blob: 5f8b54c88572838ca8db029ee804e34e10000652 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer_utilities/tools.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
import 'meta_model.dart';
final formatter = DartFormatter();
final _canParseFunctions = SplayTreeMap<String, String>();
Map<String, Interface> _interfaces = {};
Map<String, LspEnum> _namespaces = {};
Map<String, List<String>> _subtypes = {};
Map<String, TypeAlias> _typeAliases = {};
final _unionFunctions = SplayTreeMap<String, String>();
/// Whether our enum class allows any value (eg. should always return true
/// from canParse() for the correct type). This is to allow us to have some
/// type safety for these values but without restricting which values are allowed.
/// This is to support things like custom error codes and also future changes
/// in the spec (it's important the server doesn't crash on deserializing
/// newer values).
bool enumClassAllowsAnyValue(String name) {
// The types listed here are the ones that have a guaranteed restricted type
// in the LSP spec, for example:
// export type CompletionTriggerKind = 1 | 2 | 3;
// The other enum types use string/number/etc. in the referencing classes.
return name != 'CompletionTriggerKind' &&
name != 'FailureHandlingKind' &&
name != 'InsertTextFormat' &&
name != 'MarkupKind' &&
name != 'ResourceOperationKind';
String generateDartForTypes(List<LspEntity> types) {
final buffer = IndentableStringBuffer();
_getSortedUnique(types).forEach((t) => _writeType(buffer, t));
for (var function in _canParseFunctions.values) {
for (var function in _unionFunctions.values) {
final stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
final formattedCode = _formatCode(buffer.toString());
if (stopwatch.elapsed.inSeconds > 3) {
print('WARN: Formatting took ${stopwatch.elapsed} (${types.length} types)');
return '${formattedCode.trim()}\n'; // Ensure a single trailing newline.
void recordTypes(List<LspEntity> types) {
.forEach((alias) => _typeAliases[] = alias);
types.whereType<Interface>().forEach((interface) {
_interfaces[] = interface;
// Keep track of our base classes so they can look up their super classes
// later in their fromJson() to deserialize into the most specific type.
for (var base in interface.baseTypes) {
final subTypes = _subtypes[base.dartType] ??= <String>[];
.forEach((namespace) => _namespaces[] = namespace);
TypeBase resolveTypeAlias(TypeBase type, {bool resolveEnumClasses = false}) {
if (type is TypeReference) {
if (resolveEnumClasses) {
// Enums are no longer recorded with TypeAliases (as they were in the
// Markdown/TS spec) so must be resolved explicitly to their base types.
final enum_ = _namespaces[];
if (enum_ != null) {
return enum_.typeOfValues;
// The LSP spec contains type aliases for `integer` and `uinteger` that map
// into the `number` type, with comments stating they must be integers. To
// preserve the improved typing, do _not_ resolve them to the `number`
// type.
if ( == 'integer' || == 'uinteger') {
return type;
final alias = _typeAliases[];
// Only follow the type if we're not an enum, or we wanted to follow enums.
if (alias != null &&
(!_namespaces.containsKey( || resolveEnumClasses)) {
return alias.baseType;
return type;
String _determineVariableName(
Interface interface, Iterable<String> suggestions) {
var fieldNames = _getAllFields(interface).map((f) =>;
var suggestion = suggestions.firstWhereOrNull((s) => !fieldNames.contains(s));
if (suggestion != null) {
return suggestion;
var first = suggestions.firstOrNull ?? 'var';
for (var i = 1; true; i++) {
var suggestion = '$first$i';
if (!fieldNames.contains(suggestion)) {
return suggestion;
String _formatCode(String code) {
try {
code = formatter.format(code);
} catch (e) {
print('Failed to format code, returning unformatted code.');
return code;
/// Recursively gets all members from superclasses and returns them sorted
/// alphabetically.
List<Field> _getAllFields(Interface? interface) =>
/// Recursively gets all members from superclasses keyed by field name.
Map<String, Field> _getAllFieldsMap(Interface? interface) {
// Handle missing interfaces (such as special cased interfaces that won't
// be included in this model).
if (interface == null) {
return {};
// It's possible our interface redefines something in a base type (for example
// where the base has `String` but this type overrides it with a literal such
// as `ResourceOperation`) so use a map to keep the most-specific by name.
return {
for (final baseType in interface.baseTypes)
for (final field in interface.members.whereType<Field>()) field,
/// Returns a copy of the list sorted by name with duplicates (by name+type) removed.
