blob: 19f83db6d00736c87597b71ee623a6c7af869eb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/marshaller.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/frame_rebase.h"
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_calling_convention.h"
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_location.h"
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_type.h"
#include "vm/log.h"
#include "vm/raw_object.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
namespace dart {
namespace compiler {
namespace ffi {
// Argument #0 is the function pointer.
const intptr_t kNativeParamsStartAt = 1;
// Representations of the arguments and return value of a C signature function.
const NativeFunctionType* NativeFunctionTypeFromFunctionType(
Zone* zone,
const FunctionType& c_signature,
const char** error) {
ASSERT(c_signature.NumOptionalParameters() == 0);
ASSERT(c_signature.NumOptionalPositionalParameters() == 0);
const intptr_t num_arguments =
c_signature.num_fixed_parameters() - kNativeParamsStartAt;
auto& argument_representations =
*new ZoneGrowableArray<const NativeType*>(zone, num_arguments);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_arguments; i++) {
AbstractType& arg_type = AbstractType::Handle(
zone, c_signature.ParameterTypeAt(i + kNativeParamsStartAt));
const auto rep = NativeType::FromAbstractType(zone, arg_type, error);
if (*error != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
const auto& result_type =
AbstractType::Handle(zone, c_signature.result_type());
const auto result_representation =
NativeType::FromAbstractType(zone, result_type, error);
if (*error != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
const auto result = new (zone)
NativeFunctionType(argument_representations, *result_representation);
return result;
CallMarshaller* CallMarshaller::FromFunction(Zone* zone,
const Function& function,
const char** error) {
const auto& c_signature =
FunctionType::ZoneHandle(zone, function.FfiCSignature());
const auto native_function_signature =
NativeFunctionTypeFromFunctionType(zone, c_signature, error);
if (*error != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
const auto& native_calling_convention =
NativeCallingConvention::FromSignature(zone, *native_function_signature);
return new (zone)
CallMarshaller(zone, function, c_signature, native_calling_convention);
AbstractTypePtr BaseMarshaller::CType(intptr_t arg_index) const {
if (arg_index == kResultIndex) {
return c_signature_.result_type();
// Skip #0 argument, the function pointer.
return c_signature_.ParameterTypeAt(arg_index + kNativeParamsStartAt);
// Keep consistent with Function::FfiCSignatureReturnsStruct.
bool BaseMarshaller::IsCompound(intptr_t arg_index) const {
const auto& type = AbstractType::Handle(zone_, CType(arg_index));
if (IsFfiTypeClassId(type.type_class_id())) {
return false;
const auto& cls = Class::Handle(this->zone_, type.type_class());
const auto& superClass = Class::Handle(this->zone_, cls.SuperClass());
const bool is_abi_specific_int =
String::Handle(this->zone_, superClass.UserVisibleName())
if (is_abi_specific_int) {
return false;
#ifdef DEBUG
const bool is_struct =
String::Handle(this->zone_, superClass.UserVisibleName())
const bool is_union =
String::Handle(this->zone_, superClass.UserVisibleName())
ASSERT(is_struct || is_union);
return true;
bool BaseMarshaller::ContainsHandles() const {
return dart_signature_.FfiCSignatureContainsHandles();
intptr_t BaseMarshaller::NumDefinitions() const {
intptr_t total = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_args(); i++) {
total += NumDefinitions(i);
return total;
intptr_t BaseMarshaller::NumDefinitions(intptr_t arg_index) const {
if (ArgumentIndexIsReturn(arg_index)) {
return NumReturnDefinitions();
const auto& loc = Location(arg_index);
const auto& type = loc.payload_type();
if (type.IsPrimitive()) {
// All non-struct arguments are 1 definition in IL. Even 64 bit values
// on 32 bit architectures.
return 1;
if (loc.IsMultiple()) {
// One IL definition for every nested location.
const auto& multiple = loc.AsMultiple();
return multiple.locations().length();
if (loc.IsPointerToMemory()) {
// For FFI calls, pass in TypedDataBase (1 IL definition) in IL, and copy
// contents to stack and pass pointer in right location in MC.
// For FFI callbacks, get the pointer in a NativeParameter and construct
// the TypedDataBase in IL.
return 1;
// For stack, word size definitions in IL. In FFI calls passed in to the
// native call, in FFI callbacks read in separate NativeParams.
const intptr_t size_in_bytes = type.SizeInBytes();
const intptr_t num_defs =
Utils::RoundUp(size_in_bytes, compiler::target::kWordSize) /
return num_defs;
intptr_t BaseMarshaller::NumReturnDefinitions() const {
// For FFI calls we always have 1 definition, because the IL instruction can
// only be 1 definition. We pass in a TypedDataBase in IL and fill it in
// machine code.
