blob: 0980864ab66a536fe9514819983a3a7db76a00b5 [file] [log] [blame]
library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:5:1: Error: A library can't opt out of null safety by default, when using sound null safety.
// // @dart=2.8
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:10:19: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
// topLevelField = null;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:14:21: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
// c.instanceField = null;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:16:28: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
// c.instanceTypeVariable = null;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:17:33: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
// c.finalInstanceTypeVariable = null;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:19:23: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
// Class.staticField = null;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:33:46: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
// throws(() => c.finalInstanceTypeVariable = null);
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:36:16: Error: The argument type 'Null' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'int'.
// method(true, null, null);
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:36:3: Error: Inferred type argument 'Null' doesn't conform to the bound 'Object' of the type variable 'T' on 'method'.
// - 'Object' is from 'dart:core'.
// Try specifying type arguments explicitly so that they conform to the bounds.
// method(true, null, null);
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out_lib.dart:18:8: Context: This is the type variable whose bound isn't conformed to.
// method<T extends Object>(bool b, int i, T t) {
// ^
import self as self;
import "non_nullable_from_opt_out_lib.dart" as non;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out_lib.dart";
static method main() dynamic {
non::topLevelField = let final<BottomType> #t1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:10:19: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
topLevelField = null;
^" in let core::Null? #t2 = null in #t2.==(null) ?{core::int} #t2 as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} core::int : #t2{core::int};
non::finalTopLevelField = null;
non::Class<core::int> c = new non::Class::•<core::int>();
c.{non::Class::instanceField} = let final<BottomType> #t3 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:14:21: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
c.instanceField = null;
^" in let core::Null? #t4 = null in #t4.==(null) ?{core::int} #t4 as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} core::int : #t4{core::int};
c.{non::Class::finalInstanceField} = null;
c.{non::Class::instanceTypeVariable} = let final<BottomType> #t5 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:16:28: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
c.instanceTypeVariable = null;
^" in let core::Null? #t6 = null in #t6.==(null) ?{core::int} #t6 as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} core::int : #t6{core::int};
c.{non::Class::finalInstanceTypeVariable} = let final<BottomType> #t7 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:17:33: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
c.finalInstanceTypeVariable = null;
^" in let core::Null? #t8 = null in #t8.==(null) ?{core::int} #t8 as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} core::int : #t8{core::int};
non::Class::staticField = let final<BottomType> #t9 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:19:23: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
Class.staticField = null;
^" in let core::Null? #t10 = null in #t10.==(null) ?{core::int} #t10 as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} core::int : #t10{core::int};
non::Class::staticFinalField = null;
non::expect(null, non::topLevelField);
non::expect(null, non::finalTopLevelField);
non::expect(null, c.{non::Class::instanceField});
non::expect(null, c.{non::Class::finalInstanceField});
non::expect(null, c.{non::Class::instanceTypeVariable});
non::expect(null, c.{non::Class::finalInstanceTypeVariable});
non::expect(null, non::Class::staticField);
non::expect(null, non::Class::staticFinalField);
non::throws(() → core::Null? => non::finalTopLevelField = null);
non::throws(() → core::Null? => c.{non::Class::finalInstanceField} = null);
non::throws(() → core::Null? => c.{non::Class::finalInstanceTypeVariable} = let final<BottomType> #t11 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:33:46: Error: A value of type 'Null' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
throws(() => c.finalInstanceTypeVariable = null);
^" in let core::Null? #t12 = null in #t12.==(null) ?{core::int} #t12 as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} core::int : #t12{core::int});
non::throws(() → core::Null? => non::Class::staticFinalField = null);
non::method<core::Null?>(true, let final<BottomType> #t13 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/late_lowering/non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:36:16: Error: The argument type 'Null' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'int'.
method(true, null, null);
^" in let core::Null? #t14 = null in #t14.==(null) ?{core::int} #t14 as{TypeError,ForNonNullableByDefault} core::int : #t14{core::int}, null);
library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
import self as non;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "dart:_internal" as _in;
class Class<T extends core::Object = core::Object> extends core::Object {
field core::int? _#Class#instanceField = null;
field dynamic _#Class#finalInstanceField = null;
field core::bool _#Class#finalInstanceField#isSet = false;
generic-covariant-impl field non::Class::T? _#Class#instanceTypeVariable = null;
field non::Class::T? _#Class#finalInstanceTypeVariable = null;
static field core::int? _#staticField = null;
static field dynamic _#staticFinalField = null;
static field core::bool _#staticFinalField#isSet = false;
synthetic constructor •() → non::Class<non::Class::T>
: super core::Object::•()
get instanceField() → core::int
return let final core::int? #t15 = this.{non::Class::_#Class#instanceField} in #t15.==(null) ?{core::int} throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Field 'instanceField' has not been initialized.") : #t15{core::int};
set instanceField(core::int #t16) → void
this.{non::Class::_#Class#instanceField} = #t16;
get finalInstanceField() → dynamic
return this.{non::Class::_#Class#finalInstanceField#isSet} ?{dynamic} this.{non::Class::_#Class#finalInstanceField} : throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Field 'finalInstanceField' has not been initialized.");
set finalInstanceField(dynamic #t17) → void
throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Field 'finalInstanceField' has already been initialized.");
else {
this.{non::Class::_#Class#finalInstanceField#isSet} = true;
