| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| library dart2js.constant_system.dart; |
| |
| import 'compiler.dart' show Compiler; |
| import 'constants/constant_system.dart'; |
| import 'constants/values.dart'; |
| import 'dart_types.dart'; |
| import 'tree/dartstring.dart' show DartString; |
| |
| const DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM = const DartConstantSystem(); |
| |
| class BitNotOperation implements UnaryOperation { |
| final String name = '~'; |
| const BitNotOperation(); |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue constant) { |
| if (constant.isInt) { |
| IntConstantValue intConstant = constant; |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createInt(~intConstant.primitiveValue); |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class NegateOperation implements UnaryOperation { |
| final String name = 'negate'; |
| const NegateOperation(); |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue constant) { |
| if (constant.isInt) { |
| IntConstantValue intConstant = constant; |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createInt(-intConstant.primitiveValue); |
| } |
| if (constant.isDouble) { |
| DoubleConstantValue doubleConstant = constant; |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createDouble(-doubleConstant.primitiveValue); |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class NotOperation implements UnaryOperation { |
| final String name = '!'; |
| const NotOperation(); |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue constant) { |
| if (constant.isBool) { |
| BoolConstantValue boolConstant = constant; |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createBool(!boolConstant.primitiveValue); |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Operations that only work if both arguments are integers. |
| */ |
| abstract class BinaryBitOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| const BinaryBitOperation(); |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| if (left.isInt && right.isInt) { |
| IntConstantValue leftInt = left; |
| IntConstantValue rightInt = right; |
| int resultValue = |
| foldInts(leftInt.primitiveValue, rightInt.primitiveValue); |
| if (resultValue == null) return null; |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createInt(resultValue); |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| int foldInts(int left, int right); |
| } |
| |
| class BitOrOperation extends BinaryBitOperation { |
| final String name = '|'; |
| const BitOrOperation(); |
| int foldInts(int left, int right) => left | right; |
| apply(left, right) => left | right; |
| } |
| |
| class BitAndOperation extends BinaryBitOperation { |
| final String name = '&'; |
| const BitAndOperation(); |
| int foldInts(int left, int right) => left & right; |
| apply(left, right) => left & right; |
| } |
| |
| class BitXorOperation extends BinaryBitOperation { |
| final String name = '^'; |
| const BitXorOperation(); |
| int foldInts(int left, int right) => left ^ right; |
| apply(left, right) => left ^ right; |
| } |
| |
| class ShiftLeftOperation extends BinaryBitOperation { |
| final String name = '<<'; |
| const ShiftLeftOperation(); |
| int foldInts(int left, int right) { |
| // TODO(floitsch): find a better way to guard against excessive shifts to |
| // the left. |
| if (right > 100 || right < 0) return null; |
| return left << right; |
| } |
| |
| apply(left, right) => left << right; |
| } |
| |
| class ShiftRightOperation extends BinaryBitOperation { |
| final String name = '>>'; |
| const ShiftRightOperation(); |
| int foldInts(int left, int right) { |
| if (right < 0) return null; |
| return left >> right; |
| } |
| |
| apply(left, right) => left >> right; |
| } |
| |
| abstract class BinaryBoolOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| const BinaryBoolOperation(); |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| if (left.isBool && right.isBool) { |
| BoolConstantValue leftBool = left; |
| BoolConstantValue rightBool = right; |
| bool resultValue = |
| foldBools(leftBool.primitiveValue, rightBool.primitiveValue); |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createBool(resultValue); |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| bool foldBools(bool left, bool right); |
| } |
| |
| class BooleanAndOperation extends BinaryBoolOperation { |
| final String name = '&&'; |
| const BooleanAndOperation(); |
| bool foldBools(bool left, bool right) => left && right; |
| apply(left, right) => left && right; |
| } |
| |
| class BooleanOrOperation extends BinaryBoolOperation { |
| final String name = '||'; |
| const BooleanOrOperation(); |
| bool foldBools(bool left, bool right) => left || right; |
| apply(left, right) => left || right; |
| } |
| |
| abstract class ArithmeticNumOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| const ArithmeticNumOperation(); |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| if (left.isNum && right.isNum) { |
| NumConstantValue leftNum = left; |
| NumConstantValue rightNum = right; |
| num foldedValue; |
| if (left.isInt && right.isInt) { |
| foldedValue = foldInts(leftNum.primitiveValue, rightNum.primitiveValue); |
| } else { |
| foldedValue = foldNums(leftNum.primitiveValue, rightNum.primitiveValue); |
| } |
| // A division by 0 means that we might not have a folded value. |
| if (foldedValue == null) return null; |
| if (left.isInt && right.isInt && !isDivide() || isTruncatingDivide()) { |
