blob: 6a490e50cc56c7a1290f48bcbbf316817ffb8815 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A collection of utility methods used by completion contributors.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart'
show CompletionSuggestion, CompletionSuggestionKind, Location;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/provisional/completion/dart/completion_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_ast_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' as protocol
show Element, ElementKind;
* The name of the type `dynamic`;
const DYNAMIC = 'dynamic';
* Sort by relevance first, highest to lowest, and then by the completion
* alphabetically.
Comparator<CompletionSuggestion> completionComparator = (a, b) {
if (a.relevance == b.relevance) {
return a.completion.compareTo(b.completion);
return b.relevance.compareTo(a.relevance);
* A marker used in place of `null` when a function has no return type.
final TypeName NO_RETURN_TYPE = astFactory.typeName(
astFactory.simpleIdentifier(StringToken(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, '', 0)),
* Add default argument list text and ranges based on the given [requiredParams]
* and [namedParams].
void addDefaultArgDetails(
CompletionSuggestion suggestion,
Element element,
Iterable<ParameterElement> requiredParams,
Iterable<ParameterElement> namedParams) {
StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
List<int> ranges = <int>[];
int offset;
for (ParameterElement param in requiredParams) {
if (sb.isNotEmpty) {
sb.write(', ');
offset = sb.length;
if (param.type is FunctionType) {
FunctionType type = param.type;
var rangeStart = offset;
var rangeLength;
// todo (pq): consider adding ranges for params
// pending:
// (types in closure param completions make this UX awkward)
final parametersString = buildClosureParameters(type);
final blockBuffer = StringBuffer(parametersString);
blockBuffer.write(' ');
// todo (pq): consider refactoring to share common logic w/ ArgListContributor.buildClosureSuggestions
final returnType = type.returnType;
if (returnType.isVoid) {
rangeStart = sb.length + blockBuffer.length;
blockBuffer.write(' }');
rangeLength = 1;
} else {
final returnValue = returnType.isDartCoreBool ? 'false' : 'null';
blockBuffer.write('=> ');
rangeStart = sb.length + blockBuffer.length;
rangeLength = returnValue.length;
ranges.addAll([rangeStart, rangeLength]);
} else {
String name =;
ranges.addAll([offset, name.length]);
for (ParameterElement param in namedParams) {
if (param.hasRequired) {
if (sb.isNotEmpty) {
sb.write(', ');
String name =;
sb.write('$name: ');
offset = sb.length;
String defaultValue = _getDefaultValue(param);
ranges.addAll([offset, defaultValue.length]);
suggestion.defaultArgumentListString = sb.isNotEmpty ? sb.toString() : null;
suggestion.defaultArgumentListTextRanges = ranges.isNotEmpty ? ranges : null;
String buildClosureParameters(FunctionType type) {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
var hasNamed = false;
var hasOptionalPositional = false;
var parameters = type.parameters;
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.length; ++i) {
var parameter = parameters[i];
if (i != 0) {
buffer.write(', ');
if (parameter.isNamed && !hasNamed) {
hasNamed = true;
} else if (parameter.isOptionalPositional && !hasOptionalPositional) {
hasOptionalPositional = true;
// todo (pq): consider abbreviating names
if (hasNamed) {
} else if (hasOptionalPositional) {
return buffer.toString();
* Create a new protocol Element for inclusion in a completion suggestion.
protocol.Element createLocalElement(
Source source, protocol.ElementKind kind, SimpleIdentifier id,
{String parameters,
TypeAnnotation returnType,
bool isAbstract = false,
bool isDeprecated = false}) {
String name;
Location location;
if (id != null) {
name =;
// TODO(danrubel) use lineInfo to determine startLine and startColumn
location = Location(source.fullName, id.offset, id.length, 0, 0);
} else {
name = '';
location = Location(source.fullName, -1, 0, 1, 0);
int flags = protocol.Element.makeFlags(
isAbstract: isAbstract,
isDeprecated: isDeprecated,
isPrivate: Identifier.isPrivateName(name));
return protocol.Element(kind, name, flags,
location: location,
parameters: parameters,
returnType: nameForType(id, returnType));
* Create a new suggestion based upon the given information. Return the new
* suggestion or `null` if it could not be created.
