blob: dd2c214d749f956ddbcd98accd490c3fe046f230 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.js_emitter;
class OldEmitter implements Emitter {
final Compiler compiler;
final CodeEmitterTask task;
final ContainerBuilder containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
final ClassEmitter classEmitter = new ClassEmitter();
final NsmEmitter nsmEmitter = new NsmEmitter();
final InterceptorEmitter interceptorEmitter = new InterceptorEmitter();
// TODO(johnniwinther): Wrap these fields in a caching strategy.
final Set<ConstantValue> cachedEmittedConstants;
final CodeBuffer cachedEmittedConstantsBuffer = new CodeBuffer();
final Map<Element, ClassBuilder> cachedClassBuilders;
final Set<Element> cachedElements;
bool needsClassSupport = false;
bool needsMixinSupport = false;
bool needsLazyInitializer = false;
/// True if [ContainerBuilder.addMemberMethodFromInfo] used "structured info",
/// that is, some function was needed for reflection, had stubs, or had a
/// super alias.
bool needsStructuredMemberInfo = false;
final Namer namer;
ConstantEmitter constantEmitter;
NativeEmitter get nativeEmitter => task.nativeEmitter;
TypeTestRegistry get typeTestRegistry => task.typeTestRegistry;
// The full code that is written to each hunk part-file.
Map<OutputUnit, CodeOutput> outputBuffers = new Map<OutputUnit, CodeOutput>();
/** Shorter access to [isolatePropertiesName]. Both here in the code, as
well as in the generated code. */
String isolateProperties;
String classesCollector;
Set<ClassElement> get neededClasses => task.neededClasses;
Map<OutputUnit, List<ClassElement>> get outputClassLists
=> task.outputClassLists;
Map<OutputUnit, List<ConstantValue>> get outputConstantLists
=> task.outputConstantLists;
final Map<String, String> mangledFieldNames = <String, String>{};
final Map<String, String> mangledGlobalFieldNames = <String, String>{};
final Set<String> recordedMangledNames = new Set<String>();
List<TypedefElement> get typedefsNeededForReflection =>
JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend;
TypeVariableHandler get typeVariableHandler => backend.typeVariableHandler;
String get _ => space;
String get space => compiler.enableMinification ? "" : " ";
String get n => compiler.enableMinification ? "" : "\n";
String get N => compiler.enableMinification ? "\n" : ";\n";
* List of expressions and statements that will be included in the
* precompiled function.
* To save space, dart2js normally generates constructors and accessors
* dynamically. This doesn't work in CSP mode, so dart2js emits them directly
* when in CSP mode.
Map<OutputUnit, List<jsAst.Node>> _cspPrecompiledFunctions =
new Map<OutputUnit, List<jsAst.Node>>();
Map<OutputUnit, List<jsAst.Expression>> _cspPrecompiledConstructorNames =
new Map<OutputUnit, List<jsAst.Expression>>();
* Accumulate properties for classes and libraries, describing their
* static/top-level members.
* Later, these members are emitted when the class or library is emitted.
* See [getElementDescriptor].
// TODO(ahe): Generate statics with their class, and store only libraries in
// this map.
final Map<Fragment, Map<Element, ClassBuilder>> elementDescriptors =
new Map<Fragment, Map<Element, ClassBuilder>>();
final bool generateSourceMap;
OldEmitter(Compiler compiler, Namer namer, this.generateSourceMap, this.task)
: this.compiler = compiler,
this.namer = namer,
cachedEmittedConstants = compiler.cacheStrategy.newSet(),
cachedClassBuilders = compiler.cacheStrategy.newMap(),
cachedElements = compiler.cacheStrategy.newSet() {
constantEmitter = new ConstantEmitter(
compiler, namer, this.constantReference, makeConstantListTemplate);
containerBuilder.emitter = this;
classEmitter.emitter = this;
nsmEmitter.emitter = this;
interceptorEmitter.emitter = this;
List<jsAst.Node> cspPrecompiledFunctionFor(OutputUnit outputUnit) {
return _cspPrecompiledFunctions.putIfAbsent(
() => new List<jsAst.Node>());
List<jsAst.Expression> cspPrecompiledConstructorNamesFor(
OutputUnit outputUnit) {
return _cspPrecompiledConstructorNames.putIfAbsent(
() => new List<jsAst.Expression>());
/// Erases the precompiled information for csp mode for all output units.
/// Used by the incremental compiler.
void clearCspPrecompiledNodes() {
void addComment(String comment, CodeOutput output) {
output.addBuffer(jsAst.prettyPrint(js.comment(comment), compiler));
bool isConstantInlinedOrAlreadyEmitted(ConstantValue constant) {
if (constant.isFunction) return true; // Already emitted.
if (constant.isPrimitive) return true; // Inlined.
if (constant.isDummy) return true; // Inlined.
// The name is null when the constant is already a JS constant.
// TODO(floitsch): every constant should be registered, so that we can
// share the ones that take up too much space (like some strings).
if (namer.constantName(constant) == null) return true;
return false;
int compareConstants(ConstantValue a, ConstantValue b) {
// Inlined constants don't affect the order and sometimes don't even have
// names.
int cmp1 = isConstantInlinedOrAlreadyEmitted(a) ? 0 : 1;
int cmp2 = isConstantInlinedOrAlreadyEmitted(b) ? 0 : 1;
if (cmp1 + cmp2 < 2) return cmp1 - cmp2;
// Emit constant interceptors first. Constant interceptors for primitives
// might be used by code that builds other constants. See Issue 18173.
if (a.isInterceptor != b.isInterceptor) {
return a.isInterceptor ? -1 : 1;
// Sorting by the long name clusters constants with the same constructor
// which compresses a tiny bit better.
int r = namer.constantLongName(a).compareTo(namer.constantLongName(b));
if (r != 0) return r;
// Resolve collisions in the long name by using the constant name (i.e. JS
// name) which is unique.
return namer.constantName(a).compareTo(namer.constantName(b));
jsAst.Expression constantReference(ConstantValue value) {
if (value.isFunction) {
FunctionConstantValue functionConstant = value;
return isolateStaticClosureAccess(functionConstant.element);
// We are only interested in the "isInlined" part, but it does not hurt to
// test for the other predicates.
if (isConstantInlinedOrAlreadyEmitted(value)) {
return constantEmitter.generate(value);
return js('#.#', [namer.globalObjectForConstant(value),
jsAst.Expression constantInitializerExpression(ConstantValue value) {
return constantEmitter.generate(value);
String get name => 'CodeEmitter';
String get finishIsolateConstructorName
=> '${namer.isolateName}.\$finishIsolateConstructor';
String get isolatePropertiesName
=> '${namer.isolateName}.${namer.isolatePropertiesName}';
String get lazyInitializerProperty
=> r'$lazy';
String get lazyInitializerName
=> '${namer.isolateName}.${lazyInitializerProperty}';
String get initName => 'init';
String get makeConstListProperty => namer.internalGlobal('makeConstantList');
/// The name of the property that contains all field names.
/// This property is added to constructors when isolate support is enabled.
static const String FIELD_NAMES_PROPERTY_NAME = r"$__fields__";
/// For deferred loading we communicate the initializers via this global var.
final String deferredInitializers = r"$dart_deferred_initializers";
/// Contains the global state that is needed to initialize and load a
/// deferred library.
