blob: ea7c1cf1ac27f9a48614591dfd517abe74a98225 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _Double extends _Num implements double {
factory _Double.fromInteger(int value)
native "Double_doubleFromInteger";
Type get runtimeType => double;
int get _identityHashCode {
if (isNaN || isInfinite) return 0;
return toInt();
double operator +(num other) {
return _add(other.toDouble());
double _add(double other) native "Double_add";
double operator -(num other) {
return _sub(other.toDouble());
double _sub(double other) native "Double_sub";
double operator *(num other) {
return _mul(other.toDouble());
double _mul(double other) native "Double_mul";
int operator ~/(num other) {
return _trunc_div(other.toDouble());
int _trunc_div(double other) native "Double_trunc_div";
double operator /(num other) {
return _div(other.toDouble());
double _div(double other) native "Double_div";
double operator %(num other) {
return _modulo(other.toDouble());
double _modulo(double other) native "Double_modulo";
double remainder(num other) {
return _remainder(other.toDouble());
double _remainder(double other) native "Double_remainder";
double operator -() {
// Handles properly 0.0, NAN, and other doubles.
return this._flipSignBit;
double get _flipSignBit native "Double_flipSignBit";
bool operator ==(other) {
if (!(other is num)) return false;
return _equal(other.toDouble());
bool _equal(double other)native "Double_equal";
bool _equalToInteger(int other) native "Double_equalToInteger";
bool operator <(num other) {
return other > this;
bool operator >(num other) {
return _greaterThan(other.toDouble());
bool _greaterThan(double other) native "Double_greaterThan";
bool operator >=(num other) {
return (this == other) || (this > other);
bool operator <=(num other) {
return (this == other) || (this < other);
double _addFromInteger(int other) {
return new _Double.fromInteger(other) + this;
double _subFromInteger(int other) {
return new _Double.fromInteger(other) - this;
double _mulFromInteger(int other) {
return new _Double.fromInteger(other) * this;
int _truncDivFromInteger(int other) {
return new _Double.fromInteger(other) ~/ this;
double _moduloFromInteger(int other) {
return new _Double.fromInteger(other) % this;
double _remainderFromInteger(int other) {
return new _Double.fromInteger(other).remainder(this);
bool _greaterThanFromInteger(int other)
native "Double_greaterThanFromInteger";
bool get isNegative native "Double_getIsNegative";
bool get isInfinite native "Double_getIsInfinite";
bool get isNaN native "Double_getIsNaN";
bool get isFinite => !isInfinite && !isNaN; // Can be optimized.
double abs() {
// Handle negative 0.0.
if (this == 0.0) return 0.0;
return this < 0.0 ? -this : this;
double get sign {
if (this > 0.0) return 1.0;
if (this < 0.0) return -1.0;
return this; // +/-0.0 or NaN.
int round() => roundToDouble().toInt();
int floor() => floorToDouble().toInt();
int ceil () => ceilToDouble().toInt();
int truncate() => truncateToDouble().toInt();
double roundToDouble() native "Double_round";
double floorToDouble() native "Double_floor";
double ceilToDouble() native "Double_ceil";
double truncateToDouble() native "Double_truncate";
num clamp(num lowerLimit, num upperLimit) {
if (lowerLimit is! num) throw new ArgumentError(lowerLimit);
if (upperLimit is! num) throw new ArgumentError(upperLimit);
if (lowerLimit.compareTo(upperLimit) > 0) {
throw new ArgumentError(lowerLimit);
if (lowerLimit.isNaN) return lowerLimit;
if (this.compareTo(lowerLimit) < 0) return lowerLimit;
if (this.compareTo(upperLimit) > 0) return upperLimit;
return this;
int toInt() native "Double_toInt";
num _toBigintOrDouble() { return this; }
double toDouble() { return this; }
static const int CACHE_SIZE_LOG2 = 3;
static const int CACHE_LENGTH = 1 << (CACHE_SIZE_LOG2 + 1);
static const int CACHE_MASK = CACHE_LENGTH - 1;
// Each key (double) followed by its toString result.
