServiceEvent.kGC:
// Ignore GC events for now.
// Log unrecognized events.
Logger.root.severe('Unrecognized event: $event');
Future<ServiceObject> addBreakpoint(Script script, int line) async {
// TODO(turnidge): Pass line as an int instead of a string.
try {
Map params = {
'line': '$line',
Breakpoint bpt = await invokeRpc('addBreakpoint', params);
if (bpt.resolved &&
script.loaded &&
script.tokenToLine(bpt.location.tokenPos) != line) {
// TODO(turnidge): Can this still happen?
script.getLine(line).possibleBpt = false;
return bpt;
} on ServerRpcException catch(e) {
if (e.code == ServerRpcException.kCannotAddBreakpoint) {
// Unable to set a breakpoint at the desired line.
script.getLine(line).possibleBpt = false;
Future<ServiceObject> addBreakpointAtEntry(ServiceFunction function) {
return invokeRpc('addBreakpointAtEntry',
{ 'functionId': });
Future<ServiceObject> addBreakOnActivation(Instance closure) {
return invokeRpc('_addBreakpointAtActivation',
{ 'objectId': });
Future removeBreakpoint(Breakpoint bpt) {
return invokeRpc('removeBreakpoint',
{ 'breakpointId': });
Future pause() {
return invokeRpc('pause', {});
Future resume() {
return invokeRpc('resume', {});
Future stepInto() {
return invokeRpc('resume', {'step': 'Into'});
Future stepOver() {
return invokeRpc('resume', {'step': 'Over'});
Future stepOut() {
return invokeRpc('resume', {'step': 'Out'});
static const int kFirstResume = 0;
static const int kSecondResume = 1;
/// result[kFirstResume] completes after the inital resume. The UI should
/// wait on this future because some other breakpoint may be hit before the
/// async continuation.
/// result[kSecondResume] completes after the second resume. Tests should
/// wait on this future to avoid confusing the pause event at the
/// state-machine switch with the pause event after the state-machine switch.
List<Future> asyncStepOver() {
Completer firstResume = new Completer();
Completer secondResume = new Completer();
var subscription;
handleError(error) {
if (subscription != null) {
subscription = null;
if ((pauseEvent == null) ||
(pauseEvent.kind != ServiceEvent.kPauseBreakpoint) ||
(pauseEvent.asyncContinuation == null)) {
handleError(new Exception("No async continuation available"));
} else {
Instance continuation = pauseEvent.asyncContinuation;
addBreakOnActivation(continuation).then((Breakpoint continuationBpt) {
vm.getEventStream(VM.kDebugStream).then((stream) {
var onResume = firstResume;
subscription = stream.listen((ServiceEvent event) {
if ((event.kind == ServiceEvent.kPauseBreakpoint) &&
(event.breakpoint == continuationBpt)) {
// We are stopped before state-machine dispatch; step-over to
// reach user code.
removeBreakpoint(continuationBpt).then((_) {
onResume = secondResume;
} else if (event.kind == ServiceEvent.kResume) {
if (onResume == secondResume) {
subscription = null;
if (onResume != null) {
onResume = null;
return [firstResume.future, secondResume.future];
Future setName(String newName) {
return invokeRpc('setName', {'name': newName});
Future setExceptionPauseInfo(String exceptions) {
return invokeRpc('_setExceptionPauseInfo', {'exceptions': exceptions});
Future<ServiceMap> getStack() {
return invokeRpc('getStack', {});
Future<ServiceObject> _eval(ServiceObject target,
String expression) {
Map params = {
'expression': expression,
return invokeRpc('evaluate', params);
Future<ServiceObject> evalFrame(int frameIndex,
String expression) {
Map params = {
'frameIndex': frameIndex,
'expression': expression,
return invokeRpc('evaluateInFrame', params);
Future<ServiceObject> getRetainedSize(ServiceObject target) {
Map params = {
return invokeRpc('_getRetainedSize', params);
Future<ServiceObject> getRetainingPath(ServiceObject target, var limit) {
Map params = {
'limit': limit.toString(),
return invokeRpc('_getRetainingPath', params);
Future<ServiceObject> getInboundReferences(ServiceObject target, var limit) {
Map params = {
'limit': limit.toString(),
return invokeRpc('_getInboundReferences', params);
Future<ServiceObject> getTypeArgumentsList(bool onlyWithInstantiations) {
Map params = {
'onlyWithInstantiations': onlyWithInstantiations,
return invokeRpc('_getTypeArgumentsList', params);
Future<ServiceObject> getInstances(Class cls, var limit) {
Map params = {
'limit': limit.toString(),
return invokeRpc('_getInstances', params);
Future<ServiceObject> getObjectByAddress(String address, [bool ref=true]) {
Map params = {
'address': address,
'ref': ref,
return invokeRpc('_getObjectByAddress', params);
final ObservableMap<String, ServiceMetric> dartMetrics =
new ObservableMap<String, ServiceMetric>();
final ObservableMap<String, ServiceMetric> nativeMetrics =
new ObservableMap<String, ServiceMetric>();
Future<ObservableMap<String, ServiceMetric>> _refreshMetrics(
String metricType,
ObservableMap<String, ServiceMetric> metricsMap) {
return invokeRpc('_getIsolateMetricList',
{ 'type': metricType }).then((result) {
// Clear metrics map.
// Repopulate metrics map.
var metrics = result['metrics'];
for (var metric in metrics) {
metricsMap[] = metric;
return metricsMap;
Future<ObservableMap<String, ServiceMetric>> refreshDartMetrics() {
return _refreshMetrics('Dart', dartMetrics);
Future<ObservableMap<String, ServiceMetric>> refreshNativeMetrics() {
return _refreshMetrics('Native', nativeMetrics);
Future refreshMetrics() {
return Future.wait([refreshDartMetrics(), refreshNativeMetrics()]);
String toString() => "Isolate($name)";
/// A [ServiceObject] which implements [ObservableMap].
class ServiceMap extends ServiceObject implements ObservableMap {
final ObservableMap _map = new ObservableMap();
static String objectIdRingPrefix = 'objects/';
bool get canCache {
return (_type == 'Class' ||
_type == 'Function' ||
_type == 'Field') &&
bool get immutable => false;
ServiceMap._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_loaded = !mapIsRef;
_upgradeCollection(map, owner);
// TODO(turnidge): Currently _map.clear() prevents us from
// upgrading an already upgraded submap. Is clearing really the
// right thing to do here?
name = _map['name'];
vmName = (_map.containsKey('_vmName') ? _map['_vmName'] : name);
// TODO(turnidge): These are temporary until we have a proper root
// object for all dart heap objects.
int get size => _map['size'];
int get clazz => _map['class'];
// Forward Map interface calls.
void addAll(Map other) => _map.addAll(other);
void clear() => _map.clear();
bool containsValue(v) => _map.containsValue(v);
bool containsKey(k) => _map.containsKey(k);
void forEach(Function f) => _map.forEach(f);
putIfAbsent(key, Function ifAbsent) => _map.putIfAbsent(key, ifAbsent);
void remove(key) => _map.remove(key);
operator [](k) => _map[k];
operator []=(k, v) => _map[k] = v;
bool get isEmpty => _map.isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty => _map.isNotEmpty;
Iterable get keys => _map.keys;
Iterable get values => _map.values;
int get length => _map.length;
// Forward ChangeNotifier interface calls.
