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Copyright 2013 The Polymer Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* @module Polymer Elements
* The polymer-selection element is used to manage selection state. It has no
* visual appearance and is typically used in conjuneciton with another element.
* For example, <a href="polymer-selector.html">polymer-selector</a>
* use a polymer-selection to manage selection.
* To mark an item as selected, call the select(item) method on
* polymer-selection. Notice that the item itself is an argument to this method.
* The polymer-selection element manages selection state for any given set of
* items. When an item is selected, the `polymer-select` event is fired.
* The attribute "multi" indicates if multiple items can be selected at once.
* Example:
* <polymer-element name="selection-example">
* <template>
* <style>
* ::-webkit-distributed(> .selected) {
* font-weight: bold;
* font-style: italic;
* }
* </style>
* <ul on-tap="{{itemTapAction}}">
* <content></content>
* </ul>
* <polymer-selection id="selection" multi on-polymer-select="{{selectAction}}"></polymer-selection>
* </template>
* <script>
* Polymer('selection-example', {
* itemTapAction: function(e) {
* this.$;
* },
* selectAction: function(e, detail) {
* detail.item.classList.toggle('selected', detail.isSelected);
* }
* });
* </script>
* </polymer-element>
* <selection-example>
* <li>Red</li>
* <li>Green</li>
* <li>Blue</li>
* </selection-example>
* @class polymer-selection
* Fired when an item's selection state is changed. This event is fired both
* when an item is selected or deselected. The `isSelected` detail property
* contains the selection state.
* @event polymer-select
* @param {Object} detail
* @param {boolean} detail.isSelected true for selection and false for deselection
* @param {Object} detail.item the item element
<polymer-element name="polymer-selection" attributes="multi">
:host {
display: none !important;
Polymer('polymer-selection', {
* If true, multiple selections are allowed.
* @attribute multi
* @type boolean
* @default false
multi: false,
ready: function() {
clear: function() {
this.selection = [];
* Retrieves the selected item(s).
* @method getSelection
* @returns Returns the selected item(s). If the multi property is true,
* getSelection will return an array, otherwise it will return
* the selected item or undefined if there is no selection.
getSelection: function() {
return this.multi ? this.selection : this.selection[0];
* Indicates if a given item is selected.
* @method isSelected
* @param {any} item The item whose selection state should be checked.
* @returns Returns true if `item` is selected.
isSelected: function(item) {
return this.selection.indexOf(item) >= 0;
setItemSelected: function(item, isSelected) {
if (item !== undefined && item !== null) {
if (isSelected) {
} else {
var i = this.selection.indexOf(item);
if (i >= 0) {
this.selection.splice(i, 1);
}"polymer-select", {isSelected: isSelected, item: item});
* Set the selection state for a given `item`. If the multi property
* is true, then the selected state of `item` will be toggled; otherwise
* the `item` will be selected.
* @method select
* @param {any} item: The item to select.
select: function(item) {
if (this.multi) {
} else if (this.getSelection() !== item) {
this.setItemSelected(this.getSelection(), false);
this.setItemSelected(item, true);
* Toggles the selection state for `item`.
* @method toggle
* @param {any} item: The item to toggle.
toggle: function(item) {
this.setItemSelected(item, !this.isSelected(item));