blob: 3f7986a406ceffb692de06a31ddeb72c25fa80c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/globals.h"
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
#include "vm/assembler.h"
#include "vm/cpu.h"
#include "vm/longjump.h"
#include "vm/runtime_entry.h"
#include "vm/simulator.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
#include "vm/stub_code.h"
// An extra check since we are assuming the existence of /proc/cpuinfo below.
#if !defined(USING_SIMULATOR) && !defined(__linux__) && !defined(ANDROID)
#error ARM64 cross-compile only supported on Linux
namespace dart {
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, use_far_branches, false, "Always use far branches");
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, print_stop_message, false, "Print stop message.");
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, inline_alloc);
Assembler::Assembler(bool use_far_branches)
: buffer_(),
allow_constant_pool_(true) {
if (Isolate::Current() != Dart::vm_isolate()) {
object_pool_ = GrowableObjectArray::New(Heap::kOld);
// These objects and labels need to be accessible through every pool-pointer
// at the same index.
object_pool_.Add(Object::null_object(), Heap::kOld);
// Not adding Object::null() to the index table. It is at index 0 in the
// object pool, but the HashMap uses 0 to indicate not found.
object_pool_.Add(Bool::True(), Heap::kOld);
object_pool_index_table_.Insert(ObjIndexPair(Bool::True().raw(), 1));
object_pool_.Add(Bool::False(), Heap::kOld);
object_pool_index_table_.Insert(ObjIndexPair(Bool::False().raw(), 2));
const Smi& vacant = Smi::Handle(Smi::New(0xfa >> kSmiTagShift));
StubCode* stub_code = Isolate::Current()->stub_code();
if (stub_code->UpdateStoreBuffer_entry() != NULL) {
FindExternalLabel(&stub_code->UpdateStoreBufferLabel(), kNotPatchable);
} else {
object_pool_.Add(vacant, Heap::kOld);
if (StubCode::CallToRuntime_entry() != NULL) {
FindExternalLabel(&StubCode::CallToRuntimeLabel(), kNotPatchable);
} else {
object_pool_.Add(vacant, Heap::kOld);
// Create fixed object pool entries for debugger stubs.
if (StubCode::ICCallBreakpoint_entry() != NULL) {
intptr_t index =
ASSERT(index == kICCallBreakpointCPIndex);
} else {
object_pool_.Add(vacant, Heap::kOld);
if (StubCode::ClosureCallBreakpoint_entry() != NULL) {
intptr_t index =
ASSERT(index == kClosureCallBreakpointCPIndex);
} else {
object_pool_.Add(vacant, Heap::kOld);
if (StubCode::RuntimeCallBreakpoint_entry() != NULL) {
intptr_t index =
ASSERT(index == kRuntimeCallBreakpointCPIndex);
} else {
object_pool_.Add(vacant, Heap::kOld);
void Assembler::InitializeMemoryWithBreakpoints(uword data, intptr_t length) {
ASSERT(Utils::IsAligned(data, 4));
ASSERT(Utils::IsAligned(length, 4));
const uword end = data + length;
while (data < end) {
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(data) = Instr::kBreakPointInstruction;
data += 4;
void Assembler::Emit(int32_t value) {
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
static const char* cpu_reg_names[kNumberOfCpuRegisters] = {
"r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7",
"r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15",
"r16", "r17", "r18", "r19", "r20", "r21", "r22", "r23",
"r24", "ip0", "ip1", "pp", "ctx", "fp", "lr", "r31",
const char* Assembler::RegisterName(Register reg) {
ASSERT((0 <= reg) && (reg < kNumberOfCpuRegisters));
return cpu_reg_names[reg];
static const char* fpu_reg_names[kNumberOfFpuRegisters] = {
"v0", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v5", "v6", "v7",
"v8", "v9", "v10", "v11", "v12", "v13", "v14", "v15",
"v16", "v17", "v18", "v19", "v20", "v21", "v22", "v23",
"v24", "v25", "v26", "v27", "v28", "v29", "v30", "v31",
const char* Assembler::FpuRegisterName(FpuRegister reg) {
ASSERT((0 <= reg) && (reg < kNumberOfFpuRegisters));
return fpu_reg_names[reg];
void Assembler::Bind(Label* label) {
const intptr_t bound_pc = buffer_.Size();
while (label->IsLinked()) {
const int64_t position = label->Position();
const int64_t dest = bound_pc - position;
if (use_far_branches() && !CanEncodeImm19BranchOffset(dest)) {
// Far branches are enabled, and we can't encode the branch offset in
// 19 bits.
// Grab the guarding branch instruction.
const int32_t guard_branch =
buffer_.Load<int32_t>(position + 0 * Instr::kInstrSize);
// Grab the far branch instruction.
const int32_t far_branch =
buffer_.Load<int32_t>(position + 1 * Instr::kInstrSize);
const Condition c = DecodeImm19BranchCondition(guard_branch);
// Grab the link to the next branch.
const int32_t next = DecodeImm26BranchOffset(far_branch);
// dest is the offset is from the guarding branch instruction.
// Correct it to be from the following instruction.
const int64_t offset = dest - Instr::kInstrSize;
// Encode the branch.
const int32_t encoded_branch =
EncodeImm26BranchOffset(offset, far_branch);
// If the guard branch is conditioned on NV, replace it with a nop.
if (c == NV) {
buffer_.Store<int32_t>(position + 0 * Instr::kInstrSize,
// Write the far branch into the buffer and link to the next branch.
buffer_.Store<int32_t>(position + 1 * Instr::kInstrSize, encoded_branch);
label->position_ = next;
} else if (use_far_branches() && CanEncodeImm19BranchOffset(dest)) {
// We assembled a far branch, but we don't need it. Replace it with a near
// branch.
