blob: 0b1ee546b7f551c284dd32f3f7626ff83303a29d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
List<String> defaultTestSelectors =
const ['dartc', 'samples', 'standalone', 'corelib', 'co19', 'language',
'isolate', 'vm', 'html', 'json', 'benchmark_smoke',
'utils', 'pub', 'lib', 'pkg'];
* Specification of a single test option.
* The name of the specification is used as the key for the option in
* the Map returned from the [TestOptionParser] parse method.
class _TestOptionSpecification {
[type = 'string']) : this.type = type;
String name;
String description;
List<String> keys;
List<String> values;
var defaultValue;
String type;
* Parser of test options.
class TestOptionsParser {
String specialCommandHelp =
Special command support. Wraps the command line in
a special command. The special command should contain
an '@' character which will be replaced by the normal
command executable.
For example if the normal command line that will be executed
is 'dart file.dart' and you specify special command
'python -u @ suffix' the final command will be
'python -u dart suffix file.dart'""";
* Creates a test options parser initialized with the known options.
TestOptionsParser() {
_options =
[ new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Mode in which to run the tests',
['-m', '--mode'],
['all', 'debug', 'release'],
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'''Specify any compilation step (if needed).
none: Do not compile the Dart code (run native Dart code on the VM).
(only valid with the following runtimes: vm, drt)
dart2dart: Compile Dart code to Dart code
(only valid with the following runtimes: vm, drt)
dart2js: Compile dart code to JavaScript by running dart2js.
(only valid with the following runtimes: d8, drt, chrome,
safari, ie9, ie10, firefox, opera, none (compile only)),
dartc: Perform static analysis on Dart code by running dartc.
(only valid with the following runtimes: none)''',
['-c', '--compiler'],
['none', 'dart2dart', 'dart2js', 'dartc'],
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'''Where the tests should be run.
vm: Run Dart code on the standalone dart vm.
d8: Run JavaScript from the command line using v8.
jsshell: Run JavaScript from the command line using firefox js-shell.
drt: Run Dart or JavaScript in the headless version of Chrome,
dartium: Run Dart or JavaScript in Dartium.
[ff | chrome | safari | ie9 | ie10 | opera]: Run JavaScript in the specified
none: No runtime, compile only (for example, used for dartc static analysis
['-r', '--runtime'],
['vm', 'd8', 'jsshell', 'drt', 'dartium', 'ff', 'firefox',
'chrome', 'safari', 'ie9', 'ie10', 'opera', 'none'],
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'The architecture to run tests for',
['-a', '--arch'],
['all', 'ia32', 'x64', 'simarm'],
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'The operating system to run tests on',
['-s', '--system'],
['linux', 'macos', 'windows'],
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Run tests in checked mode',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Run compiler in checked mode',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Enable minification in the compiler',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Timeout in seconds',
['-t', '--timeout'],
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Progress indication mode',
['-p', '--progress'],
['compact', 'color', 'line', 'verbose',
'silent', 'status', 'buildbot'],
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Step name for use by -pbuildbot',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Print a summary report of the number of tests, by expectation',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'The number of parallel tasks to run',
['-j', '--tasks'],
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'The number of instances that the tests will be sharded over',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'The index of this instance when running in sharded mode',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Print list of options',
['-h', '--help'],
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Verbose output',
['-v', '--verbose'],
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'List tests only, do not run them',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Run tests through valgrind',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Print timing information after running tests',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Additional flags to control test compilation',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Path to dart executable',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Path to DumpRenderTree executable',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Path to Dartium Chrome executable',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'''Use compiler or runtime from the SDK.
Normally, the compiler or runtimes in PRODUCT_DIR is tested, with this
option, the compiler or runtime in PRODUCT_DIR/dart-sdk/bin is tested.
Note: currently only implemented for dart2js.''',
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Do not run browser tests in batch mode',
['-n', '--nobatch'],
new _TestOptionSpecification(
'Do not delete the old flaky log but rather append to it.',
* Parse a list of strings as test options.
* Returns a list of configurations in which to run the
* tests. Configurations are maps mapping from option keys to
* values. When encountering the first non-option string, the rest
* of the arguments are stored in the returned Map under the 'rest'
* key.
List<Map> parse(List<String> arguments) {
var configuration = new Map();
// Fill in configuration with arguments passed to the test script.
var numArguments = arguments.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numArguments; i++) {
// Extract name and value for options.