String get globalsHolder => namer.internalGlobal("globalsHolder");
jsAst.Expression generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(String global) {
return js(generateEmbeddedGlobalAccessString(global));
String generateEmbeddedGlobalAccessString(String global) {
// TODO(floitsch): don't use 'init' as global embedder storage.
return '$initName.$global';
jsAst.PropertyAccess globalPropertyAccess(Element element) {
String name = namer.globalPropertyName(element);
jsAst.PropertyAccess pa = new jsAst.PropertyAccess.field(
new jsAst.VariableUse(namer.globalObjectFor(element)),
return pa;
jsAst.Expression isolateLazyInitializerAccess(FieldElement element) {
return jsAst.js('#.#', [namer.globalObjectFor(element),
jsAst.Expression isolateStaticClosureAccess(FunctionElement element) {
return jsAst.js('#.#()',
[namer.globalObjectFor(element), namer.staticClosureName(element)]);
jsAst.PropertyAccess staticFieldAccess(FieldElement element) {
return globalPropertyAccess(element);
jsAst.PropertyAccess staticFunctionAccess(FunctionElement element) {
return globalPropertyAccess(element);
jsAst.PropertyAccess constructorAccess(ClassElement element) {
return globalPropertyAccess(element);
jsAst.PropertyAccess prototypeAccess(ClassElement element,
bool hasBeenInstantiated) {
return jsAst.js('#.prototype', constructorAccess(element));
jsAst.PropertyAccess interceptorClassAccess(ClassElement element) {
return globalPropertyAccess(element);
jsAst.PropertyAccess typeAccess(Element element) {
return globalPropertyAccess(element);
jsAst.Template templateForBuiltin(JsBuiltin builtin) {
switch (builtin) {
case JsBuiltin.dartObjectConstructor:
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateYielding(
case JsBuiltin.classNameFromIsCheckProperty:
int isPrefixLength = namer.operatorIsPrefix.length;
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateFor('#.substring($isPrefixLength)');
case JsBuiltin.isFunctionType:
return backend.rti.representationGenerator.templateForIsFunctionType;
case JsBuiltin.isFunctionTypeLiteral:
String functionClassName =
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateFor(
'#.$typeNameProperty === "$functionClassName"');
case JsBuiltin.typeName:
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateFor("#.$typeNameProperty");
case JsBuiltin.rawRuntimeType:
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateFor("#.constructor");
case JsBuiltin.createFunctionType:
return backend.rti.representationGenerator
case JsBuiltin.isSubtype:
// TODO(floitsch): move this closer to where is-check properties are
// built.
String isPrefix = namer.operatorIsPrefix;
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateFor(
"('$isPrefix' + #) in #.prototype");
case JsBuiltin.getMetadata:
String metadataAccess =
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateFor("$metadataAccess[#]");
case JsBuiltin.getType:
String typesAccess =
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateFor("$typesAccess[#]");
"Unhandled Builtin: $builtin");
return null;
List<jsAst.Statement> buildTrivialNsmHandlers(){
return nsmEmitter.buildTrivialNsmHandlers();
jsAst.Statement buildNativeInfoHandler(
jsAst.Expression infoAccess,
jsAst.Expression constructorAccess,
jsAst.Expression subclassReadGenerator(jsAst.Expression subclass),
jsAst.Expression interceptorsByTagAccess,
jsAst.Expression leafTagsAccess) {
return nativeEmitter.buildNativeInfoHandler(infoAccess, constructorAccess,
jsAst.ObjectInitializer generateInterceptedNamesSet() {
return interceptorEmitter.generateInterceptedNamesSet();
void emitFinishIsolateConstructorInvocation(CodeOutput output) {
String isolate = namer.isolateName;
output.add("$isolate = $finishIsolateConstructorName($isolate)$N");
/// In minified mode we want to keep the name for the most common core types.
bool _isNativeTypeNeedingReflectionName(Element element) {
if (!element.isClass) return false;
return (element == compiler.intClass ||
element == compiler.doubleClass ||
element == compiler.numClass ||
element == compiler.stringClass ||
element == compiler.boolClass ||
element == compiler.nullClass ||
element == compiler.listClass);
/// Returns the "reflection name" of an [Element] or [Selector].
/// The reflection name of a getter 'foo' is 'foo'.
/// The reflection name of a setter 'foo' is 'foo='.
/// The reflection name of a method 'foo' is 'foo:N:M:O', where N is the
/// number of required arguments, M is the number of optional arguments, and
/// O is the named arguments.
/// The reflection name of a constructor is similar to a regular method but
/// starts with 'new '.
/// The reflection name of class 'C' is 'C'.
/// An anonymous mixin application has no reflection name.
/// This is used by js_mirrors.dart.
String getReflectionName(elementOrSelector, String mangledName) {
String name =;
if (backend.shouldRetainName(name) ||
elementOrSelector is Element &&
// Make sure to retain names of unnamed constructors, and
// for common native types.
((name == '' &&
backend.isAccessibleByReflection(elementOrSelector)) ||
_isNativeTypeNeedingReflectionName(elementOrSelector))) {
// TODO(ahe): Enable the next line when I can tell the difference between
// an instance method and a global. They may have the same mangled name.
// if (recordedMangledNames.contains(mangledName)) return null;
return getReflectionNameInternal(elementOrSelector, mangledName);
return null;
String getReflectionNameInternal(elementOrSelector, String mangledName) {
String name = namer.privateName(elementOrSelector.memberName);
if (elementOrSelector.isGetter) return name;
if (elementOrSelector.isSetter) {
if (!mangledName.startsWith(namer.setterPrefix)) return '$name=';
String base = mangledName.substring(namer.setterPrefix.length);
String getter = '${namer.getterPrefix}$base';
mangledFieldNames.putIfAbsent(getter, () => name);
assert(mangledFieldNames[getter] == name);
// TODO(karlklose,ahe): we do not actually need to store information
// about the name of this setter in the output, but it is needed for
// marking the function as invokable by reflection.
return '$name=';
if (elementOrSelector is Element && elementOrSelector.isClosure) {
// Closures are synthesized and their name might conflict with existing
// globals. Assign an illegal name, and make sure they don't clash
// with each other.
return " $mangledName";
if (elementOrSelector is Selector
|| elementOrSelector.isFunction
|| elementOrSelector.isConstructor) {
int positionalParameterCount;
String namedArguments = '';
bool isConstructor = false;
if (elementOrSelector is Selector) {
CallStructure callStructure = elementOrSelector.callStructure;
positionalParameterCount = callStructure.positionalArgumentCount;
namedArguments = namedParametersAsReflectionNames(callStructure);
} else {
FunctionElement function = elementOrSelector;
if (function.isConstructor) {
isConstructor = true;
name = Elements.reconstructConstructorName(function);
FunctionSignature signature = function.functionSignature;
positionalParameterCount = signature.requiredParameterCount;
if (signature.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
var names = [];
for (Element e in signature.optionalParameters) {
CallStructure callStructure =
new CallStructure(positionalParameterCount, names);
namedArguments = namedParametersAsReflectionNames(callStructure);
} else {
// Named parameters are handled differently by mirrors. For unnamed
// parameters, they are actually required if invoked
// reflectively. Also, if you have a method c(x) and c([x]) they both
// get the same mangled name, so they must have the same reflection
// name.