// Grab the guarding branch instruction.
const int32_t guard_branch =
buffer_.Load<int32_t>(position + 0 * Instr::kInstrSize);
// Grab the far branch instruction.
const int32_t far_branch =
buffer_.Load<int32_t>(position + 1 * Instr::kInstrSize);
// Grab the link to the next branch.
const int32_t next = DecodeImm26BranchOffset(far_branch);
// Re-target the guarding branch and flip the conditional sense.
int32_t encoded_guard_branch =
EncodeImm19BranchOffset(dest, guard_branch);
const Condition c = DecodeImm19BranchCondition(encoded_guard_branch);
encoded_guard_branch = EncodeImm19BranchCondition(
InvertCondition(c), encoded_guard_branch);
// Write back the re-encoded instructions. The far branch becomes a nop.
position + 0 * Instr::kInstrSize, encoded_guard_branch);
position + 1 * Instr::kInstrSize, Instr::kNopInstruction);
label->position_ = next;
} else {
const int32_t next = buffer_.Load<int32_t>(position);
const int32_t encoded = EncodeImm19BranchOffset(dest, next);
buffer_.Store<int32_t>(position, encoded);
label->position_ = DecodeImm19BranchOffset(next);
void Assembler::Stop(const char* message) {
if (FLAG_print_stop_message) {
Label stop;
static int CountLeadingZeros(uint64_t value, int width) {
ASSERT((width == 32) || (width == 64));
if (value == 0) {
return width;
int count = 0;
do {
} while (value >>= 1);
return width - count;
static int CountOneBits(uint64_t value, int width) {
// Mask out unused bits to ensure that they are not counted.
value &= (0xffffffffffffffffUL >> (64-width));
value = ((value >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555) + (value & 0x5555555555555555);
value = ((value >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333) + (value & 0x3333333333333333);
value = ((value >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f) + (value & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f);
value = ((value >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff) + (value & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff);
value = ((value >> 16) & 0x0000ffff0000ffff) + (value & 0x0000ffff0000ffff);
value = ((value >> 32) & 0x00000000ffffffff) + (value & 0x00000000ffffffff);
return value;
// Test if a given value can be encoded in the immediate field of a logical
// instruction.
// If it can be encoded, the function returns true, and values pointed to by n,
// imm_s and imm_r are updated with immediates encoded in the format required
// by the corresponding fields in the logical instruction.
// If it can't be encoded, the function returns false, and the operand is
// undefined.
bool Operand::IsImmLogical(uint64_t value, uint8_t width, Operand* imm_op) {
ASSERT(imm_op != NULL);
ASSERT((width == kWRegSizeInBits) || (width == kXRegSizeInBits));
ASSERT((width == kXRegSizeInBits) || (value <= 0xffffffffUL));
uint8_t n = 0;
uint8_t imm_s = 0;
uint8_t imm_r = 0;
// Logical immediates are encoded using parameters n, imm_s and imm_r using
// the following table:
// N imms immr size S R
// 1 ssssss rrrrrr 64 UInt(ssssss) UInt(rrrrrr)
// 0 0sssss xrrrrr 32 UInt(sssss) UInt(rrrrr)
// 0 10ssss xxrrrr 16 UInt(ssss) UInt(rrrr)
// 0 110sss xxxrrr 8 UInt(sss) UInt(rrr)
// 0 1110ss xxxxrr 4 UInt(ss) UInt(rr)
// 0 11110s xxxxxr 2 UInt(s) UInt(r)
// (s bits must not be all set)
// A pattern is constructed of size bits, where the least significant S+1
// bits are set. The pattern is rotated right by R, and repeated across a
// 32 or 64-bit value, depending on destination register width.
// To test if an arbitrary immediate can be encoded using this scheme, an
// iterative algorithm is used.
// 1. If the value has all set or all clear bits, it can't be encoded.
if ((value == 0) || (value == 0xffffffffffffffffULL) ||
((width == kWRegSizeInBits) && (value == 0xffffffff))) {
return false;
int lead_zero = CountLeadingZeros(value, width);
int lead_one = CountLeadingZeros(~value, width);
int trail_zero = Utils::CountTrailingZeros(value);
int trail_one = Utils::CountTrailingZeros(~value);
int set_bits = CountOneBits(value, width);
// The fixed bits in the immediate s field.
// If width == 64 (X reg), start at 0xFFFFFF80.
// If width == 32 (W reg), start at 0xFFFFFFC0, as the iteration for 64-bit
// widths won't be executed.
int imm_s_fixed = (width == kXRegSizeInBits) ? -128 : -64;
int imm_s_mask = 0x3F;
for (;;) {
// 2. If the value is two bits wide, it can be encoded.
if (width == 2) {
n = 0;
imm_s = 0x3C;
imm_r = (value & 3) - 1;
*imm_op = Operand(n, imm_s, imm_r);
return true;
n = (width == 64) ? 1 : 0;
imm_s = ((imm_s_fixed | (set_bits - 1)) & imm_s_mask);
if ((lead_zero + set_bits) == width) {
imm_r = 0;
} else {
imm_r = (lead_zero > 0) ? (width - trail_zero) : lead_one;
// 3. If the sum of leading zeros, trailing zeros and set bits is equal to
// the bit width of the value, it can be encoded.
if (lead_zero + trail_zero + set_bits == width) {
*imm_op = Operand(n, imm_s, imm_r);
return true;
// 4. If the sum of leading ones, trailing ones and unset bits in the
// value is equal to the bit width of the value, it can be encoded.
if (lead_one + trail_one + (width - set_bits) == width) {
*imm_op = Operand(n, imm_s, imm_r);
return true;
// 5. If the most-significant half of the bitwise value is equal to the
// least-significant half, return to step 2 using the least-significant
// half of the value.
uint64_t mask = (1UL << (width >> 1)) - 1;
if ((value & mask) == ((value >> (width >> 1)) & mask)) {
width >>= 1;
set_bits >>= 1;
imm_s_fixed >>= 1;
// 6. Otherwise, the value can't be encoded.
return false;
void Assembler::LoadPoolPointer(Register pp) {
const intptr_t object_pool_pc_dist =
Instructions::HeaderSize() - Instructions::object_pool_offset() +
// PP <- Read(PC - object_pool_pc_dist).
