blob: 4fdfb7b494130cef7a4b1beeab85e4fdc82db4ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VM_FLAG_LIST_H_
#define VM_FLAG_LIST_H_
// List of all flags in the VM.
// Flags can be one of three categories:
// * P roduct flags: Can be set in any of the deployment modes, including in
// production.
// * D ebug flags: Can only be set in debug VMs, which also have assertions
// enabled.
// * R elease flags: Generally available flags except when building product.
// * pre C ompile flags: Generally available flags except when building product
// or precompiled runtime.
// Usage:
// P(name, type, default_value, comment)
// D(name, type, default_value, comment)
// R(name, product_value, type, default_value, comment)
// C(name, precompiled_value, product_value, type, default_value, comment)
#define FLAG_LIST(P, R, D, C) \
R(dedup_instructions, true, bool, false, \
"Canonicalize instructions when precompiling.") \
R(disable_alloc_stubs_after_gc, false, bool, false, \
"Stress testing flag.") \
R(disassemble, false, bool, false, \
"Disassemble dart code.") \
R(disassemble_optimized, false, bool, false, \
"Disassemble optimized code.") \
R(dump_symbol_stats, false, bool, false, \
"Dump symbol table statistics") \
R(enable_mirrors, false, bool, true, \
"Disable to make importing dart:mirrors an error.") \
R(gc_at_alloc, false, bool, false, \
"GC at every allocation.") \
P(getter_setter_ratio, int, 13, \
"Ratio of getter/setter usage used for double field unboxing heuristics") \
P(guess_icdata_cid, bool, true, \
"Artificially create type feedback for arithmetic etc. operations") \
C(lazy_dispatchers, false, true, bool, true, \
"Generate dispatchers lazily") \
P(max_polymorphic_checks, int, 4, \
"Maximum number of polymorphic check, otherwise it is megamorphic.") \
P(max_equality_polymorphic_checks, int, 32, \
"Maximum number of polymorphic checks in equality operator,") \
P(merge_sin_cos, bool, false, \
"Merge sin/cos into sincos") \
P(new_gen_ext_limit, int, 64, \
"maximum total external size (MB) in new gen before triggering GC") \
C(polymorphic_with_deopt, false, true, bool, true, \
"Polymorphic calls with deoptimization / megamorphic call") \
R(pretenure_all, false, bool, false, \
"Global pretenuring (for testing).") \
P(pretenure_interval, int, 10, \
"Back off pretenuring after this many cycles.") \
P(pretenure_threshold, int, 98, \
"Trigger pretenuring when this many percent are promoted.") \
R(profiler, false, bool, true, \
"Enable the profiler.") \
R(support_ast_printer, false, bool, true, \
"Support the AST printer.") \
R(support_compiler_stats, false, bool, true, \
"Support compiler stats.") \
R(support_debugger, false, bool, true, \
"Support the debugger.") \
R(support_disassembler, false, bool, true, \
"Support the disassembler.") \
R(support_il_printer, false, bool, true, \
"Support the IL printer.") \
R(support_service, false, bool, true, \
"Support the service protocol.") \
R(support_coverage, false, bool, true, \
"Support code coverage.") \
R(support_timeline, false, bool, true, \
"Support timeline.") \
D(trace_cha, bool, false, \
"Trace CHA operations") \
D(trace_field_guards, bool, false, \
"Trace changes in field's cids.") \
D(trace_handles, bool, false, \
"Traces allocation of handles.") \
D(trace_optimization, bool, false, \
"Print optimization details."); \
D(trace_zones, bool, false, \
"Traces allocation sizes in the zone.") \
P(truncating_left_shift, bool, true, \
"Optimize left shift to truncate if possible") \
C(use_cha_deopt, false, true, bool, true, \
"Use class hierarchy analysis even if it can cause deoptimization.") \
P(verbose_gc, bool, false, \
"Enables verbose GC.") \
P(verbose_gc_hdr, int, 40, \
"Print verbose GC header interval.") \
R(verify_after_gc, false, bool, false, \
"Enables heap verification after GC.") \
R(verify_before_gc, false, bool, false, \
"Enables heap verification before GC.") \
#endif // VM_FLAG_LIST_H_