blob: 7fbaa6bc3124c398efc8ac00b601b92e68bd732c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that closures have a useful string that identifies the function by name
// in error messages.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
confuse(x) => x;
class CCCC {
instanceMethod([a, b]) => '[$a, $b]';
static staticMethod() => 'hi';
// Default `toString` method returns "Instance of 'CCCC'" or similar with a
// shorter name if minified.
main() {
var c = confuse(new CCCC());
var instanceString = confuse(c).toString();
bool isMinified =
instanceString.contains(new RegExp("Instance of '..?.?'")) ||
if (!isMinified) {
Expect.equals("Instance of 'CCCC'", instanceString);
checkContains(String message, String tag) {
if (!message.contains(tag)) {
if (!isMinified) {'"$message" should contain "$tag"');
// When minified we will accept quoted names up to 3 characters.
message.contains(new RegExp("'..?.?'")) ||
'"$message" should contain minified name');
// We use ArgumentError.value since it prints the value using
// Error.safeToString.
var e1 = new ArgumentError.value(c);
var s1 = '$e1';
'Error message "$s1" should contain "$instanceString"');
// Instance method tear-off.
var e2 = new ArgumentError.value(confuse(c).instanceMethod);
var s2 = '$e2';
// Instance method tear-off should contain instance string.
'Error message "$s2" should contain "$instanceString"');
// Instance method tear-off should also name the method.
checkContains(s2.replaceAll(instanceString, '*'), "instanceMethod");
// Top level tear-off.
var e3 = new ArgumentError.value(confuse);
var s3 = '$e3';
checkContains(s3, "confuse");
checkContains('$confuse', "confuse");
// Static method tear-off.
var e4 = new ArgumentError.value(CCCC.staticMethod);
var s4 = '$e4';
checkContains(s4, "staticMethod");
checkContains('${CCCC.staticMethod}', "staticMethod");
// Local anonymous closure.
var anon = () => c;
var e5 = new ArgumentError.value(anon);
var s5 = '$e5';
checkContains(s5, "main_closure");
checkContains('$anon', "main_closure");
// Local named closure.
localFunction() => c;
var e6 = new ArgumentError.value(localFunction);
var s6 = '$e6';
checkContains(s6, "localFunction");
checkContains('$localFunction', "localFunction");