this.{non::Class::_#Class#finalInstanceField} = #t17;
get instanceTypeVariable() → non::Class::T
return let final non::Class::T? #t18 = this.{non::Class::_#Class#instanceTypeVariable} in #t18.==(null) ?{non::Class::T} throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Field 'instanceTypeVariable' has not been initialized.") : #t18{non::Class::T};
set instanceTypeVariable(generic-covariant-impl non::Class::T #t19) → void
this.{non::Class::_#Class#instanceTypeVariable} = #t19;
get finalInstanceTypeVariable() → non::Class::T
return let final non::Class::T? #t20 = this.{non::Class::_#Class#finalInstanceTypeVariable} in #t20.==(null) ?{non::Class::T} throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Field 'finalInstanceTypeVariable' has not been initialized.") : #t20{non::Class::T};
set finalInstanceTypeVariable(non::Class::T #t21) → void
this.{non::Class::_#Class#finalInstanceTypeVariable} = #t21;
throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Field 'finalInstanceTypeVariable' has already been initialized.");
static get staticField() → core::int
return let final core::int? #t22 = non::Class::_#staticField in #t22.==(null) ?{core::int} throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Field 'staticField' has not been initialized.") : #t22{core::int};
static set staticField(core::int #t23) → void
non::Class::_#staticField = #t23;
static get staticFinalField() → dynamic
return non::Class::_#staticFinalField#isSet ?{dynamic} non::Class::_#staticFinalField : throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Field 'staticFinalField' has not been initialized.");
static set staticFinalField(dynamic #t24) → void
throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Field 'staticFinalField' has already been initialized.");
else {
non::Class::_#staticFinalField#isSet = true;
non::Class::_#staticFinalField = #t24;
static field core::int? _#topLevelField = null;
static field dynamic _#finalTopLevelField = null;
static field core::bool _#finalTopLevelField#isSet = false;
static get topLevelField() → core::int
return let final core::int? #t25 = non::_#topLevelField in #t25.==(null) ?{core::int} throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Field 'topLevelField' has not been initialized.") : #t25{core::int};
static set topLevelField(core::int #t26) → void
non::_#topLevelField = #t26;
static get finalTopLevelField() → dynamic
return non::_#finalTopLevelField#isSet ?{dynamic} non::_#finalTopLevelField : throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Field 'finalTopLevelField' has not been initialized.");
static set finalTopLevelField(dynamic #t27) → void
throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Field 'finalTopLevelField' has already been initialized.");
else {
non::_#finalTopLevelField#isSet = true;
non::_#finalTopLevelField = #t27;
static method method<T extends core::Object = core::Object>(core::bool b, core::int i, non::method::T t) → dynamic {
core::int? local;
function #local#get() → core::int
return let final core::int? #t28 = local in #t28.==(null) ?{core::int} throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Local 'local' has not been initialized.") : #t28{core::int};
function #local#set(core::int #t29) → dynamic
return local = #t29;
final dynamic finalLocal;
core::bool #finalLocal#isSet = false;
function #finalLocal#get() → dynamic
return #finalLocal#isSet ?{dynamic} finalLocal : throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Local 'finalLocal' has not been initialized.");
function #finalLocal#set(dynamic #t30) → dynamic
throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Local 'finalLocal' has already been initialized.");
else {
#finalLocal#isSet = true;
return finalLocal = #t30;
non::method::T? localTypeVariable;
function #localTypeVariable#get() → non::method::T
return let final non::method::T? #t31 = localTypeVariable in #t31.==(null) ?{non::method::T} throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Local 'localTypeVariable' has not been initialized.") : #t31{non::method::T};
function #localTypeVariable#set(non::method::T #t32) → dynamic
return localTypeVariable = #t32;
final non::method::T? finalLocalTypeVariable;
function #finalLocalTypeVariable#get() → non::method::T
return let final non::method::T? #t33 = finalLocalTypeVariable in #t33.==(null) ?{non::method::T} throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Local 'finalLocalTypeVariable' has not been initialized.") : #t33{non::method::T};
function #finalLocalTypeVariable#set(non::method::T #t34) → dynamic
return finalLocalTypeVariable = #t34;
throw new _in::LateInitializationErrorImpl::•("Local 'finalLocalTypeVariable' has already been initialized.");
if(b) {;;;;
non::throws(() → core::int =>;
non::throws(() → non::method::T =>;
static method expect(dynamic expected, dynamic actual) → dynamic {
throw "Expected ${expected}, actual ${actual}";
static method throws(() → void f) → dynamic {
try {;
on core::Object catch(final core::Object _) {
throw "Missing exception";
Extra constant evaluation status:
Evaluated: MethodInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:10:19 -> BoolConstant(true)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:10:19 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:10:19 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: MethodInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:14:21 -> BoolConstant(true)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:14:21 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:14:21 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: MethodInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:16:28 -> BoolConstant(true)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:16:28 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:16:28 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: MethodInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:17:33 -> BoolConstant(true)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:17:33 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:17:33 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: MethodInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:19:23 -> BoolConstant(true)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:19:23 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:19:23 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: MethodInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:33:46 -> BoolConstant(true)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:33:46 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:33:46 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: MethodInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:36:16 -> BoolConstant(true)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:36:16 -> NullConstant(null)
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///non_nullable_from_opt_out.dart:36:16 -> NullConstant(null)
Extra constant evaluation: evaluated: 291, effectively constant: 21