// For FFI callbacks we always have 1 definition. If it's a struct and the
// native ABI is passing a pointer, we copy to it in IL. If it's a multiple
// locations return value we copy the value in machine code because some
// native locations cannot be expressed in IL in Location.
return 1;
bool BaseMarshaller::ArgumentIndexIsReturn(intptr_t arg_index) const {
ASSERT(arg_index == kResultIndex || arg_index >= 0);
return arg_index == kResultIndex;
// Definitions in return value count down.
bool BaseMarshaller::DefinitionIndexIsReturn(intptr_t def_index_global) const {
return def_index_global <= kResultIndex;
intptr_t BaseMarshaller::ArgumentIndex(intptr_t def_index_global) const {
if (DefinitionIndexIsReturn(def_index_global)) {
const intptr_t def = DefinitionInArgument(def_index_global, kResultIndex);
ASSERT(def < NumReturnDefinitions());
return kResultIndex;
ASSERT(def_index_global < NumDefinitions());
intptr_t defs = 0;
intptr_t arg_index = 0;
for (; arg_index < num_args(); arg_index++) {
defs += NumDefinitions(arg_index);
if (defs > def_index_global) {
return arg_index;
intptr_t BaseMarshaller::FirstDefinitionIndex(intptr_t arg_index) const {
if (arg_index <= kResultIndex) {
return kResultIndex;
ASSERT(arg_index < num_args());
intptr_t num_defs = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < arg_index; i++) {
num_defs += NumDefinitions(i);
return num_defs;
intptr_t BaseMarshaller::DefinitionInArgument(intptr_t def_index_global,
intptr_t arg_index) const {
if (ArgumentIndexIsReturn(arg_index)) {
// Counting down for return definitions.
const intptr_t def = kResultIndex - def_index_global;
ASSERT(def < NumReturnDefinitions());
return def;
} else {
// Counting up for arguments in consecutive order.
const intptr_t def = def_index_global - FirstDefinitionIndex(arg_index);
ASSERT(def < NumDefinitions());
return def;
intptr_t BaseMarshaller::DefinitionIndex(intptr_t def_index_in_arg,
intptr_t arg_index) const {
ASSERT(def_index_in_arg < NumDefinitions(arg_index));
if (ArgumentIndexIsReturn(arg_index)) {
return kResultIndex - def_index_in_arg;
} else {
return FirstDefinitionIndex(arg_index) + def_index_in_arg;
static Representation SelectRepresentationInIL(Zone* zone,
const NativeLocation& location) {
if (location.container_type().IsInt() && location.payload_type().IsFloat()) {
// IL can only pass integers to integer Locations, so pass as integer if
// the Location requires it to be an integer.
return location.container_type().AsRepresentationOverApprox(zone);
// Representations do not support 8 or 16 bit ints, over approximate to 32
// bits.
return location.payload_type().AsRepresentationOverApprox(zone);
// Implemented partially in BaseMarshaller because most Representations are
// the same in Calls and Callbacks.
Representation BaseMarshaller::RepInFfiCall(intptr_t def_index_global) const {
intptr_t arg_index = ArgumentIndex(def_index_global);
const auto& location = Location(arg_index);
if (location.container_type().IsPrimitive()) {
return SelectRepresentationInIL(zone_, location);
if (location.IsStack()) {
// Split the struct in architecture size chunks.
return compiler::target::kWordSize == 8 ? Representation::kUnboxedInt64
: Representation::kUnboxedInt32;
if (location.IsMultiple()) {
const intptr_t def_index_in_arg =
DefinitionInArgument(def_index_global, arg_index);
const auto& def_loc =
return SelectRepresentationInIL(zone_, def_loc);
UNREACHABLE(); // Implemented in subclasses.
