blob: 361973b7afffae4e6a4ee161b3655cb9a8e8cd45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.src.summary.flat_buffers_test;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/flat_buffers.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import '../../reflective_tests.dart';
main() {
groupSep = ' | ';
class BuilderTest {
void test_error_addInt32_withoutStartTable() {
Builder builder = new Builder();
expect(() {
builder.addInt32(0, 0);
}, throwsStateError);
void test_error_addOffset_withoutStartTable() {
Builder builder = new Builder();
expect(() {
builder.addOffset(0, new Offset(0));
}, throwsStateError);
void test_error_endTable_withoutStartTable() {
Builder builder = new Builder();
expect(() {
}, throwsStateError);
void test_error_startTable_duringTable() {
Builder builder = new Builder();
expect(() {
}, throwsStateError);
void test_error_writeString_duringTable() {
Builder builder = new Builder();
expect(() {
}, throwsStateError);
void test_low() {
Builder builder = new Builder(initialSize: 0);
expect((builder..lowWriteUint8(1)).lowFinish(), [1]);
expect((builder..lowWriteUint32(2)).lowFinish(), [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
[0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
[0, 0, 4, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
[0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
[6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
void test_table_default() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = new Builder(initialSize: 0);
builder.addInt32(0, 10, 10);
builder.addInt32(1, 20, 10);
Offset offset = builder.endTable();
byteList = builder.finish(offset);
// read and verify
BufferPointer object = new BufferPointer.fromBytes(byteList).derefObject();
// was not written, so uses the new default value
expect(const Int32Reader().vTableGet(object, 0, 15), 15);
// has the written value
expect(const Int32Reader().vTableGet(object, 1, 15), 20);
void test_table_format() {
Uint8List byteList;
Builder builder = new Builder(initialSize: 0);
builder.addInt32(0, 10);
builder.addInt32(1, 20);
builder.addInt32(2, 30);
byteList = builder.finish(builder.endTable());
// Convert byteList to a ByteData so that we can read data from it.
ByteData byteData = byteList.buffer.asByteData(byteList.offsetInBytes);
// First 4 bytes are an offset to the table data.
int tableDataLoc = byteData.getUint32(0, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
// First 4 bytes of the table data are a backwards offset to the vtable.
int vTableLoc = tableDataLoc -
byteData.getInt32(tableDataLoc, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
// First 2 bytes of the vtable are the size of the vtable in bytes, which
// should be 10.
expect(byteData.getUint16(vTableLoc, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN), 10);
// Next 2 bytes are the size of the object in bytes (including the vtable
// pointer), which should be 16.
expect(byteData.getUint16(vTableLoc + 2, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN), 16);
// Remaining 6 bytes are the offsets within the object where the ints are
// located.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int offset =
byteData.getUint16(vTableLoc + 4 + 2 * i, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
expect(byteData.getInt32(tableDataLoc + offset, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN),
10 + 10 * i);
void test_table_types() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = new Builder(initialSize: 0);
Offset<String> stringOffset = builder.writeString('12345');
builder.addBool(0, true);
builder.addInt8(1, 10);
builder.addInt32(2, 20);
builder.addOffset(3, stringOffset);
builder.addInt32(4, 40);
builder.addUint32(5, 0x9ABCDEF0);
builder.addUint8(6, 0x9A);
Offset offset = builder.endTable();
byteList = builder.finish(offset);
// read and verify
BufferPointer object = new BufferPointer.fromBytes(byteList).derefObject();
expect(const BoolReader().vTableGet(object, 0), true);
expect(const Int8Reader().vTableGet(object, 1), 10);
expect(const Int32Reader().vTableGet(object, 2), 20);
expect(const StringReader().vTableGet(object, 3), '12345');
expect(const Int32Reader().vTableGet(object, 4), 40);
expect(const Uint32Reader().vTableGet(object, 5), 0x9ABCDEF0);
expect(const Uint8Reader().vTableGet(object, 6), 0x9A);
void test_writeList_of_Uint32() {
List<int> values = <int>[10, 100, 12345, 0x9abcdef0];
// write
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = new Builder(initialSize: 0);
Offset offset = builder.writeListUint32(values);
byteList = builder.finish(offset);
// read and verify
BufferPointer root = new BufferPointer.fromBytes(byteList);