bool deliverChanges() => _map.deliverChanges();
void notifyChange(ChangeRecord record) => _map.notifyChange(record);
notifyPropertyChange(Symbol field, Object oldValue, Object newValue) =>
_map.notifyPropertyChange(field, oldValue, newValue);
void observed() => _map.observed();
void unobserved() => _map.unobserved();
Stream<List<ChangeRecord>> get changes => _map.changes;
bool get hasObservers => _map.hasObservers;
String toString() => "ServiceMap($_map)";
/// A [DartError] is peered to a Dart Error object.
class DartError extends ServiceObject {
DartError._empty(ServiceObject owner) : super._empty(owner);
@observable String message;
@observable Instance exception;
@observable Instance stacktrace;
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
message = map['message'];
exception = new ServiceObject._fromMap(owner, map['exception']);
stacktrace = new ServiceObject._fromMap(owner, map['stacktrace']);
name = 'DartError($message)';
vmName = name;
String toString() => 'DartError($message)';
Level _findLogLevel(int value) {
for (var level in Level.LEVELS) {
if (level.value == value) {
return level;
return new Level('$value', value);
/// A [ServiceEvent] is an asynchronous event notification from the vm.
class ServiceEvent extends ServiceObject {
/// The possible 'kind' values.
static const kIsolateStart = 'IsolateStart';
static const kIsolateRunnable = 'IsolateRunnable';
static const kIsolateExit = 'IsolateExit';
static const kIsolateUpdate = 'IsolateUpdate';
static const kPauseStart = 'PauseStart';
static const kPauseExit = 'PauseExit';
static const kPauseBreakpoint = 'PauseBreakpoint';
static const kPauseInterrupted = 'PauseInterrupted';
static const kPauseException = 'PauseException';
static const kResume = 'Resume';
static const kBreakpointAdded = 'BreakpointAdded';
static const kBreakpointResolved = 'BreakpointResolved';
static const kBreakpointRemoved = 'BreakpointRemoved';
static const kGraph = '_Graph';
static const kGC = 'GC';
static const kInspect = 'Inspect';
static const kDebuggerSettingsUpdate = '_DebuggerSettingsUpdate';
static const kConnectionClosed = 'ConnectionClosed';
static const kLogging = '_Logging';
ServiceEvent._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
ServiceEvent.connectionClosed(this.reason) : super._empty(null) {
kind = kConnectionClosed;
@observable String kind;
@observable DateTime timestamp;
@observable Breakpoint breakpoint;
@observable Frame topFrame;
@observable Instance exception;
@observable Instance asyncContinuation;
@observable bool atAsyncJump;
@observable ServiceObject inspectee;
@observable ByteData data;
@observable int count;
@observable String reason;
@observable String exceptions;
@observable String bytesAsString;
@observable Map logRecord;
int chunkIndex, chunkCount, nodeCount;
@observable bool get isPauseEvent {
return (kind == kPauseStart ||
kind == kPauseExit ||
kind == kPauseBreakpoint ||
kind == kPauseInterrupted ||
kind == kPauseException);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
_upgradeCollection(map, owner);
assert(map['isolate'] == null || owner == map['isolate']);
timestamp =
new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(map['timestamp'].toInt());
kind = map['kind'];
notifyPropertyChange(#isPauseEvent, 0, 1);
name = 'ServiceEvent $kind';
vmName = name;
if (map['breakpoint'] != null) {
breakpoint = map['breakpoint'];
// TODO(turnidge): Expose the full list of breakpoints. For now
// we just pretend like there is only one active breakpoint.
if (map['pauseBreakpoints'] != null) {
var pauseBpts = map['pauseBreakpoints'];
if (pauseBpts.length > 0) {
breakpoint = pauseBpts[0];
topFrame = map['topFrame'];
if (map['exception'] != null) {
exception = map['exception'];
if (map['_asyncContinuation'] != null) {
asyncContinuation = map['_asyncContinuation'];
atAsyncJump = map['_atAsyncJump'];
} else {
atAsyncJump = false;
if (map['inspectee'] != null) {
inspectee = map['inspectee'];
if (map['_data'] != null) {
data = map['_data'];
if (map['chunkIndex'] != null) {
chunkIndex = map['chunkIndex'];
if (map['chunkCount'] != null) {
chunkCount = map['chunkCount'];
if (map['nodeCount'] != null) {
nodeCount = map['nodeCount'];
if (map['count'] != null) {
count = map['count'];
if (map['_debuggerSettings'] != null &&
map['_debuggerSettings']['_exceptions'] != null) {
exceptions = map['_debuggerSettings']['_exceptions'];
if (map['bytes'] != null) {
var bytes = decodeBase64(map['bytes']);
bytesAsString = UTF8.decode(bytes);
if (map['logRecord'] != null) {
logRecord = map['logRecord'];
logRecord['time'] =
new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(logRecord['time'].toInt());
logRecord['level'] = _findLogLevel(logRecord['level']);
String toString() {
if (data == null) {
return "ServiceEvent(owner='${}', kind='${kind}', "
} else {
return "ServiceEvent(owner='${}', kind='${kind}', "
"data.lengthInBytes=${data.lengthInBytes}, time=${timestamp})";
class Breakpoint extends ServiceObject {
Breakpoint._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
// TODO(turnidge): Add state to track if a breakpoint has been
// removed from the program. Remove from the cache when deleted.
bool get canCache => true;
bool get immutable => false;
// A unique integer identifier for this breakpoint.
@observable int number;
// Source location information.
@observable SourceLocation location;
// The breakpoint has been assigned to a final source location.
@observable bool resolved;
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
_upgradeCollection(map, owner);
var newNumber = map['breakpointNumber'];
// number never changes.
assert((number == null) || (number == newNumber));
number = newNumber;
resolved = map['resolved'];
var oldLocation = location;
var newLocation = map['location'];
var oldScript;
var newScript;
var oldTokenPos;
var newTokenPos;
if (oldLocation != null) {
oldScript = location.script;
oldTokenPos = location.tokenPos;
if (newLocation != null) {
newScript = newLocation.script;
newTokenPos = newLocation.tokenPos;
// script never changes
assert((oldScript == null) || (oldScript == newScript));
bool tokenPosChanged = oldTokenPos != newTokenPos;
if (newScript.loaded &&
(newTokenPos != null) &&
tokenPosChanged) {
// The breakpoint has moved. Remove it and add it later.
if (oldScript != null) {
location = newLocation;
if (newScript.loaded && tokenPosChanged) {
void remove() {
// Remove any references to this breakpoint. It has been removed.
if ((isolate.pauseEvent != null) &&
(isolate.pauseEvent.breakpoint != null) &&
( == id)) {
isolate.pauseEvent.breakpoint = null;
String toString() {
if (number != null) {
return 'Breakpoint ${number} at ${location})';
} else {
return 'Uninitialized breakpoint';
class LibraryDependency {
@reflectable final bool isImport;
@reflectable final bool isDeferred;
@reflectable final String prefix;
@reflectable final Library target;
bool get isExport => !isImport;
LibraryDependency._(this.isImport, this.isDeferred, this.prefix,;
static _fromMap(map) => new LibraryDependency._(map["isImport"],
class Library extends HeapObject with Coverage {
@observable String uri;
@reflectable final dependencies = new ObservableList<LibraryDependency>();
@reflectable final scripts = new ObservableList<Script>();
@reflectable final classes = new ObservableList<Class>();
@reflectable final variables = new ObservableList<Field>();
@reflectable final functions = new ObservableList<ServiceFunction>();
bool get canCache => true;
bool get immutable => false;
Library._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
super._update(map, mapIsRef);
uri = map['uri'];
var shortUri = uri;
if (uri.startsWith('file://') ||
uri.startsWith('http://')) {
shortUri = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
name = map['name'];
if (name.isEmpty) {
// When there is no name for a library, use the shortUri.
