blob: 00355803aa7818925f2d804e417a1e031895d59a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library object_graph;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
// Port of dart::ReadStream from vm/datastream.h.
class _ReadStream {
int position = 0;
int _size = 0;
final List<ByteData> _chunks;
_ReadStream(this._chunks) {
int n = _chunks.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var chunk = _chunks[i];
if (i + 1 != n) {
assert(chunk.lengthInBytes == (1 << 20));
_size += chunk.lengthInBytes;
int get pendingBytes => _size - position;
int getUint8(i) {
return _chunks[i >> 20].getUint8(i & 0xFFFFF);
int readUnsigned() {
int result = 0;
int shift = 0;
while (getUint8(position) <= maxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
result |= getUint8(position) << shift;
shift += dataBitsPerByte;
result |= (getUint8(position) & byteMask) << shift;
return result;
static const int dataBitsPerByte = 7;
static const int byteMask = (1 << dataBitsPerByte) - 1;
static const int maxUnsignedDataPerByte = byteMask;
class ObjectVertex {
// 0 represents invalid/uninitialized, 1 is the root.
final int _id;
final ObjectGraph _graph;
ObjectVertex._(this._id, this._graph);
bool get isRoot => _id == 1;
bool operator ==(other) => _id == other._id && _graph == other._graph;
int get hashCode => _id;
int get retainedSize => _graph._retainedSizes[_id];
ObjectVertex get dominator => new ObjectVertex._(_graph._doms[_id], _graph);
int get shallowSize {
var stream = new _ReadStream(_graph._chunks);
stream.position = _graph._positions[_id];
stream.readUnsigned(); // addr
return stream.readUnsigned(); // shallowSize
int get vmCid {
var stream = new _ReadStream(_graph._chunks);
stream.position = _graph._positions[_id];
stream.readUnsigned(); // addr
stream.readUnsigned(); // shallowSize
return stream.readUnsigned(); // cid
get successors => new _SuccessorsIterable(_graph, _id);
int get address {
// Note that everywhere else in this file, "address" really means an address
// scaled down by kObjectAlignment. They were scaled down so they would fit
// into Smis on the client.
var stream = new _ReadStream(_graph._chunks);
stream.position = _graph._positions[_id];
var scaledAddr = stream.readUnsigned();
return scaledAddr * _graph._kObjectAlignment;
List<ObjectVertex> dominatorTreeChildren() {
var N = _graph._N;
var doms = _graph._doms;
var parentId = _id;
var domChildren = [];
for (var childId = 1; childId <= N; childId++) {
if (doms[childId] == parentId) {
domChildren.add(new ObjectVertex._(childId, _graph));
return domChildren;
class _SuccessorsIterable extends IterableBase<ObjectVertex> {
final ObjectGraph _graph;
final int _id;
_SuccessorsIterable(this._graph, this._id);
Iterator<ObjectVertex> get iterator => new _SuccessorsIterator(_graph, _id);
class _SuccessorsIterator implements Iterator<ObjectVertex> {
final ObjectGraph _graph;
_ReadStream _stream;
ObjectVertex current;
_SuccessorsIterator(this._graph, int id) {
_stream = new _ReadStream(this._graph._chunks);
_stream.position = _graph._positions[id];
_stream.readUnsigned(); // addr
_stream.readUnsigned(); // shallowSize
var cid = _stream.readUnsigned();
assert((cid & ~0xFFFF) == 0); // Sanity check: cid's are 16 bit.
bool moveNext() {
while (true) {
var nextAddr = _stream.readUnsigned();
if (nextAddr == 0) return false;
var nextId = _graph._addrToId[nextAddr];
if (nextId == null) continue; // Reference to VM isolate's heap.
current = new ObjectVertex._(nextId, _graph);
return true;
class _VerticesIterable extends IterableBase<ObjectVertex> {
final ObjectGraph _graph;
Iterator<ObjectVertex> get iterator => new _VerticesIterator(_graph);
class _VerticesIterator implements Iterator<ObjectVertex> {
final ObjectGraph _graph;
int _nextId = 0;
ObjectVertex current;
bool moveNext() {
if (_nextId == _graph._N) return false;
current = new ObjectVertex._(_nextId++, _graph);
return true;
class ObjectGraph {
ObjectGraph(List<ByteData> chunks, int nodeCount)
: this._chunks = chunks
, this._N = nodeCount;
int get size => _size;
int get vertexCount => _N;
int get edgeCount => _E;
ObjectVertex get root => new ObjectVertex._(1, this);
Iterable<ObjectVertex> get vertices => new _VerticesIterable(this);
Iterable<ObjectVertex> getMostRetained({int classId, int limit}) {
List<ObjectVertex> _mostRetained =
new List<ObjectVertex>.from(vertices.where((u) => !u.isRoot));
_mostRetained.sort((u, v) => v.retainedSize - u.retainedSize);
var result = _mostRetained;
if (classId != null) {
result = result.where((u) => u.vmCid == classId);
if (limit != null) {
result = result.take(limit);
return result;
Future process(statusReporter) async {
// We build futures here instead of marking the steps as async to avoid the
// heavy lifting being inside a transformed method.
