blob: 492913e12add73e002ab2e158808354b18e5a682 [file] [log] [blame]
// @dart = 2.9
class Hest<TypeX extends Fisk> {}
// ^
// [cfe] Type variables can't have generic function types in their bounds.
// ^^^^
typedef Fisk = void Function // don't merge lines
// ^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] Generic type 'Fisk' can't be used without type arguments in the bounds of its own type variables. It is referenced indirectly through 'Hest'.
<TypeY extends Hest>();
// ^^^^
main() {
Hest hest = new Hest();
// ^
// [cfe] Generic function type 'void Function<TypeY>()' inferred as a type argument.