name = shortUri;
vmName = (map.containsKey('_vmName') ? map['_vmName'] : name);
if (mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
Future<ServiceObject> evaluate(String expression) {
return isolate._eval(this, expression);
Script get rootScript {
for (Script script in scripts) {
if (script.uri == uri) return script;
return null;
String toString() => "Library($uri)";
class AllocationCount extends Observable {
@observable int instances = 0;
@observable int bytes = 0;
void reset() {
instances = 0;
bytes = 0;
bool get empty => (instances == 0) && (bytes == 0);
class Allocations {
// Indexes into VM provided array. (see vm/class_table.h).
static const ALLOCATED_BEFORE_GC = 0;
static const ALLOCATED_BEFORE_GC_SIZE = 1;
static const LIVE_AFTER_GC = 2;
static const LIVE_AFTER_GC_SIZE = 3;
static const ALLOCATED_SINCE_GC = 4;
static const ALLOCATED_SINCE_GC_SIZE = 5;
static const ACCUMULATED = 6;
static const ACCUMULATED_SIZE = 7;
final AllocationCount accumulated = new AllocationCount();
final AllocationCount current = new AllocationCount();
void update(List stats) {
accumulated.instances = stats[ACCUMULATED];
accumulated.bytes = stats[ACCUMULATED_SIZE];
current.instances = stats[LIVE_AFTER_GC] + stats[ALLOCATED_SINCE_GC];
current.bytes = stats[LIVE_AFTER_GC_SIZE] + stats[ALLOCATED_SINCE_GC_SIZE];
bool get empty => accumulated.empty && current.empty;
class Class extends HeapObject with Coverage {
@observable Library library;
@observable bool isAbstract;
@observable bool isConst;
@observable bool isFinalized;
@observable bool isPatch;
@observable bool isImplemented;
@observable SourceLocation location;
@observable ServiceMap error;
@observable int vmCid;
final Allocations newSpace = new Allocations();
final Allocations oldSpace = new Allocations();
final AllocationCount promotedByLastNewGC = new AllocationCount();
@observable bool get hasNoAllocations => newSpace.empty && oldSpace.empty;
@observable bool traceAllocations = false;
@reflectable final fields = new ObservableList<Field>();
@reflectable final functions = new ObservableList<ServiceFunction>();
@observable Class superclass;
@reflectable final interfaces = new ObservableList<Instance>();
@reflectable final subclasses = new ObservableList<Class>();
bool get canCache => true;
bool get immutable => false;
Class._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
super._update(map, mapIsRef);
name = map['name'];
vmName = (map.containsKey('_vmName') ? map['_vmName'] : name);
if (vmName == '::') {
name = 'top-level-class'; // Better than ''
var idPrefix = "classes/";
vmCid = int.parse(id.substring(idPrefix.length));
if (mapIsRef) {
// We are fully loaded.
_loaded = true;
// Extract full properties.
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
// Some builtin classes aren't associated with a library.
if (map['library'] is Library) {
library = map['library'];
} else {
library = null;
location = map['location'];
isAbstract = map['abstract'];
isConst = map['const'];
isFinalized = map['_finalized'];
isPatch = map['_patch'];
isImplemented = map['_implemented'];
superclass = map['super'];
// Work-around Object not tracking its subclasses in the VM.
if (superclass != null && == "Object") {
error = map['error'];
traceAllocations =
(map['_traceAllocations'] != null) ? map['_traceAllocations'] : false;
var allocationStats = map['_allocationStats'];
if (allocationStats != null) {
notifyPropertyChange(#hasNoAllocations, 0, 1);
promotedByLastNewGC.instances = allocationStats['promotedInstances'];
promotedByLastNewGC.bytes = allocationStats['promotedBytes'];
void _addSubclass(Class subclass) {
if (subclasses.contains(subclass)) {
Future<ServiceObject> evaluate(String expression) {
return isolate._eval(this, expression);
Future<ServiceObject> setTraceAllocations(bool enable) {
return isolate.invokeRpc('_setTraceClassAllocation', {
'enable': enable,
'classId': id,
Future<ServiceObject> getAllocationSamples([String tags = 'None']) {
var params = { 'tags': tags,
'classId': id };
return isolate.invokeRpc('_getAllocationSamples', params);
String toString() => 'Class($vmName)';
class Instance extends HeapObject {
@observable String kind;
@observable String valueAsString; // If primitive.
@observable bool valueAsStringIsTruncated;
@observable ServiceFunction function; // If a closure.
@observable Context context; // If a closure.
@observable String name; // If a Type.
@observable int length; // If a List, Map or TypedData.
@observable Instance pattern; // If a RegExp.
@observable var typeClass;
@observable var fields;
@observable var nativeFields;
@observable var elements; // If a List.
@observable var associations; // If a Map.
@observable var typedElements; // If a TypedData.
@observable var referent; // If a MirrorReference.
@observable Instance key; // If a WeakProperty.
@observable Instance value; // If a WeakProperty.
@observable Breakpoint activationBreakpoint; // If a Closure.
@observable Function oneByteFunction; // If a RegExp.
@observable Function twoByteFunction; // If a RegExp.
@observable Function externalOneByteFunction; // If a RegExp.
@observable Function externalTwoByteFunction; // If a RegExp.
@observable bool isCaseSensitive; // If a RegExp.
@observable bool isMultiLine; // If a RegExp.
bool get isAbstractType {
return (kind == 'Type' || kind == 'TypeRef' ||
kind == 'TypeParameter' || kind == 'BoundedType');
bool get isNull => kind == 'Null';
bool get isBool => kind == 'Bool';
bool get isDouble => kind == 'Double';
bool get isString => kind == 'String';
bool get isInt => kind == 'Int';
bool get isList => kind == 'List';
bool get isMap => kind == 'Map';
bool get isTypedData {
return kind == 'Uint8ClampedList'
|| kind == 'Uint8List'
|| kind == 'Uint16List'
|| kind == 'Uint32List'
|| kind == 'Uint64List'
|| kind == 'Int8List'
|| kind == 'Int16List'
|| kind == 'Int32List'
|| kind == 'Int64List'
|| kind == 'Float32List'
|| kind == 'Float64List'
|| kind == 'Int32x4List'
|| kind == 'Float32x4List'
|| kind == 'Float64x2List';
bool get isSimdValue {
return kind == 'Float32x4'
|| kind == 'Float64x2'
|| kind == 'Int32x4';
bool get isRegExp => kind == 'RegExp';
bool get isMirrorReference => kind == 'MirrorReference';
bool get isWeakProperty => kind == 'WeakProperty';
bool get isClosure => kind == 'Closure';
bool get isStackTrace => kind == 'StackTrace';
// TODO(turnidge): Is this properly backwards compatible when new
// instance kinds are added?
bool get isPlainInstance => kind == 'PlainInstance';
Instance._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
// Extract full properties.