CompletionSuggestion createLocalSuggestion(SimpleIdentifier id,
bool isDeprecated, int defaultRelevance, TypeAnnotation returnType,
{ClassOrMixinDeclaration classDecl,
CompletionSuggestionKind kind = CompletionSuggestionKind.INVOCATION,
protocol.Element element}) {
if (id == null) {
return null;
String completion =;
if (completion == null || completion.isEmpty || completion == '_') {
return null;
CompletionSuggestion suggestion = CompletionSuggestion(
isDeprecated ? DART_RELEVANCE_LOW : defaultRelevance,
returnType: nameForType(id, returnType),
element: element);
if (classDecl != null) {
SimpleIdentifier classId =;
if (classId != null) {
String className =;
if (className != null && className.isNotEmpty) {
suggestion.declaringType = className;
return suggestion;
DefaultArgument getDefaultStringParameterValue(ParameterElement param) {
if (param != null) {
DartType type = param.type;
if (type is InterfaceType && type.isDartCoreList) {
String getTypeArgumentsStr() {
var elementType = type.typeArguments.single;
if (elementType.isDynamic) {
return '';
} else {
var typeArgStr = elementType.getDisplayString(
withNullability: false,
return '<$typeArgStr>';
String typeArgumentStr = getTypeArgumentsStr();
String text = '$typeArgumentStr[]';
return DefaultArgument(text, cursorPosition: text.length - 1);
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
String params = type.parameters
.map((p) => '${getTypeString(p.type)}${}')
.join(', ');
// TODO(devoncarew): Support having this method return text with newlines.
String text = '($params) { }';
return DefaultArgument(text, cursorPosition: text.length - 2);
// TODO(pq): support map literals
return null;
String getRequestLineIndent(DartCompletionRequest request) {
var content = request.result.content;
var lineStartOffset = request.offset;
var notWhitespaceOffset = request.offset;
for (; lineStartOffset > 0; lineStartOffset--) {
var char = content.substring(lineStartOffset - 1, lineStartOffset);
if (char == '\n') {
if (char != ' ' && char != '\t') {
notWhitespaceOffset = lineStartOffset - 1;
return content.substring(lineStartOffset, notWhitespaceOffset);
String getTypeString(DartType type) {
if (type.isDynamic) {
return '';
} else {
return type.getDisplayString(withNullability: false) + ' ';
* Return `true` if the @deprecated annotation is present on the given [node].
bool isDeprecated(AnnotatedNode node) {
if (node != null) {
NodeList<Annotation> metadata = node.metadata;
if (metadata != null) {
return metadata.any((Annotation a) {
return is SimpleIdentifier && == 'deprecated';
return false;
* Return name of the type of the given [identifier], or, if it unresolved, the
* name of its declared [declaredType].
String nameForType(SimpleIdentifier identifier, TypeAnnotation declaredType) {
if (identifier == null) {
return null;
// Get the type from the identifier element.
DartType type;
Element element = identifier.staticElement;
if (element == null) {
return DYNAMIC;
} else if (element is FunctionTypedElement) {
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement && element.isSetter) {
return null;
type = element.returnType;
} else if (element is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
type = element.function.returnType;
} else if (element is VariableElement) {
type = element.type;
} else {
return null;
// If the type is unresolved, use the declared type.
if (type != null && type.isDynamic) {
if (declaredType is TypeName) {
Identifier id =;
if (id != null) {
return DYNAMIC;
if (type == null) {
return DYNAMIC;
return type.getDisplayString(withNullability: false);
/// TODO(pq): fix to use getDefaultStringParameterValue()
String _getDefaultValue(ParameterElement param) => 'null';
* A tuple of text to insert and an (optional) location for the cursor.
class DefaultArgument {
* The text to insert.
final String text;
* An optional location for the cursor, relative to the text's start. This
* field can be null.
final int cursorPosition;
DefaultArgument(this.text, {this.cursorPosition});