List<int> items = const Uint32ListReader().read(root);
expect(items, hasLength(4));
expect(items, orderedEquals(values));
void test_writeList_ofFloat64() {
List<double> values = <double>[-1.234567, 3.4E+9, -5.6E-13, 7.8, 12.13];
// write
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = new Builder(initialSize: 0);
Offset offset = builder.writeListFloat64(values);
byteList = builder.finish(offset);
// read and verify
BufferPointer root = new BufferPointer.fromBytes(byteList);
List<double> items = const Float64ListReader().read(root);
expect(items, hasLength(5));
expect(items, orderedEquals(values));
void test_writeList_ofInt32() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = new Builder(initialSize: 0);
Offset offset = builder.writeListInt32(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
byteList = builder.finish(offset);
// read and verify
BufferPointer root = new BufferPointer.fromBytes(byteList);
List<int> items = const ListReader<int>(const Int32Reader()).read(root);
expect(items, hasLength(5));
expect(items, orderedEquals(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
void test_writeList_ofObjects() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = new Builder(initialSize: 0);
// write the object #1
Offset object1;
builder.addInt32(0, 10);
builder.addInt32(1, 20);
object1 = builder.endTable();
// write the object #1
Offset object2;
builder.addInt32(0, 100);
builder.addInt32(1, 200);
object2 = builder.endTable();
// write the list
Offset offset = builder.writeList([object1, object2]);
byteList = builder.finish(offset);
// read and verify
BufferPointer root = new BufferPointer.fromBytes(byteList);
List<TestPointImpl> items =
const ListReader<TestPointImpl>(const TestPointReader()).read(root);
expect(items, hasLength(2));
expect(items[0].x, 10);
expect(items[0].y, 20);
expect(items[1].x, 100);
expect(items[1].y, 200);
void test_writeList_ofStrings_asRoot() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = new Builder(initialSize: 0);
Offset<String> str1 = builder.writeString('12345');
Offset<String> str2 = builder.writeString('ABC');
Offset offset = builder.writeList([str1, str2]);
byteList = builder.finish(offset);
// read and verify
BufferPointer root = new BufferPointer.fromBytes(byteList);
List<String> items =
const ListReader<String>(const StringReader()).read(root);
expect(items, hasLength(2));
expect(items, contains('12345'));
expect(items, contains('ABC'));
void test_writeList_ofStrings_inObject() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = new Builder(initialSize: 0);
Offset listOffset = builder.writeList(
[builder.writeString('12345'), builder.writeString('ABC')]);
builder.addOffset(0, listOffset);
Offset offset = builder.endTable();
byteList = builder.finish(offset);
// read and verify
BufferPointer root = new BufferPointer.fromBytes(byteList);
StringListWrapperImpl reader = new StringListWrapperReader().read(root);
List<String> items = reader.items;
expect(items, hasLength(2));
expect(items, contains('12345'));
expect(items, contains('ABC'));
void test_writeList_ofUint32() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = new Builder(initialSize: 0);
Offset offset = builder.writeListUint32(<int>[1, 2, 0x9ABCDEF0]);
byteList = builder.finish(offset);
// read and verify
BufferPointer root = new BufferPointer.fromBytes(byteList);
List<int> items = const ListReader<int>(const Uint32Reader()).read(root);
expect(items, hasLength(3));
expect(items, orderedEquals(<int>[1, 2, 0x9ABCDEF0]));
void test_writeList_ofUint8() {
List<int> byteList;
Builder builder = new Builder(initialSize: 0);
Offset offset = builder.writeListUint8(<int>[1, 2, 0x9A]);
byteList = builder.finish(offset);
// read and verify
BufferPointer root = new BufferPointer.fromBytes(byteList);
List<int> items = const ListReader<int>(const Uint8Reader()).read(root);
expect(items, hasLength(3));
expect(items, orderedEquals(<int>[1, 2, 0x9A]));
class StringListWrapperImpl {
final BufferPointer bp;
List<String> get items =>
const ListReader<String>(const StringReader()).vTableGet(bp, 0);
class StringListWrapperReader extends TableReader<StringListWrapperImpl> {
const StringListWrapperReader();
StringListWrapperImpl createObject(BufferPointer object) {
return new StringListWrapperImpl(object);
class TestPointImpl {
final BufferPointer bp;
int get x => const Int32Reader().vTableGet(bp, 0, 0);
int get y => const Int32Reader().vTableGet(bp, 1, 0);
class TestPointReader extends TableReader<TestPointImpl> {
const TestPointReader();
TestPointImpl createObject(BufferPointer object) {
return new TestPointImpl(object);