blob: ac9d73c6208e9048625a4a969cba225b2546827b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.test.uri_retention_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
import 'memory_compiler.dart' show
compilerFor, OutputCollector;
Future<String> compileSources(sources, {bool minify, bool preserveUri}) {
var options = [];
if (minify) options.add("--minify");
if (preserveUri) options.add("--preserve-uris");
OutputCollector outputCollector = new OutputCollector();
var compiler = compilerFor(
sources, options: options, outputProvider: outputCollector);
return compiler.runCompiler(Uri.parse('memory:main.dart')).then((_) {
return outputCollector.getOutput('', 'js');
Future test(sources, { bool libName, bool fileName }) {
compileSources(sources, minify: false, preserveUri: false).then((output) {
// Unminified the sources should always contain the library name and the
// file name.
}).then((_) {
compileSources(sources, minify: true, preserveUri: false).then((output) {
Expect.equals(libName, output.contains("main_lib"));
}).then((_) {
compileSources(sources, minify: true, preserveUri: true).then((output) {
Expect.equals(libName, output.contains("main_lib"));
Expect.equals(fileName, output.contains("main.dart"));
void main() {
asyncTest(() {
return new Future.value()
.then((_) => test(MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES1, libName: false, fileName: false))
.then((_) => test(MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES2, libName: true, fileName: false))
.then((_) => test(MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES3, libName: true, fileName: true));
const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES1 = const <String, String> {
'main.dart': """
library main_lib;
class A {
final uri = "foo";
main() {
print(new A().uri);
// Requires the library name, but not the URIs.
const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES2 = const <String, String> {
'main.dart': """
library main_lib;
@MirrorsUsed(targets: 'main_lib')
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'file2.dart';
class A {
main() {
// Unfortunately we can't use new B().uri yet, because that would require
// some type-feedback to know that the '.uri' is not the one from the library.
print(new B());
'file2.dart': """
library other_lib;
class B {
final uri = "xyz";
// Requires the uri (and will contain the library-name, too).
const MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES3 = const <String, String> {
'main.dart': """
library main_lib;
@MirrorsUsed(targets: 'main_lib')
import 'dart:mirrors';
main() {