List<N> _getSortedUnique<N extends LspEntity>(List<N> items) {
final uniqueByName = <String, N>{};
for (var item in items) {
// It's fine to have the same name used for different types (eg. namespace +
// type alias) but some types are just duplicated entirely in the spec in
// different positions which should not be emitted twice.
final nameTypeKey = '${}|${item.runtimeType}';
if (uniqueByName.containsKey(nameTypeKey)) {
// At the time of writing, there were two duplicated types:
// - TextDocumentSyncKind (same definition in both places)
// - TextDocumentSyncOptions (first definition is just a subset)
// If this list grows, consider handling this better - or try to have the
// spec updated to be unambiguous.
print('WARN: More than one definition for $nameTypeKey.');
// Keep the last one as in some cases the first definition is less specific.
uniqueByName[nameTypeKey] = item;
final sortedList = uniqueByName.values.toList();
sortedList.sort((item1, item2) =>;
return sortedList;
String _getTypeCheckFailureMessage(TypeBase type) {
type = resolveTypeAlias(type);
if (type is LiteralType) {
return "must be the literal '\$literal'";
} else if (type is LiteralUnionType) {
return "must be one of the \${ => \"'\$e'\").join(', ')}";
} else {
return 'must be of type ${type.dartTypeWithTypeArgs}';
bool _isOverride(Interface interface, Field field) {
for (var parentType in interface.baseTypes) {
var parent = _interfaces[];
if (parent != null) {
if (parent.members.any((m) => == {
return true;
if (_isOverride(parent, field)) {
return true;
return false;
bool _isSimpleType(TypeBase type) {
const literals = ['num', 'String', 'bool', 'int'];
return type is TypeReference && literals.contains(type.dartType);
bool _isSpecType(TypeBase type) {
type = resolveTypeAlias(type);
return type is TypeReference &&
!isAnyType(type) &&
(_interfaces.containsKey( ||
/// Maps reserved words and identifiers that cause issues in field names.
String _makeValidIdentifier(String identifier) {
// Some identifiers used in LSP are reserved words in Dart, so map them to
// other values.
const map = {
'Object': 'Obj',
'String': 'Str',
'class': 'class_',
'enum': 'enum_',
'null': 'null_',
return map[identifier] ?? identifier;
/// Returns the name of the possibly enclosed types,
/// to be used as a unique name for that type.
String _memberNameForType(TypeBase type) {
if (type is LiteralType) {
return 'Literal';
if (type is LiteralUnionType) {
return 'LiteralUnion';
if (type is TypeReference) {
type = resolveTypeAlias(type);
var dartType = type is UnionType
? => e.dartType).join()
: type is ArrayType
? 'List${_memberNameForType(type.elementType)}'
: type is MapType
? 'Map${_memberNameForType(type.indexType)}${_memberNameForType(type.valueType)}'
: type.dartType;
return capitalize(dartType.replaceAll('?', '_'));
String _rewriteCommentReference(String comment) {
final commentReferencePattern = RegExp(r'\[([\w ]+)\]\(#(\w+)\)');
return comment.replaceAllMapped(commentReferencePattern, (m) {
final description =;
final reference =;
if (description == reference) {
return '[$reference]';
} else {
return '$description ([$reference])';
/// Sorts subtypes into a consistent order.
/// Subtypes will be sorted such that types with the most required fields appear
/// first to ensure `fromJson` constructors delegate to the most specific type.
void _sortSubtypes() {
int requiredFieldCount(String interfaceName) => _interfaces[interfaceName]!
.where((field) => !field.allowsUndefined && !field.allowsNull)
int optionalFieldCount(String interfaceName) => _interfaces[interfaceName]!
.where((field) => field.allowsUndefined || field.allowsNull)
for (final entry in _subtypes.entries) {
final subtypes = entry.value;
subtypes.sort((subtype1, subtype2) {
final requiredFields1 = requiredFieldCount(subtype1);
final requiredFields2 = requiredFieldCount(subtype2);
final optionalFields1 = optionalFieldCount(subtype1);
final optionalFields2 = optionalFieldCount(subtype2);
return requiredFields1 != requiredFields2
? requiredFields2.compareTo(requiredFields1)
: optionalFields1 != optionalFields2
? optionalFields2.compareTo(optionalFields1)
: subtype1.compareTo(subtype2);
/// Returns a String representing the underlying Dart type for the provided
/// spec [type].
