blob: a45b9ac45b98296d11839131aee21848acc7bfa2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Generates sdk/lib/_blink/dartium/_blink_dartium.dart file."""
import os
from generator import AnalyzeOperation, AnalyzeConstructor
HEADER = """/* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Auto-generated _blink library.
library dart.dom._blink;
import 'dart:js' as js;
import 'dart:html' show DomException;
// This is a place to put custom renames if we need them.
final resolverMap = {
dynamic resolver(String s) {
// Failed to find it, check for custom renames
dynamic obj = resolverMap[s];
if (obj != null) return obj;
throw("No such interface exposed in blink: ${s}");
// _Utils native entry points
class Blink_Utils {
static window() native "Utils_window";
static forwardingPrint(message) native "Utils_forwardingPrint";
static spawnDomUri(uri) native "Utils_spawnDomUri";
static void spawnDomHelper(Function f, int replyTo) native "Utils_spawnDomHelper";
static register(document, tag, customType, extendsTagName) native "Utils_register";
static createElement(document, tagName) native "Utils_createElement";
static constructElement(element_type, jsObject) native "Utils_constructor_create";
static initializeCustomElement(element) native "Utils_initializeCustomElement";
static changeElementWrapper(element, type) native "Utils_changeElementWrapper";
class Blink_DOMWindowCrossFrame {
// FIXME: Return to using explicit cross frame entry points after roll to M35
static get_history(_DOMWindowCrossFrame) native "Window_history_cross_frame_Getter";
static get_location(_DOMWindowCrossFrame) native "Window_location_cross_frame_Getter";
static get_closed(_DOMWindowCrossFrame) native "Window_closed_Getter";
static get_opener(_DOMWindowCrossFrame) native "Window_opener_Getter";
static get_parent(_DOMWindowCrossFrame) native "Window_parent_Getter";
static get_top(_DOMWindowCrossFrame) native "Window_top_Getter";
static close(_DOMWindowCrossFrame) native "Window_close_Callback";
static postMessage(_DOMWindowCrossFrame, message, targetOrigin, [messagePorts]) native "Window_postMessage_Callback";
class Blink_HistoryCrossFrame {
// _HistoryCrossFrame native entry points
static back(_HistoryCrossFrame) native "History_back_Callback";
static forward(_HistoryCrossFrame) native "History_forward_Callback";
static go(_HistoryCrossFrame, distance) native "History_go_Callback";
class Blink_LocationCrossFrame {
// _LocationCrossFrame native entry points
static set_href(_LocationCrossFrame, h) native "Location_href_Setter";
class Blink_DOMStringMap {
// _DOMStringMap native entry points
static containsKey(_DOMStringMap, key) native "DOMStringMap_containsKey_Callback";
static item(_DOMStringMap, key) native "DOMStringMap_item_Callback";
static setItem(_DOMStringMap, key, value) native "DOMStringMap_setItem_Callback";
static remove(_DOMStringMap, key) native "DOMStringMap_remove_Callback";
static get_keys(_DOMStringMap) native "DOMStringMap_getKeys_Callback";
// Calls through JsNative but returns DomException instead of error strings.
class Blink_JsNative_DomException {
static getProperty(js.JsObject o, name) {
try {
return js.JsNative.getProperty(o, name);
} catch (e) {
// Re-throw any errors (returned as a string) as a DomException.
throw new DomException.jsInterop(e);
static callMethod(js.JsObject o, String method, List args) {
try {
return js.JsNative.callMethod(o, method, args);
} catch (e) {
// Re-throw any errors (returned as a string) as a DomException.
throw new DomException.jsInterop(e);
CLASS_DEFINITION = """class Blink%s {
static final instance = new Blink%s();
CLASS_DEFINITION_EXTENDS = """class Blink%s extends Blink%s {
static final instance = new Blink%s();
CONSTRUCTOR_0 = ' constructorCallback_0_() => new js.JsObject(Blink_JsNative_DomException.getProperty(js.context, "%s"), []);\n\n'
#(argument_count, arguments, interface_name, arguments)
CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS = ' constructorCallback_%s_(%s) => new js.JsObject(Blink_JsNative_DomException.getProperty(js.context, "%s"), [%s]);\n\n'
#(attribute_name, attribute_name)
ATTRIBUTE_GETTER = ' %s_Getter_(mthis) => Blink_JsNative_DomException.getProperty(mthis, "%s");\n\n'
ATTRIBUTE_SETTER = ' %s_Setter_(mthis, __arg_0) => mthis["%s"] = __arg_0;\n\n'
#(operation_name, operationName)
OPERATION_0 = ' %s_Callback_0_(mthis) => Blink_JsNative_DomException.callMethod(mthis, "%s", []);\n\n'
# getter, setter, deleter and propertyQuery code
OPERATION_1 = ' $%s_Callback_1_(mthis, __arg_0) => Blink_JsNative_DomException.callMethod(mthis, "%s", [__arg_0]);\n\n'
OPERATION_2 = ' $%s_Callback_2_(mthis, __arg_0, __arg_1) => Blink_JsNative_DomException.callMethod(mthis, "%s", [__arg_0, __arg_1]);\n\n'
OPERATION_PQ = ' $%s_Callback_1_(mthis, __arg_0) => mthis[__arg_0];\n\n'
#(operation_name, argument_count, arguments, operation_name, arguments)
ARGUMENT_NUM = "__arg_%s"
OPERATION_ARGS = ' %s_Callback_%s_(mthis, %s) => Blink_JsNative_DomException.callMethod(mthis, "%s", [%s]);\n\n'
def ConstantOutputOrder(a, b):
"""Canonical output ordering for constants."""