positionalParameterCount += signature.optionalParameterCount;
String suffix = '$name:$positionalParameterCount$namedArguments';
return (isConstructor) ? 'new $suffix' : suffix;
Element element = elementOrSelector;
if (element.isGenerativeConstructorBody) {
return null;
} else if (element.isClass) {
ClassElement cls = element;
if (cls.isUnnamedMixinApplication) return null;
} else if (element.isTypedef) {
throw compiler.internalError(element,
'Do not know how to reflect on this $element.');
String namedParametersAsReflectionNames(CallStructure structure) {
if (structure.isUnnamed) return '';
String names = structure.getOrderedNamedArguments().join(':');
return ':$names';
jsAst.Statement buildCspPrecompiledFunctionFor(
OutputUnit outputUnit) {
// TODO(ahe): Compute a hash code.
// TODO(sigurdm): Avoid this precompiled function. Generated
// constructor-functions and getter/setter functions can be stored in the
// library-description table. Setting properties on these can be moved to
// finishClasses.
return js.statement('''
# = function (\$collectedClasses) {
var \$desc;
return #;
new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(
void assembleClass(Class cls, ClassBuilder enclosingBuilder,
Fragment fragment) {
ClassElement classElement = cls.element;
compiler.withCurrentElement(classElement, () {
if (compiler.hasIncrementalSupport) {
ClassBuilder cachedBuilder =
cachedClassBuilders.putIfAbsent(classElement, () {
ClassBuilder builder = new ClassBuilder(classElement, namer);
classEmitter.emitClass(cls, builder, fragment);
return builder;
invariant(classElement, cachedBuilder.fields.isEmpty);
invariant(classElement, cachedBuilder.superName == null);
invariant(classElement, cachedBuilder.functionType == null);
invariant(classElement, cachedBuilder.fieldMetadata == null);;
} else {
classEmitter.emitClass(cls, enclosingBuilder, fragment);
void assembleStaticFunctions(Iterable<Method> staticFunctions,
Fragment fragment) {
if (staticFunctions == null) return;
for (Method method in staticFunctions) {
Element element = method.element;
// We need to filter out null-elements for the interceptors.
// TODO(floitsch): use the precomputed interceptors here.
if (element == null) continue;
ClassBuilder builder = new ClassBuilder(element, namer);
containerBuilder.addMemberMethod(method, builder);
getElementDescriptor(element, fragment).properties
void emitStaticNonFinalFieldInitializations(CodeOutput output,
OutputUnit outputUnit) {
void emitInitialization(Element element, jsAst.Expression initialValue) {
jsAst.Expression init =
js('$isolateProperties.# = #',
[namer.globalPropertyName(element), initialValue]);
output.addBuffer(jsAst.prettyPrint(init, compiler,
monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
bool inMainUnit = (outputUnit == compiler.deferredLoadTask.mainOutputUnit);
JavaScriptConstantCompiler handler = backend.constants;
Iterable<Element> fields = task.outputStaticNonFinalFieldLists[outputUnit];
// If the outputUnit does not contain any static non-final fields, then
// [fields] is `null`.
if (fields != null) {
for (Element element in fields) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () {
ConstantValue constant = handler.getInitialValueFor(element).value;
emitInitialization(element, constantReference(constant));
if (inMainUnit && task.outputStaticNonFinalFieldLists.length > 1) {
// In the main output-unit we output a stub initializer for deferred
// variables, so that `isolateProperties` stays a fast object.
(OutputUnit fieldsOutputUnit, Iterable<VariableElement> fields) {
if (fieldsOutputUnit == outputUnit) return; // Skip the main unit.
for (Element element in fields) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () {
emitInitialization(element, jsAst.number(0));
void emitLazilyInitializedStaticFields(CodeOutput output) {
JavaScriptConstantCompiler handler = backend.constants;
List<VariableElement> lazyFields =
if (!lazyFields.isEmpty) {
needsLazyInitializer = true;
List<jsAst.Expression> laziesInfo = buildLaziesInfo(lazyFields);
jsAst.Statement code = js.statement('''
(function(lazies) {
if (#notInMinifiedMode) {
var descriptorLength = 4;
} else {
var descriptorLength = 3;
for (var i = 0; i < lazies.length; i += descriptorLength) {
var fieldName = lazies [i];
var getterName = lazies[i + 1];
var lazyValue = lazies[i + 2];
if (#notInMinifiedMode) {
var staticName = lazies[i + 3];
// We build the lazy-check here:
// lazyInitializer(fieldName, getterName, lazyValue, staticName);
// 'staticName' is used for error reporting in non-minified mode.
// 'lazyValue' must be a closure that constructs the initial value.
if (#notInMinifiedMode) {
#lazy(fieldName, getterName, lazyValue, staticName);
} else {
#lazy(fieldName, getterName, lazyValue);
''', {'notInMinifiedMode': !compiler.enableMinification,
'laziesInfo': new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(laziesInfo),
'lazy': js(lazyInitializerName)});
jsAst.prettyPrint(code, compiler, monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
List<jsAst.Expression> buildLaziesInfo(List<VariableElement> lazies) {
List<jsAst.Expression> laziesInfo = <jsAst.Expression>[];
for (VariableElement element in Elements.sortedByPosition(lazies)) {
jsAst.Expression code = backend.generatedCode[element];
// The code is null if we ended up not needing the lazily
// initialized field after all because of constant folding
// before code generation.
if (code == null) continue;
if (compiler.enableMinification) {
} else {
return laziesInfo;
jsAst.Expression buildLazilyInitializedStaticField(
VariableElement element, {String isolateProperties}) {
jsAst.Expression code = backend.generatedCode[element];
// The code is null if we ended up not needing the lazily
// initialized field after all because of constant folding
// before code generation.
if (code == null) return null;
// The code only computes the initial value. We build the lazy-check
// here:
// lazyInitializer(fieldName, getterName, initial, name, prototype);
// The name is used for error reporting. The 'initial' must be a
// closure that constructs the initial value.
if (isolateProperties != null) {
// This is currently only used in incremental compilation to patch
// in new lazy values.
