blob: ccc5a1975ee36cb88d8bfd7427a3eda4db2610cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/scope.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/extensions.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
/// Handles possible rewrites of AST.
/// When code is initially parsed, many assumptions are made which may be
/// incorrect given newer Dart syntax. For example, `new a.b()` is parsed as an
/// [InstanceCreationExpression], but `a.b()` (without `new`) is parsed as a
/// [MethodInvocation]. The public methods of this class carry out the minimal
/// amount of resolution in order to determine whether a node (and its
/// descendants) should be replaced by another, and perform such replacements.
/// The public methods of this class form a complete accounting of possible
/// node replacements.
class AstRewriter {
final ErrorReporter _errorReporter;
/// Possibly rewrites [node] as a [MethodInvocation] with a
/// [FunctionReference] target.
/// Code such as `a<...>.b(...);` (or with a prefix such as `p.a<...>.b(...)`)
/// is parsed as an [ExpressionStatement] with an [InstanceCreationExpression]
/// with `a<...>.b` as the [ConstructorName] (which has 'type' of `a<...>`
/// and 'name' of `b`). The [InstanceCreationExpression] is rewritten as a
/// [MethodInvocation] if `a` resolves to a function.
AstNode instanceCreationExpression(
Scope nameScope, InstanceCreationExpressionImpl node) {
if (node.keyword != null) {
// Either `new` or `const` has been specified.
return node;
var typeNode = node.constructorName.type;
var importPrefix = typeNode.importPrefix;
if (importPrefix == null) {
var element = nameScope.lookup(typeNode.name2.lexeme).getter;
if (element is FunctionElement ||
element is MethodElement ||
element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
return _toMethodInvocationOfFunctionReference(
node: node,
function: SimpleIdentifierImpl(typeNode.name2),
} else if (element is TypeAliasElement &&
element.aliasedElement is GenericFunctionTypeElement) {
return _toMethodInvocationOfAliasedTypeLiteral(
node: node,
function: SimpleIdentifierImpl(typeNode.name2),
element: element,
} else {
var prefixName =;
var prefixElement = nameScope.lookup(prefixName).getter;
if (prefixElement is PrefixElement) {
var prefixedName = typeNode.name2.lexeme;
var element = prefixElement.scope.lookup(prefixedName).getter;
if (element is FunctionElement) {
return _toMethodInvocationOfFunctionReference(
node: node,
function: PrefixedIdentifierImpl(
prefix: SimpleIdentifierImpl(,
period: importPrefix.period,
identifier: SimpleIdentifierImpl(typeNode.name2),
} else if (element is TypeAliasElement &&
element.aliasedElement is GenericFunctionTypeElement) {
return _toMethodInvocationOfAliasedTypeLiteral(
node: node,
function: PrefixedIdentifierImpl(
prefix: SimpleIdentifierImpl(,
period: importPrefix.period,
identifier: SimpleIdentifierImpl(typeNode.name2),
element: element,
// If `element` is a [ClassElement], or a [TypeAliasElement] aliasing
// an interface type, then this indeed looks like a constructor call; do
// not rewrite `node`.
// If `element` is a [TypeAliasElement] aliasing a function type, then
// this looks like an attempt type instantiate a function type alias
// (which is not a feature), and then call a method on the resulting
// [Type] object; no not rewrite `node`.
// If `typeName.identifier` cannot be resolved, do not rewrite `node`.
return node;
} else {
// In the case that `prefixElement` is not a [PrefixElement], then
// `typeName`, as a [PrefixedIdentifier], cannot refer to a class or an
// aliased type; rewrite `node` as a [MethodInvocation].
return _toMethodInvocationOfFunctionReference(
node: node,
function: PrefixedIdentifierImpl(
prefix: SimpleIdentifierImpl(,
period: importPrefix.period,
identifier: SimpleIdentifierImpl(typeNode.name2),
return node;
/// Possibly rewrites [node] as an [ExtensionOverride] or as an
/// [InstanceCreationExpression].