ldr(pp, Address::PC(-object_pool_pc_dist));
// When in the PP register, the pool pointer is untagged. When we
// push it on the stack with TagAndPushPP it is tagged again. PopAndUntagPP
// then untags when restoring from the stack. This will make loading from the
// object pool only one instruction for the first 4096 entries. Otherwise,
// because the offset wouldn't be aligned, it would be only one instruction
// for the first 64 entries.
sub(pp, pp, Operand(kHeapObjectTag));
void Assembler::LoadWordFromPoolOffset(Register dst, Register pp,
uint32_t offset) {
ASSERT(dst != pp);
Operand op;
const uint32_t upper20 = offset & 0xfffff000;
if (Address::CanHoldOffset(offset)) {
ldr(dst, Address(pp, offset));
} else if (Operand::CanHold(upper20, kXRegSizeInBits, &op) ==
Operand::Immediate) {
const uint32_t lower12 = offset & 0x00000fff;
add(dst, pp, op);
ldr(dst, Address(dst, lower12));
} else {
const uint16_t offset_low = Utils::Low16Bits(offset);
const uint16_t offset_high = Utils::High16Bits(offset);
movz(dst, offset_low, 0);
if (offset_high != 0) {
movk(dst, offset_high, 1);
ldr(dst, Address(pp, dst));
void Assembler::LoadWordFromPoolOffsetFixed(Register dst, Register pp,
uint32_t offset) {
ASSERT(dst != pp);
Operand op;
const uint32_t upper20 = offset & 0xfffff000;
const uint32_t lower12 = offset & 0x00000fff;
const Operand::OperandType ot =
Operand::CanHold(upper20, kXRegSizeInBits, &op);
ASSERT(ot == Operand::Immediate);
add(dst, pp, op);
ldr(dst, Address(dst, lower12));
intptr_t Assembler::FindExternalLabel(const ExternalLabel* label,
Patchability patchable) {
// The object pool cannot be used in the vm isolate.
ASSERT(Isolate::Current() != Dart::vm_isolate());
const uword address = label->address();
ASSERT(Utils::IsAligned(address, 4));
// The address is stored in the object array as a RawSmi.
const Smi& smi = Smi::Handle(reinterpret_cast<RawSmi*>(address));
if (patchable == kNotPatchable) {
// If the call site is not patchable, we can try to re-use an existing
// entry.
return FindObject(smi, kNotPatchable);
// If the call is patchable, do not reuse an existing entry since each
// reference may be patched independently.
object_pool_.Add(smi, Heap::kOld);
return object_pool_.Length() - 1;
intptr_t Assembler::FindObject(const Object& obj, Patchability patchable) {
// The object pool cannot be used in the vm isolate.
ASSERT(Isolate::Current() != Dart::vm_isolate());
// If the object is not patchable, check if we've already got it in the
// object pool.
if (patchable == kNotPatchable) {
// Special case for Object::null(), which is always at object_pool_ index 0
// because Lookup() below returns 0 when the object is not mapped in the
// table.
if (obj.raw() == Object::null()) {
return 0;
intptr_t idx = object_pool_index_table_.Lookup(obj.raw());
if (idx != 0) {
ASSERT(patchable_pool_entries_[idx] == kNotPatchable);
return idx;
object_pool_.Add(obj, Heap::kOld);
if (patchable == kNotPatchable) {
// The object isn't patchable. Record the index for fast lookup.
ObjIndexPair(obj.raw(), object_pool_.Length() - 1));
return object_pool_.Length() - 1;
intptr_t Assembler::FindImmediate(int64_t imm) {
ASSERT(Isolate::Current() != Dart::vm_isolate());
const Smi& smi = Smi::Handle(reinterpret_cast<RawSmi*>(imm));
return FindObject(smi, kNotPatchable);
// A set of VM objects that are present in every constant pool.
static bool IsAlwaysInConstantPool(const Object& object) {
// TODO(zra): Evaluate putting all VM heap objects into the pool.
return (object.raw() == Object::null())
|| (object.raw() == Bool::True().raw())
|| (object.raw() == Bool::False().raw());
bool Assembler::CanLoadObjectFromPool(const Object& object) {
if (!allow_constant_pool()) {
return IsAlwaysInConstantPool(object);
// TODO(zra, kmillikin): Also load other large immediates from the object
// pool
if (object.IsSmi()) {
// If the raw smi does not fit into a 32-bit signed int, then we'll keep
// the raw value in the object pool.
return !Utils::IsInt(32, reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(object.raw()));
return (Isolate::Current() != Dart::vm_isolate()) &&
// Not in the VMHeap, OR is one of the VMHeap objects we put in every
// object pool.
(!object.InVMHeap() || IsAlwaysInConstantPool(object));
bool Assembler::CanLoadImmediateFromPool(int64_t imm, Register pp) {
if (!allow_constant_pool()) {
return false;
return !Utils::IsInt(32, imm) &&
(pp != kNoPP) &&
// We *could* put constants in the pool in a VM isolate, but it is
// simpler to maintain the invariant that the object pool is not used
// in the VM isolate.