statusReporter.add("Finding node positions...");
await new Future(() => _buildPositions());
statusReporter.add("Finding post order...");
await new Future(() => _buildPostOrder());
statusReporter.add("Finding predecessors...");
await new Future(() => _buildPredecessors());
statusReporter.add("Finding dominators...");
await new Future(() => _buildDominators());
_firstPreds = null;
_preds = null;
_postOrderIndices = null;
statusReporter.add("Finding retained sizes...");
await new Future(() => _calculateRetainedSizes());
_postOrderOrdinals = null;
return this;
final List<ByteData> _chunks;
int _kObjectAlignment;
int _N;
int _E;
int _size;
Map<int, int> _addrToId = new Map<int, int>();
// Indexed by node id, with id 0 representing invalid/uninitialized.
Uint32List _positions; // Position of the node in the snapshot.
Uint32List _postOrderOrdinals; // post-order index -> id
Uint32List _postOrderIndices; // id -> post-order index
Uint32List _firstPreds; // Offset into preds.
Uint32List _preds;
Uint32List _doms;
Uint32List _retainedSizes;
void _buildPositions() {
var N = _N;
var addrToId = _addrToId;
var positions = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var stream = new _ReadStream(_chunks);
_kObjectAlignment = stream.readUnsigned();
var id = 1;
while (stream.pendingBytes > 0) {
positions[id] = stream.position;
var addr = stream.readUnsigned();
stream.readUnsigned(); // shallowSize
stream.readUnsigned(); // cid
addrToId[addr] = id;
var succAddr = stream.readUnsigned();
while (succAddr != 0) {
succAddr = stream.readUnsigned();
assert(id == (N + 1));
var root = addrToId[0];
assert(root == 1);
_positions = positions;
void _buildPostOrder() {
var N = _N;
var E = 0;
var addrToId = _addrToId;
var positions = _positions;
var postOrderOrdinals = new Uint32List(N);
var postOrderIndices = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var stackNodes = new Uint32List(N);
var stackCurrentEdgePos = new Uint32List(N);
var visited = new Uint8List(N + 1);
var postOrderIndex = 0;
var stackTop = 0;
var root = 1;
stackNodes[0] = root;
var stream = new _ReadStream(_chunks);
stream.position = positions[root];
stream.readUnsigned(); // addr
stream.readUnsigned(); // shallowSize
stream.readUnsigned(); // cid
stackCurrentEdgePos[0] = stream.position;
visited[root] = 1;
while (stackTop >= 0) {
var n = stackNodes[stackTop];
var edgePos = stackCurrentEdgePos[stackTop];
stream.position = edgePos;
var childAddr = stream.readUnsigned();
if (childAddr != 0) {
stackCurrentEdgePos[stackTop] = stream.position;
var childId = addrToId[childAddr];
if (childId == null) continue; // Reference to VM isolate's heap.
if (visited[childId] == 1) continue;
stackNodes[stackTop] = childId;
stream.position = positions[childId];
stream.readUnsigned(); // addr
stream.readUnsigned(); // shallowSize
stream.readUnsigned(); // cid
stackCurrentEdgePos[stackTop] = stream.position; // i.e., first edge
visited[childId] = 1;
} else {
// Done with all children.
postOrderIndices[n] = postOrderIndex;
postOrderOrdinals[postOrderIndex++] = n;
assert(postOrderIndex == N);
assert(postOrderOrdinals[N - 1] == root);
_postOrderOrdinals = postOrderOrdinals;
_postOrderIndices = postOrderIndices;
_E = E;
void _buildPredecessors() {
var N = _N;
var E = _E;
var addrToId = _addrToId;
var positions = _positions;
// This is first filled with the predecessor counts, then reused to hold the
// offset to the first predecessor (see alias below).
