blob: 2d2e03daf9fcd0f2235ba9a635af917d84f70c3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.error;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
/// A wrapper around [AnalysisError] that provides a more user-friendly string
/// representation.
class AnalyzerError implements Exception {
final AnalysisError error;
String get message => toString();
String toString() {
var builder = new StringBuffer();
// Print a less friendly string representation to ensure that
// error.source.contents is not executed, as .contents it isn't async
String sourceName = error.source.shortName;
sourceName ??= '<unknown source>';
builder.write("Error in $sourceName: ${error.message}");
// var content =;
// var beforeError = content.substring(0, error.offset);
// var lineNumber = "\n".allMatches(beforeError).length + 1;
// builder.writeln("Error on line $lineNumber of ${error.source.fullName}: "
// "${error.message}");
// var errorLineIndex = beforeError.lastIndexOf("\n") + 1;
// var errorEndOfLineIndex = content.indexOf("\n", error.offset);
// if (errorEndOfLineIndex == -1) errorEndOfLineIndex = content.length;
// var errorLine = content.substring(
// errorLineIndex, errorEndOfLineIndex);
// var errorColumn = error.offset - errorLineIndex;
// var errorLength = error.length;
// // Ensure that the error line we display isn't too long.
// if (errorLine.length > _MAX_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH) {
// var leftLength = errorColumn;
// var rightLength = errorLine.length - leftLength;
// if (leftLength > _MAX_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH ~/ 2 &&
// rightLength > _MAX_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH ~/ 2) {
// errorLine = "..." + errorLine.substring(
// errorColumn - _MAX_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH ~/ 2 + 3,
// errorColumn + _MAX_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH ~/ 2 - 3)
// + "...";
// errorColumn = _MAX_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH ~/ 2;
// } else if (rightLength > _MAX_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH ~/ 2) {
// errorLine = errorLine.substring(0, _MAX_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH - 3) + "...";
// } else {
// assert(leftLength > _MAX_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH ~/ 2);
// errorColumn -= errorLine.length - _MAX_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH;
// errorLine = "..." + errorLine.substring(
// errorLine.length - _MAX_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH + 3, errorLine.length);
// }
// errorLength = math.min(errorLength, _MAX_ERROR_LINE_LENGTH - errorColumn);
// }
// builder.writeln(errorLine);
// for (var i = 0; i < errorColumn; i++) builder.write(" ");
// for (var i = 0; i < errorLength; i++) builder.write("^");
return builder.toString();
/// An error class that collects multiple [AnalyzerError]s that are emitted
/// during a single analysis.
class AnalyzerErrorGroup implements Exception {
final List<AnalyzerError> _errors;
AnalyzerErrorGroup(Iterable<AnalyzerError> errors)
: _errors = errors.toList();
/// Creates an [AnalyzerErrorGroup] from a list of lower-level
/// [AnalysisError]s.
AnalyzerErrorGroup.fromAnalysisErrors(Iterable<AnalysisError> errors)
: this( => new AnalyzerError(e)));
/// The errors in this collection.
List<AnalyzerError> get errors =>
new UnmodifiableListView<AnalyzerError>(_errors);
String get message => toString();
String toString() => errors.join("\n");