(Isolate::Current() != Dart::vm_isolate());
void Assembler::LoadExternalLabel(Register dst,
const ExternalLabel* label,
Patchability patchable,
Register pp) {
const int64_t target = static_cast<int64_t>(label->address());
if (CanLoadImmediateFromPool(target, pp)) {
const int32_t offset =
Array::element_offset(FindExternalLabel(label, patchable));
LoadWordFromPoolOffset(dst, pp, offset);
} else {
LoadImmediate(dst, target, kNoPP);
void Assembler::LoadExternalLabelFixed(Register dst,
const ExternalLabel* label,
Patchability patchable,
Register pp) {
const int32_t offset =
Array::element_offset(FindExternalLabel(label, patchable));
LoadWordFromPoolOffsetFixed(dst, pp, offset);
void Assembler::LoadObject(Register dst, const Object& object, Register pp) {
if (CanLoadObjectFromPool(object)) {
const int32_t offset =
Array::element_offset(FindObject(object, kNotPatchable));
LoadWordFromPoolOffset(dst, pp, offset);
} else {
ASSERT((Isolate::Current() == Dart::vm_isolate()) ||
object.IsSmi() ||
LoadDecodableImmediate(dst, reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(object.raw()), pp);
void Assembler::CompareObject(Register reg, const Object& object, Register pp) {
if (CanLoadObjectFromPool(object)) {
LoadObject(TMP, object, pp);
CompareRegisters(reg, TMP);
} else {
CompareImmediate(reg, reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(object.raw()), pp);
void Assembler::LoadDecodableImmediate(Register reg, int64_t imm, Register pp) {
if ((pp != kNoPP) &&
(Isolate::Current() != Dart::vm_isolate()) &&
allow_constant_pool()) {
int64_t val_smi_tag = imm & kSmiTagMask;
imm &= ~kSmiTagMask; // Mask off the tag bits.
const int32_t offset = Array::element_offset(FindImmediate(imm));
LoadWordFromPoolOffset(reg, pp, offset);
if (val_smi_tag != 0) {
// Add back the tag bits.
orri(reg, reg, val_smi_tag);
} else {
// TODO(zra): Since this sequence only needs to be decodable, it can be
// of variable length.
LoadImmediateFixed(reg, imm);
void Assembler::LoadImmediateFixed(Register reg, int64_t imm) {
const uint32_t w0 = Utils::Low32Bits(imm);
const uint32_t w1 = Utils::High32Bits(imm);
const uint16_t h0 = Utils::Low16Bits(w0);
const uint16_t h1 = Utils::High16Bits(w0);
const uint16_t h2 = Utils::Low16Bits(w1);
const uint16_t h3 = Utils::High16Bits(w1);
movz(reg, h0, 0);
movk(reg, h1, 1);
movk(reg, h2, 2);
movk(reg, h3, 3);
void Assembler::LoadImmediate(Register reg, int64_t imm, Register pp) {
if (CanLoadImmediateFromPool(imm, pp)) {
// It's a 64-bit constant and we're not in the VM isolate, so load from
// object pool.
// Save the bits that must be masked-off for the SmiTag
int64_t val_smi_tag = imm & kSmiTagMask;
imm &= ~kSmiTagMask; // Mask off the tag bits.
const int32_t offset = Array::element_offset(FindImmediate(imm));
LoadWordFromPoolOffset(reg, pp, offset);
if (val_smi_tag != 0) {
// Add back the tag bits.
orri(reg, reg, val_smi_tag);
} else {
// 0. Is it 0?
if (imm == 0) {
movz(reg, 0, 0);
// 1. Can we use one orri operation?
Operand op;
Operand::OperandType ot;
ot = Operand::CanHold(imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &op);
if (ot == Operand::BitfieldImm) {
orri(reg, ZR, imm);
// 2. Fall back on movz, movk, movn.
const uint32_t w0 = Utils::Low32Bits(imm);
const uint32_t w1 = Utils::High32Bits(imm);
const uint16_t h0 = Utils::Low16Bits(w0);
const uint16_t h1 = Utils::High16Bits(w0);
const uint16_t h2 = Utils::Low16Bits(w1);
const uint16_t h3 = Utils::High16Bits(w1);
// Special case for w1 == 0xffffffff
if (w1 == 0xffffffff) {
if (h1 == 0xffff) {
movn(reg, ~h0, 0);
} else {
movn(reg, ~h1, 1);
movk(reg, h0, 0);
// Special case for h3 == 0xffff
if (h3 == 0xffff) {
// We know h2 != 0xffff.
movn(reg, ~h2, 2);
if (h1 != 0xffff) {
movk(reg, h1, 1);
if (h0 != 0xffff) {
movk(reg, h0, 0);
bool initialized = false;
if (h0 != 0) {
movz(reg, h0, 0);
initialized = true;
if (h1 != 0) {
if (initialized) {
movk(reg, h1, 1);
} else {
movz(reg, h1, 1);
initialized = true;
if (h2 != 0) {
if (initialized) {
movk(reg, h2, 2);
} else {
movz(reg, h2, 2);
initialized = true;
if (h3 != 0) {
if (initialized) {
movk(reg, h3, 3);
} else {
movz(reg, h3, 3);
void Assembler::LoadDImmediate(VRegister vd, double immd, Register pp) {
if (!fmovdi(vd, immd)) {
int64_t imm = bit_cast<int64_t, double>(immd);
LoadImmediate(TMP, imm, pp);
fmovdr(vd, TMP);
void Assembler::AddImmediate(
Register dest, Register rn, int64_t imm, Register pp) {
Operand op;
if (imm == 0) {
if (dest != rn) {
mov(dest, rn);
if (Operand::CanHold(imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &op) == Operand::Immediate) {
add(dest, rn, op);
} else if (Operand::CanHold(-imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &op) ==
Operand::Immediate) {
sub(dest, rn, op);
} else {
// TODO(zra): Try adding top 12 bits, then bottom 12 bits.
ASSERT(rn != TMP2);
LoadImmediate(TMP2, imm, pp);
add(dest, rn, Operand(TMP2));
void Assembler::AddImmediateSetFlags(
Register dest, Register rn, int64_t imm, Register pp) {
Operand op;
if (Operand::CanHold(imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &op) == Operand::Immediate) {
// Handles imm == kMinInt64.
adds(dest, rn, op);
} else if (Operand::CanHold(-imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &op) ==
Operand::Immediate) {
ASSERT(imm != kMinInt64); // Would cause erroneous overflow detection.
subs(dest, rn, op);
} else {
// TODO(zra): Try adding top 12 bits, then bottom 12 bits.