static final List _cache = new List(CACHE_LENGTH);
static int _cacheEvictIndex = 0;
String toString() {
// TODO(koda): Consider starting at most recently inserted.
for (int i = 0; i < CACHE_LENGTH; i += 2) {
// Need 'identical' to handle negative zero, etc.
if (identical(_cache[i], this)) {
return _cache[i + 1];
// TODO(koda): Consider optimizing all small integral values.
if (identical(0.0, this)) {
return "0.0";
String result = super.toString();
// Replace the least recently inserted entry.
_cache[_cacheEvictIndex] = this;
_cache[_cacheEvictIndex + 1] = result;
_cacheEvictIndex = (_cacheEvictIndex + 2) & CACHE_MASK;
return result;
String toStringAsFixed(int fractionDigits) {
// See ECMAScript-262, for details.
if (fractionDigits is! int) {
throw new ArgumentError(fractionDigits);
// Step 2.
if (fractionDigits < 0 || fractionDigits > 20) {
throw new RangeError(fractionDigits);
// Step 3.
double x = this;
// Step 4.
if (isNaN) return "NaN";
// Step 5 and 6 skipped. Will be dealt with by native function.
// Step 7.
if (x >= 1e21 || x <= -1e21) {
return x.toString();
return _toStringAsFixed(fractionDigits);
String _toStringAsFixed(int fractionDigits) native "Double_toStringAsFixed";
String toStringAsExponential([int fractionDigits]) {
// See ECMAScript-262, for details.
// The EcmaScript specification checks for NaN and Infinity before looking
// at the fractionDigits. In Dart we are consistent with toStringAsFixed and
// look at the fractionDigits first.
// Step 7.
if (fractionDigits != null) {
if (fractionDigits is! int) {
throw new ArgumentError(fractionDigits);
if (fractionDigits < 0 || fractionDigits > 20) {
throw new RangeError(fractionDigits);
if (isNaN) return "NaN";
if (this == double.INFINITY) return "Infinity";
if (this == -double.INFINITY) return "-Infinity";
// The dart function prints the shortest representation when fractionDigits
// equals null. The native function wants -1 instead.
fractionDigits = (fractionDigits == null) ? -1 : fractionDigits;
return _toStringAsExponential(fractionDigits);
String _toStringAsExponential(int fractionDigits)
native "Double_toStringAsExponential";
String toStringAsPrecision(int precision) {
// See ECMAScript-262, for details.
// The EcmaScript specification checks for NaN and Infinity before looking
// at the fractionDigits. In Dart we are consistent with toStringAsFixed and
// look at the fractionDigits first.
if (precision is! int) throw new ArgumentError(precision);
// Step 8.
if (precision < 1 || precision > 21) {
throw new RangeError(precision);
if (isNaN) return "NaN";
if (this == double.INFINITY) return "Infinity";
if (this == -double.INFINITY) return "-Infinity";
return _toStringAsPrecision(precision);
String _toStringAsPrecision(int fractionDigits)
native "Double_toStringAsPrecision";
// Order is: NaN > Infinity > ... > 0.0 > -0.0 > ... > -Infinity.
int compareTo(num other) {
const int EQUAL = 0, LESS = -1, GREATER = 1;
if (this < other) {
return LESS;
} else if (this > other) {
return GREATER;
} else if (this == other) {
if (this == 0.0) {
bool thisIsNegative = isNegative;
bool otherIsNegative = other.isNegative;
if (thisIsNegative == otherIsNegative) {
return EQUAL;
return thisIsNegative ? LESS : GREATER;
} else {
return EQUAL;
} else if (isNaN) {
return other.isNaN ? EQUAL : GREATER;
} else {
// Other is NaN.
return LESS;