blob: 2d24a7478a4fcc7446823c29f1249eb04fc99cdd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'output_unit.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../util/maplet.dart';
/// Indirectly represents a deferred import in an [ImportSet].
/// We could directly store the [declaration] in [ImportSet], but adding this
/// class makes some of the import set operations more efficient.
class _DeferredImport {
final ImportEntity declaration;
/// Canonical index associated with [declaration]. This is used to efficiently
/// implement [ImportSetLattice.union].
final int index;
_DeferredImport(this.declaration, this.index);
/// A compact lattice representation of import sets and subsets.
/// We use a graph of nodes to represent elements of the lattice, but only
/// create new nodes on-demand as they are needed by the deferred loading
/// algorithm.
/// The constructions of nodes is carefully done by storing imports in a
/// specific order. This ensures that we have a unique and canonical
/// representation for each subset.
class ImportSetLattice {
/// Index of deferred imports that defines the canonical order used by the
/// operations below.
Map<ImportEntity, _DeferredImport> _importIndex = {};
/// The canonical instance representing the empty import set.
ImportSet _emptySet = ImportSet.empty();
/// The import set representing the main output unit, which happens to be
/// implemented as an empty set in our algorithm.
ImportSet get mainSet => _emptySet;
/// Get the singleton import set that only contains [import].
ImportSet singleton(ImportEntity import) {
// Ensure we have import in the index.
return _emptySet._add(_wrap(import));
/// Get the import set that includes the union of [a] and [b].
ImportSet union(ImportSet a, ImportSet b) {
if (a == null || a.isEmpty) return b;
if (b == null || b.isEmpty) return a;
// Create the union by merging the imports in canonical order. The sets are
// basically lists linked by the `_previous` field in reverse order. We do a
// merge-like scan 'backwards' removing the biggest element until we hit an
// empty set or a common prefix, and the add the 'merge-sorted' elements
// back onto the prefix.
ImportSet result;
// 'removed' imports in decreasing canonical order.
List<_DeferredImport> imports = [];
while (true) {
if (a.isEmpty) {
result = b;
if (b.isEmpty || identical(a, b)) {
result = a;
if (a._import.index > b._import.index) {
a = a._previous;
} else if (b._import.index > a._import.index) {
b = b._previous;
} else {
assert(identical(a._import, b._import));
a = a._previous;
b = b._previous;
// Add merged elements back in reverse order. It is tempting to pop them off
// with `removeLast()` but that causes measurable shrinking reallocations.
for (int i = imports.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
result = result._add(imports[i]);
return result;
/// Get the index for an [import] according to the canonical order.
_DeferredImport _wrap(ImportEntity import) {
return _importIndex[import] ??=
_DeferredImport(import, _importIndex.length);
/// A canonical set of deferred imports.
class ImportSet {
/// Last element added to set.
/// This set comprises [_import] appended onto [_previous]. *Note*: [_import]
/// is the last element in the set in the canonical order imposed by
/// [ImportSetLattice].
final _DeferredImport _import; // `null` for empty ImportSet
/// The set containing all previous elements.
final ImportSet _previous;
final int length;
bool get isEmpty => _import == null;
bool get isNotEmpty => _import != null;
/// Returns an iterable over the imports in this set in canonical order.
Iterable<_DeferredImport> collectImports() {
List<_DeferredImport> result = [];
ImportSet current = this;
while (current.isNotEmpty) {
current = current._previous;
assert(result.length == this.length);
return result.reversed;
/// Links to other import sets in the lattice by adding one import.
final Map<_DeferredImport, ImportSet> _transitions = Maplet();
: _import = null,
_previous = null,
length = 0;
ImportSet(this._import, this._previous, this.length);
/// The output unit corresponding to this set of imports, if any.
OutputUnit unit;
/// Create an import set that adds [import] to all the imports on this set.
/// This assumes that import's canonical order comes after all imports in
/// this current set. This should only be called from [ImportSetLattice],
/// since it is where we preserve this invariant.
ImportSet _add(_DeferredImport import) {
assert(_import == null || import.index > _import.index);
return _transitions[import] ??= ImportSet(import, this, length + 1);
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
sb.write('ImportSet(size: $length, ');
for (var import in collectImports()) {
sb.write('${} ');
return '$sb';