blob: a5ba35be124f83f3d09f33bf2be7b475587d3cd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(ngeoffray): test String methods with null arguments.
class StringTest {
static testMain() {
static void testOutOfRange() {
String a = "Hello";
bool exception_caught = false;
try {
var c = a[20]; // Throw exception.
} on RangeError catch (e) {
exception_caught = true;
Expect.equals(true, exception_caught);
static testIllegalArgument() {
String a = "Hello";
bool exception_caught = false;
try {
var c = a[2.2]; // Throw exception.
Expect.equals(true, false);
} on ArgumentError catch (e) {
exception_caught = true;
} on TypeError catch (e) { // Thrown in checked mode only.
exception_caught = true;
Expect.equals(true, exception_caught);
static testIndex() {
String str = "string";
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
Expect.equals(true, str[i] is String);
Expect.equals(1, str[i].length);
static testCharCodeAt() {
String str = "string";
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
Expect.equals(true, str.charCodeAt(i) is int);
static testConcat() {
var a = "One";
var b = "Four";
var c = a.concat(b);
Expect.equals(7, c.length);
Expect.equals("OneFour", c);
static testEquals() {
Expect.equals("str", "str");
Expect.equals("str", "s".concat("t").concat("r"));
Expect.equals("s".concat("t").concat("r"), "str");
Expect.equals(false, "str" == "s");
Expect.equals(false, "str" == "r");
Expect.equals(false, "str" == "st");
Expect.equals(false, "str" == "tr");
Expect.equals(false, "s" == "str");
Expect.equals(false, "r" == "str");
Expect.equals(false, "st" == "str");
Expect.equals(false, "tr" == "str");
Expect.equals(false, "" == "s");
Expect.equals("", "");
static testEndsWith() {
Expect.equals(true, "str".endsWith("r"));
Expect.equals(true, "str".endsWith("tr"));
Expect.equals(true, "str".endsWith("str"));
Expect.equals(false, "str".endsWith("stri"));
Expect.equals(false, "str".endsWith("t"));
Expect.equals(false, "str".endsWith("st"));
Expect.equals(false, "str".endsWith("s"));
Expect.equals(true, "".endsWith(""));
Expect.equals(false, "".endsWith("s"));
static testStartsWith() {
Expect.equals(true, "str".startsWith("s"));
Expect.equals(true, "str".startsWith("st"));
Expect.equals(true, "str".startsWith("str"));
Expect.equals(false, "str".startsWith("stri"));
Expect.equals(false, "str".startsWith("r"));
Expect.equals(false, "str".startsWith("tr"));
Expect.equals(false, "str".startsWith("t"));
Expect.equals(true, "".startsWith(""));
Expect.equals(false, "".startsWith("s"));
static testIndexOf() {
Expect.equals(0, "str".indexOf("", 0));
Expect.equals(0, "".indexOf("", 0));
Expect.equals(-1, "".indexOf("a", 0));
Expect.equals(1, "str".indexOf("t", 0));
Expect.equals(1, "str".indexOf("tr", 0));
Expect.equals(0, "str".indexOf("str", 0));
Expect.equals(0, "str".indexOf("st", 0));
Expect.equals(0, "str".indexOf("s", 0));
Expect.equals(2, "str".indexOf("r", 0));
Expect.equals(-1, "str".indexOf("string", 0));
Expect.equals(1, "strstr".indexOf("t", 0));
Expect.equals(1, "strstr".indexOf("tr", 0));
Expect.equals(0, "strstr".indexOf("str", 0));
Expect.equals(0, "strstr".indexOf("st", 0));
Expect.equals(0, "strstr".indexOf("s", 0));
Expect.equals(2, "strstr".indexOf("r", 0));
Expect.equals(-1, "str".indexOf("string", 0));
Expect.equals(4, "strstr".indexOf("t", 2));
Expect.equals(4, "strstr".indexOf("tr", 2));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".indexOf("str", 1));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".indexOf("str", 2));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".indexOf("str", 3));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".indexOf("st", 1));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".indexOf("s", 3));
Expect.equals(5, "strstr".indexOf("r", 3));
Expect.equals(5, "strstr".indexOf("r", 4));
Expect.equals(5, "strstr".indexOf("r", 5));
String str = "hello";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int result = str.indexOf("", i);
if (i > str.length) {
Expect.equals(str.length, result);
} else {
Expect.equals(i, result);
static testLastIndexOf() {
Expect.equals(2, "str".lastIndexOf("", 2));
Expect.equals(0, "".lastIndexOf("", 0));