ASSERT(rn != TMP2);
LoadImmediate(TMP2, imm, pp);
adds(dest, rn, Operand(TMP2));
void Assembler::SubImmediateSetFlags(
Register dest, Register rn, int64_t imm, Register pp) {
Operand op;
if (Operand::CanHold(imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &op) == Operand::Immediate) {
// Handles imm == kMinInt64.
subs(dest, rn, op);
} else if (Operand::CanHold(-imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &op) ==
Operand::Immediate) {
ASSERT(imm != kMinInt64); // Would cause erroneous overflow detection.
adds(dest, rn, op);
} else {
// TODO(zra): Try subtracting top 12 bits, then bottom 12 bits.
ASSERT(rn != TMP2);
LoadImmediate(TMP2, imm, pp);
subs(dest, rn, Operand(TMP2));
void Assembler::AndImmediate(
Register rd, Register rn, int64_t imm, Register pp) {
Operand imm_op;
if (Operand::IsImmLogical(imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &imm_op)) {
andi(rd, rn, imm);
} else {
LoadImmediate(TMP, imm, pp);
and_(rd, rn, Operand(TMP));
void Assembler::OrImmediate(
Register rd, Register rn, int64_t imm, Register pp) {
Operand imm_op;
if (Operand::IsImmLogical(imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &imm_op)) {
orri(rd, rn, imm);
} else {
LoadImmediate(TMP, imm, pp);
orr(rd, rn, Operand(TMP));
void Assembler::XorImmediate(
Register rd, Register rn, int64_t imm, Register pp) {
Operand imm_op;
if (Operand::IsImmLogical(imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &imm_op)) {
eori(rd, rn, imm);
} else {
LoadImmediate(TMP, imm, pp);
eor(rd, rn, Operand(TMP));
void Assembler::TestImmediate(Register rn, int64_t imm, Register pp) {
Operand imm_op;
if (Operand::IsImmLogical(imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &imm_op)) {
tsti(rn, imm);
} else {
LoadImmediate(TMP, imm, pp);
tst(rn, Operand(TMP));
void Assembler::CompareImmediate(Register rn, int64_t imm, Register pp) {
Operand op;
if (Operand::CanHold(imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &op) == Operand::Immediate) {
cmp(rn, op);
} else if (Operand::CanHold(-imm, kXRegSizeInBits, &op) ==
Operand::Immediate) {
cmn(rn, op);
} else {
ASSERT(rn != TMP2);
LoadImmediate(TMP2, imm, pp);
cmp(rn, Operand(TMP2));
void Assembler::LoadFromOffset(
Register dest, Register base, int32_t offset, Register pp, OperandSize sz) {
if (Address::CanHoldOffset(offset, Address::Offset, sz)) {
ldr(dest, Address(base, offset, Address::Offset, sz), sz);
} else {
ASSERT(base != TMP2);
AddImmediate(TMP2, base, offset, pp);
ldr(dest, Address(TMP2), sz);
void Assembler::LoadDFromOffset(
VRegister dest, Register base, int32_t offset, Register pp) {
if (Address::CanHoldOffset(offset, Address::Offset, kDWord)) {
fldrd(dest, Address(base, offset, Address::Offset, kDWord));
} else {
ASSERT(base != TMP2);
AddImmediate(TMP2, base, offset, pp);
fldrd(dest, Address(TMP2));
void Assembler::LoadQFromOffset(
VRegister dest, Register base, int32_t offset, Register pp) {
if (Address::CanHoldOffset(offset, Address::Offset, kQWord)) {
fldrq(dest, Address(base, offset, Address::Offset, kQWord));
} else {
ASSERT(base != TMP2);
AddImmediate(TMP2, base, offset, pp);
fldrq(dest, Address(TMP2));
void Assembler::StoreToOffset(
Register src, Register base, int32_t offset, Register pp, OperandSize sz) {
ASSERT(base != TMP2);
if (Address::CanHoldOffset(offset, Address::Offset, sz)) {
str(src, Address(base, offset, Address::Offset, sz), sz);
} else {
ASSERT(src != TMP2);
AddImmediate(TMP2, base, offset, pp);
str(src, Address(TMP2), sz);
void Assembler::StoreDToOffset(
VRegister src, Register base, int32_t offset, Register pp) {
if (Address::CanHoldOffset(offset, Address::Offset, kDWord)) {
fstrd(src, Address(base, offset, Address::Offset, kDWord));
} else {
ASSERT(base != TMP2);
AddImmediate(TMP2, base, offset, pp);
fstrd(src, Address(TMP2));
void Assembler::StoreQToOffset(
VRegister src, Register base, int32_t offset, Register pp) {
if (Address::CanHoldOffset(offset, Address::Offset, kQWord)) {
fstrq(src, Address(base, offset, Address::Offset, kQWord));
} else {
ASSERT(base != TMP2);
AddImmediate(TMP2, base, offset, pp);
fstrq(src, Address(TMP2));
void Assembler::VRecps(VRegister vd, VRegister vn) {
// Reciprocal estimate.
vrecpes(vd, vn);
// 2 Newton-Raphson steps.
vrecpss(VTMP, vn, vd);
vmuls(vd, vd, VTMP);
vrecpss(VTMP, vn, vd);
vmuls(vd, vd, VTMP);
void Assembler::VRSqrts(VRegister vd, VRegister vn) {
// Reciprocal square root estimate.
vrsqrtes(vd, vn);
// 2 Newton-Raphson steps. xn+1 = xn * (3 - V1*xn^2) / 2.
// First step.
vmuls(VTMP, vd, vd); // VTMP <- xn^2
vrsqrtss(VTMP, vn, VTMP); // VTMP <- (3 - V1*VTMP) / 2.
vmuls(vd, vd, VTMP); // xn+1 <- xn * VTMP
// Second step.
vmuls(VTMP, vd, vd);
vrsqrtss(VTMP, vn, VTMP);
vmuls(vd, vd, VTMP);
// Store into object.