return cmp(,
def generate_parameter_entries(param_infos):
optional_default_args = 0;
for argument in param_infos:
if argument.is_optional:
optional_default_args += 1
arg_count = len(param_infos)
min_arg_count = arg_count - optional_default_args
lb = min_arg_count - 2 if min_arg_count > 2 else 0
return (lb, arg_count + 1)
constructor_renames = {
'RTCPeerConnection': 'webkitRTCPeerConnection',
def rename_constructor(name):
return constructor_renames[name] if name in constructor_renames else name
def Generate_Blink(output_dir, database, type_registry):
blink_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '_blink_dartium.dart')
blink_file = open(blink_filename, 'w')
interfaces = database.GetInterfaces()
for interface in interfaces:
name =
resolver_entry = ' if (s == "%s") return Blink%s.instance;\n' % (name, name)
for interface in interfaces:
name =
if interface.parents and len(interface.parents) > 0 and interface.parents[0].id:
extends = interface.parents[0].id
class_def = CLASS_DEFINITION_EXTENDS % (name, extends, name)
class_def = CLASS_DEFINITION % (name, name)
analyzed_constructors = AnalyzeConstructor(interface)
if analyzed_constructors:
_Emit_Blink_Constructors(blink_file, analyzed_constructors)
elif 'Constructor' in interface.ext_attrs:
# Zero parameter constructor.
blink_file.write(CONSTRUCTOR_0 % rename_constructor(name))
_Process_Attributes(blink_file, interface.attributes)
_Process_Operations(blink_file, interface, interface.operations)
secondary_parents = database.TransitiveSecondaryParents(interface, False)
for secondary in secondary_parents:
_Process_Attributes(blink_file, secondary.attributes)
_Process_Operations(blink_file, secondary, secondary.operations)
def _Emit_Blink_Constructors(blink_file, analyzed_constructors):
(arg_min_count, arg_max_count) = generate_parameter_entries(analyzed_constructors.param_infos)
name = analyzed_constructors.js_name
if not(name):
name = analyzed_constructors.type_name
for callback_index in range(arg_min_count, arg_max_count):
if callback_index == 0:
blink_file.write(CONSTRUCTOR_0 % (rename_constructor(name)))
arguments = []
for i in range(0, callback_index):
arguments.append(ARGUMENT_NUM % i)
argument_list = ', '.join(arguments)
blink_file.write(CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS % (callback_index, argument_list, rename_constructor(name), argument_list))
def _Process_Attributes(blink_file, attributes):
# Emit an interface's attributes and operations.
for attribute in sorted(attributes, ConstantOutputOrder):
name =
if attribute.is_read_only:
blink_file.write(ATTRIBUTE_GETTER % (name, name))
blink_file.write(ATTRIBUTE_GETTER % (name, name))
blink_file.write(ATTRIBUTE_SETTER % (name, name))
def _Process_Operations(blink_file, interface, operations):
analyzeOperations = []
for operation in sorted(operations, ConstantOutputOrder):
if len(analyzeOperations) == 0:
if analyzeOperations[0].id ==
# Handle overloads
_Emit_Blink_Operation(blink_file, interface, analyzeOperations)
analyzeOperations = [operation]
if len(analyzeOperations) > 0:
_Emit_Blink_Operation(blink_file, interface, analyzeOperations)
def _Emit_Blink_Operation(blink_file, interface, analyzeOperations):
analyzed = AnalyzeOperation(interface, analyzeOperations)
(arg_min_count, arg_max_count) = generate_parameter_entries(analyzed.param_infos)
name = analyzed.js_name
operation = analyzeOperations[0]
if (name.startswith('__') and \
('getter' in operation.specials or \
'setter' in operation.specials or \
'deleter' in operation.specials)):
if name == '__propertyQuery__':
blink_file.write(OPERATION_PQ % (name))
arg_min_count = arg_max_count
if arg_max_count == 2:
blink_file.write(OPERATION_1 % (name, name))
elif arg_max_count == 3:
blink_file.write(OPERATION_2 % (name, name))
print "FATAL ERROR: _blink emitter operator %s.%s" % (, name)
for callback_index in range(arg_min_count, arg_max_count):
if callback_index == 0:
blink_file.write(OPERATION_0 % (name, name))
arguments = []
for i in range(0, callback_index):
arguments.append(ARGUMENT_NUM % i)
argument_list = ', '.join(arguments)
blink_file.write(OPERATION_ARGS % (name, callback_index, argument_list, name, argument_list))