/// This is `Map<String, Object?>` for complex types but can be a simple type
/// for enums.
String _specJsonType(TypeBase type) {
if (type is TypeReference && _namespaces.containsKey( {
final valueType = _namespaces[]!.typeOfValues;
return resolveTypeAlias(valueType, resolveEnumClasses: true)
return 'Map<String, Object?>';
Iterable<String> _wrapLines(List<String> lines, int maxLength) sync* {
lines = => l.trimRight()).toList();
for (var line in lines) {
while (true) {
if (line.length <= maxLength) {
yield line;
} else {
var lastSpace = line.lastIndexOf(' ', maxLength);
// If there was no valid place to wrap, yield the whole string.
if (lastSpace == -1) {
yield line;
} else {
yield line.substring(0, lastSpace);
line = line.substring(lastSpace + 1);
void _writeCanParseMethod(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface) {
'static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {')
..writeIndentedln('if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {')
// In order to consider this valid for parsing, all fields that must not be
// undefined must be present and also type check for the correct type.
// Any fields that are optional but present, must still type check.
final fields =
_getAllFields(interface).whereNot((f) => isAnyType(f.type)).toList();
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
final field = fields[i];
var type = field.type;
var functionName = '_canParse${_memberNameForType(type)}';
var invocation = "$functionName(obj, reporter, '${}', "
'allowsUndefined: ${field.allowsUndefined}, allowsNull: ${field.allowsNull}'
'${type is LiteralType ? ', literal: ${type.valueAsLiteral}' : ''}'
'${type is LiteralUnionType ? ', literals: {${ => t.valueAsLiteral).join(', ')}}' : ''}'
if (i == fields.length - 1) {
buffer.writeIndentedln('return $invocation;');
} else {
..writeIndentedln("if (!$invocation) {")
..writeIndentedln("return false;")
if (!_canParseFunctions.containsKey(functionName)) {
var temp = IndentableStringBuffer();
_writeCanParseType(temp, interface, type, functionName);
_canParseFunctions[functionName] = temp.toString();
if (fields.isEmpty) {
buffer.writeIndentedln('return true;');
..writeIndentedln('} else {')
"reporter.reportError('must be of type ${}');")
..writeIndentedln('return false;')
void _writeCanParseType(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface? interface,
TypeBase type, String functionName) {
'bool $functionName(Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, '
'String fieldName, {required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull'
'${type is LiteralType ? ', required String literal' : ''}'
'${type is LiteralUnionType ? ', required Iterable<String> literals' : ''}'
'}) {');
..writeIndentedln('try {')
..writeIndentedln("if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {")
..writeIndentedln("reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');")
..writeIndentedln('return false;')
buffer.writeIndentedln("final value = map[fieldName];");
buffer.writeIndentedln("final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;");
..writeIndentedln("if (!nullCheck && value == null) {")
..writeIndentedln("reporter.reportError('must not be null');")
..writeIndentedln('return false;')
buffer.writeIndented("if ((!nullCheck || value != null) && ");
_writeTypeCheckCondition(buffer, interface, 'value', type, 'reporter',
negation: true, parenForCollection: true);
var failureMessage = _getTypeCheckFailureMessage(type);
var quote = failureMessage.contains("'") ? '"' : "'";
..write(') {')
..writeIndentedln('return false;')
..writeIndentedln('} finally {')
..writeIndentedln('return true;');
void _writeConst(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Constant cons) {
_writeDocCommentsAndAnnotations(buffer, cons);
buffer.writeIndentedln('static const ${} = ${cons.valueAsLiteral};');
void _writeConstructor(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface) {
final allFields = _getAllFields(interface);
if (allFields.isEmpty) {
..write( {
final isLiteral = field.type is LiteralType;
final isRequired = !isLiteral &&
!field.allowsNull &&
!field.allowsUndefined &&
final requiredKeyword = isRequired ? 'required' : '';
final valueCode =
isLiteral ? ' = ${(field.type as LiteralType).valueAsLiteral}' : '';
return '$requiredKeyword this.${}$valueCode, ';
final fieldsWithValidation =
allFields.where((f) => f.type is LiteralType).toList();
if (fieldsWithValidation.isNotEmpty) {
..writeIndentedln(' {')
for (var field in fieldsWithValidation) {
final type = field.type;
if (type is LiteralType) {
..writeIndentedln('if (${} != ${type.valueAsLiteral}) {')
"throw '${} may only be the literal ${type.valueAsLiteral.replaceAll("'", "\\'")}';")
} else {
void _writeDocCommentsAndAnnotations(
IndentableStringBuffer buffer, LspEntity node) {
var comment = node.comment?.trim();
if (comment != null && comment.isNotEmpty) {
comment = _rewriteCommentReference(comment);
var originalLines = comment.split('\n');
// Wrap at 80 - 4 ('/// ') - indent characters.
