blob: 9a50b037759e4734ad0b04ea6e636a37139ce821 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'test_client.dart';
import 'test_scripts.dart';
import 'test_support.dart';
main() {
testDap((dap) async {
group('debug mode breakpoints', () {
test('stops at a line breakpoint', () async {
final client = dap.client;
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(simpleBreakpointProgram);
final breakpointLine = lineWith(testFile, '// BREAKPOINT');
await client.hitBreakpoint(testFile, breakpointLine);
test('stops at a line breakpoint and can be resumed', () async {
final client = dap.client;
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(simpleBreakpointProgram);
final breakpointLine = lineWith(testFile, '// BREAKPOINT');
// Hit the initial breakpoint.
final stop = await client.hitBreakpoint(testFile, breakpointLine);
// Resume and expect termination (as the script will get to the end).
await Future.wait([
], eagerError: true);
test('stops at a line breakpoint and can step over (next)', () async {
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(r'''
void main(List<String> args) async {
print('Hello!'); // BREAKPOINT
print('Hello!'); // STEP
final breakpointLine = lineWith(testFile, '// BREAKPOINT');
final stepLine = lineWith(testFile, '// STEP');
// Hit the initial breakpoint.
final stop = await dap.client.hitBreakpoint(testFile, breakpointLine);
// Step and expect stopping on the next line with a 'step' stop type.
await Future.wait([
dap.client.expectStop('step', file: testFile, line: stepLine),!),
], eagerError: true);
'stops at a line breakpoint and can step over (next) an async boundary',
() async {
final client = dap.client;
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(r'''
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
await asyncPrint('Hello!'); // BREAKPOINT
await asyncPrint('Hello!'); // STEP
Future<void> asyncPrint(String message) async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1));
final breakpointLine = lineWith(testFile, '// BREAKPOINT');
final stepLine = lineWith(testFile, '// STEP');
// Hit the initial breakpoint.
final stop = await dap.client.hitBreakpoint(testFile, breakpointLine);
// The first step will move from `asyncPrint` to the `await`.
await Future.wait([
client.expectStop('step', file: testFile, line: breakpointLine),!),
], eagerError: true);
// The next step should go over the async boundary and to stepLine (if
// we did not correctly send kOverAsyncSuspension we would end up in
// the asyncPrint method).
await Future.wait([
client.expectStop('step', file: testFile, line: stepLine),!),
], eagerError: true);
test('stops at a line breakpoint and can step in', () async {
final client = dap.client;
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(r'''
void main(List<String> args) async {
log('Hello!'); // BREAKPOINT
void log(String message) { // STEP
final breakpointLine = lineWith(testFile, '// BREAKPOINT');
final stepLine = lineWith(testFile, '// STEP');
// Hit the initial breakpoint.
final stop = await client.hitBreakpoint(testFile, breakpointLine);
// Step and expect stopping in the inner function with a 'step' stop type.
await Future.wait([
client.expectStop('step', file: testFile, line: stepLine),
], eagerError: true);
test('stops at a line breakpoint and can step out', () async {
final client = dap.client;
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(r'''
void main(List<String> args) async {
log('Hello!'); // STEP
void log(String message) {
print(message); // BREAKPOINT
final breakpointLine = lineWith(testFile, '// BREAKPOINT');
final stepLine = lineWith(testFile, '// STEP');
// Hit the initial breakpoint.
final stop = await client.hitBreakpoint(testFile, breakpointLine);
// Step and expect stopping in the inner function with a 'step' stop type.
await Future.wait([
client.expectStop('step', file: testFile, line: stepLine),
], eagerError: true);
test('does not step into SDK code with debugSdkLibraries=false',
() async {
final client = dap.client;
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(r'''
void main(List<String> args) async {
print('Hello!'); // BREAKPOINT
print('Hello!'); // STEP
final breakpointLine = lineWith(testFile, '// BREAKPOINT');
final stepLine = lineWith(testFile, '// STEP');
// Hit the initial breakpoint.
final stop = await client.hitBreakpoint(testFile, breakpointLine);
// Step in and expect stopping on the next line (don't go into print).
await Future.wait([
client.expectStop('step', file: testFile, line: stepLine),
], eagerError: true);
test('steps into SDK code with debugSdkLibraries=true', () async {
final client = dap.client;
final testFile = dap.createTestFile(r'''
void main(List<String> args) async {
print('Hello!'); // BREAKPOINT
final breakpointLine = lineWith(testFile, '// BREAKPOINT');
// Hit the initial breakpoint.
final stop = await dap.client.hitBreakpoint(
launch: () => client.launch(
debugSdkLibraries: true,
// Step in and expect to go into print.
await Future.wait([
client.expectStop('step', sourceName: 'dart:core/print.dart'),
], eagerError: true);
'does not step into external package code with debugExternalPackageLibraries=false',
() {
// TODO(dantup): Support for debugExternalPackageLibraries
}, skip: true);
'steps into external package code with debugExternalPackageLibraries=true',
() {
// TODO(dantup): Support for debugExternalPackageLibraries
}, skip: true);
test('allows changing debug settings during session', () {
// TODO(dantup): !
// Dart-Code's DAP has a custom method that allows an editor to change
// the debug settings (debugSdkLibraries/debugExternalPackageLibraries)
// during a debug session.
}, skip: true);
// These tests can be slow due to starting up the external server process.
}, timeout: Timeout.none);