AstNode methodInvocation(Scope nameScope, MethodInvocationImpl node) {
var methodName = node.methodName;
if (methodName.isSynthetic) {
// This isn't a constructor invocation because the method name is
// synthetic.
return node;
var target =;
var operator = node.operator;
if (target == null) {
// Possible cases: C() or C<>()
if (node.realTarget != null) {
// This isn't a constructor invocation because it's in a cascade.
return node;
var element = nameScope.lookup(;
if (element is InterfaceElement) {
return _toInstanceCreation_type(
node: node,
typeIdentifier: methodName,
} else if (element is ExtensionElement) {
var extensionOverride = ExtensionOverrideImpl(
importPrefix: null,
name: methodName.token,
element: element,
typeArguments: node.typeArguments,
argumentList: node.argumentList,
NodeReplacer.replace(node, extensionOverride);
return extensionOverride;
} else if (element is TypeAliasElement &&
element.aliasedType is InterfaceType) {
return _toInstanceCreation_type(
node: node,
typeIdentifier: methodName,
} else if (target is SimpleIdentifierImpl && operator != null) {
// Possible cases: C.n(), p.C() or p.C<>()
if (node.isNullAware) {
// This isn't a constructor invocation because a null aware operator is
// being used.
var element = nameScope.lookup(;
if (element is InterfaceElement) {
// class C { C.named(); }
// C.named()
return _toInstanceCreation_type_constructor(
node: node,
typeIdentifier: target,
constructorIdentifier: methodName,
classElement: element,
} else if (element is PrefixElement) {
// Possible cases: p.C() or p.C<>()
var prefixedElement = element.scope.lookup(;
if (prefixedElement is InterfaceElement) {
return _toInstanceCreation_prefix_type(
node: node,
prefixIdentifier: target,
typeIdentifier: methodName,
} else if (prefixedElement is ExtensionElement) {
var extensionOverride = ExtensionOverrideImpl(
importPrefix: ImportPrefixReferenceImpl(
name: target.token,
period: operator,
)..element = element,
name: node.methodName.token,
element: prefixedElement,
typeArguments: node.typeArguments,
argumentList: node.argumentList,
NodeReplacer.replace(node, extensionOverride);
return extensionOverride;
} else if (prefixedElement is TypeAliasElement &&
prefixedElement.aliasedType is InterfaceType) {
return _toInstanceCreation_prefix_type(
node: node,
prefixIdentifier: target,
typeIdentifier: methodName,
} else if (element is TypeAliasElement) {
var aliasedType = element.aliasedType;
if (aliasedType is InterfaceType) {
// class C { C.named(); }
// typedef X = C;
// X.named()
return _toInstanceCreation_type_constructor(
node: node,
typeIdentifier: target,
constructorIdentifier: methodName,
classElement: aliasedType.element,
} else if (target is PrefixedIdentifierImpl) {
// Possible case: p.C.n()
var prefixElement = nameScope.lookup(;
target.prefix.staticElement = prefixElement;
if (prefixElement is PrefixElement) {
var prefixedName =;
var element = prefixElement.scope.lookup(prefixedName).getter;
if (element is InterfaceElement) {
return _instanceCreation_prefix_type_name(
node: node,
typeNameIdentifier: target,
constructorIdentifier: methodName,
classElement: element,
} else if (element is TypeAliasElement) {
var aliasedType = element.aliasedType;
if (aliasedType is InterfaceType) {
return _instanceCreation_prefix_type_name(
node: node,
typeNameIdentifier: target,
constructorIdentifier: methodName,
classElement: aliasedType.element,
return node;
/// Possibly rewrites [node] as a [ConstructorReference].
/// Code such as `List.filled;` is parsed as (an [ExpressionStatement] with) a
/// [PrefixedIdentifier] with 'prefix' of `List` and 'identifier' of `filled`.
/// The [PrefixedIdentifier] may need to be rewritten as a
/// [ConstructorReference].