Representation CallMarshaller::RepInFfiCall(intptr_t def_index_global) const {
intptr_t arg_index = ArgumentIndex(def_index_global);
const auto& location = Location(arg_index);
if (location.IsPointerToMemory()) {
if (ArgumentIndexIsReturn(arg_index)) {
// The IL type is the unboxed pointer.
const auto& pointer_location = location.AsPointerToMemory();
const auto& rep = pointer_location.pointer_location().payload_type();
return rep.AsRepresentation();
} else {
// We're passing Pointer/TypedData object, the GC might move TypedData so
// we can't load the address from it eagerly.
return kTagged;
return BaseMarshaller::RepInFfiCall(def_index_global);
Representation CallbackMarshaller::RepInFfiCall(
intptr_t def_index_global) const {
intptr_t arg_index = ArgumentIndex(def_index_global);
const auto& location = Location(arg_index);
if (location.IsPointerToMemory()) {
// The IL type is the unboxed pointer, and FFI callback return. In the
// latter we've already copied the data into the result location in IL.
const auto& pointer_location = location.AsPointerToMemory();
const auto& rep = pointer_location.pointer_location().payload_type();
return rep.AsRepresentation();
if (ArgumentIndexIsReturn(arg_index) && location.IsMultiple()) {
// We're passing a TypedData.
return Representation::kTagged;
return BaseMarshaller::RepInFfiCall(def_index_global);
void BaseMarshaller::RepsInFfiCall(intptr_t arg_index,
GrowableArray<Representation>* out) const {
const intptr_t num_definitions = NumDefinitions(arg_index);
const intptr_t first_def = FirstDefinitionIndex(arg_index);
for (int i = 0; i < num_definitions; i++) {
out->Add(RepInFfiCall(first_def + i));
// Helper method for `LocInFfiCall` to turn a stack location into either any
// location or a pair of two any locations.
static Location ConvertToAnyLocation(const NativeStackLocation& loc,
Representation rep_in_ffi_call) {
// Floating point values are never split: they are either in a single "FPU"
// register or a contiguous 64-bit slot on the stack. Unboxed 64-bit integer
// values, in contrast, can be split between any two registers on a 32-bit
// system.
// There is an exception for iOS and Android 32-bit ARM, where
// floating-point values are treated as integers as far as the calling
// convention is concerned. However, the representation of these arguments
// are set to kUnboxedInt32 or kUnboxedInt64 already, so we don't have to
// account for that here.
const bool is_atomic =
rep_in_ffi_call == kUnboxedDouble || rep_in_ffi_call == kUnboxedFloat;
if (loc.payload_type().IsPrimitive() &&
loc.payload_type().SizeInBytes() == 2 * compiler::target::kWordSize &&
!is_atomic) {
return Location::Pair(Location::Any(), Location::Any());
return Location::Any();
static Location SelectFpuLocationInIL(Zone* zone,
const NativeLocation& location) {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
// Only pin FPU register if it is the lowest bits.
const auto& fpu_loc = location.AsFpuRegisters();
if (fpu_loc.IsLowestBits()) {
return fpu_loc.WidenToQFpuRegister(zone).AsLocation();
return Location::Any();
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
return location.AsLocation();
Location CallMarshaller::LocInFfiCall(intptr_t def_index_global) const {
const intptr_t arg_index = ArgumentIndex(def_index_global);
const NativeLocation& loc = this->Location(arg_index);
if (ArgumentIndexIsReturn(arg_index)) {
const intptr_t def = kResultIndex - def_index_global;
if (loc.IsMultiple()) {
return loc.AsMultiple().locations()[def]->AsLocation();
if (loc.IsPointerToMemory()) {
// No location at all, because we store into TypedData passed to the
// FfiCall instruction. But we have to supply a location.
return Location::RegisterLocation(CallingConventions::kReturnReg);
return loc.AsLocation();
// Force all handles to be Stack locations.
// Since non-leaf calls block all registers, Any locations effectively mean
// Stack.
// TODO( Once we start inlining FFI trampolines, the inputs
// can be constants as well.
if (IsHandle(arg_index)) {
return Location::Any();
if (loc.IsMultiple()) {
const intptr_t def_index_in_arg =
def_index_global - FirstDefinitionIndex(arg_index);
const auto& def_loc = *(loc.AsMultiple().locations()[def_index_in_arg]);
if (def_loc.IsStack()) {
// Don't pin stack locations, they need to be moved anyway.
return ConvertToAnyLocation(def_loc.AsStack(),
if (def_loc.IsFpuRegisters()) {
return SelectFpuLocationInIL(zone_, def_loc);
return def_loc.AsLocation();
if (loc.IsPointerToMemory()) {
const auto& pointer_location = loc.AsPointerToMemory().pointer_location();
if (pointer_location.IsStack()) {
// Don't pin stack locations, they need to be moved anyway.