// + 1 because 0 is a sentinel
// + 1 so the number of predecessors can be found from the difference with
// the next node's offset.
var numPreds = new Uint32List(N + 2);
var preds = new Uint32List(E);
// Count predecessors of each node.
var stream = new _ReadStream(_chunks);
for (var i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
stream.position = positions[i];
stream.readUnsigned(); // addr
stream.readUnsigned(); // shallowSize
stream.readUnsigned(); // cid
var succAddr = stream.readUnsigned();
while (succAddr != 0) {
var succId = addrToId[succAddr];
if (succId != null) {
} else {
// Reference to VM isolate's heap.
succAddr = stream.readUnsigned();
// Assign indices into predecessors array.
var firstPreds = numPreds; // Alias.
var nextPreds = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var predIndex = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
var thisPredIndex = predIndex;
predIndex += numPreds[i];
firstPreds[i] = thisPredIndex;
nextPreds[i] = thisPredIndex;
assert(predIndex == E);
firstPreds[N + 1] = E; // Extra entry for cheap boundary detection.
// Fill predecessors array.
for (var i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
stream.position = positions[i];
stream.readUnsigned(); // addr
stream.readUnsigned(); // shallowSize
stream.readUnsigned(); // cid
var succAddr = stream.readUnsigned();
while (succAddr != 0) {
var succId = addrToId[succAddr];
if (succId != null) {
var predIndex = nextPreds[succId]++;
preds[predIndex] = i;
} else {
// Reference to VM isolate's heap.
succAddr = stream.readUnsigned();
_firstPreds = firstPreds;
_preds = preds;
// "A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm"
// Keith D. Cooper, Timothy J. Harvey, and Ken Kennedy
void _buildDominators() {
var N = _N;
var postOrder = _postOrderOrdinals;
var postOrderIndex = _postOrderIndices;
var firstPreds = _firstPreds;
var preds = _preds;
var root = 1;
var rootPostOrderIndex = postOrderIndex[root];
var domByPOI = new Uint32List(N + 1);
domByPOI[rootPostOrderIndex] = rootPostOrderIndex;
var iteration = 0;
var changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;"Find dominators iteration $iteration");
iteration++; // dart2js heaps typically converge in 10 iterations.
// Visit the nodes, except the root, in reverse post order (top down).
for (var curPostOrderIndex = rootPostOrderIndex - 1;
curPostOrderIndex > 1;
curPostOrderIndex--) {
if (domByPOI[curPostOrderIndex] == rootPostOrderIndex)
var nodeOrdinal = postOrder[curPostOrderIndex];
var newDomIndex = 0; // 0 = undefined
// Intersect the DOM sets of the node's precedessors.
var beginPredIndex = firstPreds[nodeOrdinal];
var endPredIndex = firstPreds[nodeOrdinal + 1];
for (var predIndex = beginPredIndex;
predIndex < endPredIndex;
predIndex++) {
var predOrdinal = preds[predIndex];
var predPostOrderIndex = postOrderIndex[predOrdinal];
if (domByPOI[predPostOrderIndex] != 0) {
if (newDomIndex == 0) {
newDomIndex = predPostOrderIndex;
} else {
// Note this two finger algorithm to find the DOM intersection
// relies on comparing nodes by their post order index.
while (predPostOrderIndex != newDomIndex) {
while(predPostOrderIndex < newDomIndex)
predPostOrderIndex = domByPOI[predPostOrderIndex];
while (newDomIndex < predPostOrderIndex)
newDomIndex = domByPOI[newDomIndex];
if (newDomIndex == rootPostOrderIndex) {
if (newDomIndex != 0 && domByPOI[curPostOrderIndex] != newDomIndex) {
domByPOI[curPostOrderIndex] = newDomIndex;
changed = true;
// Reindex doms by id instead of post order index so we can throw away
// the post order arrays.
var domById = new Uint32List(N + 1);
for (var id = 1; id <= N; id++) {
domById[id] = postOrder[domByPOI[postOrderIndex[id]]];
domById[root] = 0;
_doms = domById;
void _calculateRetainedSizes() {
var N = _N;
var size = 0;
var positions = _positions;
var postOrderOrdinals = _postOrderOrdinals;
var doms = _doms;
var retainedSizes = new Uint32List(N + 1);
// Start with retained size as shallow size.
var reader = new _ReadStream(_chunks);
for (var i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
reader.position = positions[i];
reader.readUnsigned(); // addr
var shallowSize = reader.readUnsigned();
retainedSizes[i] = shallowSize;
size += shallowSize;
// In post order (bottom up), add retained size to dominator's retained
// size, skipping root.
for (var o = 0; o < (N - 1); o++) {
var i = postOrderOrdinals[o];
assert(i != 1);
retainedSizes[doms[i]] += retainedSizes[i];
_retainedSizes = retainedSizes;
_size = size;