// Preserves object and value registers.
void Assembler::StoreIntoObjectFilterNoSmi(Register object,
Register value,
Label* no_update) {
COMPILE_ASSERT((kNewObjectAlignmentOffset == kWordSize) &&
(kOldObjectAlignmentOffset == 0));
// Write-barrier triggers if the value is in the new space (has bit set) and
// the object is in the old space (has bit cleared).
// To check that, we compute value & ~object and skip the write barrier
// if the bit is not set. We can't destroy the object.
bic(TMP, value, Operand(object));
tsti(TMP, kNewObjectAlignmentOffset);
b(no_update, EQ);
// Preserves object and value registers.
void Assembler::StoreIntoObjectFilter(Register object,
Register value,
Label* no_update) {
// For the value we are only interested in the new/old bit and the tag bit.
// And the new bit with the tag bit. The resulting bit will be 0 for a Smi.
and_(TMP, value, Operand(value, LSL, kObjectAlignmentLog2 - 1));
// And the result with the negated space bit of the object.
bic(TMP, TMP, Operand(object));
tsti(TMP, kNewObjectAlignmentOffset);
b(no_update, EQ);
void Assembler::StoreIntoObjectOffset(Register object,
int32_t offset,
Register value,
Register pp,
bool can_value_be_smi) {
if (Address::CanHoldOffset(offset - kHeapObjectTag)) {
object, FieldAddress(object, offset), value, can_value_be_smi);
} else {
AddImmediate(TMP, object, offset - kHeapObjectTag, pp);
StoreIntoObject(object, Address(TMP), value, can_value_be_smi);
void Assembler::StoreIntoObject(Register object,
const Address& dest,
Register value,
bool can_value_be_smi) {
ASSERT(object != value);
str(value, dest);
Label done;
if (can_value_be_smi) {
StoreIntoObjectFilter(object, value, &done);
} else {
StoreIntoObjectFilterNoSmi(object, value, &done);
// A store buffer update is required.
if (value != R0) {
// Preserve R0.
if (object != R0) {
mov(R0, object);
StubCode* stub_code = Isolate::Current()->stub_code();
BranchLink(&stub_code->UpdateStoreBufferLabel(), PP);
if (value != R0) {
// Restore R0.
void Assembler::StoreIntoObjectNoBarrier(Register object,
const Address& dest,
Register value) {
str(value, dest);
#if defined(DEBUG)
Label done;
StoreIntoObjectFilter(object, value, &done);
Stop("Store buffer update is required");
#endif // defined(DEBUG)
// No store buffer update.
void Assembler::StoreIntoObjectOffsetNoBarrier(Register object,
int32_t offset,
Register value,
Register pp) {
if (Address::CanHoldOffset(offset - kHeapObjectTag)) {
StoreIntoObjectNoBarrier(object, FieldAddress(object, offset), value);
} else {
AddImmediate(TMP, object, offset - kHeapObjectTag, pp);
StoreIntoObjectNoBarrier(object, Address(TMP), value);
void Assembler::StoreIntoObjectNoBarrier(Register object,
const Address& dest,
const Object& value) {
ASSERT(value.IsSmi() || value.InVMHeap() ||
(value.IsOld() && value.IsNotTemporaryScopedHandle()));
// No store buffer update.
LoadObject(TMP2, value, PP);
str(TMP2, dest);
void Assembler::StoreIntoObjectOffsetNoBarrier(Register object,
int32_t offset,
const Object& value,
Register pp) {
if (Address::CanHoldOffset(offset - kHeapObjectTag)) {
StoreIntoObjectNoBarrier(object, FieldAddress(object, offset), value);
} else {
AddImmediate(TMP, object, offset - kHeapObjectTag, pp);
StoreIntoObjectNoBarrier(object, Address(TMP), value);
void Assembler::LoadClassId(Register result, Register object, Register pp) {
ASSERT(RawObject::kClassIdTagPos == 16);
ASSERT(RawObject::kClassIdTagSize == 16);
const intptr_t class_id_offset = Object::tags_offset() +
RawObject::kClassIdTagPos / kBitsPerByte;
LoadFromOffset(result, object, class_id_offset - kHeapObjectTag, pp,
void Assembler::LoadClassById(Register result, Register class_id, Register pp) {
ASSERT(result != class_id);
LoadFieldFromOffset(result, CTX, Context::isolate_offset(), pp);
const intptr_t table_offset_in_isolate =
Isolate::class_table_offset() + ClassTable::table_offset();
LoadFromOffset(result, result, table_offset_in_isolate, pp);
ldr(result, Address(result, class_id, UXTX, Address::Scaled));
void Assembler::LoadClass(Register result, Register object, Register pp) {
ASSERT(object != TMP);
LoadClassId(TMP, object, pp);
LoadClassById(result, TMP, pp);
void Assembler::CompareClassId(
Register object, intptr_t class_id, Register pp) {
LoadClassId(TMP, object, pp);
CompareImmediate(TMP, class_id, pp);
void Assembler::LoadTaggedClassIdMayBeSmi(Register result, Register object) {
// Load up a null object. We only need it so we can use LoadClassId on it in
// the case that object is a Smi..
LoadObject(TMP, Object::null_object(), PP);
// Check if the object is a Smi.
tsti(object, kSmiTagMask);
// If the object *is* a Smi, use the null object instead. o/w leave alone.
csel(TMP, TMP, object, EQ);
// Loads either the cid of the object if it isn't a Smi, or the cid of null
// if it is a Smi, which will be ignored.
LoadClassId(result, TMP, PP);
LoadImmediate(TMP, kSmiCid, PP);
// If object is a Smi, move the Smi cid into result. o/w leave alone.
csel(result, TMP, result, EQ);
// Finally, tag the result.