var wrappedLines =
_wrapLines(originalLines, (80 - 4 - buffer.totalIndent).clamp(0, 80));
for (var l in wrappedLines) {
buffer.writeIndentedln('/// $l'.trim());
// Marking LSP-deprecated fields as deprecated in Dart results in a lot
// of warnings because we still often populate these fields for clients that
// may still be using them. This code is useful for enabling temporarily
// and reviewing which deprecated fields we should still support but isn't
// generally useful to keep enabled.
// if (node.isDeprecated) {
// buffer.writeIndentedln('@core.deprecated');
// }
void _writeEnumClass(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, LspEnum namespace) {
_writeDocCommentsAndAnnotations(buffer, namespace);
final consts = namespace.members.cast<Constant>().toList();
final namespaceName =;
final typeOfValues = namespace.typeOfValues;
final allowsAnyValue = enumClassAllowsAnyValue(namespaceName);
final constructorName = allowsAnyValue ? '' : '._';
..writeln('class $namespaceName implements ToJsonable {')
..writeIndentedln('const $namespaceName$constructorName(this._value);')
..writeIndentedln('const $namespaceName.fromJson(this._value);')
..writeIndentedln('final ${typeOfValues.dartTypeWithTypeArgs} _value;')
'static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) ');
if (allowsAnyValue) {
buffer.writeIndentedln('=> ');
_writeTypeCheckCondition(buffer, null, 'obj', typeOfValues, 'reporter');
} else {
..writeIndentedln('switch (obj) {')
for (var cons in consts) {
buffer.writeIndentedln('case ${cons.valueAsLiteral}:');
..writeIndentedln('return true;')
..writeIndentedln('return false;')
namespace.members.whereType<Constant>().forEach((cons) {
// We don't use any deprecated enum values, so omit them entirely.
if (cons.isDeprecated) {
_writeDocCommentsAndAnnotations(buffer, cons);
final memberName = _makeValidIdentifier(;
final value = cons.valueAsLiteral;
'static const $memberName = $namespaceName$constructorName($value);');
..writeIndentedln('@override Object toJson() => _value;')
..writeIndentedln('@override String toString() => _value.toString();')
..writeIndentedln('@override int get hashCode => _value.hashCode;')
'@override bool operator ==(Object other) => other is $namespaceName && other._value == _value;')
void _writeEquals(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface) {
..writeIndentedln('bool operator ==(Object other) {')
// We want an exact type match, but also need `is` to have the analyzer
// promote the type to allow access to the fields on `other`.
'return other is ${} && other.runtimeType == ${}')
for (var field in _getAllFields(interface)) {
buffer.write(' && ');
final type = resolveTypeAlias(field.type);
_writeEqualsExpression(buffer, type,, 'other.${}');
void _writeEqualsExpression(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, TypeBase type,
String thisName, String otherName) {
if (type is ArrayType) {
final elementType = type.elementType;
final elementDartType = elementType.dartTypeWithTypeArgs;
'listEqual($thisName, $otherName, ($elementDartType a, $elementDartType b) => ');
_writeEqualsExpression(buffer, elementType, 'a', 'b');
} else if (type is MapType) {
final valueType = type.valueType;
final valueDartType = valueType.dartTypeWithTypeArgs;
'mapEqual($thisName, $otherName, ($valueDartType a, $valueDartType b) => ');
_writeEqualsExpression(buffer, valueType, 'a', 'b');
} else {
buffer.write('$thisName == $otherName');
void _writeField(
IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface, Field field) {
_writeDocCommentsAndAnnotations(buffer, field);
final needsNullable =
(field.allowsNull || field.allowsUndefined) && !isAnyType(field.type);
if (_isOverride(interface, field)) {
..writeIndented('final ')
..write(needsNullable ? '?' : '')
..writeln(' ${};');
void _writeFromJsonCode(
IndentableStringBuffer buffer,
TypeBase type,
String valueCode, {
required bool allowsNull,
bool requiresCast = true,
}) {
type = resolveTypeAlias(type);
final nullOperator = allowsNull ? '?' : '';
final cast = requiresCast && type.dartTypeWithTypeArgs != 'Object?'