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
super._update(map, mapIsRef);
kind = map['kind'];
valueAsString = map['valueAsString'];
// Coerce absence to false.
valueAsStringIsTruncated = map['valueAsStringIsTruncated'] == true;
function = map['closureFunction'];
context = map['closureContext'];
name = map['name'];
length = map['length'];
pattern = map['pattern'];
if (mapIsRef) {
isCaseSensitive = map['isCaseSensitive'];
isMultiLine = map['isMultiLine'];
oneByteFunction = map['_oneByteFunction'];
twoByteFunction = map['_twoByteFunction'];
externalOneByteFunction = map['_externalOneByteFunction'];
externalTwoByteFunction = map['_externalTwoByteFunction'];
nativeFields = map['_nativeFields'];
fields = map['fields'];
elements = map['elements'];
associations = map['associations'];
if (map['bytes'] != null) {
var bytes = decodeBase64(map['bytes']);
switch (map['kind']) {
case "Uint8ClampedList":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asUint8ClampedList(); break;
case "Uint8List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asUint8List(); break;
case "Uint16List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asUint16List(); break;
case "Uint32List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asUint32List(); break;
case "Uint64List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asUint64List(); break;
case "Int8List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asInt8List(); break;
case "Int16List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asInt16List(); break;
case "Int32List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asInt32List(); break;
case "Int64List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asInt64List(); break;
case "Float32List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asFloat32List(); break;
case "Float64List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asFloat64List(); break;
case "Int32x4List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asInt32x4List(); break;
case "Float32x4List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asFloat32x4List(); break;
case "Float64x2List":
typedElements = bytes.buffer.asFloat64x2List(); break;
typeClass = map['typeClass'];
referent = map['mirrorReferent'];
key = map['propertyKey'];
value = map['propertyValue'];
activationBreakpoint = map['_activationBreakpoint'];
// We are fully loaded.
_loaded = true;
String get shortName {
if (isClosure) {
return function.qualifiedName;
if (valueAsString != null) {
return valueAsString;
return 'a ${}';
Future<ServiceObject> evaluate(String expression) {
return isolate._eval(this, expression);
String toString() => 'Instance($shortName)';
class Context extends HeapObject {
@observable var parentContext;
@observable int length;
@observable var variables;
Context._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
// Extract full properties.
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
super._update(map, mapIsRef);
length = map['length'];
parentContext = map['parent'];
if (mapIsRef) {
variables = map['variables'];
// We are fully loaded.
_loaded = true;
String toString() => 'Context($length)';
// TODO(koda): Sync this with VM.
class FunctionKind {
final String _strValue;
toString() => _strValue;
bool isSynthetic() => [kCollected, kNative, kStub, kTag].contains(this);
bool isDart() => !isSynthetic();
bool isStub() => (this == kStub);
bool hasDartCode() => isDart() || isStub();
static FunctionKind fromJSON(String value) {
switch(value) {
case 'RegularFunction': return kRegularFunction;
case 'ClosureFunction': return kClosureFunction;
case 'GetterFunction': return kGetterFunction;
case 'SetterFunction': return kSetterFunction;
case 'Constructor': return kConstructor;
case 'ImplicitGetter': return kImplicitGetterFunction;
case 'ImplicitSetter': return kImplicitSetterFunction;
case 'ImplicitStaticFinalGetter': return kImplicitStaticFinalGetter;
case 'IrregexpFunction': return kIrregexpFunction;
case 'StaticInitializer': return kStaticInitializer;
case 'MethodExtractor': return kMethodExtractor;
case 'NoSuchMethodDispatcher': return kNoSuchMethodDispatcher;
case 'InvokeFieldDispatcher': return kInvokeFieldDispatcher;
case 'Collected': return kCollected;
case 'Native': return kNative;
case 'Stub': return kStub;
case 'Tag': return kTag;
case 'SignatureFunction': return kSignatureFunction;
Logger.root.severe('Unrecognized function kind: $value');
throw new FallThroughError();
static FunctionKind kRegularFunction = new FunctionKind._internal('function');
static FunctionKind kClosureFunction = new FunctionKind._internal('closure function');
static FunctionKind kGetterFunction = new FunctionKind._internal('getter function');
static FunctionKind kSetterFunction = new FunctionKind._internal('setter function');
static FunctionKind kConstructor = new FunctionKind._internal('constructor');
static FunctionKind kImplicitGetterFunction = new FunctionKind._internal('implicit getter function');
static FunctionKind kImplicitSetterFunction = new FunctionKind._internal('implicit setter function');
static FunctionKind kImplicitStaticFinalGetter = new FunctionKind._internal('implicit static final getter');
static FunctionKind kIrregexpFunction = new FunctionKind._internal('ir regexp function');
static FunctionKind kStaticInitializer = new FunctionKind._internal('static initializer');
static FunctionKind kMethodExtractor = new FunctionKind._internal('method extractor');
static FunctionKind kNoSuchMethodDispatcher = new FunctionKind._internal('noSuchMethod dispatcher');
static FunctionKind kInvokeFieldDispatcher = new FunctionKind._internal('invoke field dispatcher');
static FunctionKind kCollected = new FunctionKind._internal('Collected');
static FunctionKind kNative = new FunctionKind._internal('Native');
static FunctionKind kTag = new FunctionKind._internal('Tag');
static FunctionKind kStub = new FunctionKind._internal('Stub');
static FunctionKind kSignatureFunction = new FunctionKind._internal('SignatureFunction');
static FunctionKind kUNKNOWN = new FunctionKind._internal('UNKNOWN');
class ServiceFunction extends HeapObject with Coverage {
// owner is a Library, Class, or ServiceFunction.
@observable ServiceObject dartOwner;
@observable Library library;
@observable bool isStatic;
@observable bool isConst;
@observable SourceLocation location;
@observable Code code;
@observable Code unoptimizedCode;
@observable bool isOptimizable;
@observable bool isInlinable;
@observable FunctionKind kind;
@observable int deoptimizations;
@observable String qualifiedName;
@observable int usageCounter;
@observable bool isDart;
@observable ProfileFunction profile;
@observable Instance icDataArray;
bool get canCache => true;
bool get immutable => false;
ServiceFunction._empty(ServiceObject owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
super._update(map, mapIsRef);
name = map['name'];
vmName = (map.containsKey('_vmName') ? map['_vmName'] : name);
dartOwner = map['owner'];
kind = FunctionKind.fromJSON(map['_kind']);
isDart = kind.isDart();
if (dartOwner is ServiceFunction) {
ServiceFunction ownerFunction = dartOwner;
library = ownerFunction.library;
qualifiedName = "${ownerFunction.qualifiedName}.${name}";
} else if (dartOwner is Class) {
Class ownerClass = dartOwner;
library = ownerClass.library;
qualifiedName = "${}.${name}";
} else {
library = dartOwner;
qualifiedName = name;
if (mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
isStatic = map['static'];
isConst = map['const'];
location = map['location'];
code = map['code'];
isOptimizable = map['_optimizable'];
isInlinable = map['_inlinable'];
unoptimizedCode = map['_unoptimizedCode'];
deoptimizations = map['_deoptimizations'];
usageCounter = map['_usageCounter'];
icDataArray = map['_icDataArray'];
class Field extends HeapObject {
// Library or Class.
@observable ServiceObject dartOwner;
@observable Library library;
@observable Instance declaredType;
@observable bool isStatic;
@observable bool isFinal;
@observable bool isConst;
@observable Instance staticValue;
@observable String name;
@observable String vmName;
@observable bool guardNullable;
@observable var /* Class | String */ guardClass;
@observable String guardLength;
@observable SourceLocation location;
Field._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
// Extract full properties.
