blob: a85ca396a67d89809273c42e9e63317581c5df93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// SharedOptions=-Dsend_stats=true
/// Tests that we compute send metrics correctly in many simple scenarios.
library dart2js.test.send_measurements_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/info.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/src/util.dart' show
import 'memory_compiler.dart';
main() {
test('nothing is reachable, nothing to count', () {
return _check('''
main() {}
test() { int x = 3; }
test('local variable read', () {
return _check('''
main() => test();
test() { int x = 3; int y = x; }
localSend: 1); // from `int y = x`;
test('generative constructor call', () {
return _check('''
class A {
get f => 1;
main() => test();
test() { new A(); }
constructorSend: 1); // from new A()
group('instance call', () {
test('monomorphic only one implementor', () {
return _check('''
class A {
get f => 1;
main() => test();
test() { new A().f; }
constructorSend: 1, // new A()
instanceSend: 1); // f resolved to A.f
test('monomorphic only one type possible from types', () {
return _check('''
class A {
get f => 1;
class B extends A {
get f => 1;
main() => test();
test() { new B().f; }
constructorSend: 1,
instanceSend: 1); // f resolved to B.f
test('monomorphic only one type possible from liveness', () {
return _check('''
class A {
get f => 1;
class B extends A {
get f => 1;
main() => test();
test() { A x = new B(); x.f; }
constructorSend: 1, // new B()
localSend: 1, // x in x.f
instanceSend: 1); // x.f known to resolve to B.f
test('monomorphic one possible, more than one live', () {
return _check('''
class A {
get f => 1;
class B extends A {
get f => 1;
main() { new A(); test(); }
test() { B x = new B(); x.f; }
constructorSend: 1, // new B()
localSend: 1, // x in x.f
instanceSend: 1); // x.f resolves to B.f
test('polymorphic-virtual couple possible types from liveness', () {
// Note: this would be an instanceSend if we used the inferrer.
return _check('''
class A {
get f => 1;
class B extends A {
get f => 1;
main() { new A(); test(); }
test() { A x = new B(); x.f; }
constructorSend: 1, // new B()
localSend: 1, // x in x.f
virtualSend: 1); // x.f may be A.f or B.f (types alone is not enough)
test("polymorphic-dynamic: type annotations don't help", () {
return _check('''
class A {
get f => 1;
class B extends A {
get f => 1;
main() { new A(); test(); }
test() { var x = new B(); x.f; }
constructorSend: 1, // new B()
localSend: 1, // x in x.f
dynamicSend: 1); // x.f could be any `f` or no `f`
group('instance this call', () {
test('monomorphic only one implementor', () {
return _check('''
class A {
get f => 1;
test() => this.f;
main() => new A().test();
instanceSend: 1); // this.f resolved to A.f
test('monomorphic only one type possible from types & liveness', () {
return _check('''
class A {
get f => 1;
test() => this.f;
class B extends A {
get f => 1;
main() => new B().test();
instanceSend: 1); // this.f resolved to B.f
test('polymorphic-virtual couple possible types from liveness', () {
// Note: this would be an instanceSend if we used the inferrer.
return _check('''
class A {
get f => 1;
test() => this.f;
class B extends A {
get f => 1;
main() { new A(); new B().test(); }
virtualSend: 1); // this.f may be A.f or B.f
group('noSuchMethod', () {
test('error will be thrown', () {
return _check('''
class A {
main() { test(); }
test() { new A().f; }
constructorSend: 1, // new B()
nsmErrorSend: 1); // f not there, A has no nSM
test('nSM will be called - one option', () {
return _check('''
class A {
noSuchMethod(i) => null;
main() { test(); }
test() { new A().f; }
constructorSend: 1, // new B()
singleNsmCallSend: 1); // f not there, A has nSM
// TODO(sigmund): is it worth splitting multiNSMvirtual?
test('nSM will be called - multiple options', () {
return _check('''
class A {
noSuchMethod(i) => null;
class B extends A {
noSuchMethod(i) => null;
main() { new A(); test(); }
test() { A x = new B(); x.f; }
constructorSend: 1, // new B()
localSend: 1, // x in x.f
multiNsmCallSend: 1); // f not there, A has nSM
// TODO(sigmund): is it worth splitting multiNSMvirtual?