? ' as ${type.dartTypeWithTypeArgs}$nullOperator'
: '';
if (_isSimpleType(type)) {
} else if (_isSpecType(type)) {
// Our own types have fromJson() constructors we can call.
if (allowsNull) {
buffer.write('$valueCode != null ? ');
..write('($valueCode as ${_specJsonType(type)})');
if (allowsNull) {
buffer.write(': null');
} else if (type is ArrayType) {
// Lists need to be map()'d so we can recursively call writeFromJsonCode
// as they may need fromJson on each element.
final listCast = requiresCast ? ' as List<Object?>$nullOperator' : '';
final leftParen = requiresCast ? '(' : '';
final rightParen = requiresCast ? ')' : '';
'$leftParen$valueCode$listCast$rightParen$ => ');
_writeFromJsonCode(buffer, type.elementType, 'item', allowsNull: false);
} else if (type is MapType) {
// Maps need to be map()'d so we can recursively call writeFromJsonCode as
// they may need fromJson on each key or value.
final mapCast = requiresCast ? ' as Map<Object, Object?>$nullOperator' : '';
..write('(key, value) => MapEntry(');
_writeFromJsonCode(buffer, type.indexType, 'key', allowsNull: false);
buffer.write(', ');
_writeFromJsonCode(buffer, type.valueType, 'value', allowsNull: false);
} else if (type is LiteralUnionType) {
_writeFromJsonCodeForLiteralUnion(buffer, type, valueCode,
allowsNull: allowsNull);
} else if (type is UnionType) {
var functionName = => _memberNameForType(t)).join();
functionName = '_either$functionName';
if (allowsNull) {
buffer.write('$valueCode == null ? null : ');
if (!_unionFunctions.containsKey(functionName)) {
var temp = IndentableStringBuffer();
_writeFromJsonCodeForUnion(temp, type, functionName);
_unionFunctions[functionName] = temp.toString();
} else {
void _writeFromJsonCodeForLiteralUnion(
IndentableStringBuffer buffer, LiteralUnionType union, String valueCode,
{required bool allowsNull}) {
final allowedValues = [
if (allowsNull) null, => t.valueAsLiteral)
final valueType = union.literalTypes.first.dartTypeWithTypeArgs;
final cast = ' as $valueType${allowsNull ? '?' : ''}';
"const {${allowedValues.join(', ')}}.contains($valueCode) ? $valueCode$cast : "
"throw \"\$$valueCode was not one of (${allowedValues.join(', ')})\"");
void _writeFromJsonCodeForUnion(
IndentableStringBuffer buffer, UnionType union, String functionName) {
..writeln('${union.dartTypeWithTypeArgs} $functionName(Object? value) {')
..writeIndented('return ');
// Write a check against each type, eg.:
// x is y ? Either.tx(x) : (...)
var hasIncompleteCondition = false;
for (var i = 0; i < union.types.length; i++) {
final type = union.types[i];
final isAny = isAnyType(type);
// "any" matches all type checks, so only emit it if required.
if (!isAny) {
buffer, null, 'value', type, 'nullLspJsonReporter');
buffer.write(' ? ');
// The code to construct a value with this "side" of the union.
buffer.write('${union.dartType}.t${i + 1}(');
// Call recursively as unions may be nested.
buffer, type, 'value',
// null + type checks are already handled above this loop
allowsNull: false,
requiresCast: false,
// If we output the type condition at the top, prepare for the next condition.
if (!isAny) {
buffer.write(' : ');
hasIncompleteCondition = true;
} else {
hasIncompleteCondition = false;
// Fill the final parens with a throw because if we fell through all of the
// cases then the value we had didn't match any of the types in the union.