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
super._update(map, mapIsRef);
name = map['name'];
vmName = (map.containsKey('_vmName') ? map['_vmName'] : name);
dartOwner = map['owner'];
declaredType = map['declaredType'];
isStatic = map['static'];
isFinal = map['final'];
isConst = map['const'];
staticValue = map['staticValue'];
if (dartOwner is Class) {
Class ownerClass = dartOwner;
library = ownerClass.library;
} else {
library = dartOwner;
if (mapIsRef) {
guardNullable = map['_guardNullable'];
guardClass = map['_guardClass'];
guardLength = map['_guardLength'];
location = map['location'];
_loaded = true;
String toString() => 'Field(${}.$name)';
class ScriptLine extends Observable {
final Script script;
final int line;
final String text;
@observable int hits;
@observable bool possibleBpt = true;
@observable bool breakpointResolved = false;
@observable Set<Breakpoint> breakpoints;
bool get isBlank {
// Compute isBlank on demand.
if (_isBlank == null) {
_isBlank = text.trim().isEmpty;
return _isBlank;
bool _isBlank;
bool get isTrivialLine => !possibleBpt;
static bool _isTrivialToken(String token) {
if (token == 'else') {
return true;
for (var c in token.split('')) {
switch (c) {
case '{':
case '}':
case '(':
case ')':
case ';':
return false;
return true;
static bool _isTrivialLine(String text) {
if (text.trimLeft().startsWith('//')) {
return true;
var wsTokens = text.split(new RegExp(r"(\s)+"));
for (var wsToken in wsTokens) {
var tokens = wsToken.split(new RegExp(r"(\b)"));
for (var token in tokens) {
if (!_isTrivialToken(token)) {
return false;
return true;
ScriptLine(this.script, this.line, this.text) {
possibleBpt = !_isTrivialLine(text);
void addBreakpoint(Breakpoint bpt) {
if (breakpoints == null) {
breakpoints = new Set<Breakpoint>();
breakpointResolved = breakpointResolved || bpt.resolved;
void removeBreakpoint(Breakpoint bpt) {
assert(breakpoints != null && breakpoints.contains(bpt));
if (breakpoints.isEmpty) {
breakpoints = null;
breakpointResolved = false;
class CallSite {
final String name;
// TODO(turnidge): Use SourceLocation here instead.
final Script script;
final int tokenPos;
final List<CallSiteEntry> entries;
CallSite(, this.script, this.tokenPos, this.entries);
int get line => script.tokenToLine(tokenPos);
int get column => script.tokenToCol(tokenPos);
int get aggregateCount {
var count = 0;
for (var entry in entries) {
count += entry.count;
return count;
factory CallSite.fromMap(Map siteMap, Script script) {
var name = siteMap['name'];
var tokenPos = siteMap['tokenPos'];
var entries = new List<CallSiteEntry>();
for (var entryMap in siteMap['cacheEntries']) {
entries.add(new CallSiteEntry.fromMap(entryMap));
return new CallSite(name, script, tokenPos, entries);
operator ==(other) {
return (script == other.script) && (tokenPos == other.tokenPos);
int get hashCode => (script.hashCode << 8) | tokenPos;
String toString() => "CallSite($name, $tokenPos)";
class CallSiteEntry {
final /* Class | Library */ receiverContainer;
final int count;
final ServiceFunction target;
CallSiteEntry(this.receiverContainer, this.count,;
factory CallSiteEntry.fromMap(Map entryMap) {
return new CallSiteEntry(entryMap['receiverContainer'],
String toString() => "CallSiteEntry(${}, $count)";
/// The location of a local variable reference in a script.
class LocalVarLocation {
final int line;
final int column;
final int endColumn;
LocalVarLocation(this.line, this.column, this.endColumn);
class Script extends HeapObject with Coverage {
Set<CallSite> callSites = new Set<CallSite>();
final lines = new ObservableList<ScriptLine>();
final _hits = new Map<int, int>();
@observable String uri;
@observable String kind;
@observable int firstTokenPos;
@observable int lastTokenPos;
@observable int lineOffset;
@observable int columnOffset;
@observable Library library;
bool get immutable => true;
String _shortUri;
Script._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
ScriptLine getLine(int line) {
assert(line >= 1);
return lines[line - lineOffset - 1];
/// This function maps a token position to a line number.
int tokenToLine(int tokenPos) => _tokenToLine[tokenPos];
Map _tokenToLine = {};
/// This function maps a token position to a column number.
int tokenToCol(int tokenPos) => _tokenToCol[tokenPos];
Map _tokenToCol = {};
int guessTokenLength(int line, int column) {
String source = getLine(line).text;
var pos = column;
if (pos >= source.length) {
return null;
var c = source.codeUnitAt(pos);
if (c == 123) return 1; // { - Map literal
if (c == 91) return 1; // [ - List literal, index, index assignment
if (c == 40) return 1; // ( - Closure call
if (_isOperatorChar(c)) {
while (++pos < source.length &&
return pos - column;
if (_isInitialIdentifierChar(c)) {
while (++pos < source.length &&
return pos - column;
return null;
static bool _isOperatorChar(int c) {
switch (c) {
case 25: // %
case 26: // &
case 42: // *
case 43: // +
case 45: // -:
case 47: // /
case 60: // <
case 61: // =
case 62: // >
case 94: // ^
case 124: // |
case 126: // ~
return true;
return false;
static bool _isInitialIdentifierChar(int c) {
if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) return true; // Upper
if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) return true; // Lower
if (c == 95) return true; // Underscore
if (c == 36) return true; // Dollar
return false;
static bool _isIdentifierChar(int c) {
if (_isInitialIdentifierChar(c)) return true;
return c >= 48 && c <= 75; // Digit
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
super._update(map, mapIsRef);
uri = map['uri'];
kind = map['_kind'];
_shortUri = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
name = _shortUri;
vmName = uri;
if (mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
lineOffset = map['lineOffset'];
columnOffset = map['columnOffset'];
library = map['library'];
void _parseTokenPosTable(List<List<int>> table) {
if (table == null) {
firstTokenPos = null;
lastTokenPos = null;
var lineSet = new Set();
for (var line in table) {
// Each entry begins with a line number...
var lineNumber = line[0];
for (var pos = 1; pos < line.length; pos += 2) {
// ...and is followed by (token offset, col number) pairs.
var tokenOffset = line[pos];
var colNumber = line[pos+1];
if (firstTokenPos == null) {
// Mark first token position.
firstTokenPos = tokenOffset;
lastTokenPos = tokenOffset;
} else {
// Keep track of max and min token positions.
firstTokenPos = (firstTokenPos <= tokenOffset) ?
firstTokenPos : tokenOffset;
lastTokenPos = (lastTokenPos >= tokenOffset) ?
lastTokenPos : tokenOffset;
_tokenToLine[tokenOffset] = lineNumber;
_tokenToCol[tokenOffset] = colNumber;
for (var line in lines) {
// Remove possible breakpoints on lines with no tokens.
if (!lineSet.contains(line.line)) {
line.possibleBpt = false;
void _processCallSites(List newCallSiteMaps) {
var mergedCallSites = new Set<CallSite>();
for (var callSiteMap in newCallSiteMaps) {
var newSite = new CallSite.fromMap(callSiteMap, this);
var line = newSite.line;
var hit = newSite.aggregateCount;
assert(line >= 1); // Lines start at 1.