Expect.equals(-1, "".lastIndexOf("a", 0));
Expect.equals(1, "str".lastIndexOf("t", 2));
Expect.equals(1, "str".lastIndexOf("tr", 2));
Expect.equals(0, "str".lastIndexOf("str", 2));
Expect.equals(0, "str".lastIndexOf("st", 2));
Expect.equals(0, "str".lastIndexOf("s", 2));
Expect.equals(2, "str".lastIndexOf("r", 2));
Expect.equals(-1, "str".lastIndexOf("string", 2));
Expect.equals(4, "strstr".lastIndexOf("t", 5));
Expect.equals(4, "strstr".lastIndexOf("tr", 5));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".lastIndexOf("str", 5));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".lastIndexOf("st", 5));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".lastIndexOf("s", 5));
Expect.equals(5, "strstr".lastIndexOf("r", 5));
Expect.equals(-1, "str".lastIndexOf("string", 5));
Expect.equals(4, "strstr".lastIndexOf("t", 5));
Expect.equals(4, "strstr".lastIndexOf("tr", 5));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".lastIndexOf("str", 5));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".lastIndexOf("str", 5));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".lastIndexOf("str", 5));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".lastIndexOf("st", 5));
Expect.equals(3, "strstr".lastIndexOf("s", 5));
Expect.equals(5, "strstr".lastIndexOf("r", 5));
Expect.equals(2, "strstr".lastIndexOf("r", 4));
Expect.equals(2, "strstr".lastIndexOf("r", 3));
String str = "hello";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int result = str.lastIndexOf("", i);
if (i > str.length) {
Expect.equals(str.length, result);
} else {
Expect.equals(i, result);
static testContains() {
Expect.equals(true, "str".contains("s", 0));
Expect.equals(true, "str".contains("st", 0));
Expect.equals(true, "str".contains("str", 0));
Expect.equals(true, "str".contains("t", 0));
Expect.equals(true, "str".contains("r", 0));
Expect.equals(true, "str".contains("tr", 0));
Expect.equals(false, "str".contains("sr", 0));
Expect.equals(false, "str".contains("string", 0));
Expect.equals(true, "str".contains("", 0));
Expect.equals(true, "".contains("", 0));
Expect.equals(false, "".contains("s", 0));
static testReplaceAll() {
"AtoBtoCDtoE", "AfromBfromCDfromE".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test with the replaced string at the begining.
"toABtoCDtoE", "fromABfromCDfromE".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test with the replaced string at the end.
"toABtoCDtoEto", "fromABfromCDfromEfrom".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test when there are no occurence of the string to replace.
Expect.equals("ABC", "ABC".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test when the string to change is the empty string.
Expect.equals("", "".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test when the string to change is a substring of the string to
// replace.
Expect.equals("fro", "fro".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test when the string to change is the replaced string.
Expect.equals("to", "from".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test when the string to change is the replacement string.
Expect.equals("to", "to".replaceAll("from", "to"));
// Test replacing by the empty string.
Expect.equals("", "from".replaceAll("from", ""));
Expect.equals("AB", "AfromB".replaceAll("from", ""));
// Test changing the empty string.
Expect.equals("to", "".replaceAll("", "to"));
// Test replacing the empty string.
Expect.equals("toAtoBtoCto", "ABC".replaceAll("", "to"));
static testCompareTo() {
Expect.equals(0, "".compareTo(""));
Expect.equals(0, "str".compareTo("str"));
Expect.equals(-1, "str".compareTo("string"));
Expect.equals(1, "string".compareTo("str"));
Expect.equals(1, "string".compareTo(""));
Expect.equals(-1, "".compareTo("string"));
static testToList() {
test(str) {
var list = str.splitChars();
Expect.equals(str.length, list.length);
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
Expect.equals(str[i], list[i]);
test(" ");
static testCharCodes() {
test(str) {
var list = str.charCodes;
Expect.equals(str.length, list.length);
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
Expect.equals(str.charCodeAt(i), list[i]);
test(" ");
main() {