if (hasIncompleteCondition) {
"throw '\$value was not one of (${ => t.dartTypeWithTypeArgs).join(', ')})'");
void _writeFromJsonConstructor(
IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface) {
final allFields = _getAllFields(interface);
..writeIndentedln('static ${} '
'fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {')
// First check whether any of our subclasses can deserialize this.
for (final subclassName in _subtypes[] ?? const <String>[]) {
final subclass = _interfaces[subclassName]!;
'if (${}.canParse(json, nullLspJsonReporter)) {')
..writeIndentedln('return ${}.fromJson(json);')
for (final field in allFields) {
// Add a local variable to allow type promotion (and avoid multiple lookups).
final localName = _makeValidIdentifier(;
final localNameJson = '${localName}Json';
buffer.writeIndentedln("final $localNameJson = json['${}'];");
buffer.writeIndented('final $localName = ');
_writeFromJsonCode(buffer, field.type, localNameJson,
allowsNull: field.allowsNull || field.allowsUndefined);
..writeIndented('return ${}(')
..write( => '${}: ${}, ').join())
void _writeHashCode(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface) {
..writeIndented('int get hashCode => ');
final fields = _getAllFields(interface);
String endWith;
if (fields.isEmpty) {
endWith = ';';
} else if (fields.length == 1) {
endWith = ';';
} else if (fields.length > 20) {
endWith = ',]);';
} else {
endWith = ',);';
buffer.writeAll( {
final type = resolveTypeAlias(field.type);
if (type is ArrayType || type is MapType) {
return 'lspHashCode(${})';
} else {
if (fields.length == 1) {
return '${}.hashCode';
void _writeInterface(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface) {
final isPrivate ='_');
_writeDocCommentsAndAnnotations(buffer, interface);
buffer.writeIndented('class ${} ');
final allBaseTypes = => t.dartTypeWithTypeArgs).toList();
if (allBaseTypes.isNotEmpty) {
buffer.writeIndented('implements ${allBaseTypes.join(', ')} ');
if (!isPrivate) {
_writeJsonHandler(buffer, interface);
_writeConstructor(buffer, interface);
_writeFromJsonConstructor(buffer, interface);
// Handle Consts and Fields separately, since we need to include superclass
// Fields.
final consts = interface.members.whereType<Constant>().toList();
final fields = _getAllFields(interface);
_writeMembers(buffer, interface, consts);
_writeMembers(buffer, interface, fields);
_writeToJsonMethod(buffer, interface);
_writeCanParseMethod(buffer, interface);
_writeEquals(buffer, interface);
_writeHashCode(buffer, interface);
_writeToString(buffer, interface);
void _writeJsonHandler(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface) {
..writeIndented('static const jsonHandler = ')
..write('${}.canParse, ${}.fromJson,')
void _writeJsonMapAssignment(
IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Field field, String mapName) {
// If we are allowed to be undefined, we'll only add the value if set.
final shouldBeOmittedIfNoValue = field.allowsUndefined;
if (shouldBeOmittedIfNoValue) {
..writeIndentedln('if (${} != null) {')
// Use the correct null operator depending on whether the value could be null.
final nullOp = field.allowsNull || field.allowsUndefined ? '?' : '';
buffer.writeIndented('''$mapName['${}'] = ''');
_writeToJsonCode(buffer, field.type,, nullOp);
if (shouldBeOmittedIfNoValue) {
void _writeMember(
IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface, Member member) {
if (member is Field) {
_writeField(buffer, interface, member);
} else if (member is Constant) {
_writeConst(buffer, member);
} else {
throw 'Unknown type';
void _writeMembers(
IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface, List<Member> members) {
_getSortedUnique(members).forEach((m) => _writeMember(buffer, interface, m));
void _writeToJsonCode(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, TypeBase type,
String valueCode, String nullOp) {
if (_isSpecType(type)) {
} else if (type is ArrayType && _isSpecType(type.elementType)) {
buffer.write('$valueCode$ => ');
_writeToJsonCode(buffer, type.elementType, 'item', '');
} else {
void _writeToJsonFieldsForResponseMessage(
IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface, String mapName) {
final allFields = _getAllFields(interface);
final standardFields =
allFields.where((f) => != 'error' && != 'result');
for (var field in standardFields) {
_writeJsonMapAssignment(buffer, field, mapName);
// Write special code for result/error so that only one is populated.
