blob: c3151993d4cfad3b9899122812e9909cb421ce47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' show ClassHierarchy;
import 'package:kernel/clone.dart' show CloneVisitorNotMembers;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart';
import 'factory_specializer.dart';
/// Replaces invocation of List factory constructors.
/// Expands `List.generate` to a loop when the function argument is a function
/// expression (immediate closure).
class ListFactorySpecializer extends BaseSpecializer {
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
final ClassHierarchy hierarchy;
final Class _intClass;
final Class _jsArrayClass;
final Procedure _listGenerateFactory;
final Procedure _arrayAllocateFixedFactory;
final Procedure _arrayAllocateGrowableFactory;
ListFactorySpecializer(this.coreTypes, this.hierarchy)
: _listGenerateFactory =
coreTypes.index.getMember('dart:core', 'List', 'generate'),
_arrayAllocateFixedFactory = coreTypes.index
.getMember('dart:_interceptors', 'JSArray', 'allocateFixed'),
_arrayAllocateGrowableFactory = coreTypes.index
.getMember('dart:_interceptors', 'JSArray', 'allocateGrowable'),
_jsArrayClass =
coreTypes.index.getClass('dart:_interceptors', 'JSArray'),
_intClass = coreTypes.index.getClass('dart:core', 'int') {
_listGenerateFactory: transformListGenerateFactory,
Procedure _intPlus;
Procedure get intPlus =>
_intPlus ??= hierarchy.getInterfaceMember(_intClass, Name('+'));
Procedure _intLess;
Procedure get intLess =>
_intLess ??= hierarchy.getInterfaceMember(_intClass, Name('<'));
Procedure _jsArrayIndexSet;
Procedure get jsArrayIndexSet => _jsArrayIndexSet ??=
hierarchy.getInterfaceMember(_jsArrayClass, Name('[]='));
/// Replace calls to `List.generate(length, (i) => e)` with an expansion
/// BlockExpression
/// Block
/// var _length = <length>;
/// var _list = List.allocate(_length);
/// for (var _i = 0; _i < _length; _i++) {
/// _list[_i] = e;
/// }
/// => _list
/// Declines to expand if:
/// - the function argument is not a simple closure,
/// - the `growable:` argument cannot be determined.
TreeNode transformListGenerateFactory(
StaticInvocation node, Member contextMember) {
final args = node.arguments;
assert(args.positional.length == 2);
final length = args.positional[0];
final generator = args.positional[1];
final bool growable =
_getConstantNamedOptionalArgument(args, 'growable', true);
if (growable == null) return node;
if (generator is! FunctionExpression) return node;
if (!ListGenerateLoopBodyInliner.suitableFunctionExpression(generator)) {
return node;
final intType = contextMember.isNonNullableByDefault
? coreTypes.intLegacyRawType
: coreTypes.intNonNullableRawType;
// If the length is a constant, use the constant directly so that the
// inferrer can see the constant length.
int /*?*/ lengthConstant = _getLengthArgument(args);
VariableDeclaration lengthVariable;
Expression getLength() {
if (lengthConstant != null) return IntLiteral(lengthConstant);
lengthVariable ??= VariableDeclaration('_length',
initializer: length, isFinal: true, type: intType)
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
return VariableGet(lengthVariable)..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
TreeNode allocation = StaticInvocation(
growable ? _arrayAllocateGrowableFactory : _arrayAllocateFixedFactory,
types: args.types,
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
final listVariable = VariableDeclaration(
initializer: allocation,
isFinal: true,
type: InterfaceType(
_jsArrayClass, Nullability.nonNullable, [...args.types]),
)..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
final indexVariable = VariableDeclaration(
initializer: IntLiteral(0),
type: intType,
)..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
indexVariable.fileOffset = (generator as FunctionExpression)
final loop = ForStatement(
// initializers: _i = 0
// condition: _i < _length
VariableGet(indexVariable)..fileOffset = node.fileOffset,
interfaceTarget: intLess,
functionType: intLess.getterType,
// updates: _i++
VariableGet(indexVariable)..fileOffset = node.fileOffset,
interfaceTarget: intPlus,
functionType: FunctionType(
? Nullability.nonNullable
: Nullability.legacy)),
)..fileOffset = node.fileOffset,
// body, e.g. _list[_i] = expression;
_loopBody(node.fileOffset, listVariable, indexVariable, generator),
)..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
return BlockExpression(
if (lengthVariable != null) lengthVariable,
VariableGet(listVariable)..fileOffset = node.fileOffset,
Statement _loopBody(
int constructorFileOffset,
VariableDeclaration listVariable,
VariableDeclaration indexVariable,
FunctionExpression generator) {
final inliner = ListGenerateLoopBodyInliner(
this, constructorFileOffset, listVariable, generator.function);
/// Returns constant value of the first argument in [args], or null if it is
/// not a constant.
