blob: 4e027cf444117e6c6dc5cecba907a0542cd16e4c [file] [log] [blame]
library input.transformer.instrumentation;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'operation.dart';
final int COLON = ':'.codeUnitAt(0);
* [InstrumentationInputConverter] converts an instrumentation stream
* into a series of operations to be sent to the analysis server.
class InstrumentationInputConverter extends Converter<String, Operation> {
final Logger logger = new Logger('InstrumentationInputConverter');
final Set<String> _codesSeen = new Set<String>();
final Set<String> _methodsSeen = new Set<String>();
final Set<String> _eventsSeen = new Set<String>();
Operation convert(String line) {
try {
List<String> fields = _parseFields(line);
if (fields.length < 2) {
//return new InfoOperation('Ignored line:\n $line');
return null;
// int timeStamp = int.parse(fields[0], onError: (_) => -1);
String opCode = fields[1];
if (opCode == 'Req') {
return convertRequest(line, fields);
if (opCode == 'Noti') {
return convertNotification(fields);
if (opCode == 'Ver') {
// 1433195174666:Ver:1421765742287333878467:org.dartlang.dartplugin:0.0.0:1.7.0:1.11.0-edge.131698
return new StartServerOperation();
if (_codesSeen.add(opCode)) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, 'Ignored op code: $opCode\n $line');
return null;
} catch (e, s) {
throw 'Failed to parse line\n $line\n$e\n$s';
* Return an operation for the notification defined by [line] and [fields]
* or `null` if none.
Operation convertNotification(List<String> fields) {
Map<String, dynamic> json = JSON.decode(fields[2]);
String event = json['event'];
if (event == 'server.status') {
Map<String, dynamic> params = json['params'];
if (params != null) {
Map<String, dynamic> analysis = params['analysis'];
if (analysis != null && analysis['isAnalyzing'] == false) {
return new WaitForAnalysisCompleteOperation();
if (event == 'server.connected') {
// Handled by the driver
return null;
if (_eventsSeen.add(event)) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, 'Ignored notification: $event');
return null;
* Return an operation for the request defined by [line] and [fields]
* or `null` if none.
Operation convertRequest(String line, List<String> fields) {
Map<String, dynamic> json = JSON.decode(fields[2]);
String method = json['method'];
if (method == 'analysis.setAnalysisRoots') {
// 1433343174749:Req:{"id"::"3","method"::"analysis.setAnalysisRoots","params"::{"included"::["/usr/local/google/home/danrubel/work/git/dart_sdk/sdk/pkg/analysis_server","/usr/local/google/home/danrubel/work/git/dart_sdk/sdk/pkg/analyzer"],"excluded"::[],"packageRoots"::{}},"clientRequestTime"::1433343174702}
return new RequestOperation(json);
if (method == 'server.setSubscriptions') {
// 1433343174741:Req:{"id"::"1","method"::"server.setSubscriptions","params"::{"subscriptions"::["STATUS"]},"clientRequestTime"::1433343172679}
return new RequestOperation(json);
if (_methodsSeen.add(method)) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, 'Ignored request: $method\n $line');
return null;
* Determine if the given line is from an instrumentation file.
* For example:
* `1433175833005:Ver:1421765742287333878467:org.dartlang.dartplugin:0.0.0:1.6.2:1.11.0-edge.131698`
static bool isFormat(String line) {
List<String> fields = _parseFields(line);
int timeStamp = int.parse(fields[0], onError: (_) => -1);
String opCode = fields[1];
return timeStamp > 0 && opCode == 'Ver';
* Extract fields from the given [line].
static List<String> _parseFields(String line) {
List<String> fields = new List<String>();
int index = 0;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while (index < line.length) {
int code = line.codeUnitAt(index);
if (code == COLON) {
// Embedded colons are doubled
int next = index + 1;
if (next < line.length && line.codeUnitAt(next) == COLON) {
} else {
} else {
if (sb.isNotEmpty) {
return fields;