var oldHits = _hits[line];
if (oldHits != null) {
hit += oldHits;
_hits[line] = hit;
callSites = mergedCallSites;
// Notify any Observers that this Script's state has changed.
void _processSource(String source) {
if (source == null) {
var sourceLines = source.split('\n');
if (sourceLines.length == 0) {
lines.clear();'Adding ${sourceLines.length} source lines for ${uri}');
for (var i = 0; i < sourceLines.length; i++) {
lines.add(new ScriptLine(this, i + lineOffset + 1, sourceLines[i]));
for (var bpt in isolate.breakpoints.values) {
if (bpt.location.script == this) {
// Notify any Observers that this Script's state has changed.
void _applyHitsToLines() {
for (var line in lines) {
var hits = _hits[line.line];
line.hits = hits;
void _addBreakpoint(Breakpoint bpt) {
var line = tokenToLine(bpt.location.tokenPos);
void _removeBreakpoint(Breakpoint bpt) {
var line = tokenToLine(bpt.location.tokenPos);
if (line != null) {
List<LocalVarLocation> scanLineForLocalVariableLocations(Pattern pattern,
String name,
String lineContents,
int lineNumber,
int columnOffset) {
var r = <LocalVarLocation>[];
pattern.allMatches(lineContents).forEach((Match match) {
// We have a match but our regular expression may have matched extra
// characters on either side of the name. Tighten the location.
var nameStart = match.input.indexOf(name, match.start);
var column = nameStart + columnOffset;
var endColumn = column + name.length;
var localVarLocation = new LocalVarLocation(lineNumber,
return r;
List<LocalVarLocation> scanForLocalVariableLocations(String name,
int tokenPos,
int endTokenPos) {
// A pattern that matches:
// start of line OR non-(alpha numeric OR period) character followed by
// name followed by
// a non-alpha numerc character.
// NOTE: This pattern can over match on both ends. This is corrected for
// [scanLineForLocalVariableLocationse].
var pattern = new RegExp("(^|[^A-Za-z0-9\.])$name[^A-Za-z0-9]");
// Result.
var r = <LocalVarLocation>[];
// Limits.
final lastLine = tokenToLine(endTokenPos);
if (lastLine == null) {
return r;
var lastColumn = tokenToCol(endTokenPos);
if (lastColumn == null) {
return r;
// Current scan position.
var line = tokenToLine(tokenPos);
if (line == null) {
return r;
var column = tokenToCol(tokenPos);
if (column == null) {
return r;
// Move back by name length.
// TODO(johnmccutchan): Fix LocalVarDescriptor to set column before the
// identifier name.
column = math.max(0, column - name.length);
var lineContents;
if (line == lastLine) {
// Only one line.
if (!getLine(line).isTrivialLine) {
// TODO(johnmccutchan): end token pos -> column can lie for snapshotted
// code. e.g.:
// io_sink.dart source line 23 ends at column 39
// io_sink.dart snapshotted source line 23 ends at column 35.
lastColumn = math.min(getLine(line).text.length, lastColumn);
lineContents = getLine(line).text.substring(column, lastColumn - 1);
return scanLineForLocalVariableLocations(pattern,
// Scan first line.
if (!getLine(line).isTrivialLine) {
lineContents = getLine(line).text.substring(column);
// Scan middle lines.
while (line < (lastLine - 1)) {
if (getLine(line).isTrivialLine) {
lineContents = getLine(line).text;
// Scan last line.
if (!getLine(line).isTrivialLine) {
// TODO(johnmccutchan): end token pos -> column can lie for snapshotted
// code. e.g.:
// io_sink.dart source line 23 ends at column 39
// io_sink.dart snapshotted source line 23 ends at column 35.
lastColumn = math.min(getLine(line).text.length, lastColumn);
lineContents = getLine(line).text.substring(0, lastColumn - 1);
return r;
class PcDescriptor extends Observable {
final int pcOffset;
@reflectable final int deoptId;
@reflectable final int tokenPos;
@reflectable final int tryIndex;
@reflectable final String kind;
@observable Script script;
@observable String formattedLine;
PcDescriptor(this.pcOffset, this.deoptId, this.tokenPos, this.tryIndex,
@reflectable String formattedDeoptId() {
if (deoptId == -1) {
return 'N/A';
return deoptId.toString();
@reflectable String formattedTokenPos() {
if (tokenPos == -1) {
return '';
return tokenPos.toString();
void processScript(Script script) {
this.script = null;
if (tokenPos == -1) {
var line = script.tokenToLine(tokenPos);
if (line == null) {
this.script = script;
var scriptLine = script.getLine(line);
formattedLine = scriptLine.text;
class PcDescriptors extends ServiceObject {
@observable Class clazz;
@observable int size;
bool get canCache => false;
bool get immutable => true;
@reflectable final List<PcDescriptor> descriptors =
new ObservableList<PcDescriptor>();
PcDescriptors._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner) {
void _update(ObservableMap m, bool mapIsRef) {
if (mapIsRef) {
_upgradeCollection(m, isolate);
clazz = m['class'];
size = m['size'];
for (var descriptor in m['members']) {
var pcOffset = int.parse(descriptor['pcOffset'], radix:16);
var deoptId = descriptor['deoptId'];
var tokenPos = descriptor['tokenPos'];
var tryIndex = descriptor['tryIndex'];
var kind = descriptor['kind'].trim();
new PcDescriptor(pcOffset, deoptId, tokenPos, tryIndex, kind));
class LocalVarDescriptor extends Observable {
@reflectable final String name;
@reflectable final int index;
@reflectable final int beginPos;
@reflectable final int endPos;
@reflectable final int scopeId;
@reflectable final String kind;
LocalVarDescriptor(, this.index, this.beginPos, this.endPos,
this.scopeId, this.kind);
class LocalVarDescriptors extends ServiceObject {
@observable Class clazz;
@observable int size;
bool get canCache => false;
bool get immutable => true;
@reflectable final List<LocalVarDescriptor> descriptors =
new ObservableList<LocalVarDescriptor>();
LocalVarDescriptors._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap m, bool mapIsRef) {
if (mapIsRef) {
_upgradeCollection(m, isolate);
clazz = m['class'];
size = m['size'];
for (var descriptor in m['members']) {
var name = descriptor['name'];
var index = descriptor['index'];
var beginPos = descriptor['beginPos'];
var endPos = descriptor['endPos'];
var scopeId = descriptor['scopeId'];
var kind = descriptor['kind'].trim();
new LocalVarDescriptor(name, index, beginPos, endPos, scopeId, kind));
class ObjectPool extends HeapObject {
bool get canCache => false;
bool get immutable => false;
@observable int length;
@observable List entries;
ObjectPool._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
super._update(map, mapIsRef);
length = map['length'];
if (mapIsRef) {
entries = map['_entries'];
class ICData extends HeapObject {
@observable ServiceObject dartOwner;
@observable String selector;
@observable Instance argumentsDescriptor;
@observable Instance entries;
bool get canCache => false;
bool get immutable => false;
ICData._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
super._update(map, mapIsRef);
dartOwner = map['_owner'];
selector = map['_selector'];
if (mapIsRef) {
argumentsDescriptor = map['_argumentsDescriptor'];
entries = map['_entries'];
class Instructions extends HeapObject {
bool get canCache => false;
bool get immutable => true;
@observable Code code;
@observable ObjectPool objectPool;
Instructions._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
super._update(map, mapIsRef);
code = map['_code'];
if (mapIsRef) {
objectPool = map['_objectPool'];
class TokenStream extends HeapObject {
bool get canCache => false;
bool get immutable => true;
@observable String privateKey;
TokenStream._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
super._update(map, mapIsRef);
if (mapIsRef) {
privateKey = map['privateKey'];
class CodeInstruction extends Observable {
@observable final int address;
@observable final int pcOffset;
@observable final String machine;
@observable final String human;
@observable CodeInstruction jumpTarget;
@reflectable List<PcDescriptor> descriptors =
new ObservableList<PcDescriptor>();
CodeInstruction(this.address, this.pcOffset, this.machine, this.human);
@reflectable bool get isComment => address == 0;
@reflectable bool get hasDescriptors => descriptors.length > 0;
bool _isJumpInstruction() {
return human.startsWith('j');
int _getJumpAddress() {
var chunks = human.split(' ');
if (chunks.length != 2) {
// We expect jump instructions to be of the form 'j.. address'.