// Frame entry and exit.
void Assembler::ReserveAlignedFrameSpace(intptr_t frame_space) {
// Reserve space for arguments and align frame before entering
// the C++ world.
if (frame_space != 0) {
AddImmediate(SP, SP, -frame_space, kNoPP);
if (OS::ActivationFrameAlignment() > 1) {
andi(SP, SP, ~(OS::ActivationFrameAlignment() - 1));
void Assembler::EnterFrame(intptr_t frame_size) {
mov(FP, SP);
if (frame_size > 0) {
sub(SP, SP, Operand(frame_size));
void Assembler::LeaveFrame() {
mov(SP, FP);
void Assembler::EnterDartFrame(intptr_t frame_size) {
// Setup the frame.
adr(TMP, -CodeSize()); // TMP gets PC marker.
Push(TMP); // Save PC Marker.
TagAndPushPP(); // Save PP.
// Load the pool pointer.
// Reserve space.
if (frame_size > 0) {
AddImmediate(SP, SP, -frame_size, PP);
void Assembler::EnterDartFrameWithInfo(intptr_t frame_size, Register new_pp) {
// Setup the frame.
adr(TMP, -CodeSize()); // TMP gets PC marker.
Push(TMP); // Save PC Marker.
TagAndPushPP(); // Save PP.
// Load the pool pointer.
if (new_pp == kNoPP) {
} else {
mov(PP, new_pp);
// Reserve space.
if (frame_size > 0) {
AddImmediate(SP, SP, -frame_size, PP);
// On entry to a function compiled for OSR, the caller's frame pointer, the
// stack locals, and any copied parameters are already in place. The frame
// pointer is already set up. The PC marker is not correct for the
// optimized function and there may be extra space for spill slots to
// allocate. We must also set up the pool pointer for the function.
void Assembler::EnterOsrFrame(intptr_t extra_size, Register new_pp) {
adr(TMP, -CodeSize());
StoreToOffset(TMP, FP, kPcMarkerSlotFromFp * kWordSize, kNoPP);
// Setup pool pointer for this dart function.
if (new_pp == kNoPP) {
} else {
mov(PP, new_pp);
if (extra_size > 0) {
AddImmediate(SP, SP, -extra_size, PP);
void Assembler::LeaveDartFrame() {
// Restore and untag PP.
LoadFromOffset(PP, FP, kSavedCallerPpSlotFromFp * kWordSize, kNoPP);
sub(PP, PP, Operand(kHeapObjectTag));
void Assembler::EnterCallRuntimeFrame(intptr_t frame_size) {
// Store fpu registers with the lowest register number at the lowest
// address.
for (int i = kNumberOfVRegisters - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((i >= kAbiFirstPreservedFpuReg) && (i <= kAbiLastPreservedFpuReg)) {
// TODO(zra): When SIMD is added, we must also preserve the top
// 64-bits of the callee-saved registers.
// TODO(zra): Save the whole V register.
VRegister reg = static_cast<VRegister>(i);
for (int i = kDartFirstVolatileCpuReg; i <= kDartLastVolatileCpuReg; i++) {
const Register reg = static_cast<Register>(i);
void Assembler::LeaveCallRuntimeFrame() {
// SP might have been modified to reserve space for arguments
// and ensure proper alignment of the stack frame.
// We need to restore it before restoring registers.
const intptr_t kPushedRegistersSize =
kDartVolatileCpuRegCount * kWordSize +
kDartVolatileFpuRegCount * kWordSize;
AddImmediate(SP, FP, -kPushedRegistersSize, PP);
for (int i = kDartLastVolatileCpuReg; i >= kDartFirstVolatileCpuReg; i--) {
const Register reg = static_cast<Register>(i);
for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfVRegisters; i++) {
if ((i >= kAbiFirstPreservedFpuReg) && (i <= kAbiLastPreservedFpuReg)) {
// TODO(zra): When SIMD is added, we must also restore the top
// 64-bits of the callee-saved registers.
// TODO(zra): Restore the whole V register.
VRegister reg = static_cast<VRegister>(i);
void Assembler::CallRuntime(const RuntimeEntry& entry,
intptr_t argument_count) {
entry.Call(this, argument_count);
void Assembler::EnterStubFrame(bool load_pp) {
Push(ZR); // Push 0 in the saved PC area for stub frames.
TagAndPushPP(); // Save caller's pool pointer
if (load_pp) {
void Assembler::LeaveStubFrame() {
// Restore and untag PP.
LoadFromOffset(PP, FP, kSavedCallerPpSlotFromFp * kWordSize, kNoPP);
sub(PP, PP, Operand(kHeapObjectTag));
void Assembler::UpdateAllocationStats(intptr_t cid,
Register pp,
Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(cid > 0);
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ClassTable* class_table = isolate->class_table();
if (cid < kNumPredefinedCids) {
const uword class_heap_stats_table_address =
const uword class_offset = cid * sizeof(ClassHeapStats); // NOLINT
const uword count_field_offset = (space == Heap::kNew) ?
ClassHeapStats::allocated_since_gc_new_space_offset() :
LoadImmediate(TMP2, class_heap_stats_table_address + class_offset, pp);
const Address& count_address = Address(TMP2, count_field_offset);
ldr(TMP, count_address);
AddImmediate(TMP, TMP, 1, pp);
str(TMP, count_address);
} else {
const uword class_offset = cid * sizeof(ClassHeapStats); // NOLINT
const uword count_field_offset = (space == Heap::kNew) ?
ClassHeapStats::allocated_since_gc_new_space_offset() :
LoadImmediate(TMP2, class_table->ClassStatsTableAddress(), pp);
ldr(TMP, Address(TMP2));
AddImmediate(TMP2, TMP, class_offset, pp);
ldr(TMP, Address(TMP2, count_field_offset));
AddImmediate(TMP, TMP, 1, pp);
str(TMP, Address(TMP2, count_field_offset));
void Assembler::UpdateAllocationStatsWithSize(intptr_t cid,
Register size_reg,
Register pp,
Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(cid > 0);
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ClassTable* class_table = isolate->class_table();
if (cid < kNumPredefinedCids) {
const uword class_heap_stats_table_address =
const uword class_offset = cid * sizeof(ClassHeapStats); // NOLINT
const uword count_field_offset = (space == Heap::kNew) ?