| assert(foldedValue is int); |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createInt(foldedValue); |
| } else { |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createDouble(foldedValue); |
| } |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| bool isDivide() => false; |
| bool isTruncatingDivide() => false; |
| num foldInts(int left, int right) => foldNums(left, right); |
| num foldNums(num left, num right); |
| } |
| |
| class SubtractOperation extends ArithmeticNumOperation { |
| final String name = '-'; |
| const SubtractOperation(); |
| num foldNums(num left, num right) => left - right; |
| apply(left, right) => left - right; |
| } |
| |
| class MultiplyOperation extends ArithmeticNumOperation { |
| final String name = '*'; |
| const MultiplyOperation(); |
| num foldNums(num left, num right) => left * right; |
| apply(left, right) => left * right; |
| } |
| |
| class ModuloOperation extends ArithmeticNumOperation { |
| final String name = '%'; |
| const ModuloOperation(); |
| int foldInts(int left, int right) { |
| if (right == 0) return null; |
| return left % right; |
| } |
| |
| num foldNums(num left, num right) => left % right; |
| apply(left, right) => left % right; |
| } |
| |
| class TruncatingDivideOperation extends ArithmeticNumOperation { |
| final String name = '~/'; |
| const TruncatingDivideOperation(); |
| int foldInts(int left, int right) { |
| if (right == 0) return null; |
| return left ~/ right; |
| } |
| |
| num foldNums(num left, num right) { |
| num ratio = left / right; |
| if (ratio.isNaN || ratio.isInfinite) return null; |
| return ratio.truncate().toInt(); |
| } |
| |
| apply(left, right) => left ~/ right; |
| bool isTruncatingDivide() => true; |
| } |
| |
| class DivideOperation extends ArithmeticNumOperation { |
| final String name = '/'; |
| const DivideOperation(); |
| num foldNums(num left, num right) => left / right; |
| bool isDivide() => true; |
| apply(left, right) => left / right; |
| } |
| |
| class AddOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| final String name = '+'; |
| const AddOperation(); |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| if (left.isInt && right.isInt) { |
| IntConstantValue leftInt = left; |
| IntConstantValue rightInt = right; |
| int result = leftInt.primitiveValue + rightInt.primitiveValue; |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createInt(result); |
| } else if (left.isNum && right.isNum) { |
| NumConstantValue leftNum = left; |
| NumConstantValue rightNum = right; |
| double result = leftNum.primitiveValue + rightNum.primitiveValue; |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createDouble(result); |
| } else if (left.isString && right.isString) { |
| StringConstantValue leftString = left; |
| StringConstantValue rightString = right; |
| DartString result = new DartString.concat( |
| leftString.primitiveValue, rightString.primitiveValue); |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createString(result); |
| } else { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| apply(left, right) => left + right; |
| } |
| |
| abstract class RelationalNumOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| const RelationalNumOperation(); |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| if (!left.isNum || !right.isNum) return null; |
| NumConstantValue leftNum = left; |
| NumConstantValue rightNum = right; |
| bool foldedValue = |
| foldNums(leftNum.primitiveValue, rightNum.primitiveValue); |
| assert(foldedValue != null); |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createBool(foldedValue); |
| } |
| |
| bool foldNums(num left, num right); |
| } |
| |
| class LessOperation extends RelationalNumOperation { |
| final String name = '<'; |
| const LessOperation(); |
| bool foldNums(num left, num right) => left < right; |
| apply(left, right) => left < right; |
| } |
| |
| class LessEqualOperation extends RelationalNumOperation { |
| final String name = '<='; |
| const LessEqualOperation(); |
| bool foldNums(num left, num right) => left <= right; |
| apply(left, right) => left <= right; |
| } |
| |
| class GreaterOperation extends RelationalNumOperation { |
| final String name = '>'; |
| const GreaterOperation(); |
| bool foldNums(num left, num right) => left > right; |
| apply(left, right) => left > right; |
| } |
| |
| class GreaterEqualOperation extends RelationalNumOperation { |
| final String name = '>='; |
| const GreaterEqualOperation(); |
| bool foldNums(num left, num right) => left >= right; |
| apply(left, right) => left >= right; |
| } |
| |
| class EqualsOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| final String name = '=='; |
| const EqualsOperation(); |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| if (left.isNum && right.isNum) { |
| // Numbers need to be treated specially because: NaN != NaN, -0.0 == 0.0, |
| // and 1 == 1.0. |
| NumConstantValue leftNum = left; |
| NumConstantValue rightNum = right; |
| bool result = leftNum.primitiveValue == rightNum.primitiveValue; |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createBool(result); |
| } |
| if (left.isConstructedObject) { |
| // Unless we know that the user-defined object does not implement the |
| // equality operator we cannot fold here. |
| return null; |
| } |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createBool(left == right); |
| } |
| |
| apply(left, right) => left == right; |
| } |
| |