AstNode prefixedIdentifier(Scope nameScope, PrefixedIdentifierImpl node) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is Annotation) {
// An annotations which is a const constructor invocation can initially be
// represented with a [PrefixedIdentifier]. Do not rewrite such nodes.
return node;
if (parent is CommentReferenceImpl) {
// TODO(srawlins): This probably should be allowed to be rewritten to a
// [ConstructorReference] at some point.
return node;
if (parent is AssignmentExpressionImpl && parent.leftHandSide == node) {
// A constructor cannot be assigned to, in some expression like
// ` = foo`; do not rewrite.
return node;
var identifier = node.identifier;
if (identifier.isSynthetic) {
// This isn't a constructor reference.
return node;
var prefix = node.prefix;
var prefixElement = nameScope.lookup(;
if (parent is ConstantPattern && prefixElement is PrefixElement) {
var element = prefixElement.scope.lookup(;
if (element is TypeDefiningElement) {
return _toPatternTypeLiteral(parent, node);
if (prefixElement is InterfaceElement) {
// Example:
// class C { C.named(); }
// C.named
return _toConstructorReference_prefixed(
node: node, classElement: prefixElement);
} else if (prefixElement is TypeAliasElement) {
var aliasedType = prefixElement.aliasedType;
if (aliasedType is InterfaceType) {
// Example:
// class C { C.named(); }
// typedef X = C;
// X.named
return _toConstructorReference_prefixed(
node: node,
classElement: aliasedType.element,
return node;
/// Possibly rewrites [node] as a [ConstructorReference].
/// Code such as `async.Future.value;` is parsed as (an [ExpressionStatement]
/// with) a [PropertyAccess] with a 'target' of [PrefixedIdentifier] (with
/// 'prefix' of `List` and 'identifier' of `filled`) and a 'propertyName' of
/// `value`. The [PropertyAccess] may need to be rewritten as a
/// [ConstructorReference].
AstNode propertyAccess(Scope nameScope, PropertyAccessImpl node) {
if (node.isCascaded) {
// For example, `List..filled`: this is a property access on an instance
// `Type`.
return node;
if (node.parent is CommentReferenceImpl) {
// TODO(srawlins): This probably should be allowed to be rewritten to a
// [ConstructorReference] at some point.
return node;
var receiver =!;
IdentifierImpl receiverIdentifier;
TypeArgumentListImpl? typeArguments;
if (receiver is PrefixedIdentifierImpl) {
receiverIdentifier = receiver;
} else if (receiver is FunctionReferenceImpl) {
// A [ConstructorReference] with explicit type arguments is initially
// parsed as a [PropertyAccess] with a [FunctionReference] target; for
// example: `List<int>.filled` or `core.List<int>.filled`.
var function = receiver.function;
if (function is! IdentifierImpl) {
// If [receiverIdentifier] is not an Identifier then [node] is not a
// ConstructorReference.
return node;
receiverIdentifier = function;
typeArguments = receiver.typeArguments;
} else {
// If the receiver is not (initially) a prefixed identifier or a function
// reference, then [node] is not a constructor reference.
return node;
Element? element;
if (receiverIdentifier is SimpleIdentifierImpl) {
element = nameScope.lookup(;
} else if (receiverIdentifier is PrefixedIdentifierImpl) {
var prefixElement =
if (prefixElement is PrefixElement) {
element = prefixElement.scope
} else {
// This expression is something like `foo.List<int>.filled` where `foo`
// is not an import prefix.
// TODO(srawlins): Tease out a `null` prefixElement from others for
// specific errors.
return node;
if (element is InterfaceElement) {
// Example:
// class C<T> { C.named(); }
// C<int>.named
return _toConstructorReference_propertyAccess(
node: node,
receiver: receiverIdentifier,
typeArguments: typeArguments,
classElement: element,
} else if (element is TypeAliasElement) {
var aliasedType = element.aliasedType;
if (aliasedType is InterfaceType) {
// Example:
// class C<T> { C.named(); }
// typedef X<T> = C<T>;
// X<int>.named
return _toConstructorReference_propertyAccess(
node: node,
receiver: receiverIdentifier,
typeArguments: typeArguments,
classElement: aliasedType.element,
// If [receiverIdentifier] is an Identifier, but could not be resolved to
// an Element, we cannot assume [node] is a ConstructorReference.
