blob: bf0e1165588b91c9ff129a38bf8b37391f58d606 [file] [log] [blame]
library dromaeo_test;
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:async';
import "dart:convert";
import 'dart:math' as Math;
import 'dart:js' as js;
import 'Suites.dart';
main() {
new Dromaeo().run();
class SuiteController {
final SuiteDescription _suiteDescription;
final IFrameElement _suiteIframe;
DivElement _element;
double _meanProduct;
int _nTests;
SuiteController(this._suiteDescription, this._suiteIframe)
: _meanProduct = 1.0,
_nTests = 0 {
start() {
_suiteIframe.contentWindow.postMessage('start', '*');
update(String testName, num mean, num error, double percent) {
_meanProduct *= mean;
final meanAsString = mean.toStringAsFixed(2);
final errorAsString = error.toStringAsFixed(2);
final Element progressDisplay = _element.nextNode.nextNode;
progressDisplay.innerHtml =
'${meanAsString}<small> runs/s &#177;${errorAsString}%<small></li>';
_make() {
_element = _createDiv('test');
// TODO(antonm): add an onclick functionality.
_updateTestPos([double percent = 1.0]) {
String suiteName =;
final done = percent >= 100.0;
String info = '';
if (done) {
final parent = _element.parent;
parent.attributes['class'] = '${parent.attributes["class"]} done';
final mean = Math.pow(_meanProduct, 1.0 / _nTests).toStringAsFixed(2);
info = '<span>${mean} runs/s</span>';
_element.innerHtml =
'<div class="bar"><div style="width:${percent}%;">${info}</div></div>';
_init() {
final div = _createDiv('result-item');
final description = _suiteDescription.description;
final originUrl = _suiteDescription.origin.url;
final testUrl = '${_suiteDescription.file}';
div.innerHtml =
'${div.innerHtml}<p>${description}<br/><a href="${originUrl}">Origin</a'
'>, <a href="${testUrl}">Source</a>'
'<ol class="results"></ol>';
// Reread the element, as the previous wrapper get disconnected thanks
// to .innerHtml update above.
_element = div.nodes[0];
DivElement _createDiv(String clazz) {
final div = new DivElement();
div.attributes['class'] = clazz;
return div;
class Dromaeo {
final List<SuiteController> _suiteControllers;
Function _handler;
: _suiteControllers = new List<SuiteController>()
_handler = _createHandler();
(MessageEvent event) {
try {
final response = JSON.decode(;
_handler = _handler(response['command'], response['data']);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
if (!(e is FormatException &&
('unittest') ||'dart')))) {
// Hack because unittest also uses post messages to communicate.
// So the fact that the is not proper json is not
// always an error.
print('Exception: ${e}: ${stacktrace}');
run() {
// TODO(vsm): Initial page should not run. For now, run all
// tests by default.
var tags =;
if (tags.length > 1) {
tags = tags.substring(1);
} else if (window.navigator.userAgent.contains('(Dart)')) {
// TODO(vsm): Update when we change Dart VM detection.
tags = 'js|dart&html';
} else {
tags = 'js|dart2js&html';
// TODO(antonm): create Re-run tests href.
final Element suiteNameElement = _byId('overview').nodes[0];
final category = Suites.getCategory(tags);
if (category != null) {
suiteNameElement.innerHtml = category;
_css(_byId('tests'), 'display', 'none');
for (SuiteDescription suite in Suites.getSuites(tags)) {
final iframe = new IFrameElement();
_css(iframe, 'height', '1px');
_css(iframe, 'width', '1px');
iframe.src = '${suite.file}';
_suiteControllers.add(new SuiteController(suite, iframe));
static const double _SECS_PER_TEST = 5.0;
Function _createHandler() {
int suitesLoaded = 0;
int totalTests = 0;
int currentSuite;
double totalTimeSecs, estimatedTimeSecs;
// TODO(jat): Remove void type below. Bug 5269037.
void _updateTime() {
final mins = (estimatedTimeSecs / 60).floor();
final secs = (estimatedTimeSecs - mins * 60).round();
final secsAsString = '${(secs < 10 ? "0" : "")}$secs';
_byId('left').innerHtml = '${mins}:${secsAsString}';
final elapsed = totalTimeSecs - estimatedTimeSecs;
final percent = (100 * elapsed / totalTimeSecs).toStringAsFixed(2);
_css(_byId('timebar'), 'width', '${percent}%');
Function loading, running, done;
loading = (String command, var data) {
assert(command == 'inited');
totalTests += data['nTests'];
if (suitesLoaded == _suitesTotal) {
totalTimeSecs = estimatedTimeSecs = _SECS_PER_TEST * totalTests;
currentSuite = 0;
return running;
return loading;
running = (String command, var data) {
switch (command) {
case 'result':
final testName = data['testName'];
final mean = data['mean'];
final error = data['error'];
final percent = data['percent'];
_suiteControllers[currentSuite].update(testName, mean, error, percent);
estimatedTimeSecs -= _SECS_PER_TEST;
return running;
case 'over':
if (currentSuite < _suitesTotal) {
return running;
document.body.attributes['class'] = 'alldone';
var report = js.context['reportPerformanceTestDone'];
if (report != null) {
} else {
// This is not running as a performance test. Continue as normal.
window.console.log('Warning: failed to call '
'reportPerformanceTestDone. If this is a performance test, '
'please include '
'packages/browser_controller/perf_test_controller.js in your '
'html file.');
return done;
throw 'Unknown command ${command} [${data}]';
done = (String command, var data) {
return loading;
_css(Element element, String property, String value) {
// TODO(antonm): remove the last argument when CallWithDefaultValue
// is implemented., value, '');
Element _byId(String id) {
return document.querySelector('#$id');
int get _suitesTotal {
return _suiteControllers.length;