blob: 7897f93d1d33b633811fe8d754a256ead8a6b44b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// Test Parameter Intializer.
class ParameterInitializer2Test {
static testMain() {
var a = new A(123);
Expect.equals(123, a.x);
var b = new B(123);
Expect.equals(123, b.x);
var c = new C(123);
Expect.equals(123, c.x);
var d = new D(123);
Expect.equals(123, d.x);
var e = new E(1);
Expect.equals(4, e.x);
var f = new F(1,2,3,4);
Expect.equals(4, f.z);
// untyped
class A {
A(this.x) {
int x;
// typed
class B {
B(int this.x) {
int x;
// const typed
class C {
const C(int this.x);
final int x;
// const untyped
class D {
const D(this.x);
final x;
// make sure this.<X> references work properly in the constructor scope.
class E {
E(this.x) {
var myVar = this.x * 2;
this.x = myVar + 1;
x = myVar + 2;
var foo = x + 1;
int x;
// mixed
class F {
F(x, this.y_, int w, int this.z) : x_ = x, w_ = w { }
F.foobar(this.z, int this.x_, int this.az_) { }
int x_;
int y_;
int w_;
int z;
int az_;
main() {