blob: ab50f4d136ee943acd5c8561e2d6175ccd65fe0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=--error_on_bad_type --error_on_bad_override
import 'package:observatory/service_io.dart';
import 'package:observatory/debugger.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'test_helper.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:developer';
void testFunction() {
int i = 0;
while (i == 0) {
class TestDebugger extends Debugger {
TestDebugger(this.isolate, this.stack);
VM get vm => isolate.vm;
Isolate isolate;
ServiceMap stack;
int currentFrame = 0;
void debugger_location_dummy_function() {
class DebuggerLocationTestFoo {
void method() {}
void madness() {}
int field;
class DebuggerLocationTestBar {
Future<Debugger> initDebugger(Isolate isolate) {
return isolate.getStack().then((stack) {
return new TestDebugger(isolate, stack);
var tests = [
// Parse '' => current position
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc = await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, '');
expect(loc.valid, isTrue);
expect(loc.toString(), equals('debugger_location_test.dart:17:5'));
// Parse line
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc = await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, '18');
expect(loc.valid, isTrue);
expect(loc.toString(), equals('debugger_location_test.dart:18'));
// Parse line + col
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc = await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, '16:11');
expect(loc.valid, isTrue);
expect(loc.toString(), equals('debugger_location_test.dart:16:11'));
// Parse script + line
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc = await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, 'unittest.dart:15');
expect(loc.valid, isTrue);
expect(loc.toString(), equals('unittest.dart:15'));
// Parse script + line + col
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc = await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, 'unittest.dart:15:10');
expect(loc.valid, isTrue);
expect(loc.toString(), equals('unittest.dart:15:10'));
// Parse bad script
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc = await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, 'bad.dart:15');
expect(loc.valid, isFalse);
expect(loc.toString(), equals(
'invalid source location (Script \'bad.dart\' not found)'));
// Parse function
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc = await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, 'testFunction');
expect(loc.valid, isTrue);
expect(loc.toString(), equals('testFunction'));
// Parse bad function
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc = await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, 'doesNotReallyExist');
expect(loc.valid, isFalse);
expect(loc.toString(), equals(
'invalid source location (Function \'doesNotReallyExist\' not found)'));
// Parse constructor
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc = await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, 'DebuggerLocationTestFoo');
expect(loc.valid, isTrue);
// TODO(turnidge): Printing a constructor currently adds
// another class qualifier at the front. Do we want to change
// this to be more consistent?
expect(loc.toString(), equals(
// Parse named constructor
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc =
await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, 'DebuggerLocationTestFoo.named');
expect(loc.valid, isTrue);
// TODO(turnidge): Printing a constructor currently adds
// another class qualifier at the front. Do we want to change
// this to be more consistent?
expect(loc.toString(), equals(
// Parse method
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc =
await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, 'DebuggerLocationTestFoo.method');
expect(loc.valid, isTrue);
expect(loc.toString(), equals('DebuggerLocationTestFoo.method'));
// Parse method
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc =
await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, 'DebuggerLocationTestFoo.field=');
expect(loc.valid, isTrue);
expect(loc.toString(), equals('DebuggerLocationTestFoo.field='));
// Parse bad method
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var loc =
await DebuggerLocation.parse(debugger, 'DebuggerLocationTestFoo.missing');
expect(loc.valid, isFalse);
expect(loc.toString(), equals(
'invalid source location '
'(Function \'DebuggerLocationTestFoo.missing\' not found)'));
// Complete function + script
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var completions = await DebuggerLocation.complete(debugger, 'debugger_loc');
expect(completions.toString(), equals(
' debugger_location.dart:,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:]'));
// Complete class
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var completions =
await DebuggerLocation.complete(debugger, 'DebuggerLocationTe');
expect(completions.toString(), equals(
' DebuggerLocationTestFoo]'));
// No completions: unqualified name
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var completions =
await DebuggerLocation.complete(debugger, 'debugger_locXYZZY');
expect(completions.toString(), equals('[]'));
// Complete method
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var completions =
await DebuggerLocation.complete(debugger, 'DebuggerLocationTestFoo.m');
expect(completions.toString(), equals(
' DebuggerLocationTestFoo.method]'));
// No completions: qualified name
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var completions =
await DebuggerLocation.complete(debugger, 'DebuggerLocationTestFoo.q');
expect(completions.toString(), equals('[]'));
// Complete script
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var completions =
await DebuggerLocation.complete(debugger, 'debugger_location_te');
expect(completions.toString(), equals(
// Complete script:line
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var completions =
await DebuggerLocation.complete(debugger,
expect(completions.toString(), equals(
'[debugger_location_test.dart:110 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:110:,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:111 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:111:,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:112 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:112:,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:115 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:115:,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:116 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:116:,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:117 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:117:,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:118 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:118:,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:119 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:119:]'));
// Complete script:line:col
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var completions =
await DebuggerLocation.complete(debugger,
expect(completions.toString(), equals(
'[debugger_location_test.dart:11:2 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:11:20 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:11:21 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:11:22 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:11:23 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:11:24 ]'));
// Complete without the script name.
(Isolate isolate) async {
var debugger = await initDebugger(isolate);
var completions = await DebuggerLocation.complete(debugger, '11:2');
expect(completions.toString(), equals(
'[debugger_location_test.dart:11:2 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:11:20 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:11:21 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:11:22 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:11:23 ,'
' debugger_location_test.dart:11:24 ]'));
main(args) => runIsolateTests(args, tests, testeeConcurrent: testFunction);