return js('#(#,#,#,#,#)',
if (compiler.enableMinification) {
return js('#(#,#,#)',
} else {
return js('#(#,#,#,#)',
void emitMetadata(Program program, CodeOutput output, OutputUnit outputUnit) {
jsAst.Expression constructList(List<jsAst.Expression> list) {
return new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(list == null ? [] : list);
List<jsAst.Expression> types = program.metadataTypes[outputUnit];
if (outputUnit == compiler.deferredLoadTask.mainOutputUnit) {
jsAst.Expression metadataAccess =
jsAst.Expression typesAccess =
jsAst.prettyPrint(new jsAst.Block([
js.statement('# = #;', [metadataAccess,
js.statement('# = #;', [typesAccess, constructList(types)])]),
compiler, monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
} else if (types != null) {
js.statement('var ${namer.deferredTypesName} = #;',
compiler, monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
if (compiler.enableMinification) {
void emitCompileTimeConstants(CodeOutput output,
List<Constant> constants,
{bool isMainFragment}) {
assert(isMainFragment != null);
if (constants.isEmpty) return;
CodeOutput constantOutput = output;
if (compiler.hasIncrementalSupport && isMainFragment) {
constantOutput = cachedEmittedConstantsBuffer;
for (Constant constant in constants) {
ConstantValue constantValue = constant.value;
if (compiler.hasIncrementalSupport && isMainFragment) {
if (cachedEmittedConstants.contains(constantValue)) continue;
jsAst.Expression init = buildConstantInitializer(constantValue);
jsAst.prettyPrint(init, compiler, monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
if (compiler.hasIncrementalSupport && isMainFragment) {
jsAst.Expression buildConstantInitializer(ConstantValue constant) {
String name = namer.constantName(constant);
return js('#.# = #',
[namer.globalObjectForConstant(constant), name,
jsAst.Template get makeConstantListTemplate {
// TODO(floitsch): there is no harm in caching the template.
return jsAst.js.uncachedExpressionTemplate(
void emitMakeConstantList(CodeOutput output) {
// Functions are stored in the hidden class and not as properties in
// the object. We never actually look at the value, but only want
// to know if the property exists.
js.statement(r'''#.# = function(list) {
list.immutable$list = Array;
list.fixed$length = Array;
return list;
[namer.isolateName, makeConstListProperty]),
compiler, monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
void emitFunctionThatReturnsNull(CodeOutput output) {
js.statement('#.# = function() {}',
compiler, monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
jsAst.Expression generateFunctionThatReturnsNull() {
return js("#.#", [backend.namer.currentIsolate,
emitMain(CodeOutput output, jsAst.Statement invokeMain) {
if (compiler.isMockCompilation) return;
if (NativeGenerator.needsIsolateAffinityTagInitialization(backend)) {
jsAst.Statement nativeBoilerPlate =
js("convertToFastObject", []));
nativeBoilerPlate, compiler, monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
addComment('BEGIN invoke [main].', output);
compiler, monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
addComment('END invoke [main].', output);
void emitInitFunction(CodeOutput output) {
jsAst.Expression allClassesAccess =
jsAst.Expression getTypeFromNameAccess =
jsAst.Expression interceptorsByTagAccess =
jsAst.Expression leafTagsAccess =
jsAst.Expression finishedClassesAccess =
jsAst.Expression cyclicThrow =
jsAst.Expression laziesAccess =
jsAst.FunctionDeclaration decl = js.statement('''
function init() {
$isolateProperties = Object.create(null);
#allClasses = Object.create(null);
#getTypeFromName = function(name) {return #allClasses[name];};
#interceptorsByTag = Object.create(null);
#leafTags = Object.create(null);
#finishedClasses = Object.create(null);
if (#needsLazyInitializer) {
// [staticName] is only provided in non-minified mode. If missing, we
// fall back to [fieldName]. Likewise, [prototype] is optional and
// defaults to the isolateProperties object.
$lazyInitializerName = function (fieldName, getterName, lazyValue,
staticName, prototype) {
if (!#lazies) #lazies = Object.create(null);
#lazies[fieldName] = getterName;
// 'prototype' will be undefined except if we are doing an update
// during incremental compilation. In this case we put the lazy
// field directly on the isolate instead of the isolateProperties.
prototype = prototype || $isolateProperties;
var sentinelUndefined = {};
var sentinelInProgress = {};
prototype[fieldName] = sentinelUndefined;
prototype[getterName] = function () {
var result = this[fieldName];
try {
if (result === sentinelUndefined) {
this[fieldName] = sentinelInProgress;
try {
result = this[fieldName] = lazyValue();
} finally {
// Use try-finally, not try-catch/throw as it destroys the
// stack trace.
if (result === sentinelUndefined)
this[fieldName] = null;
} else {
if (result === sentinelInProgress)
// In minified mode, static name is not provided, so fall
// back to the minified fieldName.
#cyclicThrow(staticName || fieldName);
return result;
} finally {
this[getterName] = function() { return this[fieldName]; };
// We replace the old Isolate function with a new one that initializes
// all its fields with the initial (and often final) value of all
// globals.
// We also copy over old values like the prototype, and the
// isolateProperties themselves.
$finishIsolateConstructorName = function (oldIsolate) {
var isolateProperties = oldIsolate.#isolatePropertiesName;
function Isolate() {
var staticNames = Object.keys(isolateProperties);
for (var i = 0; i < staticNames.length; i++) {
var staticName = staticNames[i];
this[staticName] = isolateProperties[staticName];
// Reset lazy initializers to null.
// When forcing the object to fast mode (below) v8 will consider
// functions as part the object's map. Since we will change them
// (after the first call to the getter), we would have a map
// transition.
var lazies = init.lazies;
var lazyInitializers = lazies ? Object.keys(lazies) : [];
for (var i = 0; i < lazyInitializers.length; i++) {
this[lazies[lazyInitializers[i]]] = null;
// Use the newly created object as prototype. In Chrome,
// this creates a hidden class for the object and makes
// sure it is fast to access.
function ForceEfficientMap() {}
ForceEfficientMap.prototype = this;
new ForceEfficientMap();
// Now, after being a fast map we can set the lazies again.
for (var i = 0; i < lazyInitializers.length; i++) {
var lazyInitName = lazies[lazyInitializers[i]];
this[lazyInitName] = isolateProperties[lazyInitName];
Isolate.prototype = oldIsolate.prototype;
Isolate.prototype.constructor = Isolate;
Isolate.#isolatePropertiesName = isolateProperties;
if (#outputContainsConstantList) {
Isolate.#makeConstListProperty = oldIsolate.#makeConstListProperty;
if (#hasIncrementalSupport) {
Isolate.#lazyInitializerProperty =
return Isolate;
}''', {'allClasses': allClassesAccess,
'getTypeFromName': getTypeFromNameAccess,
'interceptorsByTag': interceptorsByTagAccess,
'leafTags': leafTagsAccess,
'finishedClasses': finishedClassesAccess,
'needsLazyInitializer': needsLazyInitializer,
'lazies': laziesAccess, 'cyclicThrow': cyclicThrow,
'isolatePropertiesName': namer.isolatePropertiesName,
'outputContainsConstantList': task.outputContainsConstantList,
'makeConstListProperty': makeConstListProperty,
'hasIncrementalSupport': compiler.hasIncrementalSupport,
'lazyInitializerProperty': lazyInitializerProperty,});
jsAst.prettyPrint(decl, compiler, monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
if (compiler.enableMinification) {
void emitConvertToFastObjectFunction(CodeOutput output) {
List<jsAst.Statement> debugCode = <jsAst.Statement>[];
// The following only works on V8 when run with option
// "--allow-natives-syntax". We use'new Function' because the
// miniparser does not understand V8 native syntax.
if (typeof print === "function") {
var HasFastProperties =
new Function("a", "return %HasFastProperties(a)");
print("Size of global object: "
+ String(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).length)
+ ", fast properties " + HasFastProperties(properties));
jsAst.Statement convertToFastObject = js.statement(r'''
function convertToFastObject(properties) {
// Create an instance that uses 'properties' as prototype. This should
// make 'properties' a fast object.