String arg = arguments[i];
String name = '';
String value = '';
_TestOptionSpecification spec;
if (arg.startsWith('--')) {
if (arg == '--help') {
return null;
var split = arg.indexOf('=');
if (split == -1) {
name = arg;
spec = _getSpecification(name);
// Boolean options do not have a value.
if (spec.type != 'bool') {
if ((i + 1) >= arguments.length) {
print('No value supplied for option $name');
return null;
value = arguments[++i];
} else {
name = arg.substring(0, split);
spec = _getSpecification(name);
value = arg.substring(split + 1, arg.length);
} else if (arg.startsWith('-')) {
if (arg == '-h') {
return null;
if (arg.length > 2) {
name = arg.substring(0, 2);
spec = _getSpecification(name);
value = arg.substring(2, arg.length);
} else {
name = arg;
spec = _getSpecification(name);
// Boolean options do not have a value.
if (spec.type != 'bool') {
if ((i + 1) >= arguments.length) {
print('No value supplied for option $name');
return null;
value = arguments[++i];
} else {
// The argument does not start with '-' or '--' and is
// therefore not an option. We use it as a test selection
// pattern.
configuration.putIfAbsent('selectors', () => []);
var patterns = configuration['selectors'];
// Multiple uses of a flag are an error, because there is no
// naturally correct way to handle conflicting options.
if (configuration.containsKey( {
print('Error: test.dart disallows multiple "--${}" flags');
// Parse the value for the option.
if (spec.type == 'bool') {
if (!value.isEmpty) {
print('No value expected for bool option $name');
configuration[] = true;
} else if (spec.type == 'int') {
try {
configuration[] = parseInt(value);
} catch (e) {
print('Integer value expected for int option $name');
} else {
assert(spec.type == 'string');
if (!spec.values.isEmpty) {
for (var v in value.split(',')) {
if (spec.values.lastIndexOf(v) == -1) {
print('Unknown value ($v) for option $name');
configuration[] = value;
// Apply default values for unspecified options.
for (var option in _options) {
if (!configuration.containsKey( {
configuration[] = option.defaultValue;
List<Map> expandedConfigs = _expandConfigurations(configuration);
List<Map> result = expandedConfigs.filter(_isValidConfig);
return result.isEmpty ? null : result;
* Determine if a particular configuration has a valid combination of compiler
* and runtime elements.
bool _isValidConfig(Map config) {
bool isValid = true;
List<String> validRuntimes;
switch (config['compiler']) {
case 'dart2js':
// Note: by adding 'none' as a configuration, if the user
// runs -c dart2js -r drt,none the dart2js_none and
// dart2js_drt will be duplicating work. If later we don't need 'none'
// with dart2js, we should remove it from here.
validRuntimes = const ['d8', 'jsshell', 'drt', 'none', 'dartium',
'ff', 'chrome', 'safari', 'ie9', 'ie10',
case 'dartc':
validRuntimes = const ['none'];
case 'none':
case 'dart2dart':
validRuntimes = const ['vm', 'drt', 'dartium'];
if (!validRuntimes.contains(config['runtime'])) {
isValid = false;
print("Warning: combination of ${config['compiler']} and "
"${config['runtime']} is invalid. Skipping this combination.");
if ((config['runtime'] == 'ie9' || config['runtime'] == 'ie10') &&
Platform.operatingSystem != 'windows') {
isValid = false;
print("Warning cannot run Internet Explorer on non-Windows operating"
" system.");
if (config['shard'] < 1 || config['shard'] > config['shards']) {
isValid = false;
print("Error: shard index is ${config['shard']} out of "
"${config['shards']} shards");
if (config['runtime'] == 'dartium' &&
const ['none', 'dart2dart'].contains(config['compiler']) &&
config['checked']) {
// TODO(vsm): Set the DART_FLAGS environment appropriately when
// invoking Selenium to support checked mode. It's not clear
// the current selenium API supports this.
isValid = false;
print("Warning: checked mode is not yet supported for dartium tests.");
return isValid;
* Recursively expand a configuration with multiple values per key
* into a list of configurations with exactly one value per key.
List<Map> _expandConfigurations(Map configuration) {
// Expand the pseudo-values such as 'all'.
if (configuration['arch'] == 'all') {
configuration['arch'] = 'ia32,x64';
if (configuration['mode'] == 'all') {
configuration['mode'] = 'debug,release';
if (configuration['valgrind']) {
// TODO(ager): Get rid of this when there is only one checkout and
// we don't have to special case for the runtime checkout.