int /*?*/ _getLengthArgument(Arguments args) {
if (args.positional.length < 1) return null;
final value = args.positional.first;
if (value is IntLiteral) {
return value.value;
} else if (value is ConstantExpression) {
final constant = value.constant;
if (constant is IntConstant) {
return constant.value;
return null;
/// Returns constant value of the only named optional argument in [args], or
/// null if it is not a bool constant. Returns [defaultValue] if optional
/// argument is not passed. Argument is asserted to have the given [name].
bool /*?*/ _getConstantNamedOptionalArgument(
Arguments args, String name, bool defaultValue) {
if (args.named.isEmpty) {
return defaultValue;
final namedArg = args.named.single;
assert( == name);
final value = namedArg.value;
if (value is BoolLiteral) {
return value.value;
} else if (value is ConstantExpression) {
final constant = value.constant;
if (constant is BoolConstant) {
return constant.value;
return null;
/// Choose a name for the `_list` temporary. If the `List.generate` expression
/// is an initializer for a variable, use that name so that dart2js can try to
/// use one JavaScript variable with the source name for 'both' variables.
String _listNameFromContext(Expression node) {
TreeNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is VariableDeclaration) return;
return '_list';
String _indexNameFromContext(FunctionExpression generator) {
final function = generator.function;
String /*?*/ candidate =;
if (candidate == null || candidate == '' || candidate == '_') return '_i';
return candidate;
/// Inliner for function expressions of `List.generate` calls.
class ListGenerateLoopBodyInliner extends CloneVisitorNotMembers {
final ListFactorySpecializer listFactorySpecializer;
/// Offset for the constructor call, used for all nodes that carry the value of the list.
final int constructorFileOffset;
final VariableDeclaration listVariable;
final FunctionNode function;
VariableDeclaration argument;
VariableDeclaration parameter;
int functionNestingLevel = 0;
this.constructorFileOffset, this.listVariable, this.function);
static bool suitableFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
final function = node.function;
// These conditions should be satisfied by language rules.
if (function.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) return false;
if (function.requiredParameterCount != 1) return false;
if (function.positionalParameters.length != 1) return false;
if (function.namedParameters.isNotEmpty) return false;
final body = function.body;
// Arrow functions.
if (body is ReturnStatement) return true;
if (body is Block) {
// Simple body containing just a return.
final statements = body.statements;
if (statements.length == 1 && statements.single is ReturnStatement) {
return true;
// TODO(sra): We can accept more complex closures but, with diminishing
// returns. It would probably be best to handle more complex cases by
// improving environment design and inlining.
return false;
void bind(VariableDeclaration argument) {
// The [argument] is the loop index variable. In the general case this needs
// to be copied to a variable for the closure parameter as that is a
// separate location that may be mutated. In the usual case the closure
// parameter is not modified. We use the same name for the parameter and
// argument to help dart2js allocate both locations to the same JavaScript
// variable. The argument is usually named after the closure parameter.
final closureParameter = function.positionalParameters.single;
parameter = VariableDeclaration(,
initializer: VariableGet(argument)..fileOffset = argument.fileOffset,
type: closureParameter.type)
..fileOffset = closureParameter.fileOffset;
this.argument = argument;
setVariableClone(closureParameter, parameter);
Statement run() {
final body = cloneInContext(function.body);
return Block([parameter, body]);
visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
// Do the default for return statements in nested functions.
if (functionNestingLevel > 0) return super.visitReturnStatement(node);
// We don't use a variable for the returned value. In the simple case it is
// not necessary, and it is not clear that the rules for definite assignment
// are not a perfect match for the locations of return statements. Instead
// we expand
// return expression;
// to
// list[index] = expression;
// TODO(sra): Currently this inliner accepts only arrow functions (a single
// return). If a wider variety is accepted, we might need to break after the
// assignment to 'exit' the inlined code.
final expression = node.expression;
final value = expression == null ? NullLiteral() : clone(expression);
// TODO(sra): Indicate that this indexed setter is safe.
return ExpressionStatement(
VariableGet(listVariable)..fileOffset = constructorFileOffset,
VariableGet(argument)..fileOffset = node.fileOffset,
interfaceTarget: listFactorySpecializer.jsArrayIndexSet,
functionType: Substitution.fromInterfaceType(listVariable.type)
..isInvariant = true
..isBoundsSafe = true
..fileOffset = constructorFileOffset,
/// Nested functions.
visitFunctionNode(FunctionNode node) {
final cloned = super.visitFunctionNode(node);
return cloned;
VariableDeclaration getVariableClone(VariableDeclaration variable) {
VariableDeclaration clone = super.getVariableClone(variable);
return clone ?? variable;