function MyClass() {};
MyClass.prototype = properties;
new MyClass();
return properties;
}''', [debugCode]);
output.addBuffer(jsAst.prettyPrint(convertToFastObject, compiler));
void emitConvertToSlowObjectFunction(CodeOutput output) {
jsAst.Statement convertToSlowObject = js.statement(r'''
function convertToSlowObject(properties) {
// Add and remove a property to make the object transition into hashmap
// mode.
properties.__MAGIC_SLOW_PROPERTY = 1;
delete properties.__MAGIC_SLOW_PROPERTY;
return properties;
output.addBuffer(jsAst.prettyPrint(convertToSlowObject, compiler));
void emitSupportsDirectProtoAccess(CodeOutput output) {
jsAst.Statement supportsDirectProtoAccess;
if (compiler.hasIncrementalSupport) {
supportsDirectProtoAccess = js.statement(r'''
var supportsDirectProtoAccess = false;
} else {
supportsDirectProtoAccess = js.statement(r'''
var supportsDirectProtoAccess = (function () {
var cls = function () {};
cls.prototype = {'p': {}};
var object = new cls();
return object.__proto__ &&
object.__proto__.p === cls.prototype.p;
output.addBuffer(jsAst.prettyPrint(supportsDirectProtoAccess, compiler));
jsAst.Expression generateLibraryDescriptor(LibraryElement library,
Fragment fragment) {
var uri = "";
if (!compiler.enableMinification || backend.mustPreserveUris) {
uri = library.canonicalUri;
if (uri.scheme == 'file' && compiler.outputUri != null) {
uri = relativize(compiler.outputUri, library.canonicalUri, false);
String libraryName =
(!compiler.enableMinification || backend.mustRetainLibraryNames) ?
library.getLibraryName() :
jsAst.Fun metadata = task.metadataCollector.buildMetadataFunction(library);
ClassBuilder descriptor = elementDescriptors[fragment][library];
jsAst.ObjectInitializer initializer;
if (descriptor == null) {
// Nothing of the library was emitted.
// TODO(floitsch): this should not happen. We currently have an example
// with language/prefix6_negative_test.dart where we have an instance
// method without its corresponding class.
initializer = new jsAst.ObjectInitializer([]);
} else {
initializer = descriptor.toObjectInitializer();
compiler.dumpInfoTask.registerElementAst(library, metadata);
compiler.dumpInfoTask.registerElementAst(library, initializer);
List<jsAst.Expression> parts = <jsAst.Expression>[];
..add(metadata == null ? new jsAst.ArrayHole() : metadata)
if (library == compiler.mainApp) {
return new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(parts);
void assemblePrecompiledConstructor(OutputUnit outputUnit,
String constructorName,
jsAst.Expression constructorAst,
List<String> fields) {
new jsAst.FunctionDeclaration(
new jsAst.VariableDeclaration(constructorName), constructorAst));
String fieldNamesProperty = FIELD_NAMES_PROPERTY_NAME;
bool hasIsolateSupport = compiler.hasIsolateSupport;
jsAst.Node fieldNamesArray =
hasIsolateSupport ? js.stringArray(fields) : new jsAst.LiteralNull();
#constructorName.#typeNameProperty = #constructorNameString;
if (!"name" in #constructorName) = #constructorNameString;
$desc = $collectedClasses.#constructorName[1];
#constructorName.prototype = $desc;
''' /* next string is not a raw string */ '''
if (#hasIsolateSupport) {
#constructorName.$fieldNamesProperty = #fieldNamesArray;
{"constructorName": constructorName,
"typeNameProperty": typeNameProperty,
"constructorNameString": js.string(constructorName),
"hasIsolateSupport": hasIsolateSupport,
"fieldNamesArray": fieldNamesArray}));
cspPrecompiledConstructorNamesFor(outputUnit).add(js('#', constructorName));
void assembleTypedefs(Program program) {
Fragment mainFragment = program.mainFragment;
OutputUnit mainOutputUnit = mainFragment.outputUnit;
// Emit all required typedef declarations into the main output unit.
// TODO(karlklose): unify required classes and typedefs to declarations
// and have builders for each kind.
for (TypedefElement typedef in typedefsNeededForReflection) {
LibraryElement library = typedef.library;
// TODO(karlklose): add a TypedefBuilder and move this code there.
DartType type = typedef.alias;
// TODO(zarah): reify type variables once reflection on type arguments of
// typedefs is supported.
int typeIndex =
task.metadataCollector.reifyType(type, ignoreTypeVariables: true);
ClassBuilder builder = new ClassBuilder(typedef, namer);
// We can be pretty sure that the objectClass is initialized, since
// typedefs are only emitted with reflection, which requires lots of
// classes.
assert(compiler.objectClass != null);
builder.superName = namer.className(compiler.objectClass);
jsAst.Node declaration = builder.toObjectInitializer();
String mangledName = namer.globalPropertyName(typedef);
String reflectionName = getReflectionName(typedef, mangledName);
getElementDescriptor(library, mainFragment)
..addProperty(mangledName, declaration)
..addProperty("+$reflectionName", js.string(''));
// Also emit a trivial constructor for CSP mode.
String constructorName = mangledName;
jsAst.Expression constructorAst = js('function() {}');
List<String> fieldNames = [];
void emitMangledNames(CodeOutput output) {
if (!mangledFieldNames.isEmpty) {
var keys = mangledFieldNames.keys.toList();
var properties = [];
for (String key in keys) {
var value = js.string('${mangledFieldNames[key]}');
properties.add(new jsAst.Property(js.string(key), value));
jsAst.Expression mangledNamesAccess =
var map = new jsAst.ObjectInitializer(properties);
js.statement('# = #', [mangledNamesAccess, map]),
monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
if (compiler.enableMinification) {
if (!mangledGlobalFieldNames.isEmpty) {
var keys = mangledGlobalFieldNames.keys.toList();
var properties = [];
for (String key in keys) {
var value = js.string('${mangledGlobalFieldNames[key]}');
properties.add(new jsAst.Property(js.string(key), value));
jsAst.Expression mangledGlobalNamesAccess =
var map = new jsAst.ObjectInitializer(properties);
js.statement('# = #', [mangledGlobalNamesAccess, map]),
monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
if (compiler.enableMinification) {
void checkEverythingEmitted(Iterable<Element> elements) {
List<Element> pendingStatics;
if (!compiler.hasIncrementalSupport) {
pendingStatics =
Elements.sortedByPosition(elements.where((e) => !e.isLibrary));
pendingStatics.forEach((element) =>
element, MessageKind.GENERIC, {'text': 'Pending statics.'}));
if (pendingStatics != null && !pendingStatics.isEmpty) {
'Pending statics (see above).');
void assembleLibrary(Library library, Fragment fragment) {
LibraryElement libraryElement = library.element;
assembleStaticFunctions(library.statics, fragment);
ClassBuilder libraryBuilder =
getElementDescriptor(libraryElement, fragment);
for (Class cls in library.classes) {
assembleClass(cls, libraryBuilder, fragment);
classEmitter.emitFields(library, libraryBuilder, emitStatics: true);
void assembleProgram(Program program) {
for (Fragment fragment in program.fragments) {
for (Library library in fragment.libraries) {
assembleLibrary(library, fragment);
void emitMainOutputUnit(Program program,
Map<OutputUnit, String> deferredLoadHashes) {
MainFragment mainFragment = program.fragments.first;
OutputUnit mainOutputUnit = mainFragment.outputUnit;
LineColumnCollector lineColumnCollector;
List<CodeOutputListener> codeOutputListeners;
if (generateSourceMap) {
lineColumnCollector = new LineColumnCollector();
codeOutputListeners = <CodeOutputListener>[lineColumnCollector];
CodeOutput mainOutput =
new StreamCodeOutput(compiler.outputProvider('', 'js'),
outputBuffers[mainOutputUnit] = mainOutput;
bool isProgramSplit = program.isSplit;
addComment(HOOKS_API_USAGE, mainOutput);
if (isProgramSplit) {
/// For deferred loading we communicate the initializers via this global
/// variable. The deferred hunks will add their initialization to this.
