blob: e712495c4625a16242d119e8ce2e3fb906c1ad53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analysis_server.analysis.index.index_core;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
* An object that can have a [Relationship] with various [Location]s in a code
* base.
* Clients are expected to subtype this class when implementing plugins.
abstract class IndexableObject {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out the subset of the Element API that is used
// by the index.
* An object used to add relationships to the index.
* Clients are expected to subtype this class when implementing plugins.
abstract class IndexContributor {
* Contribute relationships to the given index [store] as a result of
* analyzing the given [source] in the given [context].
void contributeTo(IndexStore store, AnalysisContext context, Source source);
// A sketch of what the driver routine might look like:
//void buildIndexForSource(AnalysisContext context, Source source) {
// IndexStoreImpl store;
// store.aboutToIndex(context, source);
// try {
// for (IndexContributor contributor in contributors) {
// contributor.contributeTo(store, context, source);
// }
// } finally {
// store.doneIndexing();
// }
* An object that stores information about the relationships between locations
* in a code base.
* Clients are not expected to subtype this class.
abstract class IndexStore {
* Remove all of the information from the index.
void clear();
* Return a future that completes with the locations that have the given
* [relationship] with the given [indexable] object.
* For example, if the [indexable] object represents a function and the
* relationship is the `is-invoked-by` relationship, then the returned
* locations will be all of the places where the function is invoked.
Future<List<Location>> getRelationships(
IndexableObject indexable, Relationship relationship);
* Record that the given [indexable] object and [location] have the given
* [relationship].
* For example, if the [relationship] is the `is-invoked-by` relationship,
* then the [indexable] object would be the function being invoked and
* [location] would be the point at which it is invoked. Each indexable object
* can have the same relationship with multiple locations. In other words, if
* the following code were executed
* recordRelationship(indexable, isReferencedBy, location1);
* recordRelationship(indexable, isReferencedBy, location2);
* (where `location1 != location2`) then both relationships would be
* maintained in the index and the result of executing
* getRelationship(indexable, isReferencedBy);
* would be a list containing both `location1` and `location2`.
void recordRelationship(
IndexableObject indexable, Relationship relationship, Location location);
* Remove from the index all of the information associated with the given
* [context].
* This method should be invoked when the [context] is disposed.
void removeContext(AnalysisContext context);
* Remove from the index all of the information associated with indexable
* objects or locations in the given [source]. This includes relationships
* between an indexable object in [source] and any other locations, as well as
* relationships between any other indexable objects and locations within
* the [source].
* This method should be invoked when [source] is no longer part of the given
* [context].
void removeSource(AnalysisContext context, Source source);
* Remove from the index all of the information associated with indexable
* objects or locations in the given sources. This includes relationships
* between an indexable object in the given sources and any other locations,
* as well as relationships between any other indexable objects and a location
* within the given sources.
* This method should be invoked when the sources described by the given
* [container] are no longer part of the given [context].
void removeSources(AnalysisContext context, SourceContainer container);
* Instances of the class [Location] represent a location related to an
* indexable object.
* The location is expressed as an offset and length, but the offset is relative
* to the source containing the indexable object rather than the start of the
* indexable object within that source.
* Clients are not expected to subtype this class.
abstract class Location {
* An empty list of locations.
static const List<Location> EMPTY_LIST = const <Location>[];
* Return the indexable object containing this location.
IndexableObject get indexable;
* Return `true` if this location is a qualified reference.
bool get isQualified;
* Return `true` if this location is a resolved reference.
bool get isResolved;
* Return the length of this location.
int get length;
* Return the offset of this location within the source containing the
* indexable object.
int get offset;
* A relationship between an indexable object and a location. Relationships are
* identified by a globally unique identifier.
* Clients are not expected to subtype this class.
abstract class Relationship {
* Return a relationship that has the given [identifier]. If the relationship
* has already been created, then it will be returned, otherwise a new
* relationship will be created
factory Relationship(String identifier) => null;