blob: 84f01182267c23c350a46cf8de6938ba95874f73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dev_compiler/dev_compiler.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:package_resolver/package_resolver.dart';
import 'strong_components.dart';
/// Produce a special bundle format for compiled JavaScript.
/// The bundle format consists of two files: One containing all produced
/// JavaScript modules concatenated together, and a second containing the byte
/// offsets by module name for each JavaScript module in JSON format.
/// Ths format is analgous to the dill and .incremental.dill in that during
/// an incremental build, a different file is written for each which contains
/// only the updated libraries.
class JavaScriptBundler {
JavaScriptBundler(this._originalComponent, this._strongComponents,
this._fileSystemScheme, this._packageResolver)
: compilers = <String, ProgramCompiler>{} {
_summaries = <Component>[];
_summaryUris = <Uri>[];
_moduleImportForSummary = <Uri, String>{};
_uriToComponent = <Uri, Component>{};
for (Uri uri in _strongComponents.modules.keys) {
final List<Library> libraries = _strongComponents.modules[uri].toList();
final Component summaryComponent = Component(
libraries: libraries,
nameRoot: _originalComponent.root,
uriToSource: _originalComponent.uriToSource,
_moduleImportForSummary[uri] = '${urlForComponentUri(uri)}.lib.js';
_uriToComponent[uri] = summaryComponent;
final StrongComponents _strongComponents;
final Component _originalComponent;
final String _fileSystemScheme;
final PackageResolver _packageResolver;
final Map<String, ProgramCompiler> compilers;
List<Component> _summaries;
List<Uri> _summaryUris;
Map<Uri, String> _moduleImportForSummary;
Map<Uri, Component> _uriToComponent;
/// Compile each component into a single JavaScript module.
Future<void> compile(
ClassHierarchy classHierarchy,
CoreTypes coreTypes,
Set<Library> loadedLibraries,
IOSink codeSink,
IOSink manifestSink,
IOSink sourceMapsSink) async {
var codeOffset = 0;
var sourceMapOffset = 0;
final manifest = <String, Map<String, List<int>>>{};
final Set<Uri> visited = <Uri>{};
final importToSummary = Map<Library, Component>.identity();
final summaryToModule = Map<Component, String>.identity();
for (var i = 0; i < _summaries.length; i++) {
var summary = _summaries[i];
var moduleImport = _moduleImportForSummary[_summaryUris[i]];
for (var l in summary.libraries) {
importToSummary[l] = summary;
summaryToModule[summary] = moduleImport;
for (Library library in _originalComponent.libraries) {
if (loadedLibraries.contains(library) ||
library.importUri.scheme == 'dart') {
final Uri moduleUri =
if (visited.contains(moduleUri)) {
final summaryComponent = _uriToComponent[moduleUri];
// module name to use in trackLibraries
// use full path for tracking if module uri is not a package uri
final String moduleName = moduleUri.scheme == 'package'
? '/packages/${moduleUri.path}'
: moduleUri.path;
var compiler = ProgramCompiler(
sourceMap: true, summarizeApi: false, moduleName: moduleName),
coreTypes: coreTypes,
final jsModule = compiler.emitModule(summaryComponent);
// TODO:(annagrin): create symbol tables and pass to expression compiler
// so it can map dart symbols to js symbols
// [issue 40273](
// program compiler is used by ExpressionCompiler to evaluate expressions
// on demand
compilers[moduleName] = compiler;
final moduleUrl = urlForComponentUri(moduleUri);
String sourceMapBase;
if (moduleUri.scheme == 'package') {
// Source locations come through as absolute file uris. In order to
// make relative paths in the source map we get the absolute uri for
// the module and make them relative to that.
sourceMapBase =
p.dirname((await _packageResolver.resolveUri(moduleUri)).path);
final code = jsProgramToCode(
inlineSourceMap: true,
buildSourceMap: true,
jsUrl: '$moduleUrl.lib.js',
mapUrl: '$',
sourceMapBase: sourceMapBase,
customScheme: _fileSystemScheme,
final codeBytes = utf8.encode(code.code);
final sourceMapBytes = utf8.encode(json.encode(code.sourceMap));
final String moduleKey = _moduleImportForSummary[moduleUri];
manifest[moduleKey] = {
'code': <int>[codeOffset, codeOffset += codeBytes.length],
'sourcemap': <int>[
sourceMapOffset += sourceMapBytes.length
String urlForComponentUri(Uri componentUri) => componentUri.scheme == 'package'
? '/packages/${componentUri.path}'
: componentUri.path;