/// The semicolon is important in minified mode, without it the
/// following parenthesis looks like a call to the object literal.
'self.${deferredInitializers} = self.${deferredInitializers} || '
// Using a named function here produces easier to read stack traces in
// Chrome/V8.
if (compiler.hasIncrementalSupport) {
#helper = #helper || Object.create(null);
#helper.patch = function(a) { eval(a)};
#helper.schemaChange = #schemaChange;
#helper.addMethod = #addMethod;
#helper.extractStubs = function(array, name, isStatic, originalDescriptor) {
var descriptor = Object.create(null);
this.addStubs(descriptor, array, name, isStatic, []);
return descriptor;
{ 'helper': js('this.#', [namer.incrementalHelperName]),
'schemaChange': buildSchemaChangeFunction(),
'addMethod': buildIncrementalAddMethod() }), compiler));
if (isProgramSplit) {
/// We collect all the global state, so it can be passed to the
/// initializer of deferred files.
mainOutput.add('var ${globalsHolder}$_=${_}Object.create(null)$N');
jsAst.Statement mapFunction = js.statement('''
// [map] returns an object that V8 shouldn't try to optimize with a hidden
// class. This prevents a potential performance problem where V8 tries to build
// a hidden class for an object used as a hashMap.
// It requires fewer characters to declare a variable as a parameter than
// with `var`.
function map(x) {
x = Object.create(null);
x.x = 0;
delete x.x;
return x;
mainOutput.addBuffer(jsAst.prettyPrint(mapFunction, compiler));
for (String globalObject in Namer.reservedGlobalObjectNames) {
// The global objects start as so-called "slow objects". For V8, this
// means that it won't try to make map transitions as we add properties
// to these objects. Later on, we attempt to turn these objects into
// fast objects by calling "convertToFastObject" (see
// [emitConvertToFastObjectFunction]).
mainOutput.add('var ${globalObject}$_=${_}');
if(isProgramSplit) {
mainOutput.add('function ${namer.isolateName}()$_{}\n');
if (isProgramSplit) {
Iterable<LibraryElement> libraries =
if (libraries == null) libraries = [];
Map<Element, ClassBuilder> descriptors = elementDescriptors[mainFragment];
if (descriptors == null) descriptors = const {};
List<jsAst.Expression> parts = <jsAst.Expression>[];
for (LibraryElement library in Elements.sortedByPosition(libraries)) {
parts.add(generateLibraryDescriptor(library, mainFragment));
if (descriptors.isNotEmpty) {
List<Element> remainingLibraries = descriptors.keys
.where((Element e) => e is LibraryElement)
// The remaining descriptors are only accessible through reflection.
// The program builder does not collect libraries that only
// contain typedefs that are used for reflection.
for (LibraryElement element in remainingLibraries) {
assert(element is LibraryElement || compiler.hasIncrementalSupport);
if (element is LibraryElement) {
parts.add(generateLibraryDescriptor(element, mainFragment));
jsAst.ArrayInitializer descriptorsAst = new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(parts);
bool needsNativeSupport = program.needsNativeSupport;
buildSetupProgram(program, compiler, backend, namer, this),
// The argument to reflectionDataParser is assigned to a temporary 'dart'
// so that 'dart.' will appear as the prefix to dart methods in stack
// traces and profile entries.
mainOutput..add('var dart =')
..addBuffer(jsAst.prettyPrint(descriptorsAst, compiler,
monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask))
if (compiler.useContentSecurityPolicy) {
jsAst.Statement precompiledFunctionAst =
monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask,
allowVariableMinification: false));
mainOutput.add('$setupProgramName(dart, 0)$N');
if (task.outputContainsConstantList) {
// Constants in checked mode call into RTI code to set type information
// which may need getInterceptor (and one-shot interceptor) methods, so
// we have to make sure that [emitGetInterceptorMethods] and
// [emitOneShotInterceptors] have been called.
mainOutput, mainFragment.constants, isMainFragment: true);
emitDeferredBoilerPlate(mainOutput, deferredLoadHashes);
if (compiler.deferredMapUri != null) {
// Static field initializations require the classes and compile-time
// constants to be set up.
emitStaticNonFinalFieldInitializations(mainOutput, mainOutputUnit);
interceptorEmitter.emitTypeToInterceptorMap(program, mainOutput);
if (compiler.enableMinification) {
emitMetadata(program, mainOutput, mainOutputUnit);
isolateProperties = isolatePropertiesName;
// The following code should not use the short-hand for the
// initialStatics.
'${namer.currentIsolate}$_=${_}new ${namer.isolateName}()$N');
for (String globalObject in Namer.reservedGlobalObjectNames) {
mainOutput.add('$globalObject = convertToFastObject($globalObject)$N');
// The following only works on V8 when run with option
// "--allow-natives-syntax". We use'new Function' because the
// miniparser does not understand V8 native syntax.
if (typeof print === "function") {
var HasFastProperties =
new Function("a", "return %HasFastProperties(a)");
print("Size of global helper object: "
+ String(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(H).length)
+ ", fast properties " + HasFastProperties(H));
print("Size of global platform object: "
+ String(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(P).length)
+ ", fast properties " + HasFastProperties(P));
print("Size of global dart:html object: "
+ String(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(W).length)
+ ", fast properties " + HasFastProperties(W));
print("Size of isolate properties object: "
+ String(Object.getOwnPropertyNames($).length)
+ ", fast properties " + HasFastProperties($));
print("Size of constant object: "
+ String(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(C).length)
+ ", fast properties " + HasFastProperties(C));
var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames($);
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
print("$." + names[i]);
for (String object in Namer.userGlobalObjects) {
if (typeof print === "function") {
print("Size of $object: "
+ String(Object.getOwnPropertyNames($object).length)
+ ", fast properties " + HasFastProperties($object));
emitMain(mainOutput, mainFragment.invokeMain);
if (generateSourceMap) {
generateSourceMapTag(compiler.sourceMapUri, compiler.outputUri));
if (generateSourceMap) {
outputSourceMap(mainOutput, lineColumnCollector, '',
compiler.sourceMapUri, compiler.outputUri);
/// Used by incremental compilation to patch up the prototype of
/// [oldConstructor] for use as prototype of [newConstructor].