return ConvertToAnyLocation(pointer_location.AsStack(),
return pointer_location.AsLocation();
if (loc.IsStack()) {
return ConvertToAnyLocation(loc.AsStack(), RepInFfiCall(def_index_global));
if (loc.IsFpuRegisters()) {
return SelectFpuLocationInIL(zone_, loc);
return loc.AsLocation();
bool CallMarshaller::PassTypedData() const {
return IsCompound(compiler::ffi::kResultIndex);
intptr_t CallMarshaller::TypedDataSizeInBytes() const {
return Utils::RoundUp(
// Const to be able to look up the `RequiredStackSpaceInBytes` in
// `PassByPointerStackOffset`.
const intptr_t kAfterLastArgumentIndex = kIntptrMax;
intptr_t CallMarshaller::PassByPointerStackOffset(intptr_t arg_index) const {
ASSERT(arg_index == kResultIndex ||
(arg_index >= 0 && arg_index < num_args()) ||
arg_index == kAfterLastArgumentIndex);
intptr_t stack_offset = 0;
// First the native arguments are on the stack.
// This is governed by the native ABI, the rest we can chose freely.
stack_offset += native_calling_convention_.StackTopInBytes();
#if (defined(DART_TARGET_OS_MACOS_IOS) || defined(DART_TARGET_OS_MACOS)) && \
// Add extra padding for possibly non stack-aligned word-size writes.
// TODO( Re-engineer the moves to not over-
// approximate struct sizes on stack.
stack_offset += 4;
stack_offset = Utils::RoundUp(stack_offset, compiler::target::kWordSize);
if (arg_index == kResultIndex) {
return stack_offset;
// Then save space for the result.
const auto& result_location = Location(compiler::ffi::kResultIndex);
if (result_location.IsPointerToMemory()) {
stack_offset += result_location.payload_type().SizeInBytes();
stack_offset = Utils::RoundUp(stack_offset, compiler::target::kWordSize);
// And finally put the arguments on the stack that are passed by pointer.
for (int i = 0; i < num_args(); i++) {
if (arg_index == i) {
return stack_offset;
const auto& arg_location = Location(i);
if (arg_location.IsPointerToMemory()) {
stack_offset += arg_location.payload_type().SizeInBytes();
stack_offset = Utils::RoundUp(stack_offset, compiler::target::kWordSize);
// The total stack space we need.
ASSERT(arg_index == kAfterLastArgumentIndex);
return stack_offset;
intptr_t CallMarshaller::RequiredStackSpaceInBytes() const {
return PassByPointerStackOffset(kAfterLastArgumentIndex);
// This classes translates the ABI location of arguments into the locations they
// will inhabit after entry-frame setup in the invocation of a native callback.
// Native -> Dart callbacks must push all the arguments before executing any
// Dart code because the reading the Thread from TLS requires calling a native
// stub, and the argument registers are volatile on all ABIs we support.
// To avoid complicating initial definitions, all callback arguments are read
// off the stack from their pushed locations, so this class updates the argument
// positions to account for this.
// See 'NativeEntryInstr::EmitNativeCode' for details.
class CallbackArgumentTranslator : public ValueObject {
static NativeLocations& TranslateArgumentLocations(
Zone* zone,
const NativeLocations& argument_locations,
const NativeLocation& return_loc) {
const bool treat_return_loc = return_loc.IsPointerToMemory();
auto& pushed_locs = *(new (zone) NativeLocations(
argument_locations.length() + (treat_return_loc ? 1 : 0)));
CallbackArgumentTranslator translator;
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = argument_locations.length(); i < n; i++) {
if (treat_return_loc) {
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = argument_locations.length(); i < n; ++i) {
&translator.TranslateArgument(zone, *argument_locations[i]));
if (treat_return_loc) {
pushed_locs.Add(&translator.TranslateArgument(zone, return_loc));
return pushed_locs;
void AllocateArgument(const NativeLocation& arg) {
if (arg.IsStack()) return;
if (arg.IsRegisters()) {
argument_slots_required_ += arg.AsRegisters().num_regs();
} else if (arg.IsFpuRegisters()) {
argument_slots_required_ += 8 / target::kWordSize;
} else if (arg.IsPointerToMemory()) {
if (arg.AsPointerToMemory().pointer_location().IsRegisters()) {
argument_slots_required_ += 1;
} else {
const auto& multiple = arg.AsMultiple();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < multiple.locations().length(); i++) {
const NativeLocation& TranslateArgument(Zone* zone,
const NativeLocation& arg) {
if (arg.IsStack()) {
// Add extra slots after the saved arguments for the return address and
// frame pointer of the dummy arguments frame, which will be between the
// saved argument registers and stack arguments. Also add slots for the
// shadow space if present (factored into
// kCallbackSlotsBeforeSavedArguments).