return 0;
var address = chunks[1];
if (address.startsWith('0x')) {
// Chop off the 0x.
address = address.substring(2);
try {
return int.parse(address, radix:16);
} catch (_) {
return 0;
void _resolveJumpTarget(List<CodeInstruction> instructionsByAddressOffset,
int startAddress) {
if (!_isJumpInstruction()) {
int address = _getJumpAddress();
if (address == 0) {
var relativeAddress = address - startAddress;
if (relativeAddress < 0) {
Logger.root.warning('Bad address resolving jump target $relativeAddress');
if (relativeAddress >= instructionsByAddressOffset.length) {
Logger.root.warning('Bad address resolving jump target $relativeAddress');
jumpTarget = instructionsByAddressOffset[relativeAddress];
class CodeKind {
final _value;
const CodeKind._internal(this._value);
String toString() => '$_value';
bool isSynthetic() => [Collected, Native, Tag].contains(this);
bool isDart() => !isSynthetic();
static CodeKind fromString(String s) {
if (s == 'Native') {
return Native;
} else if (s == 'Dart') {
return Dart;
} else if (s == 'Collected') {
return Collected;
} else if (s == 'Tag') {
return Tag;
} else if (s == 'Stub') {
return Stub;
Logger.root.severe("Unrecognized code kind: '$s'");
throw new FallThroughError();
static const Collected = const CodeKind._internal('Collected');
static const Dart = const CodeKind._internal('Dart');
static const Native = const CodeKind._internal('Native');
static const Stub = const CodeKind._internal('Stub');
static const Tag = const CodeKind._internal('Tag');
class CodeInlineInterval {
final int start;
final int end;
final List<ServiceFunction> functions = new List<ServiceFunction>();
bool contains(int pc) => (pc >= start) && (pc < end);
CodeInlineInterval(this.start, this.end);
class Code extends HeapObject {
@observable CodeKind kind;
@observable ServiceObject objectPool;
@observable ServiceFunction function;
@observable Script script;
@observable bool isOptimized = false;
@reflectable int startAddress = 0;
@reflectable int endAddress = 0;
@reflectable final instructions = new ObservableList<CodeInstruction>();
List<CodeInstruction> instructionsByAddressOffset;
@observable ProfileCode profile;
final List<CodeInlineInterval> inlineIntervals =
new List<CodeInlineInterval>();
final ObservableList<ServiceFunction> inlinedFunctions =
new ObservableList<ServiceFunction>();
bool get immutable => true;
Code._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _updateDescriptors(Script script) {
this.script = script;
for (var instruction in instructions) {
for (var descriptor in instruction.descriptors) {
void loadScript() {
if (script != null) {
// Already done.
if (kind != CodeKind.Dart){
if (function == null) {
if ((function.location == null) ||
(function.location.script == null)) {
// Attempt to load the function.
function.load().then((func) {
var script = function.location.script;
if (script == null) {
// Function doesn't have an associated script.
// Load the script and then update descriptors.
// Load the script and then update descriptors.
/// Reload [this]. Returns a future which completes to [this] or an
/// exception.
Future<ServiceObject> reload() {
assert(kind != null);
if (isDartCode) {
// We only reload Dart code.
return super.reload();
return new Future.value(this);
void _update(ObservableMap m, bool mapIsRef) {
name = m['name'];
vmName = (m.containsKey('_vmName') ? m['_vmName'] : name);
isOptimized = m['_optimized'];
kind = CodeKind.fromString(m['kind']);
if (mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
startAddress = int.parse(m['_startAddress'], radix:16);
endAddress = int.parse(m['_endAddress'], radix:16);
function = isolate.getFromMap(m['function']);
objectPool = isolate.getFromMap(m['_objectPool']);
var disassembly = m['_disassembly'];
if (disassembly != null) {
var descriptors = m['_descriptors'];
if (descriptors != null) {
descriptors = descriptors['members'];
hasDisassembly = (instructions.length != 0) && (kind == CodeKind.Dart);
var inlinedFunctionsTable = m['_inlinedFunctions'];
var inlinedIntervals = m['_inlinedIntervals'];
if (inlinedFunctionsTable != null) {
// Iterate and upgrade each ServiceFunction.
for (var i = 0; i < inlinedFunctionsTable.length; i++) {
// Upgrade each function and set it back in the list.
var func = isolate.getFromMap(inlinedFunctionsTable[i]);
inlinedFunctionsTable[i] = func;
if (!inlinedFunctions.contains(func)) {
if ((inlinedIntervals == null) || (inlinedFunctionsTable == null)) {
// No inline information.
_processInline(inlinedFunctionsTable, inlinedIntervals);
_upgradeCollection(m, isolate);
super._update(m, mapIsRef);
CodeInlineInterval findInterval(int pc) {
for (var i = 0; i < inlineIntervals.length; i++) {
var interval = inlineIntervals[i];
if (interval.contains(pc)) {
return interval;
return null;
void _processInline(List<ServiceFunction> inlinedFunctionsTable,
List<List<int>> inlinedIntervals) {
for (var i = 0; i < inlinedIntervals.length; i++) {
var inlinedInterval = inlinedIntervals[i];
var start = inlinedInterval[0] + startAddress;
var end = inlinedInterval[1] + startAddress;
var codeInlineInterval = new CodeInlineInterval(start, end);
for (var i = 2; i < inlinedInterval.length - 1; i++) {
var inline_id = inlinedInterval[i];
if (inline_id < 0) {
var function = inlinedFunctionsTable[inline_id];
@observable bool hasDisassembly = false;
void _processDisassembly(List<String> disassembly){
assert(disassembly != null);
instructionsByAddressOffset = new List(endAddress - startAddress);
assert((disassembly.length % 3) == 0);
for (var i = 0; i < disassembly.length; i += 3) {
var address = 0; // Assume code comment.
var machine = disassembly[i + 1];
var human = disassembly[i + 2];
var pcOffset = 0;
if (disassembly[i] != '') {
// Not a code comment, extract address.
address = int.parse(disassembly[i], radix:16);
pcOffset = address - startAddress;
var instruction = new CodeInstruction(address, pcOffset, machine, human);
if (disassembly[i] != '') {
// Not a code comment.