| class IdentityOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| final String name = '==='; |
| const IdentityOperation(); |
| BoolConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| // In order to preserve runtime semantics which says that NaN !== NaN don't |
| // constant fold NaN === NaN. Otherwise the output depends on inlined |
| // variables and other optimizations. |
| if (left.isNaN && right.isNaN) return null; |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createBool(left == right); |
| } |
| |
| apply(left, right) => identical(left, right); |
| } |
| |
| class IfNullOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| final String name = '??'; |
| const IfNullOperation(); |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| if (left.isNull) return right; |
| return left; |
| } |
| |
| apply(left, right) => left ?? right; |
| } |
| |
| class CodeUnitAtOperation implements BinaryOperation { |
| String get name => 'charCodeAt'; |
| const CodeUnitAtOperation(); |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) => null; |
| apply(left, right) => left.codeUnitAt(right); |
| } |
| |
| class CodeUnitAtRuntimeOperation extends CodeUnitAtOperation { |
| const CodeUnitAtRuntimeOperation(); |
| IntConstantValue fold(ConstantValue left, ConstantValue right) { |
| if (left.isString && right.isInt) { |
| StringConstantValue stringConstant = left; |
| IntConstantValue indexConstant = right; |
| DartString dartString = stringConstant.primitiveValue; |
| int index = indexConstant.primitiveValue; |
| if (index < 0 || index >= dartString.length) return null; |
| String string = dartString.slowToString(); |
| int value = string.codeUnitAt(index); |
| return DART_CONSTANT_SYSTEM.createInt(value); |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class UnfoldedUnaryOperation implements UnaryOperation { |
| final String name; |
| const UnfoldedUnaryOperation(this.name); |
| ConstantValue fold(ConstantValue constant) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * A constant system implementing the Dart semantics. This system relies on |
| * the underlying runtime-system. That is, if dart2js is run in an environment |
| * that doesn't correctly implement Dart's semantics this constant system will |
| * not return the correct values. |
| */ |
| class DartConstantSystem extends ConstantSystem { |
| final add = const AddOperation(); |
| final bitAnd = const BitAndOperation(); |
| final bitNot = const BitNotOperation(); |
| final bitOr = const BitOrOperation(); |
| final bitXor = const BitXorOperation(); |
| final booleanAnd = const BooleanAndOperation(); |
| final booleanOr = const BooleanOrOperation(); |
| final divide = const DivideOperation(); |
| final equal = const EqualsOperation(); |
| final greaterEqual = const GreaterEqualOperation(); |
| final greater = const GreaterOperation(); |
| final identity = const IdentityOperation(); |
| final ifNull = const IfNullOperation(); |
| final lessEqual = const LessEqualOperation(); |
| final less = const LessOperation(); |
| final modulo = const ModuloOperation(); |
| final multiply = const MultiplyOperation(); |
| final negate = const NegateOperation(); |
| final not = const NotOperation(); |
| final shiftLeft = const ShiftLeftOperation(); |
| final shiftRight = const ShiftRightOperation(); |
| final subtract = const SubtractOperation(); |
| final truncatingDivide = const TruncatingDivideOperation(); |
| final codeUnitAt = const CodeUnitAtOperation(); |
| final round = const UnfoldedUnaryOperation('round'); |
| |
| const DartConstantSystem(); |
| |
| @override |
| IntConstantValue createInt(int i) => new IntConstantValue(i); |
| |
| @override |
| DoubleConstantValue createDouble(double d) => new DoubleConstantValue(d); |
| |
| @override |
| StringConstantValue createString(DartString string) { |
| return new StringConstantValue(string); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| BoolConstantValue createBool(bool value) => new BoolConstantValue(value); |
| |
| @override |
| NullConstantValue createNull() => new NullConstantValue(); |
| |
| @override |
| ListConstantValue createList(InterfaceType type, List<ConstantValue> values) { |
| return new ListConstantValue(type, values); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| MapConstantValue createMap(Compiler compiler, InterfaceType type, |
| List<ConstantValue> keys, List<ConstantValue> values) { |
| return new MapConstantValue(type, keys, values); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| ConstantValue createType(Compiler compiler, DartType type) { |
| // TODO(johnniwinther): Change the `Type` type to |
| // `compiler.coreTypes.typeType` and check the backend specific value in |
| // [checkConstMapKeysDontOverrideEquals] in 'members.dart'. |
| return new TypeConstantValue( |
| type, |
| compiler.backend.backendClasses.typeImplementation |
| .computeType(compiler.resolution)); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| ConstantValue createSymbol(Compiler compiler, String text) { |
| throw new UnsupportedError('DartConstantSystem.evaluate'); |
| } |
| |
| bool isInt(ConstantValue constant) => constant.isInt; |
| bool isDouble(ConstantValue constant) => constant.isDouble; |
| bool isString(ConstantValue constant) => constant.isString; |
| bool isBool(ConstantValue constant) => constant.isBool; |
| bool isNull(ConstantValue constant) => constant.isNull; |
| |
| bool isSubtype(DartTypes types, DartType s, DartType t) { |
| return types.isSubtype(s, t); |
| } |
| } |