jsAst.Fun buildSchemaChangeFunction() {
return js('''
function(newConstructor, oldConstructor, superclass) {
// Invariant: newConstructor.prototype has no interesting properties besides
// generated accessors. These are copied to oldPrototype which will be
// updated by other incremental changes.
if (superclass != null) {
this.inheritFrom(newConstructor, superclass);
var oldPrototype = oldConstructor.prototype;
var newPrototype = newConstructor.prototype;
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
for (var property in newPrototype) {
if (, property)) {
// Copy generated accessors.
oldPrototype[property] = newPrototype[property];
oldPrototype.__proto__ = newConstructor.prototype.__proto__;
oldPrototype.constructor = newConstructor;
newConstructor.prototype = oldPrototype;
return newConstructor;
/// Used by incremental compilation to patch up an object ([holder]) with a
/// new (or updated) method. [arrayOrFunction] is either the new method, or
/// an array containing the method (see
/// [ContainerBuilder.addMemberMethodFromInfo]). [name] is the name of the
/// new method. [isStatic] tells if method is static (or
/// top-level). [globalFunctionsAccess] is a reference to
/// [embeddedNames.GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS].
jsAst.Fun buildIncrementalAddMethod() {
return js(r"""
function(originalDescriptor, name, holder, isStatic, globalFunctionsAccess) {
var arrayOrFunction = originalDescriptor[name];
var method;
if (arrayOrFunction.constructor === Array) {
var existing = holder[name];
var array = arrayOrFunction;
// Each method may have a number of stubs associated. For example, if an
// instance method supports multiple arguments, a stub for each matching
// selector. There is also a getter stub for tear-off getters. For example,
// an instance method foo([a]) may have the following stubs: foo$0, foo$1,
// and get$foo (here exemplified using unminified names).
// [extractStubs] returns a JavaScript object whose own properties
// corresponds to the stubs.
var descriptor =
this.extractStubs(array, name, isStatic, originalDescriptor);
method = descriptor[name];
// Iterate through the properties of descriptor and copy the stubs to the
// existing holder (for instance methods, a prototype).
for (var property in descriptor) {
if (!, property)) continue;
var stub = descriptor[property];
var existingStub = holder[property];
if (stub === method || !existingStub || !stub.$getterStub) {
// Not replacing an existing getter stub.
holder[property] = stub;
if (!stub.$getterStub) {
var error = new Error('Unexpected stub.');
error.stub = stub;
throw error;
// Existing getter stubs need special treatment as they may already have
// been called and produced a closure.
this.pendingStubs = this.pendingStubs || [];
// It isn't safe to invoke the stub yet.
this.pendingStubs.push((function(holder, stub, existingStub, existing,
method) {
return function() {
var receiver = isStatic ? holder : new holder.constructor();
// Invoke the existing stub to obtain the tear-off closure.
existingStub =;
// Invoke the new stub to create a tear-off closure we can use as a
// prototype.
stub =;
// Copy the properties from the new tear-off's prototype to the
// prototype of the existing tear-off.
var newProto = stub.constructor.prototype;
var existingProto = existingStub.constructor.prototype;
for (var stubProperty in newProto) {
if (!, stubProperty))
existingProto[stubProperty] = newProto[stubProperty];
// Update all the existing stub's references to [existing] to
// [method]. Instance tear-offs are call-by-name, so this isn't
// necessary for those.
if (!isStatic) return;
for (var reference in existingStub) {
if (existingStub[reference] === existing) {
existingStub[reference] = method;
})(holder, stub, existingStub, existing, method));
} else {
method = arrayOrFunction;
holder[name] = method;
if (isStatic) globalFunctionsAccess[name] = method;
/// Returns a map from OutputUnit to a hash of its content. The hash uniquely
/// identifies the code of the output-unit. It does not include
/// boilerplate JS code, like the sourcemap directives or the hash
/// itself.
Map<OutputUnit, String> emitDeferredOutputUnits(Program program) {
if (!program.isSplit) return const {};
Map<OutputUnit, jsAst.Expression> outputs =
new Map<OutputUnit, jsAst.Expression>();
for (Fragment fragment in program.deferredFragments) {
OutputUnit outputUnit = fragment.outputUnit;
Map<Element, ClassBuilder> descriptors = elementDescriptors[fragment];
if (descriptors != null && descriptors.isNotEmpty) {
Iterable<LibraryElement> libraries =
if (libraries == null) libraries = [];
// TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid creating [CodeBuffer]s.
List<jsAst.Expression> parts = <jsAst.Expression>[];
for (LibraryElement library in Elements.sortedByPosition(libraries)) {
parts.add(generateLibraryDescriptor(library, fragment));
outputs[outputUnit] = new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(parts);
return emitDeferredCode(program, outputs);
int emitProgram(ProgramBuilder programBuilder) {
Program program = programBuilder.buildProgram(
storeFunctionTypesInMetadata: true);
// Shorten the code by using [namer.currentIsolate] as temporary.
isolateProperties = namer.currentIsolate;
// Emit deferred units first, so we have their hashes.
// Map from OutputUnit to a hash of its content. The hash uniquely
// identifies the code of the output-unit. It does not include
// boilerplate JS code, like the sourcemap directives or the hash
// itself.
Map<OutputUnit, String> deferredLoadHashes =
emitMainOutputUnit(program, deferredLoadHashes);
if (backend.requiresPreamble &&
!backend.htmlLibraryIsLoaded) {
compiler.reportHint(NO_LOCATION_SPANNABLE, MessageKind.PREAMBLE);
// Return the total program size.
return outputBuffers.values.fold(0, (a, b) => a + b.length);
String generateSourceMapTag(Uri sourceMapUri, Uri fileUri) {
if (sourceMapUri != null && fileUri != null) {
String sourceMapFileName = relativize(fileUri, sourceMapUri, false);
return '''
//# sourceMappingURL=$sourceMapFileName
return '';
ClassBuilder getElementDescriptor(Element element, Fragment fragment) {
Element owner = element.library;
if (!element.isLibrary && !element.isTopLevel && !element.isNative) {
// For static (not top level) elements, record their code in a buffer
// specific to the class. For now, not supported for native classes and
// native elements.
ClassElement cls =
if (compiler.codegenWorld.directlyInstantiatedClasses.contains(cls) &&
!cls.isNative &&
compiler.deferredLoadTask.outputUnitForElement(element) ==
compiler.deferredLoadTask.outputUnitForElement(cls)) {
owner = cls;
if (owner == null) {
compiler.internalError(element, 'Owner is null.');
return elementDescriptors
.putIfAbsent(fragment, () => new Map<Element, ClassBuilder>())
.putIfAbsent(owner, () => new ClassBuilder(owner, namer));
/// Emits support-code for deferred loading into [output].
void emitDeferredBoilerPlate(CodeOutput output,
Map<OutputUnit, String> deferredLoadHashes) {
jsAst.Statement functions = js.statement('''
// Function for checking if a hunk is loaded given its hash.