File valgrindFile = new File('runtime/tools/');
if (!valgrindFile.existsSync()) {
valgrindFile = new File('../runtime/tools/');
String valgrind = valgrindFile.fullPathSync();
configuration['special-command'] = 'python -u $valgrind @';
// Use verbose progress indication for verbose output unless buildbot
// progress indication is requested.
if (configuration['verbose'] && configuration['progress'] != 'buildbot') {
configuration['progress'] = 'verbose';
// Create the artificial 'unchecked' options that test status files
// expect.
configuration['unchecked'] = !configuration['checked'];
configuration['host_unchecked'] = !configuration['host_checked'];
configuration['unminified'] = !configuration['minified'];
String runtime = configuration['runtime'];
if (runtime == 'firefox') {
configuration['runtime'] == 'ff';
configuration['browser'] = TestUtils.isBrowserRuntime(runtime);
// Set the javascript command line flag for less verbose status files.
configuration['jscl'] = TestUtils.isJsCommandLineRuntime(runtime);
// Expand the test selectors into a suite name and a simple
// regular expressions to be used on the full path of a test file
// in that test suite. If no selectors are explicitly given use
// the default suite patterns.
var selectors = configuration['selectors'];
if (selectors is !Map) {
if (selectors == null) {
selectors = new List.from(defaultTestSelectors);
Map<String, RegExp> selectorMap = new Map<String, RegExp>();
for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
var pattern = selectors[i];
var suite = pattern;
var slashLocation = pattern.indexOf('/');
if (slashLocation != -1) {
suite = pattern.substring(0, slashLocation);
pattern = pattern.substring(slashLocation + 1);
pattern = pattern.replaceAll('*', '.*');
pattern = pattern.replaceAll('/', '.*');
} else {
pattern = ".*";
if (selectorMap.containsKey(suite)) {
print("Error: '$suite/$pattern'. Only one test selection"
" pattern is allowed to start with '$suite/'");
selectorMap[suite] = new RegExp(pattern);
configuration['selectors'] = selectorMap;
// Expand the architectures.
if (configuration['arch'].contains(',')) {
return _expandHelper('arch', configuration);
// Expand modes.
if (configuration['mode'].contains(',')) {
return _expandHelper('mode', configuration);
// Expand compilers.
if (configuration['compiler'].contains(',')) {
return _expandHelper('compiler', configuration);
// Expand runtimes.
var runtimes = configuration['runtime'];
if (runtimes.contains(',')) {
return _expandHelper('runtime', configuration);
} else {
// All runtimes eventually go through this path, after expansion.
var updater = runtimeUpdater(configuration);
if (updater != null) {
// Adjust default timeout based on mode, compiler, and sometimes runtime.
if (configuration['timeout'] == -1) {
var timeout = 60;
switch (configuration['compiler']) {
case 'dartc':
timeout *= 4;
case 'dart2js':
// TODO(ahe): Restore the timeout of 30 seconds when dart2js
// compile-time performance has improved.
timeout = 60;
if (configuration['mode'] == 'debug') {
timeout *= 8;
if (configuration['host_checked']) {
timeout *= 16;
if (configuration['checked']) {
timeout *= 2;
const BROWSERS = const [
'ie9', 'ie10', 'ff', 'chrome', 'safari', 'opera'
if (BROWSERS.contains(configuration['runtime'])) {
timeout *= 8; // Allow additional time for browser testing to run.
if (configuration['mode'] == 'debug') {
timeout *= 2;
if (const ['drt', 'dartium'].contains(configuration['runtime'])) {
timeout *= 4; // Allow additional time for browser testing to run.
configuration['timeout'] = timeout;
return [configuration];
* Helper for _expandConfigurations. Creates a new configuration and adds it
* to a list, for use in a case when a particular configuration has multiple
* results (separated by a ',').
* Arguments:
* option: The particular test option we are expanding.
* configuration: The map containing all test configuration information
* specified.
List<Map> _expandHelper(String option, Map configuration) {
var result = new List<Map>();
var configs = configuration[option];
for (var config in configs.split(',')) {
var newConfiguration = new Map.from(configuration);
newConfiguration[option] = config;
return result;
* Print out usage information.
void _printHelp() {
print('usage: dart test.dart [options]\n');
for (var option in _options) {
print('${}: ${option.description}.');
for (var name in option.keys) {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();;
if (option.type == 'bool') {
} else {
buffer.add(name.startsWith('--') ? '=' : ' ');
if (option.type == 'int') {
buffer.add('n (default: ${option.defaultValue})');
} else {
bool first = true;
for (var value in option.values) {
if (!first) buffer.add(", ");
if (value == option.defaultValue) buffer.add('*');
first = false;
* Find the test option specification for a given option key.
_TestOptionSpecification _getSpecification(String name) {
for (var option in _options) {
if (option.keys.some((key) => key == name)) {
return option;
print('Unknown test option $name');
List<_TestOptionSpecification> _options;