// Finally, if we are using NativeCallbackTrampolines, factor in the extra
// stack space corresponding to those trampolines' frames (above the entry
// frame).
intptr_t stack_delta = kCallbackSlotsBeforeSavedArguments;
if (NativeCallbackTrampolines::Enabled()) {
stack_delta += StubCodeCompiler::kNativeCallbackTrampolineStackDelta;
FrameRebase rebase(
/*old_base=*/SPREG, /*new_base=*/SPREG,
/*stack_delta=*/(argument_slots_required_ + stack_delta) *
return rebase.Rebase(arg);
if (arg.IsRegisters()) {
const auto& result = *new (zone) NativeStackLocation(
arg.payload_type(), arg.container_type(), SPREG,
argument_slots_used_ * compiler::target::kWordSize);
argument_slots_used_ += arg.AsRegisters().num_regs();
return result;
if (arg.IsFpuRegisters()) {
const auto& result = *new (zone) NativeStackLocation(
arg.payload_type(), arg.container_type(), SPREG,
argument_slots_used_ * compiler::target::kWordSize);
argument_slots_used_ += 8 / target::kWordSize;
return result;
if (arg.IsPointerToMemory()) {
const auto& pointer_loc = arg.AsPointerToMemory().pointer_location();
const auto& pointer_ret_loc =
const auto& pointer_translated = TranslateArgument(zone, pointer_loc);
return *new (zone) PointerToMemoryLocation(
pointer_translated, pointer_ret_loc, arg.payload_type().AsCompound());
const auto& multiple = arg.AsMultiple();
NativeLocations& multiple_locations =
*new (zone) NativeLocations(multiple.locations().length());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < multiple.locations().length(); i++) {
&TranslateArgument(zone, *multiple.locations().At(i)));
return *new (zone) MultipleNativeLocations(
multiple.payload_type().AsCompound(), multiple_locations);
intptr_t argument_slots_used_ = 0;
intptr_t argument_slots_required_ = 0;
CallbackMarshaller* CallbackMarshaller::FromFunction(Zone* zone,
const Function& function,
const char** error) {
const auto& c_signature =
FunctionType::ZoneHandle(zone, function.FfiCSignature());
const auto native_function_signature =
NativeFunctionTypeFromFunctionType(zone, c_signature, error);
if (*error != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
const auto& native_calling_convention =
NativeCallingConvention::FromSignature(zone, *native_function_signature);
const auto& callback_locs =
zone, native_calling_convention.argument_locations(),
return new (zone) CallbackMarshaller(
zone, function, c_signature, native_calling_convention, callback_locs);
const NativeLocation& CallbackMarshaller::NativeLocationOfNativeParameter(
intptr_t def_index) const {
const intptr_t arg_index = ArgumentIndex(def_index);
if (arg_index == kResultIndex) {
const auto& result_loc = Location(arg_index);
if (result_loc.IsPointerToMemory()) {
// If it's a pointer we return it in the last.
return *callback_locs_.At(callback_locs_.length() - 1);
// The other return types are not translated.
return result_loc;
// Check that we only have stack arguments.
const auto& loc = *callback_locs_.At(arg_index);
ASSERT(loc.IsStack() || loc.IsPointerToMemory() || loc.IsMultiple());
if (loc.IsStack()) {
ASSERT(loc.AsStack().base_register() == SPREG);
if (loc.payload_type().IsPrimitive()) {
return loc;
const intptr_t index = DefinitionInArgument(def_index, arg_index);
const intptr_t count = NumDefinitions(arg_index);
return loc.Split(zone_, count, index);
} else if (loc.IsPointerToMemory()) {
const auto& pointer_loc = loc.AsPointerToMemory().pointer_location();
ASSERT(pointer_loc.IsStack() &&
pointer_loc.AsStack().base_register() == SPREG);
return loc;
const auto& multiple = loc.AsMultiple();
const intptr_t index = DefinitionInArgument(def_index, arg_index);
const auto& multi_loc = *multiple.locations().At(index);
ASSERT(multi_loc.IsStack() && multi_loc.AsStack().base_register() == SPREG);
return multi_loc;
} // namespace ffi
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace dart