// TODO(srawlins): However, take an example like `Lisst<int>.filled;`
// (where 'Lisst' does not resolve to any element). Possibilities include:
// the user tried to write a TypeLiteral or a FunctionReference, then access
// a property on that (these include: hashCode, runtimeType, tearoff of
// toString, and extension methods on Type); or the user tried to write a
// ConstructReference. It seems much more likely that the user is trying to
// do the latter. Consider doing the work so that the user gets an error in
// this case about `Lisst` not being a type, or `Lisst.filled` not being a
// known constructor.
return node;
AstNode simpleIdentifier(Scope nameScope, SimpleIdentifierImpl node) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is ConstantPattern) {
var element = nameScope.lookup(;
if (element is TypeDefiningElement) {
return _toPatternTypeLiteral(parent, node);
return node;
AstNode _instanceCreation_prefix_type_name({
required MethodInvocationImpl node,
required PrefixedIdentifierImpl typeNameIdentifier,
required SimpleIdentifierImpl constructorIdentifier,
required InterfaceElement classElement,
}) {
var augmented = classElement.augmented;
var constructorElement = augmented.getNamedConstructor(,
if (constructorElement == null) {
return node;
var typeArguments = node.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments != null) {
arguments: [typeNameIdentifier.toString(),],
var typeName = NamedTypeImpl(
importPrefix: ImportPrefixReferenceImpl(
name: typeNameIdentifier.prefix.token,
period: typeNameIdentifier.period,
name2: typeNameIdentifier.identifier.token,
typeArguments: typeArguments,
question: null,
var constructorName = ConstructorNameImpl(
type: typeName,
period: node.operator,
name: constructorIdentifier,
var instanceCreationExpression = InstanceCreationExpressionImpl(
keyword: null,
constructorName: constructorName,
argumentList: node.argumentList,
typeArguments: null,
NodeReplacer.replace(node, instanceCreationExpression);
return instanceCreationExpression;
AstNode _toConstructorReference_prefixed({
required PrefixedIdentifierImpl node,
required InterfaceElement classElement,
}) {
var name =;
var constructorElement = name == 'new'
? classElement.unnamedConstructor
: classElement.getNamedConstructor(name);
if (constructorElement == null) {
return node;
var typeName = NamedTypeImpl(
importPrefix: null,
name2: node.prefix.token,
typeArguments: null,
question: null,
var constructorName = ConstructorNameImpl(
type: typeName,
period: node.period,
name: node.identifier,
var constructorReference = ConstructorReferenceImpl(
constructorName: constructorName,
NodeReplacer.replace(node, constructorReference);
return constructorReference;
AstNode _toConstructorReference_propertyAccess({
required PropertyAccessImpl node,
required IdentifierImpl receiver,
required TypeArgumentListImpl? typeArguments,
required InterfaceElement classElement,
}) {
var name =;
var constructorElement = name == 'new'
? classElement.unnamedConstructor
: classElement.getNamedConstructor(name);
if (constructorElement == null && typeArguments == null) {
// If there is no constructor by this name, and no type arguments,
// do not rewrite the node. If there _are_ type arguments (like
// `prefix.C<int>.name`, then it looks more like a constructor tearoff
// than anything else, so continue with the rewrite.