ClassHeapStats::allocated_since_gc_new_space_offset() :
const uword size_field_offset = (space == Heap::kNew) ?
ClassHeapStats::allocated_size_since_gc_new_space_offset() :
LoadImmediate(TMP2, class_heap_stats_table_address + class_offset, pp);
const Address& count_address = Address(TMP2, count_field_offset);
const Address& size_address = Address(TMP2, size_field_offset);
ldr(TMP, count_address);
AddImmediate(TMP, TMP, 1, pp);
str(TMP, count_address);
ldr(TMP, size_address);
add(TMP, TMP, Operand(size_reg));
str(TMP, size_address);
} else {
const uword class_offset = cid * sizeof(ClassHeapStats); // NOLINT
const uword count_field_offset = (space == Heap::kNew) ?
ClassHeapStats::allocated_since_gc_new_space_offset() :
const uword size_field_offset = (space == Heap::kNew) ?
ClassHeapStats::allocated_size_since_gc_new_space_offset() :
LoadImmediate(TMP2, class_table->ClassStatsTableAddress(), pp);
ldr(TMP, Address(TMP2));
AddImmediate(TMP2, TMP, class_offset, pp);
ldr(TMP, Address(TMP2, count_field_offset));
AddImmediate(TMP, TMP, 1, pp);
str(TMP, Address(TMP2, count_field_offset));
ldr(TMP, Address(TMP2, size_field_offset));
add(TMP, TMP, Operand(size_reg));
str(TMP, Address(TMP2, size_field_offset));
void Assembler::TryAllocate(const Class& cls,
Label* failure,
Register instance_reg,
Register temp_reg,
Register pp) {
ASSERT(failure != NULL);
if (FLAG_inline_alloc) {
Heap* heap = Isolate::Current()->heap();
const intptr_t instance_size = cls.instance_size();
LoadImmediate(temp_reg, heap->NewSpaceAddress(), pp);
ldr(instance_reg, Address(temp_reg, Scavenger::top_offset()));
AddImmediate(instance_reg, instance_reg, instance_size, pp);
// instance_reg: potential next object start.
ldr(TMP, Address(temp_reg, Scavenger::end_offset()));
CompareRegisters(TMP, instance_reg);
// fail if heap end unsigned less than or equal to instance_reg.
b(failure, LS);
// Successfully allocated the object, now update top to point to
// next object start and store the class in the class field of object.
str(instance_reg, Address(temp_reg, Scavenger::top_offset()));
ASSERT(instance_size >= kHeapObjectTag);
instance_reg, instance_reg, -instance_size + kHeapObjectTag, pp);
UpdateAllocationStats(, pp);
uword tags = 0;
tags = RawObject::SizeTag::update(instance_size, tags);
ASSERT( != kIllegalCid);
tags = RawObject::ClassIdTag::update(, tags);
LoadImmediate(TMP, tags, pp);
StoreFieldToOffset(TMP, instance_reg, Object::tags_offset(), pp);
} else {
void Assembler::TryAllocateArray(intptr_t cid,
intptr_t instance_size,
Label* failure,
Register instance,
Register end_address,
Register temp1,
Register temp2) {
if (FLAG_inline_alloc) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
LoadImmediate(temp1, heap->TopAddress(), PP);
ldr(instance, Address(temp1, 0)); // Potential new object start.
AddImmediate(end_address, instance, instance_size, PP);
b(failure, VS);
// Check if the allocation fits into the remaining space.
// instance: potential new object start.
// end_address: potential next object start.
LoadImmediate(temp2, heap->EndAddress(), PP);
ldr(temp2, Address(temp2, 0));
cmp(end_address, Operand(temp2));
b(failure, CS);
// Successfully allocated the object(s), now update top to point to
// next object start and initialize the object.
str(end_address, Address(temp1, 0));
add(instance, instance, Operand(kHeapObjectTag));
LoadImmediate(temp2, instance_size, PP);
UpdateAllocationStatsWithSize(cid, temp2, PP);
// Initialize the tags.
// instance: new object start as a tagged pointer.
uword tags = 0;
tags = RawObject::ClassIdTag::update(cid, tags);
tags = RawObject::SizeTag::update(instance_size, tags);
LoadImmediate(temp2, tags, PP);
str(temp2, FieldAddress(instance, Array::tags_offset())); // Store tags.
} else {
Address Assembler::ElementAddressForIntIndex(bool is_external,
intptr_t cid,
intptr_t index_scale,
Register array,
intptr_t index) const {
const int64_t offset = index * index_scale +
(is_external ? 0 : (Instance::DataOffsetFor(cid) - kHeapObjectTag));
ASSERT(Utils::IsInt(32, offset));
const OperandSize size = Address::OperandSizeFor(cid);
ASSERT(Address::CanHoldOffset(offset, Address::Offset, size));
return Address(array, static_cast<int32_t>(offset), Address::Offset, size);
Address Assembler::ElementAddressForRegIndex(bool is_load,
bool is_external,
intptr_t cid,
intptr_t index_scale,
Register array,
Register index) {
// Note that index is expected smi-tagged, (i.e, LSL 1) for all arrays.
const intptr_t shift = Utils::ShiftForPowerOfTwo(index_scale) - kSmiTagShift;
const int32_t offset =
is_external ? 0 : (Instance::DataOffsetFor(cid) - kHeapObjectTag);
ASSERT(array != TMP);
ASSERT(index != TMP);
const Register base = is_load ? TMP : index;
if ((offset == 0) && (shift == 0)) {
return Address(array, index, UXTX, Address::Unscaled);
} else if (shift < 0) {
ASSERT(shift == -1);
add(base, array, Operand(index, ASR, 1));
} else {
add(base, array, Operand(index, LSL, shift));
const OperandSize size = Address::OperandSizeFor(cid);
ASSERT(Address::CanHoldOffset(offset, Address::Offset, size));
return Address(base, offset, Address::Offset, size);
} // namespace dart
#endif // defined TARGET_ARCH_ARM64