instructionsByAddressOffset[pcOffset] = instruction;
for (var instruction in instructions) {
instruction._resolveJumpTarget(instructionsByAddressOffset, startAddress);
void _processDescriptors(List<Map> descriptors) {
for (Map descriptor in descriptors) {
var pcOffset = int.parse(descriptor['pcOffset'], radix:16);
var address = startAddress + pcOffset;
var deoptId = descriptor['deoptId'];
var tokenPos = descriptor['tokenPos'];
var tryIndex = descriptor['tryIndex'];
var kind = descriptor['kind'].trim();
var instruction = instructionsByAddressOffset[address - startAddress];
if (instruction != null) {
instruction.descriptors.add(new PcDescriptor(pcOffset,
} else {
'Could not find instruction with pc descriptor address: $address');
/// Returns true if [address] is contained inside [this].
bool contains(int address) {
return (address >= startAddress) && (address < endAddress);
@reflectable bool get isDartCode => (kind == CodeKind.Dart) ||
(kind == CodeKind.Stub);
String toString() => 'Code($kind, $name)';
class SocketKind {
final _value;
const SocketKind._internal(this._value);
String toString() => '$_value';
static SocketKind fromString(String s) {
if (s == 'Listening') {
return Listening;
} else if (s == 'Normal') {
return Normal;
} else if (s == 'Pipe') {
return Pipe;
} else if (s == 'Internal') {
return Internal;
Logger.root.warning('Unknown socket kind $s');
throw new FallThroughError();
static const Listening = const SocketKind._internal('Listening');
static const Normal = const SocketKind._internal('Normal');
static const Pipe = const SocketKind._internal('Pipe');
static const Internal = const SocketKind._internal('Internal');
/// A snapshot of statistics associated with a [Socket].
class SocketStats {
@reflectable final int bytesRead;
@reflectable final int bytesWritten;
@reflectable final int readCalls;
@reflectable final int writeCalls;
@reflectable final int available;
SocketStats(this.bytesRead, this.bytesWritten,
this.readCalls, this.writeCalls,
/// A peer to a Socket in dart:io. Sockets can represent network sockets or
/// OS pipes. Each socket is owned by another ServceObject, for example,
/// a process or an HTTP server.
class Socket extends ServiceObject {
Socket._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner);
bool get canCache => true;
ServiceObject socketOwner;
@reflectable bool get isPipe => (kind == SocketKind.Pipe);
@observable SocketStats latest;
@observable SocketStats previous;
@observable SocketKind kind;
@observable String protocol = '';
@observable bool readClosed = false;
@observable bool writeClosed = false;
@observable bool closing = false;
/// Listening for connections.
@observable bool listening = false;
@observable int fd;
@observable String localAddress;
@observable int localPort;
@observable String remoteAddress;
@observable int remotePort;
// Updates internal state from [map]. [map] can be a reference.
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
name = map['name'];
vmName = map['name'];
kind = SocketKind.fromString(map['kind']);
if (mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
_upgradeCollection(map, isolate);
readClosed = map['readClosed'];
writeClosed = map['writeClosed'];
closing = map['closing'];
listening = map['listening'];
protocol = map['protocol'];
localAddress = map['localAddress'];
localPort = map['localPort'];
remoteAddress = map['remoteAddress'];
remotePort = map['remotePort'];
fd = map['fd'];
socketOwner = map['owner'];
class MetricSample {
final double value;
final DateTime time;
MetricSample(this.value) : time = new;
class ServiceMetric extends ServiceObject {
ServiceMetric._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner) {
bool get canCache => true;
bool get immutable => false;
@observable bool recording = false;
MetricPoller poller;
final ObservableList<MetricSample> samples =
new ObservableList<MetricSample>();
int _sampleBufferSize = 100;
int get sampleBufferSize => _sampleBufferSize;
set sampleBufferSize(int size) {
_sampleBufferSize = size;
Future<ObservableMap> _fetchDirect() {
assert(owner is Isolate);
return isolate.invokeRpcNoUpgrade('_getIsolateMetric', { 'metricId': id });
void addSample(MetricSample sample) {
void _removeOld() {
// TODO(johnmccutchan): If this becomes hot, consider using a circular
// buffer.
if (samples.length > _sampleBufferSize) {
int count = samples.length - _sampleBufferSize;
samples.removeRange(0, count);
@observable String description;
@observable double value = 0.0;
// Only a guage has a non-null min and max.
@observable double min;
@observable double max;
bool get isGauge => (min != null) && (max != null);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
name = map['name'];
description = map['description'];
vmName = map['name'];
value = map['value'];
min = map['min'];
max = map['max'];
String toString() => "ServiceMetric($_id)";
class MetricPoller {
// Metrics to be polled.
final List<ServiceMetric> metrics = new List<ServiceMetric>();
final Duration pollPeriod;
Timer _pollTimer;
MetricPoller(int milliseconds) :
pollPeriod = new Duration(milliseconds: milliseconds) {
void start() {
_pollTimer = new Timer.periodic(pollPeriod, _onPoll);
void cancel() {
if (_pollTimer != null) {
_pollTimer = null;
void _onPoll(_) {
// Reload metrics and add a sample to each.
for (var metric in metrics) {
metric.reload().then((m) {
m.addSample(new MetricSample(m.value));
class Frame extends ServiceObject {
@observable int index;
@observable ServiceFunction function;
@observable SourceLocation location;
@observable Code code;
@observable List<ServiceMap> variables = new ObservableList<ServiceMap>();
Frame._empty(ServiceObject owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
_upgradeCollection(map, owner);
this.index = map['index'];
this.function = map['function'];
this.location = map['location'];
this.code = map['code'];
this.variables = map['vars'];
String toString() => "Frame(${function.qualifiedName} $location)";
class ServiceMessage extends ServiceObject {
@observable int index;
@observable String messageObjectId;
@observable int size;
@observable ServiceFunction handler;
@observable SourceLocation location;
ServiceMessage._empty(ServiceObject owner) : super._empty(owner);
void _update(ObservableMap map, bool mapIsRef) {
_loaded = true;
_upgradeCollection(map, owner);
this.messageObjectId = map['messageObjectId'];
this.index = map['index'];
this.size = map['size'];
this.handler = map['handler'];
this.location = map['location'];
// Returns true if [map] is a service map. i.e. it has the following keys:
// 'id' and a 'type'.
bool _isServiceMap(ObservableMap m) {
return (m != null) && (m['type'] != null);
bool _hasRef(String type) => type.startsWith('@');
String _stripRef(String type) => (_hasRef(type) ? type.substring(1) : type);
/// Recursively upgrades all [ServiceObject]s inside [collection] which must
/// be an [ObservableMap] or an [ObservableList]. Upgraded elements will be
/// associated with [vm] and [isolate].
void _upgradeCollection(collection, ServiceObjectOwner owner) {
if (collection is ServiceMap) {
if (collection is ObservableMap) {
_upgradeObservableMap(collection, owner);
} else if (collection is ObservableList) {
_upgradeObservableList(collection, owner);
void _upgradeObservableMap(ObservableMap map, ServiceObjectOwner owner) {
map.forEach((k, v) {
if ((v is ObservableMap) && _isServiceMap(v)) {
map[k] = owner.getFromMap(v);
} else if (v is ObservableList) {
_upgradeObservableList(v, owner);
} else if (v is ObservableMap) {
_upgradeObservableMap(v, owner);
void _upgradeObservableList(ObservableList list, ServiceObjectOwner owner) {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var v = list[i];
if ((v is ObservableMap) && _isServiceMap(v)) {
list[i] = owner.getFromMap(v);
} else if (v is ObservableList) {
_upgradeObservableList(v, owner);
} else if (v is ObservableMap) {
_upgradeObservableMap(v, owner);