test('nSM will be called - multiple options', () {
return _check('''
class A {
noSuchMethod(i) => null;
class B extends A {
// don't count A's nsm as distinct
main() { new A(); test(); }
test() { A x = new B(); x.f; }
constructorSend: 1, // new B()
localSend: 1, // x in x.f
singleNsmCallSend: 1); // f not there, A has nSM
test('nSM will be called - multiple options', () {
return _check('''
class A {
noSuchMethod(i) => null;
class B extends A {
get f => null;
main() { new A(); test(); }
test() { A x = new B(); x.f; }
constructorSend: 1, // new B()
localSend: 1, // x in x.f
dynamicSend: 1); // f not known to be there there, A has nSM
test('nSM in super', () {
return _check('''
class A {
noSuchMethod(i) => null;
class B extends A {
get f => super.f;
main() { new A(); test(); }
test() { A x = new B(); x.f; }
singleNsmCallSend: 1, // super.f
testMethod: 'f');
/// Checks that the `test` function in [code] produces the given distribution of
/// sends.
_check(String code, {int staticSend: 0, int superSend: 0, int localSend: 0,
int constructorSend: 0, int typeVariableSend: 0, int nsmErrorSend: 0,
int singleNsmCallSend: 0, int instanceSend: 0, int interceptorSend: 0,
int multiNsmCallSend: 0, int virtualSend: 0, int multiInterceptorSend: 0,
int dynamicSend: 0, String testMethod: 'test'}) async {
// Set up the expectation.
var expected = new Measurements();
int monomorphic = staticSend + superSend + localSend + constructorSend +
typeVariableSend + nsmErrorSend + singleNsmCallSend + instanceSend +
int polymorphic = multiNsmCallSend + virtualSend + multiInterceptorSend +
expected.counters[Metric.monomorphicSend] = monomorphic;
expected.counters[Metric.staticSend] = staticSend;
expected.counters[Metric.superSend] = superSend;
expected.counters[Metric.localSend] = localSend;
expected.counters[Metric.constructorSend] = constructorSend;
expected.counters[Metric.typeVariableSend] = typeVariableSend;
expected.counters[Metric.nsmErrorSend] = nsmErrorSend;
expected.counters[Metric.singleNsmCallSend] = singleNsmCallSend;
expected.counters[Metric.instanceSend] = instanceSend;
expected.counters[Metric.interceptorSend] = interceptorSend;
expected.counters[Metric.polymorphicSend] = polymorphic;
expected.counters[Metric.multiNsmCallSend] = multiNsmCallSend;
expected.counters[Metric.virtualSend] = virtualSend;
expected.counters[Metric.multiInterceptorSend] = multiInterceptorSend;
expected.counters[Metric.dynamicSend] = dynamicSend;
expected.counters[Metric.send] = monomorphic + polymorphic;
// Run the compiler to get the results.
var all = await _compileAndGetStats(code);
var function = all.functions.firstWhere((f) => == testMethod,
orElse: () => null);
var result = function?.measurements;
if (function == null) {
expect(expected.counters[Metric.send], 0);
expect(result, isNotNull);
_compareMetric(Metric key) {
var expectedValue = expected.counters[key];
var value = result.counters[key];
if (value == null) value = 0;
if (value == expectedValue) return;
expect(expectedValue, value,
reason: "count for `$key` didn't match:\n"
"expected measurements:\n${recursiveDiagnosticString(expected, key)}\n"
"actual measurements:\n${recursiveDiagnosticString(result, key)}");
/// Helper that runs the compiler and returns the [GlobalResult] computed for
/// it.
Future<AllInfo> _compileAndGetStats(String program) async {
var result = await runCompiler(
memorySourceFiles: {'main.dart': program}, options: ['--dump-info']);
expect(result.compiler.compilationFailed, isFalse);
return result.compiler.dumpInfoTask.infoCollector.result;