..writeIndentedln('if (error != null && result != null) {')
..writeIndentedln('''throw 'result and error cannot both be set';''')
..writeIndentedln('} else if (error != null) {')
..writeIndentedln('''$mapName['error'] = error;''')
..writeIndentedln('} else {')
..writeIndentedln('''$mapName['result'] = result;''')
void _writeToJsonMethod(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface) {
final fields = _getAllFields(interface);
..writeIndented('Map<String, Object?> toJson() ');
if (fields.isEmpty) {
..writeln('=> {};')
final mapName = _determineVariableName(interface,
['result', 'map', 'json', 'toReturn', 'results', 'value', 'values']);
..writeIndentedln('var $mapName = <String, Object?>{};');
// ResponseMessage must confirm to JSON-RPC which says only one of
// result/error can be included. Since this isn't encoded in the types we
// need to special-case it's toJson generation.
if ( == 'ResponseMessage') {
_writeToJsonFieldsForResponseMessage(buffer, interface, mapName);
} else {
for (var field in fields) {
_writeJsonMapAssignment(buffer, field, mapName);
..writeIndentedln('return $mapName;')
void _writeToString(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, Interface interface) {
..writeIndentedln('String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());');
void _writeType(IndentableStringBuffer buffer, LspEntity type) {
if (type is Interface) {
_writeInterface(buffer, type);
} else if (type is LspEnum) {
_writeEnumClass(buffer, type);
} else if (type is TypeAlias) {
// For now type aliases are not supported, so are collected at the start
// of the process in a map, and just replaced with the aliased type during
// generation.
// _writeTypeAlias(buffer, type);
} else {
throw 'Unknown type';
void _writeTypeCheckCondition(IndentableStringBuffer buffer,
Interface? interface, String valueCode, TypeBase type, String reporter,
{bool negation = false, bool parenForCollection = false}) {
type = resolveTypeAlias(type);
final dartType = type.dartType;
final fullDartType = type.dartTypeWithTypeArgs;
final operator = negation ? '!' : '';
final and = negation ? '||' : '&&';
final every = negation ? 'any' : 'every';
if (fullDartType == 'Object?') {
buffer.write(negation ? 'false' : 'true');
} else if (_isSimpleType(type)) {
buffer.write('$valueCode is$operator $fullDartType');
} else if (type is LiteralType) {
final equals = negation ? '!=' : '==';
buffer.write('$valueCode $equals literal');
} else if (type is LiteralUnionType) {
} else if (_isSpecType(type)) {
buffer.write('$operator$dartType.canParse($valueCode, $reporter)');
} else if (type is ArrayType) {
if (parenForCollection) {
buffer.write('$valueCode is$operator List<Object?>');
if (fullDartType != 'Object?') {
buffer.write(' $and $valueCode.$every((item) => ');
buffer, interface, 'item', type.elementType, reporter,
negation: negation);
if (parenForCollection) {
} else if (type is MapType) {
if (parenForCollection) {
buffer.write('$valueCode is$operator Map');
if (fullDartType != 'Object?') {
..write(' $and (')
..write('$valueCode.keys.$every((item) => ');
buffer, interface, 'item', type.indexType, reporter,
negation: negation);
buffer.write('$and $valueCode.values.$every((item) => ');
buffer, interface, 'item', type.valueType, reporter,
negation: negation);
if (parenForCollection) {
} else if (type is UnionType) {
if (parenForCollection) {
var or = negation ? '&&' : '||';
// To type check a union, we just recursively check against each of its types.
for (var i = 0; i < type.types.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
buffer.write(' $or ');
buffer, interface, valueCode, type.types[i], reporter,
negation: negation);
if (parenForCollection) {
} else {
throw 'Unable to type check $valueCode against $fullDartType';
class IndentableStringBuffer extends StringBuffer {
int _indentLevel = 0;
final int _indentSpaces = 2;
int get totalIndent => _indentLevel * _indentSpaces;
String get _indentString => ' ' * totalIndent;
void indent() => _indentLevel++;
void outdent() => _indentLevel--;
void writeIndented(Object obj) {
void writeIndentedln(Object obj) {