blob: 084909512725f81774cf028c0d437f2fbde5bea9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:_runtime' show gFnType, typeRep, isSubtypeOf;
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
/// Returns an unwrapped generic function type with a bounded type argument in
/// the form: <T extends [bound]> void -> void.
// TODO(nshahan): The generic function type is created as a legacy type.
genericFunction(bound) => gFnType((T) => [typeRep<void>(), []], (T) => [bound]);
/// Returns an unwrapped generic function type with a bounded type argument in
/// the form: <T extends [bound]> [argumentType] -> T.
// TODO(nshahan): The generic function type is created as a legacy type.
functionGenericReturn(bound, argumentType) => gFnType(
(T) => [
(T) => [bound]);
/// Returns an unwrapped generic function type with a bounded type argument in
/// the form: <T extends [bound]> T -> [returnType].
// TODO(nshahan): The generic function type is created as a legacy type.
functionGenericArg(bound, returnType) => gFnType(
(T) => [
(T) => [bound]);
void checkSubtype(s, t) =>
Expect.isTrue(isSubtypeOf(s, t), '$s should be subtype of $t.');
void checkProperSubtype(s, t) {
Expect.isTrue(isSubtypeOf(s, t), '$s should be subtype of $t.');
checkSubtypeFailure(t, s);
void checkMutualSubtype(Object s, Object t) {
Expect.isTrue(isSubtypeOf(s, t), '$s should be subtype of $t.');
Expect.isTrue(isSubtypeOf(t, s), '$t should be subtype of $s.');
void checkSubtypeFailure(s, t) =>
Expect.isFalse(isSubtypeOf(s, t), '$s should not be subtype of $t.');