#isHunkLoaded = function(hunkHash) {
return !!$deferredInitializers[hunkHash];
#deferredInitialized = new Object(null);
// Function for checking if a hunk is initialized given its hash.
#isHunkInitialized = function(hunkHash) {
return #deferredInitialized[hunkHash];
// Function for initializing a loaded hunk, given its hash.
#initializeLoadedHunk = function(hunkHash) {
$globalsHolder, ${namer.currentIsolate});
#deferredInitialized[hunkHash] = true;
''', {"isHunkLoaded": generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(
"isHunkInitialized": generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(
"initializeLoadedHunk": generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(
"deferredInitialized": generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(
compiler, monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
// Write a javascript mapping from Deferred import load ids (derrived
// from the import prefix.) to a list of lists of uris of hunks to load,
// and a corresponding mapping to a list of hashes used by
Map<String, List<String>> deferredLibraryUris =
new Map<String, List<String>>();
Map<String, List<String>> deferredLibraryHashes =
new Map<String, List<String>>();
(String loadId, List<OutputUnit>outputUnits) {
List<String> uris = new List<String>();
List<String> hashes = new List<String>();
deferredLibraryHashes[loadId] = new List<String>();
for (OutputUnit outputUnit in outputUnits) {
deferredLibraryUris[loadId] = uris;
deferredLibraryHashes[loadId] = hashes;
void emitMapping(String name, Map<String, List<String>> mapping) {
List<jsAst.Property> properties = new List<jsAst.Property>();
mapping.forEach((String key, List<String> values) {
properties.add(new jsAst.Property(js.escapedString(key),
new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(;
jsAst.Node initializer =
new jsAst.ObjectInitializer(properties, isOneLiner: true);
jsAst.Node globalName = generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(name);
js("# = #", [globalName, initializer]),
compiler, monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask));
emitMapping(embeddedNames.DEFERRED_LIBRARY_URIS, deferredLibraryUris);
/// Emits code for all output units except the main.
/// Returns a mapping from outputUnit to a hash of the corresponding hunk that
/// can be used for calling the initializer.
Map<OutputUnit, String> emitDeferredCode(
Program program,
Map<OutputUnit, jsAst.Expression> deferredAsts) {
Map<OutputUnit, String> hunkHashes = new Map<OutputUnit, String>();
for (Fragment fragment in program.deferredFragments) {
OutputUnit outputUnit = fragment.outputUnit;
jsAst.Expression libraryDescriptor = deferredAsts[outputUnit];
List<CodeOutputListener> outputListeners = <CodeOutputListener>[];
Hasher hasher = new Hasher();
LineColumnCollector lineColumnCollector;
if (generateSourceMap) {
lineColumnCollector = new LineColumnCollector();
String partPrefix =
backend.deferredPartFileName(, addExtension: false);
CodeOutput output = new StreamCodeOutput(
compiler.outputProvider(partPrefix, 'part.js'),
outputBuffers[outputUnit] = output;
'function$_(${globalsHolder}) {$N');
for (String globalObject in Namer.reservedGlobalObjectNames) {
.add('var $globalObject$_=$_'
..add('var init$_=$_${globalsHolder}.init$N')
..add('var $setupProgramName$_=$_'
..add('var ${namer.isolateName}$_=$_'
String typesAccess =
if (libraryDescriptor != null) {
// TODO(ahe): This defines a lot of properties on the
// Isolate.prototype object. We know this will turn it into a
// slow object in V8, so instead we should do something similar
// to Isolate.$finishIsolateConstructor.
..add('var ${namer.currentIsolate}$_=$_$isolatePropertiesName$N')
// The argument to reflectionDataParser is assigned to a temporary
// 'dart' so that 'dart.' will appear as the prefix to dart methods
// in stack traces and profile entries.
..add('var dart = $n ')
..addBuffer(jsAst.prettyPrint(libraryDescriptor, compiler,
monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask))
if (compiler.useContentSecurityPolicy) {
jsAst.Statement precompiledFunctionAst =
precompiledFunctionAst, compiler,
monitor: compiler.dumpInfoTask,
allowVariableMinification: false));
output.add('$setupProgramName(dart, ${typesAccess}.length)$N');
if (task.metadataCollector.types[outputUnit] != null) {
emitMetadata(program, output, outputUnit);
// Set the currentIsolate variable to the current isolate (which is
// provided as second argument).
// We need to do this, because we use the same variable for setting up
// the isolate-properties and for storing the current isolate. During
// the setup (the code above this lines) we must set the variable to
// the isolate-properties.
// After we have done the setup it must point to the current Isolate.
// Otherwise all methods/functions accessing isolate variables will
// access the wrong object.
output, fragment.constants, isMainFragment: false);
emitStaticNonFinalFieldInitializations(output, outputUnit);
// Make a unique hash of the code (before the sourcemaps are added)
// This will be used to retrieve the initializing function from the global
// variable.
String hash = hasher.getHash();
if (generateSourceMap) {
Uri mapUri, partUri;
Uri sourceMapUri = compiler.sourceMapUri;
Uri outputUri = compiler.outputUri;
String partName = "$partPrefix.part";
if (sourceMapUri != null) {
String mapFileName = partName + "";
List<String> mapSegments = sourceMapUri.pathSegments.toList();
mapSegments[mapSegments.length - 1] = mapFileName;
mapUri = compiler.sourceMapUri.replace(pathSegments: mapSegments);
if (outputUri != null) {
String partFileName = partName + ".js";
List<String> partSegments = outputUri.pathSegments.toList();
partSegments[partSegments.length - 1] = partFileName;
partUri = compiler.outputUri.replace(pathSegments: partSegments);
output.add(generateSourceMapTag(mapUri, partUri));
outputSourceMap(output, lineColumnCollector, partName,
mapUri, partUri);
} else {
hunkHashes[outputUnit] = hash;
return hunkHashes;
String buildGeneratedBy() {
var suffix = '';
if (compiler.hasBuildId) suffix = ' version: ${compiler.buildId}';
return '// Generated by dart2js, the Dart to JavaScript compiler$suffix.\n';
void outputSourceMap(CodeOutput output,
LineColumnProvider lineColumnProvider,
String name,
[Uri sourceMapUri,
Uri fileUri]) {
if (!generateSourceMap) return;
// Create a source file for the compilation output. This allows using
// [:getLine:] to transform offsets to line numbers in [SourceMapBuilder].
SourceMapBuilder sourceMapBuilder =
new SourceMapBuilder(sourceMapUri, fileUri, lineColumnProvider);
String sourceMap =;
compiler.outputProvider(name, '')
void outputDeferredMap() {
Map<String, dynamic> mapping = new Map<String, dynamic>();
// Json does not support comments, so we embed the explanation in the
// data.
mapping["_comment"] = "This mapping shows which compiled `.js` files are "
"needed for a given deferred library import.";
compiler.outputProvider(compiler.deferredMapUri.path, 'deferred_map')
..add(const JsonEncoder.withIndent(" ").convert(mapping))
void invalidateCaches() {
if (!compiler.hasIncrementalSupport) return;
if (cachedElements.isEmpty) return;
for (Element element in compiler.enqueuer.codegen.newlyEnqueuedElements) {
if (element.isInstanceMember) {