return node;
var operator = node.operator;
var typeName = receiver.toNamedType(
typeArguments: typeArguments,
question: null,
var constructorName = ConstructorNameImpl(
type: typeName,
period: operator,
name: node.propertyName,
var constructorReference = ConstructorReferenceImpl(
constructorName: constructorName,
NodeReplacer.replace(node, constructorReference);
return constructorReference;
InstanceCreationExpression _toInstanceCreation_prefix_type({
required MethodInvocationImpl node,
required SimpleIdentifierImpl prefixIdentifier,
required SimpleIdentifierImpl typeIdentifier,
}) {
var typeName = NamedTypeImpl(
importPrefix: ImportPrefixReferenceImpl(
name: prefixIdentifier.token,
period: node.operator!,
name2: typeIdentifier.token,
typeArguments: node.typeArguments,
question: null,
var constructorName = ConstructorNameImpl(
type: typeName,
period: null,
name: null,
var instanceCreationExpression = InstanceCreationExpressionImpl(
keyword: null,
constructorName: constructorName,
argumentList: node.argumentList,
typeArguments: null,
NodeReplacer.replace(node, instanceCreationExpression);
return instanceCreationExpression;
InstanceCreationExpression _toInstanceCreation_type({
required MethodInvocationImpl node,
required SimpleIdentifierImpl typeIdentifier,
}) {
var typeName = NamedTypeImpl(
importPrefix: null,
name2: typeIdentifier.token,
typeArguments: node.typeArguments,
question: null,
var constructorName = ConstructorNameImpl(
type: typeName,
period: null,
name: null,
var instanceCreationExpression = InstanceCreationExpressionImpl(
keyword: null,
constructorName: constructorName,
argumentList: node.argumentList,
typeArguments: null,
NodeReplacer.replace(node, instanceCreationExpression);
return instanceCreationExpression;
AstNode _toInstanceCreation_type_constructor({
required MethodInvocationImpl node,
required SimpleIdentifierImpl typeIdentifier,
required SimpleIdentifierImpl constructorIdentifier,
required InterfaceElement classElement,
}) {
var name =;
var augmented = classElement.augmented;
var constructorElement = augmented.getNamedConstructor(name);
if (constructorElement == null) {
return node;
var typeArguments = node.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments != null) {
arguments: [,],
var typeName = NamedTypeImpl(
importPrefix: null,
name2: typeIdentifier.token,
typeArguments: null,
question: null,
var constructorName = ConstructorNameImpl(
type: typeName,
period: node.operator,
name: constructorIdentifier,
// TODO(scheglov): I think we should drop "typeArguments" below.
var instanceCreationExpression = InstanceCreationExpressionImpl(
keyword: null,
constructorName: constructorName,
argumentList: node.argumentList,
typeArguments: typeArguments,
NodeReplacer.replace(node, instanceCreationExpression);
return instanceCreationExpression;
MethodInvocation _toMethodInvocationOfAliasedTypeLiteral({
required InstanceCreationExpressionImpl node,
required Identifier function,
required TypeAliasElement element,
}) {
var typeName = NamedTypeImpl(
importPrefix: node.constructorName.type.importPrefix,
name2: node.constructorName.type.name2,
typeArguments: node.constructorName.type.typeArguments,
question: null,
typeName.type = element.aliasedType;
var typeLiteral = TypeLiteralImpl(
typeName: typeName,
var methodInvocation = MethodInvocationImpl(
target: typeLiteral,
operator: node.constructorName.period,
typeArguments: null,
argumentList: node.argumentList,
NodeReplacer.replace(node, methodInvocation);
return methodInvocation;
AstNode _toMethodInvocationOfFunctionReference({
required InstanceCreationExpressionImpl node,
required IdentifierImpl function,
}) {
var period = node.constructorName.period;
var constructorId =;
if (period == null || constructorId == null) {
return node;
var functionReference = FunctionReferenceImpl(
function: function,
typeArguments: node.constructorName.type.typeArguments,
var methodInvocation = MethodInvocationImpl(
target: functionReference,
operator: period,
methodName: constructorId,
typeArguments: null,
argumentList: node.argumentList,
NodeReplacer.replace(node, methodInvocation);
return methodInvocation;
TypeLiteralImpl _toPatternTypeLiteral(
ConstantPattern parent,
IdentifierImpl node,
) {
var result = TypeLiteralImpl(
typeName: node.toNamedType(
typeArguments: null,
question: null,
NodeReplacer.replace(node, result, parent: parent);
return result;